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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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who's done so then, but he's determined that the names will be never forgotten. with details coverage, the set up and the veterans tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of these by the all me the, the world's leaders claims whether they have put into the death of his most outspoken critics will be unexplained passing in prison of alexia, validate change anything in russia, or when the voices of the sent to come to afraid to challenge the power of a trumpet. this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian instead of good. he was respected world wide and loving it puts ins, most vocal critic, despite being locked up for years in a prison cell. that voice of descent was silenced. as russia announced the death of
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alexi nev, i'll need the country's highest profile position leader was 47. will leaders have been quick to blame, puts in for getting rid of yet another russian who dare to challenge and the crime . and this describing that reaction as unacceptable and rabbit russians will get to choose where the pollution is re elected for 5th of next month. the votes already widely viewed as a full going conclusion, give them the lack of opposition, voices allowed to oppose his long rule. so who might ever replace and what does the lack of free speech mean for future opposition? voices in russia. but how will russians remember alexis of all the lower con, begins, are coverage. this is the last time alex seen a valid he was seen live in public by video link from his present cell. the russian optic russian presidents document pollutions most of the colquitt take look good, but up beat up to spending 3 years of a 19 year sentence. and once he said,
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what politically motivated charges, if he predicted that his assent would lead to his demise? no, i think it was just the one you're not allowed to give up. if it killed me, it means that we are incredibly strong. the carrots magic and the corruption come pay the rose to providence during protests against putting in 2011. in 2013, the body runs in the most go upon the presidential campaign. in 2016, that ended when he was convicted of fraud. in 2020, he felt ill. the flight was evacuated to germany, where he spent 2 weeks in a coma lab test said he'd been poisoned by the nerve agent, novick chalk developed by russia's military. the kremlin denied responsibility. he recovered and flew hello. even though the 2021 to be immediately arrested violating his perot. and it was a 100 percent on medical pro breach
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a shot now pretty to so i knew obviously nobody to test somebody. she was very bright smotts, the sort of sense of humor, the test on that. i'm quite pretty that she did not speak about his family to my condo, so to microsoft use front of it. but now she is what i didn't not political cigarettes divine. these debt was announced as well. they just met the munich security conference in germany. russia wasn't invited, but his wife judy of was a, gave a composed respond effect. your visibility shouldn't probably solve just about. i want to quote on the international community. all the people in this room who lives in the world to unite together and defeat this evil defeat the her, if it crazy him that is now in russia. well, theaters were quick to play, boots had pressure, authorities are going to tell their own story, make no mistake, make no mistake. putting his responsible front of on his desk,
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putting is responsible to develop these death follows the killing of all the uprooting critics. alex on the lifting, young co accuse putin of putting a musket apartment building as an excuse to fill up the chechen wall in 1999. the full, the russian spy was killed in london in 2006 alta drinking radioactive t, pushing to night and the link. and the of his critics bullet prime minister boys never saw who had joined opposition. protests was shot dead in moscow in 2015. and full of hooting like you get a precaution, criticized the always trustee of the war. and you, craig, he was killed to the plane crash last august, weeks of the leading. what putting called an on mutiny and saw the russia put in his running for re election next month. a change of rules means that the 71 year old could stay in pilot until the 2036 with the validus death questions will be res
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. of what the put in will ever be challenged. although it's not clear how the valley died at the age of $47.00. this, this will doubt that all the opposition figures will fear a symbol of fate. laura, on the inside story, i'll just 0. the alright, let's bring it now i guess from moscow, which wind by letting me a celtic off who was an associate professor of international relations at the high school in economics university from london with joined by samuel romani and associate fellow at the royal united services institute. that's defense and security. think time kind of joining us from study as capital. they'll great is peter nicotine, a russian pro democracy x vista lawyer a will welcome to old gentleman peter. let's start with you. your, your thoughts on the death of alexi, the vanity of what it means for russia's pro democracy movement. where does it go from here? of this, this is a, this is a writer, charges the for,
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for roches. eventually, for many of the people who knew a lot and supported the chain originally we had about us from paying the astronomy here in belgrade yesterday, where people came with foreigners and either candles and uh, howard and uh, and where. and uh, it was really as though we lost uh a deer for some uh, where does it go from here? um, it depends on whether we as pro democracy russians, both factors is 10 beautiful people, ordinary people are, are going to follow what i like say said to us when he was asked what we should do if he gets killed. he said, don't be law. uh, if this happens, this means that there we and we have to just work harder and
