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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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just a terrible natural disaster and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time. the southern gauze, as under attack, is rather as bombing, the city of rough or at least 8 college demands have been killed. the other ones are enjoying the sound as they are a life. and so he said coming up to say that operating in the impossible conditions of the is ready for system southern guns as launch as hospital putting up weeds just to make a meal. we hear from stopping contest demands as, as we have books paid from getting into the concept. plus heidi joe castro in
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washington were famed. asterisk, susan surrounding is lobbying congress for a ceasefire in gaza. the we begin in gaza, which is once again and during relentless attacks by israel. rafa meant to be the last safe zone in the strip is being bombed. at least 8 people have been killed and, and strikes including on the shall bore at refugee camp. the cities been facing the daily attacks by land. and at meanwhile, how does this stop and patients at nasa hospital have been forced to flee heavy tank machine gun fire is way the troops of storm the facility in con eunice, off to besieging it for weeks. but all of this is where it is blocking aid from getting into gaza. and that means almost all of the 2300000 people in the strip of suffering, deliberate, mass, starvation. what kind of back move begins coverage with a report on the events that and that's the hospital in hong eunice. a terrifying
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experience for patients and medical staff and most of the hospital as is really soldiers, the storm, the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians of from relentless is really a top medical staff attempted to move big bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest after selling parts of the building, doctors described conditions as catastrophic and disaster, yes. well that's, that's a little bit about 1130 last night. these ready soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex after that. they want us to speak is that the hospital must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilians started to leave the hospital, but then i me. so i was fired on the orthopedics department, and one person was killed and 2 people,
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but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one roof actuated by force. the kidney dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital. authorities in gonna say is really snipers go to 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is rated forces go the prisoner in hand. costs was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders and the visuals and i left with my husband . use blind. i was undergoing kidney dialysis, so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to laugh and fired booms and rockets at us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to see which is released and took him away. and the dorothy, this is your loss of the hospital and the attacks on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place
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across the gaza strip. anymore mode was just the rough behind southern gaza. what dr mats do, but there's an emergency physician who's worked in gauze hospitals. he's been in touch with some of the stuff, and that's the hospital and explain the situation in the optima about race. so i the just got the information from some of our colleagues inside, and they can tell that the hundreds of patients and staff altogether 600, were forced by the occupation soldiers to move all the patient, the, and the, the staff to, to one of the 3 buildings which is the oldest one. there were only one elevator working. they have to carry patients by hand carrying them on their backs. and they're not crammed in the not are reported. doors of this remaining building. and it's 273 patients who cannot be moved. there are uh 300 terminal members to get
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with the patients. it's a 190 staff with the 300 family members. and then a number of displaced persons who have been forcefully displaced. they've taken shelter so they say that the situation in the hospital for the patients and the staff and the family members is unbearable. there is constant attacks and i'd write like to read to you uh, what's up message that i just received from one of the doctors accompanied by this picture of the coated doors in that building where they have been forcefully displaced too. and he says, all of the patients and health care workers were displaced to one department. other buildings had been invaded by soldiers. we can hear the shooting and bumping everywhere. please stop this madness. stop this war. this is the hospital facility. nope, i back on the field and this should come as no surprise neither to the media nor to the world because in fact, this is what these really occupation army has been doing for 4 months. they had the
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same threats against i'll put suspect though i gave ship a hospital against the other hospitals in the north. i'm currently currently only barely a 3rd of the hospitals in costa are working because these rarely. so i've been doing this to hospital one after another us as well as being accused of using hunger as a weapon of war and gossip. searching for food has now become a de necessity for palestinians. topic i was doing before hungry, i'm displace these children are receiving food handouts for 2300000 people in cars are suffering at deliver it, simon, would you to as well so use of the style patient as of what than for less than the 58 trucks are getting throat and concept which used to see more than 500 truckloads every day because i'm more often used on the border crossings by ease with
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the basic necessities of life are totally absent in our camp. as well as all other refugee camps and gaza. from water to food, let alone baby milk. we hear about aid being delivered, good quantities are scanned and their whereabouts are unknown. terry, to say that the feet running out to estimate people are wrong, even roughly on top of the more than $1300000.00 people who are read that and the prices of food and water only increases as it becomes less available hydrogen. the people's need for food is enormous. food is beginning to completely run out. so in the northern cause a strip 8 come boys have no end to northern guys are a tool. yeah. and i've got another and cause these people are collecting what they can from the ground. essentially hudson wins by of the people i resort things to eat things, grass and animal sleep. just as long. sasha is getting
