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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business uptake these me try the gross not net of on the dash before to use the the hello, i'm sam is a them, this is the news out live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes is ready. so i'll just write a hospital on the siege in southern gaza medical stop, and also the hospital are arrested more nations county as well. not to launch a ground defensive on roughly one and a half 1000000 people upfront said desperate for food and night pro. so bianco claims victory then diseases presidential election with unofficial results,
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giving him that he's 60 percent of the vote. the mass shooting of the super bowl victory parade kills one person and inches $21.00. police questioning suspects in kansas city. in support by munich, lose the 1st leg of that champion. think tie against lots here on south korean football officials recommend that young and cleans been the sciences. national team guides of a disappointing agent come the of all those types you now live to dublin, where the underwood chase sleep light setting is speaking less listening to this to be sure to effect as quick as possible. and would any stuff be found guilty for having participated? this needs to be filled out with the we use a criminal prosecution. the 2nd action that the agency has taken with the support
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officer. so for the general, either commission to freed independent of think a research institute from denmark, nobody sweden, under the leadership of a former, minnesota, or for an affair. cousin called on us to call today to review the risk management process as related to try it. the in the agency, once for all to look at the how the agency is addressing on the allegation alpha misbehavior of collision. also waste possible for the to go potty . what do we do on the preventive side? what do we do also once and navigation, is a prompt to the attention of the agency. now we have also discussed this morning the impact of policy, but we continue or dis, funds went off and agency like one or more today comes to the dominican response. so in the, the gets
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a street for what basically easy overall provides the overall dimension platform to the international community. and the weakening of what today will we can out overall a capacity to respond to unprecedented dominion to need. and also uh, at the time the international court of justice is asking the international community to step up the intern response. nothing was eating task community on the, at also to east with, at the, at the same time, the core of this quantum. and basically with the on demand this objective to but beyond the do intend response a weakening of this one thing. what would also have a negative impact in any, i would say, transition period in any what that would define as being the date in between
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the 10th of a mandatory or step a student do so on the day after this is the most would say dentures painful depressing periods, because until the day there is a proper political package, there will be no significative investment in the business trip which has been completed, destroyed sofa and certainly in the emerging or towards the on the ground might not have the capacity to provide at scale. basic services to, to me than people, industry, and what other basic services we have had for media in children. at the age of primary and secondary school, deeply traumatized, all collective priority. we'd have to bring them back to an educational environment because the more we wait to do this, the more we might sold
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a seats for shoot the full for the sentiment and future it. and this is something and not the recipe to promote a bet, to peace and security in the future innovation and the only organization capable to provide a skid too big like services like education is on want because this agency was created to provide these services to one of the most destitute community across the region beings, if i just in verification of this is one of the reason why if we want to give a chance to succeed in any type of transition leading to the after we need to shield an organization like why you know that to keep the prospect of a better future. eliza, because would on the well disappear,
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it wouldn't be filled by the palestinian and ferguson refugees as a betrayal of the international community as an abundant, basically. and it will also ultimately in about the the aspiration, false of determination. thank you. yes, we are. all the use maintain funding to a huge probably better found green has reached the point i was asked to on this and then i would comment on the cold bulls of ireland and spend to the commission to release the contribution to them for i
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wasn't present on monday i met the on the fuck me new style of development and corporation to discuss about the importance just wanting to be released to us because the decision which has been taken by no 15 countries to 10, pretty polls. i'm to spend the contribution to what amounts to $450000000.00 and if this would be been 10, it would definitely impact the or be able to, to continue to operate that when it comes to the commission. the commission has a yearly contribution to the agency of 82000000 the euro. this amount is due at the beginning of mount and it is of ultimate importance. the dispute produce the whole time because if it is not for this oppression, would stop to be compromised to us from the months of march unbiased fruits or reducing also of these $82000000.00. it was also signal of the country. that's in
