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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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you've shown a technology that is fundamentally very sustainable studio b, b. i series on a jersey, you know, the southern guns that was under attack. israel is bombing the city of ruffled, at least 8 palestinians have been killed. the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously are a life and death also coming stuff to say the operating in near impossible conditions often is ready for system southern guns as largest hospital cloths. i'm how does your castro in washington were famed? actress susan surrounding is lobbying congress for a cease fire in gaza and in other news center goals, constitutional counsel over tons of degree by president. lock yourself to delay the
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election news . we begin in gaza, which is once again and during relentless attacks by israel rough are meant to be the last safe stone in the strip is being bombed. at least 8 people have been killed and ass strikes, including on the algebra refugee come master hospital and calling unit says under control of his ready troops. but generations have stopped working, cutting power to the facility 3 patients of died. the as a result of this as is where it is blocking aid from getting into gaza. and that means almost all of the 2300000 people in the strip a suffering, deliberate mass starvation. the loud 0 is how the must move begins coverage with the report on the events that not the hospital. in con, use a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and most of the hospital as is really soldiers, a storm the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital
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was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians from relentless is really a top medical staff attempted to move big bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest after selling parts of the building. doctors describe conditions as catastrophic and disaster. yes. well, that's special there. about 1130 last night. these very soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex after that, they want us to speak is that the hospital must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilians started to leave the hospital, but then i me. so i was fired on the orthopedics department, and one person was killed and 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one roof actuated by force. the kidney dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital. authorities in gaza say is really snipers. go to 3 people at the hospital on
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tuesday. the same day is rated for cisco. the prisoner in hand. costs was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders and they put their dental insurance there before i left with my husband used line i was undergoing kidney dialysis, so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to laugh and fired booms and ruff keeps us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to see which is released and took him away. and the dorothy, this is your nozzler hospital and the tax on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place across the gaza strip. anymore mode was just the rough behind southern gaza with dr mats. gilbert is an emergency physician who has worked in gauze his
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hospitals. he's been in touch with some of the stuff at nasa hospital and explained the situation in the optima of that is really rate. and i the just got the information from some of our colleagues inside. and they can tell that the hundreds of patients and staff altogether, 600, were forced by the occupation soldiers to move all the patient, the and the, the staff a to one of the 3 buildings, which is the oldest one. there were only one elevator working, they have to carry patients by hand carrying them on their backs. and they're not crammed in the nato quoted doors of this remaining building. and it's 273 patients who cannot be moved. there are uh, 300 terminally members to get with the patients. it's a 190 staff with the 300 family members. and then a number of displaced persons who have been forcefully displaced. they've taken shelter. so they say that the situation in the hospital for the patients and the
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staff and the family members is unbearable. there is constant attacks. and i'd write like to read to you. uh, what's the message that i just received from one of the doctors accompanied by this picture of the coated doors in that building where they have been forcefully displaced too. and he says, all of the patients and health care workers were displaced to one department. other buildings had been invaded by soldiers. we can hear the shooting and bumping everywhere. please stop this madness. stop this war. this is a hospital facility. nope. i battlefield. and this should come as no surprise neither to the media nor to the world, because in fact, this is what these really occupation army has been doing for 4 months. they had the same threats against i'll put suspect though i gave ship a hospital against the other hospitals in the north. i'm currently currently only
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barely a 3rd of the hospitals in garza are working because these rarely so i've been doing this to hospital one after another. meanwhile, israel is being accused of using hunger as a weapon of war and gaza. searching for food has become a daily, necessitate the palestinians. there are a couple of whom ripples hungry and displays. these children are receiving food handouts for 2300000 people who can cause or suffering a deliberate simon, but due to, as well as use of the style facing as of what the num for less than the 58 trucks are getting throat concept which use to see, move them point on top loads every day because i'm more of the top of the border crossings by israel. the basic necessities of life are totally absent in our camp, as well as all other refugee camps and gaza from water to food, let alone baby milk. we hear about aid being delivered,
