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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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entries from around the corner, which is 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters in delphi. and jerry, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes of shooting and southern israel kills at least 2 people in injures several others. israel's incursion into an last set hospital causes the death certificate. these 6 patients, a 112 palestinians have been killed in garza. in the past day. russia says the off position leader election of only has died in prison. there's a wide spread reaction of shock and condemnation to the death of bloodwork hooton's
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most prominence. critics, the hello, we begin in southern israel, where is really police. a gunman has killed 2 people and injured others at a crowded bus stop. the gunman was killed after opening fire in the city of curious malachi, at least 4 others were injured in taken to hospital. following that, shooting is really forces carried out reeds in the occupied westbank. they stormed the house of the person accused of the shooting and the shaw fotz refugee can or in gaza. at least 4 patients have died in an intensive care unit, as is really forced to store and a northside hospital. palestinians are describing the attack on god as largest medical facility as another war crime, power and oxygen supplies have been cuts and stuff,
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fear more patients will die. the hospital has been under is really seeds for weeks . hundreds of stuff on patients were forced to flee heavy tank and machine gun fire, as well as treating the sick and wounded the hospital with sheltering at least 10000 people forced from their homes elsewhere in gaza. a while the warren gaza is at the top of the agenda for world leaders and defense officials at the munich security conference. so go to the boston who is joining us from there to tell us what's being said about the war and gaza. yeah, it's been quite a day of course here in new and a low latest i gathering more than 60 and also more than 100 ministers to discuss the security affairs in the world. and that's a lot of, of course, very difficult situations and guy size. sorry, much on top of the agenda. and then of course, the news of the death of alexa and then finally in russia broke as well so that it
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has overshadow talks, but definitely god is being discussed. and the level of the lead us here are trying to make this dialogue about a humanitarian force among other leaders. here we have a high level of delegation from israel. the fund experience are here also of course, the united states and to the lincoln. and tom le harris are here, so all the display, yes, are here in unit to discussed, is very urgent. and i a situation in gaza and i'm showing here a by on the full past most, send the form a secretary general of nato. i'm a thank you so much for joining us. and i would like to ask you with all these key play yes. here in you and a during the conference. do you think that will be some breakthrough that's trying to get release to the people in guys, especially in about 5 right now. kind of thing. so and i hope show, i think chime has come full. i human terry impulse. but large eyes and make sure
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that it is a human niterra and horse settling, not the page provided by have mass to reorganize itself. we have seen how have mass has used civilians and har spitters as cantos. uh, and we have to make sure that the, it's a real human, it's very important for the seems to be, to is a bit of a shift within the european union right now, because for months of there been, uh they have uh, the more the call for a ceasefire and actually have been against it now with the situation roughly. you think that is that chance? now finally that they will call as a united european union for this fos in the fighting. i think so, provided that the conditions are rated for the field. we should never forget what stocks it or the name the the ha ruthie come asset check on innocent civilians in nice right?
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or on the 7th of october we should never forget that. and that we should never forget the cooler g. all that have mass movement. but provided that the right conditions on they are now for the field. i think time has come for human cherry impulse. we have of course, also the ruling of the highest for the world's core tried the international part of justice. order rate is travel to stop anything that could lead to genocide and according to the court, what is happening in gaza there are size of this could lead to actual genocide. so wouldn't that the whole western and nations have to also follow this ruling by the world for i don't think a this case is a legal issue at the end of the day. and i think we have all being affected by the image is on the top frame in the gases for obviously. and so we have to find
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a way forward to allow too many daring age to come into the gas or street. but the same time, we have to make sure that each way it is secure. i'm just saying that it's now time that everyone steps up to help the people and especially in that are really in a very dire situation right now, isn't this the time now when leaders somebody together in the unit. yeah. but that search actually walked away out of this project. i also think we should prepare for the day off to the rule. and i think the only viable solution would be a 2 stage solution. but for that to be realize we need 2 things. we need the palestinians to recognize the rights of each way to, to a chaste. and we need the to age to make sure that the parents thing in the state is viable and stop the legal settlements. are you optimistic that on sunday when the conference wraps up, that will be some good use for maybe not on sunday,
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but i see that round has feedback to you. thank you so much for your insights. so that has been this call for you and, and tell reinforce we have heard this also from the german foreign minister, the, it's a sense of a shift in my opinion now, but we have to wait and see as mr. ross was inside what will actually come out of this meeting here in unit? okay, thank you. stuff on is reporting for us from munich. well, let's cross over to the ground in gaza and speak to apply to abrazzo who's joining us from what i city and southern gaza thought it. first of all, i update us on the situation at last at hospice. so what we're hearing is that patients and intensive care have died because of the is really rate so yes, that's why it's the situation though the ground sounds completely complex as these body forces had lost the key met
