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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to this i think is the most difficult press. then i've had to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is different on it. access is he of the story on told to how does era the scenes of desperation near the rasa crossing how this thing and sufferings forced to starvation protest against israel's blockade of 8 supplies, the sponsor of any age. good to have you with us. this is elza 0 live from the also coming up on the program. the international court of justice says the situation in rossa calls for the urgent implementation of measures that it requested last month . there has to be
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a temporary cease fire. us president joe biden issues his strongest statement. yes, on israel's war, on god's world leader is blamed russia's president for the death of his most vocal critic. i'll explain divinely in prison, who was last seen in a video link on thursday. and former us president donald trump is ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in a fraud case. the were starting in southern gaza where the situation is becoming increasingly desperate. palestinians were facing, forced starvation, have been rushing to trucks entering through the roof of crossing. these are the scenes, those trucks carrying food is real controls the movement of goods into the strip and has prevented enough food and medicine from entering since the start of this war. and also the cities of rasa and han units are under. non stop is really attack
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more than 100 palestinians have been killed across cancer in the past day and a nicer hospital. a 5th patient has died in the intensive care unit after is really 4th is doing the facility, cutting power and oxygen supplies. the hospital had been sheltering at least 10000 displaced people houses 0, sorry, a couple assume begins our coverage from rough camp food has become stateful from thousands which live else to each, to remove them for months of wool. but it's far from being in a different source of foods. and i have not got a whole lot more. i love that outdoor consists solely of canned food. my siblings are full and it will due to this, the urgent they need access to purple nutrition and drinking on to, to alleviate the suffering. this is our last night and this is the only food we are eating. if i have not the more i live up and the price of the kansas increasing along with the price of oil thoughts as they become increasing,
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discussed. i'm the same as that. so it has been outside and the prices have become exorbitant across the board. the situation is dian with tomatoes now the price of $2.00 daughters with a compared to $0.50 previously. these inflated prices along with the destruction and loss of lives that have made essential goods out of reach for many this fresh meat as i receive. i'm far too expensive for most and without adequate nutrition and clean water. there is a high risk of folding set can recover its hot money, save that. com food and the lack of access to items facilities is causing stomach related illnesses have on the vehicle period. us to model this is a dangerous situation that could lead to developing serious health conditions among children. if gastro, intestinal upsets are not treated properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to severe dehydration which can sometimes lead to down the bob a lot. yeah. you wanna set estimates that if this tall facing continues up to 10000
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children could suffer from 60 wasting. and we'll need the treatment to recover according to international fluid security expense, the percentage of people in cars who cannot find the food they need is the highest ever recorded in one area. and that is a result of as well as located unbuttoning topic about zoom out just a rough, rough southern gaza. the international court of justice has rejected south africa's requests urgent measures to safeguard rasa and southern gaza. but it noted a new assault on the city would exacerbate what is already a few minutes here in nightmare. so some context about this i c j ruling last month, the court made a preliminary ruling, ordering israel to take actions to prevent a possible genocide. israel was ordered to prevent civilian debts since that ruling guys, as health ministry says more than 2000 people have been killed and is really
