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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the serving as a lifeline so many invest, 16 volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to bone level by the conflict the, the, the color that i'm just off the attain, this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes forced famine in garza how israel is using deliberate starvation as a weapon of war against palestinian civilians. the tales and tonic and golf is the largest functioning hospital officer is waiting for cisco in the facility district. health ministry. patients at alaska are extreme things. the space
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palestinians were taken shelter up, that facilities are forced to leave off the israel orders and evacuation. and today's a set for donald trump's criminal trial making him the fast former us president to be tried on such challenges. i'm chief of the payment to go to sports news, paris engine stalled and gillian, and bob a as seems to fit the end of the season, the whole we begin and goes well most or it's 2300000 people of suffering deliberate funding imposed by israel is blocking a crucial aid as well controls the movement of goods into the strip and is prevented food and medical supplies from entering since the start of the war. palestinians who are facing full starvation se recalls and is in need. and the
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basic necessities of life, all totally absent, right? script say that israel is using hung up as a weapon of war. the deliberate salvation of civilians is a will crime on the international humanitarian though. is there any voted checks are causing severe delays to the full amount of food it's actually getting into goals and what does get in is nowhere near enough. palestinians are also struggling to find any clean water or food people. the stones and the sink ross and grains meant animals because nothing else is left us. earlier we spoke to a palestinian about how difficult it is right now to find enough to eat muhammed up in the hills. described how food prizes us orange juice of the shortages are a bunch of from that there's bombardments in the middle. the occupations this age well now was starving, was starving to death. we as adults can and do, but i did turn that in, can log in. now it is $150.00 days old war and what's the savings? we have a good how they are a better rate to be moving them. so we used to even to live on what they want. they
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need a deliver. it is very scant. it is not sufficient, and we are living on the hand how it's what i'm benevolent people, we are with things. now what is an hour? so even if we can, but it's a good whatever, a delivered the on or what doing that base. but i mean, but some of this is not sufficient. well was hung to come and play. searching for food is a daily ritual. for many, now the situation is only getting was as few. a trucks are being allowed to enter garza and barely reaching the north. a toy leaving people the to stop to talk of was a my thoughts not from rough or hungry. i'm displace these children are receiving food handouts for 2300000 people who can cause a suffering at a different time and due to as well. so use of the salvation as of what the full a list and the 5th of 8 talks are getting thrown to console,
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which used to see move them point on the top loads every day. because i'm more of the top of the border crossings by ease with the basic necessities of life are totally absent in our camp, as well as all other refugee camps and gaza from water to food, let alone baby milk. we hear about aid being delivered, good quantities are scanned and their whereabouts are unknown. terry to say that the feet running out to estimate people arriving roughly on top of the more than $1300000.00 people who are read that and the prices of food and water only increases as it becomes less available hydrogen. the people's need for food is enormous. food is beginning to completely run out in the northern gaza strip. a come boys have no end to northern guys are
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a tool. yeah. and i've got another and cause these people are collecting what they can from the ground. essentially, hudson wins by the people i resort things to eat things, grass and animals sleep just as long sasha is going a little while there isn't much where you gotcha. which way. so basically what i'm trying to collect some of these wild plants to feed my children, we have nothing else. rice at flower or bread. this is what we're leaving on for months. i'm risking my life by being here. i'm gonna put you on site that children come to find all at high risk hoops to be mounted, tricia discount coast long term damage to the gross. the us size that by not allowing food into garza salvation is being used as a weapon of flu. and the only way to stop the ongoing pulsation is to allow a den and that can only happen with a ceasefire. tarika by zoom out just a rough rough off in southern garza. well that speak to tarik in rough uh his
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life that for us tarik. given the challenges you've just outlined in your report, say what are people actually doing to get food right now of the well, they facts. people in gaza strip are completely struggling, going on daily basis to the basic necessities people in the, in the south are depending completely, i'm fully on the humanitarian supplies being delivered into garza for our profile crossing and been distributed throughout the united nation distribution centers. and i bought the situation sounds completely critical and dramatic for people who are still trapped in the north. there are talking about hundreds of thousands of palestinians living that and we have been told from some of the residents that, that they have been going for days. and a number of weeks without have sufficient amount of food to survive. and as parents, as are trying to get up early in the morning if taking a full touring. and the goal is to start in order to get breakfast to the family.
