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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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in order to be able to get that message out to the world, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to 0, the phase riley metric continues to show loss of the hospital in southern gaza. hundreds of patients and the stuff are trapped inside the lawn, sammy's a them, this is i'll just say are alive from dell hall. so coming up, growing international pressure on israel to hold. it's flying ground defensive on rough off as thousands that remain desperate for food and aid pro, so be on so claims victory in indonesia as presidential election with unofficial
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results. giving him any 60 percent of the vote and the mass shooting of the super bowl victory parade. kills one person in inches 21 police questioning sauce bikes and kansas city. the we stopped in southern gall, so where these riley ministry has besieged the largest medical facility in san eunice. these all scenes from loss of the hospital overnight, just moments all through it with shelves is ready for us is the complex detaining doctors and patients. the central golf zone is really strikes less than the residential building and then they'll say about the refugee camps killing at least 14 people. children are among the dead, at least $28576.00 palestinians have been killed since
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october. the 7th of having my move joins us now live from the off in southern gaza that stopped with the latest and also hospital. we understand. in addition to the shedding, it's been stormed. what's happened to the patients? the stuff and the people taking refuge to the the yes, sammy, i'm just within the past 45 minutes. right. just right after i finish my earlier reports, a car uh drove all the way from the main road leading. do hon. you and it's all the way to here. it's a good way to hospital carrying a doctor and 2 other people who wear on their way outside of the hospital. that's why it's caps around the vicinity of nasir hospital. they were ordered by does your military do evacuated? got through the check points, but then just minutes away from the check points of what top there's a topic drawn fire of them in during the doctor who was evacuating and to other
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people's an old transferred here. do you wait the hospital next to where i'm reporting it from? this is what's going on with evacuated inside the house for that or ask do. evacuated order shopping sharply by the military. they go through a check point and then with then just minutes of from there uh that the evacuating the hospital. they are being uh, they are shut out and fired at by either a tech drawings or heavy and fired by machine, by machine guns. but what's going on in right now with the courtyard of the hospital is really monetary both those the southern fence of the hospital then a storm, the court yard, from the southern part of the health facilities all the way to the main building, the emergency a building a and rounded up doctors and nurses inside the whole weight of the hospital and the right now the asking doctors to take all the injuries and the patients and put them in the old building of the, of the health facility. right. this is on the northern part of the courtyard of the
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of the hospital. this old building give it presents the building block and the foundation block of the hospital. but it was established a few years ago at their. 7 ink for there is increasingly, it's devastating news inside the hospital as more of these injuries the need. they need help to move it from one department to another, let alone walk in a wide, short, long distance to get to the old building. some of them are on, on, on oxygen tanks that they need to be carried with them. is really military. is it preventing doctors or preventing any of the nurse to help any of these injuries or the patient or suffer from chronic disease or from health complications to lend them a hand that help them move from this, from the emergency building all the way through the, the foundation building, there's also a fairly, are ours the let me just jump into into 5 day just to verify control. we're on,
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we're finding what you're saying correctly then. so a lot of the patients and solver, and i, i assume you mean also those who are just taking refuge from the displaced people. they've been told by the israeli occupation authorities to move towards the northern part of the quote to you on. so assume at least the still a lot of civilians inside the nasir hospital. and the other thing you've mentioned is some of the people who are trying to evacuate were attacked by, is riley minute treat drones off to they've crossed the check point. is that, is that the picture that's emoji? yes, that's exactly what happened. and if 3 of those where, who just evacuated from the hospital, i got through the check point arrived at the gleaton hospital in or not right now. we're being treated inside the way the hospital. it was quite
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a long distance. they drove all the way while a leading, as they were attacked by the quiet captor. those are attack drones, fired at them. they were injured, carried by people in a car and brought all the way from pon unit to at a great hospital. right. you're next to where i'm reporting from what we're getting right now with this situation are getting worse by, by the hour. not only we have people are inside the hospitals being, it's talk to by these really invading forces inside the courtyard of the hospital. but also people who are sustaining double injuries right now, we're talking about the orthopedic department, where people who suffer the critical injuries at the beginning of the war and since the beginning of the ground invasion. and because of the constant shilling of the department and the building where the department is, they are injured while they are on their a hospital bed. this is double injuries, and they are now because the hospital is out of service completely let alone
