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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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in the community, off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of truth the the color. so robin, you're watching now, does it renews our life from a headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes? there are lots up in israel's bombardments of gaza. at least 66 palestinians have been killed and strikes in central and southern parts of the strip. the phone has problems go off the challenge of delivering babies in gaza,
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whether it's no safe place to get the 5 minutes. so benjamin netanyahu says, as well as operation in russell will continue and peace will only come through direct negotiation. the difference in union segments, any guidance of the cold, for a revival of the spirits of solidarity. the welcome to the news that we saw, st. joseph and israel is bombing areas all across the street is where the strikes are killed at least $66.00 palestinians in the past few hours. 9 homes were targeted in central areas of gauze, mold and 80 were injured in the attacks, and people are trapped under the rubble in the southern city. over off of that have be more tax that to one more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering and age groups of warning, of catastrophic consequences. if israel goes ahead with his propose ground
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defensive, full salvation is a, was sitting problem in jabante, a people took to the streets to protest of the lack of a let's getting into the strip. and there are no signs of a demand for flour and fuels. as well to recover his enjoys as live now in a rough uh, in the southern dogs that day time or night time tom right does make the difference . the is really bombardment continues while the focus is on the targets, which at the moment of medical facilities of the yes you are right. so how there was never any kind of let's helping find a good fax on the ground. as the is ready, military is approaching and the staging gets military attacks, of course, calls this trip out in the past few hours. we have been seeing how the is very forces. we're targeting the majority of areas in the south square. more than 50 pounds studies have reported killed only in the last couple of hours, especially in a rough icon, eunice,
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and alongside with the central parts of the territory that included the vast majority of children. young women in a series of strikes that targeted more than 5 residential buildings and in that part of the territory um its a creek sponge of, of military violations inside one of the 2nd largest hospitals. that still a bright thing in a, in the south which is not their medical facility where the is very military forces have completely rushed to the number. busy admitted come attains alongside with dest place people in the upper regions, and the sides department of the hospice, of which had been inspected by the is ready troops. the, as these very minute treat is the claiming that the is ready for us as there are searching for a mazda operative as they are claiming that had been used as a mandatory that used for how much alterations. but this, at least allegations had been denied by a must movement as the is by the forces right now are excessive pacing that are read. ready relating medical with crisis inside the medical facility, as there is
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a complete call out to just alongside that with the are still patients who are in 2 pages, especially 3 newborn baby. and also 6 palestinians who are in the intensive care units are in a very desperate need for medical care that had been provided to this very moment with a very limited number of medical nurses and medical stuff who had been kept forcibly by the is what it forces the other call soon as you talk about the restriction of the problems with that medical aid aid in general is an issue. it continues to be restricted and controlled and it's entry by the israelis into the strip. i guess that was a extremely, it will be a since the beginning of this conflict as there was a deliberate, systematic prevention of a deliveries to many different parts of the goals. this trip on in particular, in the north where the situation that has reached unprecedented critical levels as people there are right now depending on animal feet just to be grind to them to be
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also provided for children who are suffering from a cli malnutrition. alongside that, people in the self are absolutely struggling to get a sufficient amount of humanitarian assistance as we have been seeing in the past few days. very distrusting kind of just like how palestinians are stopping humanitarian trucks to get food. and this account significant only one thing that the humanitarian situation for the majority of the test place, people in the south is getting much more difficult. in light of the very limited number of humanitarian trucks and comb voice are allowed to get into garza threw out the last 2 remaining, crushing buddhist, including the roof on com. i was tell him who had been shot down in the past few weeks. due to these very ongoing fruit tests, due as pretest as who are demanding these way the government to not deliver aids to garza until the return of that was when he kept his tunnel cover for a sand rock. the thank you. as we've many ingles are facing starvation coming to
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kitchens, one of the few sources of food full palestinians within the country. the pulls out of the by the kitchens, provide any one meal per day. and even that's a challenge. more than half of the population of the cause of truth is risk and some and policy news nor many have 3 meals per day. since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal. there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no cruise in the markets. a that is coming in of the causal strip is not reaching all of the people and people are starving and z. u. n has been warning that the gardens population is at the risk of farm and we are in as chris found many in that is by the way, there has been to feed people indebted village displaced people and the neighbors
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of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking the center. so they're using what would fire? because there is no cooking gus, this lenses to is cooked without any vegetables because there is very limited number of vegetables in the market because a lot of our culture of land has been either bonds or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced. in agriculture and then so use of the chef told us that they are using an onion powder and alternative to the onions. it says, please start very early in the morning and before we start this, they start distributing the fluid at a 12 at,
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in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a search how many do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians this place and to the policy is a tire being in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus placement and surveys in the 1st situation in the cause of truth is worsening. where at least half of the population of the closet is already starving. this isn't included as is either that or but how do you mind holding somebody's head on spoke to the bahamas alpha. he's a plastic and reconstructive surgeon working at the european holes between garza.
