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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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hundreds of people have seen his actuators and indent coverage thailand states. it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story, the the hello, i'm going to be put on them. and this is the news our lives from coming off for the next 16 minutes. desperate palestinians target and trucks filled with a me that off of crossing as big as the way the blockade of a supplies is causing the evan lot conditions in gaza. is what i was a violent inclusion to nasa hospital was the death of at least 5 patients. 112
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power finance have been killed in gaza in the past day. the shooting and southern his relatives that these 2 people add in just several others. and russia says, all physician lead alexi, nevada only has died in prison, is widespread shock and condemnation of the death of flattery made persians most prominent presents. dom pete, the cemetery of sports kidding. above faces. he wants to be p as to you at the end of the season will also be making a move for the french world cup went up to the hear from the manager, the catalog test. and 8th of this is our, the beginning in the southern gaza where they had been scenes of desperation, palestinians facing full salvation, rushed to trucks that were entering through the rough crossing. carrying food is real controls the movement of goods into the strip that has prevented adequate food, met some supplies from entering since the staff of the full,
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the cities of alpha and con eunice are under non stop is really bombardment. those attacks of code at least 28 palestinians. this since friday morning, i'm more than 100, have been killed across all of garza in the past day. and also hospital. a 5th patient has died in an intensive care unit opposite as well as little storm. the facility caution, power and oxygen supplies. while the hospital has been sheltering at least 10000 displays people, it will fails to flee a mid heavy tank and machine gun fire will dalton the, he's a boot to, i'm a is the head of surgery and also hospitals. and he says that critically ill patients, a barely hanging onto life. i love the that if he does then the, then the situation is more than die on. it is not the best or most of these are you need to pay some salt. does have a storm at the hospitality. the facility is made up of 3 main buildings. surgery,
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the office citrix, and into another mid to send them. the lady's told us now inside the old mr tricks and pediatrics building blocks, we have rounded up civilians taking cellphone inside the hospital in one building and the entire medical staff in the intent and with the same building. we were forced to transfer or patients and the one data to the hospitals or building now where the electric power has been cut off from the entire medical company. many patients in the intensive care unit and those on oxygen supply and those on dialysis are left whitening for the life since 5 o'clock g m t. we stand helpless, unable to provide any form of medical assistance to the patients inside the hospital, or the victims flooding into the facility every single minute smoke. so as a result of the 3 patients and the intensive care unit loss of their lives. in addition to a 4 female pneumonia patient with other problems, he died,
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we just you to the lack of oxygen supply loss for them for the to pregnant plate is had to give back to their babies on the floor while i made total absence of electricity. even water and food, and we have 3 children kept in in po betas. they are now under grave danger. and what adds insult to injury is that mothers and you are born babies together with the patients and victims are devoured by fee is called the remaining patients and wounded inside of the hospitality of now a bad thing for the life. many of them are difficult conditions and none of them has received any medication. they are more threatened by eminent that let's go to our correspondence thought a couple was there and he's joining us life. i'm it office city in southern gaza. and that incident that we mentioned type of style when people were rushing towards a trucks near the border with egypt, just once again highlighting how desperate people off for aid. what happened?
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yes, that's right. so now these things that palestinians have been trying to get a humanitarian assistance is due to the very, to the state of the very acute food of security that they have been suffering from since the beginning of this conflict, as the majority of goals are still, are in a very desperate need for food and the goal is was to of right now is and actually the edge of a famine that had been hitting all areas of the territory. especially the another at part which is the lowest, the affected areas of the fighting that where there is no much humanitarian supplies being delivered to top parts of the gaza strip on our most of the reasons for the finding that now is sprinting in the territory, including the is very already existing located at the goal of this trip before october, the 7th, along. so like with the ongoing restrictions as well as b is b, r being imposing as being imposing on the a delivery in 2 different areas. of course, calls a strip and also at the very absolutely convince of
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a delivery into the gaza strip of due to the is valued inspection delay. i'm just in some cases denial. and this is absolutely excessive pipes the already aggravating humanitarian crisis where people started right now. it's a completely grinding animal feeds in the south and in the north in order to get a food sources as also people in the south are struggling on a daily basis to get sufficient amount of humanitarian supplies due to the most popular issue right now, being displaced in roughly district, which is one of the most areas that are receiving the most amount of humanitarian supplies that had been allowed to get into that territory. but what we need to mention also that the human attorney trucks getting into gaza strip are very limited, cannot match all the needs of the gaza strip here, specifically that the ongoing from button to, to the, to our 3 excessive pace. the situation here on the ground. yeah, absolutely. static food for animals, but also hearing that people have been eating the ross there in gauze of the cause