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a tree attack on the nozzler hospice of which is one of the last 2 remaining hospitals, the austin operating on providing medical treatment for wanted and, and get people that we've gladly see how these, what he feels that a storm the building style forcing people to get often to sleep, to, to the south and some of them had been guided to get to the news as indeed people had to be left alone with a very limited number of medical stuff off the 1st thing, a wide variety of doctors, to flee from the hospital and not to remain here alongside with the patients as we are sitting we're talking about that's one palestinian patient had been adult, had died clearly due to the oxygen outages uh alongside with also with our after just insights. this medical facility as the is value process has prevented any aid deliveries to this hospital within the past few weeks, which have been on the white military siege. or we also understand that these body forces are trying to also force uh medical teams to evacuate the us and get people
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out of the hospital as they are expecting all different departments looking for how much operatives as they are claiming. but to this very moment, the situation that is getting much more dyads, an hourly basis within the coming days and hours if there's going to be new, clear protection for the majority of internet people or at least providing them with this is this re medical and health care the situation for them will sounds really totally as time for them is completely running out. i thought it that, that all this while we hear over and over that the threat assignments as also looming over people in the gaza strip and there simply isn't enough food. so yeah. so that's why i to have been talking about this topic again and again, i'm, this is absolutely day by day getting much more, less berto we are talking about people in the another at pots of goals. this trip did not receive any posts too much need the humanitarian supplies to feed on. today i'll be contacting with
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a number of residents the asking them about how they are coping in order to get fluids that have been told. that being told he was telling us that the situation for them is getting much more difficult as they are not, not finding any kind of sufficient amount of food as also they are depending on animals, food that could be grinding in order to have a very limited number of uh, foods, uh, lowes in order to clearly feed them them as they are struggling on daily basis to find out tentative for feeding their children and also for survival. and also that they're reporting that they are not much humanitarian supplies being delivered to the news as people are fighting in order to get the basic mississippi's, especially with the various calling high rock, the prices that as people are waiting for more humanitarian supplies to be delivered and the situation in the south also sounds critical. specifically that more than 85 percent of golf, this population be displaced in the south are struggling to get only one new birth
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date from the united nation distribution centers on the didn't like also very limited. the number of humanitarian trucks being allowed to get into gone. so despite the fact that both food is right now, all the ratings, but the amount of humanitarian trucks still limited. ok, thank you. thought of also a reporting for us from going off, and garza will now go back to the shooting that happens in southern israel and speak to him, the son who joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so it's happened a few hours ago now, but what more we learning about the, the shooting itself and also the attacker? the whole socrates have released the identities of one of those who was killed in the shooting attack, a 23 year old male from an illegal settlement in southern israel. we do know about the shooter. he's a 40 year old, pulsing young man from the shop off the refugee camp. authorities say that he
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opened fire after his bus stop from his car, where he was been shot and killed a total of 2 people were killed for others injured. 2 of them in serious condition, and 2 of them moderately, they are all being treated in hospitals in either southern or central israel. now the national security minister, east, more ben beer had gone down to the scene for an assessment with authorities. and shortly after that we received a statement from these really prime minister's office 1st off, offering condolences to the families of the killed and the wounded. but also saying that the threat is not just coming from gaza. and that wherever it is, israel will eliminate that threat and then ending the statement by saying there will be a total victory as early as already is, have raised the security alert level throughout the entirety of the country setting right and hand. um, as we often see, what happens after these attacks is that, um, you know, palestinians say that they're subjected to collective punishment when there is really, is
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a range holmes of the attackers. and i believe that is exactly what we're seeing in this instance as well. and that's exactly what we're seeing in the shop fault. the refugee camp is really occupation forces going in large numbers, reading the camp, reportedly of the home of the alleged shooter. what we usually see and instances like this palestinians who are accused by the state of israel, of carrying out attacks oftentimes their family members are arrested, their friends, their neighbors. they are all taken in for interrogation. and then after that, their homes are demolished, and palestinians often say, this is collective punishment against palestinians as a whole, even though they were not involved at all. what do we do know about these uh, classes that have taken place in the shop for the refugee camp. after these really military, it had stormed several houses. one of the neighbors actually was shot in the head
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with a rubber bullet sustaining injuries, pictures of his head bleeding with a lot of other type of bruising. and that rate, as we understand, is still ongoing. all right, thank you. 100 us 140 from occupied east jerusalem. the so world leaders are blaming rushes. presidents for the desolate opposition leader election of only in prison flooding are approved to ins. most prominent critic was 47 years old guards at his maximum security prison in new york took regions, so he felt unwell after taking a walk and became unconscious. will be locked to moscow shortly. but 1st villa marks looks back at his life. a once theme is president clinton's face, this threat selection of i only was a lawyer who became a local. 7 investigating alleged russian state corruption,
