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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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just cover the shooting in southern israel, kills at least 2 people and injures several others. the you're watching on to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligate to also coming up israel's incursion into loss. that hospice little causes the death certificate least 6 patients, a 112 palestinians have been killed in gaza. in the past day. russia says the opposition leader election of all and he has died in prison. there's a wide spread reaction of soft down condemnation to the death of blood work mentions. most prominence critics. 500 prisoners are released and sent
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a gone rights groups describe them as political prisoners and say to move crude, ease tensions in the west african country, the hello. we begin in southern israel, where is really police. a gunman has killed 2 people and injured others at a crowded bus stop. the gunman was killed after opening fire in the city of curious malachi police, for others were injured and taken to hospital. following that, shooting is really forces carried out raids in the occupied westbank and they stormed the house of the person accused of the shooting. and the shaw fox refuge account when a cat in gaza at least 4 patients have died in an intensive care units. as is really forced to stormed loss at hospital palestinians are describing the attack on gauze as largest medical facility as another war crimes. the power and oxygen
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supplies have been cards and stuff. fear that more patients will die. the hospital has been under is really seeds for weeks. hundreds of stuff on the patients were forced to flee a heavy tank and machine gun fire, as well as treating the sick and wounded the hospital with sheltering at least 10000 people forced from their homes elsewhere in gaza. florida about zoom in joining us from a different city in southern gaza to give us an update on the situation. i cannot said hospital as it stands right now. and what's happened to the patients? uh yes, uh very and it was clearly uh they'll use that's how they use when you force it systematically wanted to empty the north side hospital from a medical teams alongside from the back you we used or were taking shelter in this hospital and it was also of use how the procedures had been taken against them were presented to enforcing them to leave with the family members after being
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investigated and above residents have been also get out from the hospital on a foot in order to get to of our district as the situation remains critically, dia in the departments of the hospital that had been largely inspected by the is very forces who had been transferring residents, patients and medical teams from one building to another. looking for a mazda operatives has the is ready, but it, you, oh officials have been claiming, and it's critically done yet right now because the entire buildings of the hospital had been completely run out of food on how to avoid that. there's a full electric outages the where it's which imposed more significant threats on the lives of injured people who are right now receiving the treatment by a very limited number of 1000 in the us as the especially that palestinian ancient people. and patients have been the only due to the, a great block of oxygen on file, along side with a great deal of restrictions being imposed by the is ready forces as these,
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where the military tanks right now are stationed inside the hospital. where the is very military are, why is why didn't pop it's military and inspection and different departments of the hospitals and thought it was what's happening in other parts of the gaza strip. because the is really bombardment has continued and we know that at least a 112 palestinians have been killed in the past day. yes, there is a good. there is a very notable surge of military strikes in the past. the hour is specifically only the central part, i'm sorry, with the southern costs of gauze where 2 palestinians have been reported killed in the city of hon. you and it's worth the use. wait a minute. you don't have targets. it's a group of residents in the southern parts of the city alongside with ongoing comments. and we should think of the central parts, especially on dairy black town, where to palestinians that have reported killed off destruction over residential building. and we need to clearly in the straight that the central part of god was
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the trip, had witnessed me evacuation waves that getting to this area. or is this league from roof our district, which is the potential area for the military encourage of by the is body forces. it means that this area that people are seeing it are not yet safe because of the east very bombardment along side that the nother in part had witnessed move, fighting the on the ground as well. but roger brackets had been funded from the another at part towards is where the communities as the as well they are in dump system trying to intercept the find a truck. it's the all right, thank you so much thought about zoom reported for me. but if i hadn't the gaza strip, and we'll go back to the shooting in southern israel, honda central, which is joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so what are, is really all stories saying about the shooting? what's the reaction that so far as really, authorities have identified one of the 2 people killed in the shooting. they say a 40 year old gunman from the shark called the refugee camp, opened fire at
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a bus stop from his car for other people are wounded. 2 of them seriously, and 2 of them moderately, they are being treated at hospitals in southern and central israel, the national security minister. it's more bang. we're a ride to the scene to get an assessment from authorities on the situation. and shortly after that, we received a press release from these really prime minister's office a statement rather saying 1st that offering condolences for those who were injured or killed. and secondly, saying that there are multiple threats. the country is facing not just from gaza, ending it by saying that there will be a total victory. the state of israel has now increased the security level to it's highest alert. and how do we hear that now there are a range taking place in the occupied westbank at the shaw sides, refugee camp where the legit attacker is from
