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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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to partially supplement the human what force the is really forces storm does as a northside hospital forcing everyone inside to evacuate. i'm free for their lives, [000:00:00;00] the 0 life for my headquarters and don't find any navigate. also coming up, the risk of famine continues to rise almost no food trucks have entered garza in the last week. nearly 3 quarters of the journalist killed worldwide last year have died at the hands of is really forces that's according to the committee, to protect the journalists and the place. 6 people killed and 10 injured in strikes,
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and the russian city of belgrade, ordering ukraine, moscow explaining, keeps the . we'd begin at han unit, stoughton, southern, gaza. where is really forces of storm, the largest medical facility in the strip? na said hospital has been under siege for weeks and these are the scenes moments after it was shelled overnight. is really soldiers then launch their raid forcing everyone else, including patients and intensive care and family sheltering from is really a time. and they said they're a dental insurance division. i lived with my husband, he is blind, i was doing kidney dialysis. they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as doctor visits. they ordered us to leave and fired at us, so they fired bombs and rockets on our heads from the top. will they demolish the building? so then we left from the door and we walk through sewage,
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along with my husband. the door is at least then took my husband and i lost my 2 bags. i cannot find them. the surge visor, we are attacked by the is randy on me at the hospital. is there anyone still inside? is there anyone still inside? there was gunfire. there's gunfire hits down us, heads down, everyone get out, get out. honey must move this in southern, gaza with the latest on the situation. i can also the hospital. yes, there. you know, the quite devastating stipulations inside nasir hospitalized. the old people inside the facility, the health facilities, including patients, those with a critical injuries and evacuated. they've been filtering inside the whole facility since the beginning of the war and more of them since the, the expansion of the ground invasion inside a han unit city. but all i ask do exactly the hospital immediately know that the hardship and the difficulty involved and
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a valuation or is not only within the past 2 days has been very contradictory, misleading and vague. for the most part, people now are forced to evacuate the hospital and go through a small task, is just all they can fit one individual at a time. it's a check point of being set up by there's really another terry. and it has a those face recognition in cameras and high tech equipment. there is not a risk going on. so not only were seeing people being arrested there, but also a high level of care against children and women who were forced to leave the hospital as they are making their way out of the health facility they are being followed by a westcott there. those are attack a drunk equipped with machine guns that fired at them as well as the ongoing bonds that split along the the bodies that are on the court in the courtyard of the hospital. since the early morning when day is really military and it's been waiting for the storm, the hospital bill,
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those the southern wall of the art turbo does the grave at the mazda graveyard that was done by the hospitals management. exactly because of the inability to take them outside of an entire place, the entire healing place turned into a combat zone with only one dominating player. it's these really military or let's speak to honda sancho joining us occupied east jerusalem. so the is really is claim, but how miles had previously held captive at that hospital, and that the bodies of the seas captives may be present as well. have to have the is released, provided any credible evidence at all to support these claims and to support their storming off and loss that hospital of the, the short answer into the in here is no, they simply have not provided that proof or evidence for the rate on the north side hospital, that's all at least one person dead. these really army has really several statements about the ongoing event saying that this was
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a quote targeted limited and precise operation based on direct intelligence. they had that the bodies of captives were there, the captives were previously being held there. and that how mass was using the hospital and medical facility for military purposes. but this is just the latest in a series of a flawed intelligence that has been presented by the israeli army. though they're not providing the exact intelligence. they're saying they have this prove that they have simply never presented. this has happened with the i am at the hospital with the wrong t. c hospital and most notably and ship a hospital, which you'll remember these really army had said was used by him this as a made military headquarters, which still to this day, months later. no proof or evidence has been provided for that. so the raid on the na said hospital, the army says was necessary because of the information that they had collected,
