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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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downgrades. how bleak is the outlook for its economy? commercial real estates in the us as faltering banks as far away as job it a feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity. counting the cost on i will just say around the the hello, i'm sammy say them this has been use live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes . once busy residential areas in central gauze are reduced to rubble. newly released video shows the scale of the damage caused by months of is riley bombing bone as volumes go off. the challenge of delivering babies in garza where there's
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no safe place to give us the human the occupied westbank. and i'll be telling you about the palestinian children being born. i checked the points like this one. a major blow for ukraine is it withdrawals is troops from these 10 town above dmv kinda walking a significant gain for russia? where live from the african union summits in ethiopia, where the meaning of african leaders oven with a call for a revival of the spirit of solidarity and fee system is a little bit a sports news mohammed sought us schools and assessed on ease returns to live, improve and i'm still one english premier div with the for instance the, it's 1500 g m k 53. i mean gaza. whether it's charles light is bad. ah, sure of a tax is killed at least or $83.00 palestinians in just the past 24 hours. this of
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the city of ralph has, among the ha, this takes areas even as one and a half 1000000 people seek safety that in central gaza. newly released footage shows the scale of the damage caused by months of is riley attacks. bombing is reduced was well once busy residential areas filled with families, to rubble and elsewhere in the strip homes and public buildings continue to be targeted. a topic. how about zoom is live for us in the alpha in the south of gaza and father in the united nations. now talking about a pass. nobody's really attack striking life saving infrastructure. tell us more about the strikes today. yes, i mean side. so we have been seeing a police triangle visually met, a treat strikes that kept bouncing the different areas. and the goal is a strip on the main focus. in fact, in the past, l,
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a was on the central part of the 2 or 3 were made. the regents have been widely hit, were more than 8 residential buildings were attacked by the is verified to so as those is a policy is have for reported in judge and killed the as the casualties had. and both children who are being transported to unlocks the hospital for medical treatment that he was mentioning that this area, or the central parts of the guns district, had been receiving new evacuation waves for people who have been fleeing from roof district to the central parts in order to be away from a potential military inclusion for rough i city. but we have been seeing that the strikes have been conducted extensively in the area as people there are trying to have a sense of safety for the attacks. the continued an un relentless bombardment alongside by the opposite re shooting of the main t infrastructure to the but we also need to highlight the fact that there is ongoing called a sense blowing up of residential neighborhoods in the city of han,
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you and us where we can see more videos, imagine from the city that showing the mass, she destruction that had been inflicted to the entire region and due to the is very ongoing military attacks as the over old stripes today. and within the past 24 hours had contributed to killing at least 83 palestinians alongside with more than 100, others being one to 2. now, the atomic focus group just how critical the situation is be coming with food and water. well the situation day by day sammy is getting much more difficult for us is specifically for the most vulnerable affected areas of the fighting since october. the 7th. we are talking about people in the north as to the without having an a do quit access to all sorts of items and medical supplies alongside the people in the southern part of the gaza strip off struggling in order to get
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a sufficient amount of humanitarian supplies. and specifically that the ongoing is really procedures excessive paycheck that to you monitoring a situation where people are extremely, very high risk assignments that have been caused by multiple factors including the read the existing bell, a triplicate of the goal is to strip before october. the 7th and the ongoing explain the restrictions being imposed on a delivery mechanisms into the goals as trip where the humanitarian troops are being patient and the options sides are waiting for the east burnett description or denial as some of the food items had been completely spoiled. due to the, to the long time being, waiting on the diction side without having a permission to get into the territory. and so much thought a couple of zoom uh 5 and a half thousands expect and mothers are due to give busing guns or in the next month. many of them don't know if they'll be able to do say safely. the united nations population fund agency estimates $52000.00 women are pregnant right now in
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gaza, around a $0.18. babies are being delivered daily. $5500.00 women, i'll do to give birth within the next month. it's estimated more than a 100 of them may suffer. complications on and off, off of these problems are especially acute one and a half 1000000 people now sheltering the stuff it exactly reports enough. it's to help causes mothers co imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your home, everything you built and worked for your safe space. now you live here, one among hundreds of thousands in the tent in open land. during winter. you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again, you have a family, but you cannot provide any of life's basic needs. and the baby has just arrived. comp nursery is sprayed on this. it's
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a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months, concrete rules and proper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale and it provides essential help to mothers with babies from infant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition to the simple cap provided by us midwives a little. but i would use of where fee miss hamilton this initial i gave birth to my child 15 days ago. has we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather? my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birth. i was not able to keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital, the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time. now we have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god, to help we'll been the most influx of displaced people instead of fox means the