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good quantities are scanned and their whereabouts are unknown. terry, to say that the feet running out to estimate people are wrong. even roughly on top of the more than $1300000.00 people who are ready to and the prices of food and water only increases as it becomes less available hydrogen. the people's need for food is enormous. food is beginning to completely run out in the northern gaza strip. a convoys of no end to northern guys are a tool. yeah. and i've got another and cause these people are collecting what they can from the ground. essentially, hudson wins people, i resort things to eat things, grass and animal feet, just as long as it is going a little while there isn't much where you gotcha, which way. so basically what i'm trying to collect some of these wild plants to feed my children. we have nothing else, rice flour or bread. this is what we have been leaving on for months. i'm risking
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my life by being here. i'm of place you on site that children come to find all at higher risk groups to the mountain tricia discount coast, long term damage to the growth of the us size. that by not allowing food into garza, starvation is being used as a weapon of war. and the only way to stop the ongoing stuff ation is to allow a den. and that can only happen with a ceasefire topic about as boone out just a rough, rough off in southern garza and the outside westbank is ready for us as have conducted a raid. and the city of kalki me up and open fire on a com. this will cause it's asking me and media reporting troops prevented an ambulance and reaching the scene of the shooting. the deliberate obstruction of ambulances has been documented by rights groups. in the past on the convoys, randy homage. vehicles are in the town of
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a boot near ramallah. on wednesday a raid was conducted in central ramallah, where 2 people were injured. maybe 400 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since israel's will on gauze up again. on thursday evening, families of his rarely captives threatened to storm the ministry of defense intent of the bed, demanding a meeting with politicians under the government, restarting negotiations with him. us comes after 5 minutes have been imagined. yahoo decided to recall israel's delegation from phillips and cairo. but it seems that the captive save the government is sacrificing their loved ones. that's making little bit challenges. he's an occupied east jerusalem for us now. we're always a plus a bit more about these protest by the families of the captives almost been the response. well, some protested even changing themselves to the railings of the ministry defense headquarters in tennessee. they are trying to put pressure on the nets and yahoo governments. they are trying to step up their opposition to his approach to those
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car. right tools, trying to make sure that they get the relatives homes. all the pressure results are coming from the bite and administration off to the breakdown of those that soaks and caught right. uh, bill burns, the c i t c i a dot. right. so i came here to this part of the wells, had me things, ways is ready intelligence officials and then lights last night there was a cold between j biden's and mess with yahoo. last thing about 40 minutes, we understand this check bite and reiterated hazel position to the ground offensive . and rough us without a proper humanitarian plan. from the is right, is a clue all sites of what else might have been told about the 2 state solution back on the united states agenda because off of that phone call. that was a defiance statement released by benjamin netanyahu saying that israel categorically rejects international dictates regarding
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a permanent settlement with the palestinians from israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of palestinian states. such recognition in the wake of the outside of the 7th mexico would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future peace agreement netanyahu as ever completely applies to taste. i yeah, rory, and meanwhile, moore is right. the raids across the occupied westbank. but what more can you tell us a yeah, it was not a huge amounts of report from the west bank that so don't say that the what race taking place, but it was relatively quiet compared to other nights of course the phone going rise pretty much every night in the west bank. so the most significant last night was in the calculator, and we understand that is ready for the shots. how to call that, and then prevented. this is what the report is on the ground. the st preventive ambulance is from guessing to the people in that cos reports of one person being detained from that car. now a couple of nights ago, similar event played out, and
