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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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escaping the dogs with out just the the tons over albany watching me all. does it renews on life? my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. they certainly strikes its central and southern gauze that killing at least $66.00 palestinians in the past few hours. the hungry and desperate palestinians of northern garza pretends to gains boot shortages as israel looks, 8 supplies. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that feel a lot about the international pressure of israel's ground, defensive, and dropbox and other news rushes president congratulates his troops to the capture
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of the east and town in ukraine and thousands of people march instead of goals. capital keeping the friendship on the president holds elections quickly. the welcome to the program. a new wave of his writing buildings has killed at least 66 palestinians and gaza. little that i see people injured in the attacks and people remain trapped under the rubble. 9 homes are targeted in central areas of gauze. algebra is target. capitalism has moved from rossa in southern casa, of the is very military forces are pressing on with their military defensive on the ground. he is not, the goal is a strip and to date was very low. d as more than 50 palestinians have to report that killed in a string of minute trees as strikes the target to the central parts of the territory alongside with the southern areas in russell. and in con eunice, in
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a very ongoing military attacks on the up in areas along side that the gauze ends in display civilians here are completely struggling from acute and acute fluid insecurity. um, its more growing fee is regarding a potential military inclusion for rough. our district that will definitely excessive pates, already aggravating humanitarian crisis as you international fluids as secure to expense. completely saying that the goal is to strip is one of the largest areas that are, that is long as we affected of famine in youtube. it's a, it's very ongoing through caden compartments and only spies now record is, is required in order to help people to mitigate their aggravating humanitarian situation. tar cubism. oh, just the euro roof. inside the ring console, the full salvation is a was thing problem across garza. then jamalia people took to the streets to protest against the lack of a that's getting into the strip of cities and goals are now living in something
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like conditions because of israel's blockade. is also led to the shortage of humanitarian lines. but with many indoors are facing still evasion. call me will kitchen. so one of the few sources of food for the palestinians, but a single country found out in the battle of the kitchens, can any provide one meal to day. and even that's a challenge. more than half of the population of the cause of truth is risk and simon policy news, nor many have 3 meals per day. since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal. there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no cruise in the markets a that is coming in of the cause us or is not reaching all of the people and people are starving and z. u. n has been warning that the gardens population is at the
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risk of farm. and we are in as groups for many indebted by that with her husband to feed people indebted by his place people and the neighbors of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking this lentil soup they're using. what would fire? because there is no cooking. gus, this lentil soup is cooked without any best to both because there is very limited number of festivals in the market because a lot of our culture land has been either bonds or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced in agriculture and then so use of the chef told us that they are using onions, how there alternative to the onions. it says
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they start very early in the morning and before it starts this, they start distributing the fluid at a 12 at, in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire is it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a search. how many do this every single day to give a has to the palestinians, the slaves and to the policy new tires being in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus placement and starvation. the solicitation in the global group is worsening, where at least half of the population of the cause is 50 already starving. this is included as is ita better. but if it's one going to be just these 5 deal between
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our mazda and as ro, the head of how much is political bureau smell? honey released a statement on saturday, saying they'll not be satisfied with anything less than the complete and as well as will. and the withdrawal of its ami from garza, it also wont safe and appropriate shelves with the displays palestinians, and the return to the homes, especially in those in garza. and he says a prisoner exchange deal is one of the critical goals and negotiations. but it's impossible to exclude it for the area we spoke to senior. how about spokesman a summer home then he says the groups position hasn't changed. you know, it's clear that we want a clear refused guy out of like complete this router. that includes that story that is already at actually i guess because the i'm the complete was the phone. get to the 2nd. we want the audi construction of the, to as an international responsibility. the fair to say to,
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to open the doors for bringing all the needed the, and the for the, for those premiums. and also we want to talk about the exchange of the budget loans . but this is not the main issue. it is actually going to do that. it's creating the scene involves funding from the idea that they are some funding for my daughter was talking about the situation and all the same but to get there and reading says that this says must to be ended. so this is our position and this is what i'm speaking to her record a but 2 doors, the words here, sions, which we are leaving. and i will do it this way with the top of the prime minister . says that the progress towards the seas following causa. is slowing down the he was among the leading global politicians gather the annual munich security conference. and we made some good progress in the last few weeks and then english.