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a little while there was marsh where you gotcha. which way so basically what i'm trying to collect some of these wild plants to feed my children. we have nothing else, rice flour or bread. this is what we have been leaving on for months. i'm risking my life by being here. i'm gonna place you on site that children come to find all at higher risk hoops to the mountain tricia discount coast long term damage to the gross. the us size that by not allowing food into garza salvation is being used as a weapon of war. and the only way to stop the ongoing test ation is to allow a den. and that can only happen with a ceasefire topic about as boone out just a rough, rough law in southern garza, a and it's really striking a civilian vehicle in gaza. city has killed at least 6 people. the attack happened on july street garza health officials say nearly 29000 honest indians have been
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killed since the war began. and the outside westbank is ready, forces have conducted a raid in the city of kalki, a and open fire on a call that this will cause it's asking us to me and media is reporting that troops prevented the evidence. i'm reaching the scene of the shooting. the deliberate obstruction of ambulances has been documents by rights groups in the past. and families of is ready to captives us threatening to storm the ministry of defense in tennessee that demanding a meeting with politicians, the government, restock negotiations with how much comes up the prime minister benjamin netanyahu decided to re, coal israel delegation from tulips in cairo. but it seems that the cap to say the government is sacrificing their loved ones, but really challenge is doing, says live now from occupied east or lose the moist. so tell us a bit more about these protests by families of the captives and what's been the response that yes, i'm very rude this process. so if you say outside that defense fitness rebuilding,
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instead of eve, from what we know, at least one person was tightening themselves to the railings that are being separate protests, as well as outside the homes of some government officials. now that's not directly connected to the families of the captives. bob that is connected to the mc. nothing, not he protests that were in full swing last year. that's a sign perhaps that those protests are about to step up dear again. now the families are very angry about the collapse of the cairo tools outside of this week with no breakthrough. they think the government is missing a very, very key opportunity to make a deal for us these 5 for an exchange of captives and the hostages and prisoners is and to bring the family members their loved ones at home. now the reporting in is where is that israel sends the delegation to colorado, but next in the all who told them not to participate other than just listening. so
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the family say feel that he is ignoring an opportunity to say there is a serious uptake. i've taken him to push from the biden administration to try and leverage its improvements with netanyahu's and get him back around the negotiation tables and, and making a deals that bill buttons the c i, c, i a direct. so it was here yesterday and there was a phone call between biden's and netanyahu over night, which lasted about 40 minutes. we understand that we don't know exactly what was discussed in that phone. co box. we know it was that's a bite and the site to and that's and the yahoo! this for the read out from the white house has any way that he express. yes. again, that, that shouldn't be an assault on rafa without a proper credible plan for the humanitarian civilian situation. that the details of that obviously are paid box some clues from a,
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a statement that that's now he put out on switzer off to that phone call. i'll read you a bit of that because of this, a significant israel categorically rejects international dictates regarding a pub and settlements with the palestinians. israel will continue to oppose the intellectual recognition of a palestinian states. you guys on site that such a thing would reward the type of traces of the surface of mass. okay? so basically, netanyahu say no to states, we know for reports in coming out of the us at the event for the, the, by the new minutes are time 2 state solution is family back on the money. and that's me all. he doesn't like that. so yeah, really and just briefly, more is ready raves across the wide westbank. what more can you tell us of the yeah, we don't have too much to update on that. that speed. i think by read as a base by recent stand is a relative, be quite annoyed. that's not to say that that what rates are all was not the rates in the occupied westbank side. the most significant one was in uh q. yeah. and the
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stock is where is ready for saves shots at a cost and then stops and ambulance from guessing to the cost to help people who presumably have been we did, we understand that one person was pulled out of that costs and a risk that we don't know of any debt staff that had been a death in calculus yet a couple of nights go to very similar circumstances. someone being shots and then the uh, is ready for us. it stopped picking up and it's getting to them and they bled to death. there are other rates that have been going on as well in to come and sign to bass and investigate him as well. but by reason stand is not a particularly on restful night. all right, i'll reach out on the line for 7 occupied east jerusalem. great, thank you. and meanwhile in the us, they've been near daily protests against israel as well and gaza. oscar winning actress susan surrender, and is added to her voice, and is among the more than $350.00 american actors and musicians have signed a petition quoting for a ceasefire. i'll just say it was. how does your caster report from washington?
