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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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a way that has been done before can be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the wave of his various tribes can at least 66 palestinians across the gulf. this trip, including 7 members of one family in delphi, and the south, the i'm and as it was put on him. and this is our just the are live from dall. so coming up between displacement and starvation. the 1st situation in the cause of truth is worsening. we report from central cos, our community kitchens, us to rumbling to give ballast. and in even one me the day,
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the protests and kind of the demonstration of school for the release of captives and the resignation of is there any comments to benjamin netanyahu? last, we report from the living in cities with rise in the ground water as making homes uninhabitable. as body forces have conducted raids across central and southern gaza can at least 66 people. this includes the bombing targeting agricultural land which has been used to shelter displaced palestinians. it strikes of also hit central gauze. i'm bringing down the residential building that spring and i'll correspond to tiny must move. he's joining us live from it. i'll find the south and deadly as strikes and pots of gospel such as the la honey where people had been pretending to because of the attacks from the south. the.
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the yes, and this is one more prove that there is no space of place across the gaza strip, including the areas that being describing designated by it is really military. a safe area i would see in, within the past few days, the storage and the areas practice, dropbox, city, many of the displaced families decided to go back to the central area to their homes as the where displaced within the past few weeks since the beginning of the search of the is correct and defend from the area only to find themselves the victims of bonnet, predictable, relentless, massive bombs. it dropped on their residential homes and overnighted toxins, rough city killed 7 members of one family of one that has family in their residential home. this is a displaced family, has been sold during this residential home and northern part of rough i city. within the past few weeks and they were killed, there are more of into they injured family members who were rushed to another job
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hospital. there was also another attack near the borders with they gibson that side and in an empty farm lands, there were no injuries reported on this attack, but it caused a great deal of panic and force people who work in tens within the vicinity of they are there was a talk to be further internally, displaced in different parts of the, in the central area and gaza city. within the past 24 hours, we're looking at a large number of casualties in the scenes of not only a elderly, but also children and women at the floor of the hospital is becoming very dominating within the past 24 hours in our locks. the hospital in us inside a ship, a hospital that is large, the out of service that has no medical surfaces. what so ever, but we're looking at 60 people only in the central area, including the firearms. you can and 50 more people in garza city and the northern part of the gaza strip. and those who survive the stripes. honey,
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they're growing even more desperate because of the lack of a lack of humanitarian supplies. continuing of the she has the ongoing bombing is causing a great deal of difficulties on the ground, not only people because of the ongoing displacement. we're talking about a lot of people, the vast majority have been displaced more than one time. and every time they're moving to a new place, they are in need and desperate me. it's open, new supplies, the new necessities in survive a life is with the fact that there aren't many humanitarian trucks. so 80 trucks didn't train the golf. serv, just making it very difficult. in the beginning, the initial, we still the war we, we used to see people or q in a line for food and water. now the number of people on those lines is not only doubling, is actually going to further a large number of people,
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families that we did not expect or to say the family members that used to be well off and have the finance or capabilities and all the capacity to go on for some time are now if you, in a line with other people waiting for a talk with bread and a gallon of water and some food parcel distributed here or, or they are across the rock by the city. but the fact that it is go in and it's taken now, we're close to 5 months of this ongoing war. we started to see signs of actually star vision going on, particularly when we talk about vulnerable groups, including the children and women who are pregnant without breast feeding. those children who are in need of a sense of survive of life, things as well as some a new trends and, and, and food this keep them alive during these channels time. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey muscled. was all the latest live and
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alpha and as having mentioned salvation as a worsening problem across gaza, that were protesting shabani a because of the lack of agents getting into this trip. did you when says palestinians and gaza and living in fountain light conditions? and with many and gaza facing salvation community kitchens and one of the few sources of food full palestinians. but as him, they'll hold it a report from the law. the kitchens can provide only one man a day. and even that is a challenge. more than half of the population of the cause of truth is risk and some and policy news nor many have 3 meals per day. since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal, there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no proof in the marcus a that is coming in of the causal strip is not reaching all of the people, and people are starving and z,
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u. n. has been warning that the gardens population is at the risk of farm and we are in as chris found many in that is by the way, there has been to feed people indebted village displaced people and the neighbors of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking this lentil soup. they're using. what would fire? because there is no cooking. gus, this lentil soup is cooked without any vegetables because there is very limited number of festivals in the market because a lot of argue culture land has been either bonds or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced in agriculture and then so use of the chef told us that they are using an onion powder and alternative to
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the onions it says, and they start very early in the morning and be slow starts this. they start distributing the fluid at a 12 at, in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire is it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a great time to do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians. this place and to the policy is starving in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus placement and serve ation. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening, where at least half of the population of the causes for if it's already starving.