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members of it, as children are completely suffering from a very remarkable increase of mount nutrition which will negatively impacts on their development and growth as well. but in the south or at pontiff calls, people are completely depending on the humanitarian supplies, which is 2. at the same time, it's all very limited on woods, new kinds of restrictions being imposed on to a delivery move into the territory of the situation within the coming days will gets much more difficult despite or international resolutions being made and urging for the is very forces to it, to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis, and to increase the capacity of humanitarian trucks being allowed to them to be delivered into a garza antarctic. as the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, the war obviously goes on. focus through what you've been seeing now with the latest bombardment. well is
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instead was up to date is morning, but abutment completely has been scaled up by the is body forces, especially from the another interview to the southern part of gauze on the past few hours. the as well as solutions have targets it uh, the value of refugee camp alongside with our july streets were a civil call, had been hit by his ready men at treat drone messiah were to palestinians, have for reported, killed along with follies, others being wounded on the interior vehicle had been coated with fire, where people twice as much as they can't to evacuate the indian people. i'm the victims from call being transported to i ship out medical company because this is not the only attack by the way that had been carried out. the parts of the series of multiple strikes that had been targeting, there was the main neighborhood of kansas city where the is where the minutes report hope the drones are keeping choosing chasing people the i'm an unstoppable bombardment as well for the central boss of the territory talk of was the room with
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the latest for us from rough on the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you. tired. all the goal is a health ministry says the israeli army has forced hundreds of people into harsh and frightening conditions in an old building at the nasa hospital complex. those who left the medical facility described being strong, top, bombed and having to leave without ambulances to transport. the wounded is where the forces came. the bodies of captives were being kept kept to death. but haven't provided any evidence. honeywell for reports now from rough on a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and loss of the hospital as is really soldiers, a storm the facility and find you the treating. the sick and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians of from relentless is really at the top. medical staff attempted to move bit bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest. after selling parts of the building,
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doctors describe conditions as catastrophic and disaster. yes. well, that's special. about 1130 last night. these very soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex after that, they want us to speak is that the hospital must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilian started to leave the hospital, but then i me. so i was fired on the orthopedics department, and one person was killed and 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one roof actuated by force. kidney. dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital. authorities in gaza say is really snipers. go to 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is really forces guild the prisoner in hand. cox who was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders and a the visual i left with my husband. use blind. i was undergoing kidney dialysis,
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so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to dance and fired. booms and roof keeps us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to sewage is re lease, then took him away and deal with a 100 drawers in the siege of nozzler hospital and the tax on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place across the gaza strip. i knew my mood, i was just the. 5 drop behind southern gaza. let's bring him home to saw her. she joins us now from occupied easters. and i'm know we know this isn't the 1st time. is there any force as a school in the hospital? what reasons are they getting? all these really army has said and several statements that they had, what they're calling intelligence, complete intelligence about the bodies of captives being held up and also at
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hospital the captives were previously held there as. 5 well, and additionally, about how most was using the medical facility for military means. now they have not provided any information to back up those claims. but we do know this is a pattern with these really military. they have said things like this previously on raising an amount of hospital everyone sees the hospital and most notably sure for hospital, which the army set him us was using as a military headquarters and months later. still no evidence to provide the claim to back up that claim rob there, these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how gaiety had said that this was a limited, precise, and targeted operation. but the reality on the ground and the images show a much different picture. the army also emphasized that they want to keep civilians out of harm's way. they do what they can to protect those who are not involved who
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are non combatants. but you have more than 10000 palestinians who are seeking refuge. sheltering from relentless is really attacks and flags. in fact, people who have flood their homes and we're seeking any sort of safety. i feel nauseous, that hospital also were met there with a siege. so this is something, these really are me repeatedly does where they say they have this intelligence, this information, but they do not bring any sort of information to back up those claims or continued keeping a close eye on the situation at nasa. but i also want to ask you hon, the about the travels of c i a chief william burns, i understand he's now in israel after he reportedly was attending talks in cairo about that cease fire and captive deal. do we know who he's missing the? why? so this was a surprise visit by the c i a director was not announced until his arrival in tel aviv he met with israel's prime minister as well as these rarely delegation. that's
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in you all who had sent cairo. so the heads of the most sub that's his roles, external security, service agency, ambition, back to the internal security and intelligence agencies. and he also met with the national security adviser, somebody had neg be, and one other military official. now the main topics here was the issue of the captives and getting a deal. remember that this delegation had went to cairo after the instruction of nathan yahoo to only listen to not off for any sort of compromise or any sort of response to her masters proposal. additionally, netanyahu did not allow the delegation to go back to cairo for a 2nd day of negotiation. so perhaps the c i a director is looking for answers from these really is on what exactly it is they're looking for. if they're not willing to offer up concessions as part of the deal is really media is reporting that a source who has reported we gone to and from that meeting has said that this one.