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american actress susan, surrounded arrived on capitol hill to join activist calling on congress to push for a cease fire and gaza. it's like shooting fish in a barrel right now with people stuck and not being able to get out. the hospitals being destroyed surrounded, joined the anti war group, code pink to speak with members of congress, where a bill to send more us military. a to is real is pending. democratic congresswoman rashida to leave is the only palestinian american and congress she met with the actress. then greeted supporters outside her office printing, but they're trying to start sending up for only 12 percent of congress publicly support a ceasefire compared to more than 60 percent of the american public. so ran and try to share that message with republican house speaker, mike johnson, who's largest campaigned owner, is the pro, is rarely group a pack. a member of johnson staff spoke with surround and i think, you know,
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this is a little world right here with this work and his concerns with keeping his job and his finances coming in whatever. but you have to peak out and see that outside of the bible. most of the world understands that there is a genocide happening. the us senate passed the $14000000000.00 military aid package to israel earlier this week. that bill has an uncertain future in the house, though, due to republicans bulking at the poor and spending the us as israel's biggest military supporter, about a dozen other dummy strangers were arrested on capitol hill, protesting that this wasn't the 1st time. so randon has protested in support, a palestinian to say that he don't have to be sent in the actress was fired by her talent agency after previous protest in november. some critics claim she's anti
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semitic. this doesn't mean to do with criticizing jewish people. this has to do with criticizing what is real, is doing now. this killing so many people, more than 28000 palestinians dead and counting heidi joe castro. alj a 0 washington tire shop right here. and i'll just say are right, when we come back, sunday goes constitutional council rules on a decree by president microsoft to delay the election. and while it has been his way to order the un human rights taken the seat to close its office on streams, the peddler, they were watching a storm system developed to the east of madagascar. but before we get to africa, let's have a look at the middle east and live mountains. you can see from the cloud, we've got some unsettled weather dominating the northern half of the region. it's
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going to be heavy rain, so rather damp and dreary conditions across the event, some brisk of winds as well for eastern parts of the mediterranean, but the west of the weather, affecting a rock and south west in pots of around we could see some flooding as a 118 blemishes range may full and very short period of time here. some of the showers, touching down into saudi arabia, it's going to warm up full. some of the gulf states of the change in the wind. have a look at doha. if we have looked at the full cost data for the next 3 days, we're going to see the sunshine on saturday. the temperature sitting right up, we'll get knocked down on sunday is a shamal wind starts to blow its way down the gulf. and when does the story across the north of africa, we're going to see some blustering conditions. picking up some sa hara sat, the remains of the cooler across the north west. the shot was tracking east across algeria, some west and windy weather as well for the northeast of egypt and libya. but it was to all the rain continuing to pull in to madagascar. and we've got that developing system. we will be keeping an eye on behind that lots of heat for what's
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one of the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare other people with that in people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be use of power around that one out there. the
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put them back in one thing, i'll just put your mind about top stories here. this is really rates on rafa in southern guns that have killed at least 8 people overnight strikes. targeted bishop who read refugee count rough on his face today. the land and maritime is ready forces up storm, the largest hospital in southern gauze patients and medical stuff. and unfortunately, heavy tank and machine guns via not southland han units has been on the seems for weeks on israel is blocking aid from getting into guns or forcing 2300000 honest demands to self install. nation searching for food has become a de necessity rights groups. a israel is using hunger as what tests. ingram is unicef spokeswoman. anyhow, she told my colleague, the stones, you have tell you that even when food does enter garza, the bombing makes it nearly impossible to deliver it. of the situation in the south, which we are able to provide some limited aid and also have some access to those of,