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fact there is enough trust between the commission and the agency and hence on the my postal photo or the 2nd part of your question. i believe i would leave it to the minister thompson. thank you very much, really fun. and i think that that, that 1st point is key. i think the commission must release that funding and we would be pressing very strongly because that would be a very significant moment in terms of reversing what is being a systematic attack on on. right. i mean we, we got your opinion of a need to send a very care signal acknowledging, but most people are agreeing private. but the, with the world on right. you don't have any schools, you don't have any hospitals, you don't have any basic services. and uh, going, going into a gas it. and that's a person who's living in gas in terms of adding the letter we've jointly written
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with spain and we work with span indeed, other like minded countries with, into your opinion on the situation in palestine. and we believe that you can read, scholars have nothing petted unfulfilled, then it's time of reckoning that to your being that commission cannot afford you these issues anymore. um, everybody was hoping for some resolution of this much earlier and, and, and, and everybody wants a political solution. ultimately i think it's, it's, it's, it's fair and it's correct to surface the issue and raise the issue because it has implications for a future reiteration of such agreements. and that where we put human rights clauses into agreements, we should meet them and the that, that they're not just add ons to agreements, but their integrity, the parts uh, of agreements such as this that must be fulfilled and must be all code c
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murphy's parties. you say this is an essential organization. huge size. your organization is cooperation. so therefore it is the way for me in a fresh start on a new use we resign. if the question would be about the leadership, i would certainly agree with you. but the really show he's not the leadership, the written issue is the dysfunction of the agency. whoever would be at the have of the organization, the objective this month to what would still be made. so i don't believe that leaving a board in a total easy onset to give today in the country. and also, as it has been mentioned before, i have been appointed basis of your general report to the general assembly. we have
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this, you follow the alpha, and the resolution was to renew the by the vast majority of the member state. the cause comes only from one member states with the same objective this month to the agency. and for this, the default demand of the agency trying once for or to address the risk which is fidget. and by the way, even if what would be unable to provide services, the refugee stated would anyway, remain because it's based on the different type of resolution. tell us where to go and thomas it. ready as intensely and these days with as far as their
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of course, the 1st one is for you. yes, i haven't seen all the details of the 20000000, but definitely when it comes this announcement, we will come also the other european countries or how the countries will have decided to not only keep of different interest you bought. but to increase this voltage, this is also a seeking them for all the country. is that indeed the more than ever, what needs is she bought but something? oh wow. it's the pedestal residues, it's the kind of student across the region or feeling that the, in fact countries continue to care about the flight. now this money will help on the want to keep up. it's essentially the services running. as you
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mentioned across the region, we have activities and 11, for example, when we have a schools some primary health center living on these a potted cannot country. because that distinguish which is almost entirely depend on the want as a lifeline. because very few of them have proper access to the job market, for example, have absolutely no other type of offer income and hence these type of contribution absolutely essential to continue to operate as a lifetime participate could i say just just send to find out of the dismantling of one router and the, the caused by is read through this mental under i think that there needs to be more serious analysis of the is read strategy and respective. and it's not just about the organization. i think it's about the broader picture of the right of return of
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the creation of a palestinian space of a 2 state solution. so you would tackle in, right? and you actually undermine the prospect of a 2 state solution. so you want to mind the prospect of the palestinian states and so that's really what is behind what has been a systemic. so and campaign of undermining un agencies more generally by user and more specifically on right. um, how about sending the fact that i believe that even privately is really decision makers know that the essential that know what the essential nature and this i'm trying to get one right to post more development in gaza. nobody else would be in that position in kaiser had to bring up hundreds of thousands of children back to school. just think about that. one of the 1st tasks and trying to rebuild society and guys and a convincing guys that would be kept to schools operation, get children back to school counseling and for the children. that's simply not
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possible. but i was wondering, and people need to wake up internationally about that's where all the talks with or our colleagues in terms of a piece initiative of the day after initiative. there can be no day after initiative if you don't have the capacity or to dismantle the capacity to provide education. i'm learning to provides primary care clinics to provide basic health service to provide a range of things just simply won't happen. and we talked about what the capacity would exist in terms of technocratic governments or whatever might emerge in, in a peace process. but anybody who would want to go in and try and administer guys a post war simply would not be in addition to do it. what else? the infrastructure without the and the andre organization. secondly, i'm 11 and i met with the 2 staff yesterday actually. um, and that was prior to that savings events and incidents and the need. the potential of escalation is always there. and there has been