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yeah. who is insisting that military pressure is still the only way to bring back the captive and the how much the cost of it was not for us to from occupied these choice. and thanks, honda, the old, meanwhile, in his riley strike, and garza city has killed at least 3 palestinians. 5 all those. what was their injured in the attack which targeted a vehicle on alger last street? because of health officials say nearly 29000 palestinians have now been killed since the war began on october 7th. hezbollah says that 5 thousands of rockets enrolled in town and israel 11 on based group said the rockets were in response to the killing of 10 civilians and is really strikes on wednesday. and it was the highest number of revenue civilians killed and full months now. of costs for the exchanges. meanwhile, is really well. pains carry down at least 12 strikes and se, and have it on. they talk. is it the what is saluki? the arabs follow the killing of an israeli soldier and iraq as
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a target. and humans, ruthie? you say that they have targeted a british ship with a mr. kyle. the group has said that they targeted the coffee tasks while it was traveling in the gulf of aging. the bridge maritime secures you from amber. you said that a bone terrier stuff and mine a damage after it was talking to define explosive project and we didn't name the ship that said the incident happened around a 100 more school miles east of humans. port city of 8 is also punching more has here, this things are and let me so strike on the russians that you felt around any of the ukrainian border. both sides are increasing area of the police and the u. s. reveal what was behind the shooting of the super bowl victory. pilots in kansas city. the left one pass and then the at least 6 people have been killed and
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a mis on strike on the russian city of belgrade, near the ukrainian border report suggests that 17 people also injured during the attacks on thursday. units of, of oliver has more for us from moscow. a full month old baby was killed during the shutting of belgrade. the child was lying in a prime near a school when a fragment, one of the shells from nearby. so the latest information is that 6 people done it as a result of the showing, including the baby and 17 people including 4 children were injured and they have depression, ministry of defense reports. i bet 14 well kits were intercepted over the region. according to the stage one is the korea sign to use that i am 70 vampire rocket systems. and last night, stay russian ministry launched a must have missed a laptop on regions of ukraine as a result of which several people were injured and a lot of interest capture was damaged. so many c based events in the background regional russia, as originally trach hug for a ministry sparks pass and re is
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a horrible cold incident yet. and not the acts of terrorism by the king of regime. and that had would be submitted by russia to a number of international organizations, including the u. on security council. the belgrade region serves as one of the supply lines for the russian army at the beginning of the armed conflict between washington's ukraine and february 2022. numerous convoys of tongues and vehicles will put the loan trans personnel were entering ukraine through the belgrade region . the result of military infrastructure that including repair bases and hospitals, but every time when they're shunning a cause, we hear about civilian casualties. and this time around is no exception. we hear about showing the peaceful sacraments that as well. well, the 300 people have been relocated from the belgrade region to other regions of russia. but you, cranium surely remains the main problem in the border regions and this content is growing. those people say that the rest of russia simply don't have all the countrymen living close to the ministry conflicts. the problems simply known as the
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rest of the country continue to leave the everyday life as nothing is happening between russia and ukraine. you there. so bob oliver odors, the right most car, well minute trick mom doesn't ukraine or claiming success off. so the latest russian missile attacks and defense systems are reported to have shot down the hall off of the $26.00 incoming the files. but one did get through and the key region is you see creating a mass of crater people will want to stay in shelters as several explosions will had these any minute treat well. so says another russian worship has been sunk. and the latest attack by sea going drones, while the fried reports from car keys or another nights of as strikes being reported across the ukraine. russia once again using a mix of different types of missiles fired from different directions of ukraine. you know, it's hard to say a total of $26.00 with 5 and that they intercepted around half of those. they said that to miss outside towards key were all in deceptive,
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but there were explosions in the eastern cities, often the pro and zappa risha. apparently it's a 1000000000 infrastructure that was targeted. also miss ald spot towards the leave region over in the west of the country with several injuries being reported from these different attacks being well, it's been confirmed that by also it to use that an attack here in the khaki region in a village outside the cities that took place yesterday, wednesday that the to several people that are reported to have died in back to tact with a several more. busy being injured, meanwhile, the russian social media was reporting attacked in the opposite direction with ukrainian drones attacking an oil facility in the crust region with several oil tongues. the said to have been satellites from mcbride, i'll just say era khaki. well, nice have a separate you generally installed and bug says, members of the alliance have agreed to supply ukraine with military aid. and that's what with russia, a group of ours is coordinate together with the goal of delivering $1000000.00
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drones through ukraine. $20.00 have also agreed to format de mining clothes and all this will help to save ukrainian lives together. they drawn large accounts, 499 percent of the old and into 80. 2 king us johns in new york has ruled the donald trump's hush money trial. will begin next month. the former us president was at a court hearing idea of allegations of payments to an adult film. actress. trump is accused of falsifying business, frankly was saying that the payment to stormy daniels was the legal fees. the actress says she was paid a $130000.20 to stay quiet, often to stay withdrawn, which you tonight
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should be doing this a while that's me talk correspondence you have a time that he joins us now from washington dc. she have break this down for us because it's a little different from some of the other charges that comes facing the right. this one relates to the 2016 election where the, the, the manhattan district attorney alleges trump paid off stormy donald's. donald's got the got also back because you, you mentioned in order to have to keep quiet before the election campaign about the alleged fact, the da says, but from pacified this in his official bookkeeping as a legal expands. but because it was to put to help trump's presidential campaign, it was in fact, the campaign expense indefinitely,