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you know, some level of food. all of the families that i met and spoke to said that they were incredibly hungry, but they are able to access a tend vegetables from aid packages and, and perhaps spread from a community fire. food is limited into diversity in that, so it is not enough nutrition for, for children to grow up healthy and strong. but in the north, the situation is, is even worse, unbelievably, because i had access to the nose, has basically been non existent since the beginning of this year. we haven't received these safety assurances that we need to get up into the north and provide there. and what we're hearing from families on the ground in the north east is that hung up is, is catastrophic, and people are resorting to, to non human foods to, to try and survive. what reason is really for us is actually giving to 8 walk, inspect baton in trucks back. so it's, it's very opaque we, we do our best to try and get as much. i didn't as we can,
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but the price is the screening of the porter is, is very complex and it's very long. and one of the challenges that we have is, is when we kind of surrender trucks to that screening process, we don't know when they're going to arrive on the other side, which makes it very difficult for us to plan the distribution. and then once we do receive the goods, we then have to battle with the ongoing security challenges on the ground, the lack of trucks, fuel the damage to the road. so it's incredibly difficult for us to move around even most so now with the threat of a grand invasion in rasa. the spring, some of the days of the news now and send a goal is constitutional counsel as over time delay to the countries the presidential election. it was due to take place on the february 25th, but at the instigation of current president. lucky south san a goal is parliament. on the 1st to december, the decision led to widespread arrest sunday detention of opposition as it goes. by
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following the routing, several government critics are released from prison. i was celebrations as they were freed unless said to move by the president of peas, public opinion had been expected. i'll just bear with nicholas hawkins, the latest and most kind of at least capital duck. the closest usual council counseling, rejecting and challenging decision taken by the president voted by the national assembly to delay february's presidential elections to december 15th. now the president had said that the electoral process was flawed and decided to delay the elections because they was suspicion of corruption amongst the council itself that drew the list of candidates. the counsels response was that the decision to delay the elections is unconstitutional. they cited article one or 3 of the constitution, think a president cannot extend his band, they present themselves. term in office ends on april 2nd. now this decision was
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welcomed by candidates, but also members of the opposition. it comes at a time where several leading figures of civil society and the opposition were freed from the tension. now there are several marches that are going to take place for many. this is a sign that the institution, the democratic institution been sending go works for others. this is a sign of a deepening crisis between the president and the, the constitutional counsel and some of the institutions in the country. now the council has said that the president, the opposition, the candidates have to get together and decide for a new election dates as soon as possible. nicholas hawk elgin's 0. the car now finance between the army and the m. 23 fighters is escalated in the eastern democratic republic of congo. battles are taking place around the town of saca, near the rwandan buddha. more than a $120.00 i'm groups operate in the area and they're competing for land. a natural
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result is the government accuses neighboring rolanda backing them. 23 charges up to gully denies. of thousands of civilians have been killed in the fighting between the company's army. i'm those on groups and millions have been displaced. the un peacekeeping mission has been stationed in the eastern d. c for more than a decade, but it's due to withdrawal by the end of the year. of the accusations it's fatal to protect people against attacks by the groups. for jason stevens is on the congo research group at new york university. he says, the government face has many challenges as it tries to in the fight to well, it's very confusing situation on the grounds that i think is very worried. so on the one hand, you have to call these army, those allied to local militia called the was all into it is also allied with as receiving the support now from the side to access. so that address and develop the community forces to the south african allow in intensity and forces. it's also being hired private security contractors to different private security contracts.
