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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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downgrades. how bleak is the outlook for its economy? commercial real estates in the us as faltering banks as far away as job it a feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity. counting the cost on i will just say around the hungry and desperate palestinians protests near the roof of crossing against as well as the blockade of aids lies the i'm on the inside you. this is all just there in life from dell also coming out. international court of justice says the situation in rough or close to the judge and implementation of measures. it requested last month. there has to be a to encourage ceasefire. you as president joe biden issues his strongest statement
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. yes, on israel's move on gone. i'm former us president donald trump is ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in a food case. the . we begin with the on relenting is riley bombardments, of con eunice. rafa in southern garza, with another $100.00 palestinians killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. the total number of desks now stands nearly $29000.00 since october, the 7th desperate palestinians facing salvation have been rushing to stop the trucks entering through the roof across and carrying food. according to you and the rate of a truck's engine garza has dropped significantly over the past week. it's all right . couple of soon begins are coverage from rough. a camp suit has become
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staples of thousands which live else to eat, to remove them for months of wool. but it's far from being in a different source of foods. and i have not that a while about outdoor consists solely of canned food. my siblings are full and it will due to this the urgent they need access to proof of nutrition and drinking on . so to alleviate the suffering, this is our last night, and this is the only food we are eating high up, the more i live up and the price of the kansas increasing along with the price of oil thoughts as they become increasing these cuts. i'm the same as i said it has been outside and the rest of the prices have become exorbitant across the board. the situation is dialogue with tomatoes. now price have $2.00 daughters with a compared to $0.50 previously. these inflated prices, along with the destruction and loss of lives that have made essential goods out of reach for many this fresh meat as i received. i'm far too expensive for most
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without adequate nutrition and clean water. there is a high risk of fully sec can recover it's hot money, save that. com food and the lack of access to items facilities is causing stomach related illnesses. have um a vehicle period us to model. this is a dangerous situation that could lead to developing serious health conditions among children. if gastro intestinal upsets are not treated properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to severe dehydration which can sometimes lead to down the bob allow. yeah. you wanna set estimates that if this tall facing continues up to 10000 children could suffer from 60 wasting and will need the treatment to recover. according to international forward security expense, the percentage of people in cars cannot find the food they need. is the highest ever recorded in one area, and that is a result of as well as locate unbuttons topic about zoom. oh, just a rough,
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rough off in south, regardless if, if the patient has died in the intensive care unit at nasa, hospital offices really forces stone to facilitate causing power and oxygen supplies. the ministry of health and goals and says a number of medical personnel patients displaced people are still being detained. the hospital had been sheltering at least 10000 displaced people. the international court of justice has rejected south africa's requests for urgent measures to safe gum, rasa in southern gone to. but notice that a new assault on the city would exacerbate what is already a humanitarian night. that last month, the court made a preliminary ruling ordering. israel to take actions to prevent a possible genocide. israel was ordered to prevent civilian deaths. since the quotes ruling causes, health ministry says more than 2000 people have been killed and is rarely
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a tax. as well was ordered to prevent and punish incitement to genocide. just a few days off to the i, c j routing scene is really cabinet members attended a conference, proposing the establishment of illegal assessments in gaza, attendees cooled for palestinians to be moved out. the strip of my colleague, elizabeth per on him spoke with kenneth ross. the former executive director of human rights watch unexplained, whiny i, c, j reject. and south africa's request for additional provisional measures. one way to understand what the court just did though, is that it's, it basically is saying we already ordered all of this to stop, you know, rather than just repeat ourselves, we basically are saying it's up to the governments of the really un security council. and for most us government to stop this, going to prevent up like that. and that's the way to read this, this latest response to the emergency application. yeah. and really interesting
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timing, because just before we head off the quotes routing, we had president joe biden saying that he's broken to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. yes, again, and he's saying that they must be a temporary cease fire. but are there any indications that the us is now more willing to use the leverage that it has with, as well to achieve that you know, south, we know, in other words, bible has been, you know, very strong. rhetorically, in pushing for an end to the killing civilians and pushing for greater access to japan to train aid. but he has not used the enormous leverage he has. so the $3800000000.00 in annual u. s. military assistance still goes. the art of sales still proceed and buying and refuse to stop those level of the, you know, even the condition them on an end of the killing out an opening in the border space . you're entering a so the real leverage that he has, he's just not using. and so that's on yahoo. you know,
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here's these empty words from buying and sees that there's no change to them. any doors. and i think that's likely to continue until finally by the starts doing the right thing and, and starts to get a re, re conditioning or, or suspending. the aid in the arms helps you as president joe bought and has told is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they must be a temporary cease fire and gaza committee hole. kit has bull on this from the white house, speaking from the roosevelt room of the white house, us president joe bivens said his team. it is working to get a framework deal in place to get a pause in israel's war on gaza. and he says he is hopeful a framework deal is in place that would allow for humanitarian aid to get in an infrastructure to be built. and unlike the pause that took place in november, that was just one week long. he is hopeful that this could be an extended pause to