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of a lack of food. meanwhile, as losing the portland as well, the siege of gauze is largest hospital and also hospitalized as can to doing. and we're hearing that a 5th patient has the doctor died as a result of that siege as well. in fact uh, elizabeth, the assembly is displaced and also it people along side with his stuff are completely living and going through hawks conditions the most are hospital off to being and there is really military sees for long weeks. so right now, being the stormed, forcing people to flee from the hospital and the ongoing power outages alongside with a very deep shortage of food and water. and which i noticed with by the medicine ministry of health one by how much government to you saying that the fuel and we're going out from the medical facility within the next 24 hours. which means that there's going to be much more danger on the lives of patients that especially the 6 patients are right now on risk by road to reading the intensive care unit alongside
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with the 3 new boom babies in any 2 pages or in a very desperate need for oxygen that is full so is running out from the medical facility. and that clearly reminds us with the situation and the majority of hospitals in the north, during the period of storming off its departments where the is where the forces alter, ruining the majority of departments, had been slipping, those into people to the south. but right now that ration so in the south for hospitals all, there are still 3 partially operating hospitals. and roughly district there is going to be much more transformation over to his patients. but these hospitals and fox uh, working beyond its capacity, which will means that within the company takes an hour. the situation might be really dalia for them as to his patients might lose the lights. thought of thank you very much for that. that is tonic of what was on what the situation for was in gaza. thank you. is there any police say a gunman has code to people have injured all those that
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a crowded bus stop. the government was killed off to opening fire and the city of kitty yachts, malachi, at least 4 others were injured in taken to hospital. and following that, shooting is ready for has carried out raids in the occupied westbank. they stormed the house of the person accused of the shooting in show fights refugee camps headed unto. let's go to our correspondent home, the son who she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and what, what can you tell us about the shooting on demand behind at home? the elizabeth is really, authorities are saying that a 40 year old man from the shar fault. the refugee camp arrived at this bus stop in southern israel and opened fire from his car. he was then shot dead of the scene. he killed 2 people. uh, it was really authorities identifying one of them, a 20 year old male, 23 year old, rather male from an illegal settlement in southern israel. the 2nd person was also
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taken to hospital where they succumb to their injuries. for other people have been wounded. authorities say 2 of them seriously, and 2 of them moderately. they aren't being treated at hospitals in southern and central israel, the country's national security minister. it's a more ben. we're went down to the scene to do an assessment with authorities about what happened. and shortly after we received a statement from these really prime minister who 1st jobs sent his condolences to those who had been injured and killed in the family members. but additionally, he said that the guns a war was the not, not the only security throughout the country. was facing and that he ended the statement by saying there will be a quote total victory. meaning that wherever he sense is a threat, these really authorities are going to respond. these really prime minister's office and authorities have said that they have raised the alert level. busy across the state to, to its maximum capacity on home the, as always,
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with the shootings. when the shoes things happen, will you see the is ready all me, is there any forces respond in a way that's described by a groups as imposing collective punishment? and we're hearing about rates and the occupied westbank, including as we mentioned in the neighborhood, the home of the man who was a, who carried out the shooting. that's exactly right. palestinians rights groups. anyone you speak to here will tell you that the collective punishment imposed on palestinians by these really forces. it's a daily occurrence and today was no different. these really military reading, the shock salt, the refugee camp in large numbers, going to the home of the alleged assailants. and attacking palestinians on their way there, one of the neighbors actually was shot in the head with a rubber bullets sustaining a series of injuries to the head and face. now something these really military
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often does is go to the home of the person. they've accused of carrying out this attack. they arrest family members, they arrest friends oftentimes, neighbors, as well to interrogate them to try to get information out of them to see if they were involved in any way. i'm the next step they take is mapping out this person's home for demolition. so that's something the b is really army was probably also doing while they were reading the chart, fault refuge account. but this is just the reality for palestinians who live under a suffocating, a military occupation, having to deal with the consequences of collective punishment on a daily basis. i'm the thank you for that homeless all who it's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. us president, joy by them has told is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they must be a temporary cease fund and gaza. that's we're gonna watch how's corresponding to kimberly, how could she's joining us live? what have you been here and kimberly what? spite and been saying yeah,
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well with regard to the issue of those ongoing talks to try and get some sort of temporary cease fire to get the release of tasked of the us president se. but he has had near daily conversations with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, implying that they have been roughly 60 minutes in length. each conversation as the us president says that in order to get those captives released, captives, he says, are not only of is really nationality. but also us nationally that there needs to be a temporary cease fire, and then he is helpful that that can be done. he says that he believes that this is a deal that is being negotiated as we speak something that we know has been going on for a number of weeks and he believes that it is very close to being worked on in to completion. he also is asked about the concentration of palestinians who have been