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remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope in and democrats. i had the fun with the affordable rock. i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now with nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section nano so that hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for all this. and this will add this new lives born into a war zone. and even if and when the war comes to an end, there will be very little left standing for people to return to. most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie decker o g 0. well since october, the 7th, the is riley minute, 3 has increased check points across the occupied westbank. they cause a long delays and have even forced palestinian mothers to give birth on the road. knew that abraham results from bullying and they occupied westbank. instead of
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these cries, it's could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and how i feel about how was in labor after midnight trying to get to a hospital. a close is radiated through checkpoint student their way tracked and have turned the car into a delivery room for the exhibits to have to look. i delivered the baby, but the cord was wrapped around his neck. so i got it and gave him to his mom to hold this off and just heads up. i was embarrassed in order for me and waited on me, but my few for the baby was stronger. my oxygen levels were dropping and i didn't want to do with him. this was not a homes. first check when delivery, such as the daughter had, it was during the 2nd posting and in default of the woman was in a cor shouting, i delivered the baby. but i can't remember if it was a boy or a girl. both the mother and baby shanice are in good health. but not every story
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has a positive and i do, let's say it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to a death certificate on the same day in 2003 along with her husband, old lady members. the fear at this is where you check point a few minutes drive from that home and putting in the most of the occupied left bank soldiers asked her to sit quietly. the 8 months pregnant lady was anything bought that she started shouting, i gave birth, i think the baby followed by silence and then another shout. i think she died when i dropped her and i held her to my chest. i said, she's most likely that she started tending blue, but i wasn't sure. i had hop that she would still be alive. maybe me at all, lived and died at the check point, unless i had to cut that because quote, with adults stones. then they allowed me to take him to the hospital 3 years later,
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the couple had another daughter being named helped me to, to, for so many palestinian women. the journey to motherhood is not always a joyous occasion. what comes with difficulties and obstacles? just a few hours ago, these really ministry is to this case at the entrance to the village. mother is about to give birth to needing to go to the hospital, might not know which case is open and which one is closed. it was a $22.00 closure when 20 year old son beckett was born in 2003 he's not sure exactly where but thinks it's around this area. there wasn't his way to check points here. now we moved the north on the us and for them i had hoped to be the last child to be born at a check point. look at us now, 20 years later, we hear stories we know too well. his wish is not happening with maybe some being
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the last baby we know of. born at the check point. sharma means standing tall. one day his family hopes he will live up to his name and woke freely in the land with no check points. me the other he and josie to the occupied westbank launch protests are expected in tel aviv lights are on saturday. demonstrations will be calling for the release of all of the captives being held in garza and for the al, sort of the government and resignation of prime minister ben. you mean that's an yeah, it's go live now to come to some totes in tel aviv. and let's start with 1st of all the m t and that's in yahoo, demonstrations. are they becoming much of a challenge tim? the? well, this was going to be the 1st week that we're really going to see a pickup in the size and scale of the anti government demonstration against these
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really prime minister and his policies that have not yet brought back the captives families of those being held in gaza say that too much time has simply gone by for these really prime minister to not make a deal. so we're looking at the protest movement called capital in forest. this is the same organization that ran the antique judicial reform demonstrations for the last year. in fact, they stopped when the war began on october, the 7th, but they're going to be back in full force. in fact, the head of israel is most powerful labor union has said that this entire war is, that's an yahoo is to blame for it. and that he's simply not doing enough to get israel out of the situation and to bring back the captives. so that demonstration is expected to kick off around 7 30 pm local time. just a couple of hours from now. sammy, thanks so much. i'm the south codes that thank you so much. i. the of the
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international court of justice is urging israel to abide by its orders to protect the lives of palestinians in gaza. it comes as the quote rejected, south africa's request for additional measures to deter potentially is right. the military operation and rough, so minimal as mall from john. his book, under the south africa supported a 2 state solution for decades along with the freedom of palestinians from east radio occupation, the war and cause. i lived south africa to the international court of justice in december. it lodge the case that the court choosing is well of genocide procedure is also a model argument. you can see the mess, bips, the destruction of people, the destruction of property, destruction, of all the means needed to sustain life. we felt that we needed to take action and of course, our own a stay played a role in the i think the fact that we come from a colonial about the history. and now you've got the tips of colonialism. having taken more or less the same time, 1948 in palestine in the courts, few,