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a 2nd the template to the engagement between israel and hezbollah, which has and again, this has analysis on military side, which has b, which is of a nature that hasn't yet escalated to a full schedule. are we? we would obviously be very concerned about that any escalation would be terrific and catastrophic for the people of lebanon as well before our peacekeepers there. and along with our colleagues in, in unit for there at hearing 12 protocols and so forth. and we work with our colleagues in unit for, in terms of forced protection and to protect or, or soldiers. and we consistently worked in to make sure that there's no escalation that needs to be as serious analysis of as rails, coal, to dismantle and rule in terms of the palestinian right to return the statements
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that by the whole mouth in the irish foreign minister speaking alongside philip black, so the navy underwood chief, he went on the system often went on to say, if you undermine andre, you undermine the 2 state solution. we had a, a plea from felipe black. so really for the european commission to release the money, which it's due to give honor was saying the 82000000 euros needed a needs to be released by by march. he said the, the only under was the only organization able to provide public services. and that is a lifeline for the palestinians. all of this coming, of course, of the 15 countries announced the withholding funding to underwater as a number of $450000000.00 us dollars having being withheld by the estimate of mister lots of the name of the town. so just
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a few hours ago and galls of these randy minutes for you in to the largest medical facility in the southern city of con eunice, off the lang seeds to it for weeks. soldiers detained people including stuff inside and also hospital. these all scenes from the facility overnight just. busy minutes after it was child is ready for us is still in the hospital, full thing and evacuation. so as he now said, to be completely out of service, the sidebar, we are attacked by the is randy on me at the hospital. is there anyone still inside? is there anyone still inside? there was gunfire. there's gunfire hits down. it's down. everyone get out. get out in central golf zone is really strike flattened, the residential building and the side of the refugee camp, killing at least 14 people. children are among the dead, at least $28576.00. palestinians have been killed since october,
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the 7th honey, my mood joins us now live from rough off in southern gaza. so we understand. let's start 1st with what's happening. at naso hospital, we understand it's been shelled, it's been stormed. some of the stuff and people inside had the hands tied up. what's happening to them? what's the fight right now? a yes, sammy, that's the day progresses. we're seeing the same exact scenario that took place that in gaza at the super hospital and further north through the end, an agent hospital when there's been a military and it's invading force. they is not only both those the vicinity of the hospitals and put them on their military sees for some time, but also the storming and destroying the vast majority of the hospital. the proper, the same thing is happening right now. in nozzler hospital,
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it's the largest public health facility and us it upon eunice. and it's the only remaining largest health public facility across the gauze has 3 been its existence then it's continuation to provide medical treatment very essential as of this day after these really, but they're in bed and storm the hospital. we can say that the public, the health care facilities across the dr. been health care system has been fox collapse completely right now. the remaining, our mid size is small. the size, the health care facilities here, robust city, unable to do with the large number of injuries done also with the difficult uh, medical situation or what on that so far does ready money. 3, as part of the hospital and the cost me the patient said in the back ways and staff of the medical team inside the hospital with their hands behind their backs, the separating demik threatened and they no longer q a, asking them to do be separated in a different building,
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the foundation building of the hospital, all of this happening on there to be a good fire by machine guns invite thank shows that targeted the maternity ward and the major emergency building, just destroying the vast majority of the of the health care facilities, including the orthopedics department works in fox people who are inside this department, being a treated of, from the injured the, this to stay. and i, since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the ground in vision in the city of hon. and is that those who are right now, suffering double injuries are from the one within past week sense as of early hour this morning, as the tanks and the bulldozer, they just destroyed the southern walls of the hospital and both those the courtyard, then removing and bulldozing the massive wave that were done within the past few weeks of the hospital and its team and evacuated inside were unable to take these
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bodies and buried them in a very of the proper burial sites of just getting the situations are getting worse by the hour and we're looking into a complete hospital and it's been out of service then ahead of us so. so there is the mass arrest that is going that is taking place right now since yesterday. and when these really military and it's invading forces setup a check points for people to go through only a small passage for people to walk, to get into a individually where it's conducted in math, the rest of young people. to the point, the vast majority of the families, including women and children, where and to remain inside the health facility. right. and briefly, how to take us through the strikes on the side of the refugee camp. yes, well as the very early hours of last night is for us to do overnight and they allow