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a tax. israel was also order to prevent and punish incitement, the genocide the just a few days after the i c. j ruling senior is really cabinet members attended a conference promoting the establishment of illegal settlements in gaza, attendees called for palestinians to be moved out of this trip. earlier my colleague elizabeth for an ann spoke with kenneth ross, the former executive director at human rights watch. and he explained why the i c. j rejected south africa's request for additional provisional measures. one way to understand what the court just did though, is that it's, it basically is saying we already ordered all of this to stop, you know, rather than just repeat ourselves, we basically are saying it's up to the governments if it were really un security council and for most us government to stop this, going to prevent up like that and that's the way to read this, this latest response to the emergency application. yeah. and really interesting timing, because just before we head off the quotes routing,
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we had president joe biden saying that he's broken to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. yes, again, and he's saying that they must be a temporary cease fire. but other, any indications that the us is now more willing to use the leverage that it has with, as well to achieve that of you know, south we know, in other words, vibrant has been, you know, very strong. rhetorically, in pushing for an end to the killing of civilians and pushing for greater access to japan to train aid. but he has not used the enormous leverage paths. so the $3800000000.00 in annual us military assistance. still those, the art of sales still proceed and buying and refuse to stop those. what about the, you know, even the condition them on an end of the killing on an opening in the border space around to train a. so the real leverage that he has, he's just not using and so that's fine. yahoo, you know, here's these empty words from buying, sees that there's no change to them. any doors,
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and i think that's likely to continue until finally biking starts doing the right thing. and, and starts, you know, re re, conditioning or, or suspending the aide in the arm sounds as rarely police say a gun then has killed 2 people at a crowded bus stop. have the gunman was killed after opening fire and the city of care? we got lucky, at least 4 others were injured and taken to hospital and he is really military then storm that issue assets, refugee camp in the occupied west bank, where the government is believed to have lived is really military fired, smoke funds and targeted palestinian youths. us president joe biden has told is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that there must be a temporary cease fire in gaza. kimberly how it gets has more from the white house . speaking from the roosevelt room of the white house, us president joe biden said his team is working to get
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a framework deal in place to get a pause in israel's war on gaza. and he says he is hopeful a framework deal is in place that would allow for humanitarian aid to get in an infrastructure to be built. and unlike the pause that took place in november, that was just one week long. he is hopeful that this could be an extended pause to last at least 6 weeks. first of all, i've had extensive conversations with the prime minister of israel over the last 7 days, almost an hour each. and i've made the case, i feel very strongly about that there has to be a, a temporary cease fire to get the prisoners out to get policies is out. and that is underway. i'm still hopeful that correct can be done. and in the
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meantime, i don't anticipate i'm hoping that that the israel is, will not make any mass of land and vision in the meantime. but it's unclear if the is really prime minister is listening to the us president. historically, he has not, especially when it comes to the us cautioning about how to conduct the is really military campaign. the us pushing for it surgical tactics, but instead is real, has launch the campaign that has resulted in more than 28000 palestinian casualties . mostly women and children as well the united states has pushed to allow for the shipment of a, namely american shipment of flower. the v is rarely as have agreed to let in as of one month ago. but to date that still has not been left in. also there is the
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concern, of course, that the 2 state solution has also been rejected by israel. one of the biggest points of contention between the 2 leaders. kimberly help it algebra 0, the white house, the world leaders are blaming russians. president, for the death of opposition leader i'll explain of only in prison. vladimir pretends most prominence critic was 47 years old. guards at his maximum security prison in the arctic region. save it, he felt unwell after taking a walk and then became unconscious. you're shuffled out of the reports from moscow . this is the last time letting me patience. most of all chris who was seen in public on such de unexplainable ne attend. that would be his last quote session via video link shaven headed gall and yet still able to poke fun of his circumstances.