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the last monster quote issued provisional measures against israel, including that it prevention aside. mr. court says it notes a potential new assault on russell would worse than a humanitarian nightmare. but it's declined issuing additional emissions saying israel should comply with its existing order. but the so the african government says the killing of more than $28000.00 palestinians confir justified. and its concerns about israel's continuing the text and southern gaza when any 1400000 people fling the will attract this while south africa says the quote has reaffirmed its view. it says israel is in breach of the quotes orders and attend the international conventional genocide. it says we order the id is to ensure that they do not do anything that will contravene the measures in the genocide convention. that was a basic go series via who to receive that is always ignore that old and the oldest that calls for unhandled access to monetary may 5th directory, interpreted in
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a way that suits them. but most international lawyers, if i have a basically just said that is it's, it's an attempt and it's an attempt to justify what the doing south africa says it will use bodies like the united nations security council to ensure the quotes or does the implemented for me the ultra 0 johannes bug. the ukranian forces have withdrawn from the strategic eastern town of, of the, of co. russian troops have been threatening to encircle the area from mcbride's votes from how to cave and continuing to put up this resistance in the face of continuous assaults. these images reportedly recorded on friday, jo, some of the last ukranian defenders of, of div. before the retreat. i largely ruined town is strategically
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important to both sides, located close to the russian controlled city you've done yet. but the cranium defenders have gradually found themselves pressed from 3 sides with an increasing danger of being surrendered. my more wish quit supplies to the pin. we have a complicated situation with the enemy trying to penetrate our defense. in some other places, the situation is critical. as the enemy is trying to bypass, our troops were forced to fight 360 degrees around this. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube i reportedly failed last week or the week for the fall of d. e. a districts of of div go has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all happened during the past 2 weeks. you've had recognize of they've gone practically . everything has been flattened by bombs, including the local residents,
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who were in the basement. the russian army spares. nobody or cisco auto mia. they should be. ukraine has been willing to fight the so called meet grind of battles making the green calculation, but with russia losing fumble soldiers, they all with it. but as with the battle foot back loops last year, which keeps finally gave up, the desire to save ukrainian lives seems to be more important stuff. a symbolic victory for russia and ukraine will hope this defeat could act as a wake up call for its allies. who being well now for weeks that the show did you by munition would leave just to a loss and that's a less things change mode defeats can be expected. so that's the most he's got over many months of fighting. the civilian population of, of div crosses has mostly been evacuated. but remarkably, some people when they surviving in basements,
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particularly what it does. ukrainian soldiers pulled back the fate and that to the town. now when russian hands look broad, i'll just say era hockey, if you crate brushes, invasion of ukraine is high on the agenda for will of lead is the munich security conference. ukrainian, president of all of them is that on sky is asking will lead is from all support saying your crime will defeat russia. ukraine is have proven that we can force russia towards reed and that we are capable of restoring the rules. and with these, we live with absolutely nothing of the key. roger missed the missed. that's ukraine, supposedly cannot. we? in this war we can get our land back and forth. you can lose. and these has already happened more than once on the battlefields. our edges are limited only by the efficiency and lens of the range of the range of
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all strands. but, but what does not depends on us and of div cuz he da bruce. these exact lat, the host of boston, joins us live from the munich security conference. so we can see as the cleaning presence, that's fine to show resolve. and the loss of prices like of the, of kind of how is that going down with the summit that well, he made that very strong play and even call it if the world doesn't acknowledge will be catastrophic because it's only frank swimming puts in right now. if you great and doesn't get the weapons and the money it needs, and i'm here now a joint, so we didn't ukrainian the parliament member alexi cor, i'm checking goals. thank you for joining the program. you were in the whole. when's the last peaceful? i saw you many times asking questions also today to well lead us. what is your
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feeling? we hear them saying they are committed to stand by ukraine to help as long as it takes is to slip surface or is it really a commitment towards a good but actions no toll? this? because i ask you a question about the invitation to the data and the on say use though, somebody say enough to the war for poor june important sandwich after the war. if when he hears least you understand, so he need to crush you crazy. no, that's all and he will continue the war without any. and also i asked the question about, like when of ukraine voluntarily give off the phone, the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world, and we were sick, you received the guarantees of follow security where ave, and now we're confronted by a new state. and what is our options only to become a member of allowance with a nuclear weaponry means not nature o to restore our nuclear weapon rich. so that was the question. and unfortunately,