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should have been declared. trump however, argues that that's not the case is, was, it wasn't legal. expensive was actually to save the environment of his wife. you know, the legal experts are pretty divided all as to how strong this particular case is. but what we do now is what this does confirm is the truck will face at least one criminal prosecution in court before the next selection. there's a lot of speculation as to when the other 3 cases will actually take place. um, but the trump will be the 1st form of us present ever to just sit for a criminal trial. she have the trial dates, march 25th. that isn't very far away. how like this actually effect campaigning and the election as well, that's what, that's what trump decided, how inside the trouble use is this particular case. and it actually is, or is a really effective campaigning tool because for him other support is it does confirm that as a which of of the by do mean trump's argument, there is the by the administration is concluded with the amount of happened district attorney to get these charges in order to influence the next the next
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election. and it's a very effective rallying cry for donald trump. and so the devices base have got some things as a map. so we talked about campaigning in the evening. actually if he's going to be out the trial each day, we will, we can probably expect him to be talking during the probably sooner in between the internal resources of the trial and so on. and it will be a very effective way to keep that energy gonna time. elizabeth olette energy for jo bites. and it was also it means because it's, it's, it's a car on march 25th, the judge suggested it might take about 6 weeks. that does give some leeway for at least one other trial to occur before the election, leave the federal case alleging the trump try to overturn the election. but that still pending a supreme court ruling go up depends on how, how fast the supreme court rules on presidential immunity is at least one case. then we do know now we'll be going ahead before the election. she habits henzy that expanding that for us from washington d. c. thanks so much. you also in the united states, a shooting during the superbowl victory parade was the result of a dispute. and that's according to police who say 3 suspects of being questioned. 9
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children were among 21 people injured. as the kansas city chiefs fan celebrates with that big we big when on the weekend. john henry reports the champion, the center to begin is a celebration for the super bowl champion, kansas city chiefs. man, what are your so that'll do the adversities to continue to go to go over that championship. but at the end of a parade as cheese quarterback, patrick my homes tied in, travis, kelsey, and other players mingled with as many as a 1000000 fans. the shots rang out, all of the sudden people started crushing forward. everybody started running, there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run, you run. and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through, so people wouldn't run on top of us. government were taken into custody. one of
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them apparently tackled by bystanders. as shown in this fan, social media video, a spokesperson for the kansas city chiefs says all staff coaches and players are accounted for the quarterback of that team. patrick, my home says he's praying for kansas city. police scrambled toward the sound of gunfire. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers, who again ran towards them and took them into. the city's major says more americans joined a group of which no one wants to become a member, victims of gun violence. i wish we live in a world where they wouldn't have to sing incidents like that. i'm is heart broken as anybody we will do a full and thorough investigation. i hope that we bring to wherever this is to justice. as an investigator sifted through the scene, police looked for clues as to what turned yet another celebration in america into
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a mash shooting. john henry and l g 0, chicago. nbc news correspondent j grey was at the scene event choosing in kansas city. and we are at union station, this is where the freight ended. it's where the celebration took place. take a look behind me and you can see it's almost frozen in time. at this point. you've got a baby stroller here, you've got equipment that was a band and you had hundreds of thousands gathered in this area and leaving behind home made signs, folding chairs. it's almost haunting the see what happened here, a clear indication of the annex that was involved as people tried to escape this area. what i can tell you is it's still a very big part of the ongoing investigation of crime tape around certain areas here. and so they continue to try and just piece together what they can, stella head, helena escalation,
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violence between and 23 rebels and government troops and eastern democratic republicans and india hold. the advantage of that day, one of the tests against england, that's on the way with the had low. they were watching a storm system developed to the east of madagascar. but before we get to africa, let's have a look at the middle east and live vantage. as you can see from the cloud, we've got some unsettled weather, dominating the northern half of the region. it's going to be heavy rain, so rather damp and dreary conditions across the events of brisk of winds as well for eastern parts of the mediterranean, the west of the wet weather, affecting a rock and south west and pots of iran. you could see some flooding as a 118 millimeters of rain may fall in a very short period of time here. some of the showers,
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touching down into saudi arabia, it's going to warm up for some of the gulf states of the change in the wind. have a look at doha. if we haven't look at the full cost data for the next 3 days, we're going to see the sunshine on saturday. the temperature sitting right up. we'll get knocked down on sunday is a shamal wind stops to blow its way down the golf. and when does the story across the north of africa, we're going to see some blustery conditions picking up some of the higher side remains a bit cooler, across the north west. the shot was tracking east across algeria, west and the windy weather as well for the northeast, for egypt and libya for the west to all the rain continuing to pull in to madagascar. and we've got that developing system. we will be keeping an eye on behind that lots of heat for what's one of the they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining
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a light on the home of kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risks on al jazeera, this ship is home to survivors of losses, earthquakes, and took care. a floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers over lessons to president, still recovering from the or, or to 4 to 5 year old school note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily we have the sea and we are leaving you on a ship bill, a small well hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look for, for it to the nearest one part, reopened every minute here for the life is a loss returning to normal, their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. of the
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the welcome back to watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories for sound list or as close as 2300000 people suffering a deliberate found and imposed by israel's blocking of crucial aid. pride troops say that as well as using hung up as a weapon of who is real controls. the movement of goods into the strip and has prevented adequate supplies from entering the industry for says, have now storms, the largest functioning hospital in garza patients and intensive care, as well as thousands of people sheltering their from israeli attacks ordered to leave the hospital in con, unice has been on the is rarely seen. well, we can now speak to test ingram. she is a spokesperson for unicef. she joins us now from un headquarters in new york test.
