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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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of one square meter towards the new without having a hostages. right now. the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. the means righty all me and says gauze as northside hospital off the besieging it for weeks. soldiers have detained people including stuff the times that mean say them, this is i'll just say we're a live from dell hall. so coming up, more nations count as well. not so long to ground. defensive on or off off one of the hoffman and people are trying to say the risk assignment continues to rise
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almost no food trucks event of gall. so in the last week, at least 6 people killed and 10 injured in the strikes and the russian city event going on bordering ukraine. scope lines, kids. the mass shooting at the super bowl victory parade, kills one person and inches $21.00. police are questioning sauce bikes in kansas city, the these riley ministry, a stone, the largest medical facility in the southern city of con eunice officer, lang, seats to it for weeks. so just have detained people, including stuff inside, and also hospital. these all scenes from the facility over night, just moment software, it was child. is there any forces and to forcing people to evacuate? let us now said to be completely out of service. advisor, we are attacked by the is randy on the,
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at the hospital. is there anyone still inside is the, anyone still inside? there was gunfire. there is gunfire hits down as it's down. everyone get out, get out in central garza and is ready to strike is flattened, the residential building, and then the side on refugee camps killing at least 10 people. children are among the dead, at least $28663.00 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. honey, my move is in southern golf with the latest that most of hospital is ready military as part of the hospital and hand cost me the patients said in the back, we then start off of the medical team inside the hospital with their hands behind their backs. the separating demick threatened, and then in a long dispute, a asking them to do be separated in a different building, the foundation building of the hospital, all of this happening and there you be
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a good fire by machine guns. invite thank shows that targeted the maternity ward and the major emergency building, just destroying the vast majority of the, of the health care facilities, including the orthopedics department, works in fox people who are inside this department, being treated a from the injured the, this a, c. and i, since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the ground in vision in the city of hon. you. and is that those who are right now, suffering double injuries, the from the one within past weeks. and as of early hour this morning, as the tanks and the bulldozer, they just destroyed the southern walls of the hospital and both those the court yard and removing and bulldozing the massive wave that were dug within the past few weeks of the hospital. and it's tim and evacuated, and so we're unable to take these bodies and very them in a very,
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a proper burial cited just getting the situations are getting worse by the hour. and we're looking into a complete hospitals and it's being out of service then ahead of us so. so there is the master risk that is going that is taking place right now since yesterday. and wednesdays. really monetary and it's invading forces setup a check points for people to go through only a small passage for people to walk, to get into a individually where it's conducting math or rest of young people to the point, the vast majority of the families including women and children where and to remain inside the health facility. the prime ministers of canada, australia, and new zealand have released the join statements in reaction to as well as planned ground invasion of drop off. the 3 countries are calling for an immediate humanitarian, seized by saying a man, it fell peroration into the whole, be catastrophic. we urge these right, the government, not to go down this path. there was simply nowhere else for civilians to go. it
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goes on to say that there's growing international consensus is ramos, listen to its friends, must listen to the international community. the statement also references the genocide cases riley is facing at the international court of justice saying the i c j is being clear as well. must ensure the delivery of basic services essential humanitarian assistance and the protection of civilians. south africa's government rule that genocide case to the i c j. the country's foreign minister told al, just sarah, israel's actions in the off show it is not being deterred by the quotes. decision sub africa is totally horrified at what is happening. continuing to happen to the people of gaza and the west bank. and now roswell, we believe this confirms the allegation we've tabled before
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v i c j that genocide is on the way in the palestinian territories a several countries of halted funding to the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees, including the biggest stone of the us and a half of the $1900000.00 people displaced in gaza sheltering an unreal buildings and its head is now wanting funding costs on the mine the aid framework. and garza comes to the government and respond so in the, the, gets a street for one basically easy overall provides the overall dimension platform to the international community and the weakening of what today will we can overall a capacity to respond to unprecedented human to need. and also uh, at the time the international court of justice is asking the international committee to step up the intern response. nothing to taking task community only,