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displaced along the border with egypt in rafa. and the concern that israel has been mounting aggressive campaigns, pushing them closer and closer to the border and what might happen to them if israel is to become even more intensive in that military campaign. us present saying he doesn't anticipate israel launching any mass of land invasion, but also did not go any further elaborating what might happen to those people. and whether there is anything that is being done to help them or to take them or provide them any where to go. so the us president saying that in fact uh he is pushing for a temporary cease fire. we know that the us is pushing for one in previous conversations that would be of considerable length, somewhat longer than the week long. we saw back in november. first of all, i've had extensive conversations with the prime minister of israel. over the last 7
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days, almost an hour each and i've made the case, i feel very strongly about that there has to be a, a temporary cease fire to get the prisoners out to get the hostages out. and that is underway. i'm still hopeful that i could, i can be done. and in the meantime, i don't anticipate. i'm hoping that at the israel is, will not make a mass of land and vision. in the meantime. now once again, the us president saying that his team is negotiators are continuing to work on those talks and he is hopeful that there will be a deal imminently. thank you very much for that, but stay with us because we're going to go to a different story. one of the death of the russian opposition the,
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the election of on the and come back to you because we know that president joe biden has been speaking about that as well. but for now, that is kimberly, how could i, what house correspondence of the license that joe biden has been saying about asking prime minister netanyahu to impose a temporary cease fund and guys, a company back to you soon? well, lita is a blame in russia's president for the death of opposition data alexi, nevada, late in prison, that he may fusion's most prominent critic was 47 years old gauze that has maximum security prison and the optic regents that he felt on while off to taking a walk and became unconscious when a mox looks back at his life at once seen as president hooton's face. this threat selection of i only was a lawyer who became a lot of. 7 investigating a lead struction state corruption, use social media to amplify. his findings used to english and one support from
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young russians who don't you have a 9 to 10, empower in 2013. he ran to be met or must go before the election. he was arrested no for the last time, an accused of fraud. his sizable st purchased, soon transformed into a campaign against corruption and censorship, with a presidential run planned in 2016. said, i'm not saying this deal with that. there is just one goal. the goal is to make russian a normal rich country where citizens profit in some way from the richness of their country. that's why we are fighting this regime hits for conviction ended his candidacy. and while his party boy called to the election, police rated properties of several supporters. then in 2020, he felt dangerously ill on a flight. as a german team evacuated in for treatment,
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the nerve agent, no big job developed by russia's military, was deemed responsible. damage is tisha alexi. nobody is up to. so it's clear that alexi and a valid me is the victim of a crime. he was supposed to be silence, and i, together with the entire german government condemned us and the strongest possible turn, rushes government denied it poisoned him, and he slowly recovered. what absolutely the boy that it wasn't painful at all, but the overwhelming feeling is i'm going to die. it was quite hard to explain because he don't experience it in everyday life. thank god for things. you know, the 2021 know found the ton to russia, where his arrest prompted nationwide protest demanding his release. a court decided his absence abroad had violated pro. the stats of the prison spelt that's being repeatedly extended inside his health was and then to them on better doctors, he launched a week phone hung to strike from his cell. he called brushes ukraine invasion,
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a stupid war based on lies. prison clearly affected his health and his team said he'd lost a loss of weight, alexi and allow me to survive by his wife julia and the 2 children, us and ukrainian president will automatically, lensky has blamed novalis death on the russian president vladimir putin. shooting the style of the domain uh shows that us we have just learned as the chancellor has said, it looked seen of only died in a russian prison. obviously he was killed by proteins like thousands of others who have been told me that he had been tortured because of this one person on the poaching doesn't care who dies is as long as he retains his possession. and that is why he must not keep anything in the food and must lose everything. they must not retain anything and must be held accountable for what he has done with him. video has the most of an invalid as a court hearing on thursday, he accused his penal colony of and legally requote him. conversations between him
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and his lawyer. the court dismissed the obligations it was has lost a public appearance. let's go to daniel hawkins. he is joining us live from moscow with the lexus reactions there. and so what a russian authorities think about in the volume is deaf and the international reaction to it. daniel will from the very idea off to most of it and i'm at least reports of dance. it was the death, it was very clear that was going to be 2 very different narratives spun out of this, the opposition, media opposition activists. some of our supporters of made it very clear they view what happens today in this fall and northern russian penal colony as an act of killing as an act of state sanction monday, blaming the problem and directly for having the role in the hands of develop these reports to death, russian officials, however, have given a very different picture they've sort to one down, play the motion on the very high public interest. this event on the spend,
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the believe has, has created here in russia and to, to very much go on the calendar offensive unless shouts at a west and politicians. and the only support is saying that these accusations are crumbling and low ones are up. so you can just afford an acceptable founded, and that needs to be appropriate investigation. an autopsy before. no, any information can be any conclusions can be made from this. in the meantime, in terms of public reaction, people of and gather on the streets in multiple russian cities to like flowers that morning wants to victims of political depression. we understand in several cities, a police already called and all these monuments are either getting people to hand over the documents or in some cases, attaining several individuals as well, including a russian media report. one journalist with the prosecutors here are most go warning people against taking to the streets and what they've described does unauthorized on the sanctioned radi. same people will suffer consequences if they
