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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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it's, i think, is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities us veto in the security council. this is a may just don't think locus of non did exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the is ready strikes have central and southern guns are coming at least 66 of us to them is in the last 24 hours the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out just a rough night from toe. so coming up from graham, desperate about his demands in northern gauze, a protest against food shortages as israel blocks 8 supplies. the large scale protests and tennessee
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demonstrates as cold for the release of captives and the resignation of his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. on thailand's former prime minister thompson should've was released on parole. and 6 months after returning from self imposed exile the new wave of his ready bombings as killed 66 palestinians in central and southern gaza. moving 18 people were injured in the attacks and many remained trumped. under the rubble, 9 homes were targeted in central airs of gaza, 0 as tarik assume as mona, from breakfast city in southern gulf to the is valley military forces are pressing on with their military defensive on the ground. he is not. the goal is a stripe and the date was very low. d as more than 50 palestinians had their report at killed in a string of mounted trees as strikes the target to the central parts of the territory alongside with the southern areas in russell. and in con eunice, in
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a very ongoing military attacks on the up in areas along side that the gauze ends in display civilians here are completely struggling from acute and acute fluid insecurity. um, its more growing fee is regarding potential military inclusion for rough i district that will definitely excessive pates already aggravating humanitarian crisis as you international fluids as secure to expense a completely saying that the goal is to stripe is one of the largest areas that are, that as long as the affected a famine in a youtube, it's a, it's very ongoing to caden compartments and only spies now record is required in order to help people to mitigate their aggravating humanitarian situation. tar cubism. oh, just the euro roof inside the ring console. but for salvation is a worsting problem across gaza in giovanni people to the streets,
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to protest against the lack of aid that's getting into the strip palestinians and guns are living in famine like conditions because of israel's blockade. that's also led to the shortage of humanitarian, a, as well with many and gaza facing starvation, camino kitchens, uh, one of the few sources of food for palestinians. but the same town cordaris found out instead of bella, the kitchens can only provide one meal a day. and even that is a challenge. more than half of the population of the cause of the truth is risk in some policy news nor many have 3 meals per day. since the beginning of the world, they only have one meal. there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no cruise in the markets. a that is coming in of the causal strip is not reaching all of the people and people are starving and z. u. n has been warning
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that the gardens population is at the risk of farm. and we are in, of course, harmony in that is by the way, they're hoping to seize people indebted by left this place people and the neighbors of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking the center, so they're using what would fire? because there is no cooking. gus, this lentil soup is cooked without any best of both because there is very limited number of festivals in the market because a lot of our culture land has been either bond or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced in agriculture and then so use of the chef told us that they are using onion powder and alternative to
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the onions. it says they start very early in the morning and people start this. they start distributing the fluid at a 12 at, in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a search. how many do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians this place and to the policy is a tire being in their neighborhood. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus placement and surveys in the food situation. in the call, the strip is worsening, where at least half of the population of the car, the strip is already starving. this isn't included the odyssey to that it but
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that's what so i'm going to reach a see saw deal between how much and israel the head of how much is political bureau is. melania released the statement on saturday saying they will not be satisfied with anything less than the complete. and israel's will under withdrawal of its ami from gaza and also on the safe and appropriate shelter for displace palestinians and are ton to their homes, especially in northern gaza. i mean it says a prisoner exchange deal is one of the critical goals of negotiation and it's impossible to exclude it. well, the contents department says that progress towards a ceasefire and gaza is slowing down. and we made some good progress in the last few weeks. and then english issues and we've been trying to reach an agreement between the 2 parties, yet the last few days has not been progress thing guys expected. and i believe that are the differences. demonstrations i've been out on the streets in tennessee
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coating for is really prime minister to resign. benjamin netanyahu says the move would be counter productive and trying to bring back remaining captives held in gaza. he's brought in to launch a ground defensive on reference as the 1400000 just based palestinians that can be moved north to han, eunice. i'm the flute reports from tennessee. oh cool for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. this, the largest anti government demonstration to be staged since october 7th. some of the thousands intel would be trying to break through barriers near the defense industry quickly by the government inside your site. you're really everything that you really know what's