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this isn't included. i just need a better but as well as the leveling of many parts of gaza has left huge numbers of palestinian families, homeless and piles of rubble with their homes. one stood but many, such as the optimal family in gauze and city insist bells are to and eventually rebuild their lives, coming and level that supports the many names for life homes pulverized assigned, many forced to enjoy in the not so neighborhood of cause a city just trying to make a living is risky. one of the guy show us what on my way to work, i'll go into it together with my brother. we were attacked and targeted and we narrowly escaped death. second, that a who did a good enough to solve the but as though my brother was injured in his leg and i helped him and bondage to his wounded and gave him some 1st aid. while i need somebody ever to get the i had struck milly, my neck,
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the shot know broke the boat and became stuck in my neck. there's most rotten though in my bag since my brother also had shrapnel in his pelvic area. i came to see my house and i found it burnt and levelled on it. we left the house and it will not belongings except this. it is for my daughter. how's it going on? i brought the survived, but her husband is gone for good to josie. i lost my husband on the 5th of december . i liked it's very difficult. i feel completely devastated with my children telling me that they want me to follow them. and what else can we expect? we've lost everything. i lost my husband and i lost my home because this family home destroyed again. good across the generations. there was a determination to rebuild once to is of the thing had that's what i said. it was done on when i had to please raise level our house in 2008 and again in 2014. but we managed to rebuild it twice this year. it would be the same and we were built our house for the 1st time. we worked hard, i saved for 43 years to be able to have this house. so are we
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a supervisor on america? is really afraid to ask, what is this for me? what is this other thoughts with him? and he refused to move south early, and the more they insist they will return home one day. the community next, which is era, is rarely set. let's have a tax shepard's and a village south of hebron and the occupied westbank, enjoying a child. settlers also damaged properties in the town of to the most i and most of them on the they said fine who will call that belong to palestinians. the volumes has been on device since the war and gaza began. right. group saves, rarely officials have virtually failed, whole set list accountable for their actions. and as rarely forces have carried out move aids in the palestinian city of buddha, south of hebron ami vehicles of also seen entering the ballasa refugee camp, the annapolis, and the village of berlin. east of my la they have been demonstrations in tennessee cooling for the as ready,
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prime minister to resign. benjamin netanyahu says that wouldn't help bring back the remaining captives held in gaza. his volunteers are watching around defensive in the java and says the 1400000 displays palace to be in fact can be moved to north to con eunice. i'm the fellow who reports from tennessee because there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign for elections to be held immediately. this, the largest anti government demonstration to be staged since october 7th. some of this 1000 intel of the trying to break through barriers here. the defense ministry quickly beaten down by 2 weeks. the government inside your site, you're really everything that you really now it's designed for the safer to correct or the thing or the things that you have done in the past 20 years,
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almost across the street. families of is really captives held in gallon zone, hold their 19th weekly rally, appealing for their negotiated safe return. this is doing, i do call so day less of my bio and the rest of the hostages. and we have no time anymore. i call for these valley government or any government in the world to do something because we cannot wait anymore. we have to get them back as soon as possible. with nits in yahoo is refusing to see those calls while demonstrations were taking place. the address the nation, complete of the new, our policies, deliberate, the return, kept us through military pressure. we have brought back 120 of them so far. we will continue until all of them are released. negotiations require steadfastness and i must say to the people of israel,
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the demands of homos are ridiculous and silly. only one thing matters to them to defeat israel. we can progress once time us increase the compromises and gifts concessions. i would like to say to the families of the captives, we will not forget our commitment to bring them back. we saw the readers are saying that what is the and in fact they have to relocate to right nearly nearly 5 months into the war. this and y'all whose popularity continues to plummet. is really protesters our valley to continue taking to the streets and to show of their disapproval for his government. and this policy, this central jersey to tell us the, there's a gone to all the new as well to the african union summit where disagreements between member states are affecting the tools in the field. here as chairman has one of the bleak future for africa of discussions don't lead to breakthroughs on