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that's right. these really occupation forces storming the chart fault the refugee camp, who going to the home of the alleged attack or in the shooting and southern israel . there were scenes of masses of is really police border police, an army, a like going through the refugee camp and actually attacking some residence there. one of the neighbors ended up getting shot in the head with a rubber bullied by is really forces. now this palestinian say is a form of collective punishment that they are often subjected to when there is an attack. what we do see in instances like this are the family members, friends, or even neighbors of the person who israel has accused of carrying out this attack . those people get arrested and they get taken in for interrogation and some of the other steps the is really military takes or that they demolish the home of the
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person who they've accused of carrying out this attack. that rate, as we understand, is still ongoing in the short fault refugee camp, possibly mapping out the home for demolition or resting family members for interrogation that in. all right, thank you. hon. the son who was reported from occupied east jerusalem the now world leaders are blaming russia as president for the death of the opposition leader election of all the in prison, flooded revolutions. most prominent critic was 47 years old, guards at his maximum security prison in the arctic regions, so he felt unwell after take me a walk and became unconscious. we'll get an update from moscow, but 1st the marks looks back at his life as once seen as president clinton's face. this threat selecting a battle me was an lawyer who became a blog. 7 investigating a lead struction state corruption,
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use social media to amplify. his findings didn't get to me use the english and one support from young russians who don't have a 9 to 10, empower in 2013. he ran to be met or must go before the election. he was arrested no for the last time and accused the fraud. his sizable st purchased, soon transformed into a campaign against corruption and censorship, with a presidential run planned in 2016. so you, i'm not saying this deal is that there is just one goal. the goal is to make russia a normal rich country where citizens profit in some way from the richness of their country. that's why we are fighting this regime hits for conviction and did his candidacy. and while his party boy called to the election, police rated properties of several supporters. then in 2020, he felt dangerously ill on a flight. as
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a german team event created in for treatment. the nerve agent, no big job developed by russia's military, was deemed responsible damage is sasha alexi. nobody is up to. so it's clear that alexi novelle me is the victim of a crime. he was supposed to be silence as an i, together with the entire german government condemned us and the strongest possible turn, rushes government denied it poisoned him, and he slowly recovered both. absolutely the boy that it wasn't painful at all. but the overwhelming feeling is i'm going to die. it looks quite hard to explain because you don't experience it in everyday life. thank god, this person you speak of. you know, the 2021 know found the route ton to russia, where his arrest prompted. nationwide, protests demanding his release. a court decided his absence abroad had violated pro the stats of the prison spell that's being repeatedly extended inside his health
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was and then to them on better adults. as he launched the weeks long hunger strikes from his cell. he called brushes ukraine invasion, a stupid war based on lies prism. katie affected his health and his team said he'd lost a lot of weight alexi and allow me to survive by his wife julia and the 2 children . oh, video as a murder stuff. i've only had a court hearing on thursday. of all the accused has penal colony of illegally recording conversations between him and his lawyer. the court dismissed the allegations. it was his last public appearance, a ukrainian president of a lot of his events get his blame. the volume is death on the russian president vladimir putin showing the style of the domain. uh, shows that us we have just learned as the chancellor has said, it looked seen of only died in a brushing prison. obviously he was killed by proteins like thousands of others who have been told me that he had been tortured because of this one person on the poaching doesn't care who dies is as long as he retains his possession. and that is
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why he must not keep anything in the food and must lose everything they must not retain anything. it must be held accountable for what he has done with him. daniel hawkins is a moscow with a latest reaction. a will a reaction for almost all of these, of course, very different to the emotions and the response we're seeing from a position activists and the valley supposes keys to get heads within the russian government have dismissed these allegations of states involvement in volatile as best as essentially, fight can use with some language as not loading upon them interest be to get him as far as the blame western state spelling made. so for this thing is the reactions that have led to the, the events we saw today. and what do you as a kind of a more f for ministry spokeswoman saying that the, the very quick response all the critics and west and officials is very telling now no doubt him thing that uh that out and about and he's backing in support. a boy
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west in finance, he is mean want on a street somewhere else. so we are seeing people going to leave flowers of various memorials. so victims of political depression around the country in multiple cities . one is that in some of those cities, a police have already closed off these memorials to prevent people getting that. and the whole tardies and most go have warm people against taking to the streets and what they describe as an authorized on section process, no doubt. and that is a patient that you see of some sort of process in relation to his death. so within the hours of the valley community to very different narratives, coming from russian will authorities and from opposition activists and support has overlook, seen of only well, earlier my colleagues obviously john spoke to serve a mark called a former advisor to the russian president. she said that in of all these pro american stands cost him his popularity among the russian people to this rule. so
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no, it is all sorts of florida for now. and so it says from the war and thousands of thousands of people death. ready muscles or actions, believe that status in the right next. now shared responsibility, or be getting called fuzzies. what because i said in a lot and it was a conduct a consent for on medical pro pretty just shot now for the to. so i knew your honestly, and i was just wondering if she was able to provide smart, be sort of a sense of humor and test on that. i'm quite pretty that she did not speak about to use for me to my condo. so to know most of these from it, but not will, she is what i did not part of typical signature. so given the fact that missed in the valley was previously hospitalized in 2024 novel short poisoning. do you think this will increase some suspicion, further suspicion about whether he was targeted? uh no, no, i'm confident up for auction. i sort of just was additional for the sake of knowing