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the european nations and the united states that they are committed then they will. because of course, we know that this billions of dollars of financial aid stocks still in the us. in the washington. there's a lot of amunition shortages and you raise your mazda is able to, to deliver in time. so how, how urgent is this? and how hopeful are you that it's still coming to ukraine? it is very urgent. i am very thankful for all we are receiving but now. busy we need more and if we will not receive more, everything we should receive before we just disappear and that's with. busy to nothing, that's why we need the support. we urge about these our partners, the same, they will do their job. i hope that they will keep their work because they get a lot of worse here into a lot of promises. we will see how it will work, but one more thing, it's not about ukraine. it's about the restoration of international folder, if it will not be restored, all nations are in danger. that's exactly also what's the last key of pointed out,
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right? another was a lot of discussion also on the reality of a lack of you repeat and as a friend. so the is also that concern. do you feel that you are, is realizing this and not, you know, to be big does not mean to be strong, and that's time for your opinion. yeah. and you are, if in general, to show that they're not only big, but also strong, especially when we see waiver many in the united states and may be united states will more easily themselves. it means fewer ships should step in, not to delegate. it's completely security to the united states, but to be ready to fight for security. that's the only way and ukrainians can via, from plan unit of the free world in europe. but we need support now, while we heard a lot about that discussion that today. thank you so much. thank you. joining us in the program. it's of course, been a very dark day also for ukraine with the loss of, of the sky. and also we heard of course, the news about the alexi not fall at least staff here at the munich security
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conference just to yesterday. so that's why there was a lot of talk, as you can imagine here about your grades and the future of the war. all right and stopped by some of the from the unix. let's get along this now is david daryl shy. he's a professor at the national defense university is also a full mineta operations director of the pentagon joins us from washington dc. good to have you with us. so how much of a loss is of the, of come to the ukraine inside it's, it's roughly parallel to the loss of boston last year with one different. so it's a, it's a psychological below. it allows to reinforce a strategic narrative of inevitability, but of difficulty is a little bit more significant in terms of terrain. the ukrainians, i think, held out in one of the reason why they held out for so long was to prepare defences
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further to the west. um uh, fox news was really not significant terrain, but app div code is so it's, it's, it's a loss but i think up they made the calculated decision that the greater loss would be just putting more of their limited man power and had fire power into uh, you know, what inevitably with just in the finder, does this port russia in a much stronger tactical position because of a terrain fact. so you mentioned of yeah, luckily it isn't a stronger tactical position, but i don't think they have the views to exploit that. i think that so, you know, the russian losses in taking up dave asked with proper, were so great that it really is a pure of victory at this. you have, i think that, as i say, as i said earlier, there is evidence that ukraine has prepared defences. further to the west, so that russia will probably not be in a position to reinforces tactical success set up the coach within the next 6
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months or so. is ukraine in a position to reform itself given the challenge that you also ties? phone man, powell, adults, hillary yeah. so mans that where they are taking a serious steps towards this. one of the reasons for the replacement of the chief of staff was that basically, you know, he does, the man power situation was being held as an emergency. everybody rushed to your station and site visit recognition. now that they need to have a more sustainable model, rotating troops in and out, recruiting people and, and grab some of the people into other jobs. so that is the challenge. but that's something i think you crane is trying to do with a bigger issue is uh, ammunition, particularly artillery ammunition, there's couple problems here. ukraine can't produce enough on it. so, and the industrial base in the west really is whether, i mean, i'm all, you know,
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the entire french out sort of artillery shells would be gone in 2 weeks. you know, their annual output. and even the united states only has, you know, one artillery class in iowa itself, shelves, and it operates on world war 2 sort of deficiencies. so there's, there's a real problem there. complicating that the west has a different caliber of ammunitions in the munition that most of the ukrainian artillery needs. so we've been sourcing this x, journaling, places like syria and probably other countries. russia, on the other hand, has just received a huge influx of artillery shells from north korea that ran the proper caliber. so this is a huge problem and it's a systemic problem that results from a 2 generations of neglect of the western industrial defense space. given the west and industrial capacity right now that you mentioned,
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even if they switch to west and not hillary systems, which obviously would take some time. and training is the cubs not looking good going forward for ukraine? always seeing this conflict, going to have to reach a point over the reach point, whether you cranes will have to start to think about negotiating and then rather that outright victory over russia. and i say, i think that there's a consensus in ukraine any in the west, any negotiation would just be a tactical pause to allow russia to reset, recover from this disastrous invasion. the estimates are that it would take rush about 56 years to reconstituted sports as to the pre invasion level. so, um i, you know, i, i don't, i don't think anybody is arguing is that uh, that you see happen. i think with the debate is over is the provision of longer range strength weapons, particularly the german tourist missile, which would allow so ukrainians to disrupt