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last at least 6 weeks. first of all, i've had extensive conversations with the prime minister of israel over the last 7 days, almost an hour each. and i've made the case, i feel very strongly about that there has to be a, a temporary cease fire to get the prisoners out to get the house is out. and that is underway. i'm still hopeful that crack can be done. and in the meantime, i don't anticipate i'm hoping that that the israel is, will not make a mass of land and vision in the meantime. but it's unclear if the is really prime minister is listening to the us president. historically, he has not, especially when it comes to the us cautioning about how to conduct the is really
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military campaign. the us pushing for it surgical tactics. but instead, israel has launch the campaign that is resulted in more than 28000 palestinian casualties. mostly women and children as well. the united states has pushed to allow for the shipment of a, namely american shipment of flower. the v is really, as have agreed to let in as of one month ago, but to date that still has not been left in. also, there is the concern, of course, that the 2 state solution has also been rejected by israel. one of the biggest points of contention between the 2 leaders. kimberly, how could al jazeera, the white house of a situation in gaza is high on the agenda at the munich security conference wants to wells law, just diplomatic gatherings, high level delegations from the us israel,
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and the palestinian authority among the participants. so fast. and is that as a global security conference being held at a time when the world seems to increase and leave all the time in unit a call for seized by you and god is pulling louder also among those so so far unconditionally supported is the routes for i made very clear that the right of self defense also knows limits was in the international humanitarian law. and this is why i called the for safe career door, se spaces. and also over the last the 3 months, i always called for humanitarian supply. i was in a garza and the situation is getting worse. and yes, this is why we are pushing way hard on the humanitarian. that border crossings are being opened trucks up being allowed to in side again. the doing of a visit to israel this week. the book is where any prime minister benjamin nathan
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yelled to refrain from the ground to find, sit in the house outside, a clear change and tone coming from germany. that historically has strong tides with a swell. the organizer of the conference for supplies can have criticized those governments, so it's unconditional support. we have to go by the rule of law. we have to go by the an international humanitarian law by security council resolutions. and we have to abide by this ends. if this doesn't happen, you have to call the state of space, tell me as being wrong on expense model call. so let's see what all these months, i think and you know, 150 countries of the u. n. as toward ceasefire, if you see the p u, i'll see you in organizations. i think the only way out is to ask for a ceasefire to end the suffering of the people. the un high commissioner for refugees told l g 0 that any is for alia, the time to push people in rough across the board or into egypt will be disastrous . this will be very bad for the palestinian people. it would be very bad for egypt
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to have to manage such a terrible catastrophe. and it would be really extremely dangerous for the future of the peace process, which every body should care about more than anything else. at this point, while european countries have been decided under response to the war and gaza, this tone seems to be changing now due to the dire situation in rough up with all the key players present here in munich, there's some hope of a more unified stance on as well as aggression steps, awesome l g 0. community of the former us president donald trump says he will appeal a decision against him in a food case. he was ordered by a judge to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for inflating his wealth. kristen salumi has this report from new york almost
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$355000000.00. that's how much a new york court ordered former president donald trump, to pay punishment for inflating the value of his properties. he's also been barred from running any business in the state of new york for 3 years. it's a victory for the state prosecutor who brought the case. today we prove that no one is above the law. no matter how rich powerful or politically connected, you are, every one must play by the same rules. we have a responsibility to protect the integrity of the marketplace. for years, donald trump engaged in deceptive business practices and tremendous fraud that donald trump had committed. fraud was established by judge arthur in gore. and back in september, before the trial even began. as it progressed, trump made regular appearances ever clicked to defend themselves. he's dismissed the ruling as political persecution they using just as weapon is ation
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a guess. a political opponent who's up a lot in the falls and always will be because i'm competing with a man who can put 2 sentences together, who doesn't know what he's doing. and we're heading into a 3rd world war because of this guy. we have to win the selection, they're doing everything possible to step in a way, but we're not going to stand for his 2 oldest sons. eric and don junior were also found liable for their roles in the business. they were fined $4000000.00 each, and barred from doing business for 2 years. legal experts say the case hits trump, where it hurts it comes down to his legacy. if this is a family own corporation, this is all his kids were involved. perhaps his grandkids would have been one day. so wiping out potentially, they prep, organization wipes out a legacy of generations. the former president is expected to appeal this decision, but it's just one of many legal issues he's facing in the run up to the november election. the 1st of 4 criminal trials is expected to get underway. just