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jason is a and we've been trying to reach an agreement between the 2 parties. yet the last few days has not been progress thing guys expected. and i believe that all the differences in a place, if we look at the, basically the agreements that we had earlier in november when we managed to get tons of to 9 hostages a to and we had this pause, this humanitarian for us for a week. it's on was, has 2 of them and so many agreement, one is addressing the humanitarian condition and laws and the other one which really reflect the numbers of the faith and who would be released in exchange. all of the hostages, i believe, and disagreements. we are talking go to be good, a scale and the wish to see some difficulties on,
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on the humanitarian thoughts of these negotiations that we see it to really gone to enable us. and to help us in making sure that we are, we are putting enough pressure to, to do a sent to get the numbers done. now if we, if we are able to reach in the next few days, some good conditions on, on that side, i believe that we can see idea of happening very soon. yet to the path in the last few days. i'm not really very promising, but to as i always repeat, you know, we would always remain optimistic. we always remain pushing. we were to why a lot of us to get to put that closer to this. we believe that the humanitarian self funding in both sides is not a is not something easy is to be handled that this is the humanity of that
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situation and let us and especially when it comes to offer. and now we see the fall condition of our bad roads. so dieting situation and we are seeing, you know, a very threatening moments of a plans advisor will have demonstrates as of the now it's on the streets of television funding. the immediate release of all of the attempt is held in garza and is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu with showed families that he's committed to bringing them home safely. i want a policy to liberate and bring back the captives. it is military pressure until now this what we have done and we have brought back $120.00 of them. we shall continue on till we bring back all the captives negotiations required. a steadfast . this i have to say to the people is right, is up to this moment how much demands are ridiculous. i'm city, i'm,
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they mean only one thing is a mean that they mean defeat to is right? yeah. once, how much compromises and give concessions on such a demands, we can make progress. and i would like to say to the families of the captive we, we shall not forget our commitment to bring back to the captive the, the levels of demonstrations until the view calling full and less than the other ones as government to resign. from the salute was, uh the the
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plaintiff has come back for kind of get really prime minister. now we have where, where families are from the prime minister after she had bars and is really delegated. and from going back to a 2nd today going back to them in the local shape. the money is due to research for israel palestine, democracy for the arab world. now it joins us not from washington dc. mister ellerman, thanks to joining us on the program. we have a very defiant, is riley prime minister,
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who on the surface seems to be at odds with the american president and the american administration's narrative. now about trying to find a way forward in terms of humanitarian polls is how it all israel and the us now behind the scenes in your opinion. and the 2 are very add ons. um, you know, the, the american position is that there needs to be an end of the finding an increase in humanitarian assistance and a viable pathway for the palestinian state. i, i can't think of 3 things that these really government has as more opposed to the debate they see below all 3 of those things as, as an ex, essential threat to the state of israel. and, and frankly, there's not that much diversity of opinion on this. you know, you are starting to see more more protests intel of these, against the prime minister, which we saw a lot of in the period leading up to the war. but as the corresponding mentioned, you know, most of these are focused not on the states fire. i'm not on, you know,
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piece, but i'm releasing the hostages and, and accountability. it's interesting is that, as you, you mentioned that correspondent in tell of a showing you what is really the public, the think about that government and what that protesting about. we've also had our correspondent in, in washington dc earlier showing us and talking to us and talking to people who are demonstrating in the us. and i wondered about the debate between politicians and the public in the us. i mean, you'll obviously speaking to various sides and various opinions, what is that conversation like right now? it's quite hard to gauge when you have so many the american public seemingly on the streets and the lawmakers seemingly backing israel. it's all very, very disparate. as it is, you know, i think it's, it's the final day of a paradigm that lasted for a long, long time. and which is rule. i could count on american support no matter what. and
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but even when they were disagreements, but it never led to any consequences. and i think that this time, the pressure from within the united states and from was from, from around the world is, is such that it's, there's just no going back to business as usual. after what, you know, many series of genocide and, and the you right, the disparity of the decisions between that, which is the thing, the broad public sense and then um, at least in, in the areas that i am compared to the administration and even it must have congress who, who are unwilling to, to even consider a different point of departure and, and, you know, keep actually pushing the 2 state solution as the answer to, to this war, which, which i think is really, isn't come to an entirely different conclusion about that. just as a solution is impossible, it might be impossible right now as far as the as rates of concerns and the prime minister as has nothing yahoo is completely rule that out for the moment. yeah. one