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best louder. if we do not know who, when you, when you move from is great. if you will have to give them there's a lot of something, some of the romani, your thoughts on the death of alexi, the bounty of what it means for the future of democracy in russia as well. i mean, is obviously one of the final blow. so whatever is left to democracy inside russia, because novalis that down down at current a vacuum, even before the russians will scale invasion to be grand began in february 2022. so the society organizations were facing severe crackdowns. human rights groups like memorial were shut down. and since the innovations the environment kind of looks at me to similar fate returning to russia having 25 years in prison, lea ashan also being right down upon and other dissidence. so this is a major blow to democracy inside russia and also represent cyber who has brought a strategy. i'm pressing down to the 2 phases of national as opposition,
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the liberal nationalist, anti corruption campaign in the valley. and also the alternation was the vision. ivan, virginia progression and now i think that is relatively, i'm challenged heading into these elections. i mean is, is rushing out to a tyler, terry and state on my feet states. well, i think it's certainly been and i did say for quite a long time when you see the associations of people are gods and you live in yank out 2006 is fremont voice next board them. so this is the state that clearly does not have much respect for the rule of law when it comes to food. and then some of this, or i guess i just use leader ends. i could do uh, operate, but now i think it's not just the map these days also we're down terry. and what i think that after the elections we will see lose, like the description of 400000 new soldiers into the russian military occur. most likely, without protested with that backlash and a further movement towards a war economy. ok, let's bring in a lot about russia is now not just
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a matthew estate, but have to tell it terry, in state. what do you make of that? and what's your take on the depth of alexi and of only oh, thank you. well, thank you very much for having you and your show. just the whole. let me disagree with the previous speaker with central, because i think of russia is loved the southern states. if you just compare the history, this is what lifestyle, etc, we have for, we have democracy, we have democratic institutions to be of the russian. secondly, what my thought to vote for the death of all way. you know, i'm afraid that i met can briefly. exactly 4 years ago when i was getting an interview, a full fledged interview for us continue to the west to the company to cnn. i wasn't so much as breakfast big. i wasn't so much impressed the backups you were saying, but i saw in his office because the interview took place in his office only of a bit. okay. this is uh uh from the. busy finding a fighting corruption, i saw
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a lot of young people who have very much is disaster and that's up to myself, i thought, but okay, probably this guy is a professional politician. and the place he has a goal, a goal to what he's trying. so yeah, if to just for the talking about is that i think i can agree with the all the speakers that this is really a tragedy. lead a treasure live for political fox in the rush of this is a tragedy. gus will try me like his family for the children as probably all the future which are still unclear. yeah. okay, well we'll throw this back to samuel just about that but, but, but maybe it was, was alex in the valley view, different lead you think that in russia to the way that he was viewed in the west or uh yes, yes. i think that's actually what the, what the, what the, what they, they're, what i heard in his interview. he was proposing the program, which should really i for the fun, the actual uh very well because, you know,
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there were some slogans as a, as i think. and at the same time, he was suggesting some specific. gotcha. let me say one thing. i think i think that a russian society, especially all the people, they are not getting used to steal to any drastic changes at all the, the, uh, the, the whole bomb like right now when, when she died is thinking about how to move this you the keys own when well believe, well being that and just to see that they have to box and then address the got sounds like a descent and a dissenting brush. and at the same time, i must say the to my mind. i think his story in the any attempt to descend in russian history was never very much successful if you take the countries and then go to souls in need some and all that. all the people who were in the search and
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saw it in this sense, i think that the, i will say that the future is unclear because i don't know who actually will be doing watch in the future because the so called pro democracy groups. uh uh they call themselves well, democracy all anyway, but uh, this is a long story to suggest something tangible for reference. the site certainly don't want to come back on that wasn't the volunteer. and what he represented someone who truly paul, the president puts into the extent that he would want him dead secretary of state anthony, blinking. so the fruits and how to fix ation on caea of one mind to underscore the week. lesson ross at the heart of the system that pollution has created. is he right? what danger did the valley post a pollutant is one of the only definitely one of the most tenacious, the one of the most dedicated active s in terms of exposing the corruption to strand is library for the system. as well as some of the access does that mean?
