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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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com sterilized. see the well from a different perspective. on our address here. the, [000:00:00;00] the 10 venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the program, this our scenes of desperation near the rough crossing palestinian suffering for starvation protest against israel's blockade of 8 supplies. the international court of justice says the situation in rough i caused for these versions, implementation of measures that it requested last month. there has to be a temporary cease fire. us president joe biden issues his strongest statement
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yet so on israel's war. on gaza. 14, she has nothing more than the defense on his own people. we should, the world leaders blame rushes president for the death of his most vocal critic. i'll explain to volunteer for us. and former us president donald trump is ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in afford case the . so we're starting this news, our in southern gaza where the situation is becoming increasingly desperate. palestinians were facing forced starvation had been rushing. the trucks, entering through the rough and crossing, carrying food is real controls the movement of goods into the strip and has prevented enough food and medicine from entering since the start of the war. the cities of rasa and han eunice are under non stop is really attack more than 100
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palestinians have been killed across gaza in the past day alone, and at nicer hospital assist the patient has now died. and the intensive care unit after is really forced a storm. the facility, cutting power and oxygen supplies. the hospital had been sheltering at least 10000 displaced people. houses here as tarry. a couple of zoom begins are coverage from rough. a camp suit has become staples of thousands with little else to eat. you remove them 4 months of wool, but it's far from being in a different source of foods. i have not got a lot more. i love that. that's an outdoor. it consists solely of canned food. my siblings are full and it will do to this, the urgency need access to purple nutrition and drinking on to, to alleviate the suffering. this is our last night and this is the only food we are eating. if i have not the more i live up and the price of the kansas increasing along with the price of oil thoughts as they become increasingly is cuts. i'm the
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same as that. so it has been outside and the prices have become exorbitant across the board. the situation is dian with tomatoes now the price of $2.00 daughters with a compared to $0.50 previously. these inflated prices along with the destruction and loss of lives that have made essential goods out of reach for many this fresh meat as i receive. i'm far too expensive for most without adequate nutrition and clean water. there is a high risk of fully sec, can recover it's hot money, save that cam food and the lack of access to high do facilities is causing stomach related illnesses. why have i'm of the company? it is just a moment. this is a dangerous situation that could lead to developing serious health conditions among children. if gastro intestinal upsets are not treated properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to severe dehydration which can sometimes lead to dental fussy bob a lot. yeah. you want to set estimates that if this tall facing continues up to
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10000 of children could suffer from 60 wasting and will need the treatment to recover. according to international fluid security expense, the percentage of people in because i cannot find the food they need, is the highest ever recorded in one area. and that is a result of as well to locate unbuttoning topic about zoom. oh, just a rough, rough in southern garza, that hockey malware is from the un food and agriculture organization and he says it's extremely difficult to get food to people who need it. the most. the goal challenges continue on the access across folders is grocer, how far from the ways you've done that. and it is, it does not supply. and you know, there's a quite a complicated process in terms of uh, getting this fluid access because of the eclipse glasses. but also the q was of the trucks and, and, and even more,
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those that managed to get him to move inside guys up for the distribution. there are tremendous challenges in reaching out to people who need it most. the not just, it was barely and accessible on the, on the distribution inside with the lack of proper infrastructure and warehouses. what we can store such food is not available at the name. so it's, it's, it is challenging process in terms of the even the amount available does not get through easily because of the long process that it takes. the international court of justice has rejected south africa's request for urgent measures to safeguard the rough uh, in southern gaza. but it did note that a new assault on the city would exacerbate what is already a humanitarian nightmare. last month, the court made a preliminary rule in ordering israel to take actions to prevent the possible genocide. israel was ordered to prevent civilian debts. now since the court's
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ruling causes health ministry says that more than 2000 palestinians have been killed in is really a tax. israel was also order to prevent and punish incitement. the genocide. well, just a few days after that ruling seniors really cabinet members attended a conference promoting the establishment of illegal settlements in gaza, attendees called for palestinians to be moved out of the strip. earlier my colleague elizabeth for now i spoke with kenneth ross, the former executive director at human rights watch. he's also a visiting professor at princeton university school of public and international affairs and he explained why the i c. j rejected south africa's request for additional professional measures. in one way to understand what the court just did go is that it's, it basically, you're saying we already ordered all of this to stop. you know, rather than just repeat ourselves, we basically are saying it's up to the government. so,