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a russian logistics and artillery in the rear deeper. so it seemed to prevent it getting to the balance. okay. affective and so western allies have woken up to the need to actually maintain a robust defense base, but that will take a while. so i don't think of negotiated settlement as need seriously by anybody in a position of responsibility because the nature of the russians, right, is just implacable. all right, we'll leave with that. thank you for your analysis. thank you. it's an honor still a heading out this era global dave action on the way and so for the palestinians in gaza with the growing cold peace and the set back for tiger woods on these pga to come back, we'll explain more in school the
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it had low they will stop by looking at the satellite image for south america. and you can see the thick band of cloud laying across central parts of the region will not support for racial rain to places like bolivia and caused a land slides. we could see more of those because the rain is set to continue to full, not just here, but further north as well in peru. but if we haven't looked at the 3 day for the past, you can see we put rain through into the new week. it'll full on choose day as well in the form of showers, the temperature sitting below the average for this time. if you know that trend isn't happening, of course, or confident. we've got lots of heat down in the cell. high pressure in charge for places like argentina, as well as to lay the mercury continuing to rise in santiago over the next few days . and it's a similar story in columbia. you can see booker tossing the attempt to pick up the into the early twenties on sunday. now the heat is going to get blasted out of the central america and the caribbean, thanks to developing whether front,
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putting its way across from mexico, bringing some very heavy falls to mexico city on saturday. we'll see that rain roll across the florida panhandle on its way to the bahamas. we're also going to see some very heavy rain flooding to west in pots of cuba, but they'll be sunshine to the east of that. of the. the ship is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes, inter kit, a floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from there or 24 to 5 year olds. good note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the sea and we are leaving on a ship to build a small world. hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look forward to. the nearest one part reopened, giving many, here for the life is
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a loss of returning to normal. they're playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line of the the i'll come back here watching out just the time to recount headlines is what i was late this barrel. i have a tax on gaza skilled at least $83.00 palestinians in just the past 24 hours. the
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southern city of austin is among the harvest, its areas in central garza new liberty splits. it shows the scale of damage caused by months of his right of the time view and estimates 5 and a half 1000 expect. and now this is due to give bus and go. so in the next month, many of them don't know. so be able to do so safely that a lack of supplies means almost the 5th of pregnant women are likely to suffer complications. ukraine is withdrawn, it's out on the truth. some of the, of the, of the months of heavy fighting russian forces are threatening to in circles. the town is located near don't. yes. it's the biggest lowest would be fine in war effort since may last year. protests being held in multiple cities around the world in solidarity with the palestinian people in london,
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tens of thousands of people have gathered. it shows the full nicole for say, fine city is seen huge demonstrations against 4 high full. so it is that, that protest and longer joins us live from the so the turnout meet the expectation in the will. certainly the organizers say, so they say that this is one of the biggest protests since the beginning of the war 4 months ago, or a 100000 people here. and certainly there is a very big turnout and it is already the 2nd time that the stock, uh, such as is garbage, as close as possible to be as ready embassy here in central london. and there was the 9th to stop the, the altered besides attacks and saw the news wrote, this is the 1st time since the service being this kind of event that we've been hearing the speaker off to speak up. referring to the war as a war of genocide,
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calling for an immediate cease fire, saying that the british government is complicit in what is going on. and also talking about the upcoming boats in the house. you come in on wednesday calling for an immediate response saying that any politician who doesn't close and not in that way doesn't deserve the votes of the public at the next general election. lot of chrysler as well as on needs. prime minister persist through not just because he is on the late, but he's the opposition to the queue. salma as well. so this is a lot of, of opposition. big stretch expressed obviously to the war in general. but a lot of attention being focused on the evidence, the expected evidence anyway, as this is really pushed into rough uh, in the fall southwest. so many display products concentrated right. not by
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explains the serial numbers that we're seeing here. resume. explain what putting companies say is a search and support in the detroit towards media 656 percent. the you got says, what are the points trying to rest so far? the good supposedly says, i want to rush because of a car should sort of a prescribe organization one for pa, card with anti semitic comments on it, and others to various public order effects, which is all right. thanks so much how i felt that the the vin protest in this dumble and so for the palestinians in gaza demonstrates, is a calling for an immediate c saw. and the passage of sufficient amounts of humanitarian aid into the street. us secretary of state anthony blinking is attending the munich security conference where he was asked of as well as the war on gaza would improve its security or was
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a cycle of violence. this is what he had to say. i think there's an extraordinary opportunity before israel in the months ahead to actually once and for all and that cycle. and it's because there's some new facts that didn't exist before when there were efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians, starting with the fact that virtually every our country now generally wants to integrate israel into the region to normalize relations if they haven't already done so to provide security assurances and commitments. so that is real, can feel more safe and more secure. all efforts are on going to reach a ceasefire deal between hamas and israel. the head of how much his political bureau is, my and henry, i released the statement on saturday, saying they will not be satisfied with anything less than the complete then to as
