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tv   People Power Ecuador Under Fire  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am AST

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pulled back the fate and back to the town. now, when russian hands looked broad, i'll just say era. hockey, if you crate, hundreds of people mourning the death of russian. all physician lead lexi and a founding had been arrested in cities across the country. the 47 year old died was setting a 19 year prison sentence for extremism. if somebody says they haven't been given access to his body, will lead as of blame president putin face death. image of the king. bear with thoughts to those wanting to public, you know, next scene of only get this. the response goes into arrested in at least 21 cities across russia. in most states, police formed a human chain to store motors attempting to rally the circuit will look sorry. the monument for joseph stones, victims of political persecution. i thought it was my duty to bring flowers before for all of us. and now we have to, at least on a, his memory some of the seems to some teachers but with dozens were arrested to
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purchase or illegal in russia on district. dissident news that the country is go to shang, with this foolish war. why is it you, did we need this? they are killing their own people. i no longer be even the future of restaurant. i'm a to 2 years old. even seems to me that now is where is that installed in style of all of these mother mil, enough i'll know was seen in the time of hub, need a penal colony in russia's optic region where prison gods say he died. devoted these family, demanding to know why his bodies were reportedly told the prison officials applied me what they called southern death syndrome. the body was taken by a investigative committee. so right now we don't have access to the body and we don't know for sure where it is. and so we do months as a freshman,
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so it is immediately div alexia's ability to hughes family. of all these health deteriorated during his 3 years of a 19 year prison sentence, he said he was denied sleep and medical treatment and it spent nearly 300 days. and so that she confinement. he was also still recovering. some poisoning with russian nerve agent in 2020 memorial ceremonies have also been held in london and all the cities and world leaders continuing to speak about volney still unexplained death. the age of $47.00 imaging came out 0. alright, well, that's it for me down jonathan. avenue continues here of to people in policy and state your sense of watching the in official reports of the deadly rate. police indicated that they believed the
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protest as in the forest were dangerous, and often referred to them as domestic terrorist. that's why i took you to it was murdered because i believe that the police saw that they were being faced with dangerous criminals. and i think that they were hyped up to be ready to go. sarah was charged that day with domestic terrorism under georgia state law. a conviction could mean decades in prison that wouldn't burn my life just because i was sleeping in the woods in a human. and like i have faith that that won't happen. but it could and it's very scary. the
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1st is experiencing and i'm president of waiting for dramatic scenes, of course to take and kidnapped a rising moderate and killings of public officials, including the presidential candidate in 2023 from said the new president to declare war on criminal guy. so what's behind the rising, filing people in power went to investigate the of the lot of young people always leading through. we start discover criminal organizations bracing lead. the most rating, the reach, challenging authorities, trying to stop the growing violence,
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the of to the takeover of above activity station multiple riots and they keep nothing more than a 100 guards. the government of president and noble announced as drastic measures whether yeah, i know that go with the info and you can look on the now if we're not going to ask people see cutting out the name of any so they don't have the gas it in the model is it could have those dollars if you want, but i can afford a side of my thing at the end of the political you, regardless. and so if you're not with an alarm and increasing the there. so the last few years, because it has become one of the most dangerous countries seeing that in america too much, i don't look in the manual manual go every middle is just if i use cvs, because simulate done this. and this is the god it's i see. yeah,
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this is the kid that much of the current balance is related to the increase of drug trafficking. located between 2 of the world's biggest cocaine producing countries. a quite a little west, most of the transit points for the truck that was producing through in columbia. but that change a few years ago when the colombian state and the rebels forces in the country fart signed the piece deal. and that's part of the, the near went up, i sent you, i'm with repairs and stuff even though from the data electronic and body. and they use it as more release of them on the site, which is this is a way to kind of move you. but affect the kitchen, this group of people that live your lives here at the minute they are. so thank by the victim and think being below and as this know, stick with our dental that go malware. international cartels from mexico,
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new system. you saw you nick, weather and opportunity to grow their business incremental. got it as soon facebook giving you more instead of color products and the cocaine that kids couldn't meet them or waiting mendoza, they'll say what i thought i'd like to tell you next. it goes in columbia to split those 92 months into other some of them fight is already setup, then they're going that as they possibly talk to other people that conference you in is done to come. i couldn't, i mean, at least it definitely come to me, you know, the least you test the, the tomatoes were the main criminal group operating in the country. but after them, they're definitely there. they're going to the station explained to the power struggle leads to the recent septa center of the crisis. by the hour i started looking at the have gone through and they put it in the mean . they're listening up at the end of media as your a. so civic villa would stay the same, but essentially that that's the violence. nicholas bruce's reach,