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he says the situation at the hospital is dying. we have a young guy that we tried through the state, but unfortunately there was nothing that that we could do to help him out. these know basic medications for substation. there's no equipment, there is no alter sound. there's no light is the recess state. so we end up losing a soul because of that, and that shouldn't have happened to be honest with you now the 21st century and shouldn't happen anywhere in the world. i'm assuming that we, we apply the same standards everywhere in the world. so the situation is really dire. when's the last time supplies reach to the last time we have supplies were when we came in, this is when we brought some supplies with us medications, equipments. but of course they, we ran out quickly and right now. and as i mentioned before, yesterday i had to do surgeries without having a going on. guess. i just have gloves on and i can tell you this is definitely
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gonna lead to an increase in the infection rate. and probably, you know, mortality and we're very young patients. uh so we are in a crisis situation where we've been asking for more and more supplies. and every day i get a whole list from a different department that i tried to provide to uh, the run my organization in chicago. so well they get at least to give us more medications. more equipment is more supplies, just to keep the basic service go away. how do you deal with that possibility that what we're hearing medical stuff in some cases are dying. that you may be facing yourself, a life and death situation. we are trying to separate ourselves emotionally, but i, i, i personally and, and i'm sure many of my colleagues get emotional at many points when we felt that we had a patient that we're treating and they should be cured and recover. and when we
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come to around our next day, all of a sudden we hear that they just died because there was a mistake equipment or a missing medication or missing care. let me give you a very simple example, but none of the patients in the i see you that we operate on. do you have any kind of nutrition? they don't have any kind of nutrition food as chairs. so families are not able to provide any food to the, to the patients, and we're not able to give them any food. so not to put any nutrition cushion and a patient equals death. it doesn't matter how good your, your skills are. it doesn't matter what good your surgery is, unless the patient is being fed with nutritionists, they will die. and that's exactly what's happening, as i said. so i'm going to reach a see saw deal between our mazda and as ralph the head of homos, as political bureau, as well. any released the statement on saturday saying they will not be satisfied
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with anything less than the complete and as well as one. the withdrawal of his call me from garza, it'll say won't safe and appropriate shelter the displays, palestinians, and the return to the homes, especially in northern casa honey. it says the prisoner exchange, dale is one of the critical goals that ago she ations. and it's impossible to exclude as well area. we spoke to senior mos spokesman assignment hampton. it's clear that we want a clear sky. how do i complete this router that includes it stopped me, the lady at the exit, i guess because i'm the complete was the phone. get to the 2nd. we want the audi construction of the to as and the shuttle responsibility. the fair to say to, to open the doors for bringing all the needed good and the, for the purpose premiums the and also we want to talk about the exchange of the
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budget ones, but it's not me an issue i the it is, i'm sure you're going to do that, it's clear that the but a scene involves funding from the attack. they are some funding for my daughter was talking about the situation and yours and bob to get there and reading says that list says must be ended. so this is our position, and this is what you have seeking to coordinate with divorce the organizations which we are leaving. and i will that the way with it in the dress a short time ago, these are the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says it's almost as demands of ridiculous the will shall not compromise because we love life. we are committed to eliminating evil. and we shall not step down to the consternation that dictates with it. a god is to few type did with the palestinian and i would like to enter that and emphasize this evening. such a compromise should be through direct unconditional negotiations as an ideal
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would continue with the an item that a technician offer. but the see in the state or let's go sideways having desolate who's and tell the people to cut and that's and you know, he's come into the moment, honda, but there are 2 separate protests happening way. you will just tell us what they're about to receive your needs. the
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report has come back to protest against the government and it gets to be really prime minister. now we have that where, where families are more from the prime minister after she had far and as really donated him from going back to cairo for a 2nd day to bring back these to demonstrate the very noisy, let's say what you, i hope you can hear the next question, which is about how prime minister netanyahu, whose comments are being received while you are considering that all those that at all, i'm very happy with him as the prime minister for his actions over on his way forward with the more ongoing. so the,
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when you listen to people is proud to really get a sense that they are really dissatisfied with what you said that you want to have to have to bring back. the captive readers are saying that what is the fact that they have to relocate on the right here. it tells me. 2 1 the whole thing for the
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now i'm definitely that from a very noisy center of tell of a thank you. also, today's class also today kind of house prime minister side that's progress towards the seas following goals with slang down. he was among the leading label. politicians got that at the annual munich security conference. we made some vet the progress in the last few weeks. and then english edition is a and we've been trying to reach an agreement between the 2 parties, yet the last few days has not been from other st. guys expected and i believe it's been on the defenses. step by some has moved from unix on the state of talks to bring about a ceasefire in garza in the category 5 minutes. so that the tone,