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that this adventure very much. because i know it was the one launch because the presidential elections on the beach for going to put, you know, probably a will a, we have a great apple, a supple. so i so is, this is uh, but you saw optional services all sort of see and nobody else go to the sunset. nobody to provide you with your said no political support inside cut off by now. so i just use this even when i create some b plus some programs or from the also to just it's still a heads on al jazeera. why you freedom says it's withdrawing some troops from a key town and they've done yet screech or the frank assessments. here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the
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elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big boys informed opinions. we don't live in a post colonial award, and you live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. the challenges here with this is took, took years the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin green star restaurants come and discover the natural,
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historical, and cultural beauties the the crews. reminder of the top stories on al jazeera, this, our police in southern israel say a gunman has killed 2 people and injured others that a crowded bus stop. the attacker was killed after opening fire in the city of curious malachi, is really forces have since rated his home in the occupied westbank. at least 5 patients have died in an intensive care unit in gaza, as is where the forces storms and offset hospital power. and oxygen supplies have
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been caught and stuff fear more patients will die. world leaders are blaming rushes presidential. the death of the officer shall leader alexei. nev only in prison watermark hooton's most prominent critic was 47 years old and guards at his maximum security. prison say that he felt on well after taking a walk and became unconscious. the ukraine says that it's withdrawing some troops from parts of a ton of, of dave caught in the dawn. you ask region following months of heavy fighting with russian forces. rob mcbride reports from car keys. after months of relentless russian assaults, the admission from ukraine that is being forced to pull back some troops from the front lines around of div it says ext are reserves are also being sent in to try to both the defenses. but there are increasing concerns. the town could finally full to the russians. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video,
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released by ukrainian youtube reportedly failed last week. all of the of the district of dc because it has been completely ravished by russian bonds. it all happened in the past 2 weeks. you can recognize of div colors, particularly everything has been flattened by bombs. the russian army spares nobody situated next to the russian hill. the city of don't yet have deep has a strategic value to both sides. quite as with all the or at 1st and will back bulls also told me, grind is in the east, have deep cut, does have a symbolic value ahead of the secondary of us, or we have the full scalable and the presidential elections in russia. vladimir putin would daily like to take it. the ukraine has been willing to fight these on ending battles, making the grim calculation that with russia losing formal soldiers. they all with it. but as with the fight back move last year, which keep finally gave up,
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the desire to save you quite and you had lives seems to be more important. i did the warning for weeks, the time you nation shortages because of the hold up of a military aid package in the us congress could mean polluted. we'll get these wish russia sending wave after wave of conscript forces to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill, we've not been able to provide ukraine with the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian assaults. the listening situation, enough div comes as ukrainian president followed them, is a landscape, meets with your a p and back as who's continuing support. now seems more critical than ever. rob mcbride, i'll just say era concave ukraine to south african soldiers have been killed in a mortar as striking the eastern democratic republic of congo. another 3 were wounded in that incidents near the city of goma. the troops are part of a regional for his helping that they are congo fight against armed groups. earlier
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i spoke with david monkey, he's the world visions, eastern zone director for the democratic republic of congo. he warned that the longer the fighting goes on, the more difficult it becomes to get a to those who need it the most. i would call this a crisis on top of a crisis. we've been living under crisis, basically since late 2020 to where we are right now. in the past 2 weeks, you've seen another 200000 people. what flight of the mountain vines and many of them are coming towards the city of gama, which is already under tremendous strain. i've been called to so many displaced children and families for the past year plus rights and how worried are you the humanitarian situation will continue to worse and the longer the fighting goes on. no, don't move worse and we're very concerned. we're concerned on a few points. one of them is the fact that we have reduced access. you can reach so many hundreds of thousands of families who don't have access to some of the
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services. essential services such as food assistance, health washing nutrition in front of more, we're concerned about our own safety and security issue, minutes, arians, partnering with the communities. many of the sites in which we, we performer, to try and work or actually shut down. and we can't access those, so we're really using, utilizing smaller space and we have much less access to providing is essentially supports to senegal as president micah salas, to consult on holding elections as soon as possible. that's off to the country's constitutional council overturned christie lay of an election due on february the 25th sauls announcements came just hours after authorities released $500.00 people from prison rights groups described them as political prisoners. nicholas hawk reports from the car. after months in prison, finally free hip hop artist politicians intellectual. some were held without charge, others accused of offending present mikey cell as well as participating in non