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as of this morning again, since bombing campaign in the central area of the gaza strip, the central area is the home of the vast majority of the refuge account is included in the site at our records. you cannot block one to block one in black, 2 x rays on behalf of the and also dated by a rep is you can, including the city of dated by the entire area, came under, give you our dealership link. but more concentrated was on the new site. you don't have the records, you can have like one where a residential home and entire residential home was targeted and destroyed with large number of injuries. then people reported killed into attacks for us to lock saw hospital. people within the past few days, and since the announcement of expansion, the ground invasion interrupt, the started to go to the central area, taking refuge there. they are only to find themselves under the target of under unpredictable fall involved in the central area. 11 time it proving that there is
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no single place, no single area safe in the gaza strip. or i stay with us, jaime, because what we're going to do now is take a bit of a closer look at our offer, as although as being subject to human assess strikes, it hasn't seen is really ground defensive. yet the city as well as from 3 100000 before the goals, one and a half 1000000 now is people seek shelter that many of them are living in, make shift camps. those who come to find shelter have been forced to sleep on the streets. the map shows the level of destruction lines across garza, in the past few days, dozens of palestinians have been killed in as strikes. and with these ready prime is planning to send in more troops. there are warnings many more could die or so how many people sleeping on the streets and from dunk says i was speaking with last night saying we haven't had supplies of medicine or food for a while. you know, how are you guys surviving the, what are people like you and your families doing this well as everybody else just
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to get something to eat is very challenging. situations on the ground, catastrophic on unprecedented humanitarian situations. going on right now with more than half of the population crammed into this, a small part of the gods are not only the city is running out of space and it's in infrastructure. cannot accommodate the needs and the large number of displaced families, but also now with the literal amount of human atoria and a getting into this part of the gaza strip is becoming increasingly difficult. the usual seeing of people, the q and a line for water and food supplies and something to eat has been doubling. got a tripling in some areas in reference to the as we see the please stand and is extreme is car city of basic. the fact that he's and food supplies in the market
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here to the point only those who are happen to be well off with some cash in their pockets are able to reach to the, to the shops and by what they need for their families. but the vast majority of people here, the, the turn into the daily wrote to you or what has become of the daily norm of their life that is defined not only by their displacement on a drama, but also be largely hungry and doubling the level of panic and fear as they have to do with the ongoing, the threats of these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his military forces of expanding military operation and ground. envision and rough estimate, the only to the point where an atrocity could be the outcome of such a policies of such actions on the ground. all right, thanks so much. hi, mike. mood a smell on wednesday we spoke to the head of plastic surgery in northside hospital, doctor them overall be he told us how bad the lack of supplies there is right now.
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we also got a group discussion on, on the clean water as well as some of the gun supplies these goals like this, you know, this disposable recall, this was optimum, that was the, that's the, the, the, that the, all the was it for the, or the see ok, they the changing this, we need the thoughts uh touch uh it goes up lives which will display this was that was a using every the the most i got mentioned, all of it, a huge obstacle to guessing. humanitarian aid into garza of the boat. a checks is rather insist on making before trunks are allowed to enter. let's take you through the process. you see supplies arriving cairo on cargo ships at port site, or biplane, at a lot of airport light trucks due to end to gauze or our checks by is ready authorities at santa. but they then have to cross back into egypt where they had to
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the off crossing of the last time and the trunk was allowed to pass through or off off was february, the 4th. oh, they go to these really controlled count them up asylum, crossing for inspection and and to that. now, before the oil began around 500 trucks a day crossed into garza through count them up asylum, almost none guessing through now to let speak. now to answer, we'll have to use the gaza office manager at yahoo, the full community and rule development, local and g o joins us on the phone from the off. i good to have you with us. let me start with a basic, obvious 1st question. is any a getting into gone, so right now. thank you. thank you very much for bringing me in. sammy actually did the director has been a deliberate delay for humanitarian aid of trucks by israel, and especially during the past a few days i've kind of