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a young person who managed the blood to death when he was prevented from getting medical attention. there are the rates of the nights as well uh, in 2 baths and uh and, and best buy him as well. a few others around the west bank, but compared to previous nights, not as severe. right over which hollins live for us the in occupied east coast of roy frank, it has been uh says that 5 dozens of rockets at a town in northern israel. it's in response to the coming of tenants. dividends. it has ran these products on 11 on on wednesday. that was the highest number of lebanese civilians killed in the 4 months of costs for the exchanges. given sophie's say they've known as to miss out a british ship, the group sat in the target to be like a veto us in the gulf of aidan british. amount of time. security from embry says vessels of mine and gotten a job that was hit on, but i did not name the ship but said the incident happened east of young's port. city of 8 us in the us. that then the a daily protests against,
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as well as war on gaza. oscar winning addresses and surrounding us added her voice and is among the more than 350 american actors and musicians who have signed the petition recording for cease 500 customer reports from washington. american actress susan, surrounded arrived on capitol hill to join activist, calling on congress to push for a ceasefire in gaza. it's like shooting fish in a barrel right now, and people stuck and not being able to get out. the hospitals being destroyed surrounded, joined the answers. more group code pink to speak with members of congress were built to send more. u. s. military a to is real is pending. democratic congresswoman rashida to lead is the only palestinian american and congress she met with the actress then read it supporters outside her office and i see the same thing. but they're trying see, understanding of only 12 percent of congress publicly support
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a ceasefire compared to more than 60 percent of the american public surround and try to share that message with republican house speaker, mike johnson, who's largest campaigned owner, is the pro, is rarely group a pack a member of johnson staff spoke with surround, and i think, you know, this is a little world right here. is this work and his concerns with keeping his job and his finances coming in, whatever. but you have to peak out and see that outside of the most of the world understands that there is a genocide happening. the us senate passed the $14000000000.00 military aid package to israel earlier this week. that bill has an uncertain future in the house. so due to republicans bulking at the poor and spending the us as israel's biggest military supporter, about a dozen other demonstrators were arrested capitol hills,
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protesting that this wasn't the 1st time. so randon has protested in support, a palestinian to say that he don't have to be sending you. the actress was fired by her talent agency after previous protest in november. some critics claim she's anti semitic. this doesn't mean to do with criticizing jewish people. this has to do with criticizing what is real, is doing now this coming so many people, more than 28000 palestinians dead and counting highly. jo, castro, elders, era, washington, stop and shop right here. and i'll just say right, when we come back to data sets, donald trump will become the 1st, the former us president to face a criminal trial next month i, cnn, to this industry and the last complete loss of his heritage. and we meet the fisherman in malaysia, costing around for a way to make a living as climate change hates more than that states the
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the hello. they were watching a storm system developed to the east of madagascar. but before we get to africa, let's have a look at the middle east and live mountains. you can see from the cloud, we've got some unsettled weather dominating the northern half of the region. it's going to be heavy rain, so rather damp and dreary conditions across the events of brisk a winds as well for eastern parts of the mediterranean, the west of the wet weather, affecting a rock and south west in pots overall. and we could see some flooding as a 118 millimeters of rain may fall in a very short period of time here. some of the shaw is touching down into saudi arabia. it's going to warm up for some of the gulf states of the change in the wind . have a look at doha. if we haven't looked at the full cost data for the next 3 days, we're going to see the sunshine on sat. today's attempt just sitting right up, we'll get knocked down on sunday is shamal,
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wind starts to blow its way down the golf. and when does the story across the north of africa, we're going to see some blustery conditions picking up. some of the higher side remains a bit cooler, across the north west. the shot was tracking east across alger, yet some west windy weather as well for the north east for egypt and libya. but it was to all the rain continuing to pull in to madagascar, and we've got that developing system. we will be keeping an eye on behind that lots of heat for what's one of the, this is the 1st genocide this we see really it's the victims themselves along the surface disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. the the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just say you're a quick reminder about top stories here at this hour. is there any error rates on rough, fine, southern guns that have killed at least 8 people overnight. the strikes targeted the shipper refugee camp. rough on his face, daddy land and have a nice, a hospital in con eunice on the control of his ready troops. generators have stopped working, cutting power to the facilities. 3 patients of don as a result and is written as booking aid from getting into guns of forcing $2300000.00 demands to sort of stop ation. searching for food has become
