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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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does era award winning documentary is from around the world which is 0. the russia says in prison, deposition lead uh that site in the valley is died in cost, city and investigation is on the way the families i them. this is all just their lives though. also coming up at least full patients die and also the hospital, as is right, a full system, the complex in southern gone. so power and oxygen supplies being cons. we have some
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adulthood tracks inside israel's prime, minnesota. jack's international goals, the recognition of a palestinian state, as is right, the forces that popular strikes cross concepts and in southern is violently. 6 people are injured in a shooting. the i least full patients have died in an intensive k unit in garza. this as is right, the forces stone nasir hospital, palestinians are describing the attack on guns as largest medical facility as another will crime. power and oxygen supplies have been cons. style fit more patients will die of hundreds of stuff. and patients for
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forced to flee heavy time to machine gun fine. as well as tracing the sick and wounded hospital with sheltering at least 10000 people falls from that homes elsewhere in garza, many were moved into the car doors of an old building for the safety of the doctor . and the hate apple to hi my is the head of surgery and also the hospital. hey, says critically ill patients uh, barely hanging on to life. and what does that if he does indeed, then the situation is more than die on model. it is not the best or effect on most of these are unit for patients. all drugs have a storm at the hospital. the facility is made up of 3 main buildings. surgery of a citrix and into another medicine that these ladies told us. now inside the office to fix and pediatrics building blocks on so we have rounded up civilians taking cell phone inside the hospital in one building and then tired of medical stuff in
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the in 10 minutes in building we were forced to transfer or patients and the one data to the hospitality or building. now when the electric power has been cut off from the entire medical company, well, many patients in the intensive care unit and those on oxygen supply and those on dialysis are left fighting for the life. since 5 o'clock g m t, we stand helpless, unable to provide any form of medical assistance to the patient inside the hospital, or the victims flooding into the facility every single minute smoke. so as that is all the 3 patients and the intensive care unit loss of their lives. in addition to a 4 female pneumonia patient with other problems, he died, we get you to the lack of oxygen supply loss for them for the to pregnant plate is had to give back to their babies on the floor while i made the total absence of electricity even water and food, but to me, so we have 3 children kept in in kill betas,
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who have they are now on the grave danger. and what adds insult to injury is that mothers and you are born babies together with the patients and victims. are the valid by fee as a whole, new $1.00 with the remaining patients and one did inside of the hospitality. and now the bad thing for the life, many of them are in critical condition and none of them has received any medication . they are more threatened by eminent that 6 people have been injured in the shooting in these right in the city of kenneth malachi, how they say the government has been killed as bringing home the psalms hope she joins us live from occupied the students then. so more detail is becoming clear about this incident. that's right, sammy police now confirming the 2 of those 6 people have died at the hospital while getting treated for their wounds. for other people are injured. those injuries,
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ranging from moderate to severe is really police say the gunman arrived to this bus stop in southern israel, an open fire from a car. he was then shot and killed out. the scene is really police have closed off the entire area to assist with the transport of patients to the hospital. they're being treated at 2 separate hospitals, one in southern israel, and one a little more central. the national security minister. it's a more vandevere, a known alter nationalist is now after seeing evaluating the situation and is likely we're likely to get a statement from him. in the aftermath of this, the hospitals are regularly updating on the condition of those who were wounded and then the next hour is to come, will be sure to have more information on their status. and also today, being the day of friday, pres, foremost in worship, is how easy has it been for them to access the last along. so most today, given the tensions well,
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certainly it's been quite difficult for palestinians to go to friday. prayers out the locks over the last 4 and a half months. the restrictions have been put in place by these really occupation forces in order to prevent palestinians from going to the holy site. in the last several weeks though, we have seen a steady increase in the number of palestinians who they are allowing inside. so just a few weeks ago we were at 5000 and then we had doubled interesting 213000 last week, 20000. and this week today, $25000.00 worshippers going to be lock them off for friday prayers. now. the is really police and other authorities have said that they have not put any sort of age restrictions on who they're allowing in. but when you talk to palestinians on the ground, they'll tell you, but no one really under the age of 50 or 60 is getting in. young men are the
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primary group who are being barred from entering the hallway site. but as we see this gradual increase every friday and double bond is just around the corner, it could be noted that these really are perhaps trying to relax some of those restrictions so that the officer doesn't become a flash point in the middle of this war. and open up a new wave of tension and occupied east jerusalem is really police again remain adamant that they are not imposing any sort of restrictions, but the numbers speak for themselves as we see this study sort of increased and in the couple of fridays to come it will be interesting to see just how many palestinians are allowed in the specifically for friday prayers. because once that amazon comes around, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of palestinians who will want to go to pray at their locks. and not just for friday, pray is prep prayers, but for nightly prayers as well. so a lot of developments at the locks, a mosque in the week to come shortly. or i'm the sounds host,