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take part in that. so to very different narratives and pick just being given him in the altima of nevada, elizabeth daniels, thank you for that. that is daniel hook into the nicest in moscow that spring back our white house correspondent company how good his joining us in from washington dc and we've heard from president bite. and kimberly has joined the course of west. indeed, as blaming the russian president full of all these steps us. that's right. the us president, speaking from the roosevelt room, did blame the russian president for like say, nevada and the staff pay tribute to him for his courage and saying that alex in the valley was everything that put and was not that he bravely stood up for us. did up to corruption and violence, and the ladder put and had him arrested for fabricated crimes. that he was a powerful voice of truth, and that he couldn't even live safely in exile even after assassination attempt on
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his life. he courageously returned to russia. knowing that he could be uh, killed uh, but in fact, um, we do know that uh he was imprisoned and we also do know, but uh, at a press conference back in geneva, in 2021. the us president. when he was face to face with vladimir putin said, there would be devastating consequences if alexis valley died in prison. but uh, when asked about this, uh, we do know that the us president uh said that that was 3 years ago. and since then, there has been devastating consequences for russia. he pointed out that there have been sanctions against russia, and there have been 350000 soldiers that have been killed in russia's invasion of you pray. but he says the united states is in fact way and what more action can be
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taken by the west against russia. and he is pondering that now. committee. thank you for that. that is our white house correspondent and kimberly how get in washington dc and early and my colleagues time is 8 on spoke to. so again, my calls full advisor to the russian president. and he said that in the volume, these pro american stones cost him his popularity among the russian people to this rule. so know what dissolves joseph, pull it out for now in succession, the war and thousands of thousands of people, death and muscles that actions believe that that is in the writing that now shared responsibility, or be getting call fuzzies for. because i said in the line it was a 100 percent on medical pro pretty just shot now for the to. so i knew your honestly and i was just, i'm going to, she wants me to provide smart. you sort of a sense of humor and that some that i'm quite to that he did not speak about his family to my condo. so to microsoft, you signed it. but now here's what i did,
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not part of the typical signature. so given the fact that missed in the valley was previously hospitalized in 2024 novel short poisoning. do you think this will increase some suspicion, further suspicion about whether he was targeted? uh no, no one considered it up for auction. i sort of just was it this? somebody said um, nobody i did at this adventure uh very much uh because uh now what was the one launch because the presidential elections on the beach. forgive me to put you in. uh no problem be a will we have the uh, great, uh, full full, a supple. so i, so this is uh, but you saw optional services also to see nobody else go to the sunset. no, probably for like 2 weeks you said no political support and site aspects. uh no. so i just use this even when i create some must be bought some uh programs for
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a florida from uh, sort of just to south african soldiers have been killed and a move to strike, an east and democratic republic of congo. another 3 were wounded and the incidents knew the city of going to the troops, a part of the regional falls, helping the congolese fight troops a little earlier, my colleague diary navigator spoke to david monkey from world vision, and he said that the longer the function goes on the more difficult it becomes to get a to those who need it most. i would call this a crisis on top of a crisis. we've been living under crisis, basically since late 2020 to where we are right now in the past 2 weeks. you seen another $200000.00 plus i would flip them onto the vinyl. and many of them are coming towards the city of gama, which is already under tremendous strain. codes so many displaced children and families for the past year plus rates. and how worried are you that humanitarian situation will continue to worse and the longer the fighting goes on. a no
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deductible worth and we're very concerned, we're concerned on a few points. one of them is the fact that we have reduced access. we can't reach so many hundreds of thousands of families who don't have access to some of the services, but central services such as food assistance, health washing nutrition in front of our were concerned about our own safety and security is minutes. arians, partnering with the communities, many of the sites in which we, we, performer, to me, i try and work or actually shut down and we can access those. so we're really using like utilizing smaller space and we have much less access to provide is essential, supports, hundreds of detainees have been released and that set a goal most of the rest of june. last week's protests, off the president's market solved delayed, the presidential vote that was scheduled for the end of this month. that decision was overturned by the countries constitutional council on thursday. saul says he'll open eyes the elections as soon as possible. like let's talk reports from the call . after months in prison,
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finally free hip hop artist politicians intellectual, similar held without charge, others accused of offending present mikey cell as well as participating in non authorized demonstrations or attempting to destabilize the country. i tell myself that i've done nothing. they found me at home, they arrested me. they charged me on non existing grounds. this is inconceivable in a democratic country. as the prisoner's release comes after sol postpone this month's presidential election until december, 18th, the reputation of what's considered one of the most stable democracies in africa selves as the electoral process is flawed because constitutional counsel judges who compiled the list of candidates are suspected of corruption the judges denied that, but in a landmark ruling, the constitutional council has a know the decision to delay the elections. the council says that present itself