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thing that called be ruled out is the like, the, the, the, the support, the could be stopped speaking to a previous contribute to in the last style. it would be so simple, wouldn't it full the united states to say if israel doesn't listen to us and look for humanitarian pauses, we will stop the military aid. but that's not happening. is it? no, it's not. but we are seeing other things, but i would, i didn't, i didn't listen to the previous content. i just, i just wanna give you, give you sort of a flavor of how we try and get all sides of the voices on our channel. right. i think, you know, if we look at the past decades of the united states relationship with as ro, we've seen a lot of carrots and gnostics. which means that as well as number of pressure to compel to do anything that he doesn't want to do. and in this case, what he doesn't want to do is, is give the palestinian people the right to life and the right to national self determination and the world. the saying, you have to stop denying them those things. and there's real things that can go
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back to us of the status quo and t of, of occupation of c, age of, of whatever it imagines is going to come after this. and the world, including the united states, is saying no. so you're right, well the united states is not going to cut off arms shipments to the israel, and we are seeing, they're starting to take other measures like eggs, an executive order from earlier this month. but upon the treasury department sanctions on is rarely settlers the type of sanctions that we see for countries like iran and north korea and russia not, not wanting to use a partner. so i do think that they're there at least putting in place the, the infrastructure to, to, to confront as role a little bit more for spelling. but until that happens, you know, there has been no, nothing to that mix as well. do something that's uncomfortable or see what the coming days transpired. as for the moment, michael schafer, i'm a monday joining us washington dc. thank you. thank you. the process and solidarity with policies in gaza,
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all taking place in several parts of the world as we just mentioned in washington dc. while you guys are calling for an immediate cease fund, demonstrates has gotten that in the us capital's downtown demanding the politicians because i to as well. they also won't they release of palestinian prisoners and is ready custody. 102 accounts protocol. so from washington, dc in this march and protest in that china town was organized by doctors against and as you can see around me, there had been running through the streets of washington to talk to our guest here. this is mohammed i'm making this request now or so. right now the $1400000.00 in the most part of the gaza strip and are evacuating orders by the it's really regime
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to evacuate, but there's nowhere to evacuate. but each of meaning that this is the final stage of israel genocidal campaign and violence in gaza to ask me to estimate quick times, palestine grow in size and now polling shows we finished the course. so the momentum is strong, the masses are with the masses. we want to see a liberated cost. i, they want to see an end to this. they want to be part where they don't just want to cease fire. we also want to reinstate for the motor, which provides critical services, the palestinians, the us and other western governments, the aid to the just to me of the palestinian people who are already suffering from a lack of access to basic service. one of the arms and bar go in israel as well because the us is funding this genocidal campaign. and we've also what our prisoners released from is really jails all palestinians,
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the prisoners wants to speech the as a want the occupations. and so it's not just to see the military aid to israel, that is another $40000000.00 in congress. and honestly, the present the same to you guys. so what's next? well, what's the applied, the apply the pressure. we're applying the pressure and we're going to keep on applying the pressure racks are in the democratic party and we're and we're seeing structures in very simple stuff for me right now. um, so there are, there are, uh, we're making an impact and we're seeing uh, we're seeing this uh, we're, you know, we're seeing a heart attack being made. we have to keep pushing. we have to keep fighting. and you know, by probably these pressure by coming go the pundits and the thousands and millions we will achieve our demands. mohammed, thank you so much. and again, there is certainly your sense of urgency here,
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the name of the hands of rafa. and that really reflects what the people here know time is taking their more lives the intake is and that is why they are marching here today. the purchase also being held in cities around the world to show solidarity with the palestinians in london, tens of thousands demonstrate to them demanded an immediate cease. fire is the latest of huge anti war demonstrations in the pacific capital. how repulsive was the organizes that saying that are same another very big turn out to this to mind. age approaches on the streets of london. my sized on 250000 people have turned out . we'll see you around the fringes applied far and getting us to be as really and this is the 2nd time since october the 7th. but that has to be upset to close us like this. 7 outside is really embassy center tea page. i really expressions of