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the thing so much without returning to are breaking news story out of russia and russia says kremlin critic and opposition. so you got like saying the volume is died in a maximum security prison in the north. he was 47 years old for the monks, looks back at his life. once seen as president through tents faces threat select scene of only was an lawyer who became a blogger, investigating alleged russian state corruption use social media to amplify. his findings use the english and one support from young russians who don't have a 9 to 10. empower in 2013. he ran to be met or must go. before the election. he was arrested no for the last time, an accused of fraud. his sizeable street protest, soon transformed into a campaign against corruption. incense a ship with
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a presidential run planned in 20. 16. said, i'm not saying this deal is that there is just one goal. the goal is to make russia a normal rich country where citizens profit in some way from the richness of their country. that's why we are fighting this regime hits for conviction ended his candidacy, and while his party boy called to the election, police rated properties of several supporters. then in 2020, he felt dangerously ill on a flight. as a german team evacuated in for treatment. the nerve agent, no big job developed by rushes military was deemed responsible. damage is tisha alexi, nobody is up to. so it's clear that alexi novelle me is the victim of a crime. he was supposed to be silence and i, together with the entire german government condemned us and the strongest possible turn of rushes. government denied it poisoned him, and he slowly recovered both absolutely the boy that it wasn't painful at all. but
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the overwhelming feeling is i'm going to die. it was quite hard to explain because he don't experience it in everyday life. thank god. for things you know, the 2021 nevada only ton to russia, where his arrest prompted. nationwide protests demanding his release. a court decided his absence abroad had violated pro. the stats of the prison spelt that's being repeatedly extended inside his health was and then to the mon bet adult as he launched a weeks on hunger strike. from his cell. he called brushes ukraine invasion, a stupid war based on lies. prism clearly affected his health and his team said he'd lost a loss of weight alexi and allow me to survive by his wife julia and the 2 children . usually a sample of all of a is live for us in moscow and julia from the statements now coming from the prison
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service seems like little detail coming out about how he died. take us through it a little bit of lift course away seen for more details. so from the source phase of website closing to the federal prison service, they reported the address of alex a navarro ne, in coordinate number 3 in the village of hobbs. in the 6th co, sorry, it was a very, very cautious prison phone, involuntary and as we've had his house that was received by lately, according to the federal and the federal prison service, after the war, the politician felt on well and basically fainted. and doctors declared him dead death to that. uh also we understand that sir devonie who
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actually attend l at about 1300 must go time. so not so long ago and i'm getting this was cold for him and that paramedics tries to help him to help him out. but a while ago the just pronounced him dead. and also some sources say that's an invalid. these of a block cloth had broken all fund officially the cause of death, so vile, exceeding involved me has no been announced. and the investigation is underway. but it's important to say that i'll explain a volunteer esteem actually keeps saying that they have no information on his desk and they haven't confirmed his desk and, and his only lawyer went to the village of hop right now. so we're waiting
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to hear from that side as well because it's quite important. so basically. 9 we also had from a criminal spokes pass and dmitri pest called saying that the legend, the patients, uh, the president of russia is a why about and the vol. knees desk, the alexis of all. and it has been a staunch critic of the kremlin, as well as i was letting a person. and he, um, well for, for a long period of time, he was exposing the corruption in russia and was pretty outspoken about that. and that all of his criminal cases have been pronounced as politically most of h as and now many people. oh, i'm sure they will agree that's at his desk. that's kind of revenge of the trend. and right now, i guess do this for, it's also something of a question mark over the move lens, which he found in the pro test and so on. as well
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as cool us. we just have to wait and see because i mean a look sane is only it was pronounced dead notes so long ago. and of course, people need time to realize what has actually happened and to react somehow at the moment. we know that so will be you know, bill position movement has been pretty kind of suppressed in this country because we, we have the presidential election just around the corner in march actually, and well, deal source. he's trying to do everything to convince the people that loves him a page and is the most popular, and the only becomes a that's to win. and those elections. and of course i'll explain of all me was kind of well, wasn't go to a very kind of, it's
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a very convenient thing to, to say the least for them and, well, but of course we can't, we can't add them all, nothing to say anything. we can't blame anyone because the investigation is still in the way we know so little. but of course what we know that he has been placed in that's ok. successful penal colony. and he was that he didn't have a chance to communicate with his loved ones, with a supporters with his noise, and couldn't a he didn't have a chance to write his on schools and communicate with his political supporters. and of course, he has a, you know, a lot of support, hey, in russia, even though many people of course, opposed him. but i mean that's, that's the way it shouldn't be in, in any democratic country because people have to say to free me and, and basically, um, if they have support says, i mean, support has have to show that well and that,