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but also to each way at the, at the same time, the core of this quantum and basically with the on demand. this objective, a huge obstacle to guessing, humanitarian aid into gaza. the both the checks is rel, insists on making the full trucks are allowed to enter. supplies arrived in egypt on congo ships at portside and will buy play and that's a lot of a shaft for a trucks due to end to gauze or on check supplies. radius, all of these and it's on the then cross back into egypt where they had to that off crossing last time in a truck was allowed to pass through. rafa was february, the 4th, the way they go is to these riley controls, count them up asylum, crossing for inspection and into that before the war began around 500 trucks. a day crossed into gauze the through the count them up with sound and crossing all almost non guessing through now. so i'm going to have how it is the goals are office
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manager at yahoo for community and role development. and so local n g a spoke to us from roughly about delays in a deliveries. there has been a deliberate delay for humanitarian aid of trucks by israel, and especially to june, decided to do that in the past few days. as kind of missional costing for the aide is received by the on site and the consortium led by under the law and on and partnership with other human resources and intuition and jewels. now this is the denial of access to food, water and basically societies. despite since constitutes a serious violation of intuition, the new and he meditating the principles. now during the past few weeks, the aid coming into gaza is we're getting the tow into gaza is very limited. we speak of a few of 80 to a 100. we used to speak about the an 80 to a 100 trucks of 8 received uh on a daily basis. now during the bus a few days. no it, it is, it is getting this one into gozo. uh, this makes the,
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the over the, this undermines do what are the value of the conditions of spanish stations now. and in the, you know, in the midst of the last remaining sanctuary. and you guys that are for how much is a very small and it's table and egypt symbols on which should because over a 1000000 and a half, just the spanish thing. and now what i would apply to is unimaginable assemblies. i think contents and other seeking refuge in the mix shift since as this dispute individuals have indulged these dire conditions for months now and northern cause of patients that come out allowed one hospital of facing desperate conditions. many medical staff have left the facility and there's a severe shortage of food and medicine, and especially as small a national, intelligent doesn't live to some of the jobs we are currently inside the surgery department at the come all at one hospital. how did it pop in the houses? hundreds of people who were injured during the war on cause the wounded all suffering from food and medicine shortages del uh, as a result of these rallies,
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prohibiting the entry of a basic necessity to tennessee and even medicine melted into the gaza strip. understood at the hotel, so the limited capabilities of medical creates and the high need be of about you can see these children had a lot for the injured you still have to be in the jamalia camp. let the know all looking for food for themselves and they found that they yeah. now, and they were accompanied by the father and wounded while looking for fruit in the body. i can a bit of talk to him. they've been left without without serious injuries. i think the upfront of it has, you know, the children need food made some water and electricity. if we cannot get food, what are we going to do is get the entire world is watching out children with without lifting a finger. no one is doing anything. no one is responding, no one is helping us. one of these children are dying. if they don't die of hunger, they will die of disease. they are children, just like any other child in the world. there's no child or free man in this world
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. would it be okay with children diagnosed hungover disease? i. e, up there injuries and suffering is made worse by the lack of food or made so and yeah, this is the situation of these children. they were targeted by. it's really a cross with a family east of the jamalia campbell. the situation is dial and they are unable to obtain food and medication, which is not available at all. yeah, in middleton garza and what they suffering is worsening by the 2nd hand. they are now in grave danger due to food and medicine shortly. just want us to be on kind of to show you just the smells of his writing all planes of carrier, dallas, at least 12 asked strikes and se 11 and they targeted they has the last stronghold of why the saluki vi rates follow the killing of in this friday cells are in the rocket attack wednesday, so the was single day civilian death told in lebanon since the war on gaza began
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with the killing of at least 10 civilians. and 3 has full law fights. this is an a hold that is near the building that was bombed in novelty in southern lebanon. she sent us this update at least 12. is there any error strikes targeting where the slew k, where the her chair, areas this is closer to the border then where we are closer to the bass whole ground. now these are very strategic locations. these are valleys where and they are known to be has the strong hope. this is not the 1st time they've been hits. in fact, what we've been seeing over recent weeks now is really steps up is really strikes on, as well as infrastructure south of the tiny river fil a tiny rivers, approximately 25 kilometers from the border. what does ro wants is for his full of forces to withdraw a to the tiny river has? well as refusing to do that. it says that there will be no health to the fighting in southern lebanon that they will continue to attack. is really military positions,