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inside for the safer to correct or the thing or the thing that you of them in the past 20 years, almost across the street, families of is really captives held in gallon zone hold their 19th weekly rally, appealing for their negotiated safe return. i am here through night to call for the release of my bio and the rest of the hostages, and we have no time anymore. i called for the valley government or any government in the world to do something because we cannot wait anymore. we have to get them back as soon as possible. when it's in your who is refusing to see those calls while demonstrations were taking place. he addressed the nation all what policy to liberate and bring back the captives. it is military pressure until now this what we have done and we have brought back $120.00 of them. we shall continue
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on that. we bring back all the captives evans readers are saying that what is the and in fact they have to relocate to ride nearly nearly 5 months into the war this. and y'all who's popularity continues to plummet. is really, protesters are valley to continue taking to the streets and to show of their disapproval for his government. and this policy, this central jersey to tell us what protests and some authority with palestinians and guns are taking place in several parts of the world in washington dc. ronnie, governors, accounting for an immediate cease fire demonstrates as gavin in the us capitals, downtown area of the monument politicians aid to israel. also want the release of allison in prison. this is randy custody. and in mexico city,
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hundreds of people gathered to them on the end as well as constant funding under coal for freedom for palestine under there was my new arrival. it was at that protest. the demonstrators here in mexico city, along the city's main thoroughfare of it, either 4 months. i've been marching for a little over half an hour. now what you're seeing behind us is that crowd of several 100 maybe even over a 1000 people at this point that have joined into this crowd. they are calling attention to recent attacks and rough other calling in and demanding and a ceasefire. and to israel's military campaign in gaza. this of course is just one of several events that are taking place in mexico city. over the course of this weekend, there are fundraisers, there are all ad food events, all of which are designed to be seen as a gesture of solidarity from mexican citizens with the palestinians in gaza. but there's also been a change in the attitudes here, not only in mexico,
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but across latin america over the course of the last few months. just last month in um, in january mexico and brazil joined with south africa and their calls for a uh, investigation by the international court of justice. also last month in mexico. and she like called on an investigation from the international criminal court to look into alleged alleged crimes. so there is this sense not only here in mexico, but throughout latin america as a whole that there was growing support for the pallets for palestinian liberation. there's also the sort of growing sense that the, that the region is distancing itself ever more from israel, the timelines for my prime minister, the tax inch in a while, it has been freed on parole,
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up to 6 months of detention in the hospital. it was then driven to his home, where the medium was waiting for him. she returned to thailand in august last year of to 15 years of self imposed exile. actually was tony chained reports and the tie capital of bangkok, a tax interested in what the full month's time prime minister is for the 1st time tonight. gonna spend a night in his own bed on time. so for the 1st time and more than 15 years, and it has been a long journey home for mr. tax and out in the military coup in 2006, he returns to defend himself against corruption charges in 2008. but left again when he felt he wouldn't get the free of the trial. since then we've seen protests on the streets in his name. we've seen his political allies ousted and excluded from ty, politics. and then last year you were to presumably everyone imagines, after working out to deal with the ty establishment the military and the moment key
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with whom he's locked horns for so very long. after returning in august, he very quickly was west the way to jail sentence to 8 years. she was like quickly reduced to 6 months, none of which he spent in a jail so often being admitted to hospital on his 1st night with various medical problems. this morning he was released, he's still on the parole. but the big question everyone's asking is whether he will return to public life. or do is he said he would just spend time to this grandchildren. tony taking out a 0 russian president vladimir putin has congratulated his troops for the capture of the ukrainian town of, of div calling it an important victory. it was russia's biggest and fond since it took the city of buck moved last year. running up arrived reports from hockey if are continuing to put up this resistance in the face of continuous assaults. these images reportedly recorded on friday, jo,
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some of the last ukranian defenders of, of div before the retreat. largely ruined town is strategically important to both sides, located close to the rushing controlled city you've done yet. but the cranium defenders have gradually found themselves pressed from 3 sides with an increasing danger of being surrendered. my more what square supplies to the pin. we have a complicated situation with the enemy trying to penetrate our defense. in some other places, the situation is critical. as the enemy is trying to bypass, our troops were forced to fight 360 degrees around this. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube i reportedly failed last week. or the fall of d. e. a. districts above dmv has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all
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happened during the past 2 weeks. you've had recognize that they've gone practically. everything has been flattened by bonds, including the local residents who are in the basement for the russian army. so there's nobody or cisco autumn, you should be ukraine has been willing to fight the so called meet grind of battles making the green calculation. but with russia losing fumble soldiers, they all with it. but as with the back to foot back loops last year, which key finally gave up, the desire to save ukrainian lives seems to be more important stuff. a symbolic victory for russia and ukraine will hope this defeat could act as a wake up call for its allies who being well now for weeks that the show did you by munition would leave just to a loss. and that's a less things change. more defeats can be expected, so that's the most he's got over many months of fighting,