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but we're really un security council and for most us government to stop this, going to prevent up like that. and that's the way to read this, this latest response to the emergency application. yeah. and really interesting timing, because just before we head off the court ruling, we had president joe biden saying that he's spoken to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. yes. again, and he's saying that they must be a temporary cease fire, but other, any indications that the us is now more willing to use the leverage that it has with as well to achieve that you know, sap, we know, in other words, by the has been you know very strong, rhetorically in pushing for an end to the killing of civilians and pushing for greater access to japan to train aid. but he has not used the enormous leverage paths. so the $3800000000.00 in annual us military assistance still goes the art of sales still proceed and buying and refuse to stop those. what about the, you know,
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even the condition them on an end of the killing on an opening in the border space around to train a. so the real leverage that he has, he's just not using. and so that's fine. yahoo, you know, here's these empty words from buying, sees that there's no change to them any doors. and i think that's likely to continue until finally biking starts doing the right thing and, and starts, you know, re re conditioning or, or suspending the aid. and they also, this is really police say a gunman has killed 2 people in a crowded bus stop. the gunman was killed after opening fire in the city of curious malachi, at least 4 others were injured in taken to hospital. and he is really military storm. the show off of the refugee camp in the occupied west bank, where the gunman is believed to have lived is really military fire and smoke bombs and targeted palestinian youths. i'm the fellow who it has more on this from
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occupied east jerusalem as early as already say 2 people have been killed after a government open fire at a bus stop in southern israel. they're saying he's a 40 year old palestinian man from the sheriff fault refugee camp. police have identified one of those who was killed in the shooting a 23 year old man from an illegal settlement in the southern part of the country. additionally, 4 people have been injured with 2 of them seriously, and 2 of them moderately, they're being treated at different hospitals, in southern and central israel. now the national security minister, each more ben beer had went down to the scene earlier on friday for an assessment with authorities on what the situation was and how it developed. and the authorities say that the government opened fire from his car. 3 at this bus stop where he was later shot in the kill. now these really prime minister releasing a statement about the matter 1st offering condolences to the family, members of those who were killed and wounded with secondly,
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saying that the is really is, are going to defeat threats wherever they are that does that is not the only threat facing the is really ending the statement by saying there will be a quote total victory. the state of israel has now raised its security alert level to its highest possible level. a us president joe biden has told is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that there must be a temporary cease fire in gaza. kimberly how kit has more from the white house. speaking from the roosevelt room of the white house, us president joe bivens said his team is working to get a framework deal in place to get a pause in israel's war on gaza. and he says he is hopeful a framework deal is in place that would allow for humanitarian aid to get in an infrastructure to be built. and unlike the pause that took place in november,
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that was just one week long. he is hopeful that this could be an extended pause to last at least 6 weeks. first of all, i've had extensive conversations with the prime minister of israel over the last 7 days, almost an hour each. and i've made the case, i feel very strongly about that there has to be a, a temporary cease fire to get the prisoners out to get the hostages out. and that is underway. i'm still hopeful that correct can be done. and in the meantime, i don't anticipate i'm hoping that at the israel is, will not make any mass of land and vision in the meantime. but it's unclear if the is really prime minister is listening to the us president. historically, he has not, especially when it comes to the us cautioning about how to conduct the is really
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military campaign. the us pushing for it surgical tactics. but instead, israel has launch the campaign that has resulted in more than 28000 palestinian casualties, mostly women and children as well. the united states has pushed to allow for the shipment of a, namely american shipment of flower. the v is really, as have agreed to let in as of one month ago, but to date that still has not been left in. also, there is the concern, of course, that the 2 state solution has also been rejected by israel. one of the biggest points of contention between the 2 leaders. kimberly, how could al jazeera, the white house, the
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or leaders or blaming russians president for the death of all the edition leader alex saying divinely in prison. vladimir putin is most prominent. critic was 47 years old guards at his maximum security prison in the arctic regions say that he felt on well after taking a walk and then fell unconscious. you'll hear something about that reports from moscow. this is the last time let's you make reasons. most of all course here was seen in public on says de unexplainable, only attended what would be his last quote session via video link shaven headed girl and yet still able to poke fun of his circumstances. busy ringback 24 hours later, personal source, he said he had died as news reached his wife. he was at the munich security conference in germany. she gave this emotional but composite response. yes, i chose. i went through to an owner of nissan, thrush pigeons, friends, and his government to know that they will be held accountable for what they have done to our country,
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to my family and to my husband. and that day will come very soon, not knowing, following the announcement of his death versus prison service, released the statements of only felt on well after work and lost consciousness. almost immediately medical stuff at the institution arrived promptly and an ambulance team was called all necessary resuscitation measures were carried out, which did not yield positive results. the causes of death being established. the criminal spokesman had few things house to give you an idea. now, the doctor should give us down, so somehow while the valley was a bold figure for exclusive rushes, each of these women, but he's some the police crew journey where he may not. she is home is the game. migraines. volley himself was well aware. he's on the team in 2020. the only