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real about the expectation of food is really grown to say on rock or west. so many displays college students are being forced into as a southern port of gaza. and also a lot of the jake on wednesday, the for an immediate cease by the saying that anyone who doesn't vote in that way will not deserve the rights of people at the next election. as far as the policing operation, the most favorably say that some 1500 offices have been on the streets, leasing this event. and i know that probably go to events around london and i have been arrested a handful of them. it has to be said in the context of this very large process that that'd be monitoring an indications of, as you said, that there's a one person arrested for tiring, a clock on supporting a prescribed organization to arrest of the carry, the semitic pro, to apply cards but in large,
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this process has been another peaceful one and another one, calling for an immediate cease fire and goes harry, close it out, is there, a lot of the rules have in protests and it's done both in support of palestinians and garza demonstrations. according for an immediate cease fire on the passage of sufficient amounts of humanitarian aid into the street, i'm just interested in pursuit with is the monks and it's tumble hundreds of churches citizens due to the streets and is stumbled on saturday. they started marching from blue most to turn on the square to the downtown, and these people are trying to saw there are suffering by the public as far as the world today. and these people are saying that is why i was trying to be stop genocide. that was being commented in gaza should be something we are scared. and we are worried about
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the bonding of a rough while and around. 2000000 people are now there and that on the threats. no, it's only of a bomb bank and also hunger or uh you know, thirst, but they are also the under the sides of the cold and they are freezing the size from the motor on israel continues to murder children, ignoring international law. it especially target the civilian settlements. there are more attacks against civilians than against him on the other end jails who gather them assembled. and there's groups of people in the lives in the side issues of having to work well. i called again, is really the beginning of the war, and uh, what all these people want is paola started from river to the see to know that there is some of
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the question present. the patient has congratulated his troops. the capture of the ukrainian town of disco, ukrainian forces have withdrawn from the strategic town in the east. mcbride has moved from concave. continuing to put up this resistance in the face of continuous assaults. these images reportedly recorded on friday show some of the last ukranian defenders of, of div, before their retreat. largely ruined town is strategically important to both sides, located close to the russian controlled city you've done yet. but the cranium defenders have gradually found themselves pressed from 3 sides with an increasing danger of being. so right was course applied to the we have
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a complicated situation with the enemy trying to penetrate our defense. in some other places, the situation is critical. as the enemy is trying to bypass, our troops were forced to fight 360 degrees around is the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube. i reportedly failed last week or the week or the fall of the of the districts of, of div go has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all happened during the past 2 weeks. you've had recognize of they've gone practically. everything has been flattened by bombs, including the local residents, who were in the basement of the russian army spares. nobody sees the autumn in ukraine has been willing to fight the so called meat grinder bottles, making the grim calculation. but with russia losing fumble soldiers, they all with it. but as with the battle foot back loot last year,
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which key finally gave up? the desire to save ukrainian lives seems to be more important stuff. a symbolic victory for russia and ukraine will hope this defeat could act as a wake up call for its allies who being well now for weeks that the shortage of admission would lead to so to a loss. and that's a less things change mode defeats can be expected, so it says a blue loose, he's got a man over many months of fighting. the civilian population of these classes has mostly been evacuated. but remarkably, some people, when they surviving in basements, particularly what does ukrainian soldiers pull back the fate and back to the town. now, when russian hands look bright, i'll just say era. hockey, if you crate, the hundreds of people unloading the death of the russian opposition lead election to finally let be interested in cities across the country. 847 year old don well
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serving a 19 year prison sentence for extremism. if somebody says that they have been given access to his body, prison officials saying that i only die from what they call, sucking death syndrome, will lead us a plane present without demand food in full. his death mentioned came the ripples to those wanting to public in the next scene of only get this, the response goes into arrested in at least 21 cities across russia most gave police phone to human chain to store motors, attempting to rally at the circuit. won't of, sorry, the monument for joseph stones, victims of political persecution. i thought it was my duty to bring flowers before for all of us. and now we have to at least on a, his memory limit of seems to and some teaches, but what thousands were arrested to purchase or illegal in russia on district.
