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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to take the days that another thing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 the at least full patients die and also the hospital as is right, a full system. the complex and southern garza power and oxygen supplies as being accounts we here on the dumpster trance inside the time, sammy's a van, this is out just a lie from dell hall. so coming up, video appears to show egypt making preparations for making ships refugee camp ponies border with gauze there is concern bounce over, a potential is rainy ground,
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defensive on or off. israel's prime minister rejects international calls for recognition of a palestinian states instance by the forces that popular strikes across sconces and ukraine says it's with drawing some troops from a key town and don't yet screeching. following months of heavy fighting with russian forces the, we stopped in southern guns, so at least full patients have died in the intensive care units of loss of hospital officer is ready for the storm. the facility oxygen and electricity supplies were constant, generates as shut down style for worried. more critically ill, patients will die authority sites, another war crime against palestinians. israel says some of the bodies of captives were kept to the hospital with has provided any evidence. honey must mode begins
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coverage. a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and most of the hospital as is really soldiers, a storm the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians from relentless is really a top medical staff attempted to move big bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest after selling parts of the building, doctors described conditions as catastrophic and disaster yes. is what upsets special say about $1130.00 last night. these ready soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex after that they wanted us to speak is that the host is who must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilians started to leave the hospital, but then i me saw was fired on the orthopedics department. and one person was
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killed in 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one river actuated by force. kidney, dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital and the visual office i left with my husband. hughes blind i was undergoing kidney dialysis, so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to dance and fired. booms and roof keeps us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to see which is ready at least and took him away for it isn't gonna say is really, snipers killed the 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is really forces guild the prisoner in hancock who was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders the seizure of loss of the hospital and the attacks on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes
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that there is no safe place across the gaza strip anymore mode. i was just the to drop by hand southern gaza and delta now have double time a is the head of surgery and also the hospital. he describes the situation inside the facility where patients in critical condition of barely hanging on to life as a copy of that if he does indeed, then the situation is more than die on want. it is not the best or most of these are you need to pay some salt does have a storm at the hospitality, and the facility is made up of 3 main buildings, the surgery office citrix, and into another mid to send them. the lady's told us now inside the office to fix and pediatrics building block and so they have rounded up civilians taking cellphone inside the hospital in one building and the entire medical staff in the intent and with the same building we were forced to transfer all patients and the one data to the hospitals own building. now when the electric power has been cut
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off from the entire medical complex, where many patients in the intensive care unit and those on oxygen supply and those on dialysis are left fighting for the life. since 5 o'clock g m t, we stand helpless, unable to provide any form of medical assistance to the patients inside the hospital, or the victims flooding into the facility every single minute smoke. so as a result of the 3 patients and the intensive care unit loss of their lives. in addition to a 4 female pneumonia patients with other pups, he died. we just you to the lack of oxygen supply loss for them for the to pregnant plate is had to give back to their babies on the floor while i made the total absence of electricity, even water and food. and we have 3 children kept in in kill bait to see how they are now on the grave danger. and what adds insult to injury is that mothers and you
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are born babies together with the patients and victims are the valid bi fee as a whole new $1.00 with the remaining patients and one did inside of the hospitality . now the bad thing for the life, many of them are in critical condition, and none of them has received any medication. they are more threatened by eminent that already challenges isn't occupied east jerusalem, one of those right officials saying about what's happening and also the hospital the, the picture that we're getting from on the ground in gaza is very different from what these readies have been saying. the ministry spikes person has been calling the national hospital operations, a precise unlimited. it's being undertaken by his ready, special forces. now they say that they have to take him dozens of what they call terrace. some of those people claim to have been involved in the all type of
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segments attacks. they say they both like found weapons on the side of the hospital, the grenades and motors, what they be looking for as well. all the parties of some of the captives who are taking my mass on the side of the 7th and back to the gaza. none of those parties have been found already shown as evidence. these ready, the roles i've been saying fast, they have no intention of shopping down nasa as a hospital or forcing the medics for patients for civilians to evacuate the hospital. and they say they have no intention of harming any ins. innocent civilians box having said that, you have be watching all coverage of this story over the last couple of days. i've been hearing our reports is on the ground. we listening to the people who've been inside the hospital and saying to us what's been going on that she is ready picture, it's very, very different from what we're hearing from actually on the ground. and today is