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i mean, he was certainly important and inspiring the demonstrations of the f, like ro, fraud and 25 and black man square, which some of the last major demonstrations. he also was helpful in inspiring demonstrations against students. domestic agenda and not be implemented for and exposing the direction to senior officials. i give it to you by, by the average man even contributed to his reassignment from the prime minister position into the national security council. so he certainly was somebody who had the ability to mobilize, people rattled, and even the times induced concessions right now in person. it's hard to see him being got so much of a truck, but he did continue to express his views on twitter, on regular videos and regular at the antenna. so, and also through his team or him. right. and maybe it's just part of it was broad desire to find down on all forms of defend ahead of the mar free $24.00 elections to prevent liberal her tests and also to prevent, alter national interest, which is why you're getting every goshen. are off the scene here,
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peter deal to respond to what you've heard from letting me and samuel before i put a question to you as well. yes, i would like to make the heard the words have lived in there about democratic institutions in russia. and before this program started, i also heard those words on the 17th of march russians will have a realtor given the decisions that is not true there. there are no democratic institutions in russia. there is no judicial system. there is no final amend already about 10 years ago the chairman of the russian duma game came with those famous words. this thing to model parliament is not a place for discussions. and that's how we never since it's 100 percent book and supporters. millions of people who are against this policy are represented. they're not allowed to to speak up. they're not allowed to run for elections. and they're,
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and when they vote in elections, there, roads are stolen and read. so i would like to speak directly to, to, to your viewers and those we're seeing this. do not believe that when, after the 17th of march, se, and headlines russians have elected booked them again. but it is not trash. it doesn't represent russia. russia is not a democracy in any way. it's a dictatorship, and that's how i should use. okay, i'll be back with you in just a 2nd, pete up, but we're going to give me a right to reply to that. russia is in no way a democracy, bloody man. well i, i had the right now i had what was, uh, no, it will say actually you know, uh the cc special point of view. you know, i mean, uh that the, she uh has mistaken in many things. i think it's just a fault. uh, it looks uh from the, uh, what you saw, the show it looks like, well leading to all the way to getting the slavery my, my stuff in with myself,
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i know i, i don't think that i'm living in this letter, right. i can, i can type actions of my thoughts so i can criticize so uh, what do, what do you think is, uh, this is not a democracy so, well, living in the problem is that, uh, well, living in this way, right? no, i, i got that. uh, let's get back to the next. all right, i got the, uh, i, i don't want to this to dissolve into an argument, but, but peter, just want to come back on that for a moment to i'm sorry, you're as far as i understand professor scott, because was actually in the bay of the rush and he's sitting, we are getting paid by the russian government a lot. okay. thing the russian barrels position to just because right. and uh she, she surely might have been given the voice, but i don't think you can think seriously his work, but he is able to criticize that the group decided to the russian guy. i haven't heard a single word of criticism of from him so far, and i don't know him as the russians are briggs,
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the rest of them. but they do know are exiled in jail or they're like kind of statement, right? those are people. that's what happens to the people in the print to size the government and russia, and that's it because they don't ship just like north korea, just like every truly just like the rose and then the other stand there dictatorships. and that's how i the viewers right now. do we got, which is russia? it's a, it's, it's a country where power is user and the, the sold prices that it does not represent is people. they never elected him after the year 2000. okay, let me, i'll give you the right to reply to that in just a moment, but we must bring samuel backend samuel reaction from the west. alternative aldi's . death was, was swift, the case? foreign office summoned russian diplomat saying that it holds the russian authorities fully responsible. that was statements from president by and, and to the blinking, the council president child. so shots,