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wasn't a plane in russia when he felt ill. he wasn't flown to germany and was in a coma for 2 weeks. west and level retreat tests reveals and devonte had been poisoned by the bind weapons grade nerve age. another child developed by the russian state, the kremlin denied any involvement. the mine who rushes presents, letting me pick is and would not mention by name become a soon and the side of the crime in the wrong. these opposite corruptions, foundation accused payton and his circle of defaulting and publishing russia. when a volunteer which has to millstone 2021, was promptly arrested for violating the terms of peace. provoke the favour ton one him and the ration from a position supposes, and his detention mobilized thousands of russians in the streets and subsequent flintstones by police his imprisonment was repeatedly extended and his health declined sharply. from his presence out in the valley, cold rushes you create invasion,
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a stupid will based on lies. and then also winning documentary nevada, they recorded this message to his followers in case of his death. stimulated plus the. obviously i want to say don't give up. you can't and shouldn't give out what if this happens. that means we are incredibly strong at that time your book and since they've decided to kill me, add them to continue the cause. when he's stone, choose suppose is his wife area and the 2 children, you lash above all of the odors the right most. okay. and the death of alice st. devali has been condemned around the world already phone set reports in capital cities around the world. russian embassies like the one here in london, was totally points of grief and anger on friday. in many cases, as in georgia, russian exiles made up a large share of the crowds. the show up on the lift from north virginia would assume great things, rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. this is one of the most horrible things that
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has happened to those who are against who 10 and right present russian opposition for them to be in paris that would chance against putin in the serbian capital bell . great. that with t is in washington, president biden said it was a reminder of the need to continue military, a to ukraine. person authorities are going to tell the road story, make no mistake, make no mistake. who is responsible for and of all is dead. putting is responsible . what has happened involving is yet more proof approves patella's. ukraine's president was invalid to sign a long term security deal with germany. when the reports have developed these death emerged to be the boot, the poor genom. obviously he was killed but due to lack of thousands of others who have been tormented portrait because of this one person you put in. doesn't care who dies again, as long as he retains his position with you. and that is why he must not keep anything alongside him. the german chancellor reflected on the volume these courage
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when returning to russia from germany in 2021. the finest have to do some more because he has probably now paid for these courage with his life. but we know now if they did an already exactly what's kind over to you, this is in munich at the annual security conference. there was a course of condemnation from fellow western powers, perkins, russia, the prison jim trumped up charges against him. poisoned him, sent him to a talk to people call him. and now he's tragic. he thought we should have home boots in a comfortable the world has lost freedom fighter in alex said nobody, we will all know his name. and in his name, we will stand up for democracy and for all bones. and the protests continued. this one outside the russian culture to new york. as more people gather to cues, and to move on, how we close it out to 0. let's bring impulse that. we're going to how to talk about this problem. you're an independent defense analyst. you are joining us live
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from moscow. thank you. i know it's late where you are. what went through your mind when you heard that in of, on the had died. a hold of this is a very bad thing. i mean, of course, that's a tragedy. but go, so this changes a lot in russia strategically, in russia, maybe even in the world. because now the russian on the bottom, it was the embodiment of the russian opposition is a voice, it's obvious leader and without the leader, the russian opposition right now, find the payables is even less threats to the presenter regime of, of, of, of the more bought too but in the long run, this is a bad thing if it can speak to the acquisition. how, what will you, how can you really transition from fortune to something else? because one day there's going to be a translation. that's and i have a boat,
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and that means that it's going to be may be much more radical, that it's good the beam, if not right. and they could have acted as some kind of rush. and now some bear with someone who can shepherd, a transition in a more organized fact from organize the way together with the parts of the present administration. so that's what radicalized in the long term rush, and that's not good for russia. that sounds good for the world problem i wanna, i wanna make sure i understand what you're saying. you're saying this changes a lot strategically. i listen to you and you're saying this is because there's going to be a post fruits in russia at some point. and the volume in your view would have played a role in that a little she wasn't sure was put in a row. and but now we don't have a united opposition figure with the moral authority to make deals that with the
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state. and that could bring more radical figures into play instead of them. well, i can tap and say in egypt when there is, she may have cost me, but bard and 2012 began to collapse. more radical figures moves forward. so that's not good at all. this is not good for the future. so now it doesn't agree with bows and the threat to punch in as a he is the russian, the beg your pardon. i'll get to that in a 2nd. but the multiple world leaders, we just for them. blame, put in for the death of the volunteer. i wanted your thoughts on those accusations . well, yes, i am going to be bleeding that he's going to be blamed by the russian opposition. is that really true that this was organized by the club and i don't know at all and it doesn't really read da, strategically matter because of course, the grandmother said that this is natural causes, but key was in