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a block away from here and in new york court room on march 25th charges range from covering up hush money payments to an adult film star, to a criminal conspiracy to overturn georgia's elections to mishandling classified documents at his moral auto estate. at this rate, the former president could spend as much time in court in 2024. as on the campaign trail, kristin salumi, l g 0 new york to so head on al jazeera, well latest blame russia's president, the desk, his most vocal chris, a collection of all night and present the the had low there. it's looking very hot across africa at the moment, we'll get this soon. first,
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we're going to look at middle east and live and forgot unsettled conditions. dominating across that event with more rain, expect it to fall in southern garza, which isn't going to help the flooded streets that but the good news is it isn't as cold as it could be. temperatures are sitting slightly above the average for places here. the more wet and wintry weather, however, dominating across the rock into iran over the next few days. and as we are launch, we settled story for the south of this look heat. so pace is like a top look at that. the temperature is set to come down into sunday as a shamal picks up, so we are expecting some hazy sunshine, an issues with visibility across southern parts of saudi arabia. thanks to the lifted dust and lift the dust is a story across the north of africa as the winds pick up in the north west. but it is still a story of heat. the temperature is well above the average across the north west, and move west in areas. it's west across that central band of africa, the west of the rain. continuing to pull into madagascar heavy falls, expect to deal with some flooding,
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stretching back into northern areas of mozambique much dwyer full south africa with a heat wave in the interior. but with the weather in east on saturday, the they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune. celebrity influences, but shining a light on the home of things and bring danger. one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the unsettled type of 1st takes on the vegas, the zip code to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without a 0. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching out as a reminder, on top stories this hour, solving palestinians have rushed to trucks that were entering through the roof across st. caring street from egypt. as role controls the movement of goods into the strip and has prevention, adequate levels of food and medicine from entry since the beginning of the patient has died in the intensive care unit. and also hospitalized on unit solved as rarely falls. the storm that facilitate testing by power and oxygen supplies, hospital have been sheltering at least 10000 displaced. international court of justice has rejected south africa's request urgent measures to safe gone rough and southern gaza. but it did notes and he was sold in the city would exacerbate, once he's ready,
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should monetary and like that while lead is blaming rushes, president for the death feel position, lead lexington of all in the in prison flag. main patients, most prominent critics, was just 47 years old guns at his maximum security prison in the optic region say he felt on well off to taking a walk and became unconscious. usually i should put the reports from us. this is the last time letting me patients, most of the course he was seen in public on such day unexplainable, ne, attend, that would be his last quote. session via video link shaven had did go into yet still able to poke fun of his circumstances. 24 hours later, personal source he said, had died as news reached his wife. he was at the munich security conference in germany. she gave this emotional a composite response. you thought you were going to,
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as i went through to him and all of his entourage presents friends and his government to know that they will be held accountable for what they have done to our country, to my family and to my husband. and that day will come very soon, not knowing, following the announcement of his death versus prison service, released this statements not only felt unwell after work and lost consciousness. almost immediately medical staff at the institution arrived promptly and an ambulance team was called all necessary resuscitation measures. were carried out which did not yield positive results. the causes of death are being established. the kremlin spokesmen had few details to give you an idea now the doctor should give us the answers somehow. while the valley was a bold figure for explosives rushes each other's women, but he's on the police journey where he may not. she is home. it is the game,
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migraines. nobody himself was well aware he's the village seen in 20 twins in the valley, wasn't a plane in russia when he felt ill. he wasn't flown to germany and was in a coma for 2 weeks. west of labord tree tests revealed and yvonne he had been poisoned by the bind weapons grade ned age. another child developed by the russian state, the kremlin denied any involvement. the mine who rushes presents, letting a piece of wood not mention by name have become a soon and the side of the crime. then of all, these onset corruption foundation accused the patient and his circle of defaulting and publishing russia. when the volunteer which has to most of june 2021 was promptly arrested for violating the terms of peace. provoke the paper. ton one of the ration from a position supposes, and he's the tension mobilized thousands of russians on the streets. a subsequent point though,
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it was by police as in prison and was repeatedly extended and his health declined sharply from his presence out in the valley, cold rushes you create invasion, a stupid will. based on lies in an oscar winning documentary, nevada, they recorded this message to his followers in case of his death stimulated plus the. obviously, i want to say don't give up, you can't. and shouldn't give out what if this happens. that means we are incredibly strong at that time your book and since they've decided to kill me as you want them to continue the calls with histone to supposes his wife media and the 2 children, you lash above all of the ultra 0 most go well the desk, the flexing of all day, has been condemned around the world. tarry full force in capital cities around the world. russian embassies like the one here in london with focal points of grief and anger on friday. in many cases, as in georgia, russian exiles made up a loud share of the crowds controllable north from north virginia. i would assume