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use social media to amplify his findings. use the english and one support from young russians who don't you have a 9 to 10, empower in 2013. he ran to be met or must go before the election. he was arrested no for the last time, an accused of fraud. his sizable street protest soon transformed into a campaign against corruption and censorship, with a presidential run planned in 2016. said, i'm not saying this deal is that there is just one goal. the goal is to make russian a normal rich country where citizens profit in some way from the richness of their country. that's why we are fighting this regime is for conviction ended his candidacy. and while his party boy called to the election, police raided properties of several support as then in 2020, he felt dangerously ill on a flight as
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a german team event created in for treatment. the nerve agent, no big job developed by russia's military, was deemed responsible. damage is tisha alexi. nobody is up to. so it's clear that alexi novelle me is the victim of a crime. he was supposed to be silence. he's an i together with the entire german government condemned us and the strongest possible toughness rushes government denied at poisoned him and he slowly recovered. what absolutely the boy that it wasn't painful at all. but the overwhelming feeling is i'm going to die. it looks quite hard to explain because you don't experience it in everyday life. thank god, this person you speak of. you know, the 2021 know found the route ton to russia, where his arrest prompted. nationwide protests demanding his release. a court decided his absence abroad had violated pro the starts of a prison spell that's being repeatedly extended inside his health was and then to the mon bet adult as he launched
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a weeks on hunger strike from his cell. he called russia's ukraine invasion, a stupid war based on lies prism. katy affected his health and his team said he'd lost a lot of weight alexi and allow me to survive by his wife julia. and the 2 children for video has emerged often i've only had a court hearing on thursday, and i've only accuse this penal colony if and legally recording conversations between him and his lawyer. the court dismissed the obligations. it was his last public appearance, ukrainian president of a lot of his once get his blaine, of all these deaths on the russian president vladimir putin. a showing the style of the domain uh shows that us we have just learned as the chancellor has said, that it looked seen of only died in a russian prison. obviously, he was killed by proteins like thousands of others who are being told me to. i can torture because of this one person who doesn't care who dies as long as he retains
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his possession. and that is why he must not keep anything in the food and must lose everything. he must not retain anything. it must be held accountable for what he has done with him. let's wait for daniel hawkins. he's running us from moscow. so what are also already saying about this, daniel? a will a reaction the for almost all of these, of course, very different to the emotions on the response we're seeing from a position activist and the valley support has a key figure it has within the russian government have dismissed these allegations of states involvement in the valleys, best as essentially fight can use with some like which is not loading upon them and just beat the game as far as the blame western stays playing made. so the full, this thing is the reactions that have led to the, the events we saw today. and what do you as a kind of a maria foreign ministry spokesman saying that the, the very quick response, all the critics and west and officials is very telling. now,
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no doubt painting that, that out and about. and he's backing and support a by the west in finance. he has meanwhile on the street somewhere else. so we are seeing people going to leave flowers of various memorials. so victims of political depression around the country, multiple cities. one is that in some of those cities that police have already closed off these memorials to prevent people getting that. and the oath already the most go have warm people against taking the streets and what they describe as an authorized on the sanction process, no doubt. and it is a patient that you see of some sort of process in relation to his death. so within an hour of no valley clarity, 2 very different narratives coming from russian all authorities and from opposition . activists and support has all the next thing about it. all right, thank you daniel for that update from moscow. and earlier my colleagues saw me say down, so it's historically mark hoff. he's a former advisor to the russian president. he said that in of all these pro american stands cost to him,
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his popularity among the russian people to this rule. so no, it dissolves coast of florida from now. and so it says from the war and thousands of thousands of people debt and the muscles that actions believe that that is here . and i writing it, and i shared responsibility, or be getting call fuzzies. what? because i said in a lot and it was a 100 percent on medical pro pretty just shot now for the to. so i knew your honestly and why the best i'm going to she was beautiful. right. smart. you sort of sense of humor the best on that. i'm quite to that he did not speak about his family to my condo as of to microsoft. you submit it, but now here's what i get. not part of the typical signature. so given the fact that missed in the valley was previously hospitalized in 2024, nobody jump poisoning. do you think this will increase on suspicion, further suspicion about whether he was targeted. uh no,
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no one considered it up for auction i sorted just because it this somebody said um nobody that did it this adventure uh very much. uh because uh no, it was the one launch because the presidential elections on the beach. forgive me to put you in. uh, no problem. be a wheel or we have the uh, great, uh, full full, a supple. so i, so this is uh, but you saw optional services also to see nobody is gonna send said nobody to provide you with your credit. no political support, insight shut off back up now. so she's just even when i create some not be quite some programs for a florida from the i'll sort of just let's get the reaction out of the states and bring in our white house correspondent kimberly house in joining us from washington dc. so what, what, what have we heard from officials there? kimberly and during know, we're awaiting a statement from us president joe biden. but in the interim,