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authorized demonstrations or attempting to destabilize the country. i tell myself that i've done nothing. they found me at home, they arrested me. they charged me on non existent grounds. this is inconceivable in a democratic country. the prisoners release comes after sol postpone this month's presidential election until december, teaching their reputation of what's considered one of the most stable democracies in africa. sol says the electoral process is flawed because constitutional counsel judges who compiled the list of candidates are suspected of corruption. the judges denied that box. in a landmark ruling, the constitutional council has a know the decision to delay the elections. the council says that present itself cannot over stay his mandate and calls for elections as soon as possible. this is seen as a victory for the rule of law, lucy, sunday,
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and her daughter in law hope that the elections page the way for the release of her son. he's a leading member of the band opposition party known as passed. death led by it was months sancho who's in jail. and this all the election. i have a critical role in the release of prisoners because they are being dates only for political reasons because they are part of the vertical position. these are young, engage and just to remind people that want to fulfill the destiny of our country rights group. it's a political prisoners are being released thanks to talks between the president and sancho, which were mediated by civil society leaders. freedom for the hundreds is seen as a move by the government to appease and unites a nation divided by politics. nicholas hall county has the right. the car for generations fishing close to shore has been the backbone of malaysia as coastal communities. but the change in climate is making it more difficult for small scale fishermen to earn a living. florence new me reports in
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a jo horse straits early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of the whole southern melisha. while my read one big moment, yes, it works here. okay. usually after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago, to save another. i've had 2 bad experiences when my boat was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly in less than 5 minutes. and what a large waves in my boat was sent by. i couldn't avoid the waves getting hit with that. i didn't think of anything else. i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. near shaw fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in malaysia for generations. but that's the way of life is coming under a threat. changing with a battens also mean the fuel months with say for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena roman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on rural community. so everybody
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knows the temperature of the ocean by increasing the color beaching, et cetera. but this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed fish the seas season now. latino didn't know where they used to be. the fish and not coming in. we didn't have squid at all last year. it's not just to climate change, coastal development and land reclamation also creating pollution and a build up of salt wrecking habitats for marine life. i to easily touched when people are grants of crips before. no, it is difficult to even get 5 kilograms fishermen here have had to find other ways to make a living. the number of fish farms is multiplied with many expanding their businesses by offering fishing platforms for english. you can pay $35.00 ring get that's equivalent to about roughly 7 us dollars to come here to fish is becoming increasingly popular with fishing and disease and is turning into a pretty good source of income for fishermen. here. that's climate experts say in
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the long run, fission and won't be able to escape the impact of climate change and coastal development. i see, i see an end to this industry and the last complete loss of his heritage. i'm not sure kind of changes reversible. many fishermen here share that sentiment. they say they won't recommend the children or grandchildren follow the footsteps. firstly, i would just do the straits of the whole malaysia. the young people are seeking to leave me in mar, following the announcement earlier this week of mandatory military service. thousands lined up at the tie embassy and young on waiting for their visas. the conscription order for young men and women follows a series of defeats for the army, paddling revel fighters in northern me in more than june. so recently extended a states of emergency. all right, that's it for me for the time being less per ornaments with you at the top of the hour with more news on alta 0 up next it's the weather the inside story examines
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how likely are regional conflicts is in the middle east. thanks for watching officer by the the hello there. it's looking very hard to close africa at the moment. we'll get this soon. first, we're going to look at middle east and live on forgot unsettled conditions, dominating across that event with more rain. expect it to full in southern gaza, which isn't going to help the flooded streets that but the good news is it isn't as cold as it could be. temperatures are sitting slightly above the average for places here. the more wet and wintry weather, however, dominating across the rock into iran over the next few days. and as we get lost, we settled story for the south of this look heat. so pace is like a top look at that. the temperature is set to come down into sunday as
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a shamal picks up, so we are expecting some hazy sunshine and issues with visibility across southern parts of saudi arabia. thanks to the lifted dust and lift, the dust is a story across the north of africa as the winds pick up in the north west. but it is still a story of heat. the temperature is well above the average across the north, west, and west in areas. it's west across that central band of africa, the west of the rain. continuing to pull into madagascar heavy falls, expect to deal with some flooding, stretching back into northern areas of mozambique much dwyer full south africa with a heat wave in the interior. but with a weather in the east on saturday. the heroes from i'll just on the go in the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from alpha 0 new at using. is it the returned the ation have recommendations? israel has went up with spikes on his paula killing civilians and 11 of the groups that won't go unpunished. combines of. busy on does that, could this exchange escalates into the regional conflicts? this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian instead of getting the, as really ministry has been exchanging fine with the lebanese group has bullet almost daily since october 7th, as well as.


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