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a missional costing for the aide is received by the on site and it comes to low to mid by under the and on and partnership with other human resources and intuition and jewels. now this is the denial of access to food, water and basically societies. despite since constitutes a serious violation of intuition and new, and he meditating a pensive and snow during the bus a few weeks, the aid coming into garza is we're getting a tow in to a guy that is very limited. we speak of a few of 80 to a 100. we used to speak about the, an 80 to a 100 techs of 8, received a on a daily basis. now, during the bust a few days. no, it, it is, it is getting, this will into go though. uh, this makes the, the over the, this undermines do what are the event of the conditions of spanish stations now. and in the, you know, in the mid set of the last remaining sanctuary. and you guys that are fine, which is the very small, it's treyvon dealership symbol is that on which should because over a 1000000 and
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a half just be spanish opinions. now what i would apply to is unimaginable with some of these, i think intense and other seeking refuge and been mix shift since has this displaced individual having don't these types of conditions for months now a whole so as you know, it lacks major hospitals only relying on extremely small clinics, primarily for basic medical assistance and location of the parents for the treatment. now these waited for also to, instead of a 5 would have to be of consequences and on a blanche would be a blast in violation of indignation and humidity and low can see it off. i had a sense of the lot of just the fiji. come on this and the so it imagery action also here would be legally because of and now the situation is a complicated by conflict. them is really statements and thing got to take a cleansing again. first thing is actually that should it's explicitly many, many, many times there's room farms to move to evacuate somehow, but really the, by the way, you sometimes assuming the return to homes and symptoms and intensive gus while
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others just 3 minutes of a hunch, sort of save it haven't, let me jump in because you've mentioned a few important points. one i want to pick up on. as you said, if i understood correctly, you said no aid has entered gonzo for the past few days. is that in fact, the situation, no way the tool isn't gone, so i how people, how long can people go on full before food runs out? well, actually i think it's inverted for the international, those innovation and dues learning gauge and for the, for processes to attend. the civilian shooting goes about deadly invitations. so people, the plans that live according to the limitations of those engaged into the need for the purposes. this is so so important, you know, people in the north, each item and food. the 1st statements made by isn't it for the will be gun? was how food towards the end, the food that animals and we should be able to continue this. it's happening right now on us. this is happening in the most okay. in the south we still can make,
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we have very limited access to it, but at least we can, we can, i think i know if they don't. okay, there's talking to this. uh, we have very limited access, but i mean, did you say for drinking water? so we speaking the roughly or one to to leave has the person be de, with, with 5 percent coming from the center by what would the rest been and water tanks. it does this hot again and it says it's happening to with this much. so if you go she ations over the medicaid and guarantees that increased access to aid and makes a change for the use of passages. this would potentially do the addition, see to put them into this. i put them in casa. it is, it's happening within the international community center is such a great crisis. this must in this madness, it's about and that's working. this can you put, can, i must talk. you mentioned i'd like to jump in and you mentioned that some people have left off. i assume it lay out of fear. yes, no, but on the ground it is right. the ground invasion. why do they go? well, what is a white thing that because the north and central parts of gauze are according to
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reports have been destroyed even more heavily than the south. yes, it is this hardly because civilians now they start to try to convince them of what is safe or not. now the, the, the, the, the illusion instead of the degraded area has, besides, just been shattered. because because people have been in to and then thinks i could have displacement and blows for the past 4 months, is what i thought was declared. it's the minute you seems to be a saves you on a couple of weeks ago. now the pump everywhere. okay. even if i know. ready the june, the bus 5 days, like we had with memphis the buttons on the course by which is the claims to be a safe zone. so now the shuttle that losing the civic made it, it has to be in here. now, do you live in constant fear and panic, particularly women and children at the have nowhere to go? and it's good to bring this. no, the conflict has to be she the physically editor of guns at the physical, not this tape, but it has gone so far. do you see the nice thing?
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because as jude picnic foundation, now the destruction of delta g. a picnic foundation would be, has been in life impossible. so 2300000 palestinians, different industry and the bidding hit. the head is really even bigger than 57 to 16 either. now this is, do you like this transmission any resist? months or flies for proposed that people have done the causing good citizens to evacuate. but know if they think of, even if they did evacuate fact, what's it saying to, to, to the minute of gaza and 22222 to 2 other areas. and you know, 65 percent of hospitals in the operating hospice and it's tough to break the lease they've been in. they've been running very low, official visions of if you're trying to do the due to either being bombed, partially discharged or completely damaged. so i so you can have them. yes. all right, so thank you so much for conveying to us the picture that of what is transpiring.