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what i can tell you is that the national security advisor, jake sullivan, has been speaking on national public radio. what he told listeners is that, and the view of the united states, well, the us continues to work out and learn more details about the death a whole alexis in the valley. he does say that the united states believes russia has had a long and sort a history of doing harm to its opponents. and so they are not surprised the learning of the opposition leaders death. we should further going to say that the vice president commer harris says this would further be a sign of pollutants, brutality. what ever story, blood recruit and tells about this death. russia is responsible and we have also had reaction from the secretary of state. take a listen, a good afternoon. we've uh, for the reports from russia,
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of election of all the stuff in prison for more than a decade. russian government. persecuted poisons, and imprison alexis development. and now reports at his desk. first and foremost, if these reports are accurate, our hearts go out to his wife and to his family. beyond at his desk, in our russian prison and the succession and fear of one man only underscores the weakness and rob at the heart. the system that put in his belt brushes responsible for this. now once again, we are awaiting a statement from us president joe biden on the death of election the valley. we're not sure how that might come. it could be in the form of pay for
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a statement or the use president is expected to depart the white house in roughly 90 minutes time. he is scheduled to travel to the state of ohio to speak on a chemical spill there that occurred in the past and the update residents there on that he often does speak to reporters is, is travelling to marine one. so its potential that we could have an on camera stating or watching very carefully for that. but in the, in term, i should point out that the us president, back in june of 2021, did issue a warning personally to let him or put in the russian president about what the united states might do. or at least cautioned that there should be our would be dire consequences, devastating consequences. in fact, he said if something happened to alexi and a valley in rushes customer, okay, thank you. kimberly it reporting from the white house still a heads on the officer and his, our wife, and as well as ordered the un human rights agency to close its office
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the route to you by visit capital as hello there. it's been a settled story weatherwise across south asia recently, but we aren't going to cease more active weather starting to pull across into northern pakistan and india as well. not thanks to a front. it's moving across central asia. no king. temperature is down. bringing some where to whether to of gun this done and those conditions will start to sweep . they wait for the south saturday into sunday. so were expecting some snow in the west and himalayas. thunderstorms rumbling into northern pakistan and india. we could see hale and lightning with that is quite or across the north. let's see some fully conditions or for the northeast, but it's an improving picture as we go into next week and also settled whether
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across the south of india. why a insure lanka on sunday, he's continuing to dominate, for sure. like to add the mold these temperatures well above the average for this time of year here. and temperatures have been above average across the north of china. lots of fed, whether to be found here. we don't going to see a weather system develop, pulling its way across the east, a change in the wind since the last 3 conditions pushing that wet weather across into the korean peninsula. we will see the temperature come down and so, but not just info for the field as well as that wild weather works its way for the east, but a pleasant day in tokyo. on sunday, the weather brought to you by visit castle. they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune. celebrity influences, but shining lights on the home of kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al
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jazeera of a whirl expands on the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future. this is a mock bare to port the gateway to electric flying. taxis division is an automated ariel public transport system, connected by a network of vertical and ducking ports on rooftops high above the congested roads . below what you see behind me is the oak. have the option to we piloted personnel air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air test. it's 1st public test flight marks, a milestone of source for the country. that's gaming to launch the flying taxi's as early as
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a year. 2025. the hello again. here's a reminder at the top stories on i'll just say we're a, this, our police in southern israel say a gunman has killed 2 people and injured others at a crowded bus stop. the attacker was killed after opening fire in the city of curious malachi, is really forces have since rated his home in the occupied westbank. at least 4 patients have died in an intensive care unit in the so as is really forced, the storms in law sort of hospital power and oxygen supplies have been costs and stuff, fear more patients will die. world leaders are blaming rushes. president, for the death of the opposition leader, i like st of only in prison. vladimir putin is most prominent critic was 47 years old guards at his maximum security present. so he felt on well after taking a walk and became unconscious. a new crane says this with drawing some
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troops, some parts of the town of, of def got thoughts and have done yet screens. and following months of heavy fighting with the russian forces brought mcbride reports from car keys. after months of relentless, russian assaults admission from ukraine that is being forced to pull back some troops from the front lines around of div it says ext are reserves are also being sent in to try to both the defenses. but there are increasing concerns. the town could finally full to the russians. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukraine youtube. i reportedly failed last week. all of the of the district of, of difficult it has been completely ravished by russian bonds. it all happened in the past 2 weeks. you can recognize of div colors, particularly everything has been flattened by bombs. the russian army spares nobody