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his somewhere tone i think reflects the moved here in the munich there's a lot of frustration as well as the lack of unity if someone has any hope. and the people in guys may have had some hope that with all the leaders gathering here in new and exist for at least the palestinians are at the latest the us that the codes have been some kind of a result of some kind of, of hope. basically, well that seems to be to be dashed now because as the prime minister takes place, there was some breakthroughs in the last couple of weeks. but in the last days, he says that have been disagreements. and especially on the unitarian aspect, he said there couldn't be any agreement, and of course time is running out. that's also what he's stress, especially looking at the threat to a, to rough find a dire situation there. so we also spoke, for example, to the 5 minutes of the video. he's also beat and talks with, with um, a king of do a lot, but also with the vice president of the united states. and also he was very
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frustrated. so he said there was no unity also, i'm still among the european lead us here, and we could see a slight change in tone in the last couple of days. but apparently that wasn't enough to get this unified response on what needs to be done right now. in gaza and in reference to come here from this security conference, one of the main security conferences in the world. well, joining us those alter the receiving political on this mom shot. right. he's been following events that 3 d e. think while we just start with the approach 5 a is very prime minister that we so he was a beat, very sure of himself, very confident that he had his public on his side. yes, absolutely. i think he understands all to well as the political animal. he is a survival, the longer 7 prime minister in israel's history. that's what he needs 1st and foremost as to maintain his correlation block. in fact,
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he has 64 out of 120 parliamentarians assured additions to the others that entered into the war cabinet. so everything he does at this point in time is to make sure that you said viable, which is dependent on the survival of this coalition. remain intact. that means i'm on guard. those continuing the water and guys are no matter what. talking about the limited thing. come us still talking about taking control of gaza still and maintaining security anywhere between the jordan river and administering and c. and in the process. it also means that he was starting up to the united states or his, his base likes that when he sighs. i will not accept big thoughts from anyone in the world news about what state direct is nice and what, but a scene is that should emerge because because there it has a different position. and that is, is that will dictate what happens in the land of his writing, in his words,
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how dangerous is it for him politically, to be lowering his strongest thought i, the us, i, he's already know the, you, he's ignoring africa. reason ignoring calls from china. but he's ignoring calls from washington dc with blinking at the munich cause that code comes to talk about in the name and tease, you know, obviously beach, but is a little destructive diplomacy thing than 5, you would think, right? uh that the united states, the world superpower, the one that is a land got the cache and the arms, and the diplomatic support that it has leverage with is right. but it could, in fact, dictate certain things to his right. but stephanie always experiences different. he thought he would tell you, and he does a sorry to public, that the items are angry. the americans are adamant, the or peons are worried. but none of that matters because i can stand up to all of them because none of them can make any difference what happens in the grounds here . so the united states can talk the talk about the humanitarian, this and beth,
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and about the vision of this about them. the other thing. but do you notice the end of the day if it's not using it to leverage, especially in an election year this by the administration is using 0 leverage with the now government. nothing else believes he can stand up a dispute ticket for now that as long as the arms is forthcoming, as long as the money is coming and as long as there's uh, american viewing the security console, he has no problem a binding. and then the election year. nothing. yeah, whole batch will not stay in the pot too much against him because his hands was burnt as although his hands burnt in the past when they tried to screw with as right as it were. because they know that there's a lot deal was signed up to them and there's a lot of control contradict. these are the comments coming out of whether it be israel or whether it be at the moment, the meaning security conference. i just want to close a few things, blink and saying,
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there is an extraordinary opportunity in the near future as well to be integrated into the middle east as arab countries are willing to normalize ties with it. the contradiction to that is the saudi arabian form and just print slides. they've been found new, says that saudi arabia is most focused on the tracing garza then on globalization with is really couldn't get any stock of them that for the saudis to sort of blink, i'm talking about i think blinking this over selling. i think the saudis are a case in public being more sober, that since 2002, as i start with the foreign minister said, and even since 1982 and his words that they saw this position has been cleared all along. that if the question of the palestinian state is resolved, there is no problem of is right in the middle east. but the main issue is to establish some of the 1st things that i think what i didn't hear today from the saw