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unprecedented segers with more than 400 inmates keela. over the past 5 years, security crisis escalated wouldn't presidential candidate for another year. he says, who was assessing they did outside the company, then, you know, it was 2023. look at that and you'll get in by using data when the model me through the computers. that's pretty much what i'm looking at them is if i used for gets of yet this all that i think it's the only for the 1st time contacting us, but and then put us to the royalty. january 2024. the new government declared watching an internal alarm conflict designated more than 20 criminal organizations . those terrorist groups we set out to investigate the children, which is violence and drug traffic info's for redwood or democracy. what the new government can do to counter that,
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the best number to be so that amount of what i'm doing the single on your message, and you'll have that has that will reload the video delivery. that's the thing about possible hands the they've ever seen them a demo may have seen on the federal, i guess with us. i know you idle it came on the attic to look. i'm a how many by a comb with the same on the 0 been sunday single month. i mean to get up for the see who is a good you are you live? oh yes there are you though the yeah. the who, the every wednesday, the association for meeting person see nick whether gathers can display name front of the presidential palace,
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to the monday information about the whereabouts of the victims. more or less other? what's the oh my god. that a house in the airport get one the one on the service because of the me but the story will go live on the committee met the family scripted meeting and the other countries go the menus grappling with a crisis that is through attempting to drop tre you started come into the quote i see you own and clarify the problems. you only get that, i think on the like, ok,
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you're not going to be on used to say that is another kind of a check global authorities cracked, done on drug trafficking with deck dislike carol sprain and the lease in cub removals. criminal groups were forced to go see they were all the locations for the truck shipment by the end of mean faith based on the cost of inc. and i can see that i've been looking for the position of a song center. i refused to complain at the time, the united states only a boasting spelled america for on key drug flights. was facing dakota and coastal city of month. the last 7 months are completely wrong. there is the lands. yeah. i it sounds like okay, and like this idea, this is what it does on the side of the month thing it does mean, where is it going through? i get up. i see you. i even have a mental that get on the last of the month. definitely to sign it. well, what about the present that if i go out for the nissan and i got one of the
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treatment groups that goes to the dated speller during the time where the tornadoes separation, the headquarters, we're located in monta. their main responsibility was to secure drug traffic and routes. the tomatoes, the thing is on your stomach. anyone especially then mano bundio, they look to stop us. i'm the i'm mindful of. i'd like to think of these both textbook confronted every studies. however, it seems the signing of the peace agreement between the revolutionary armed forces of columbia or fark. on the colombian government in 10 to 16. do you see them forces from the revenue group increase their drug production close to the border? there's dental communities here. and as soon as in the us put a can probably to 1000, i'm going to send me info as he went, the 14. so the deal was dual credit. coca then throw the lead me other stuff that i'm probably not getting them is that a different instead of the columbia coordinate quite a lot with the disagree. many columbia new international update or sol, so entered the business launch renetta. send you another letter more important to
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contain. hidden only go to the net present team for funding. and by using medical federal has been this your colleagues gonna recommend us your new business that adding a new product for life kind of assumed this capital was minus 1000 is the organization's focus on logistics. specifically on transportation from the border to the marketing boards. hold on, no jose until nobody knows. so he's in charge of hunting or go take patrols for the police. one of the main forcing boy acute most of draws daddy, i meant that tom was gone that i left of joe. the cost yes is the most thing if the if the, if he could sell a home visit. i mean, that's my media. i mean, as unlike those for the. yeah, the i meant they did to narcotic police patrols. the waters are on board. respecting not only the vests, but also thousands of containers,
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car in good standing for you and the rest of the world. to to meet us on this thing you're trying to think of or you didn't get it bothering those with you must design your specific samples of them is what this is . it gives some info to the chemical garden in colombia. yes. so i talked to some way about mazda throwing in the struggle for territory, and the search of new cream and organizations have begun to alter, devoured a not because he knew what or send me something. but i know i, as the last annual simple commodity of the month approving to him whenever he lived