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even because of some accounts from the captives who were just rescued. so this, again, the latest in a series of claims by these rallies with no evidence to back them off. you'll also remember there were cemeteries in several parts of dogs that were dug upgrades that were desecrated because the army had said that they had proven intelligence that the bodies of captives were there. and again, no proof of that intelligence and no results to the the desecration of the cemetery or to the reigns on the hospitals. these really armies saying that wherever they do find any sort of intelligence or information that relates to the captives, they are going to act on it. they're stressing and all of the statements that they're providing to us, that their aim is to not harm civilians. but you have around 10000 displace palestinians who are seeking shelter at that hospital, some of them running for their lives in these videos. so these really armies saying, but stuff like this is going to continue happening as long as they feel they have
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the claims and evidence to provide it. but those claims and evidence have never been shown or revealed to us studying. all right, thank your homes. us on who was reported from occupied east jerusalem in central gaza and is really our strike has flattened a residential building and then they'll say that refugee camp killing at least 10 people on children are among the dead at least $28663.00 palestinians had been killed since october, the 7th. several countries of holds that funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees, including the biggest donor, the u. s. nearly half of the 1900000 people displaced in gauze, off or now sheltering in an owner or buildings. its head is not warning that funding cuts undermine the aid framework in gaza. it comes to seek intern responsive in the gets a street for one. basically, easy overall provides the overall dimension platform to the international community
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and the weakening of what today will we can overall a capacity to respond to on president that you're going to need. and also uh, at the time the international court of justice is asking the international community to step up to the intern response not to taking task community only, but also to each way. but at the same time, the call of this quantum and basically with the on demand this objective. so a huge obstacles for getting humanitarian aid into gaza are the border checks that israel insists on making before trucks are allowed to enter. supplies arrive in egypt on cargo ships of ports are used or by playing a lot east airports, a trucks do to enter gauze on or then check flight is really authorities at mid zona, then cross back into egypt where they had to the fact crossing the last time any truck was allowed to pass through to south was february,
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the 4th or they go to the is really controlled, come up with sun and crossing for inspection, and they enter from there before the war began around 500 trucks a day crossed into garza through cut them up beside him, but almost none are getting through now. alex, the wall is the executive director of the world peace foundation. he's also the author of mass starvation, the history and future of famine. he says it's clear that is really is continuing. it's the middle of the reaction, knowing it's creating the conditions for famine, of the speed and the concentrated effort, a destroying what is essential to sustain the life of people. nothing compares to, to cause uh, over the last 75 years. and the speed of deterioration of humanitarian conditions is absolutely terrifying. certainly there's, there's no, don't that on certain senior members of these ready to government and certain
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groups within is ready society have the content of stopping cause. so what is absolute, be careful so is that the military actions undertaken by the israeli defense forces now that predictable unknowable effect. and really at this stage, it doesn't really matter what is the, the, the ultimate intent to whether the international court of justice will find that israel is responsible for the crime of genocide or not. what we know now is they are knowingly pursuing military actions in the full knowledge, but this will be the outcome the, the time in the review committee on the highest of international humanitarian assessment bodies made the determination back in december that if conditions, if the military tactics did not change unless there was a full spectrum of relief operations. jobs, it wouldn't be in from,
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in the international court of justice. and 3 weeks ago gave instructions to israel, but it had to do certain things. he has done nothing of that. so it is knowingly creating these conditions and i don't relate such as unlawful. it is really war. planes have carried out at least 12 airstrikes in south east loving on. they targeted why the slew keys, the air raids, follow the killing of an is really sold or in a rocket attack. wednesday saw the worst single, the a civilian death toll in 11 on since the war on guys that began with the killing of at least 10 civilians, including children on 3 has been the fighters center for that is near the building that was bombs in about 2 years in southern lebanon and she sent this update. the place 12 is really air strikes, targeting, where the slew k, where the her share areas. this is closer to the border then where we are closer to the battle ground. now, these are very strategic locations. these are valleys where and they are known to