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24 hours later personal source, he said he had died as news reached his wife. he was at the munich security conference in germany. she gave this emotional a composite response. yes, we can, as i went through to an owner of his entourage, prudence friends and his government to know that they will be held accountable for what they have done to our country, to my family and to my husband. and that day will come very soon. knowing following the announcement of his death versus present status released, the statements of only felt on well after work and lost consciousness. almost immediately medical staff at the institution arrived promptly and an ambulance team was cold. all necessary resuscitation measures were carried out, which did not yield positive results. the causes of death being established. the kremlin spokesmen had few things house to give you an idea now the doctor should
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give us the own. so somehow, while the valley was a bold figure for ex, closing rushes each other's women, but he's going to the police crew journey where he may not. she is home, it is the game. migraines, devali himself was well aware. he's gone or ability in 2020 and of only was in the plane in russia when he felt ill. he wasn't flown to germany and was in a coma for 2 weeks. west of labord tree tests revealed and yvonne he had been poisoned by the bind weapons grade ned age. another child developed by the russian state, the kremlin, denied any involvement. the mine who rushes present, floods even peace, and would not mention by name, have become assumed and the site of the crime. then novalis onto corruption foundation accused the patient and his cycle of defaulting and publishing russia. when the volunteer which has to most of june 2021,
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was promptly arrested for violating the terms of peace. provo per ton, one him a min ration from a position. suppose is, and he's the tension mobilized thousands of russians on the streets. and the subsequent point though it was by police. c as in prison and was repeatedly extended and his health declined sharply from his presence out in the volume, the cold rushes you create invasion, a stupid will based on lies in an oscar winning documentary, nevada, they recorded this message to his followers in case of his death stimulated plus the, obviously i want to say don't give up, you can't, and shouldn't give out what if this happens. that means we are incredibly strong at that time, your book and since they've decided to kill me as you want them to continue, because when he stole interest, supposes his wife media and the 2 children, you lash above all of the odors, the rep mosca,
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joining us live from washington dc. is donald jensen, he is a senior advisor for russia in europe at the us institute of peace, rosa former us diplomat in moscow. so what was your 1st thoughts when you heard devonte had died in prison? well, shock, of course, like everybody else today, but in a way or not. so got shot. but the, the regime is going into such a repressive direction that people like to devolve a, who's really wanting to do that. domestic critics of the criminal left and increasingly increasing danger. so shocked, but anyway, it was not unexpected. but it's very tragic. and you, you saw the demonstrations in side hooton's repressive state today. so with an election coming up in a 6 weeks boot may have to deal with the electro consequences about what happened today with the fact that the regime murdered of all the now. so i was going to ask you about that sort of the presidential election. you say 6 weeks it's so it's next
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month. should we be connecting those thoughts, main opposition? figure a dying weeks before putin's scheduled electoral trans. i don't think we should be connected or not connecting. i say the russian, people who oppose the war will oppose poor. welcome back to the problem is the state of the show repressive it as force almost every opposition leader out of the country. i'll lavolle and it was really one of the only ones left and the move in to the cultural. the leadership of the opposition movement has now been in washington in new york and brussels as a lot of these would be asper groups, have tried to organize, tried to overcome their differences, to push back on the machine, whether they can do that, as you have to be seen but certainly. ready as you saw the ration minute today, the of all these passing has galvanized the west, which in some quarters have, have doubts about the warren ukraine, the doubts about whether ukraine's with,
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with and so forth. so this has, this is a complicated event that happened today who is going to have to ride the whirlwind is they say, one way or the other. my guess will be that the controls will be more type. i never dreamed inside russia, but it may well have bolted some of the credit to, even if they know that the polls are not inducing asked about food and you continue with other term it offers. if you look at the long arc of russia, a medium to long term, what do you think is the fallout of something like this? the main opposition figure mysteriously died. well, i think that this reinforces what a lot of us who lived in the work there. don't want to see it reinforces the authoritarian nature of the regime and reinforces the resentment between some, not the majority with some ordinary russians and the russian leadership. and i know for personal experience, having been
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a different that they are in the 1990 is many people had hopes that russia would become a, a, as they say, a normal country. russia would be. and us and european security institutions rush would be a constructive player. on the world stage that has now all gone by the wayside. the goal of a rush of the kremlin leads is keep the riches. i try to rebuild somehow, russian stature in the world. but the formula is going off the rails not only because of the war and ukraine, but the young people who you saw the rest of today. they don't want to rush or the looks back to style and they don't want over russia that values repression. they want to be a normal country so that i think the country is going to be under some strain that would cost you, that's not always visible, but they are. when you look for the coming weeks and months is not going to be a good phase. i think for, for pollutants regime. hey, don't dense informing us diplomat and must go. thank you for joining us this hour.