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a bad place. and this dino co column a and b you pry are taken though that's not good for your health any way. but the best way down does not matter why he really perished. why his bed? but why it's important that we don't have a united opposition figure. we have that in such transitions from one regime to another work, same of a check or check a square box and republic. greg, a garbo, many places. but when there's no obvious opposition, we there with a strong model authority to negotiate with the or the christening regime. then you have radical revolutions. the rest of these are radical revolutions in russia, being a nuclear super power going into a rather radical position, rather co revolution. is a very dangerous thing. okay,
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i hear your point on that. what i was also going to ask you a moment ago was about the russian presidential election next month. everybody's expecting, of course, that important to be handily re elected is the timing of nevada. these dis, a coincidence, just weeks before this presidential election will take despair to a about that. i really don't know. uh and really right now it doesn't matter because this is so polarized, the, the attitude that it doesn't really matter for those who are posed for jim, this is a reminder for those to support with you. that's not. but the practice of buying is not there. and there is no one really write down who can replace also again, our thank you very much for your thoughts on this today, and thanks for joining us again. i know it's late in moscow. thank you. bob. thank you. as a new york judge has ordered former us president donald trump,
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to pay $350000000.00 for inflating the value of his properties. trump has already been found liable for exaggerating the worth of his real estate holdings to creditors. the former president denied wrong doing, and he called the case politically motivated. friday's ruling does not include jail time, and his lawyers say that they will appeal. this is talk to kristin salumi. kristen, you're in new york. the judge had some strong words for trump in the ruling. can you run us through the language? yeah, and to be fair, this judge are there and go on. and the former president had a very contentious relationship from the beginning. before the trial even began, the judge ruled that the former president had indeed committed fraud and the former president during the trial proceedings often would criticize the
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judge and his clerk accusing them of working for democrats in this country that resulted in him getting a gag order. and a fine and so on. but in his judgement, a very strong words from the judge. he said that the former president submitted financial information that was quote, blatantly false. he also said that trump showed a complete lack of remorse for anything that he did. he said that his behavior bordered on pathological uh, in a very lengthy judgment. $92.00 pages at the judge laid this all out the $354000000.00. the trump is ordered to pay. i mean, that's an i popping number. i understand the trump and his lawyers say that they will appeal this. let's table that for a moment. who would pay that money? would that be trumped for his businesses or both? so the decision says that trump and his business is, would be quote,
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jointly liable for that 355000000 dollars. separately, his 2 oldest son's don junior and eric trump also liable for $4000000.00 each. and a former executive allen y soleberg libel for $1000000.00 for the former president. by the time interest is calculated into that he could end up having to pay more than $400000000.00. that is a huge amount. and while he is expected to appeal that amount, he is still expected to put the money aside in on account, pending the outcome of that appeal, which couldn't take a long time. so it's still a very substantial penalty, even if you were to get it reduced on appeal. it's a lot of money for him to put up at this moment. okay, and that's interesting to, to mark. he will appeal, but he has to aramark this money because of course he may lose that appeal. i have to ask you about the politics of this. i mean,
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trump is fighting so many lawsuits in an election year. it feels like he's out of one court room into another. how is that playing out? politically? it was donald trump has been campaigning on his court issues. it's part of the narrative that he is opposed by the establishment that democrats in particular are out to get them and afraid of him. and this has resonated with his base and certainly hasn't heard him till now. he's still by far the front runner in the republican party to represent the party in the coming election. but all of that said, these legal issues are taking up more and more of his time. he still has for criminal cases to be tried. this was a civil case, so he doesn't have to do deal with jail time or anything like that. just a financial penalty and also the penalty of not being able to run his business. but
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he has 3 pending criminal trials. and the 1st of which is due to start on march 25th, just about a block away from here in another new york court room. that one has to deal deals with how much money payments that he allegedly made to an adult film star that is expected to take 6 weeks in court starting on march 25th. and for a criminal case, the defendant is supposed to be there. so that's going to take up a lot of the president's time in the run up to the november elections. now the judge in that case was asked to delay. she denied, he said that the former president would be done in time for the republican national convention in july. he expected. but there are these other cases out there as well that the former president is going to have to deal with. and while it hasn't hurt him with his base so far, you know, the question remains how it will effect him going forward, particularly in a general election where he's going to have to appeal beyond his base to a broader audience. so a lot for the form president to, to deal with as
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a candidate. but so far like i say, he's making it part of his his campaign as is 0, as christine salumi reporting there from new york. thank you very much for all of that question. us president joe biden is visiting the side of a train crash in east palest dean, ohio, a year after the accident released toxic chemicals into the air and water after the derailments. residents of the town reported skin rashes and other illnesses, local environmental groups, one bite and to commit to carrying out long term health monitoring for the population there. john henry is in east policy in ohio. so for the last year, john biden had been saying that he was waiting for the right time to visit palestine seems the time has come now that he has visited the community. how to go well, i think a lot of people here would say that this isn't the right time because he waited more than