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thank you. thank is still a head on al jazeera. i'm gonna see a newman and one side is argentine with the latest inflation figures explain why so many people are having to rely on soup kitchens and christiano ronaldo gives them not sort of the gene that asian champions league tied on the way in school. the the had a lot of the weather is being set set across much of europe in recent days. we've had temperatures well above the average has been feeling more like early may the mid february, but we aren't going to see the return of some what to whether pulling into the west . that's the slight temperature is still sitting well above the average for this
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time of year. so you can see that rain splashing into portugal space and we could see some flooding from the heavy rains. it starts to pull into western parts of bronze and we have got a yellow warnings out for the south, west of england as that rain starts to pull. and it turns right of the wintery for southern parts of norway. however, it is feeling a little bit warm up in the very north, with more winter conditions moving across the baltic states on the way to western parts of russia, so snow in moscow on thursday. it is improving picture here by friday. however, it is wintery conditions continuing to hold the black sea area with some, some the storms expected for southern parts of greece, but it is looking more mild across the mediterranean warnings out for fog, for the north of a city. but there's a band of heavy rain searching all the way down from sweden through denmark, into germany splashing into eastern pots of front. but we're still seeing a lot of rooms around temperatures on the secondly, in war full on friday. the. the,
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the latest news, as it breaks, they have actually came to the civilian medical facility and what seems to be a target to assess the nation with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards, and phyllis journalism allegations of georgia has increased during, as well as will in garza from b things to withholding medication. examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between us and israel. this is a war against palestinians. exploring a 112 cloths programming. we're basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform. most events on the spot, you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax,
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see the well from a different perspective. on elders here the, the, you're watching out just here, our mind, the valve on the top stories, these riley ministry as the seeds, the largest medical facility in san eunice false is still on the loss of the hospital complex, rounding up the doctors in patients. the facility is now said to be completely out of service. these right administrators rated several cities and the occupied west spine. 2 foot storm vill i in refugee camp and not listen blocks. ambulances from reaching the area and peas in australia have voted to us the
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return home of wiki leaks found, the julian assigned to be a strategy and whistle blower has spent 5 years in prison in britain, baffling to stop expedition to the us. san just wanted that to face espionage charges, over wiki likes publication of classified documents. hi, cold judges in london, a due to issue a routing next week on whether or songs will lose his appeal against expedition. it will send a very powerful political signal to the british government and to the us government that the british government should not, in a time the id or resource on to be extra the extra door to, to the us. it sends a very powerful signal to washington that destroyer stands at one as one side that this meta has gone on long, long enough that regardless of what you might think of mr. assigned justice is not being said in this case now to oh, jeffrey robinson is a human rights virus,
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the and former legal advisor to jude in the song. she joins us from melvin australia a good to have you with us. so are you hopeful a tool that this cold, by the straight in parliament will have any impact on duty in a song despite oh, will it have any if they don't look into going the lungs to kill him? no, i seem to be this is a motion by the governing coffee as a way to cool to which gracious style law america has new greater el reno straight here and the state. and this is saying this is going on to not miss masters being in the embassy put 9 year. ready has been in a prison for 5 years. it's 14 years and watches she died. he's publish the tales that were available to 3000000 service
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and uh, letisha, lose about american policy and about war crimes, which american committee and this is. ready he does go for a. ready i think he's soccer the now, but the view, all australians, it's the chief judge is being closely delay. there's been no explanation why it has taken so long in version. i think it will take longer still because uh to we to receive charges and notes the so you next week he's called the possibility of the p u to the supreme court. and if he doesn't have that, he can go to the european court of human rights and ask for an
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interview more to stop him being say to america rich as the prospect that you committed suicide in accordance with the decision of the judge. and i need to close that, so i need 3 more the time that was very controversial when it was made to stop the flight to rewind, but may be less controversial in this case. but use a case where i'm show the many of those to our advising president by our wish. wish and accommodation could we reach with the great out straight area. but where the paint to go, which is really led by on,
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reconstructed coal worries is insist that is a must be published to the to of a whistle blows. so i think. ready there is some, a question about conflict with the a mary could administration, but by his being sold for you. oh, there was an australian go, david, it is the only white man left in going to tell him that the, the real estate agent government was able to get him to plead to a lesser charge so that he could be released so that he's well, okay, that's that's about what, what is the, the likelihood that may be some kind of deal. a hicks could be worked out, given the fact that, i mean, this whole baffle over extradition. started with, right allegations in sweden. those allegations, that's what provokes the whole extradition request and legal battle. the,