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the secretary general of nato. the list goes on. what tools does the west have to constrain or punish, puts in for the can we expect for the sanctions on russia? do you think cool some of a form of, of punitive action now? and so i've been talking to uh, russians uh, and pro democracy activists and people around the valley over the past 24 hours. and one of the biggest things that the guy told me was that they were very frustrated with the west, that lack of response to kind of all these uh, previous treatment in prison is disappearances occurred shortly before is that eventually that and they really felt that the words that came from joe by him where he was talking about the devastating consequences that would be imposed on russia, where someone, holla, so now it's incumbent on the last do gap prove those that, but it has to be wrong. and they actually have some guide. however, i think the, the actual most likely be confined to additional sanctions and perpetrators. ab the expansion, the biggest. yeah. give you the rights violators. and that will probably end up
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just sanctioning people who already are sanctioned. i don't have much inclination do move to the left. the other, the other thing that's interesting, that was what was have a role in expediting or facilitating the house republicans as a, the $60000000.00 a package towards ukraine. because they either a public into our fully have that package have also in the past the critical of on river human rights abuses as to that for human rights and russia. so will this finally be the move and that, that leads to that about 8 packages. moves forward, that would be at least some kind of a stand, a response end of all. is that okay, a lot of me i do think that apart from issuing statements, a saying that it holds a president present response. ok for the death of election of ality. how. how do you think the westwood respond? i don't think, i don't think that's a little bit a betty of cost actions because so as, as, as all know that i have to do that could show some sanction. this is the debate.
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it's in europe in union. so probably the us, the president by them will uh, be imposing some, some, some personal sation. so again, some of political figures in russia, but that's, that's what bill. uh, another thing. uh, let me just comment on what people say mister nixon will say, k accuse me as i understood the thing being paid by the state. so i am just, uh, uh we see what the state things. let me ask one simple question. we did set a, could you say to all of us who are you paid by? are you paid by yourself? are you paid by the shut down state, or are you paid from 80 kind of less than seduce. sounds like your mom each of very much. yeah. okay, perfect. all right. okay. okay. alright, peter, before i put a question to you, answer that right, so do you want me to answer now?
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yep. please do. you know, i'm a, i'm a freelance legal translator. i work for 15 years in international law firms. person virus and then in the modern right now i, i am working on making my bread as a freelance legal translator from several languages into several languages. i live in a 2 room apartment in belgrade. i am not in any way connected to any government. and so far as we do is we're organizing here in belgrade are, i'm sure those are fine, most by dimensions, even mostly in gosh, by the russian. it is our community here, which is very large. that cuz by homepage i am not a, i don't hold a position at the state university like ranger. well, okay, let's, let's get back to alexi invalidate. peter got a cut spot off writing on x said the quotes. pushing isn't of all these killers,
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make no mistake. but this blame enough to share 1st with the russians who failed to match alexis coverage to end pollutants dictatorship and boil my rage and the tunnel school the school in low to the west and politicians who treated the bounties poisoning. and jailing is just another negotiating point with boots and big top no action. he said, more blood on the hands. how valid is that criticism as well as the, i'm sorry, it was a very low quote, i'm not, i'm not quite sure what, what mr. cyrus was trying to say new surface bar of uh, as far as he's concerned. i wish he, he supported my volume a while while she was alive rather than after she died. as far as i understood the topic is what's the, where's going to be now? is that right? yeah. well, my view is, i don't know what the west is going to do, but i know what the, what should be an extra should have done long ago. the west should be 1st stop
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recognizing by the judge, much representative of the russian people stop by me kind of context with him apart from those that are essential for uh for security purposes. second, the where should finally get implemented. the sanctions that is already introduced because we know what can we still producing rockets, including with elements and boards from the west, from western countries, going to leave in front of the united states. sure, the west should finally give you a credit on what to pray, needs in order to defend itself. and in order to get into this more, this is what the west should do. and i hope that nobody's there were brought to the west to action to more serious action. and then there has been shown right now. unfortunately, i don't have very much hope for that. samuel valley believe that exile would lead