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a year. this happened this derailment on february 3rd 2023. and so the president waited for over a year to come here and just a few weeks afterwards, donald trump came here to visit and people have been pointing out that contrast behind me a lot of the people who are out there changing our pro, trump, people not surprising, this is deep in trump territory. he won ohio overbite and last time around. just realize a lot of support here, but people do what the president to act here. they say there are still some significant problems that have been left over from that train derailment serious health problems. and they want the president to address it. he says he's gonna speak a little later on about how he's going to. ready norfolk southern, a responsible that is the company that ran that train that the rail. yeah. so if we set aside the politics of this for a moment, obviously for the people who lived there, the most important thing is the health fallout. what do we know
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a year on as well. interestingly, the state of ohio says the water here is perfectly fine, it's drinkable, but people hear that. we've talked to say that they're getting sick, they're still getting 6 years or a year after this event happened. there been all kinds of health problems, and in that they want that water tested and they want it to be tested regularly and shown to be clear. they say that these toxic chemicals that swept through the area where it sat on fire afterwards. and some of it into the ground water. and a lot of people here just don't believe the government's line that the water is safe or that those toxic chemicals are out of the air here in east tennessee. they want the president to do something, they want them to declare it a national disaster side. and they want to have cruise here cleaning that up. but once again, the state here says the water is fine. all right,
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john henry and reporting there from ohio and piece pallets in palestine specifically. thank you very much, john. still ahead on alpha 0500 prisoners are released and set a goal rights group. say the move could ease tensions in the west african country. the as hello, that was not down on the 8 australian west. some parts of the country will continue to swell to under a heat wave. this we can, we've got a searing and mass pushing temperatures up in the north west, but also in past will be touching up into the early forty's on sunday. and that will continue through into the new week. now all of this is going on, it's very hot and dry in the west. we think some very wet weather up in the north. we briefly had a tropical flight closed form. it was called lincoln, what it has been downgraded to
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a tropical lo bringing some very wet weather west across the northern territory, legacy of showers as well coming into queens in some very heavy as we go into sunday. and we'll also see some of their showers. sprinkle into the southeast with what we can do for sidney. now helping across it hasn't been. it's looking much dryer for new zealand. lot. so settled weather for both islands on saturday. temp just continuing to rise and christ church coming down slot in oakland but still hasn't whether to be enjoyed, some width of weather creeping into the south on sunday. and weather continues to dominate the solvable south east asia. some heavy full for borneo. they look at those yellow peaks, you could see some flooding from that, but across the nose and got high pressure in charge for indo china. so hot and dry condition all the dominant feature here of the ukraine, a father frontline,
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a mother and children. can this ton of the see a future? one of the sky is full of sign is without and the ukraine escaping the dock with the latest news as it breaks. some of those who need a may be able to access that in parts of to them that are safe and where there is no fighting with detailed coverage. the cold scripts of training here on an island that symbolizes sweden's rustic change in military policy. from around the world, the security forces are not protecting the people, but rather the president and his decision to delay the elect. the
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the, you're watching the off a 0, a reminder of our headlines this. our world leaders are blaming rushes. presidents to the death of opposition leader. i'll explain the volume in prison. vladimir pretends most prominent critic was 47 years old. prison guards say he felt unconscious after going for a walk. starving palestinians have rushed to the trucks that were entering through the rough at crossing, carrying food from egypt. israel controls the movement of goods into the strip and has prevented adequate levels of food and medicine for mentoring since the starting at nasa hospital and han eunice. the 5th patient has died in the intensive care unit. tough to is really forces storm the facility, cutting power and oxygen supplies. the hospital had been sheltering at least 10000
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displaced. dr. muhammed, as far as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon earlier, he told my colleague elizabeth, for an m, the patients and guys that are dying from minor ruins because of the lack of medical supplies. situations here is undescribable to say the least. when we came, we arrived to thursday nights and friday morning with everybody went to the or just to start their cases. i can give you numeral stories about that. well, i will straight have a situation is best if i say this morning, i had to do surgery without any gowns i had to do. it was like scraps or i've seen patients with minor burns that end up dying just because there's no care . i'm nothing can be nothing is available actually to provide them with care. i had a yes, i sorry to interrupt the problem when you say that, you know,
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nothing is available. can you tell us what you mean? exactly. so i'm dying in terms of equipment. i'm talking in terms of supplies. i'm talking in terms of staff, the physicians and the nurses are completely exhausted when we came on. um we asked them to to kinda. ready let us give them a release, however, they still continue to work and they've been working on stuff for about 4 months now over for us. and you walk into the or, and we are practicing an 18th century madison here because we don't have equipments. we don't applies as the law says, the latest attacks by israel that killed at least 10 civilians were part of a deliberate strategy to pressure. the group to stop fighting children were among those killed in the air strikes on wednesday. it was the worst single day civilian