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those in the investigation was dropped in 2019 these. but he spent 7 years in the ecuadorian embassy spent 5 years in london on an expedition case pending there. i mean, what is the likelihood now expedition versus, or some kind of hick style deal if we could quote it. but when i, as usual weighs a question for the individual in frank street. avery individual no matter what the principal wilson does, um does a very principle of uh, what we can do to get you out of a president that has got violent has been, does change color coded and so forth. uh to get out of it. um, get back with these 2 children, the loyal why went to the um in australia that we something but i think would be so tempting. but he may well agree
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to even pages and to, to, to something which is not guilty or. and what would understand, in order to satisfy the brutal americans to pursue for critical because they claim to be the one with whom a free speech. and yet, speech is very expensive to this man a bad day, but not prosecuting with new york times a day would ship published, of course, that much with his work. but it's a problem that they will have to deal with. and it made me that all sides will be satisfied if he creates guarantee to a minor things and can be released or, or sent home. all right,
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thank you so much for your time and analysis jeffrey robinson, the in the past hours. right. the old plans have kinda balance at least 12 as strikes and se lebanon. they targeted the has the last stronghold of why the saluki, the rates follow the killing of it is really solved in a rock of attack. wednesday, sol, the was the single day civilian death told in lebanon since the war on guns that began with the kidding of at least 10 civilians. and 3 has the law sciences. new government dots are the knowledge and team that says the annual inflation rate is sort of of 250 percent. many of resulting to visiting soup kitchens to get something to eat. and the volunteer is relying donations and the feeling the squeeze too. so latin america editor, let's see, and human reports from one to silas children and started arriving at this community
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center for lunch early in the morning. even though it won't be served till mid day . all the food. so here comes from go nations send. okay, i thought i'm really and i know what it's like to go to bed hungry. so none of the i'm on my feet, a phone to hear. it feels good to help to see someone with a plea to food smile. but the meals being served are not enough to meet the growing demand in this neighborhood with a number of people seeking food assistance is doubling every week. 4 months ago, they only serve children here. now it's entire families that have to come here for a plate of food and because of origin tina soaring installation. donors can't afford to give him so much as they used to, which means the soup kitchen often has nothing to do. and that means that many of the people here have to go for a full day with nothing to eat. the latest overall inflation figure for last month was 20.6 percent. soup kitchen, director santiago,
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picket or says food prices with the most critical, you know, and so the, we used to pay $0.82 for a kilo fries this and now it's triple more than $3.00. but others see the latest inflation figure as a glass half full. look at the news. what matters is the tendency inflation is down 5 percent compared to december. and well, february may not be an improvement by april. it's expected to drop 8 percent or so that's because the government is not printing any more money to finance the fiscal deficit. it's a textbook build tightening measure that's heating the middle income and poor families, the hardest josie, my type of that i am unemployed teacher. if i don't come to the soup kitchen, i don't eat, you know me, i've done my pension isn't enough to put food on the table. the lucky ones who came early got a plate for, but for many others,
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this huge part wasn't enough to see and human al jazeera window site is still a have a now this era action from the european champions league is cyliam abbas a health p s t go ahead in the last 16, the time coming up with school is used to get the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the top of all the sports news his demo. thank you. sunny south res, but blue association has recommended the south king of the national team coach. you
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all can cleans, but the germans contracts was to run through the 2026 wild companies under prussia following a disappointing asian cop performance which showed him beaten by jordan in the semi finals. this is just a recommendation i and the final decision is yet to be made as unis came, explains from so a jordan cleanser as future with teams. south korea has been a hot topic for days and now a committee of south korea's football association. after hours of debate, have decided that he is no longer fit to leave the team just one year into the job . fans had been furious over the disappointing yvonne and guitar their dreams of the golden generation, lifting the asian cup trophy to end as 6 decade route dashed during an hours long meeting on thursday, the k as a committee fault at clansman, for not having in place a proper strategy, especially for the semi finals, which was the 2nd time south korea would face jordan in the tournament. is that
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fans were disrespected when clansman spent little time here keeping his home in the u. s. a fight between storm midfielder egon in an captain's when a meeting on the eve of what would become their final match and guitar underlined the coaches out of touch. this was committee member said it negatively impacted game date readiness. the ball now and the court of the k, a chairman who has the authority to fire clansman, either on whether he will pay out the rest of his contract for a fresh start unit skim all to 0. so by minute coach thomas to whole says he's not worried about his future at the club, despite his side losing to lot, saving the satellite of the champions league at last 16 tie ions di you from a connie gave away a penalty in the 2nd half and he was also send tulsa full of challenge to it, and they relate school from the spots to give lots to a one. know when it's fines,