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as long as the aggression on garza continues to the cycle of violence continues or we've seen this, you know, march escalation, are you talking about civilians being being hit? has the law saying that they are preparing, they are preparing for a widening of this conflict because really the conflict has been largely confined to a few kilometers from the border on each side. that's all changing. it's pushing deeper inside each other's territories. and in the past, it was largely military targets and now we're getting, you know, civilian casualties. but this is the 2nd target to strike in this city. this is the 3rd largest city. we are 20 kilometers from the border. so it is widening the conflict is widening, but you know, a potential for full blown conflict. both sides know that you know it's, it's not going to be an easy decision to make. israel has demolished the home of a palestinian man and occupies east jerusalem. fucked me up with the app is
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inactive is who's campaigned against the legal is riley settlements in the occupied west bank. well, the challenge reports these are the sites and sounds of a family home being demolished. the jack, how much does it's work? well, is ready, police stand and it was the house of factory up with the palestinian campaigns against exactly this sort of thing in the house of stine neighborhood, the bulky part history system. it's this activism for which he says he's ready. authorities are punishing him, need us of the dog. yes. unfortunately the time came for them to restrain and silence and forbid people who would defend human rights. and the goal was to silence me. he's already police didn't want assuming the demolition before it started. we were in the factories house when the police arrive to throw everyone out. the whole thing moved again and then they pushed us far down the road.
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the. they're all demolition owed us for more than $100.00 houses in this area. his radio authorities say they've been built a legally, but they're all plans to turn this palestinian neighborhood into a religious theme. park. cool city of david a me cohen works for and is ready and g o campaigning for palestinian rights. justin to the start of the war. we've had 92 demolitions, 61 of them had been homes and this would be the 62nd home demolition to demolition . took place yesterday and i want to j. so basically was saying with the parent effort to not only increase more compensation, more appropriate landon territory east. the reason for jewish is really but also pushing palestinians out, this is of a measure and process of displacement that has been played out in the form of demolitions and confiscation of land factories. home is going to, the activist says he'll keep trying to save other people's will reach helen's
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houses, the era occupied east jerusalem while still ahead on al, just sarah y m p is in australia. say, sol, blow a duty, and a song should be allowed to return home. the i had low that let's get you where the full costs for south america and high pressure is once again, back in charge. of course, the very self bringing more of those hot and dry conditions we've seen over recent weeks and pushing temperatures back up once again for places like chile as well as origin, tina uruguay and paraguay. the temperatures will be coming down around the east coastal areas of result. that's thanks for rational the severe storms that continue to work the way from the south to the north. they sparked red warnings. the heavy
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rain was possible flooding for some coastal areas in the east of brazil. behind that however, it lots of hot and dry weather for places like it too late, as well as argentine. but sandstone will come back in full believe your own size, that you can see that weather rushing its way all the way up to the north with some heavy falls of rain to come from ecuador. as a brisk, a wind is blowing across coastal areas of columbia, you can see those brisk winds blowing the showers into panama, as well as costa rica some worth of weather as well. creeping into guatemala and believe a mixture of scaffold showers. but lots of sunshine for the caribbean and his spin yoda, but instead we'll see some very heavy rain start to walk into the north of mexico, and that will slowly defend into mexico city by sunday mazda some big, a supervisor of the united states. the tory is guantanamo on background detention
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centers and it's so cold war on terror. no human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've gone have been one time will be retraces steps. revisit cuz that's it. that's by the echoes of background. with this documentary on the jersey to the the the welcome back here watching out just to time to recap on headlines, these ready ministry as the seeds, the largest medical facility in san eunice forces of stones and also hospital
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complex, rounding up dumpsters and patients facilities. now said to be completely out of service, the prime ministers of canada, australia, and new zealand urging israel multiple into ground, offensive, and rough one and a half 1000000 people that track that desperate for food the night is around is carried out to at least 12 strikes in the why, the saluki district and se 11 and earlier on wednesday 10 civilians and 3 has the law fights is with killed in this riley strikes. this follows the killing of an israeli soldier in the rock at a time. at least 5 people have been killed in a missile strike on the russian city of battle. girl near the ukrainian border reports suggest 18 now those were also injured during the attacks on 1st day.