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cannot over stay his mandate and calls for elections as soon as possible. this is seen as a victory for the rule of law, lucy, sunday, and her daughter in law hope that the elections page the way for the release of her son. he's a leading member of the band opposition party known as passed. death led by we spawn sancho, who's in jail. and is this all the election? i have a critical role in the release of prisoners because they are being date only for political reasons because they are part of the variety of positions. these are young, engage and just to remind people that want to fulfill the destiny of our country rights group and say political prisoners are being released thanks to talks between the president and sancho, which were mediated by civil society leaders. freedom for the hundreds is seen as the move by the government to appease and unites a nation divided by politic. nicholas hall county is the right. the car is to the
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head on al jazeera. i'm under way that up. i know in el salvador is big point beach, where the debate continues over whether or not crypto currency olds reduced to transforming the country's economy on the final list. so this is hatch over all the details of the i had low there. it's looking very hard to close africa at the moment. we'll get this soon. first, we're going to look at middle east and live on forgot unsettled conditions. dominating across that event with more rain, expect it to fall in southern garza, which isn't going to help the flooded streets that the good news is it isn't as cold as it could be. temperatures are sitting slightly above the average for places here. the more wet and wintry weather, however, dominating across the rock into iran over the next few days. and as we get lost,
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we settled story for the south of this look heat. so pace is like a top look at that. the temperature is set to come down into sunday as a shamal picks up, so we are expecting some hazy sunshine, an issues with visibility across southern parts of saudi arabia. thanks to the lifted dust and lift the dust is a story across the north of africa as the winds pick up in the north west. but it is still a story of heat. the temperature is well above the average across the north west, and move west in areas. it's west across that central band of africa, the west of the rain. continuing to pull into madagascar heavy falls, expect to deal with some flooding, stretching back into northern areas of mozambique, much to why a full south africa with a heat wave in the interior, but went to weather in the east on saturday. the, the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis,
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what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the ship is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes, inter kit, a floating hotel, its features, rooms at dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from there or to 4 to 5 year old school note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the c a we are leaving on a ship bill, a small world. hey, we our family and eventually they have something to look forward to. the nearest part reopened giving minute here for the life is a loss of returning to normal. their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, to watching, i'll just say are with me. elizabeth donovan don't have a mazda of on top stories. the saw that these 5 patients have died in intensive k units in gaza as it's really full storm and also hospitals, the pallet and oxygen supplies. and stuff, the more patients will die us president trump signed and has told is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they must be a, temporarily these fine and java fight. it also raised tense within yahoo about what was happening to them more than one minute and displays power of savannah and dropbox as a round invasion for as
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a head's federal leaders are blaming wash as president for the death of officer shall need a indexing of all the in prison, that even fusions most prominent project was 47 years old, because it has maximum security prison. so he fell unconscious sox to take the is there any forces have attacked? palestinian worship is on the way to ox. a mosque for friday, pres, video shows a 5 breaking out between offices and the palestinians. near the mosque. a palestinian woman was pushed off against brick wall in the lion's gate and searched by authorities and tens of thousands of pals demands of being bought from friday. press at all locks. i'm also going jerusalem is rarely apologies of impose tight restrictions at as long as stood holy aside leaving the mosque overhead and tea before the wall sconces and next to the between 50 and 80000 worship is usually attended friday prayers. that number 4,
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during the holiday month of ramadan to up to $220000.00 sensible on gossip. again, attendance has ranged from 3 to 20. $5000.00 a palestinian man has been released from his riley detention on friday morning off to being held for around a month. now me a buck i was arrested in con eunice in january. he says he was beaten and tortured by his ready forces. after watching his brother being killed by snipers, another on this, the heavier of the guns from the registrar dealership and my brother and i return to our home after the israeli forces pulled out. once there is really snipers, open fire and my brother honey, was killed. and i received 2 bullets in the leg. it was shot dead by these riley's in cold blood. then more than 50 is riley soldiers came to the same. what they saw me bleeding, but they basses invisibly abused me. after that, i was detained and put to hash interrogation was co is to confession,
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and the threats that my whole family will be executed. then i was taken and then this really ambulance and i had surgery. after that, i was detained, tortured and humiliated. i was stripped of my clothes beaten, and bassett is riley soldiers kicked me in the chest with their boots and i fainted . i remained in detention for 30 days, had cost and blindfolded round the clock. even after i had the surgery, which being failed and abandoned by the whole world, and the us the heavy, me a daily protest against as well as warn garza oscar winning out to susan surrender and has added her voice. she is among more than 350 american actors and musicians who have signed a petition cooling for a seas far. how does your cost are reports from washington dc? american actress susan, surrounded arrived on capitol hill to join activist calling on congress to push for a cease fire and gaza. it's like shooting fish in a barrel right now with people stuck and not being able to get out. the hospitals