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a daily necessity. rights website is really using hung up as a witness. now send a goal is constitutional counsel has over turned a delay to the countries the presidential election. it was due to take place on february 25th, but at the instigation of commons, president marcus, i'll send a goals. parliament postpone the vote to december. well, the decision led to widespread arrest. i'm the detention of opposition figures. and following the routing, several government critics were released from prison that was sent abrasions as they were freed. unless say, a move by the president of peace, public opinion has been expected until about a call as an opposition presidential candidates. she gave us her reaction to the rudy. we believed that his intentions were and probably you are to stay in power. so that's why we're being very careful and very relaxed, and we're not jumping to the sky right now. i'm overdue. we're made very, very careful,
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because we don't know what's next. he's going to call but what's portion of right now the ball with the people in his hands is actually just asking him to organize the evictions on before the end of his job if he does otherwise. i think we all know that we were saying is going to be actually true. so he what other options does he have right now other than organize these other sions under the eye of the world? because the entire world was actually watching what's happening in setting off. so the constitutional counsel is actually the one who's legally and can determine whether the election should take place or, and they have clearly stated their opinions. these actions should be organized and we are in no, it's due to the prices. so if the president's microsoft does otherwise, then he won't be actually just considered as the dictator that we said that you were. and we are hoping that you will not show that face, and we will keep our country in peace, and he will take the high road and go out within the highest doors possible. that's
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our biggest expectations from in the us as russia is developing an empty, centralized weapon that has not yet been deployed. president biden has requested direct diplomatic engagement with moscow about it. the white house says this capability is concerning but represents no immediate threat. i'll just say what's company, healthcare it has more in the white house says it's monitoring rushes and ty satellite capability, but says there is no threat to americans personal safety. this one day after the chair of the house intelligence committee revealed the threat posed by russia. now national security council spokesperson john kirby told reporters that a white house briefing on thursday that the security threat in terms of the satellite capability is not active, nor has it been deployed. still, he says it is troubling. i don't want to minimize the potential here for disruption
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. should there be an s i satellite capability of any significance? it could affect services here on earth. there's no question about that. that's why we are taking this so seriously. the white house says it's engaging directly with russia about the threat national security advisor jake sullivan has also brief. some members of congress. lawmakers are also urging the white house to declassify the intelligence. since the united states can consult with us allies, the white house is reviewing that decision. kimberly helped algebra 0 the white house as a judge in new york as ruler, donald trump's house money trial will begin next month after his lawyer has failed in their attempts for delay is the 1st time a former us president faces a criminal trial. she advertises a report from washington dc. donald trump will be prosecuted in a new courtroom on march the 25th. he will be the 1st former us president to face
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a criminal trial. the case is expected to take some 6 weeks and trouble filed to be present to fight what he believes as an attempt to buy the bike and administration to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. obviously, the manhattan district attorney. welcome the decision by the judge stating that he was pleased with the quote denying the defense as motion to dismiss and look forward to presenting his case to the court. the prosecution letters that donald trump paid an adult full mattress, $130000.00 to prevent it from going public about the alleged affair. prior to the 2016 presidential election, trump declared the payment as a legal expense for the va ledges. the payment was made to help trumps election campaign and therefore was in fact, i'm declared campaign contribution. then you will judge's decision confirms that
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donald trump will phase criminal prosecution in court before the 2024 presidential election. as the new york court hearing going underway on thursday, georgia court was hearing evidence about the letter, improper relationship between the atlanta prosecutor and her deputy, a revelation that could result in bad states, persecution, legend crump and co conspirators attempted to survive the results of a 2020 election being taken out on friday in new york judge is scheduled to route on a civil case involving trump and his real estate impact. it could cost him hundreds of millions of dollars i'm from could be bound from doing real estate business in the states. trumbull certain faces to federal trials, another case alleging that he attempted to overtime the results of the 2020 election is on hold, pending a us supreme court judgments on presidential immunity. of the case currently scheduled for may on alleged miss, humbling or classified documents is expected to be delayed. she ever time c, l 20,