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with these kind of egypt, sions, on others, is the, and the occupation. see the problem in all of this diplomatic new speak. is that the united states speak over about a senior state? it speaks of a political, the id, or the fast way over by the same state. but they don't speak of ending the occupation. as if is, there is a way of establishing a better signal state, quote unquote, without ending the occupation. which means this variation. overstate means it's actually an expanded autonomy, not a state. it has, the trappings of a state, recognizes a state, but has no sovereignty, nor can to get with, you know, independence. i know a thought on a security. this is not a state. and if it doesn't have more, there's international borders, except those with is, are it been? it's certainly not a state. so we have an issue here where the, so these aren't out of some other stuff about an independent contiguous,
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livable but a city of state. right? that's composites what i'm saying so far and have relations and borders with data boards like through jordan and to egypt and so on, so forth. then there was not actually play board with the united states. so into words, the by the end of my session i think it's sitting by 3 and i don't think it's can. it's kind of force is ready to buy into the recognized whatever. but a senior state and stephan, it's not going to be able to bring the higher ups if it does not commit to end things, occupation, and allowing for the establishment of independence, contiguous, software, and livable. but a senior stake. indeed, we should see what happens us as we always have done for 70 s for the moment. my one thank you. thank you. the process of being held in various cities around the world. so solidarity with the palestinian people in london, tens of thousands,
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7 straight to them demanded an immediate seems far, is the latest and huge anti war demonstrations recently in brooklyn? already false. it was that we don't have official figures from the metropolitan police yet, but the organizers say that there are 250000 people to take into the street and central london, the fringes of hyde park and to the destination point here, about a 100 of these right here, this is the 2nd time since the beginning of the war has been established quite to us like this. this close to the is really nbc. and essentially there are 2 seems to be going on here. i mean, along with your b as opposed to be expecting to here and immediate enter the room on the safe spot . there's been a lot of told about the expectation. the loss is where the ground and the
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consequences of that. and the hundreds of thousands of people who are being displaced, gonna cry. and in 1700000 people inside rock where they might be forced to if it was such and it's really attacked. and also there's a lot of pressure being exerted or tempted to be exerted on the british politicians, so called another votes coming up on wednesday in the british parliament on an immediate cease fire boot by the scottish national party. people run the stage behind us saying that if he's done so didn't save it and they don't deserve the vote. so people at the next election, but now they're also in protest and it's done building support, all palestinians. and goza demonstrates as all coding for an immediate cease fire, and the passage of sufficient amounts of humanitarian aid into the strait. the so called safe and now to high digit categories in washington, dc, whether also protest calling for a sci fi and gaza. and heidi ready,
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the protests that reflect what's going on on a global scale. absolutely, we've been seeing these protests in cities across the world in here, the united states in washington. this is just one of a few, does it in this country alone. this protest of organized by the palestinian youth movement and doctor's, i guess genocide. and as you see, the people gathered here, hundreds, perhaps up to a 1000, have been locking a busy street intersection. and now they're about to march down the streets of washington to make their voices heard even louder, turned by a guest here. this is mohammed custom who is an organizer. what is the urgency the behind us demand right now? i hear it in their voices calling for a ceasefire. now, of course, so right now they're over a 1000000 palestinians in the rough right now. most of whom have been displaced due to israel, the genocidal campaign, and do it due to its violence and the evacuation orders and post by the israeli,
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or is even called by the n yahoo to evacuate from west side. but there is no place to evacuate except egypt, which means that the final stage of israel's campaigns, esick, mcclin's, palestinians from their home land. and this is unacceptable. and we will persist out here in the streets until we have all of our demands met. what do you think is the message not only here, but be seeing all these protest spread across the world across the continents wide build this critical mass on one day right now. of course, well we want to demonstrate unity. the masses want to see a live rate of palestine. they want to see it. and to the genocidal campaign, they want to see just this. it's appalling that this has gone on for this long, but we will continue applying pressure until high. not only a cease fire is achieved, the seats on it has the, is ended until the occupation of palestine is put to it and it's of the funding is reinstated until all of our demands are met. now in the us, more than 60 percent of americans hold say they support disease fire. yet when you
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look at congress, just 12 percent of numbers of congress, supporters, these fire and president find out ready to post it. what more can you guys do to ship that needle score? so 1st and foremost, let's just rank presents how they're unresponsive to the people. the masses want to see a ceasefire, and they want to see justice and they want to see this come to an end. they want to see this genocide be put to an end and for the basic necessities to be given to the past and people that they've been deprived of to this violence for months. we've been coming out here on the streets and we have been putting pressure. we're seeing fractures in government, in the democratic party specifically because unacceptable and they know it. and the more we our out kids persist, the more that we will uh, you know, be one step closer to achieve our demands. thank you so much. mohammed appreciate your time, and as you see, the people are marching off now towards the white house, towards congress to how to make these demand. and they also have said that if there's still no shift, then of course there's the vote which is coming up in november of the presidential