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be hospitalized stronghold. it's not the 1st time they've been hits. in fact, what we've been seeing over recent weeks now is really steps up is really strikes on as well as infrastructure south of the tiny river fil a tiny rivers, approximately 25 kilometers from the border. what this ro wants is for his full of forces to withdraw a to the tiny river has well as refusing to do that. it says that there will be no health to the fighting in southern lebanon that they will continue to attack is where the military positions, as long as the aggression on garza continues. so the cycle of violence continues, or we've seen this, you know, march escalation, are you talking about civilians being being hit hezbollah saying that they are preparing? they are preparing for a widening of this conflict because really the conflict has been largely confined to a few kilometers from the border on each side stuff. so changing is pushing deeper inside each other's territories. and in the past,
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it was largely military targets. and now we're getting, you know, civilian casualties, but this is the 2nd target to strike in this city. this is the 3rd largest city. we are 20 kilometers from the border, so it is wide and the conflict is widening. but you know, a potential for a full blown conflict, both sides know that you know it's, it's not going to be an easy decision to make in other news, at least 5 people have been killed in a missile strike from the russian city of belgrade. that's near the ukrainian border report suggests 18 others were also injured during the attacks on thursday. you will yeah. type of a love as a moscow with more a we know that a full month old child was killed during the shedding of belgrade. the baby was lying in a prime near as cool when a fragment, one of the shells sonia,
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bye. so the latest information we have now here is that 6 people actually had done it as a result of the shredding, including that baby and 17 people including 4 children were injured. and the russian ministry of defense reported that 14, what case were intercepted over the region. according to the statements, the ukrainian side use that our am 70 vampire rocket systems. and early last night, the russian ministry launched a massive miss. so attack on regions of u frame, and as a result of which several people were injured and a lot of infrastructure was damage. so many see the incident in the belgrade regions of russia today as a return a tree attack and foreign ministry sparks passed. and there is a higher cold incident in an acts of terrorism by the key of regime, which killed civilians in belgrade, including that child and injured so many people. and that incident would be submitted by russia to a number of international organizations, including the u on security council. so basically,
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the bell gold region serves as one of the supply lines for the russian army. and at the beginning of the on call, fig, between russia and ukraine. in february 22 twins to numerous convoys of tongues homage vehicles. walker launchers and personnel were entering ukraine from the belle grove region as the result of military infrastructure as well, including repair bases and hospitals. but every time when the shining because we had about civilian casualties at this time around we're hearing about showing the peaceful settlements as well. so you create new shredding remains. the main problem in the board of regents of russian discontent is growing. that as people say that the rest of russia simply don't care about the countryman living close to the border close to the military, conflicts and the problems are simply ignored. as the rest of the country continues to leave. the everyday life, the military commanders and ukraine are claiming success after the latest russian missile attacks. air defense systems are reported to have shot down 13 of 26
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incoming resolves. but one dave just threw in the key region, creating a mass of crater, a several explosions were her. people were warned to stay in shelters. still ahead on alpha 0. ahead of an expected ruling on the extradition. of course of lower julian assaults to the u. s. australian em pease call for his return home on a mass shooting at the super bowl victory parade, kills one person and injures 21. the frank assessments. here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not be a to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. we live in
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a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the, the, the hello again. here's the reminder of the top stories on alpha 0. this hour is really forces have storm the largest hospital in gaza, patients and intensive care, as well as thousands of people sheltering from is really attacks were ordered to leave and then they were arrested in loss at hospital and con, unice has been under is really siege for weeks, there's a growing risk of famine in gaza as food in security worse and as across the strip
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. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are cut off from assistance. the one says acute malnutrition among children has risen sharply as the death toll and gaza rises. so does the tool on palestinian journalists and its annual report. the committee to protect journalist said $9.00 to $9.00 journalists and media workers worldwide were killed while doing their job. last year. they included $72.00 palestinian journalists killed by is really forces that's nearly 75 percent of the worldwide total. last year was the highest number of recorded just some journalist since 2015 and the period with most fatalities since their organization began documenting them in 1992. and even when they're not on the job, palestinian journalists living and gaza faced the risk of is really bombardments. because a media office says at least a 126 palestinian medial workers have been killed since israel's war began.