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thank you. still ahead on alpha 0500 prisoners are released in senegal rights group . say the move could ease tensions in the west african country and citizenship citizenship for bitcoin. donations. how one let the american country is hoping to attract. foreign investors more on that after the brought to you by visit capital tyler. they will look to north america and a number of winter storms have pulled away from west to east, bringing some heavy snow to pots of the east coast. with a more of that for in new york city over the weekend on saturday, at least because he, that system running its way quickly towards eastern areas of canada. behind that we've moved snow fully across the great lakes. but some improvement coming in on
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sunday for places like new york city is, was washington dc, temperatures picking up here. and it remained laundry, keira course, central pots of the us and canada. so wintery weather, however, creeping across the rockies, and we will see more wet weather pulling into california as we go into sunday. but down in the south, the temperature will be picking out for texas that says what the weather starts to push its way east. we will, that trailing weather front is going to bring some heavy falls to northern parts. mexico eventually running its way down through mexico city, knocking the temperature down here. and that heavy rain will continue to push its way further east. bringing those showers across the florida panhandle into the palms as well. look at that very heavy rain, sweeping into western pots of cuba. it is going to track its way further east of the next few days, heading towards his span, yolo. but they will be sunshine dominating the skies before that of the quote to you by visit cuts on on counting. the cost of israel is 1st credit raising
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down. great. how bleak is the output for its economy? commercial real estate in the us as faltering banks as far away as germany of feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity counting the costs on i will just say around what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch looming way in and then pulling back out again the the, you're watching else a 0 reminder of our headlines this. our starving palestinians have rushed to trucks that were entering through the run for crossing, carrying food from egypt. israel controls and move with the goods into the strip
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and has prevented adequate levels of food and medicine from entering since the start of the war at nasa hospital in hon. eunice, the 5th patient has died and the intensive care unit of the is really forces storm the facility, cutting power and oxygen supplies. the hospital had been sheltering at least 10000 displaced. the world. leaders are blaming rushes. president for the death of opposition leader. i'll explain to vomiting in prison. vladimir pretends most prominence critic was 47 years old. prison guards say that he felt unconscious after going for a walk. former us president donald trump says that he will appeal a decision against him in a fraud case and a new york judge has ordered. former trump has ordered trump to pay $354000000.00 for inflating his wealth. trump is also banned from serving as a company director or getting any loans from banks in the state of new york for 3 years is denied wrong doing and called the case politically motivated from just how
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the press conference in orlando criticizing a really no complaint. kirk, a new york state judge just rule that i have to pay a fine, a $355000000.00 for having built a perfect company. great cash, great buildings, great. everything in effects, new york, it's mostly talking about new york where we have a totally corrupt attorney general. she campaigned on the fact that i will get drop by what everybody said they've all seen it. well, well, all right, let's talk to christmas salumi in new york. so chris and we just heard trump's reaction from, from a just a very short time ago. i can't say that it's much of a surprise. he says, all these rulings are politically motivated. why don't you run us through what the judge had to say in the ruling? yes, and i can say that in just the last few minutes, we've also gotten some reaction from the attorney general,
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the state prosecutor who took this case against the former president. her response to the comments of donald trump is that this decision shows that no one is above the law, no matter how rich and how powerful or how politically connected they are. the ruling that was given by the judge finds that the former president and his company are liable for almost $355000000.00. they'll have to pay that. and he also is banned from running that or any company in the state of new york. for the next 3 years, his sons don junior and eric trump themselves were fined $4000000.00 each and his c as one of his top executives. alan weisberg also was found liable for a $1000000.00 and they will all be bad from doing business in the states for the
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next 2 years. so a very serious blow to donald trump's business empire here in new york, the business empire that made him rich and led him to the political stage and to the presidency that creston, if that appeal it's in the appeal, the ruling is upheld. who ends up paying the $355354000000.00 as it is, goes to both hand, the prep, former president, and the company itself, are responsible for that amount. interesting to note that it is almost as much as the prosecutor had requested. in this case, she had requested $370000000.00. and what we do expect the president to appeal that he said that he will appeal the decision. he still has to set that money aside and even for someone who is valued at $2000000000.00, that's