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friday of course, slowly. how easy is it been for suppose to access along? so most of the day i the way i'd like some oscars since the beginning of the was seen massively reduce numbers of worship is coming down for, for friday, for as lots and lots of palestinians have found it very difficult if not impossible to gain access to the most complex uh, it seems that young people, young man, especially from occupied east erase them, are being turned away these right size i have not see putting any age restrictions in place. start the, the figures today about 25000 people and easily off to the outside. the 7th attacks that went down and brought to just just a handful of 1000. it's been steadily creeping up since then. the last friday was about 20000. this friday,
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the 25000. the portions of all this is fast. yeah, this is long be in a heidi contest, states a part of all of this whole conflict between his radius and promised indians and going back ramadan, just round the corner. if that looks to be any further restrictions of access to, i'd like to have full palestinians, then that could be a potential flash points in, in, in the weeks ahead. all right, thanks so much. roy challenz, satellite images appear to show each of these building and make shift refugee components folder with casa us media. reporting and camp is being constructed in case of a mass exodus of palestinians. israel launch is a ground defensive in or off. video taken out of this week appears to show more of the construction along the chips cause a border, assign i foundation for human rights says heavy machinery is in use. egypt has
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denied its preparing refugee camps. the view and humanitarian chief is wanting. it will be a nice mattress displace palestinians crammed into it all have forced to flee into egypt. possibility of a military operation in russia, in route and in rough uh with the possibility of the crossing closing time. but the possibility is below the um the sort of the egyptian nightmare. and if you like, and the sides of his one that is right before our eyes was run without moving as well as prime minister by any means nothing. yeah. who has been told by us president joe biden, he must protect civilians and off off the head of an anticipated or expected rather offensive on the city. following that coal was by then nothing. yeah. who posted on ex reiterating his thoughts on the 2 state solution. he said, israel rejects international calls for
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a permanent settlement with the palestinians, and israel will continue to oppose the recognition of a palestinian state. gosh, on investigating his middle east director for international community organizations . he likes negotiations with him, us for 17 years and helps secure the release of his very solid. you get actually and you know, i asked him about that. yeah. his post, as i think what's important is what was not in that statement that nothing joe says in public and cheap room, which is as long as i am prime minister, there will now be a palestinian state, next israel. and i would put the emphasis as long as i am prime minister, which won't be very long. nothing at all will be facing his day of reckoning with you just really, people were very angry at him. he's lost more than 50 percent of his base. and a majority of his release was new elections. so the question is, when to hold those elections while the words going on or just after the war, so far, the majority say of to the war, but nothing else period. a leader of israel is coming to an end with or without and
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that time. yeah. whole new thing the international community will really impose a palestinian state on this. well. i think it's very important that the veto to israel's held for 30 years unpublished in the instate would needs be checked in pro israel. it used to be said that it really isn't the posting and stuff. the one is more than the rest of the world. that's no longer the case. this conflict a spill beyond the borders of israel and palestine. it concerns the regional and global security. and there also, for instance, presidential all the total concerns to take into account. president bar lost a lot of support from his base from young people in minorities because of his overwhelming support for is really live in this war. if he wants to gain that support back, a good way to do it would be to recognize the state of palestine. let's face it. a 139 countries have already recognized palestine, but the rich countries are the only see. do you have not yet done it? i mean, it's time that they do it. you know, from the 30 years of talking about
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a 2 state solution, well only recognizing one of them is a concern here to save palestinians all to save a jewish majority is really state because the alternative would not be indefinite occupation. and what international and is ready to human rights groups call a pol, type o equal rights for product, city and citizens in a one stage, which means an end to what bait settlement is. january 12th, report, cold regime of jewish majority and supremacy. right. i think it's, it's important to recognize that after october 7th, the idea of the utopia in one state solution is not really a viable option right now. postings need to have a state of their own where they are suffering and recognize bodies by the international community. israel, majority jewish population, always palestine, the majority of a standing population. always israel will be the homeland individuals, people, but it has to be