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journalist working in conflict areas are protected under international humanitarian law, palestinian journalist accuse israel of repeatedly violating that law and the killing colleagues who are telling the world what's happening in god's um, well we can now speak to jody ginsburg from new york, who's the president of the committee to protect the journalist, thanks for your time with us on al jazeera. so as i just read else, uh your reports. uh, the statistic is that more than 3 quarters of the 9 to 9 journalists and media workers who died worldwide in 2023 were killed. and israel's war on guys, i mean, this is a very, very depressing just that the sticking really illustrates how deadly this war has been on journalists, particularly palestinian journalists. absolutely, this is unprecedented in terms of the stress to journalist we documented 77 done to this killed in israel because it was 72 of those apollo students. i'm
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what's important to remember about this particular war is that god and john is on the own. each on this able to report on what's happening inside cause a international done this have not been able to get in. that's not been allowed in accepting very, very controls and trips. the overseen by the is ready the army. so we are entirely reliant on those done, and that's who are risking their lives to bring us the story. and in your mind, is there any doubt that journalists are being targeted in this war? we're investigating at least a dozen cases where we think that journalists have been deliberately targeted. we've seen the case, for example, of some of the, the voices john, unless he was killed on the lebanese food that had been a number of independent reports indicating that he was clearly wearing a he was a wearing pressing sydney at his other job invested in an area known to be an area wedge on this operate. and yet i was talking to is by is really why in is where the
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strike and, and there were a number of other cases that we're looking into or as you are. so it is just saying that the vast majority of the journalist $72.00 were killed and in the is really a tax on guys i look, there's been a lot of criticism, sort of over double standards. do you think that the global reaction would have been different? the outrage would have been a little bit more if these were western journalists. for example, israel has loomed in one of the most devices uh, devices. countries to cover has been a dentist for 25 years and, and that's long been the country the, the issue that has divided international media, international politicians more than anything. so it's so surprising, i think that we've seen a hesitancy to come out publicly in support of our john and his colleagues
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in go that who are doing what the international journalistic community is and tardy reliance on to bring the information to bring the public information about a move inside gaza. so as the president of the committee to present tact journalist are you disappointed that there haven't been more calls louder calls of enough is enough of the killing of these journalist. and as you're saying in some cases the targeting of them and i am disappointed, frankly, at the lack of public solidarity that we see. and i think it's really important that we lost all colleagues inside garza, but also in the region know that we started with them that with that to support them at so that we can make sure that the press freedom. and john is a protected not just at this moment at this crucial moment in concert, but also globally at a time when done. and it's under threats everywhere. what can more, can organizations like yours? do i mean the, the, i know that you've said that the safety jay has raised concerns about the apparent
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targeting of members of the media by is really forces besides raising concerns. i mean, what more needs to be done now? what type of action needs to be taken? well, it's very important that these killings thoroughly investigated. and that there's responsible held accountable wisdom in the middle of the rules that we don't expect those investigations to take place. now we're pushing for international mechanisms to make sure that those are properly investigated. we can use mechanisms including i, c, j, international uh, the i, c, c, u, n. bodies. there are a number of bodies that we can use to push for this. unfortunately, justice takes a long time and we don't expect that to be to happen immediately. but we continue to do the work of documenting the painstaking work of documenting that will hopefully provide the evidence that can be used when we use cases a fairly rules to investigations. rodriguez, very,
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thank you for joining us from rewards. i think her mother of 2 has been identified as the only fatality so far in a mass shooting during the superbowl celebrations in kansas city in the us. us media have named lisa lopez galvan as the person killed gunfire. ringo during the parade for the kansas city chiefs on wednesday. all sorties of updated the number of wins. the 21. and at least 2 are in critical condition. 3 people have interested in relation to not shooting. and here's an nbc. a news correspond to j grey who's in kansas city and he has an update. and there continued to be questions less than 24 hours after the shooting here. specifically, who's responsible? they've said nothing about the 3 people in custody right now and how and why this happened. then there's been no discussion of any potential motive. the police are quick to say they are just in the early stages of their investigation. we expect to