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and basically will stay think about what's going on in this country, but definitely his legacy is going to legal. no doubt about that. all right, thanks so much. you do a simple valuable let's bring in some international reaction coming in from so instead of like saying around the paid with his life for resisting oppression on the president vladimir putin. finding this, the stuff on so june posted on x that around the paid with his life for his resistance of a system of oppression. and that his death at a piano calling it reminds us of the reality of on demand food since regime concert. grandma called is a former advisor to the russian presidency, joins us now live from moscow. good. have you with us? do you think this will be quite a shocking development? for most russians? you know this through. no, it dissolves visible it out from now. and so it says from the war and thousands of
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thousands of people debt and that most of the options believe that that issue in the next last year was supposed to be to be getting called fuzzies for. because i said not lighting, it was a 100 percent for on medical pro pretty just shot now for the to. so i knew your honestly and the best somebody she was very provide smotts the sort of sense of humor. and that some that i'm quite beauty that she did not speak about. you've submitted a my condo, so to microsoft, you submitted, but not will. she is what i get not political stick of. that's all. so do not think we might see any domestic reaction to this news. once you know, it spreads no political domestic production tools you send use. uh, because uh we did say nationwide protest in january 2021 didn't we? you know, look, have you thought? well, what i did change the schedule, no rush insufficient,
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even more was great competition, blood binds made to united states and you can union, i'm pretty tough to spend. what kind of upset are sometimes upsetting to say, nonsense my, you know, box of seats and programs to think about. and that was all school support that you should not mind making boss on whole. no more just for cheap and most through my own election. why she's going to change of like a sense of what was the supports, ok, not to push them. now. a way i really do is as a coupon to supplement, not on boys. it was like a lift or a rush. right. uh so is, is a phrasal for because it's clear that this collision is succession of what became more serious, more thoughts. and as a result, i see there will be no, any, any process about this. will there be any international implications of this? do you think, what are they saying?
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reaction from countries like fronts, with quite harsh woods, for the leadership of the country. i seem to be a roman international that on the road and i'm just will process uh will be some claims. so make claiming co rush like youtube because that was a desktop products, a nevada next part, you know, is as little as country members of may. so what would i do? blame or i frame in about so much on the human as what crimes and crime was like begins to manage it. that is, this is not cool. yeah. my god, he's on so death. so what i said, not right next word didn't mean so i to stay with us for a 2nd. if you wasn't a small golf, cuz we we got some reaction coming in from the british. prime minister, richie sued, i guess i've been use of it, like say around these death was terrible. he's posted on x. this is terrible news.
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as the fiercest advocate for russian democracy likes invalid, they've demonstrated incredible colleagues throughout his life. my thoughts with his wife and the people of russia for whom this is a huge tragedy. so given the fact that missed in the valley was previously hospitalized and 2024, navi chunk poisoning. do you think this will increase some suspicion? further suspicion about whether he was targeted. uh no, no, i'm confident. uh for auction, i sort of just because it, based on what i see on my mind, i did it this adventurous very much because uh not what was the one wants to because the presidential elections one visual you're going to put, you know, probably a will or will in a crate uh, popular supple so i, so this is i, but you saw are most of it all sort of seen. nobody is going to send said nobody to
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provide you with you said no political support inside cut off right now. so she's this even when i create some must be quite some programs for florida from the i'll sort of just wouldn't have any implications for the upcoming elections. do you think of it is clear that you want to put you on a quarter to so it's all what you will get to about 75 percent? no. send up less support because our nation's up now to god's ears for all. but some calisha knows you case is a war for our mazda loans and for our actions, you create these buckles in our shop and speaking. and you know, from those point of view of the trenches, you appreciate not wonderful. what are domestic and your best. and what's your surprise, let's use to integers, that's what i mean. you can put it to some kind of a sense even situation run america, that's becoming class was because it makes it any more pressure if he had,
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as he said, absolutely no following, there's no applications of this. why did he need to be convicted 5 times and move to an arctic penal call and request an unusual step? isn't it full for this type of, of, of conviction or of offences for him because speaking cause things. i'm with its own protection. all right, and there was a loss for the most part to oppose or not because you know, so from what he says to be to what was the middle oh, the level a low level of national. so it's uh subpoenaed. yeah. of course. uh they should keep him as a biggest diamond. what email the chance. okay, cool. so most of the stuff with keith, some john store safety is a line. it's the puget table cost the smallest of it just okay, believe it, i thank you so much for your thoughts on that one. i think
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the turning now to want coverage of israel's war on garza and satellite images. if it show egypt is building a make shift refugee camp on it's folded with garza us media says the camp has been constructed in case of a mass exodus of palestinians. if israel launch is a ground defensive and rough video taken out of this week appears to show more of the construction along the egypt, gaza border. assign i foundation for human rights says heavy machinery is in use. egypt has the 9th is preparing refugee camps view and humanitarian chief is wanting . it will be a nightmare if displace palestinians from then til it off off, forced to flee into egypt, possibility of a military operation in russia in right. and in rough uh,