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thanks for joining us on tuesday. or i understand you were in cause a last month can you talk us through what you and your teams are seeing that out. all the situation is very different between the north and south. so they're incredibly different. uh, the situation in the south, which we're able to provide some limited aid and also have some access to those of, you know, some level of food. all of the families that i met and spoke to said that they were incredibly hungry, but they were able to access tend vegetables from aid packages and, and perhaps spread from the community via the thirty's limited and the diversity. and that 3rd is not enough nutrition for, for children to grow up healthy and strong. but in the north, the situation is, is even worse, unbelievably, because i had access to the north has basically been non existent since the beginning of this year. we haven't received these sites, the assurance is that we need to get up into the north and provide there. and what
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we're hearing from families on the ground in the north east is that honda is, is catastrophic, and people are resorting to, to non human foods to, to try and survive a test, really harrowing stories that we've been getting. i've been wondering what's actually getting across the border at the moment when it feels like restrictions of increased over the last days and weeks. what reason is riley forces actually giving to 8 walk ins for, for turning trucks back. so it's, it's uh, very opaque we, we do our best to try and get as much. i didn't as we can, but the price is the screening of the bullet or is, is very complex and it's very long. and one of the challenges that we have is, is when we kind of surrender trucks to that screening process, we don't know when they're going to arrive on the other side, which makes it very difficult for us to plan the distribution. and then once we do receive the goods, we then have to battle with the ongoing security challenges on the ground,
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the lack of trucks, fuel the damage to the road. so it's incredibly difficult for us to move around even more so now with the threat of a grounds invasion and rasa tests just in terms of, of tires. it can you give us a sense of what's gotten in, in terms of age over the last few days we're hearing but barely anything, especially in terms of food has made it made it into the strip at all. yeah, so i know that we've definitely got a couple of trucks in, but supplies have been really far lower than the needs at the moment. unicef, he's bringing in nutrition, supplies like a therapeutic food and an infant formula, but farm on needs to come in then. then what's coming in at the moment, and i know it's the same for other agencies like w s. k, which brings in things like flour. so let me ask you then about the impact on pregnant women and children last month. your agency issue to a warning about child wasting. can you explain that front of you?
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yeah, told last thing is the most severe form of, of childhood malnutrition. and it's basically when children just don't get enough of the essential nutrients that they need in order to be healthy, it's compounded by lack of clean water and if disease. so at the moment we're seeing this real triple threat in the gaza strip, where the children are they hydrated, they're hungry and they're sick. they are living in really cool conditions. and we're really worried that for the $335000.00 children on the 5 in the gaza strip, that the rates of, of malnutrition are going to increase in the coming weeks, including of that really severe form of malnutrition called wasting a which will have ongoing effects of their lives. before we move on, i do want to ask you about funding right now for on obviously a lot of it's been suspended. is it affecting all the agencies? you and agencies and goals are like yours, given the fact that they were coordinating so much of the delivery
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it would be catastrophic for the gaza strip. and so for actions of other agencies like unicef, if under i wasn't able to completely function in the gaza strip. um we, we work with them very closely on many things like i distribution and vaccinating children. it's not, you know, it's not having any impact yet, but it certainly could if, as under his will into that they would have to whine back operations as, as soon as the end of this month. so your agency tests unicef along with about free program and i see the w h o have issued a call on the need to change the flow of humanitarian aid. i see that you are asking for access to our store, asked on port in the no way i could on the border crossing points be how could you change things? so we, we are restricted at the moment to, to, to crossing points into the gaza strip. and there are other points that were
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opperation old. we know before the escalation in hostilities that we would like to say we're 10 to operations so that we can get more idea in. but it's not just a matter of getting more aiden. we then need to be able to, to have that a coming fast us with less restrictions. the still equipment that we'd like to bring in that we can get in like for example, generate is we've had generated sitting at the southern most crossing for 4 weeks. now and this, so essentially the running water systems and sanitation systems to ensure that the people have guys that can have clean water. so we need more i, we need the different types of aid and then we need the insurance is on the inside to distribute that safely, of course, testing them the aspects presently and assess spring to us from un headquarters. and you will, thanks so much for joining us on out to 0 to thank you. well as the desk told and also rises. so it is a toll on palestinian journalist and it's on your pool as a community to protect during the $799.00. joining us and media wife as well as
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wife were killed while doing via jobs last year to include $72.00 palestinians on the scale to buy is where the forces ultimately 75 percent of the worldwide total. last year was the highest of the a record of death of john the since 2015 and the period with most fatalities since the organization began documenting them in 1992, even when they're not on the job. how soon each on this living and garza faced the risk of his ready bombardment, the goals and media offices a piece, a $126.00 posting and media workers have been killed since as well as ball began. john, this working conflict areas are protected under humanitarian, international, humanitarian who had a standing during the secures, as well as a piece of the violation that no and of kenning calling. so you're telling, well, what's happening and also, or we're investigating at least a dozen cases where we think that journalists have been deliberately targeted.