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a state of the quality for all of its citizens. 21 percent of the citizens of israel or palestinian citizens and everyone within the state of israel less kept the same rights to the same rights. there must be quality in israel, but the stadiums need to be afraid of these ready occupation or in the us that have been the daily funds to us the gains, israel's war and gaza. oscar winning actresses and sounds and is added her voice. she's among more than 350 american acts as musicians who signed the petition. calling for a seas 5. hide to jo, castro reports from washington. american actress susan, surrounded arrived on capitol hill to join activist calling on congress to push for a cease fire in gaza. it's like shooting fish in a barrel right now with people stuck and not being able to get out. the hospitals being destroyed, surrounded, joined to the anti war group, code pink to speak with members of congress were built to send more u. s. military a to israel is pending. democratic congresswoman rashida to leave is the only
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palestinian american and congress she met with the actress. then greeted supporters outside her office printing, but they're trying to sign up for only 12 percent of congress publicly support a ceasefire compared to more than 60 percent of the american public serrano. and try to share that message with republican house speaker. mike johnson, who's largest campaigned owner, is the pro, is rarely group a pack. a member of johnson staff spoke with surround it. i think, you know, this is a little world right here with this work. and his concerns with keeping his job and his finances coming in whatever. but you have to peak out and see that outside of the most of the world understands that there is a genocide happening. the us senate passed the $14000000000.00 military aid package
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to israel earlier this week. that bill has an uncertain future in the house. so due to republicans bulking at the poor and spending the us as israel's biggest military supporter, about a dozen other demonstrators were arrested on capitol hill, protesting that this wasn't the 1st time. so randon has protested in support of palestinians to say that he don't have to be sent in the actress was fired by her talent agency after previous protest in november. some critics claim she's anti semitic. this doesn't mean to do with criticizing jewish people. this has to do with criticizing what is real is doing. now. this is colleen so many people, more than 28000 palestinians dead and counting heidi joe castro, elders era washington. i said i had an al jazeera changing by the passenger reducing fisherman's catches and malaysia,
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the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. and we live in the neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera power defines how well we live here we make the rules, not the people empower, investigate, exposed, and question the youth and the business of our around. but the knowledge of their expo 2023. the world,
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the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out just to a time, to recap all headlines, as well as incursion into hon unit and also hospital as lights,
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depths of at least full patients. arthritic tricity was 7 in the oxygen supplies costs. the hospital has been on the siege for weeks and these really 5 minutes to is rejected international calls for the recognition of a palestinian state. and you mean that, to be honest, as is, i will continue to oppose for the cools, unilateral rec video. taken out of this week appears to show egypt making preparations for a make shift refugee camp border wisconsin design. i foundation for human rights as to the machinery seduce. egypt has denied it's preparing refugee camp. go now to the munich security conference last step. boston is with the un high commissioner for refugees, for the, for good on the. so how much is the gaza coming off for featuring and discussions fast that as well, that's will absolutely be,
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i'm sorry, important topic here at the munich security conference, of course uh, looking at the situation and guys are right now in the dia, humanitarian situation. and that's exactly what i'm going to speak to mr. grande's about thank you so much for joining us. so yes, of course the situation and guys is very dia now looking at human to terry and situation specially and by 5, what would you say about, you know, the refugee crisis that is happening at to these people right now. but there is already a huge displacement crisis. most of the people of guys are displaced, people, remember, some of them are also records. every record you status, which is an issue that has not been resolved. so, you know, there's a lot of talk about with these people. goals outside guys have to be just and there are some of the reasons why i think this is a very bad eventuality. and egypt has been very clear and i think each of these, right,
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these will be very fat for the palestinian people. it would be very bad for egypt to have to manage such a terrible catastrophe. and it would be really extremely dangerous for the future of the peace process, which i pre body should care about more than anything else at this point. how concerned are you with that? that is. and so the reason that they are going to be pushed outside, i hope so, i hope that this is not is something that is going to happen. but of course this needs to be prevented by ceasefire as remind me, terry and cease fire. the whole u. n. has been saying this and many other countries, i've been saying this a proper excess of humanitarian assistance inside does not drop by drop, but substantive delivery of a to the people need and the liberation of hostages. all the things that we know that are being negotiate that needs to be signed, a rated,
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to avoid being stuck with these impossible deadlines here in munich. now, how optimistic are you that there will be some kind of outcome from all these leaders meeting here in the next few days? i'm not privy to political discussions, but i hope that the suffering of the people find that the is a message that goes across to leaders that have to make decisions. by the way, not only on this catastrophic, conflicting the release in, in garza, but also in other places. i've just been in sudan where another devastating complex he's affecting millions of people. i've just been to ukraine where the risk paradoxically is that even death crises, at least that you might need to have room aspects get for golfing. so the world is full of prices that meet these leaders to make good decisions. and you think they will listen? will this match and score for?