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there's no oxygen as the oxygen added station where destroyed completely, just putting the, the lot their life or risk as the storm and continue. and the bombing continue. and the, uh, the rounding up and the right and that the rest is taking place right now. but, honey, what's happening in the rest of jobs? and now, because there's a lot of concern about the supply of medicine, the basic things like food for people, since it seems a supplies have been disrupted for a while now. no, nothing much is getting an hour above our yes not enough is getting good and that that is correct. then we were compared to the amount of pay that has been so far allowed into that particular and a here in dropbox, that the compared to the greater needs of people displaced families and evacuated. they just a trickle amount of fluid right now. a not only were seen
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a depletion of basic the size that is as supplies and particularly since the announcement of a, of a plan to expand the ground invasion of rough i city. not only is this power, city of supply the necessity, but also if they are available, if price is just a scaled up to double and triple the, the amount just big it is very difficult for those who are suffering from a financial problems. and they are in unable to, uh, to pay for the price is the level of price and triple the price of these a goods and supplies were targeted for bonds, then more than 4 months now. no, no. payroll is going on. know basic private sector completely destroyed. and, and suffer from economic certification and the employees of the policy, the authority have not received a salary on a regular basis within the past 4 months. just increasingly difficult living conditions at for fever right now who are unable to meet the greater needs that the,
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that their children, their families at the right now as of these are the work continues to make their life very difficult. this is what, what have what people have been here. i'm frustrated about it's not only the bombing right now that is going to get, but also the difficult living conditions, despite of diseases, demolish nutrition that risk the life of their children and the most vulnerable to groups in this for particularly having to be children. right. having my moods that thank you so much for that update of the prime ministers of canada, australia and new zealand have released a joint statement and reaction to as well as planned ground invasion over off the 3 countries. a calling for an immediate humanitarian seized by saying, a military operation into the off would be catastrophic. we urge these right, the government, not to go down this path. there is simply nowhere else for civilians to go and goes
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on to say that there is growing international consensus is wrong, must listen to its friends and they must listen to the international community. the statement also references the genocide cases riley is facing at the international court of justice saying the i c. j has been clear as well and must ensure the delivery of basic services essential humanitarian assistance. and the protection of civilians in south africa is government brought that genocide case to the i. c j. the of the countries farm is to tell the al jazeera as well as actions that are off . i show it's not been deterred by the quotes decision. some up for k is totally horrified at what is happening. continuing to happen to the people of garza and the west bank. and now roswell, we believe this confirms the allegation we've tabled before v i c j that genocide is on the way in the palestinian territories.
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let us take a look of causal cut off. now, although it's been subject to numerous as strikes, it hasn't seen is right, the ground defensive. yet, as the city has swelled from 300002 foldable to 1500000 now is people seek shelter that many of them are living and make shift camps. those who come find shelter have been forced to sleep on the streets. this map shows the level of destruction across garza, in the past few days. thousands of palestinians have been killed in stripes. and with these ready prime minister planning to send troops in the round warnings, many more could die. a nice 10 civilians and 3 phases from the group has beloved been killed in his rightly strikes and several towns in southern lebanon wednesday . so that was single day civilian death, colon lab, and then since the war on gods that began, the raids follow
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a rock at the time that killed one is really sold. you is an a hold of the joins us now live from the of the building that was bummed and novelty it in 711. and then it's not only the building behind you, it's taking a hit. we understand that the more is riley strikes today wants being targeted now . well, at least 12 is really air strikes targeting, where the slew k, where the who chair areas this is closer to the border then where we are closer to the battle ground. now these are very strategic locations, these are valleys where and they are known to be hospitalized strong hope it's not the 1st time they've been hits. in fact, what we've been seeing over recent weeks now is really steps up is really strikes on, as well as infrastructure south of the tiny river fil a tiny rivers, approximately 25 kilometers from the border. what does ro wants is for his full of forces to withdraw a to the tiny river has?