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a net worth that the attorney general gave him at the beginning of this, these court proceedings. that's a lot of money. and even while it's being appealed, he has to set that money aside. so this is a big hit to even a wealthy man like the former president. all right, kristen saloon, the reporting from new york. thank you very much, kristen. hundreds of detainees have been released and set a goal most were arrested during last week's protests after president mackie sel delayed the election due at the end of this month. and that decision was overturned by the country's constitutional council. on thursday. the cell now says that he will organize a vote as soon as possible, because hack reports from the car. after months in prison, finally free hip hop artist politicians intellectual. some were held without charge, others accused of offending present mikey cell, as well as participating in non authorized demonstrations or attempting to
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destabilize the country. i tell myself that i've done nothing. they found me at home, they arrested me. they've charged me on non existing grounds. this is inconceivable in a democratic country. the prisoners released comes after sol postpone this month's presidential election until december, 18th, the reputation of what's considered one of the most stable democracies in africa. selves as you like to have process is flawed because constitutional counsel judges who compiled the list of candidates are suspected of corruption. the judges denied that. but in a landmark ruling, the constitutional council has a know the decision to delay the elections. the council says that present itself cannot overstay his mandate and calls for elections as soon as possible. this is seen as a victory for the rule of law, lucy, sunday, and her daughter in law hope that the elections page the way for the release of her
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son. he's a leading member of the band opposition party known as passed. death led by this month, sancho who's in jail. and is this all the election to have a critical role in the release of prisoners because they are being date only for political reasons? because they are part of the variety of positions. these are young, engage and just to remind people that want to fulfill the destiny of our country rights group and say political prisoners are being released thanks to talks between the president and sancho, which were mediated by civil society leaders. freedom for the hundreds is seen as a move by the government to appease and unites a nation divided by paul that nicholas hall county has the right the car to south african soldiers have been killed in a mortar strike in the eastern democratic republic of congo. and the other 3 were wounded in the incident near the city of goma and the troops of part of original force helping the congolese fight armed groups. earlier my colleagues diarrhea,
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navigate spoke to david monkey from world vision, and he warned that the longer the fighting goes on, the more difficult it becomes to get a to those who need it the most. i would call this a crisis on top of a crisis. we've been living under a crisis, basically since late 2020 to where we are right now. in the past 2 weeks, you've seen another 200000 people were flooded the mountain violence, and many of them are coming towards the city of gama, which is already under tremendous strain. codes so many displaced children and families for the past year plus rights and how worried are you that humanitarian situation will continue to worse and the longer the fighting goes on. no, don't move worse and we're very concerned. we're concerned on a few points. one of them is the fact that we have reduced access. you can reach so many hundreds of thousands of families who don't have access to some of the services. essential services such as food assistance, health washing nutrition in front of more. we're concerned about our own safety and
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security issue minutes, arians, partnering with the communities, many of the sites in which we, we performer, to try and work or actually shut down and we can't access those. so we're really using like utilizing smaller space and we have much less access to providing is essentially supports in ecuador, the army has been carrying out the searches and prisons as part of the latest crack down on gangs troops found stashes of weapons, drugs, and electronics during the raids in several states violence flared in ecuador last month after, and a tory is drug, lord escaped from prison or l. salvatore's president is trying to attract crypto investors to the country. neighbor kelly is offering citizenship to foreigners who make bitcoin donations to development programs. it's been more than 2 years since the country adopted. bitcoin is legal, tender. i don't know a rough fellow reports from el salvador as bitcoin beach search city el salvador. this the side village is not only a servers,
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paradise. those who follow crypto currencies closely know it better and spit point be the queen david queen, be the queen, beat me, call me it'd be it'd be it's bitcoin, bitcoin bitcoin right. from a tourism perspective, we know how to tell her to her as a part. we know who's the surfer and we know who is a big cleaner salvador to store these st. between has been a met, positive for tourism, since it was made a national currency in 2021. what is the grocery got himself during president nigi book kelly, who was recently elected to a 2nd term is betting big on using bitcoin as a tool for development. part of that plan includes a new law that grants expedited citizenship to foreigners who choose to invest in the country using bitcoin. there's a remarkable transition going on here. nomic least, you know, i just, uh, in terms of the sentiment. so john is from canada and as of january of this
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year, he's also a bona fide citizen of el salvador. i decided that um i.


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