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washington. what can i think a student is a professor of law at the university of pennsylvania. she says the timing of the trial means it will feature permanently in trump campaign. i think it's a very good idea to get this trial going because the later we get towards the actual election in november, the harder it will be to proceed with these trials and other trials will come in as well. so by moving of with the end of march and of starting jury selection on march 25th as it has now been set on the docket. it looks like this case will actually find a clear spot in the calendar. relative to other cases of the georgia case may be delayed quite a long time. there are a deep complications there. the january 6 case is indefinitely delayed and we have no idea what will happen with the classified documents kicks in florida. so which is also federal court and also have this, by the way, on the immunity question,
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because it is a federal case of a. so it is a good idea to get this going. and of course, this was the 1st indictment. so it makes sense that should be the 1st trial. a digital has been held in kansas city on to, i'm not shooting out a super bowl victory parade. one woman was killed and 22 injured reset. a dispute may have led to the shooting. 3 people. i'm out in police custody. the 1st and foremost was the stress that preliminary investigative findings have shown there was no nexus to terrorism or home grown violent extremism. this appeared to be a dispute between several people that ended in gunfire. venezuela has suspended the activities of the united nations human rights office and the country and all of it stopped and leave. that's off to the un agency, expressed concern about the detention of permanent activists, but also your son together, the decade. she's been of the critic of the ministry money run that report. the vin
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is willing government has asked the un human rights body to close its offices in get active, and ordered a staff to leave the country. not a political. the boulevard in republic and venezuela announces its decision to suspend the activities of the technical advisory office of the united nations high commissioner and the human rights business with us foreign minister, yvonne deed accuse the un staff of having an attitude violator of the united nations charter so obviously that could be a, but it has an office created to collaborate technically with the state in order to improve and to optimize human rights protection independence weight loss. but it has now been instrumental liked by the extreme right wing of position, but i'm not part of minus what else? the expulsion follows. the detention of lucio son begin a prominent human rights activist whose arrest has caused an uproar. send me, gives attorney says the arrest and
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a raid at the act of his home is clear evidence of government crackdown on to send a single candle a. they were looking for something related to conspiracies, to terrorism, of what they are not going to get anything like that. because we know that this is a gross slide that's been built around real seo, san miguel. and her entire family is who in a statement on thursday, ravine ashamed of sony spokesperson for the un human rights office, said the un regrets the decision by the venice willing government adding that they are guiding principles have been and remain the promotion and protection of the human rights of the people of venezuela. by the visit up a little al jazeera truck drivers in mexico, they've got a nationwide strike demanding better security on the roads. protest organized by a driver's group is close disruptions on at least 9 major highways, drivers, st. lawlessness on the roads has led to a rise in robberies and extortion, and is causing the death of the to truck is every month. the mexican government
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cool, the strike, i'm justified and said it disruptive negotiations. deputies you find it in our main demand is security. we continued struggling with the desk of our drivers. the drivers have been so its drivers no longer know whether or not to go out on the roads. we have a shortage of drivers into union. i don't know what happened on the day that the drivers can no longer work the day when the drivers no longer wants to go out work . how would all the supplies get to the cities active as a storm? the canadian finance ministers office demanding climate notes. the banks, they stay just sitting in christopher freelance office in toronto. unless she wasn't that green peace activists say they weren't regulation and this is budget counted as launch as banks have been accused of green washing fund by mental goods . not for generations fishing place to show has been the backbone of malaysia's coastal communities. but changing whether it was making it difficult for small scale fishermen to work. and when they do head out to see the catching fall less
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than they used to just say what's drawing story reports on the jo, straight between malaysia i'm single early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of jehovah southern melisha. while my read one bit more about the as it works here, okay. usually after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago to save another . i've had 2 bad experiences when my boat was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly in less than 5 minutes. and what a large waves in my boat was sent by. i couldn't avoid the waves getting hit with that. i didn't think of anything else. i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. near shore fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in malaysia for generations. but that's the way of life is coming under a threat to.


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