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well as refusing to do that. it says that there will be no health to the fighting in southern lebanon, and that they will continue to attack us very military positions. as long as the aggression on garza continues, so the cycle of violence continues, or we've seen this, you know, march escalation, are you talking about civilians being being hit hezbollah saying that they are preparing? they are preparing for a widening of this conflict because really the conflict has been largely confined to a few kilometers from the border on each side. that's all changing. it's pushing deeper inside each other's territories. and in the past, it was largely military targets. and now we're getting, you know, civilian casualties and all we seen then this kind of exchange moving beyond us. it looked like it's moving beyond the sort of packing of containment because we can call it that. but we see of the quote. it's very hard to say for the time being the warring sides have
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been really calibrating the tip for test exchange of fire. a full blown conflict will hurt both sides if they can, both hurt each other, but they will also both be for it testable. i can fire hundreds if not thousands of rockets in a single day and target any area and as well. and they've made that clear. they've shown that some of their capabilities, precision guided missiles, which the very fact that, you know, the pen civilians have been killed in a single day on wednesday. this is the largest civilian deaths sold in a single day and has fullest pharmacy. a swift and severe response. now, what if, if, if it does that, then it has, it has promised that you kill a civilian 11 on we collectively and then as well. so the cycle of violence can continue, and many people here in lebanon. it has well, officials those close to the group believe that as well as trying to drive has been locked into a wider conflict. the building behind me, we do know the civilian casualties. 7 of families was killed now. what was the
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target? we don't know, but this is the 2nd target to strike in this city. this is the 3rd largest city. we are 20 kilometers from the border, so it is wide and it is the conflict is widening. but you know, a potential for a full blown conflict. both sides know that, you know, it's, it's not going to be an easy decision to make for now is appears that they're threatening each other, they're sending messages to each other and trying to strengthen their negotiating positions. whether concerning what's happening along the border or what is the cause of what is happening because we have to remember hezbollah opened this front to help relief pressure on garza. and as well as part of the so called excess of resistance. and a run has said, there will be severe consequences if this were a launch is an offensive south in the rough and this house of garza. all right, thanks so much staying a hold of. so now these right, the middle trays conducted overnight rides in several parts of the occupied westbank. in the city of nablus troops, storm the lion refugee camp,
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unblocked ambulances, and the area price groups of long, documented the deliberate obstruction of ambulance isn't the occupied. westbank biased ready forces to palestinians have been injured. during confrontations with these riley soldiers in central drama, la admitted for vehicles have been seen streaming into the city. the still ahead on, i'll just, sarah, i'm gonna see and human and one of the side is argentina with the latest inflation figures. explain why so many people are having to rely on soup kitchens. the peddler, they will look to southeast asia and the shower clouds continued to lay cyclical southern parts of the region. but across the north, indo china were barely a cloud in the sky, and that's been affecting the quality in bangkok,
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thailand. people have been forced to work from home thanks to the toxic smoke. we are expecting those conditions to last till friday because we've had clear skies and very hot and dry conditions. but if we have a look at the 3 days of bang, couple see the arrival of what weather on friday and that is expected to alleviate the situation that much went to for the south of this, the likes of indonesia, heavy falls for bonia as well as to the west sea and out towards the southeast. and that heavy rain ties up some very heavy rain pouring into the north australia. we go to developing system. it's trying to become a tropical cycling. either way, it's gonna bring some very heavy rain up to 300 or 400 millimeters into queensland over the next few days and it's been moved in territory. so we are expecting some flooding, possibly flash flooding from that, and the shower was splashed down across more east in areas. we all going to see somebody have a warm up in the southeast corner of sky's clear up their temperatures. however, set to increase in the west very hot with heat pace conditions in pub on saturday