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you'll do a shrimp of oliver is live for us now in moscow. and so all the latest attacks today being seen as part of the passive exchanges we seen in the last 24 hours. well, that's right. and we're hearing from that foreign minister ministry, sparks passing or is a hard but she cold. the incident. yes. and now the acts of terrorism by the key of regime, which co civilians in belgrade enclosing a child and injured so many people, and that it would be submitted by russia to a number of international organizations, including the un security council. so as you rightly mentioned, and according to the government knows about girl, the region of 5 people were killed as a result of that shelling, including one child and another 18 people were injured, including 5 children actually. and in 7 private houses, we know that there was shunted windows and roofs and fences were damaged and,
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and 5 upon them. buildings also shattered windows. the apartments loads and loads of damage and 5 cars were damaged by shop. now, so the battle good region is of this case as, as one of the supply lines of the russian army and a will vista, remember, numerous convoys of they presented to pass now, well, entry ukraine from the belgrade region at the beginning of the armed conflict. so into crane and february 2022. so now we will see that's basically the showing a cause almost daily. and so many people, lot, 300 people from the broker and region have been evacuated to other regions of russia. but there is really no end in sight. and julia, this is not the 1st time that belle grove has been targeted. talk to us about the importance of the city, especially for russian supply lines. well, that's right. belle grove is okay to 7 full to k me says from the border with
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ukraine. and there was a lot of military infrastructure that including repair bases of the ministry of defense and hospitals for the insurance, but both sides, the russian side, on the ukranian side and today is no exception. costs ok report about civilian casualties. one, the shutting archives, and we're also hearing from the russian authorities that he crane has been shunning, peaceful sacraments. the and the praying showing remains the main problem in the border regions of rational chest, the belgrade for each, and a significant portion of the state border. a passing dies and i was covered by mine fields is something that makes alter of people's life. a totally well mixed the live, nice man and uh, people a live that they feel like they are involved and beyond conflicts hold a time. thanks so much, julia shuffles oliver and p is in australia voted,
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urging britain in the us to allow the australian whistle blower dirty and astonished to return home. the high cold in london is due to issue a routing next week on an appeal by the when he leaves founder against expedition to the us. he's wanted that to face espionage charges for publishing. hundreds of thousands of leak documents about the walls. enough got us down in a rock, it will say the very powerful political signal to the british government enter the us government. but the british government should not, in the time the id or boosters saw as being extremely extra daunted to the years. it sends a very powerful signal to washington that destroyer stands at one as one side that this meta has gone on long, long enough that regardless of what you might think of mr. hassan justice is not being said in this case now to a sonya guy, a goes live for us in london where julia sondra, supporters have been holding
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a media conference. so what all of the supporters of songs asking for well, they're essentially saying that it is really the last chance for mr. song should be able to be granted any source of freedom and that he will be putting it put held in the court. and the in front of a to judge panel will be putting forward his case that move and then transferred to them the us making better arguments on the 2nd day as well. and they say that it will be up to the judges to check whether they will be able to make an immediate decision. and if they do decide that he can be expedited, then it will be immediate. they say that that would be a really terrible thing for the notion of press freedom. and that is an essence. it sets
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a precedent for those who have been tried onto the espionage act to essentially be poor ones in the system. so that full, very worrying science from his team that this could, in effect be the end and a would see judy in a song potentially put behind bars for the rest of his life. all right, we'll leave it that. thanks so much on your guy. go. united states, a mass shooting during the superbowl victory parade has left the person that 9 children are among $21.00. others injured as the kansas city chiefs find celebrate that big when it the weekend place in missouri, say 3 suspects of being questioned. automotive is unclear. john, 100 reports. hello jeff. good. yeah. just sorta choose it. begin is a celebration for the super bowl champion, kansas city chiefs. man. what are your so that'll do the adversities