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we've seen the case, for example, of some of the, the voices done. and that's who was killed on the lebanese border, has been a number of independent reports indicating that he was clearly wearing a he was co wearing pressed insignia, his other job invest in an area known to be an area where john this operates. and yet i was talking to is by is really why in is where the strike and, and there were a number of other cases that we're looking into. israel has long been one of the most divisive and divisive countries to come. i've been to join us for 25 years and that's loan been the country the, the, the issue that has divided international media, international politicians more than anything. so it's so surprising, i think that we've seen hesitancy to come out publicly in support of our journalist colleagues in goals that who are doing what the international
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journalistic community is and tardy reliance on to bring it the information to bring the public information about the people inside garza and the nation, charity says help to provide aid to palestinians is accused of stealing millions of dollars. freeman involved in the charge, the office multiple charges for allegedly misappropriating funds derived from public donations phone. so isn't calling them for with more to the judge. it took nearly 2 hours to read out all the challenges facing the top 2 executives of a local pro palestine charity, on palest, and now discharging was set up 20 years ago in malaysia with the aim of channeling aid to palestinians. and since then, it has given a weight, millions of dollars, even sponsoring equipment for the reconstruction of dollars that in 2019. but on this date, it's chad. man, an executive director with charged with a $160.00 counts of money laundering, criminal breach of trust. and cheating,
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they've been accused of stealing millions of dollars and using that money to pub, chase, commercial and residential properties to buy land and even gold boss. now, a 3rd man, a director of a private company that's been entrusted to look after the assets of this charity has also been charged with money laundry. all 3 men have pleaded not guilty. malaysians have taken to social media to express the shock, disbelief and anger, especially in the country where so many people approach palestine. now there are some comments who had suggested that this could be a conspiracy to stop this charity from disposing 8 to palestinians. now that it's bank accounts are frozen, but this is a minority view by and large people are angry because the amounts that we're talking about is very large. and they have also, of course, concerns that this could have a negative impact on other charities, especially if people stop viewing other charities with suspicion and distrust. so
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it slowly g, 0 quite a little boy. the violence between the army and m. $23.00 fighters, an escalation, an eastern democratic republic of congo, specialist taking place around the town of saki and the other ones and bought a more than a $120.00 armed groups operation that area. they've been competing for land and natural resources. the government accuses neighboring rolanda of backing the i'm 23 charges, of golly, has denied thousands of civilians have been killed in the fighting between the congress on me and these on the troops. millions more have been displaced. the un peacekeeping mission has been stationed in eastern do ya see for more than a decade, but it's due to withdrawal by the end of this. yeah. of the criticism for failing to protect people against attacks by on groups. well, jason stones is the found in chair of the advisory board of the congo research
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group at new york university. he says that government face has many challenges as it tries to end of the fighting. it was very confusing situation on the grounds that i think is very worried. so on the one hand, you have to call these army, those allied to local militia, cause it was all into it is also allied with as receiving the support now from the side to access. so that address and develop the community forces to the south african allow in intensity and forces. it's also being hired private security contractors to different private security contracts. we have a whole array of the call to the side and the other side. you have the m 23 rebellion due calling these government it uses to being back by rhonda that also the united nations group of experts has provided numerous reports stay the same thing as a numerous governments donor governments. and so you have this very complex array of forces by to each other an hour and a situation with defining escalating that you have. what we believe our role on and
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for us is actually staging. definitely fire with south african government. i went to the indian government as well as we have a regionalization of this price is much of the so how can to return for is actually was there before as part of the un mission as was being re added as the sided mission now. so there's actually not a lot of news of outcome for us is there some new there coming to the south? african army is really stretched very then even domestically and has a lot of recruitment problems, a lot of equipment problems. and so it's not clear to me whether the military force could really change things. i think the real, the real big news is diplomatic. really, if we imagine a situation where it's often government is finding oncology soil with their own and government, that is a significant diplomatic escalation as well. so i think that on the diplomatic militarily, yes, it could change things. but i think we really need to look is diplomatically wrong, and governments is militarily, very strong, but diplomatically, extremely dependent on donor 8. and i think we have a hard time going to,