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with the possibility of the crossing closing time, but the possibility is below the um, the, the sort of the egyptian nightmare. and if you like, and besides his one that is right before our eyes was run without moving. is there any prime minister benyamin that's in yeah, was been told by us president joe biden, and he must protect civilians and russell hadn't been expected offensive on the city following that call with by them. yeah. who posted on x reuse, arranging his thoughts on a 2 state solution, saying israel rejects international calls for a permanent settlement with the palestinians. and israel will continue to oppose the recognition of a palestinian state. earlier i spoke to get in levy a column as the tod, it's newspaper. he says, the international community should impose a palestinian state. tony as well, on the project always lies was to as long as any possibility of it. but it's the that state not only things to have for any kind of negotiations with the
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palestinians. you need anything possible and succeeded by the way, to put all that. but it's the problem of the day, but for many, many years now i did came the 7th of october and reminded him that he cannot continue. was this for ever, but to expect him now to get into way. negotiations over by sea estate is really ridiculous. what is serious is the great opportunity that we have facing no, because we are facing an opportunity. but this is an opportunity to the international community. is what will be with us. because we use the reviews for their case even before that they all go for a re, a settlement. and therefore, i think the initial community that's it's time to say, you know, you know, we cannot, henry anymore is what is going to want every few years. this joy goes up and then
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the international community does to every thing, does it both at risk over the or was on kind of other finishes rise because of the conflict here. it's enough to be to is right, that's the guy that the international community we try to impose a solution because otherwise it, we lost like this for ever. the, to the out really doesn't believe in any kind of settlement was there, but it stands. it doesn't really, really the salt is that the best can last for ever. in the situation, the dispute busy used to coordinate the last 4. i have a here and there, there will be some crisis here and there, there will be like some care of like improving that injunction accordingly to the situation of the past. and yet it is a way to continue to govern brutally. you know that the people find maybe a paper in the west bank and gaza for ever. why know we are the chosen people.
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let's not forget, the ukraine says it's with drawing some troops from pods of the town of of div caught in the don't yet screeching, following months of heavy fighting with russian forces from mcbride reports from the framing and city of khaki. if after months of relentless, russian assaults, admission from ukraine that it's being forced to pull back, some troops from the front lines around of div it says ex door reserves are also being sent in to try to both the defenses. but there are increasing concerns. the town could finally full to the russians. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube reportedly failed last week. all of the of the district of dc because it has been completely ravished by russian bonds. it all
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happened in the past 2 weeks. you can recognize of div colors, particularly everything has been flattened by bombs. the russian army spares nobody situated next to the russian hill. the city of don't yet have deep cut has a strategic value to both sides quite as with all the over at 1st and will baffles . also told me, grind is in the east have deep cut. does have a symbolic value ahead of the secondary of us, or we have the full scalable on the presidential elections in russia. vladimir putin would daily like to take it. the ukraine has been willing to fight these on ending battles, making the grim calculation that with russia losing fumble soldiers. they all with it. but as with the fight back loops last year, which key finally gave up the desire to save you quite and you had lives seems to be more important. i did the warning for weeks the time you nation shortages because of the hold up of a military aid package in the us congress could mean pollutant will get these wish
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rushes sending wave after wave of conscript forces to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill, we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian assaults. the listening situation, enough div comes as ukrainian president followed them, is a landscape, meets with your a p and back as who's continuing support. now seems more critical than ever. mcbride, i'll just say era concave ukraine to south african soldiers have been killed in a most striking, the east and democratic republic of congo. another free will ended in an incident near the city of goma troops, pots of a regional force by helping the biase fight against alms groups. a judge in new york has ruled donald trump's harsh money trial will begin next month. so i'll say as low as failed in their attempt to secure a delay. it's the 1st time a form us president faces
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a criminal trial chapter of tennessee. now donald trump will be prosecuted in a new courtroom on march the 25th. he will be the 1st former us president to face a criminal trial. the case is expected to take some 6 weeks and trouble filed to be present to fight what he believes as an attempt to buy the bike and administration to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. obviously, the manhattan district attorney. welcome the decision by the judge stating that he was pleased with the quote denying the defense as motion to dismiss and look forward to presenting his case to the court. the prosecution will address that donald trump paid an adult full mattress, $130000.00 to prevent that from going public about the alleged affair. prior to the 2016 press.


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