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dissident news that they bring, the country is go to shang, with this foolish war. why is it lead? we need this, they are getting their own people. i no longer be even the future afresh. or i'm a to 2 years old. even seems to me that now is where is that installed and steins? the bomb these motor, middle enough i'm noise, was seen in the time of hub, need a penal colony in russia's optic region where prison gods say he died. devoted these family a demanding to know why his body is reportedly told the prison officials of lightning. they cool sudden death syndrome. the body was taken by a investigative committee. so right now we don't have access to the body and we don't know for sure where it is. and so we do months as a trust, my thought is immediately you, alexis bought a 2 huge family of all these health deteriorated during his 3 years of
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a 19 year prison sentence. he said he was denied sleep and medical treatment and had spent nearly 300 days and so that you can find that he was also still recovering. some poisoning with russian nerve agent and 2020 memorial ceremonies have also been held in london and all the cities and world leaders continuing to speak. i voted these still unexplained desk at the age of 47 image and came out of 0 still head hale. the news though, the bonus bombs go off the challenge of delivering babies and guns that where there's no safe place to give us the hello there to story the extremes when it comes to the weather across australia. at
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the moment, we've got lots of heat, extreme heat wave conditions out west, and very wet conditions dominating across the north. that's thanks to the remnants of a tropical fi clone. you can see that's going to work its way further west over the next few days. so bringing some very heavy rain to the likes of queens and as well as the northern territory. but the wind, northern areas of western australia that sees the west of that weather on monday for the south of this a dry, a picture with lots of heat continuing to build have a look at the temperature in pod sunday into monday will be lingering in the early forty's a very hot and dry conditions, extreme heat wave conditions. now in contrast to this is going to be a lot cooler for sidney. you can see the temperature of going down there over the next few days. we are expecting for the conditions on sunday with some thunder we show is through to tuesday. now is the help across the tasman to new zealand. some heavy rain will once again start to pour into southern southern areas of the south island. we'll see that rain and very strong wind pushing his way for the west of
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the next few days, but some relief coming in for christ church. the heats continuing to build here is the story of heat for northern parts of south east asia, but it's much west to across the south. the, this is the 1st and they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. exploding diverse culture exciting political disco of exposing societies and doc
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award winning in dense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanitarian holes and until the stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east. on alger 0. the the book about sales is that when you saw with me said he'll rom. and in the hall, remind to of all the top stories. here's where the bombings and central and southern guns that have killed at least 66 palestinians. and the last 24 hours molding 80 were injured in the attacks. and people remain trumped under the russell and jamalia,
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the northern 1000 people took to the streets to protest against the lack of aid and food getting into the strip. full salvation caused by israel's blockade is a listing problem across concept. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the short families that he's totally committed to bringing them back safely? he says that the ministry pressure is that approach to make this happen? well, any of my colleagues, somebody that doesn't speak to dr. muhammed alpha, he's a plastic and reconstructive surgeon working at the european hospital in garza. he says the situation in the hospital is di, a. we have a young guy that we try to reassess date, but unfortunately there was nothing that that we could do to help him out. these know basic medications for a substation. there's no equipment, there's no alter sound. there's no light is the recess state. so we end up losing a soul because of that, and that shouldn't have happened to be honest with you now the 21st century and
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shouldn't happen anywhere in the world. i'm assuming that we, we apply the same standards everywhere in the world. so the situation is really dire. when's the last time supplies reach to the lifetime we have supplies were when we came in, this is when we brought some supplies with his medications and equipments. but of course they, we ran out quickly and right now. and as i mentioned before, yesterday i had to do surgeries without having a going on guess. just have gloves on and i can tell you this is definitely gonna lead to an increase in the infection rate and probably, you know, mortality. and we're very young patients. uh so we are in a crisis situation where we've been asking for more and more supplies. and every day i get a whole list from a different department that i tried to provide to uh, the run my organization in chicago. so well they get at least to give us more
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medications, more equipment is more supplies, just to keep the basic service go away. how do you deal with that possibility that when we're hearing medical stuff and some cases are dying, is that you may be facing yourself a life and death situation. we are trying to separate ourselves emotionally, but i, i, i personally, and i'm sure many my colleagues get emotional at any point when we felt that we had a patient that we are treating and they should be cured and recover. and when we come to our next day, all of a sudden we hear that the just died because there was a mistake equipment or a missing medication or missing care. let me give you a very simple example, but none of the patients in the i see you that we operate on. do you have any kind of nutrition? they don't have any kind of nutrition. food is chairs. um,