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to tote diplomatically with the government such as throwing government. and so i think it's in the diplomatic round of things will begin to shift psalms. unions in india have met with ministers as they push for guaranteed minimum prices for their crops, protesting from his belt, railroads, and highways as they march towards the capital. new deli, previous talks, failed to secure a commitment from the government. india supreme court has struck down a controversial funding system for political parties ahead of general elections that in 2 months, the court scrapped a scheme that allowed anonymous donations in the form of electro phones to parties feel position, had pushed without change or given the public had a right to know who was behind the funding. the governing policy led by prime minister under under moody, has been the top beneficiary of anonymous donations. con gonzalez is a senior advocates of the supreme court of india. he says this ruling is
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a huge defeat for the government. it's a very significant routing. the supreme court has to be the quietest terms of uh, the, the wrong doings of the central government for the last one. yeah. and be was so so happy to hear that really delivered by a 5 judge bench to the constitution pinch off the supreme court. i think it is a stunning defeat for the central government that argued the eminently that they were right to enact the elect or to the bottom. the scheme which provided for a non limit to for donors who contributed money to political parties. because if this ruling had not been delivered at this and not empty, gone to new. so corporate houses and individuals could give money as much as they wanted to the central government. obviously, s v thing for the credit, bro cole. since the government didn't follow as
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a lot of the way to gifts corporate houses and individuals, all guides of benefits at bit places. and so we expected that there would be a huge flow money from corporate causes and individuals to the central government and coming 2 months before the election. it says you would successful the human rights move and to the right information moment. and he's in australia have versus the other person on the us to allow these trillion, what's the julian assange to return home? the high goals in london is use issue a routing next week on an appeal, by the way he makes found against his extradition to the united states. he's wanting to, there's a face as the nurse charges for publishing, hundreds of thousands of leak documents, not the was enough kind of strong and the wrong supporters of us on child, the media conference, and on and on thursday. so to get a good report, go assessing a dangerous precedent for press freedom. so say the legal team for judy assange,
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who next week faces a hearing in front of it, due to judge panel, to see whether he is going to be expedited to the states or with it. he will not. now this is the last possible a hurdle that julian assange faces off to this that will be no legal records for him in the u. k. system to be able to appeal this decision. if he is expedited, it will be immediate. the home office will move into place to make sure that takes place. meanwhile, the only other option that would be available to do to his own just team is to appeal to the european court of human rights. and to put in a rule flushing 9 order, which would pause any extradition. nevertheless, his team are extremely worried for his well well being. they say his health is mental wellbeing as well, has continued to decline. and given that that has been now some form of support
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from australia and politicians in the stray and parliament to try and gain a political solution for judy and a sanchez case. and to get them to be released to australia, relevance of time in the us prison. they're saying that the solution to this has to be political relevant through the judicial system. sonya jago elders era london write scripts and venezuela on demanding the release of a prominent activist from prison. foster son miguel was detained. last week, accused approaching to assassinate president nicholas madura holloway associates being housing under torres prison for political detainees. summit, y'all has been critical event as well as on forces for decades. today as your lawyer, i cannot speak about the circumstances under which she was the team because we did not know the file. what i can see clearly is that there was a force disappearance and that for us to use some of the gals, right to defense and due process is being violated. that is obvious and clear. it's
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all still a head here on al jazeera. one level one is through, so the cast, all right, please send me final, the action coming up to date and the business like this. this wrote to you believe i guess as i live slowly on, one of your makes modern pleads. the
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business leg just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the back. it's time to support your feet. it sounds good. thank you so much. get in and buffy has told pen or sandra. man, that he will leave the club at the end of the season, the terms of use to punch it on get to be agreed. but according to our thoughts, woke up when a has communicated easy intention to leave. but if the contract expires at the end of the current season,
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that's where the 5 year old has been that the french champions for 6 and a half years. and the salary costs for type around $250000000.00 per year. round the grid, all the frontrunners to signing, you'd have to take a significant century cuts for the move to happen. the south careers football association is recommended, the setting of a national team coach you have been cleans when the germans contract was to run through the 2026 woke up, but it's under pressure forming a disappointing asian cup performance, which sold them being some 5 jordan in the semi finals, this is just the recommendation, but the final decision is here to be made as unis came, explains from sol, you're going clansman future with teams. south korea has been a hot topic for days and now a committee of south korea's football association. after hours of debate, have decided that he is no longer fit to leave the team just one year into the job . fans had been furious over the disappointing yvonne and could tie their dreams of