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2nd to feet in 5 days off they lost it's high to rivals that by level kitchen on saturday to drop 5 points of the toughest has been displayed a table. it's advantage of power size. you might and that's how i was. wow. so see it advocate them by facebook, csc and friends with his full score in the seasons. competition, then? yes, you got a 2nd after a nice run. i'm finished from 21 year old. the way that properties on that was his thoughts usually go to give us the 18 only going into the 2nd leg insane. on march the 5th graders and the agent champions league christiana went out of school late to give out. and i saw a one know when as a fellow savvy, right inside our fat in the us, like that last 6 inside. got to nowadays assess goal is 2020 full time. that is next wednesday. and we asked for me to talk to him captain, either larisse has been officially ends out as a low families, etc. player. so go keep a joint on a free transfer from spies. why? he spent 11 years this will go to this. okay. i don't know who are you currently
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but um it's a, it's something that is becoming really exciting. you know, these are the expect station from the funds that everywhere in the country. and um, and i think the deliveries uh yes is improving year after year. and um, and it was always um, something i was looking for, you know, to come to the immunization india for back after shaky stalls from day one of the sub test against england. stay with us, the 3 for 3, but captain ro, hit shaw. my added robbie. to the agent goldman back on track for the partnership of 200 runs. it was out for 131 and today just still that on 96 india, 292 for for invited. tiger woods says he's paying free is he gets ready for his beth told him it is 2020 full the 15 time age. one is going to be an auction in california. was also asked whether the pga tool might welcomed by players who to
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fax it to the live golf series. as we're looking into, you know, all the different models for the past, always back uh, what that looks like. what the impact is for the players who have stayed and who have not left and how we make our product better going forward. you know, trust me. there's daily weekly emails and talks about this. and my uncle doesn't hurt anymore. i still love competing. i love playing, i love being a part of the game golf. i don't ever want to stop playing and i don't ever want to to lose that. this bullets gambling industry in australia is to undergo major reforms with new restrictions to cub advertising a cyber clock. the pulse up to 21 years in his job. john speech for tot he didn't signed up to online support spacing and lost his life savings. i was just in this horrible situation rod managed to blog. yeah. not just more redundancy, but everything that i've saved over that period of time. so he says,
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gambling investments and ties to me to based on sports. he likes the price is made easy using app, so he's more about fine. we just bombarded with like that. so it's definitely the hearing and it definitely does. so with yeah, with it, with the stalling change of attracting new customers and getting the existing customer to spend more, he strode, his government plans to curb gambling advertising, but anti banking group's fear, a proposed ban will be bolted down. are they going to act in the gambling companies interest or in the public interest? and this is an important watershed moment. we want to say them act decisively to reduce the out of control levels of gambling, advertising, promotion and inducement in australia. premier league clubs in the united kingdom had band matched a front of shit sponsorship deals with gambling companies. for 2026. the sports building sector and australia has agreed to do the same. starting to spend
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$16000000000.00 a year, 3 legal forms of gambling, making it one of the largest put capital losses in the world. and creekside the industry here is also one of the least regulations. the government has now approved legislation to band and use of credit cards for online gambling. gamblers will be full to fund their accounts using bank transfers. but professor sell against very from the gambling treatment and research clinic says, bidding advertisement also need to be regulated. and they're increasingly targeting adolescence, the gambling as a really target young people, young men in particular, and they're making it seem a really social and to tiny, you're part of the culture. the industry body representing online gambling companies says a blanket ban on advertising would be an extreme rich stripping hundreds of millions of dollars from sports. and broad costs is it will be up to politicians to decide with the countries priorities lie, sarah, clock, algebra, prison, and that is always full. it's now like the bank. so i stand a hole that say so,
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so this news out from back to the another shows and stay with us the laws and take a survivor of the united states, the torres guantanamo and background detention centers. and it's so cold war on terror now. human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone helped him one time will be retraces as steps, revisiting because that's it. echoes of background with this documentary on a jersey to award winning in depth investigations. the gift from telling science inter totally storms from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0. a whirl expands on the southern tip of the korean peninsula
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is a testing ground for public transport of the future. this is a mock verity port. the gateway to electric flying taxis division is an automated aerial public transport system, connected by a network of vertical and ducking ports on rooftops high above the congested roads . below what you see behind me is the have the option to we piloted personnel air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air test. it's 1st public test flight marks, a mountain of source for the country that's aiming to launch the flying taxi's as early as a year 2025. if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square metre towards without having
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a hostages right now the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. the base right of yamma and all the raw, the ends is gauze. as naso hospital, off the besieging it for weeks. soldiers have detained people, including stop the i'm sammy say them. this is al jazeera, alive from the hall. so coming up more nations tell us, well not to launch a ground defensive on or off when a half 1000000 people attract that desperate for food in a.


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