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being destroyed surrounded, joined the anti war group, code pink to speak with members of congress, where a bill to send more us military. a to is real is pending. democratic congresswoman rashida to lead is the only palestinian american and congress she met with the actress. then greeted supporters outside her office printing, but they're trying to see him standing up for only 12 percent of congress publicly support a ceasefire compared to more than 60 percent of the american public and. and try to share that message with republican house speaker mike johnson, who's largest campaigned owner, is the pro, is rarely group a pack. a member of johnson staff spoke with surround it. i think, you know, this is a little world right here with this work. and his concerns with keeping his
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job and his finances coming in whatever. but you have to peak out and see that outside of the bible. most of the world understands that there is a genocide happening. the us senate passed the $14000000000.00 military aid package to israel earlier this week. that bill has an uncertain future in the house. so due to republicans bulking at the poor and spending the us as israel's biggest military supporter, about a dozen other demonstrators were arrested on capitol hill, protesting that this wasn't the 1st time. so randon has protested in support, a palestinian to say that he don't have to be sent in the actress was fired by her talent agency after previous protest in november. some critics claim she's anti semitic. this doesn't mean to do with criticizing jewish people. this has to do with criticizing what is real, is doing now. this killing so many people,
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more than 28000 palestinians dead and counting heidi joe castro. elgin's era washington. the new crime says this withdrawal and some troops from parts of the town of, of visa, and the don, yet squeaking, 4 months of heavy fighting with russian fences. well, mcbride reports from cost to is often months of relentless. russian assaults, admission from ukraine that it's being forced to pull back some troops from the front lines around of these. it says x door reserves are also being sent in to try to both the defenses. but there are increasing concerns. the town could finally full to the russians. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube reportedly failed last week. all of the of
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the district of difficult it has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all happened in the past 2 weeks. you can recognize of div colors, particularly everything has been flattened by bombs. the russian army spares nobody situated next to the russian hill. the city of don't. yeah, it's up depot, has a strategic value to both sides quite as with other at 1st and will back. bulls also told me grinders in the east of div cut does have a symbolic value. ahead of the secondary of us are, we have the full scalable and the presidential elections in russia. vladimir putin would daily like to take it. ukraine has been willing to fight these on ending battles, making the grim calculation that with russia losing formal soldiers. they all with it. but as with the fight back moved last year, which keep finally gave up. the desire to save you quite near the lives seems to be more important. i did the warning for weeks the time you nation shortages because of the hold up of
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a military aid package in the us congress could mean pollutant will get these wish russia sending wave after wave of conscript forces to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill, we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian cells. the listening situation, enough div cost comes as ukrainian president followed him, is a landscape, meets with your a p and back as who's continuing supports now seems more critical than ever. well, mcbride, i'll just say era. hotkeys ukraine as non paperless seeking to leave me on the following. the announcement earlier this week of mandatory military service, thousands lined up at the time, the scene, young von waiting for the visas. the conscription order for young man and woman follows a series of defense for the army baffling rather slice of the northern me on. the hunter recently extended state of emergency police and india had frontier gas at
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farm is again, a mass march to the capital in new delhi is now into it's full state. they demanded guaranteed minimum prices for they crossed debt relief and policy. the phones police have repeatedly set up barricades along the route to the nation. now if for generations fishing close to sure has been the backbone of the countries close to the communities. but the change in climate has making it difficult for small scale, especially meant and living strong slowly reports from the jo horse trades early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of to whole southern melisha. while my read one been one of my guys, it works here, okay. usually after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago, to save another. i've had 2 bad experiences when my boat was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly in less than 5 minutes. and what a large waves in my boat was sent by. i couldn't avoid the waves getting hit with
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that. i didn't think of anything else. i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. near shore fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in malaysia for generations. but that's the way of life is coming and the threat, changing with a battens also mean the fuel months with say for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena roman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on rural community. so everybody knows the temperature of the ocean by increasing the color beaching its cetera. but this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed fish the seas season now. latino didn't know where they used to be. the fish and not coming in. we didn't have squid at all last year. it's not just to climate change, coastal development and land reclamation also creating pollution and a build up of salt wrecking habitats for marine life. i could easily
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patch 20 grams of clips before. now it is difficult to even get 5 kilograms fishermen here have had to find other ways to make and living. the number of fish farms has multiplied with many expanding that businesses by offering fishing platforms for anglers. you can pay $35.00, bring it. that's equivalent to about roughly 7 us dollars to come here to fish is becoming increasingly popular with fishing and disease. and it's turning into a pretty good source of income for fishermen here. but to climate experts say in the long run, fisherman going to be able to escape the impact of climate change and coastal development. i see, i see an end to this industry and the last complete loss of his heritage. i'm not sure kind of changes reversible. many fishermen here share that sentiment. they say they won't recommend the children or grandchildren follow the footsteps. firstly, i'll just do the straits of the whole malaysia. and so the pole has announced a one in a hospital and all the a package for household struggling with the high cost of living. the new budget