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i hope the waiting, but certainly i and my 2 manufactured him. colleagues, we've not space. hi. thank you so much for your time and joining us in the program . yes, it will be a very busy 3 days here in munich. i'm there will be the high level of delegation from as well from palestine. also our please, the americans are here. so it's definitely that will be also a lot of stock on what's the solution for what's going on in guys? and you'll be that cover it for us. step boston for munich. and you cry and says is with drawing some troops from parts of the town of, of the, of got the done, yet screeching, following months of heavy fighting with russian forces from mcbride's reports from the ukrainian city of concave. after months of relentless russian assaults, the admission from ukraine that it's being forced to pull back. some troops from the front lines around of these it says ext are reserves are also being sent in to
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try to both the defenses. but there are increasing concerns. the town could finally full to the russians. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube reportedly failed last week. all over the district of dc because it has been completely ravished by russian bonds. it all happened in the past 2 weeks. you can recognize of div colors, particularly everything has been flattened by bombs. the russian army spares nobody situated next to the russian hill. the city of don't. yeah, it's up depot, has a strategic value to both sides quite as with other at 1st and will back bulls also told me grinders in the east, have deep cut, does have a symbolic value ahead of the secondary of us are we have the full scalable and the presidential elections in russia, vladimir putin would daily like to take it. the ukraine has been willing to fight these on ending battles,
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making the grim calculation that with russia losing formal soldiers. they all with it. but as with the fight back moved last year, which he finally gave up, the desire to save you quite near the lives seems to be more important. i did the warning for weeks, the time you nation shortages because of the hold up of a military aid package in the us congress could mean polluted will get these wish russia sending wave after wave of conscript forces to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill, we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian cells. the listening situation, enough deep comes as ukrainian president followed him, is a landscape, meets with your a p and back cuz who's continuing supports now seems more critical than ever. rob mcbride, i'll just say era, hotkeys, ukraine. all right, let's bring some breaking news just coming in from the russian media. they're
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saying that the jailed russian opposition figure. alexa in the valley is dead. he uh, but you will remember he was jailed for quite a while ago. and now the report say he's dead, he was moved to a prison. we understand in december, in the north and on secretion. overall shaw, and now i fax, citing the prison service, says i like see the valley is dead or let's see, can we bring up our correspondent on this? all right, not quite yet. we'll try and bring you more details on this as soon as we get them, they will have ukrainian president as that landscape has arrived in berlin for talks with jim and john, so that all the shelves, the discussions will focus on a minute free assistance deal. savanski is also sent to me, french fries, 1790 of my calling paris. later on friday,
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synagogues constitutional counsel has ruled. the postponement of the presidential election was the legal law was passed by parliament last week. officer opposition members were removed from the chamber and the widespread demonstrations and the killing of at least 3 people. of the, of this month president, microsoft pasta decree to indefinitely delay the vote plan for february the 25th. besides the disputes about the disqualification of all position, presidential candidates as a reason to south african saul just have been killed. and i'm also striking east and democratic republic of congo, another through a wounded. in the incident, new the city of goma troops, a part of a regional force, helping the d all see fight against um to the young people are seeking to leave me in law. following the announcement of this week of mine to treat minute free service, thousands lined up at the tie, embassy and yank on waiting for the visa's. conscription order for young men and women follows
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a series of defeats for the army baffling level sizes and northern me in law. the june till recently extended the state of emergency a judge in new york is rolled down from hush. money file will begin next month. that his lawyers failed in their attempt to secure a delay. it's the 1st time informing us president faces a criminal trial. shabbots on see results from washington. donald trump will be prosecuted in a new courtroom on march the 25th. he will be the 1st former us president to face a criminal trial. the case is expected to take some 6 weeks and trouble found to be present to fight what he believes as an attempt to buy the bike and administration to interfere in the 2024 presidential election.
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obviously the manhattan district attorney welcomes a decision by the judge stating that he was pleased with the quote denies of defense as motion to dismiss and look forward to presenting his case to the court. the prosecution letters that donald trump paid an adult full mattress, $130000.00 to prevent it from going public about the alleged affair. prior to the 2016 presidential election, trump declared the payments as a legal expense for the ledges. the payment was made to help from election campaign and therefore was in fact, i'm declared campaign contribution. then you will judge's decision confirms that donald trump will say is criminal prosecution in court before the 2024 presidential election. as the new york court hearing going underway on thursday, a georgia court was hearing evidence about the amended improper relationship between the atlantic prosecutor and her deputy, a revelation that could result in bad states persecution. imagine crump and co conspirators attempted to survive the results of the 2020 election being thrown out
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. on friday, a new york judge is scheduled to route on a civil case involving trump and his real estate, and it could cost him hundreds of millions of dollars. i'm from could be bound from doing real estate business in the state. eggs tremble certain faces to federal trials. another case or legend that he attempted to over time. the results of the 2020 electra is on hold pending a us supreme court judgments on presidential immunity. of the case currently scheduled for may on alleged list, humbling of classified documents, is expected to be delayed. she ever time c l 20. washington finkelstein is a professor of laura the university of pennsylvania. she says the timing of the trial means civil featured prominently in trump campaign. i think it's a very good idea to get this trial going because the later we get towards the actual election in november, the harder it will be to proceed with these trials and other trials will come in as


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