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families are not able to provide any food to the, to the patients and we're not able to give them any food. so not to put any new true mission and a patient equals death. it doesn't matter how good your, your skills are, doesn't matter what good your surgery is. unless the patient is being fed with nutritionists, they will die. and that's exactly what's happening. the thoughts of expecting the result you to get, but i think also in the next month, many of them don't know if they'll be able to do so safely. the united nations population fund agency estimates of 52000 women have pregnant right now in garza, around 180 babies all being delivered every day. 5 and a half 1000 women. ology to get back within the next month. and it's estimated that mold and $800.00 of them may suffer complications. in rough uh, these problems are acutely special with 1500000 people sheltering this stephanie decorative polls though all efforts to help mothers ingles
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a co to imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your home, everything you built and worked for your safe space. now you live here, one among hundreds of thousands in the tent and open land. during winter. you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again, you have a family, but you cannot provide any of flights basic needs. and the baby has just arrived. comp, nursery is sprayed on this it's a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months, concrete tools and to proper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale. it provides essential help to mothers with babies from instant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition to the simple cab provided by us midwives, a lot of uh, let's see. let's have
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a list. in this one i gave birth to my child 15 days ago as we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather. my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birth. i was not able to keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital. the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time. now we have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god to help we'll be in the mass influx of displaced people in that off off means the remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope it and does not have to have the fun. with the affordable rep i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now and nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section. and most of the hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for others and without a new lives born into words of and even if and when the war comes to an
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end, there will be very little left standing for people to return to most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life, and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie decker, all g 0 children and babies, all the most vulnerable those diapers. and for me to have become difficult to find all and affordable on site training, rasa has become a lifeline for producing, hadn't made alternatives. neighborhood has more from the home of the sewing machines, isn't loud enough to drown out the sound of the bombs outside. but the work being done in this a small factory and roof is a lifeline to 1000 of parents. personal protective gear is being repurposed as diapers. we got the idea at the markets. people were looking for diapers and would wait in line to bite them at a very high price. israel's complete caesar garza has halted the import of old
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goods since october. items that used to be taken for granted, such as the diapers and formula for babies have become luxuries. the factory keeps its cost down by a copying the design of the diapers and it's fitting them by hand. it produces 500 diapers a day and can keep up with the demand. israel is also accused of blocking the entry of the human atory and 8. the you on is to me, it's only 20 percent of the roughly 580 trucks that used to enter a gaza daily are getting through the u. n. saves the entire population. is that imminent risk of famine and babies and young children are most at risk? while this factory is a welcome relief, it's only a fraction of what's needed due to the war and see each the price of joyce's has
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become very high people kennel so. so to find them so they children, it is also a temporary solution. supplies rule materials will eventually run out. and the why these workers are vulnerable to the ever present the threats from above and even more, i would just eat a rough gauze. well since october, the seventy's riley military's increase check points across the occupied westbank that goes on delays and the even falls, palestinian mothers to give bath on the road. it bring me pull some building in the occupied westbank. instead of these cries, it could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and how i feel about how was in labor after midnight trying to get to a hospital. a close is really me. the 3 check point stood in the way tract. i have turned the car into a delivery room for the bus to have to look. i delivered the baby,
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but the cord was wrapped around his neck, so i got it and gave him to his mom to hold. and this whole time, this has a, i was embarrassed and noticed man waited on me, but my few for the baby was stronger. my oxygen levels were dropping and i didn't want to do with him. this was not it homes. first check when delivery, such as the door to head, it was during the 2nd posting and the default of the woman was in a cor shouting, i delivered the baby, but i can't remember if it was a boy or a girl. both the mother and baby simon, are in good health. but not every story has a positive and i do, let's say it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to a death certificate on the same day in 2003 along with her husband, old lady members. the fear at this is really check point. a few minutes drive from that home and putting in there most of the occupied westbank soldiers asked her to