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conflicts. and so dawn, the democratic republic of congo and this the hell region mohammed bond reports from that us out of the easily the wall and gaza has that a good condemnation by many african leaders here at the show of support. the science prime minister was invited to attend the summits without feeling what the united states and some european countries have put some of the assessments on the tower. that's what this is important. but what is most important is to boycott products made in the sacraments by satellites. and to impose sanctions on israel, which is deliberately violating international law and international humanitarian law. and which is committing the cruelest of crimes on the palestinian people away from palestine. that is to be less consensus over at age of issues. be definitely both the organization and the content. you commission chairman said drastically form of the body is education. you need the member states to implement your decisions and fulfill the financial obligations. and level of political
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fragmentation is allowing us companies like muddy news as well can a fossil gumbo and guinea. i to then have seen the membership suspended following on democratic changes of government. the cocks are even in pocketing the proceedings here. this morning when i, when i prepared myself to go to come and attend the cruise session of the summer, the target and security has blocking my way. they refused me to come out of the alton. i'm go on with my cards until the age to come to the see the pocket, the is the recent spots over and then more lines of understanding between each opium and the break away region of somebody lined with these each opiate control of a somebody see ports these are the points of can station off feel to have this talk to the sunny and we can't, it's focused on the search for ways to resolve conflicts in separately hotspots
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such as to then democratic republic of congo and decide if it has to be assigned me to pick decisions, it's been assigned me to for some reflection. organization clearly acknowledges, explaining stations and challenges of the same time it feels about each. what do we mean? an indispensable tool for unity and one being for the content. and how much fun does the still ahead on onto sierra that you inconvenience amazing on have guns. tom to the top to bottom says it won't attend the, the others who were expecting decent snow for skiing and february been bit disappointed because we've had a progression and a series of frontal system that come across from the atlantic mac costs for the city womack. they do drop some snow but typically pretty roughly stuff. and of
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course it's right. and for most of us, most of no, you're right. is a case again on sunday, running through england across into belgium, low countries ahead of it. probably some snow in norway. the big picture shows it keeps moving east when so by the end of the day it's got to be raining and then also germany as well. the tail of light is right and goes through from the look at the temperatures were up into the teams 15 in london. now it's basically colder in a strip of eastern poland. but to be honest, most of europe is in, during this, right would warmer weather, the 2. and that's true all the way down to the 9th and smart is in stay, but there's not very much of it. and quite often that's accompanied by folk on ski slips. however, after 2 weather also kicks up in dry pumps to build the site. and so there's a warning of potential signs, stormy, narrow jerry and dance with more, attain use throughout the rest of the sunday because of the strength of the wind. and across the hill, the breeze is still enough to pick up dust and sand into the sky. otherwise is
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quite more unsettled. tucked upfront takes on the big issue. that is a cold text to what is happening now. it says it's cold. thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves profit without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 news . the
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to watch your knowledge, a 0 me elizabeth, put on and all have a mind to of all top stories. the solemn play. 66 people have been killed and as trots across central and southern gaza is where the military has targeted areas where displaced, palestinians have been seeking shelter from attacks. and pals, demands in jamalia and northern gauze. i have protested against the lack of food and humanitarian aid deliveries. the u. s. has many and gaza facing famines like conditions, as well as prime minister has told the families of captives held them because of that he's totally committed to bringing them. hon. benjamin netanyahu said on the military pressure will make that happen. well, if it's our ongoing to reach us these find in between our mazda and israel, the head of them also is political bureau is mind him. they have released the statement on saturday saying they will not be satisfied with anything less than the complete and israel's will and the withdrawal of its ami from gaza. it also wants the safe and appropriate shelter for displays, palestinians,