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. situated next to the russian held city of don't yet have deep co has a strategic value to both sides. quite as with other at 1st and will baffles. also told me, grind is in the east have deep cut does have a symbolic value ahead of the secondary of us or we have the full scalable and the presidential elections in russia. vladimir putin would daily like to take it. the ukraine has been willing to fight these on ending battles, making the grim calculation that with russia losing formal soldiers. they all with it. but as with the fight back move last year, which keep finally gave up, the desire to save you quite and you had lives seems to be more important. i did the warning for weeks the time you nation shortages because of the hold up of a military aid package in the us congress could mean pollutant will get these wish rushes sending wave after wave of conscript forces to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill,
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we've not been able to provide ukraine with the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian assaults. the listening situation, enough div comes as ukrainian president followed them, is a landscape, meets with your a p and back as who's continuing support now seems more critical than ever. mcbride, i'll just say era hotkeys, ukraine, an f b i informant has been charged with lying about president joe biden. and his hon and his son hunter, biden's involvement and business dealings with the ukrainian energy company, prosecutor se, alexander of smirnoff falsely claimed executives associated with bruce mouldings paid the biden's $5000000.00 each in 2015 or 2016. his claims have been central to an impeachment inquiry against biden, and then as well, has ordered united nations human rights stuff to leave the country. very expulsion follows the un voicing concern for
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a jail human rights activists. rusty your son miguel denies plodding to kill president nicholas my doro, the socialist government, accused of the u. n. a becoming an instrument of right wing opposition groups. manuel rap, although reports the vin as well. and government has asked the u. when's human rights body to close? its offices in get active and ordered staff to leave the country. not a full week of the boulevard and republican venezuela announces its decision to suspend the activities of the technical advisory office of the united nations high commission on human rights business winners for administer. yvonne deed accuse the un staff of having an attitude violated of the united nations charter. so if we see that could be a part of it as an office created to collaborate technically with the states in order to improve and to up to much human rights protection and venezuela. but it has now been instrumental lights by the extreme right wing opposition. but i'm up other movie networks of mine. that's what i like. the expulsion follows. the
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detention of lucio son, begin a prominent human rights activist whose arrest has caused an uproar. send me, gives attorney says the arrest and a raid at the active. his home is clear, evidence of government crackdown on to send a single candle, a they were looking for something related to conspiracies, to terrorism, of what they are not going to get anything like that. because we know that this is a gross lie that's been built around ro, seo son miguel. and her entire family is who in a statement on thursday ravine and ashanda sunny spokesperson for the un human rights office, said the un regrets the decision by the venice will and government adding that they are guiding principles have been and remain the promotion and protection of the human rights of the people of venezuela moved up a little al jazeera. 2 south african soldiers have been killed in a mortar strike in the eastern democratic republic of congo. another 3 were wounded
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in the incidents near the city of go. mom, the troops are part of a regional force helping 0 congo fight against arms groups. so i'll speak to david monkey, who is the world visions, eastern zone director for the democratic republic of congo. joining us from government itself, welcome to i'll just the room. tell us what you're seeing and go my what the situation is like right now. i would call this crisis on top of a crisis. we've been living under a crisis, basically since late 2022, where we are right now in the past 2 weeks. you've seen another $200000.00 plus people i've worked flat in the mountain vines and many of them are coming towards the city of gama, which is already under tremendous strain. i've been calling since so many displaced children and families for the past year plus rights and how worried are you that humanitarian situation will continue to worse and the longer the fighting goes on. no doubt it will work. some were very concerned were concerned on
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a few points. one of them is the fact that we have reduced access. we can't reach so many hundreds of thousands of families who don't have access to some of the services essentials, services such as food assistance, how washing attrition in front of our we're concerned about our own safety and security is minutes. arians partnering with the communities, many of the sites in which we, we performer, to try and work, or actually shut down and we can't access those. so we're really utilizing smaller space and we have much less access to provide a central supports. humanitarian needs obviously are on the rise. what are people's biggest needs right now. i read many emergencies. what we're seeing is really just ongoing assistance efforts. paid a shoulder and it help so many people were displaced already and there they didn't display again. so really to just be able to have the basics documented,
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turn support, big lots, back and forth. i got after these last 2 weeks, so many hundreds of thousands of people had those basics and they've lost them. and so now we're trying to reestablish really just a minimal level of support, but there's increasing number of displaced people. and as such, our resources are very much search. okay, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for speaking to us from fillmore a set of goals. presidents as he will respect the constitutional counsels ruling that it's illegal to postpone the presidential election. microsoft says that he holds consultations to organize the vote as soon as possible, earlier this month. so i'll pass to decree to and definitely delay the vote fund for february 25th of the law was passed by parliament last week. after opposition members were removed from the chamber. it led to widespread demonstrations and the killing of at least 3 people will. after the ruling, several government critics and opposition figures were released from prison. there were celebrations as barry,