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carefully enough to nato's also to be something. but i know it says he another the humor that it does me to bring to j. so that's the most important difference, and that is stuff that document that's young enough to nettles anybody else already . so it's going to the sides between done side of our ticket already back inside resource base, the media future aspects again. but the main reason that the rest is heavy, i carry that arrows. they seem to think when's the best way? and as i say, seen the ambulance that kind of tailored to a more intent is that more that there's a context of the my 2nd in 3 or the minutes as soon as can you me, natalie? separate the tv. it's the basic one through the your bottle is to deal with them being bought, handed out, it must be released. just get back to me. then you can throw that it can e mail or any size of the way to listen to the system. most of these are the ways that is there. he then took it and most of them and they sent the gas. you can follow 30 minutes of the meeting and they just said we're going to set it up to the next. so they don't know if it's a whole separate attempt device,
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orchestrated they cream and other organizations inside the presence, regular threats, the community doors. if the money they need to put it in the ceiling, it does turn the i'm of the he the photo getting has been a to me not there. i see a lot for me. yes. good evening i so for the event, please to let somebody seal my say, or the guy and the guy, well they, they, these teasley, they simple in the mean a it has that i was really do the guy. most of the me see it in the start to finish that are labeled safety in the community that a numerous that goes around city community living close to the fear of guns that have taken control of the neighborhood of whose primary source of income these
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derive it from the sale of trucks and extortion. when you guys come in the next book, so we're going to see if there's some interest, most of the, your uncle to those c, c low to photo and so forth. and these mine below still us to get on this one of the criminal organizations that controller, we ourselves northern way, can we have a great piece request for an hour. okay. by some founder that goes out of the service. i had a condo now a few more your time i seem to tie it is due to the shop and the asked pack in case will suffice from cracking you so they are no less get the process you know mark to put in for 8 dorset us for
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part of your possessing was some very for your for 5. so and this was that's a few less will for me just use i q e mail a mental noise they on video to cut behavior lance. yeah. okay. well so pretty like this government thing. but again, i wanted to include them in though they may know they had that there with them in the for saw. so i that i basically about a study, a lovely manner. seeing those been doing the roles him in the hands of the whole. vin bear with this the front door and you're so you're not going to bring this on, you know, so for me to now you're leaving. i don't even know leo there, but let's use dan a k and the other one is a sole key and dislike. i noticed that each month this update is a familial need to know the me know that on that i don't know. i got those television. they my kelly, i left,
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we don't pay the style and i don't know how long of varies and getting a single issue. i yeah, a lot of the same, but i had the quincy island the fall. and i mean, i'm on, i'm in north, in the banking way on years. healy, i had, i me, so do you know if i leave any of that? i say, i know he is the person we split the look up our somebody and the point of stuff being that was to hit the email and the appointment funded the police regardless of the legal picking it up and let us go see if, if you don't have to wait a minute for the 2nd. if people when they come in and what a boy leah kind of what a foot by with them. i mean the like i'm a little sounds glad to have all of the stuff.
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no more of a no they how do i you forget the name of the week before me leave it to fully understand? can i understand that the are you may have mentioned to me after using starting the conflict with them. let me see. just gotta understand this, jackie typically guidelines inquiring using english whether yes for that stuff knows with us because i saw something going on because i think the power of cream and other organizations was also the center of the political crisis that ended up with a former president taking an unexpected decision, but i don't know somebody that goes to the to see another level. this cd though. absolutely got a lot of people see as to what your to they like goals the to see on the letter over the got and present the loss is the sort of the soonest political school near system. you see on his yeah, we freshman this police because and because one of the assist you on this,
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the get in those being with the motion renaissance to will be at, i'm not going to be i'm, but if you have a set of people who say and don't say in your st. dental, any diet inclusive. what do you think of boca on if you would like us to put another nicolo to see i'm on, i'm going to go. but i see though i've noticed the, the symbol, the quote for new elections for president and congress members, by default, america, the government thing may of 2023. also, labor is structural problems that the country hasn't been to naples to resolve or you'll never get them in to perform velocity to finish it through this guy is mass me, ambrose and us forces them out of that that need those think allows like us, as a nickel, difficult for him to death, but the little this is have you stick on last week, wednesday in the most those i know our down in the style is that go the any significant? i mean that's a bit too. i know that be looking to answer please p. e a. so as a case tape policy, this is the one that was done a court order,
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secuity decline sheets, a new law, and notice $92023.00 in the middle of the presidential campaign with the testing nation of the candidate for and then they'll be sent to and then they'll give you, they put alice easy to see on the political to the left of the side of a most game level. ca left. one of my uncles, i mean of 2 opinions for the plastic as much as i mean as seems to be in. no, it'll come in. so nice galactic. get out of that bundle for mental is pushing pallet comes in exclusively on the is on the in the us. i love that the thought is funny because e, as in frank o and it's been on the on a the medical field when they look a says he in think of the see on your typical size in the law in government book.