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death toll in lebanon since the war on guys that again, say no further reports from number 8 and 7. let me know of the war between these really military and hezbollah keeps moving beyond the border. targeted strikes, deeper inside lebanon, and kilometers away from the battle ground are becoming more frequent. israel has been tracking down commanders and fighters of the arms group. within the latest strikes, civilians including children, were among the victims. hezbollah says the attacks were deliberate and part of in this way, the strategies of pressure, the group into halting the fighting. joe up i was the one her response to the massacre will be to continue the confrontation and escalate our attack. and then him, you should expect them, you must know that it went too far by targeting civilians. they will pay the price in blood have a until now the warring sides have been conducting what has been described as
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a calculated escalation. an all out tour would hurt them both. yep. do i know not so? yeah, it seems they forgot the resistance in lebanon has precision guided missiles capable of reaching because yet shimoda to as yet is ro 2 has been threatening to do with the officials. say, would be a copy paste from casa to bay boot, but they also say they prefer not to get their political. let's say, we don't want to go to walmart. we're interested in reaching an agreement with safety enabled the return of residents of the most of the homes on the, on the, by the process. but if there is no choice, we will locked residents of southern lebanon, fear a new phase of violence for the step. look, man, i'm, he's one of these trying to find that pete, extra. why did the conflict should it wants to expand the war? i'm a how has relies trying to avoid a full blown war, but these are these not even listening to the us administration and mom's sort of dial out by then while i pull off,
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which accuses the us of complicity. and the war on gaza appears to be preparing for a long fight. surrender, it says, is not an option. because what's here is linked to the war on garza. hezbollah has repeatedly said, there can be no hold to the fighting until the aggression on the script, as well as also part of the so called the axis of resistance. iran, which leads that who is also warning of severe consequences for as well. if it launches an offensive on russell in the south of gaza, and that's why the coming days could determine the trajectory of this confrontation center for their houses. either about the southern left and on as hundreds of detainees have been released in senegal, most were arrested during last week's protests. after president mackie sel delayed the election due at the end of the month. that decision was overturned by the country's constitutional council on thursday. and so now says that he will organize
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the vote as soon as possible. nicholas hack reports from the car. after months in prison, finally free hip hop artist politicians intellectual. similar health without charge, others accused of offending present mikey cell, as well as participating in non authorized demonstrations or attempting to destabilize the country. i tell myself that i've done nothing. they found me at home, they arrested me. they charged me on non existing grounds. this is inconceivable in a democratic country. the prisoners released comes after sol postpone this month's presidential election until december, teaching their reputation of what's considered one of the most stable democracies in africa. so says the electoral process is flawed because constitutional counsel judges who compiled the list of candidates are suspected of corruption. the judges deny that. but in a landmark ruling, the constitutional council has
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a know the decision to delay the elections. the council says that present itself cannot over stay his mandate and calls for elections as soon as possible. this is seen as a victory for the rule of law, lucy, sunday, and her daughter in law hope that the elections page the way for the release of her son. he's a leading member of the band opposition party known as passed. death led by this month, sancho who's in jail. and is this all the election? i have a critical role in the release of prisoners because they are being date only for political reasons because they are part of the variety go position. these are young, engage and just to remind people that want to fulfill the best in the country rights group. it's a political prisoners are being released thanks to talks between the president and sancho, which were mediated by civil society leaders. freedom for the hundreds is seen as a move by the government to appease and united
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a nation divided by politics. nicholas hall, calendar 0, the car or the 2 south african soldiers have been killed in a mortar strike in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the 3 were wounded and the incident near the city of goma, the troops of point of a regional force, helping to call these fights armed groups. but earlier my colleague, the re navigate us, spoke to david monthly from world vision. he warned that the longer the fighting goes on, the more difficult it becomes to get a to those who need it the most. i would call this a crisis on top of a crisis. we've been living under crisis, basically since late 2022 where we are right now. in the past 2 weeks, you've seen another 200000 people were flooded the mountain violence, and many of them are coming towards the city of gama, which is already under tremendous strain. codes so many displaced children and families for the past year plus rights and how worried are you that humanitarian
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situation will continue to worse and the longer the fighting goes on. no, don't move worse and we're very concerned. we're concerned on a few points. one of them is the fact that we have reduced access. you can reach so many hundreds of thousands of families who don't have access to some of the services. but central services such as food assistance, health washing nutrition in front of more, we're concerned about our own safety and security. as unitarians partnering with the communities, many of the sites in which we, we, performer to me, to try and work, or actually shut down. and we can access those, so we're really using like utilizing smaller space and we have much less access to providing essentially supports and not as above a african leaders have been meeting to discuss the unrest in d r c. and it comes on the, even the annual african union, some it's where education and financial reform or the top of the agenda. mohammed dollar reports from the if you open capital, the 10 months of conflict in sudan have created the world as loud. just