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as they were freed. nicholas hock reports in the capital, the card, the constitutional council counseling rejecting and challenging a decision taken by the president, voted by the national assembly to delay february's presidential elections to december 15th. now the president had said that the electoral process was flawed and decided to delay the elections because they was suspicion of corruption. among the council itself that drew the list of candidates, the counsels response was that the decision to delay the elections is unconstitutional. they cited article window 3 of the constitution thing, a president, you know, extend his van, they present themselves. term in office ends on april 2nd. now this decision was welcomed by candidates, but also members of the opposition. he comes at a time where several leading figures of civil society and the opposition were freed
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from the tension. now there are several marches that are going to take place for many. this is a sign that the institution, the democratic institution in sending gulf works for others. this is a sign of a deepening crisis between the president and the, the constitutional counsel and some of the institutions in the country. now the council has said that the president, the opposition, the candidates have to get together and decide for a new election dates. as soon as possible. nicholas hawk elgin 0 the car that is really forces of a tax palestinian worshippers on their way to an ox on mosque for friday. prayers. video shows a fight breaking out between officers and palestinians near the mosque. and the palestinian women was pushed off against the brick wall near the lion's gate. and searched by is really police well, tens of thousands of palestinians are barred from friday. prayers. i took up some
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mosque in jerusalem is really all 4 days of impose tight restrictions. so as thumbs 3rd holy is safe, leaving the mosque all but empty. before the war started between $50.80 worshippers usually attended friday prayers that total swords during the holy month of ramadan to up to $220000.00. since the war on gaza started in october, attendance has ranged from 322-5000 due to the is there any restrictions? we'll go back to step boss and once again stuff is joining us from the munich security conference stuff because there has been discussion around the war in gaza . what, what's been sense? while absolutely, yeah, there's a very strong call now, here in munich, among all these leaders, we have some more than 50. i won't need us here. and also more than $100.00 ministers discussing also the situation and gas of dire situation and is this call
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going around for humanitarian? a pause, and you are human to terry in a ceasefire. so i'm joined here by one of the key play is the german foreign minister on elena bandwalk. you just visited is for out. and you've been a aware of cause of the situation and that i saw you called also for the humanitarian pause. when you had a meeting with the apartment as a need to know how if you was phones as well, i think it's crystal clear that association can go on like it is. uh, families are waiting for the fathers for the mothers, for the daughters, for this sons who's been captured by the terrorist organization, how much more than 100 to days ago being kept as hostages. they are also german citizens, still hostages, the baby one year old, 4 year old child. so to feed as hostages, we need this humanitarian force and all the other hand, it also needs a human to turn pause for the hundreds of thousands of people suffering in gaza.
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they are also children who have lost their parents and mention our own children which live without any parents, without any water, without any food. so we need this humanitarian pause. the easiest would not really be that how most woodside laid down its weapons. i really appreciate the call from a boss that he made clear how much. so i has to agree to this deal right now. so to y'all respond to, excuse me, to your call, what obviously we are not they are yet, should we go? so in this negotiation led by egypt control and the us, they are too far apart. but this is why we all have to pressure human unit around the world on home us and also in the is very government that it needs to pause to free the hostages and the need support that the suffering of in a sense that people, families, children in gaza will be relieved. germany has been criticized for not being firm enough to protect, to call them as well to protect civilian lives. can i hear
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a small change in your tone right now? have you seen something new that that makes you change your mind from the beginning on it made clear that every country in the world also, each route has the rights to defensive, to defend itself against the terrorist attacks. imagine you wake up in the morning and the terrorist in front of your door, right. bring your daughter, killing your child, and grabbing your husband and bringing in to to know we're going to 8000. that's the, in the, in the city. for me, it was so clear that everybody calls on how much to stop this terrible. unfortunately, this didn't happen as so east river reacted in the self defense. but i made also very clear from the beginning on this fight as against the how much terrorist organization and not against civilians. and this is why when there has been abuse announcements on and for a tech on rough. uh,
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i made very clear that the right of self defense also knows limits was in the international humanitarian law. and this is why i called so for said corey door say spaces. and also over the last the 3 months i have always called for humanitarian supply. it was in gaza and the situation is getting worse. and yes, this is why we are pushing way hard on the humanitarian. that border crossings are being open trucks up being allowed to in side again is how much, what surrender. also those apply for humanitarian would be way more easy within god because obviously they are hiding behind the innocent people. thank you so much for sharing your feelings. so with me and she's of course, a very busy woman these 3 days here at the munich security conference and with all the lobby and all the bilateral talks going on. who knows? at the end of the conference, we have maybe some good news for the people in guys who have been suffering so so badly. all right,
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stuff. thank you so much for that. the still ahead zone. the houses there are new is our power changing weather patterns are reducing fishing catches in malaysia,
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the the the, the last there have been near a daily protest against israel's war in gaza. oscar winning after susan surround and has added her voice. she's among the more than 350 american actors and musicians who signed a petition calling for a cease fire. heidi 0,