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the golden generation, lifting the asian cup trophy to end as 6 decade route dashed during an hours long meeting on thursday, the k as a committee fault at clansman, for not having in place a proper strategy, especially for the semi finals, which was the 2nd time south korea would face jordan in the tournament. is that fans were disrespected when clansman spent little time here keeping his home in the u. s. a fight between storm midfielder egon in an captain's when a meeting on the eve of what would become their final match and guitar underlined the coaches out of touch. this was committee member said it negatively impacted game date readiness. the ball now and the court of the k, a chairman who has the authority to fire clansman, either on whether he will pay out the rest of his contract for a fresh start unit skim. oh, the zara. so a full my telephone caps and you're gonna know these has been officially unveiled
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as a los angeles etc. plans. the goalkeeper joined on a free transfer from spears where he spent 11 years. the research as mentioning saca is scrubbing faust, i don't know who are you currently but and it's a, it's something that is becoming really exciting. you know, these are a lot of expect vision from the funds that everywhere in the country. and um, and i think the deliveries yes is improving year after year and it was always something i was looking for, you know, to come to the immunization to crickets and india have taken control against england. doctor a shaky stores on day one of the 3rd test in captain beneflex was presented with a special cap to commemorate. he's one of this taste appearance india with 1.33 for 3, protecting the red sharma and arriving today. just looking back on track is both players
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face of centuries. data is still based on 110, but it was added cost debbie's on software is called put 62 before he was run out late in the day as a jet was trying to reach the century. india 326. so far the drudge code or calling loops, case studies kept at the start of the i guess from the team's point of view, just to find him for what he's doing. and just, you know, the way that he pushes the boundaries all the time. and then, and fellows, every, every play, every member of the coach and stuff with, with confidence. so it's, yeah it's, it's great moment for him. a tiger woods says he is pain free and never wants to stop playing golf. as he says, tournament of 2024 gets underway. the 15 tom major when it is an action of the genesis invitational in california, as he continues to recover from ankle, fusion surgery. woods was also lost with the pga too. my welcome back clay is who
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defected to the live golf series. so we're looking into, you know, all the different models for the pathways back uh, what that looks like. what the impact is for the players who have stayed and who have not left and how we make our product better going forward. you know, trust me, there's daily weekly emails and talks about this. and my uncle doesn't hurt anymore. i still love competing. i love playing. i love being a part of the game, a golf. i don't ever want to stop playing and i don't ever want to to lose that. well, number one, he goes to be on tech has reached the cut, the rope and semi finals with the victory against victoria as a ring to trump think is looking for winning the for the 3rd time in a row. and she looks good value for it again, so not a 2 time winner of the events. she won the 1st at 6 folded field technician conceding just for one full stay areas in this vacancies. that's your maintenance of the 621 street elaina. it'll be back in a has one. her 14th match in
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a row of the cd layla for 9 days, 2 weeks cut off to 216, full 60 to continue have good one which to the audio from last week to face out of stuff. you have the chance about mix and the single day they will performances of the will, the classics in concepts. this was the means high diving competition, that the old debt hobbled. they were jumping from to where they say the speeds of any one of the 2. let me know if this person's aiden, his fault, who came away with the gold medal either from jerry and to some slightly different climates. rarely sweden is officially underway, is raining, will champion color of urban peta. was supposed to send the check downstage and how come in that was on thursday. the shut down office because a chance to see what they can expect for the 18 stages. ahead drive ahead of time of 2 minutes and 47.2 seconds. he's toyota. that's it was full of things, but now i'll have more a little bit later on this stuff. thanks. i much visa. well that's it for this news
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. have. but don't go away. i'll be back in a couple of minutes with lots one years for you to stay with us here on, on the unique perspective on the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a, for my things, thoughtful this coverage, there's no reason to target the journal on hers, voices, the number of the patients. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs . and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0 is settled, time upfront takes on the big issue, studies of post types to what's happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question, profession above 5, unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another
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cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 a vis medical facility in the man in sedan. scott been so hard to him is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapid support forces. d u. n says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well . and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound,
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or shrapnel from an artillery strikes, serving as a lifeline to many investigating volunteers that say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, i'm the saw the attain. this is in use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes forced famine and goals or how israel is using deliberate starvation as a weapon of war against palestinian civilians. the tales in panic and golf is the largest functioning hospital up. is there any flights of storms that facilitate the strips?
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health ministries has patients at alaska are in extreme danger with the space patients and people who take themselves at that facility are forced to leave off


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