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election. and many here has said that they will no longer be planning developed for president biden. if he does not shift on his is really policy. so jake has for that for us in washington dc. thank you. hardy of the 5 and 12000 expected methodology to get but i think also in the next months, many of them don't know they'll be able to do it safely. united nations population fund agency estimates that 52000 women, not pregnant. right now, we can garza around a $180.00 babies all being delivered daily. 5500 with analogy to give birth within the next month, is estimated that more than 800 of may suffolk complications life in rafa. these problems are especially acute of 1500000 people at sheltering the stephanie dr. ripples on efforts to help gulls as much as co imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your home, everything you've built and worked for your safe space. now you live here,
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one among hundreds of thousands in the tent in open land. during winter, you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again, you have a family, but you cannot provide any of life's basic needs. and the baby has just arrived. comp, nursery is sprayed on this it's a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months, concrete rules and improper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale. it provides essential help to mothers with babies from instant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition to the simple cab provided by us midwives a lot of a whiskey. miss hamilton eunice, indifferent, i gave birth to my child 15 days ago as we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather. my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birds. i was
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not able to keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital, the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time and now we have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god, to help boiled in the mass influx of displaced people instead of fox means the remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope in and democrats. i had the fun with the affordable rock. i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now with nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section nano so that hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for all this. and this will add a new lives born into a war zone. and even if and when the war comes to an end, there will be very little left standing for people to return to. most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life. and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie
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decker, all g 0 as well, still had here on out there while ukrainian forces of withdrawal and from the strategic eastern town of difficulty. and a dispute between the russians government and the family of elect, seen the valley following since that the hello the despite the woman and the mild weather across europe this weekend, we are still seeing some areas of unsettled conditions. that's thanks to where the front pulling the way from west to east. one of those will bring some heavy snow to west and pots of russia on sunday. that will fall is a freezing rain across eastern areas of ukraine. we would like to take some showers lingering around the bulk of the black sea, but it is an improving picture for the likes of greece as well as touch yet and
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cypress behind. that is looking long. as you settled across the mediterranean, we could see some fog issues, however lingering across eastern areas of easily, but lots of sunshine and settle weather out west for spain and portugal. few showers, however, coming into monday across the northern areas. we are expecting some welcome snow on the out there at the start of the week with the weather behind that an improving picture for britain on the island of on and off the heavy rain over the weekend. you can see that band pushing its way further east is going to cool things down as it extends its way further east temperatures coming down slightly in the west. but it's going to be exceptionally cold in that northeast. you can see the purple colors descending down if we haven't looked at the 3 day full cost for moscow. we'll see snow on sunday, very cold on tuesday of the ukraine. a father frontline,
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a mother and children can this time of the seas future when the sky is full? the sign is without an ukraine escaping the dog with outages. discussing the defining issues of our times, we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen big tech propaganda to explore how to build the sites an ethical a i those racial biases get worse, you get more responding to those in power are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used. how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b, a r series on a jersey to the
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book about to watch. we all just are in use though. it means that he'll rahman and i'll remind to of on told stories is really strong, so killed at least $66.00 people across something and sudden, full garza, the deaths come after it. intense is ray, the bombardment type of the past 24 hours. the you and estimates of 5 and a half pounds. expectant mothers all do to get us in golf in the next month. many of them don't know if they'll be able to do it safely. a lack of supplies means almost a 5th of pregnant women are likely to suffer complications. the 5 minutes the benjamin netanyahu says that the military operation russell will go ahead. speaking identities conference, he repeated, that is why the forces will find hold until homeless is destroyed. the