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includes cash handouts, utility bill rebates and tax concessions for businesses. were sent negative donna in 2nd full china and japan is raising fee is of a regional slow down that would damage economies worldwide. patrick fox reports from single pool of the budget announcements in parliament included a series of measures is aimed at helping singaporeans make ends meet and greet and cash. and that's utility bill rebates. a more with a focus on supporting both low income and launch households. well, single boy, so tiny, small economy that depend on external trade, trade is 3 times the size of the economy. so whether you know the us economy or the launch key markets, forcing them for trade. if they need this, if we seem to have them slipping in the recession of consumption in these key market split, it will be felt in singapore, on week exports in december, single, revise the downward, its full year growth for 2023. but
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a major concern is china with its sluggish domestic consumption and exports growth . alongside weak property market conditions, welds the 2nd largest economy is one of the single polls key trading partners. and what happens in china has a significant bearing a home, the rest of asia, according to well, bank report publishing october a one percent reduction in china's growth. could track the region downward by as much as 0.3 percentage points. economists to have for years predict to china would one day suppose to us as the world's largest economy. many nav questions that i don't think it is going to happen. china has to work through this period and allow the, the housing market to stabilize whether it will be done in a couple of years. i don't think so. i think it could be 10 years before they actually sort of resolve this problem. and so i think we have to accept the fact
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that where we're going to be seeing slow growth in china, another agent, economic powerhouse japan lost its ranking to germany as the world's 3rd largest economy, often unexpectedly slipping into recession. contracting growth complicates the bank of japan's plans to raise interest rates for the 1st time since 2007. the po for, for a recession is because interest rates at the same time but japanese yet is not performing well. i guess it's uh to the us dollar. so what are they going to do? i mean, the quote between the risk and the hop place. now, the reasons hopes of, of bryan to economic future treating now hinge on india. its growth is expected to outpaced china is both this the next. so the global economic recovery remains fragile, and central banks continue to tighten policy. at is jubal vertical tensions costs a shadow over economic prospects world wide. patrick, from single out to the head on the news l. carlos alcoves returns to action for the
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1st time since the us to and you know, if and that's coming up and supports the business like this, this route to you believe, i guess as i live slowly on, one of your makes modern plates.
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the business latest is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the of the ssl little's president is trying to attract crypto investors by offering expedited citizenship to foreigners who make but condemnations to development programs. it's been more than 2 years since the country adopted the bit corn as legal tend to model drop low reports from what's known as el salvador was bitcoin beach
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search city el salvador. this the side village is not only a servers, paradise, those who follow crypto currencies closely. no it better. and spit coin be the queen david, queen, be the queen, beat me, call me it'd be, it'd be, it's bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin right. from a tourism perspective. we know how to tell her to her as a part. we know who's the surfer and we know who's a bit cleaner. salvador, this doherty's say big queen has been a net positive for tourism since it was made a national currency in 2021. what is the grocery going, salvador and president nigi book kelly, who was recently elected to a 2nd term is betting big on using bitcoin as a tool for development. part of that plan includes a new law that grants expedited citizenship to foreigners who choose to invest in the country using bitcoin. there's a remarkable transition going on here to nomic least you know, i just, uh,
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in terms of the sentiments. so john is from canada, and as of january of this year, he's also a bona fide citizen of el salvador. i decided that i really want to be part of what's happening here in support. i'm all in the. there's clearly enthusiasm for big quite here. with the love is not universal. critics say there's a lack of transparency altogether when it comes to matters of bitcoin and the government. so even though it has become a black hole for public fine on everything that has been used for bitcoin, with tex, spare money becomes lost without a trace. some argue that big problem is related to big coin have yet to materialize . like construction of a mega project, the big coin city from powered by geothermal energy, from an active volcano. more than 2 years after the adoption of the currency, the use of bitcoin among the majority of salvadorans,
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is low. most still preferred to use paper money. there's also the warnings from the international monetary fund, over the volatility of crypto currencies and the risk of adopting one as legal tender. but despite all this, el salvatore's bitcoin experiment continues to attract attention. whether or not el salvatore's bitcoin gamble is paying off for the nation's economy is debatable. one thing that is certain is that between beach has become a haven for crypto currency, and susie is from around the world. google salvador is not the only country which offers a citizenship by investment scheme. it may be the only one that currently accepts bitcoin for surf lessons. when waited up a little al jazeera el salvador is serv, city or a kind of a force. now he has been to the thank you kidding him. buffy will have no shortage of off is now. he's decided to the p of g at the end of the season, but we'll also be making a move for the french woke up went up. well, the manager mccullough, it's a, it's a,