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sit quietly. the h months pregnant lady was anything but that she started shouting, i gave birth, i took the baby, followed by silence, and then another shout. i think she died when i dropped her and i held her to my chest. i said, she's most likely that she started tending blue, but i wasn't sure i had hoped that she would still be alive. maybe me at all, lived and died at the check point. unless i had to cut the i'm because quote, with thoughts stones. then they allowed me to take him to the hospital 3 years later, the couple had another daughter being named helped me to, to, for so many palestinian women. the journey to motherhood is not always a joyous occasion. what comes with difficulties and obstacles? just a few hours ago, these really ministry is to this case at the entrance to the village. mother is
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about to give birth to needing to go to the hospital, might not know which case is open and which one is closed. it was a 22 closure when 20 year old son beckett was born in 2003 is not sure exactly where but thinks its around this area. there was on his way to check points here. now we moved over to the north on the assets, but then i had hoped to be the last child to be born at a check point. look at us now, 20 years later, we hear stories. we know too well. his wish is not happening with maybe some if being the last baby we know of born at the check point. sharpness means standing tall. one day his comedy hopes, he will live up to his name and walk freely in the land with no check points. that ever he and just either the occupied westbank palestinian generalists have been on the front lines covering his brows. warren garza, among them, is
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a photo ch unless husband sued him and he had his like um, being painted after being hit by his randy. gun 56 years ago. it was all just 0. what keeps him going? want us to heavy as is too much, mr. medina. so even if it have to know that a bill from a price does all box, unless its the way they, i'd have to do it yourself. the zip finance. so please, please let me set up an our stuff to kinda populate on. if i go through the, i mean finishing up, but it's up to the guys outside of especially that of the beach. that's the supposed to happen. and i looked at the file. so i started go this way. she went back and for something, and that's the that's, that's a lot, it's up the, it must be on what to 13, how many and how would i have been up above it? and i don't know if there's gonna be even a zip up above a zip them up in somebody's most that will be i'm in the field and they,
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i'm try to think i'm a human that. yeah. and i come in and it says, do i come in a faculty up there? it's gonna stay the same almost within my henry not that it doesn't, but that that's the kind of what i was edit, sign up for. that's the real good. i don't know what's the matter? i was in the us department and i'm a and a lot of people have given me different of a soul up of a moment. i'm a sob of them out. i'm going to put them on a flight. i'm gonna spell it. so what are the zip up? what's that? what's the, what's the, the, the, the, the, what's the pin up? well he the 80, the little sub. what is the so have
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a year with precision and that's where yeah, nothing in a book. lot about him. well hopefully, well then, but if it is that would help you if i of a subsidy for them to pick up on the board, you have the file was on policy limits. no one's a healthy one. good. have you got, what could you smell, sophie? what is that for that? i'm going to have them. that's what i'm on a as well still had, hey, on the for can and get insights in ethiopia. opens with a cold, a revival of the spirit of solidarity. the activities designed to help young mines come to terms with children with very different experiences, but also suffering. some degree of trauma gung, could children such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their
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experiences. we would take it into buses. he tells us to russia where we stayed for a bit over a month. ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been full simply relocated to russia, despite repeated efforts and international mediation. only about 400 children have been with us. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover all encountering the cost of israel is 1st credit raising down grades. how bleak is the output for its economy? commercial real estate in the us as faltering banks as far away as germany of feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity counting the costs on i will just say around the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back, the police in the hey, and use take us to dispose, rival era tray and protest as well can sensations between those try and government supporters and opponents outside the city's opera house. the protest as tried to break up the building, smashing its windows and also set several vehicles on fine. no thousands and bulk hassan la protesting against the electron breaking of elections early this month. 12 honda has moved from osama, but then the powder enough people have come off despite the fact that the government garden board the government that employed at his picture on public guy today. as you can see, the,
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the people who are moving there all the time and the, the drum, and another major development, the commissioner of roland braden to advertise for leverage in that they were not the rigs. are they going to die? just going to ignore the lower in this case. as you can see, that a formal paper, lot of government from all walks of life, women and children. john released papers from all over the summer, but i've done was on the. 7 french drug or some abroad, there's a that their mandate has been stolen and that they're the government just trying to port a new government think about which you know, it's the election. come on i was your due to off is on my boss. instead of going to demonstrate as of the decision by the country is constitutional counsel to over to and present mackey solves delays to elections like a song spoke to protested as
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a march through the streets of doctor of the demonstrators here chanting the name of response on cody's opposition leader. they're asking for his release much more demonstration. it's about protecting democracy in this country. the election presidential elections at present markets. the idea of the thing, when the god is in the field and we're doing it lives in the rights group, say a hundreds of what they just why bad political prisoners are currently being released. many of them have been held without charge. now this is a victory for many of the demonstrators here of the rule of law in the country.