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credit since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. this is one of the most horrible things that has happened to those who are against who 10 and right present russian opposition for them to be in power. so a chance against putin and the serbian capital bell, great. the with t is in washington. president biden said it was a reminder of the need to continue military, a to ukraine. person authorities are going to tell the road story, make no mistake. make no mistake. who is responsible front of all his desk, putting is responsible. what has happened involved me is yet more proof approves protell ukraine's president was invalid to sign a long term security deal with germany. when the reports of developed these death imaged to be living in a boot, they put in them. obviously he was killed by 2 to like thousands of others who have been tormented, tortured because of this one person put in doesn't care who dies as long as he
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retains his position with you. and that is why he must not keep anything alongside him. the german chancellor reflected on the volume these courage when returning to russia from gemini in 2021 were funded have to do some work that he has probably now paid for these coverage with his life. but we know now if they did an already exactly what kind of review this is in munich at the annual security conference, there was a course of condemnation from fellow western powers perkins, russia prison gym, trumped up charges against him. poisoned him, sent him to a halt to people call him, and now he's tragic. he thought we should have home boots in the comfortable the world has lost a freedom fighter in alex said nobody, we will all know his name. and in his name, we will stand up for democracy and for all bones. and the protests continued. this one outside the russian consumer to new york. as more people gather to accuse, and to move on,
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how we close it out to 0. ukraine has withdrawn its troops from of they've got onset months of heavy fighting, russian forces all threatening to encircle the town, which is strategically located near don't. yes, that's the biggest blow to the ukrainian who efforts since may of last year when russia took control by moved by mcbride reports from khaki. it's often months of relentless rushed in a salts, an admission from ukraine that it's being forced to pull back. some troops from the front lines around of these it says x to reserves are also being sent in to try to both the defenses. but there are increasing concerns. the town could finally full to the russians. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube, reportedly films last week. all of the of the district of difficult it has been
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completely ravished by russian bonds. it all happened in the past 2 weeks. you can recognize of div colors, particularly everything has been flattened by bombs. the russian army spares nobody situated next to the russian held city of don't yet have deep has a strategic value to both sides. quite as with other at 1st and will baffles. also told me grinders in the east have deep cut, does have a symbolic value. ahead of the secondary of us are, we have the full scale war on the presidential elections in russia. vladimir putin would daily like to take it. the ukraine has been willing to fight these on ending battles, making the grim calculation that with russia losing fumble soldiers. they all with it. but as with the fight back moved last year, which keep finally gave up. the desire to save you quite near the lives seems to be more important. i did the warning for weeks, the time you nation shortages because of the hold up of a military aid package in the us,
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congress could mean kootenai will get these wish russia sending wave after wave of conscript forces to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill, we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian cells. the listening situation, enough div cost comes as ukrainian president followed him, is a landscape, meets with your a p and back as who's continuing supports now seems more critical than ever. well, mcbride, i'll just say era, hotkeys, ukraine. in ecuador, the army has been carrying out, such as in prisons, that's part of the latest crack. down on gangs troops found stashes of weapons, drugs, and electronics during the rates in several states. following slide in ecuador last month, often notorious strongly or escaped from prison. us president, dr. barton is visiting the size of a train crash in east palestine,
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ohio get off to the accident, release toxic chemicals into the water off to the development residents. the town of reports and skin washes and all the illnesses, local, environmental groups, one binding to commit to carrying out long term health monitoring for the population. well, there are actually this was an active greed. that was 100 percent preventive. i read decision order, norfolk southern creative domestic. right. i'm sure it was done, right. that includes an executive order i sign to continue are for already hold offered southern, fully accountable for this disaster. and that is long term effects are able to be identified as time goes on t minus all facing charges related to a deadly shooting out a parade in kansas city, missouri on wednesday, authorities said gunfire erupted off to dispute during the celebration,
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which marked the super bowl victory at the city cities football team, $22.00 people were injured including children, one person died. sidney pool has announced a one and a half $1000000000.00. a package for household struggling to live with the high cost of living. recent negative economic data in singapore, china and japan is raising phase of a regional slow down. patrick felt reports from single in the budget announcements in parliament included a series of measures aimed at helping singaporeans make ends meet and greet and cash. and that's utility bill rebates, a more with a focus on supporting both low income and launch households. well, single boy, so tiny, small economy that depend on external trade, trade is 3 times the size of the economy. so whether you know the us economy or the launch key markets, forcing them for trade. if they need this,
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if we seem to have them slipping in the recession of consumption in these key market split, it will be felt in singapore, on week exports in december, single, revise the down with its full year growth for 2023. but a major concern is china with its sluggish domestic consumption and exports growth . alongside weak property market conditions, welds the 2nd largest economy is one of the single polls key trading partners. and what happens in china has a significant bearing a home, the rest of asia, according to well bankrupt, both publishing, october a, one percent reduction in china's growth. could track the region downward by as much as 0.3 percentage points. economists to have for years predict to china would one day suppose to us as the world's largest economy. many nav questions that i don't think it is going to happen. china has to work through this period and allow the,


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