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the civilian population of, of div cost has mostly been evacuated. but remarkably, some people, when they surviving in basements, particularly what it does. ukrainian soldiers pulled back the fate and back to the town. now when russian hands look bright, i'll just say era khaki. if you great talk, i shall break here and i'll just say are when we come back on the siege, i'm pregnant. really good. what's being done to help tens of thousands of expectant mothers and thoughts. i'm on the so hello. there is a large we settled story for much of south asia weather wise. at the moment we've got lots of sunshine dominated across the south of india and into sri lanka was
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just a few showers here and the temperature is sitting quite high. so this time of us, a places like a colombo, it's gonna get cooler. however, across the north of the region, thanks to a westerly disturbance that's bought some what and wintery weather to the likes of afghanistan. we'll see that edge is in northern parts of pakistan and india over the next few days. you can see some hail storm as well. as heavy snow and heavy rain, the rain will full likely in the hole on monday, sometime coming back in on tuesday. but accrued a feel over the next few days. for new delhi, we have a chance of thunder rashaw as through to the mid week, some heavier rain on choose day, and also a cooling effect coming in here. and these are set to cool down across much of china, thanks to the development of a weather system. moving its way across the east coast onwards to the korean peninsula. it joins up with some very wintry weather, moving across the north, east of china, into rushes of far east. it'll block temperatures down in whoo hat and have a look at that. a drop of 10 degrees celsius through to monday as the west of that
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weather pushes its way east across depends on monday. the hard hitting into meetings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all . the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just don't think look, is a problem to exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the the the
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book about you watching out. just a right click on mind about top stories here. this is ready bombings in central and southern gossip to let these 66 palace demands over the last 24 hours. more than a to engine in the attacks of people right in front of the level. in giovanni and northern gauze of people to the streets, to protest against the lack of aiden food getting into the strip for starvation caused by israel, located as a worsening problem across scars on his ready prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, as a short family, is that he's totally committed to bringing back the remaining captives from gaza. he says that ministry pressure is their approach to make this. now thousands of expectant mothers are due to give birth and guns over the next month. health facilities and rough uh, struggling to cope with a number of people now sheltering that stephanie becker pulled some efforts to help them. others in gauze i've come imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your
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home, everything you've built and worked for your safe space. and now you live here, one among hundreds of thousands in the tent in open land. during winter. you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again. you have a family, but you cannot provide any of life's basic needs. and the baby has just arrived comp nursery is sprayed on this. it's a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months concrete tools into proper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale. it provides essential help to mothers with babies from instant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition to the simple cab provided by us midwives, a lot of uh, reduces square fee. ms. hamilton. this initial i gave birth to my child 15 days ago
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as we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather. my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birth. i was not able to keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital. the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time. now we have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god to help, we'll been the most influx of displaced people in that off, off means the remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope it and done with it. the had the fun with the affordable rock. i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now with nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section nano. so the hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for all this. and this will add a new lives born into a war zone. and even if and when the war comes to an end,
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there will be very little left standing for people to return to. most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life. and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie decker all g 0. this is where i was, or when does that took center stage of the african union summit to a strong words of support from the contents leaders. but breakthroughs on complex in savannah, the democratic republic of congo. and this, the whole region remains elusive from either side of a bonnet, vault report easily the wall and gaza has that a good condemnation by many african leaders here at the show of support. the science prime minister was invited to attend the summit. the united states and some european countries have put some of the assessments on the territory flood. this is important, but what is most important is to boycott products made in the sacraments by satellites. and to impose sanctions on israel, which is deliberately violating international and international humanitarian law. and which is committing the cruelest of crimes on the posting and people who need