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democracies seriously in danger. incentive calls us thousands plus people in jail trust because they voice the wrong opinions or just because that supporting somebody whom the government is not happy with. we've never had that. here. people have been shot by our armed forces with absolutely no investigation security forces or keep a close watch of this demonstration. it was initially banned by socrates and then allowed a comes on the heels of these a riots falling like yourselves. decisions of the lazy elections? well, there is division among the political class and the political candidates over when this election should take place. many senegalese here say that the political crisis has united them in their efforts to protect democracy in their country. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car. the wonder is being accused of launching
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a cross bowl to try and strike into the democratic republic of congo. the congolese army says the strike damaged in that craft of the apple to the sensitive game for one that has previously denied carrying out the tax on its neighbor. mike connie has moved from game just like you with this additionally remaining very what i tried in the socket. it was for several days. government forces with the allies, including the started, are still trying to remove them. 23 labels on serial mountain dr. they will keep bite it onto this start the ge exceed that they go to school. if night, again, a fighting was reported and see if it'll areas in the village and still holding socket with every i don't see that and fire from website who's interested in which hasn't been going on for several days as on where the close the departure of hundreds of 1000 of people from 2nd to find the show does it on the city of wilma, when the government call is shown. he's trying to blow up the balance of the rebels in this part of started since this morning. security to source as reported up, the rebels are also fighting. we did the army in the village of gosh,
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will go into 32 to 14. at the limit we did 3044. what do you call it this fight? think in this part of the country, it can be very significantly for liberals because the top in the middle fault for the teacher and for the college never being affected by disco. 50, which has lasted for serial. he is now going to feel very significant because it isn't this that he told me that the ability to national copeland is our best with the domain name activities in the region for the past week. so if you outside enable woods of wilma, have already been targeted by booms fired by them to the tree according to the authorities. and then wake on. it was due to the democratic republic, of course. now the conflict in the democratic republic of congo is high on the agenda of the african union summit, which is also taking place in the east, the opium capital discussions assented or undergoing instability in this. the whole region and military cruise in west africa will say the 10 month long conflict,
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and so don is also being discussed well about meetings. molly is present, accused ethiopia of trying to annex pond to somalia through a controversial port deal with small island. utopia is misleading of the was by claiming that they need access to the see. the question is not an access to the see. the question is, how you to be a want this i'm access to the see the thousands of people gathered across olivia to celebrate the 13th anniversary since the revolution, the top of mom, unc adolphe malik training, has moved from tripling a martyr square in the heart of the triple 8, this is where thousands of people are here to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the libyan revolution that toppled long time leader and wall market duffy in 2011. now,
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libya has been involved in conflict and political divisions since the people are here celebrating. still, we've talked with you and this is what they had to say. and that's actually the february 17th resolution means change from the dictate to ship to democratic and civil state. it was necessary and came up to decades of oppression and injustice. today means so much to the libyan people because despite the conflict, the political decisions, the difficult economic situation, all these people celebrating is evidence that the revolution will continue and we will succeed. despite all the problems that libyans are facing today, they say they will continue to celebrate the anniversary of the revolution mounts right now. i'll just do a triple a. and you can follow that story and if it were coming here, when i was there by logging onto our website without you don't. com is updated throughout the day time and tools, and we'll be here with a little full half hour views all the other side to the right. until then for me, i'm going to use on same hibbon though. thanks so much. good time to complete
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the the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel garza was another enormous gathering people have come from. we have seen a group of any of us 50 miles to the west of lincoln encased newcastle in the know right. and on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly says find out if you're seeing what's happening in there's no question about to you have to show sullivan. it is a broad spectrum of anti war protest indian sentiments among the british jewish groups of pulled up the is reading the government's actions. there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting
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a resistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues close for a ceasefire, and they get loud and unsettled, tucked upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now . it to the school, types of questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another mcclin's thing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work we live in
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a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the israeli strikes its central and southern guns are getting at least 66 palestinians in the past few hours. the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is out of the real life. and the also coming up the hungry, i'm desperate palestinians in northern does that protest against food shortages. this is red bronx 8 supplies,


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