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international court of justice is edging as well to abide by its orders to protect the lives of palestinians. in garza. it comes as the colt rejected south africa's request for additional measures to to potentially is really minute drill pricing in rafa to meet. the miller has moved from john, his book, or the south african supported the 2 state solution for decades along with the freedom of palestinians from east riley occupation the war. and because i lived south africa to the international court of justice in december, it lodge, the case at the court accusing is well of genocide. see, it's also a model argument. you can see the mess fits the destruction of people, the destruction of property, destruction, of all the means needed to sustain life. we felt that we needed to take action. and of course, i own a state play that role in. but i think the fact that we come from a colonial a bought a history. and now you've got set to colonialism, having taken more or less the same time,
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1948 in palestine in the courts. few the last months are quote issued provisional measures against israel. including that, a prevention aside is to quote, says it notes a potential new assault on russell would worse than a humanitarian nightmare, but it's declined issuing additional emissions saying israel should comply with its existing order. but this old african government says the killing of more than 28000 palestinians confir justified. and its concerns about isabel's continuing the tax and southern gaza. when any 1400000 people fling the war a tract just while sold africa says the quote is reaffirmed its view. it says as well as in breach of the court orders and attend the international convention on genocide. it says we order the id is to ensure that they do not do anything that will convene the measures in the dentist has convention that was a basic go ceasefire. and we see that he's always ignore that old up. and the oldest that calls for immediate access to a minority may have tried to be interpreted in
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a way of switch them. but most international law is a basically just said that is it's, it's an attempt and it's an attempt to justify what they're doing. so that's like the physical use bodies like the united nations security council to ensure the quotes or does that implemented? for me, the ultra 0 johannes bug the so you pretty pulse of that withdrawal. and from the strategic eastern time of the russian troops have been threatening to encircle the robot. pride has moved from keith. continuing to put up this resistance in the face of continuous assaults. these images reportedly recorded on friday, jo, some of the last ukranian defenders of, of div before the retreat. largely ruined town is strategically important to both sides,
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located close to the russian controlled city you've done yet. but the cranium defenders have gradually found themselves pressed from 3 sides with an increasing danger of being surrendered. my more what square supplies to the pin. we have a complicated situation with the enemy trying to penetrate our defense. in some other places, the situation is critical as the enemy is trying to bypass our troops for force to fight 360 degrees around this. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube i reportedly failed last week. or the fall of d. e a district have of difficult, has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all happened during the past 2 weeks. you've had recognize of they've gone practically. everything has been flattened by bombs, including the local residents,
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who were in the basement in the russian army. so there's nobody or cisco autumn, you should be ukraine has been willing to fight the so called meet grind of battles making the green calculation. but with russia losing fumble soldiers, they all with it. but as with the battle foot back loops last year, which keep finally gave up from the desire to save ukrainian lives seems to be more important stuff. a symbolic victory for russia and ukraine will hope this defeat could act as a wake up call for its allies who being well now for weeks that the show did you by munition would leave just to a loss. and that's a less things change. more defeats can be expected, so that's the most he's got over many months of fighting. the civilian population of, of div cost is, has mostly been evacuated. but remarkably, some people, when they surviving in basements,
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particularly what it does. ukrainian soldiers pulled back the fate. and that to the town. now when russian hands look bright, i'll just say era hockey, if you crate the hundreds of people loading the death of the russian opposition to the legs, seen the valley. he'll be interested in cities across the country. the 47 year old dog while serving a 19 year prison sentence for extremism assembly says they haven't been given access to his body. prison officials saying divinely died from what they called, sucking death syndrome. what leaders have blamed presents not to mit putin for his death image and came to how's the story to those wanting to public, you know, next scene of only get this the response thousands were arrested in at least 21 cities across russia. and most gave police phone to human chain to store motors, attempting to rally at the circuit, won't of source the monument for joseph stones,
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victims of political persecution. i thought it was my duty to bring showers before for all of us. and now we have to, at least on a, his memory some of the seems to some teachers but with dozens were arrested to purchase or illegal in russia and district. dissident news. the country is go to shang, with this foolish war. why is it you, did? we need this, they are getting their own people. i no longer be even the future afresh off. i'm a do 2 years old. even seems to me that now is where is that in silence times. and of all these, most the middle enough, i'm know, was seen in the time of hub, neither penal colony in russia's optic region where prison gods say he died. devoted these family demanding to know why his body is reportedly told the prison officials are blinding. they cool southern death syndrome, the body was taken by a investigative committee. so right now we don't have access to the body and we