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castro reports from washington. d. see, american actress susan, surrounded arrived on capitol hill to join activist calling on congress to push for a ceasefire. in gaza, it's like shooting fish in about right now and people stuck and not being able to get out. the hospitals being destroyed, surrounded, joined the answers. more group code pink to speak with members of congress. were a bill to send more u. s. military a to is real, is pending. democratic congresswoman rashida to lead is the only palestinian american and congress she met with the actress then read it supporters outside her office the same thing, but they're trying see understanding of only 12 percent of congress publicly support a ceasefire compared to more than 60 percent of the american public serrano and try to share that message with republican house speaker, mike johnson,
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who's largest campaign donor is the pro, is rarely group a pack. a member of johnson staff spoke with surround, and i think, you know, this is a little world right here with this work and his concerns with keeping his job as his finances coming in, whatever. but you have to peak out and see that outside of the most of the world understands that there's a genocide happening. the us senate passed the $14000000000.00 military aid package to israel earlier this week. that bill has an uncertain future in the house. so due to republicans bulking at the poor and spending the us as israel's biggest military supporter, about a dozen other demonstrators were arrested on capitol hill, protesting that this wasn't the 1st time. so randon has protested in support, a palestinian to say that he don't have to be sending you. the actress was fired by
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her talent agency after pre is protest in november. some critics claim she's anti semitic. this doesn't mean to do with criticizing jewish people. this has to do with criticizing what israel is doing now, this killing so many people, more than 28000 palestinians dead and counting highly. jo, castro, elders, era, washington? well the worst part of district is in the north of gaza. where every where, excuse me, very little aid is delivered and some people have resorted to pulling up waves to try to make a meal. here's one woman story in her own words. and this was about the time of the eclipse without the funny. yeah. there's no mistake, i don't know. see if you don't know how that works. is that what fraud of the limits or some other? yeah. so what's fun with you?
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yeah. and even as the literacy it had the sure i have no clue upon this as soon as the showed up one miller's. i'm sorry about that as long as the left and the indoor now the head of so that when you ought to be remember, let us know the whole well, what does that have to be kept for shopping for the state of behavior? if you have to let me know, so how's that? oh yeah, no, i would need will i get the the what i'm in for the audit on the computer. if it's in some of that, the cool issue, the knock on it message, if it's soup left, he called was left here, but he made messages. she on a natural they i need a special needs child for sure will look. yeah. and the mean. yeah. now yeah, and i, when i get home visit issue with the blockbuster, should the, i don't my but i sure, well, yeah, i mean if i feel like the headlights were low homeless up a we, most of them have come most we for some that i should the higher on those as look we've, i take less all but with has that and then they should out of the house. we're not,
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not sure. i mean have to do a lot of the issue. i mean shopping for mostly in the, i mean i have some use about bush wouldn't have elected a lot, let conduct. i know i know the other. i showed him the book, see here and i'm not going fish with the whole business i need. but none of the you with no initial issue with the machine that the issue now cool. let me add this heck that i, that's it. i, that's in the know. yeah, i mean, that's about to be stuck with you. so i just, we seem like you know, for soup, a lot of the, whatever was the resolution making of a su, willing to help with murder, i would help locally. and when are you and is, if i know perfect when i have a job, job assignment, which i've done as an a, be a household with nobody, but you've got to know love got the little this of the month that you know what with a do not never tell sort over joe, and i lose look at the let them to look the way. yeah. and a or i can. uh, i mean if you, i'm out of the image or do i have to have the what i was shot for in other words. yeah, if you went to a meeting you to for sitting on the camera and well now the moving team is over the
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head of the paid or the rest of that up. the, i don't want me to deal with a, i had the whole change them and to give one more, i'm in with them with the show you if you i need child with, if that the side and the thing that i'm the thought about what i'm going to was the whole the how to well that's the government this my, you know, send a little basic amount of money. that's our number, but i just, yeah, i didn't way even if you and i'm i'm then i the on the send haven't already met and got off. yeah. and it is over the bubble up comes by. let's just put it on it. i'm going on and which obviously says you're on an inside of this. it says you're all set up or has announced a one and a half $1000000000.00. a package for household struggling with the high cost of living. the new budget includes cash handouts, utility bill rebates, on tax concessions for businesses. recent negative data and single port china and japan is raising fears of a regional slowed down that would damage economies worldwide. patrick,
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folk reports from singapore. the budget announcements in parliament included a series of measures aimed at helping singaporeans make ends meet and create in cash, and that's utility bill rebates, a more with a focus on supporting both low income and launch households. well, single voice of tiny, small economy that depend on external trade, trade is 3 times the size of the economy. so whether, you know the us economy or the launch key market for a single portray. if they see this, if we seem to have them slipping in the recession of consumption in these key market split, it will be felt in signal for one week. exports in december. single roof buys the down with its full year growth, the 2023. but a major concern is china with its sluggish domestic consumption and next sports growth along, so we property market conditions, welds the 2nd largest economy, is one of the single polls key trading partners. and what happens in china has