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well as war. i'm the withdrawal of it's all me from garza and also on the safe and appropriate shelter for displace palestinians and to return to the homes, especially in northern garza. and he says the prisoner exchange deal is one of the critical goals of negotiations, and it's impossible to exclude it as well as bringing out just here, a senior political analyst model long the shot of a heavy with us. so let's start with that statement. we heard by anthony blinking about our country's wanting to integrate israel into the region. what does it tell us about the us negotiating position at this point? well, clearly they have made some progress with some of the countries. i'm not sure to buy for statement that all our countries are happy and ready to normalize relations with those right. certainly not as genocide unravels continues to unravel
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in plain sight and gaza. so i think he set the over selling his point and he's also incorrect in the fact that this is a, this is the 1st time i think the items as a collective have already made the point deposition, cleared back in 2002 the, our peace initiative for the peace initiative out of the bandwidth summit. when they said that there wouldn't be ready to normalize relations with his right to have peace with his drive. but in return for a full sledge is riley withdrawal. from all the occupied territories establishment, the city and state with east jerusalem had discussed um a just fair solution to that i for you g problem. well, here's the, the part where i need you to analyze model on this. how do we get to talking about this? so this is negotiated about a c's 5 deal, and now we're talking about normalization with old arab countries and integration.
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is this becoming part of the seas? 5 deal? it is. it's uh, it's actually a fantastic miss 3, right? because uh, we still, we are so, uh, discovering its various elements as we speak. and it's only if it, by 72 hours that we started to notice, that is right, that the united states has switched this position. if you remember, you and i have been speaking a lot the last few days about why to my mind of disorders over. right. and it has the chief this objectives. i think a lot of times understand that these rates don't understand that not yet anyway. that even if, even if there's read occupies that off at the huge human cost to the better studies, it would still not have defeated. how much, how much was spent exist outside of guys. uh, how much as long as ition is in fact has become more popular because of a general side that's been unraveling in gaza. so i think they might those
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understood that. and they now say, look, this is not about the day after how much is defeated. this is the day that they ask that would be is when would you have a good normalize relations with this? right? and is are, and in return for that's part of normalization and out of security. vacancies recognizes the palestinian states and there are no details about what the despite of seniors take will look like. it could be that for the city no effect. as we know it today made into a state which means it would be no more about half a state on half of the west bank with the remnants of gaza. it would be without full sovereignty, that would lack sovereignty. it would lack independence. it would not come to get what you just remember that there is some 200000 legal supplements in the occupied west bank having any better suggest it without withdrawing those supplements. and
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settlers, it's basically impossible not to mention the rights for the town for a few days. but anyway, we need some more time. i'm sure you'll be back. thanks so much model on the chart of a john strikes of hit the main international asshole. it's in the eastern city of goma and the democratic republic of congo. the army says the attack so counted out from neighboring. rwanda becomes is m. $23.00 fights has been advancing in areas previously unaffected by the conflict for one that has previously denied carrying a house of tax that you run with. this is on the night of friday to set to do a 2 o'clock in the morning local time. there was a drone attack by did $1.00 to $9.00 because obviously come from the one, the entity violating the to the total integrity of the democratic republic of congo . the target was up across belonging to the d. c. however, we would like to inform the public, the aircraft of the emphasis of the d. c was smoking it. instead, a civilian across the board and damage the county joins us now live from
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government. so putting the news together over the last few days, you go to one the how much of an advance of the m $23.00 making. now the dam, $33.00, the still maintaining dep was the so on and also the policy. for example, today we have seen a besides the mom big or the so the 1st or the see i mean is just loading she visited with them for decided forces and also local. i'm the groups visit a value on these really maintain your full address, even though often during the meal for the line in the other words and i'll make you suggest a more difficult flying to respond to the forces in different areas. uh, besides that they have been battling that you have see i'm has been battling in this l, such a which is the main. and also the last city of which con,
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open to watch, the match for this individual to come over here in the seats. a full month's jump clear to me a sense of panic because we have seen, besides all this stuff. i think this policy as well had for by the allies the on these still maintain depth. yeah. why not on the mountain surrounding this areas and also offices in front of the able to open the default. the light is the other area. otherwise, not with this, go on, slide them for the trees. yeah. been always saying that's build up serious to come up at the side of the gun from its sources at a dis a florida on the main airport. what am i yeah. even though we don't have many details house, it's a, it's all i needed to see the little so the, the, the, the local after aircraft, which has been targeted. but this also has he, uh, he said he thought to dement, i guess it was the, the, the, the, the military objective. but it's really solving got them for the free is able to