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don't know for sure where it is. and so we do months as a trusting authorities immediately div alexis voted to hughes family. of all of these health deteriorated during his 3 years of a 19 year prison sentence. he said he was denied sleep and medical treatment and it spent nearly 300 days and so that she can find that he was also still recovering. some poisoning with russian nerve agent in 2020 memorial ceremonies have also been held in london and all the cities and wild leaders continuing to speak. i found the still unexplained desk at the age of $47.00 image and came out to 01000 bucks a solid protesting against the alleged rigging of elections earlier this month. come out of how to, how small from islam of tens of thousands of people have come off. despite the fact
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that the government garden board, their government that employed his picture on public guy today. as you can see, the, the people who are moving the on walks of life and another major difference, the commissioner of roland braden to advertise the idea for lever doing that there were no, it says briggs. i been going to die. just going to ignore the lower estate. as you can see that a formal paper, lot of government from all walks of life, women and children. john, people from all over the summer bought i've done was on the. 7 stretch drug or some abroad, there's a that there mandate has been stolen and the government is trying to port a new system or government think about which of course the election come on i was your due to off is on my boss. so,
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so head here on the news on the streets of costs protests to celebrate a court ruling. that means the presidential elections will go ahead. the, the latest news as it breaks. some of those who need a may be able to access it in parcels to them. that are safe and the way there is no fighting with detailed coverage would come scripts of training here on an island that symbolizes sweden's, drastic change in military policy. from around the world, the security forces are not protecting the people, but rather the president and his decisions to the lady elect. they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger $1.00 oh,
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$1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online despite the risk on al jazeera and we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can not, as far as i said, i'm going or the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the book about can set a goal demonstrates as of by the decision by the countries constitutional counsel. so it was and present mackey solves delayed to elections because i expect to protest as i say, march through the streets of taco demonstrators here can see the name of we spun. so go deep opposition leader. they're asking for his release
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much more demonstration to about protecting democracy in business for insurance and the election presidential elections that present markets. the idea of the thing with the gun and the bill and we're doing it lives in the rights groups, say a hundreds of what they describe as political prisoners are currently being released. many of them had been held without charge. now this is a victory for many of the demonstrators here of the rule of law in the country. democracy seriously endangered incentive us 1000 plus people in jail trust because they voice the wrong opinions or just because that supporting
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somebody whom the government is not happy with. we've never had that here. people have been show by our armed forces with absolutely no investigation. security forces or keep a close watch of this demonstration. it was initially banned by sorties and then allowed a comes on the heels of these a riots falling like yourselves. decisions of the lazy elections. well, there is division among the political class and the political candidates over when this election should take place. many senegalese here say that the political crisis has united them in their efforts to protect democracy in their country. nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car democratic republic of congo, his accuser. when does all me have launching a cross folded, try and strike into the democratic republic of congo. the congolese army says the strong donation that cross to the apples and the sensitive gay with the one that
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had previously denied coming out to tax on its neighbor. so let's take a closer look at the complex. so in the east of the country, rubble of tanks on wednesday killed him. he's 14 people, 12 of them died and the attack on a gold mine and to south african soldiers dogs when that base and those tv province was attacked south africa. and it was last week that it would be sending a new contingent of $2900.00 peace keeping soldiers to the east. and congress more than a $120.00 on groups operate there, including the m $23.00. now the leaders of that revel greif off from the to the c estimate. great. the latest fine thing has been around the town of saki near the border with we're one to the bottles of forced into communities in that my c. c. and the other 2 shooter territories to flee to what they hey paul, safe savvy is on the outskirts of the provincial capital game. since november, more than 1000000 people have been displaced by the companies conflict. they added to the almost 7000000. you've already fled the homes. it one of the wells largest
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humanitarian crises. i don't want connie has moved from game just like you would just additionally remain very well outside in the socket. it will for several days . government forces with the allies, including the started castille trying to remove them. 23 labels on serial mountain doctor. they okey fight it onto this started je exceeds that they go to school. if night again, a fighting was reported in the see if it'll areas in the village. just say that one thing socket with every our platform website is interested in which has been going on for several days as of on where the close the departure of have with the 1000. no people from 2nd to find the show does it on the city of wilma, when the government goal is sure he's trying to get the most of the rebels in this part of started since this morning. so give it to source as reported up. the rebels are also fighting. we did the army in the village. of course you got in that? $82.00 to $14.00 for the limits. we did 3030 of what do you call it this fight?