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a significant bearing home the rest of asia, according to a well bank report published in october, a one percent reduction in china's growth. could track the region downward by as much as 0.3 percentage points. economists have for years predicted china would one day suppose to us as the world's largest economy. many now questions that i don't think it is going to happen. china has to work through this period and allow the uh, the housing market to stabilize whether it will be done in a couple of years. i don't think so. i think it could be 10 years before they actually sort of resolve this problem. and so i think we have to accept the fact that where we're going to be seeing slow growth in china, another agent, economic powerhouse japan lost its ranking to germany as the world's 3rd largest economy, often unexpectedly slipping into recession. contracting growth complicates the bank
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of japan's plans to raise interest rates of the 1st time since 2007. the po for, for the recession is the cut interest rates. at are the same time the japanese yet is not performing well, i guess it's uh to the us dollar. so what are they going to do? i mean, the quote between the roof cannot place. now, the reasons hopes of, of bryan to economic future could now hinge on india. its growth is expected to outpaced china as both this the next. so the global economic recovery remains fragile, and central banks continue to tighten policy. and this ju political tensions costs a shadow over economic prospects. world wide. patrick from singapore, which is the young people, are seeking to leave me and mar, following the announcements earlier this week of mandatory military service. thousands lined up with a tie, embassy, and young von waiting for their visas. the conscription order for young men and women follows a series of defeats for the army. bottling,
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revel fighters in northern me and mar. engines are recently extended, a state of emergency police in india have fire through a gas at farmers again, their mast smarts to the capital new delhi is now into a 4th day. they are demanding guaranteed minimum prices for their crops, death relief, and policy reforms. and police have repeatedly set a barricades along the routes. for generations, fishing close to shore has been the backbone of malaysia as coastal communities. but the change in climate is making it more difficult for small scale fishermen to earn a living. florence through reports from the jo horse straits early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of the whole southern melisha. why might would one be more might yes, it works here occasionally, after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago, to save another. i've had 2 bad experiences when my boat was on the way back to
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show the winds. jane suddenly in less than 5 minutes and what a large waves in my boat was sent by. i couldn't avoid the waves getting hit with that. i didn't think of anything else. i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. near shaw fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in malaysia for generations. but that's the way of life is coming under a threat. changing with a battens also mean the fuel months with say for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena roman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on rural community. so everybody knows the temperature of the ocean by increasing the color beaching, et cetera. but this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed fish, the seas sees analogy, you know, they're not where they used to be. the fish and not coming in. we didn't have squid at all last year. it's not just to climate change, coastal development and land reclamation also creating pollution and
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a build up of salt wrecking habitats for marine life. i could easily touched when people are grants of crips before. no, it is difficult to even get 5 kilograms fishermen here have had to find other ways to make and living. the number of fish farms is multiplied with many expanding their businesses by offering fishing platforms for english. you can pay $35.00 ring get that's equivalent to about roughly 7 us dollars to come here to fish is becoming increasingly popular with fishing and disease and is turning into a pretty good source of income for fishermen. here. that's climate experts say in the long run, fission and won't be able to escape the impact of climate change and coastal development. i see, i see an end to this industry and the last complete loss of his heritage. i'm not sure common changes reversible. many fishermen here share that sentiment. they say they won't recommend the children or grandchildren follow the footsteps. firstly,
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i would just do the straits of the whole malaysia. uh uh, that's it for me for the time being docked in just a moment with much more of diseases. i screamed when i heard it and the police officer that like, had me also responded like like they knew something bad happened. well, sarah was being arrested. the team of officers killed, taught to get in a garage of gunfire. they make 57 hollins, his body, some of the, some of the, let's break the bones. authorities claim talk to get to fired. first wounding a state trooper in the abdomen. and that a pistol allegedly registered to, to, to get to was recovered from the scene. they say there is no footage of the actual shooting, just recording some officers who were nearby. that footage has raise questions
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about who actually shot the trooper officer. i really don't believe anything mondays. i think there are 9, and there is nothing new. everybody knows that police and i had came in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any of your thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito, in the security council, this is a may just something go because if it access to, if he of the story on told to how does era this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening
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most covers have in use is the shooting and southern israel kills at least 2 people in, in jersey, several others. the, you're watching you all to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting you navigate to also coming up israel's incursion into an offset. hospice all causes the debt stuff. at least 6 patients. a 112 palestinians have been killed in gaza in the past. day russia says the opposition leader election of all and he has died in prison. there's a wide spread reaction of shocked on condemnation to the death of blood work,


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