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it's not rooting it out so that we accept some profit is likely to join rtd once he's contract expires in june. this is what the also boss had to say when i asked about a possible approach. and when there is a play of, i can remember we always have to begin the conversation. but to it looks in a different way or the conversation. i'm not maybe everyone and their own is have a time, not in this conversation to that stage. i guess why know exactly why now we want to be the best thing. we're gonna we're gonna need the best islands and the best place. that's for sure, jim. and what will happen when a year contains when it's being fired, a south korea coach needs dismissal for the south. koreans shocked defeats in the asian cup semi finals by jordan. they both have reports of in fighting in the camp on the kinsmen. 10 you would still pass on united lee king in clashing on the eve of the last 4 feet. kinsmen was also previously sacked as usa coach,
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probably tons of national and has emulated legendary spending annual come late to become the 2nd indian creek is it's like 5 entities. tickets of the india with boulder for 445 on day 2 of the 3rd test you a freight quote. it reached a milestone by dismissing zach truly. this will become the 2nd crickets to achieve, etc, through 8098 to test as england by end of the day. strongly been duckett scoring and i'm beeping one of the 33 of the 2 suite, 272 appetites. people it out to me with that i could be accessible and then 13 years later. not bad. not a bad with human, some pretty leg. been talking to the phenomena, italians in england today. it's ok to do. it means he's made a wonderful 100. today i was all the, i mean i wonder if you have but didn't the, the hardboard hard go to somebody that in me i do not allow me to do that, but yeah, very happy for been. but nevertheless, come the next time and on it again, try to take him on target would says he was nervous, says he made his return to golf at the pga to his genesis invitational in california. and this is the thing time
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a job in is playing these 1st tournaments this you and is also a, the house. but for you, that's what started the 1st on well enough with a boat here with the 1st, but he was way off them off with these 2 showed on 18 which went straight to the trees. would say to blame that shots on back spasms they did. they play a great coverage show homes able to limit the damage on that home to a body. so it makes for the stuff inside of the 5 days. the 6th i use the finishing point of the pool, which is the same. 8 shots behind the the, the patrick can play definitely nervous like i care about how i have color. oh i play and i certainly was feeling the nerves starting out and i got off to a good start. burden burned the 1st and then getting right back up in the next to go to holes and made a couple of more verges. and it was one of those days. i just, i really got anything consistently going. the tennis will. number one, he gets the onset was handled and easy passage and so the cuts are open. finally, a semi final opponent, catalina festival, withdrew due to an injury she on sake will take on former wimbledon, went to elena, and be back in a incessant
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a spinal because ex donny is into his food. va fine loved the season. we're back in . it took care of rushes on the spot, so you're probably a chunk of a $62.00, and $6.00. we'll stay with tennis, sam, call us al cortes when he's 1st match since losing and the quote of finals of deal straight in open. the world number 2 was also making use was quite cold, appeared and since last is french open, you was up against qualified coming out. we'll kind of a see that open. ok. let's use the defending champion, base to victory in straight sets. 5 people now face if it is under the above authority, the boss of rebels told me to one thing. christian homeless has allegations of inappropriate behavior against him, or distraction for the team who was present at the low and show of reduce new car for the 2020 full season. despite being the subject of an internal investigation of
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complaints from a female connie, the 50 year old denies any wrong doing great buddhist, preparing for pre season testing next week and fall right. i obviously denied the allegations of in been made, but i'm, i'm going through it through a process and, and for the respect that process. so for me is businesses as normal and focused on the season ahead and, and of course it's, it is a distraction from full the team, but it's uh, you know, the team of already together, very focused on, on the season ahead. and they've been tremendously supportive and over at the rally suite and it was most of the cup suits of use to face in the opening stages on friday. the japanese able to stay ahead already twice. and it's like off the topic and we'll jump and kind of drove and para who both crashed out of the full stages. cuts through to natalie, made dependence as a pick. i laughed be at it from the evidence on person. that's what this both needs for. now elizabeth peters,
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thank you very much for that and that set for this news out, but stay with us. we are back in just a couple of minutes with another phone usefulness and thank you for watching the if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold. no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square metre towards without having a hostages right now the expense for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government fails miserably on counting the cost of israel's 1st credit raising down grades. how bleak is the outlook for its economy? commercial real estates in the us as faltering banks as far away as germany of feeling the pain. plus we find off whether
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a full day work week will boost workers productivity. counting the costs on i will just say around asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the hans of the story. they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera,
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for us is always of inside the people around the world. this has been going on for a number of our report stories going into a national perspective to try to explain to global audience how this could impact the lives. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good at bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the front of and this has been use our on line from doha coming up in the next 16 minutes. desperate palestinians target trucks, phone with a the, the crossing as the as why the blockade of h plus as is causing salmon light conditions and also as well as violent incursion
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into loss of hospital causes the depth of at least 5 patients. a $112.00


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