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think in this part of the country, it can be very significantly for liberals because they talk in the middle fault for the territory, for the color never being affected by disco. 50, which has lasted for serial. he is now, these are also very significant because it isn't this that he told me that it's a national copeland is our best with the domain name, activities individual. and for the past week, civil outside enable woods of wilma have already been targeted by blooms fired by them. 23. according to the authorities. allan wake on, it was due to the democratic republic of cool because like the new democratic republic of congo is expected to be discussed of the african union summit, which is taking place in the ethiopian capital discussions, all centered around the great instability of this, the hell region and military case in west africa, the 10, but the conflict incident is also on the agenda. well, of that meeting, small is president accused. if you, if you have trying to, i think it's part of somalia through a controversial port deal with some of the land. it would be
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a is misleading on the walls by claiming that they need access to the see. the question is not an access to the see. the question is, how you to be a want this access to the see i'm in the valley is that the somebody cannot decide, but he has more on the small. the president's accusation has affected the somebody to hear because the somebody presidents in his a press a to contend the behavior of the choking government city. that they have even tried to block his access to the venue of, to somebody today. and he said this is, uh, i mean, who was, he was one did, how can this happen? a d, a u, a country that's a whole c, a u and organization. but he's based on equality between african states and the freedom of the leaders coming here to, to,
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to come and access to somebody on the phone. and also how to use the tool if you're not just looking for an access to the c in the normal way. because utopia has the most of the neighbors will have access to this. you have c shores on thinks it's not that can be done in a different way, but that the purpose he said, of the ciocca is to a next somebody like a piece of the, a part of the, of the suffering republic of somebody with a back to our top story and i'm palestinian gen list have been on the front lines of covering israel's will. and garza, despite the high risk to that work amongst them, is voltage unless hasn't seen him, but he had his leg amputated after being hit. spies ready, gun 56 years ago. he tells ultra 0, what keeps him going home. want us to have you as just a moment, mr. grant, many of the football team, if you'd like to know that i'm available on price, that's all about me. unless it's a lady, i'd have to do it yourself. the finance. so please see, let me set up an hour,
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the stuff to kinda populate on those. i mean, but it's not gonna stop the the guys that i thought ahead of, especially that of the b. that's the best receive up and, and i looked at the path to about my study all this way. she went back and for something, and that's the that's, that's a lot, that's up the i must be on what sort of thing and how many and how would i not being above it? and i don't know if there's gonna be even a zip up above a zip them up in somebody's most that will be and i'm in the i'm, i'm try to think i'm a human that. yeah. and i come in and it says the will come up that the there is the the guys, i'm almost done my enemy. and then at that at the bottom it's been a lot. i and i was edit sign up for. that's the real good or no estimate . i left in the us not minimums,
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the feed i'm at and a lot of people have given me different of a soul up of a moment. i'm a sob of them out. i'm going to put them on a flight. i'm, i'm a stimulus. so what are the zip up? it's about like that. what's the, what's the, the, the, the, the, what's the pin up? well he the 80, the little sub. what is the saw have a year with precision? and i swear to you, nothing at all, but block him up, please hold on. but if it is that would help if i of them stop the for them to pick up. what are the parts of the board you have to the file was on policy and actually limit. no one's a healthy. the one good. have you got? what could you smell sophie?
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what is the item? you didn't talk to? how about much, but i'm on. i'm not set to fold about talking about good morning use. i'll be able to find a break until then. thanks for your time. and your complete the . this trip is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes and took care of floating hotel, its features, rooms at dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers over lessons to president, still recovering from there or to 4 to 5 year old school note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily we have the sea and we are leaving you on a ship bill, a small world, hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look for for it to the nearest part reopened. giving many here for the life is a loss of returning to normal, their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. this is the 1st one i saw that we see in the real
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time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. unique perspective on a deep i don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this to me. it was really a form of things thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices. and i'm of the patient please be connected with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, as they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are
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finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the their lights up in as well as bombardment. at least 66 palestinians have been killed and strikes in central and southern gaza in the past 24 hours. the color of civil romany are watching all just every log headquarters here in the also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu says as well as all operation in russia will continue and peace will only come through direct negotiation.


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