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a way from palestine. that is to be less consensus over at age of issues, be definitely both the organization and the content. you commission chairman said drastically form of the body is educate. you need the member states to implement your decisions and fulfill the financial obligations and level of political fragmentation. is allowing us countries like marty needs as well. can a fossil gap on guinea ad so that i've seen the membership suspended following on democratic changes of government, the cox even in pocketing the proceedings here. this morning when i, when i prepared myself to go to come and attend the cruise session of the summer due to again security has blocking my way. they refused me to come out of the alton. i'm go on with my cards and the rich to come to the see the pocket,
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the is the recent spots over and then more lines of understanding between each opium and the break away region of somebody lined with these each opiate control of a somebody see ports these are the points of can station off feel to have this talk to the sunny and we can't, it's focused on the search for ways to resolve conflicts in several hot spots such as to then democratic republic of congo and decide if it has to be assigned to a big decisions, it's been a funding for some reflection. organization clearly acknowledges it's new patients and challenges. one of the same time it feels about each. what do we mean? an indispensable tool for unit $2.00 and $1.00 being for the continents. how much fun does he on the army in rolanda is being accused of launching across the board, a trend strike into the democratic republic of congo. the company's armies as the strike damage and that cross to the airport in the eastern city of goma. rolanda
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has previously denied carrying out a tax on its neighbor. the incentive goal demonstrates as back the decision by the country is constitutional counsel to overturn president mike yourselves relate to elections. i'll just say it was nicholas hans spoke to protest as, as a march of the streets of the capital deco demonstrators here can see the name of we spun, sold, cody opposition leader. they're asking for his release much more demonstration to about protecting dable insurance and the election presidential elections that present markets. the idea of what, uh, what, what is the one and the bill and we're doing this, lived in the rights group, say
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a hundreds of what they describe as political prisoners are currently being released. many of them have been held without charge. now this is a victory for many of the demonstrators here of the rule of law and the country democracies seriously endangered incentive us 1000 plus people in jail trust because they voice the wrong opinions or just because that supporting somebody whom the government is not happy with we've never had that here. people have been shot by our armed forces with absolutely no investigation, security forces or keep a close watch of this demonstration. it was initially banned by authorities and then allowed a comes on the heels of these a riots falling like yourselves. decisions of the lazy elections? well, there is division among the political class and the political candidates over when this election should take place. many senegalese here say that the political crisis
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has united the and in their efforts to protect the democracy in their country. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car, thousands of people in pakistan, not protesting against the alleged reading of elections early this month. and 0 is come out of high to reports. now from is normal that tens of thousands of people have gone off. despite the fact that the government, the government that employed it is pictured on public guidance as you can see, the, the people who are moving there on the drum and another major development . the commissioner overall was written to advertise for leverage in that there were no, says rigs because of that is going to ignore the lower end estates. as you can see, did a formal paper, lot of government from all walks of life,
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women and children. john, people from all over over to india and it's all about, i've done was on the red strawberry and it's not more broad. there say that their mandate has been stolen and they're, they're the government just trying to coordinate system or government. think about what you know the election. come on. i was your dear all. it's all my boss. hundreds of people. morning, the death of russian opposition lead alexi and i found a have been arrested in cities across the country. the 47 year old died was 7, a 19 year present to him for extreme is in his family says they haven't been given access to his body. will lead as a blame president vladimir putin for his death, his image. and can us today's wanting to public key move next scene of only get this. the response goes into arrested in at least 21 cities across russia and most gave police from the human chain to store motors
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attempting to rally the circuit won't look so right. the monument for joseph stones, victims of political persecution. i thought it was my duty to bring salvage default for all of us. and now we have to at least on a, his memory limit of seems to teach his book with thousands were arrested. protests are leaking, and russia and district dissident news. the country is go to shang, with this foolish war. why is it lead it? who needs it? they are killing their own people. i no longer be even the future afresh. off. i'm a to 2 years old. even seems to me that now is where is that installed in science and of all these mother mil enough, i'm no, was seen in the time of hub, need a penal colony in russia's optic region where prison gods say he died. devoted these family, demanding to know why his bodies were reportedly told the prison officials applied
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me. will they cool southern death syndrome? the body was taken by a investigative committee. so right now we don't have access to the body and we don't know for sure where it is. and so we the ones as a trust authorities immediately div alexia's ability to his family. found his health deteriorated during his 3 years of a 19 year prison sentence. he said he was denied sleep and medical treatment and it spent nearly 300 days and so that she confinement c. c was also stupid covering some poisoning with russian nerve agent in 2020 memorial ceremonies have also been held in london and all the cities and world leaders continuing to speak about volney still unexplained death. the age of 47 imaging came out a 0 a police in the hague used to a gas.


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