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and they are so in that they kind of go over what people are expecting for the government is expecting besides that data to the data with them. all right, thanks so much on on the go. the conflict in democratic republic of congo is expected to be discussed to the african union summit which has taken place in the t o. p and capital discussions of centers around the growing instability. in this i have region as metric who is in west africa, but 10 months. conflict in sedan is also on the agenda of that meeting. so molly is president a tuesday c o p of trying to alex pots of some of the a through a controversial pool deal with some on the line. i'm in fact, sylvia is misleading the world by claiming that they need access to the see. the question is not
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an access to the see the question is how you to be a want this um access to the c and via is live for us at the summer. and as of um, how about how is that controlled was here? it was smaller than going down at the summit, the, for somebody, it has affected the somebody to hear because the somebody presidents. and he's a presser, to contend the behavior of the choking government city. that they have even tried to block his access to the venue of the somebody today. and he said this is, i mean, who was, he was one of how can this happen? a, d, a u, a country that's a whole c, a u, and organization about these based on equality between african states and the freedom of the leaders coming here to, to, to come and access to somebody's on. so, and i'd also here to use somebody else how to use a choke, you know, not just looking for an access to the see in the normal way. because utopia has
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most of the neighbors will have access to this. you will have c shows on 6, it is not that can be done in a different way, but that the purpose he said, of the ciocca is to a next somebody like a piece of the, a part of the, of the suffering republic of somebody at also i mean, at that mean i ask him a question, doing the press or whether there is any effort during the funny to to a, to kind of negotiation between us. what size of a lot of mine, he's united thoughts on this at the ciocca is i'll just give you nice was i'd be awesome. it has to be, give you nice was in his speech about the cost of the ation in an offer can, is loving the issue as much. these options are very much different from that. i will leave it there. thanks so much. mohammed vol. tens of thousands of protesters in hungry have condemned the presidential pardon
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issued in a child abuse case. the demonstration in budapest follows a series of resignations by senior members of the governing policy, president's cot, southern novak resigned last week and it was revealed, she gave clemency to a man who forced the victims of sexual assault to retract their accounts of abuse. it's been described the prime minister of victoria vans biggest political challenge, yet lawyers for russian opposition. politician. i've seen involved, they say government officials purposely withholding his buddy. i'm on the died in prison on friday and his legal team is demanding his body be handed over to his family. immediately kremlin is being accused of refusing to disclose results of an autopsy of on these lawyers say they all search and he was murdered. a memorial, so i thought just often the volume is dest announced,
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have been destroyed, and several russian cities, at least a 100 people, have been detained. in moscow, a group of online identified people, removed flowers in full view. for these are the monument for victims of repression . daniel hawkins is in moscow with more on the arrests as well. the process uh the, the visual was that was set up the same set last night at the memorial is 2 historical victims of political oppression have continued out throughout the day here at solid to gauge a scale at the moment of how many people have been detained. because there's no official comment, there's no official number yet from authorities. as to what's going on. the russian media is a one ton of them. channels have been published in photos. we've seen a lot of that of people being taken away, detained in multiple cities. most of us have pitas, but being to where, you know,
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a lot of people seemingly have been the titans again. these figures are not confirmed the coming from human rights groups in russia that figure over a 100 though, as quoted by the human rights group, is likely to be high. and now we will. so in the standing news coming from russia's fall, know the meaning of the accent of all these mother has visited the penal colony in a post published by an about these press circuitry. they can from the vile and these death and said that his mother had received an official notification from the penal colony. she was also reportedly told, this is again, according to the valleys press secretary note, according to official sources. now that his body had been taken to the nearby town full and was hoping to see a by the investigative committee, that's the latest on what's happening in the penal colony. so protests, uh, if you can call him that the visuals are also taken continuous take place here in russia with people being detained by police of thousands in focused on
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the been protesting against the legit rigging of elections earlier this month. jail, former prime minister in wrong cons policy letter march in islamabad, come on high, the reports from the demonstration. tens of thousands of people have gone off. despite the fact that the government, the government that employed it is pictured on popular guy today. as you can see, the, the people who are moving the on walks of life and another major development, the commissioner and overall one's been to advertise that there were no, it says briggs advert. gardner. 6 is going to turn, did not as our admin, and it said, as you can see, that the people are coming from all walks of life, women and children, john,