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the issue is something that of the i speak to little see that is the medical can united, you might have looked at naples kona as the basic is equal in domain i am yes. wisdom florida. is that that guy? any cause that i wasn't that i'm going to that maybe them used to be ok, you know? but if the so, excuse me, that was a this, that was the, that use the laterally less you visited is visiting with the, the going of course i think it was already setup. if that means those that are settled on the day of his murder, besides who was taking part in the presidential campaign event, based on the battery with getting out by the central, motivate to keep the s face they that, that they can sort of get as much of that,
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as you want me to send me every single simple as you need it for me, just as you know the e system more or less does he not the author's police because the apple guest him on his on. so the fax, so you can get the me when i'm done. so i'm thinking that i find equally as i'm doesn't, as it looks, and as it omens darkest over there, it isn't even the is the humans are concise as 30 the and look at that that working just to let them across the day of the say it's just as the nation, a suspect, the gunman was killed by police forces 6 to the suspects of full were from columbia . where brandon, a few weeks later or 6 were found inside the prison. so you want to get that. let's get to play. somebody said a little steve just can't get access to the tv you ensure can do that for me. and if that will help you,
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what did you see the that in the video through those that i think was best related to the sports template. this they want us to minutes and i'm going to give it to me the best that i sent when that was completed. that is an interval has assumed the leadership of the nation grappling with an unprecedented security crisis. is that the problem is that the whole nice deal method that they end up being in that case. yeah. for that for you maybe that. yeah. that, that'd be that i'm in the other one such and that he was jealous. you tell me what that is as he's due to illness, that's the 1st half $40.00 cost his time on that mean that the models that i meant those loved any of the you you get a set of us or the leader of those to nato's? no, not see to escape from place from last generate novel as government to control of the present system in response houses. so thine rates across the country start the
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dryer, taking more than a 100 guards, as hostages violates rapidly spread to the sweet enough, the equal doors government declared the country now known international conflict and named $22.00 criminal organizations as terrorist in level 24. so we'll use that they, he clicked on the conclusion is really the 1st couple weeks a beautiful day for nearly ready, erica, besides the no, ma'am. okay, so maybe that's the way to test it goes to becca in that won't go down to the legal groups. feedback once more and on january 17th, to prosecute to investigating the attack to the public television station. and those are hyper 5 cases. i showed that while driving his car in way i can look into this type of tv in the is disagreement. what are on the side of them beauman, sasha point of last year in years? know the product is just a must and seamless by the so can you, me know, the,
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the see the dentist, i'm one of the people's extension that, i mean you would see on political clothing models and they're meant as a policy for so that i'm us. so i don't see all the lessons learned, you know, difficult on the youngest one of their these are, you know, i know, but i'm only one variables that i'm not only following the more i don't understand the list. i'm anita. most of it is most of the, the graphic supposed to be the guy you need. it is all 3 that is capital with 10 to come. fix the prices on those to assume the but loose the end of the middle of course doesn't point us. they will do that, then we know the exact opposite, the general up and stuff. the students that i was supposed to thought is the other is confident. it is good to see me until then. i thought it would be serious container unless one that isn't, i'm throwing this has democrats could not hear you. there is nothing but the guy here and just because it's darn a single other honest with you,
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just give me knowledge body. so i can of course, not enough. what do you see a put it completely so thought a get them is that by use forget savvy. okay. all the things you've seen is probably the 1st time contacting us, even at a me, of a sudden medical passing. the, it's a separate issue isn't producing we, i the, the in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power, those into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement and explorers,
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whether clearing palestinians from because in the occupied westbank is, is range of to transfer on and just asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fear this gentleman is of just behind me. hundreds of people have been about 2 h as an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story hod, hey, damien, to be used as a un. i'm back to the position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think,
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is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the is what he strikes. hip central and southern guns are coming at least $66.00 of us to them is in the last 24 hours. the hello am dire in jordan, this is out just a rough night from don't also have coming up from graham desperate about his demands in northern jobs or protest against food shortages as roadblocks. 8 supplies the large scale protests and tennessee
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demonstrates as quote for the release of captives and the resignation of his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu on time.


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