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we have a whole array of the call of the sun and the other side. you have the m 23 rebellion due calling these government it uses to being back by rhonda that also the united nations group of experts has provided numerous reports stating the same thing as a numerous governments donor governments. and so you have this very complex array of forces by to each other an hour and a situation with defining escalating that you have. what we believe our role on and for us is actually staging. definitely fire with south african government and with the indian government as well as we have a regionalization of this price is much of the so how can to return for is actually was there before as part of the un mission as was being re added as the siding mission now, so there's actually not a lot of news of outcome for us is there some new there coming to the south? african army is really stretched very then even domestically and has a lot of recruitment problems, a lot of equipment problems. and so it's not clear to me whether the military force
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could really change things. i think the real, the real big news is diplomatic. really. and if we imagine a situation where it's set up and government is finding oncology soil with their own and government, that is a significant diplomatic escalation as well. so i think that on the diplomatic militarily, yes, it could change things. but i think we really need to look is diplomatically ron and governments is militarily very strong, but diplomatically, extremely dependent on donor 8. and i think we have a hard time going to the, to diplomatically with the government such as throwing government. and so i think it's in the diplomatic round of things will begin to ship smell, police in kansas city, missouri, say 3 suspects, open fire on a super bowl victory parade. after a dispute, the 3 are in custody, but police have not yet filed charges. one woman was killed and 22 people injured in the shooting on wednesday. none of the players or coaches were hurt. more than a 1000000 people. i'm going to the event for the nfl championships. first and
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foremost, i was distressed that preliminary investigative findings have shown there was no nexus to terrorism or home grown violent extremism. this appeared to be a dispute between several people that ended in gunfire. so a judge in new york as ruler, donald trump's hush money trial will begin next month. off his lawyer has failed in their attempt for delay. it's a 1st time a former us president faces of criminal trial. i'll just hear a shot, but chance the reports now from washington dc. donald trump will be prosecuted in a new, a courtroom on march the 25th. you will be the 1st former us president to face a criminal trial. the case is expected to take some 6 weeks and trouble found to be present to fight what he believes as an attempt to buy the bike and administration to interfere in the 2024 presidential election.
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obviously the manhattan district attorney welcomes a decision by the judge stating that he was pleased with the quote denies of defense as motion to dismiss and look forward to presenting his case to the court. the prosecution letters that donald trump paid an adult full actress, $130000.00 to prevent it from going public about the alleged affair. prior to the 2016 presidential election, trump declared the payments as a legal expense for the va ledges. the payment was made to help trumps election campaign and therefore was in fact, i'm declared campaign contribution. then you will judge's decision confirms that donald trump will phase criminal prosecution in court before the 2024 presidential election. as the new york court hearing going underway on thursday, a georgia court was hearing evidence about the amended improper relationship between the atlantic prosecutor and her deputy, a revelation that could result in bad states persecution. imagine crump and co
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conspirators attempted to survive the results of the 2020 election being thrown out . on friday, a new york judge is scheduled to route on a civil case involving trump and his real estate, and it could cost him hundreds of millions of dollars. i'm from could be bound from doing real estate business in the states, the trouble surfaces to federal trials. another case alleging that he attempted to overtime the results of the 2020 election is on hold pending a us supreme court judgments on presidential immunization of the case currently scheduled for may on alleged mishandling of classified documents is expected to be delayed. she ever time c l 20 washington. so truck drivers and mexico a big on a nationwide strike, demanding better security on the roads. the protest organized by a drive as group has caused disruptions on at least 9 major highways drive a se, lawlessness on the roads has led to arise and robberies and extortion and is
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causing the death of up to 2 truck is every month the mexican government called a strike on just the font and said it disrupted negotiations. deputies you find it . in our main demand is security. we continued struggling with the desk of our drivers. the drivers have been shorts and drivers no longer know whether or not to go out on the roads. we have a shortage of drivers in the union. i don't know what happened on the day that the drivers can no longer work the day when the drivers no longer wants to go out work . how would all the supplies get to the cities? venezuela has suspended the activities of a un human rights office in the country and ordered itself to leave. that's off to the you and agency expressed concern about the detention a permanent activist. but also your son miguel, the decade. she's been a critic of the ministry of the raw for that report. the vin is willing government has asked the un human rights body to close its offices in, get out, and ordered
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a staff to leave the country. not a political. the boulevard in republic. i'm finished.


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