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at 34 degrees celsius of the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, explodes, this and questions they use them to be with the power around that one out just there. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching out just the time to recap on headlines now. these riley ministry is besieged the largest medical facility in con units forces stone, but also the hospital complex, rounding up doctors and patients. the facility now says to be completely out of service. these riley ministry is rated several cities and the occupied west bank troops still on the line rescue g compton, knob, listen, blog, sound good. it says from breach via is riley strikes and several towns in southern lebanon have killed at least 13 people. fe, follow the kenning of an x ray. the soldier in iraq is assign and then a 0 is defense, minister pro, so be and so is promising to be a president for all last unofficial election results show. he holds a significant lead. pro is
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a form in general who has been accused of human rights violations society, a band from entering the us is denied validations and is now on costs for an outright victory. jessica washington reports from jakarta. 2 weeks of campaigning to severe into and he's really made to keep it on jacqueline decker. now time deposit, we will be the president to the vice president and the government. for all the indonesian people, safety, some code could take up to a month with all signs point to a decisive victory for purple and coupon. for both of you and so, and coupon the role ready in celebration most while opinion polls have shown for weeks that they were the front runners that were down to about whether they would be able to secure and victory in the classroom. but according to the quick count,
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the pay appear to be standing even better than expected. purple ran for president in 2014 edge 2019. and the last 2 coupons for the president took over to do that. the selection was different. this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsement from president joe going. 6 to coolly, as he's cold, is in the final months of his presidency. he still has high approval ratings, but couldn't run again, due to a constitutional time limit. some civil society groups and academics, heavy cures to the president of midland and favoring the proposed coupon campaign of the presidential candidates have also raised concerns during the campaign season of its difficulties. and the last thing are fail due to and this is something that we never experienced in the past as
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i say. but those criticisms did not resonate with many of to call we support is since 201972, your own trouble. i served as defense minister working closely with jacob window and transforming his image from the president's rifle to a close ally earlier this week and an exclusive interview without a 0 pro summarize his vision for indonesia. my policy is a very rational, logical, common sense approach that is actually building up on all the work of our predecessors. now he's the closest he's ever been to diseases talk to a room he has wanted to use jessica washington, which is ears to come to india supreme cause a strong down a controversial political funding system. the head of general elections in 2 months
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. the cold scrap to scheme that allows all of us donations and the form of electro bonds to political policies. the opposition had pushed for the change ongoing. the public had a right to know who is behind the funding, the governing policy like 5 minutes then the runs are moody, is being the top of the beneficiaries of anonymous donations. smart indian psalm is adjoining a mass much towards the capital, new daily, the demonic guaranteed minimum prices for the crops that relief and policy reforms . thousands were met by police on the outskirts of new delhi. earlier this week, police 510 gas blocks entry points. the city is in liberty and the idea is we hear the border with the barricades have been pushed off the security personnel a throwing to get shelves from the other side. landowners and farm is sitting here . some of the people are being moved as they have sustained injuries. paperless,
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who they are and legs. a lot of damage has been caused us. china is condemning taiwan last to to chinese fishermen drowned while being chased by the islands. co. scott, the incident happened off the coast of 10 men archipelago. the fishing boat capsized while attempting to flee, causing full crew members on board. the full and the low to taiwan is accused the vessel of trespassing into its waters. ukraine says, is a defense shut down. so seen of $26.00 russian missiles, 5 across the country. on the south created a massive creighton the key of region. people were told to stay in shells, those off to several explosions were heard. the ukraine said it's naval drugs song, couldn't now the russian bullshit from a grinder fault. some hockey, i know the knights of as strikes being reported across the ukraine. russia once again using