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hear much more as we go on throughout the day here. today we are at union station. this is where the freight ended. it's where the celebration took place. take a look behind me and you can see it's almost frozen in time at this point. you've got a baby stroller here, you've got a equipment that was a band and you had hundreds of thousands gathered in this area and leaving behind home made signs, folding chairs. it's almost haunting the see what happened here, a clear indication of the annex. it was involved as people tried to escape this area. what i can tell you is it's still a very big part of the ongoing investigation of crime tape around certain areas here. and so they continue to try and just piece together what they can that will include during we're told interviews with witnesses, including some who are in the hospital. they're trying to find any video tape they
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may be able to find as a, as the event was unfolding. so a lot of work to do here and peas in australia voted to urge the return home if we can. the expands originally and a songy. the australian whistle blower has spent 5 years in prisons in britain battling to stop extra addition to the us. a song just wanted there to face espionage charges over we can leaks publication of classified documents. supporters of a song show the press conference in london on thursday. sonya guy you go, was there a such thing? a dangerous precedent for press freedom. so say the legal team for julian assange, who next week faces a hearing in front of a do to judge panel to see where the he is going to be expedited to the states or with it, he will not. now this is the last possible, a title that julian assange faces off to this that will be no legal records for him
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in the u. k. system to be able to appeal this decision. if he is expedited, it will be immediate. the home office will move into place to make sure that takes place. meanwhile, the only other option that would be available to judy in his own just team is to appeal to the european court of human rights. and to put in a rule flashing 9 order, which would pause any extradition. nevertheless, his team are extremely worried for his well well being. they say his health is mental wellbeing as well, has continues to decline. and given that that has been now some form of support from australia and politicians in the study in parliament to try and gain a political solution for judy and a sanchez case and to get them to be released to australia, relevance of time in the us prison. they're saying that the solution to this has to be political rather than 3 that you digital system. sonya guy you go out, is there
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a london warners at the top of the hour up next? it's the weather that's followed by inside story, which is looking at efforts to reach a ceasefire deal between hum us and israel. the tell a lie. there is a logic, quiet picture for south asia, but you can see from the satellite image, we've got some bit some bulbs of cloud stretching across moving parts of india that boat from rain to the north east. we can see it is looking much dryer. a few showers continuing to for of course, eastern areas of india, some cloud covered as well. moving in some on by but for the south is largely settled. that picture was more in the way of sunshine and showers the west of weather. however, continuing to pull into for lanka over the next few days in a very dry outlook across the north of india and pakistan. that's going to change
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on saturday with the arrival of some possible storms and some snow on the very top of the mountains. i'm not sure why a story for southern parts of pockets done as things are going to dry up nicely across large areas of east asia. asset weather system continues to run its way for the east to leave behind a few showers for parts of japan to the temperature. still sitting high here, lots of sunshine for tokyo to some the story for the korean peninsula, northern parts of china and that east coast, we're going to see temperatures continue to rise. these cities of the next few days will cloudy in the south. some rain coming up over the next few days, and we'll see that stop to 4 in hong kong on saturday. of the, examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians exploring a funding world cloths programming. we are basically
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a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform, motivates on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well, from a different perspective on elders here. yeah. so nobody inconclusive, made things a way to deal with, with how much and fees? well, it comes as these right admitted to a lessening a ground defensive of the southern tip of gaza. so does diplomacy still spend a chance in this for and why does not to this is inside story the


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