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people from all over the summer. but i've done was on the red strawberry and it's not more broad. there's a that they're not there that's been stolen and that they're the government that drive through for the government in the firewall, which of course the election come on. i was your dear all, it's all my boss was still, i had an al jazeera, we'll show you how carlos and cut eyes move a step closer to defending his tie for the knowledge in china. that's coming off in school the discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i, we're not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to build the sites an ethical a i though is racial bias is getting worse. you get more about, you know,
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those in power are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used. how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b, a r series on a jersey, the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation forth and died for power. defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be the power around that one out there. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, all right, it's time to catch up on all this falls, news was face us or we thank you so much. and we'll start with a busy day in the premium. and again, the title erase. we're also a county to know up against fairly well matches to so the face, chelsea likes it, but it's a little pool. who have started the day with a full one victory against branford as it stands, little 5 points clear of also and city. this all the new guys who took them the box here. we have a saw i came on from the engine, diego, georgia industries. can you please assist game since the user and himself at the advocate couple of nations go and, and a says on here. it says it was the goal. so make system callously and try to get close. keep them if it's the pretty well man said he will look to maintain their impressive record at the head when they faced chelsea laser. they haven't lost the
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league match at home since december 2022 as we move towards the business end of the season. so the manager pat claudio to expect the site to be pushed all the way funded the plan to awesome will. so there i have the last 8 to 10 games up, so we'll see how many plays are in teams are involved. so i think this where you would be there, but again, that's a month. so the distance between the 4 of the fees is so mean. so i would say at the end, but this question, it doesn't matter who has 2 or 3 or 4 if you we are there is test to, we know it came round the data coach color mentioned all he chose not to entertain any speculation of the club sign and kidding, and bump at the end of the season. the p if you start reveal that he'll be leaving the french champions at the end of his contract that are reported to be the front runners to fund woke up with a bunch of all his focus is on the science game against arrive i economy on sunday and select to build them a 5 point lead at the top of league. you know,
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there are school to the bus size or i see and hear what's happening. i perfectly understand this is a subject on the day if you guys on the not for us or us is tomorrow's game and the current season. i definitely need to do it well and finish it when it may not be in india or in control of the 3rd test against england. dr. dominance, the day and raj cards mama to raj took full wicked, says india dismissed the suicide. 319, and the 1st things lead of 126. india both on that lead to the century from your shopping chase will be able to go into day 4 and 196 with 2 huge need of 300 data insights. tiger woods, which ends with the pga tour has been cut shows all 3 felt you the 15 time major champion was playing for the 1st time this year at the genesis invitational in california be completed 6 hold for the 2nd round of the day. also he things to sort of the 7 woods pulled up because he was suffering with flu like symptoms. it was a much better day for this man. was that as or as these 2 shot at the ball,
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3 full team poles went in for all in one best man. so you want to cause one for himself and one for each caddy. the american is that $607.00 shots of the lead. and the thumbs up from colorado soccer is offering me just it says that there was anything is origin. tina opened titled the whole number 3 was up against. it's a reason that i have of authority in the cold vitals. outcries was most our 54 eventually winning. at the end of tie break, wimbledon champion had an easier time. and then the 2nd one is facing the semi finals. the faces for this job and at the ready suite. and this a pick a left the leaves, the wave i almost 18 full seconds of these main rivals that come out, took up, suits of japan crashed outs that passed around 3 cubic meters on the store, the 10th stage along the finish drive. i'm happy to pull ahead with fish for the full in seconds. that's what the most volts needs for me. a little bit late to send me things. how much faith?
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well, that's it for this news um, but i'm back in a moment for the full show. so stay with us the the latest news palestinians are not only queuing to got bread and water, but they're also doing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hearts of the story. i wrote books to the cemetery. there is no tombstone for them, but he's determined that the names will be never forgotten. with details coverage, the set up and the veterans tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of the is really all me. the unique perspective i want to be, but don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful this coverage
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and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices. and i'm of the communications. i'm pleased to connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0 for 3 days. the slow lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rain. those living here are some of the most vulnerable in lebanon, where the economy has all the collapse. the river is water level reached up to here . experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain. after long periods of dry weather. there are several informal sacraments for refugees from neighboring syria in this region as well. concerned is growing among communities living here near the backs of 2 rivers. that the worst is yet to come. they fled
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from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this has been use our life from, they'll have coming up in the next 60 minutes. once busy residential areas in central gals are reduced to rubble. newly released video shows the scale of damage caused by months of israeli bombing,


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