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to continue to go. the goals without championship. but at the end of a parade is chief quarterback, patrick my homes tied in, travis, kelsey, and other players mingled with as many as a 1000000 fans. the shots rang out, all of the sudden people started crushing forward. everybody started running, there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run, you run. and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through, so people wouldn't run on top of us. government were taken into custody. one of them apparently tackled by bystanders. as shown in this fan, social media video, a spokesperson for the kansas city chiefs is all staff coaches and players are accounted for the quarterback of that team. patrick, my home says he's praying for kansas city. police scrambled toward the sound of gunfire. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement
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officers, who again ran towards them and took them into. the city's major says more americans joined a group of which no one wants to become a member, victims of gun violence. i wish we live in a world where they wouldn't have to sing incidents like that. i'm is heart broken as anybody we will do a full and thorough investigation. i hope that we bring to wherever this is the justice. as an investigator sifted through the scene, police looked for clues as to what turned yet another celebration in america into a mash shooting. john henry and l g 0, chicago. in india, a supreme court struck down the controversial political funding system, the head of general elections in 2 months. the quote scrapped a scheme that allowed anonymous donations the form of delightful bonds to political policies. the opposition had pushed for the change, arguing the public at a right to know who was behind the funding. the governing policy led by prime
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minister in that under moody has been the top of the beneficiaries of anonymous donations. more indeed, and farm is adjoining a mass march towards the capital new delhi, a demanding guaranteed minimum prices for the crops that release and policy reform . for these 5 gas and blocks entry points, the city is liberty. and the idea is we hear the border with a barricade have been po, top, the security personnel, a throwing to get shelves from the other side. landowners and farm is a setting here. some of the people are being moved as they have sustained injuries . people who they are and legs, a lot of damage has been caused. china has condemned taiwan officer to chinese fishermen drowned while being chased by the islands. co. scott, the incident happened of the coast of kingman archipelago. the fishing boat capsized while attempting to flee, causing full crew members on both to fall into the water. taiwan is accusing the
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vessel of trespassing into its waters write scripts, and that is why they are demanding the release of a prominent activists from prison. prusio suddenly gather, was detained. last week, cues the funding to assassinate president nicholas, my daughter, a lawyer says she's being held in inventory, is present for political detainees. suddenly gathers, being critical of venezuela's armed forces for decades of the day. as your lawyer, i cannot speak about the circumstances under which she was the team because we do not know the file. what i can see clearly is that there was a force disappearance and that for us to use some of the gals, right to defense and due process is being violated. that is obvious and clear. new government dothan knowledge and tina says the annual inflation rate is sold above 250 percent. many a result of things to visiting soup kitchens to get something to eat. or the volunteers rely on donations. the feeling the squeeze to is all life in america,
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editor to say, and human reports from the side of us children and started arriving at this community center for lunch early in the morning. even though it won't be served till mid day. all the food. so here comes from donations saying ok, i thought i'm really and i know what it's like to go to bed hungry. so nice. i'm on my feet a phone to hear. it feels good to help to see someone with a plate of food smile. but the meals being served are not enough to meet the growing demand in this neighborhood with a number of people seeking food assistance is doubling every week. 4 months ago they only serve children here now its entire families that have to come here for a plate of food and because of origin tina story inflation donors can't afford to give them so much as they used to. which means the soup kitchen often has nothing to give. and that means that many of the people here have to go for
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a full day with nothing to eat. the latest overall inflation figure for last month was 20.


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