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displacement causes violence isn't testifying in the eastern democratic republic of congo. national and regional innovations have failed. at least 6 countries have been suspended from the african union following and democratic changes of government. and the comic books from the east to the west have splintered these are some of the most pressing issues facing off the conditions. and yet the theme of this year's summit is education. part of a long term vision for the continent. the other major topic on the agenda is stuck to him on the financial reform within the organization. without the to say, the a you want to be able to function just that the most and i'm on the phone. quick them is we'll see you soon. isn't it, i hope the funds we managed to raise can suffice for the running of some of our essential operations. we will know the un has recently passed a resolution on financing some of the needs, which is a huge progress associated,
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but it won't solve all of our problems. our own efforts to fill the funding gap, it must continue intensively, comp discharge itself of its responsibility. if midway and most of the conflicting so then, and the democratic republic of congo will be discussed behind close doors, but no announcements or initiatives are expected suspended member states of sending low different medications, which means the dialogue about the return to the a you is unlikely how do you know to test on model heads of state would be beating a few blocks away to try to solve offered cause problems to within tough know and um and more of the for the full body. well, i'm heading down with i'm from the district of bari and for to that's where the roll started. going up, not i have to move with family from place to place until i ended up here in ethiopia. but i'm, i used my popularity as an office to open a restaurant for a living, but of a i think that's a can lead us to try to end the war and help us. we're trying to young communion.
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10 shift has no illusions about what the sunny will achieve. views, no doubt share with by millions of others across the continent, with a population of close to 1500000000 times 30 percent of the wells middle reserves, the content and past foster potential. but to capitalize on its resources, often it can lead as need to achieve durable piece, promote good governments. above all, start to get the unit to fight the goals that they made. it was how much fun on the zillow or the sample still ahead on the alice's 0. i'm under way that up. i know in el salvador is bitcoin beach, where the debate continues over whether or not crypto currency olds, the key to transforming the country's economy.
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the in
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the the o salvatore's president is trying to attract crypto investors to the country. neighbor kelly is offering citizenship to foreigners who make bitcoin donations to development programs. it's been more than 2 years since the country adopted. bitcoin is legal, tender memo russell reports from el salvador as bitcoin beach search city el salvador. this the side village is not only a surfers paradise to those who follow crypto currencies. closely know it better and spit point. be the queen david queen, be the queen, beat me, call me it'd be, it'd be, it's bitcoin, bitcoin bitcoin right. from a tourism perspective. we know how to tell her to her as a part. we know who's the surfer and we know who is
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a bit cleaner. salvador and authorities say between has been a met, positive for tourism, since it was made a national currency in 2021. what is the grocery got himself during president nigi book kelly, who was recently elected to a 2nd term is betting big on using bitcoin as a tool for development. part of that plan includes a new law that grants expedited citizenship to foreigners who choose to invest in the country using bitcoin. there's a remarkable transition going on here. nomic least, you know, i just, uh, in terms of sentiment. so john is from canada, and as of january of this year, he's also a bona fide citizen of el salvador. i decided that i really want to be part of what's happening here in support. i'm all in so there's clearly enthusiasm for big coin here. with the love is not universal. critics say there's
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a lack of transparency altogether when it comes to matters of bitcoin. and the government to dealing with my wife has become a black hole for public fine on everything that has been used for bitcoin. with tex, spare money becomes lost without a trace. some argue that big problem is related to big coin have yet to materialize . like construction of a mega project, the big coins, cities from powered by geothermal energy, from an active volcano. more than 2 years after the adoption of the currency, the use of bitcoin among the majority of salvadorans, is low. most still preferred to use paper money. there's also the warnings from the international monetary fund, over the volatility of crypto currencies and the risk of adopting one as legal tender. but despite all this l, salvatore's bitcoin experiment continues to attract attention. whether or not l. salvatore's bitcoin gamble is paying off for the nation's economy, is debatable. one thing that is certain is that between beach has become
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a haven for crypto currency. as soon as he is from around the world, bill salvador is not the only country which offers a citizenship by investment scheme. it may be the only one that currently accepts bitcoin for surf lessons. when waited up a little al jazeera el salvador is serv, city singapore has announced a one and a half $1000000000.00 aid package for household struggling with the high cost of living. recent negative data and singapore, china and japan is raising fears of original slow down that would damage economies worldwide. patrick, fuck reports from singapore. of the budget. announcements in parliament included a series of measures aimed at helping singaporeans make ends meet and create in cash. and that's utility bill rebates, a more with a focus on supporting both low income and launch households. well, single voice of tiny, small economy that depend on external trade,