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a mix of different types of missiles fired from different directions of ukraine. you know, it's hard to say a total of $26.00 with 5 and that they intercepted around half of those. uh, they said that to miss outside towards key were all into septic, but they were explosions in the eastern cities. often the pro and zappa risha, apparently it's a 1000000000 infrastructure that was targeted. also miss ald spot towards the leave region over in the west of the country with several injuries being reported from these different attacks being well, it's been confirmed that bio, sorry to use that and attack here in the khaki region in a village outside the cities that took place yesterday, wednesday, that the to several people that are reported to have died in back to tact with a several more being injured. meanwhile, the russian social media was reporting attacked in the opposite direction with ukrainian drones attacking an oil facility in the crust region. with several oil tongues, the said to have been satellites from mcbride,
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i'll just talk to you. i found the united states, the mass shooting during the superbowl victory parade is left. one person dead. 9 children are among $21.00 injured is the kansas city chiefs fun. celebrated the big when the we can police in missouri say 3 suspects of being questioned. the most of is unclear. john. 100 reports jeff. good. yeah, the center to begin is a celebration for the super bowl champion, kansas city chiefs. man, what are your so that'll do the adversities to continue to go to go for that championship. but at the end of a parade is chief quarterback, patrick my homes tied in, travis, kelsey, and other players mingled with as many as a 1000000 fans. the shots rang out,
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all of the sudden people started crushing forward. everybody started running, there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run, you run. and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through. so people wouldn't run. on top of us, gunmen were taken into custody. one of them apparently tackled by bystanders. as shown in this fan, social media video, a spokesperson for the kansas city chiefs is old. staff coaches and players are accounted for the quarterback of that team. patrick, my home says he's praying for kansas city. police scrambled toward the sound of gunfire. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers, who again ran towards them and took them into. the city's major says more americans joined a group of which no one wants to become a member, victims of gun violence. i wish we live in a world where they wouldn't have to sing incidents like that. i'm is heart broken as anybody we will do
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a full and thorough investigation. i hope that we bring to wherever this is the justice. as an investigator sifted through the scene, police slipped for clues as to what turned yet another celebration in america into a mash shooting. john henry and l g 0, chicago. a. m. p is in australia, have voted to us the return home of wiki lakes found the julian, the song, the straight in whistle bow a spent 5 years in prison in britain, baffling to stop expedition to the us. a song just wanted that face espionage charges over wiki likes publication of classified documents. appraiser's court ruling on extradition is due next week. it will send a very powerful political signal to the british government, enter the us government. that the british government should not, in a time the id or boosters saw as being extremely extra daunted to the years. it sends
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a very powerful signal to washington. that destroyer stands at one as one side. but this meta has gone on long, long enough that regardless of what you might think of mr. hassan justice is not being served in this case. now, write scripts in venezuela demanding the release of a prominent activists from prison. garcia, assembly gather, was detained last week, tuesday of flossing to assassinate president nicholas madura. a lawyer says she's being held in and then toward his prison for political detainees, san miguel, as being critical of venezuela's forces for decades. a new government does have a knowledge and seeing that says the, i know the inflation rate has sold above 250 percent. many are resulting to visiting soup kitchens to get something to eat. and the volunteers rely on donations the freezing, the squeeze to feeding the squeeze, to rather a solid latin america editor. let's say
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a new and reports from one side of us children and started arriving at this community center for lunch early in the morning. even though it won't be served till mid day, all the food so tier comes from go nations then. okay. i thought i'm good marian. i know what it's like to go to bed hungry. so nice. i'm on my feet a phone to hear. it feels good to help to see someone with a plate of food smile. but the meals being served are not enough to meet the growing demand in this neighborhood. with a number of people seeking food assistance is doubling every week. 4 months ago they only serve children here. now it's entire families that have to come here for a plate of food and because of origin tina story inflation donors can't afford to give them so much as they used to. which means the soup kitchen often has nothing to give. and that means that many of the people here have to go for
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a full day with nothing to eat. the latest overall inflation figure for last month was 20.6 percent. soup kitchen directors, santiago, picket or says food prices with the most critical you know,


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