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to political relevance. he was determined to stay in russia, as you heard, and laura's report at the beginning of the program, he was jailed after returning from germany off to a being poisoned. and he was behind bars when russia invited ukraine. would he have been? do you think a more effective opposition voice had he remained outside russia? well, it's really hard to say whether he would have been or not. i would say that obviously, there is some possibility that he would have still been a public figure and influential voice. but his use may have had a lot more difficult to reaching that ordinary russians because some of the restrictions on social media. so there's issues on media censorship. you still can watch his voice out, but it may have been a bit hotter. and i think that, you know, that he see more coordination between the russian bass for our communities that are formed, proclaim us liberals in congress that armenia, georgia and serbia, that, and also elsewhere in europe for there to be more of a chance of concrete action. so i think that, that develop these obviously what it is like probably would have been said by
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seeing abroad by his in fact i'm and his legacy may have been quite different for the credit. and it was claimed that the finally was just a minor political figure, but president pushing was clearly bullied by him. wasn't he refusing even to say his name? when asked about him? why wants to i think careful will do the quotes in a present. so good for to choose the really, he was really mind the political, political lead a, you know, i mean, that's uh why don't one that one actually tries have been met. so would be the general 2nd to by the nation. so with the present been software might, could stage some of the congress. what do you think could by the way, what, how it can just re got uh, how come and see if it got the raleigh. although i myself, i personally think that she was a great the professional want to go professional and she, so what, what president the point you could think about as of all you know and has, let me,
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let me disagree again with my, um, with my colleagues that uh, the total prosecution, all the addresses clearly uh, are killing all the follows. you know, the, the, the big ship that they are showing in what they say for the of us is very much green. so it makes and the brush and the probably russia is the best country. i'm the butcher, which is a bad guy. and though the west has to do is just to remove him from the problem, but it's not like the delivery. it's not like that. beautiful, beautiful ma mazda immediately. i'd love to buy floss will be what we're thing 14, and you will see the results. all right, one last question to peter, what will alexi develop these legacy be given the way in which russia has gone on the president pushing, did he die in vain? and i like sitting around them is legacy won't be rushes of
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questions. he's here. he did a lot of clear russian rushes name before the world, the name of the russian people who show. busy that the, not all the russian people do, i the why do i have been there said, immediately begin, please go ahead and hold for pumpkin. there are actually people who resist or not afraid. and he was the greatest example of the future. and it depends on one of you, the viewers, whether you will support this and your brain, or whether you're going to cindy morris. ok, the gentleman, we must end it, letting me have something called samuel romani, and pizza. nick has a nice day many thanks. indeed for being with us on the program. as always, thank you for watching. you can see the program again at any time by going to the
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website. it's our 0 dot com for further discussion. join us about facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha. inside story out of course you can join the conversation on x, y handle the, at a inside story for me, adrian said again, and the team here. thanks for watching. so you, again, the child does not die from the bombing. he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers was 5 in children in attends of one square metre towards without having a hostages right now the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. was discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of
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a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites. an ethical ai is racial bias is getting worse. you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b, a r series on a jersey. the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best,
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produces the best spaces and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the is there any strikes had central and southern guns that getting at least 66 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the hello, i'm down, jordan, this is out. is there a life and the whole set coming up? hungry and desperate to palestinians in northern gods. i protest against food shortages as israel blocks 8 supplies the.


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