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trade is 3 times the size of the economy. so whether you know, the us economy or the launch key market for a single portray. if they see this, if we seem to them slipping in the recession of consumption in these key market split, it will be felt in singapore for on week exports in december, single, revise the down with its full year growth for 2023. but a major concern is china with its sluggish domestic consumption and exports growth along so we property market conditions. the world's 2nd largest economy is one of the single polls key trading partners. and what happens in china has a significant bearing on the rest of asia, according to a well bank report published in october, a one percent reduction in china's growth could drank the region downward by as much as 0.3 percentage points. economists to have for years predict to china would one day suppose to us as the world's largest economy. many and i have questions
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that i don't think it is going to happen. china has to work through this period and allow the uh, the housing market to stabilize whether it will be done in a couple of years. i don't think so. i think it could be 10 years before they actually sort of resolve this problem. and so i think we have to accept the fact that where we're going to be seeing slow growth in china, another agent, economic powerhouse, japan lost its ranking to germany as the wells, the 3rd largest economy, often unexpectedly slipping into recession. contracting growth complicates the bank of japan's plans to raise interest rates for the 1st time since 2007. the po for, for a recession is because interest rates. at the same time, the japanese yet is not performing well. i guess it's a in the us all. so what are they going to do? i mean the quote between the roof and the hob place, now the reasons hopes of, of bryan to economic future could now hinge on india. its growth is expected to
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outpaced china as both this the next. so the global economic recovery remains fragile, and central banks continue to tighten policy. at is jubal vertical tensions costs a shadow over economic prospects world wide, patrick from single out just to malaysia. now where for generations fishing close to shore has been the backbone of the countries. coastal communities with climate change is making that harder for. as laurie reports from the straits of joe hor, early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of the whole southern melisha. while my read one bit more about you has it works here. okay. usually after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago, to save another i've had 2 bad experiences when my boat was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly, in less than 5 minutes. and what a large waves in my boat was sent by. i couldn't avoid the waves getting hit with
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that. i didn't think of anything else. i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. near shore fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in malaysia for generations. but that's the way of life is coming under a threat. changing with a battens also mean the fuel months would say for small scale fishermen to head out to sea. serena roman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on rural community. so everybody knows the temperature of the ocean by increasing the color beaching etc. but this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed fish the seas season now. latino didn't know where they used to be. the fish and not coming in. we didn't have squid at all last year. it's not just to climate change, coastal development and land reclamation also creating pollution and a build up of salt wrecking habitats for marine life. i to easily touched when keep kilograms of clips before. no,
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it is difficult to even get 5 kilograms. fishermen here have had to find other ways to make and living. the number of fish farms is multiplied with many expanding that businesses by offering fishing platforms for english. you can pay $35.00 ring get that's equivalent to about roughly 7 us dollars to come here to fish is becoming increasingly popular with fishing and disease and is turning into a pretty good source of income for fishermen here. that's kind of the x that say in the long run, fission and won't be able to escape the impact of climate change and coastal development. i see, i see an end to this industry and the last complete loss of his heritage. i'm not sure common changes reversible. many fishermen here share that sentiment. they say they won't recommend the children or grandchildren follow the footsteps. firstly, i'll just do the straits of the whole malaysia and that's it. so this is our but we're back in just a moment with the full round up of world news on alpha 0. you stay with
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the being a journalist is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to pick up as a safety position reading the trying to find the words the truth. it's that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep one of the issues of decision makers in check. so the devastating human tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's actually edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's their view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as
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relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us once hailed the salvation as technology instead, instead of in fear, do you miss the rise of anxiety, overwhelmed, lots of agency apocalypse may be unravels how online hopes and fears shape our existence, the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay. do more on it, just hard hitting intervals as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thought provoking on my question to you. all the good coops, as is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities us veto in the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is
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a problem get access to if he of the story on told to how does era the scenes of desperation near the rasa crossing how this thing and sufferings forced starvation protest against israel's blockade of 8 supplies. the spencer of any age, good to have you with us. this is elza 0 live from the also coming up on the program. the international court of justice says the situation in rossa calls for the urgent implementation of measures that it requested last month. there has to be a temporary cease fire us president joe biden issues his strongest


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