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and to return to their homes, especially in northern casa, and the s as a palace to be in prison. the exchange diggle is one of the critical goals of negotiations and it's impossible to exclude it will cost his prime minister says that progress towards the seas find gaza is slowing down. us. we made some good progress in the last few weeks and then a washing machine is a and we've been trying to reach an agreement between the 2 parties, yet the last few days has not been progress thing guys expected. and i believe it's been on the differences in a place if we look at the basically the agreements that we had earlier in november when we managed to get tons of to 9 hostages attends. we had this pause, this humanitarian for us for a week. it's on was, has 2 of them and so many agreement,
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one is addressing the humidity and condition and laws and the other one which really reflect the numbers of the fees and who would be able to lease and exchange all of the hostages. i believe in this agreement we are talking go to be good, a scale and the wish to see some difficulties on, on the humanitarian part of this negotiations that we see it here. what are they going to enable us sent to help us in making sure that we are, we are putting enough pressure to, to do a sent to get the numbers down. now if we, if we are able to reach in the next few days, some good conditions on, on that side, i believe that we can see idea of happening very soon. you get to the bottom in the last few days out. i'm not really very promising,
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but as i always repeat, you know, we would always remain optimistic. we always remain pushing. we were to buy a lot of us to get to put that closer to this. we believe that the humanitarian self funding in both sides is not a is not something easy is to be handled that this is the humanity of that situation. it was a and especially when it comes to offer. and now we see the fall condition of the roads. so dieting situation and we are seeing, you know, a very threatening moments of atlanta advisor will have the you amazing is underway in color on the ongoing crisis. and i've gone and found bought tanya bon latest on attending you and member states and special on was on have gone just on. i haven't 2 days of discussions in the ha on the agenda is
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engagement. so that's how the government and humanitarian aid in a moment will be live and have gone his funds about correspondence from i've been job is that 1st is get more on the metering from vessel said that he is live in doha. so what is the you and hoping to achieve with this meeting that i still especially given that the follow up on won't be attending as well. this is the 2nd meeting of the you and special and boys in the, in less than a year. so many countries have the especially invoice to have gotten something out here in the us and also the u. s. equity general antonio terrace, and the u. m. special for the latest web kinda stuff for the do. so, you know, that was here to discuss the way how things gauge would have kind of standard economy cleats, particularly in terms of the women's education and also the gender of our feet as well. how do i smoke only the officials that are going to be that are here is that
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i'm going to have several sessions during this to these meetings, but that are also human rights activists. and yours, the drug nice and several experts on i've gotten this done as well. so the here and discussing and trying to pay the ways how to elaborate on the engagement with afghanistan. so we can say it is quite a divided share. and one of the reason that is divided menu or the tax bar starts, particularly those what are presenting afghanistan and g owes these d r a guess the engagement or the recognition or the probably button. on the other hand, some of the companies like run pakistan, china and russia on defending that. they've been promoted to say that that should be a certain engagement we talked about, even though the tiny button is not particularly nice, but the majority of the companies in the world, practically, it is in charge of the company and we don't engage with them. they say it's impossible to the remote and we'll pack the policy that will ease particularly die,
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to cut them extrusion them in afghanistan. and also one of the, all the issue is the un to that point, a new special envoy to afghanistan probably by his a guest that china rushing run on a gas it. however, there are several other companies that also say that in new specially invoice is needed. one of the form that they're working on now is either to send the mandate was that it was a new lot of special coordinates of to have kind of stopped for, to appoint a new one of these 2 days. we'll see whether this decision is going to be taken on the floor, right? so, so thank you very much for the rest. we'll set about here in doha. that's bringing a salma been job. he's joining his life on the ask on capital capital. so a meeting on engagement would have gone as fun to as to why that's how the mind isn't attending at a summer and it is extraordinary, isn't it? that's the future. top of a lot of fun is being debated without the people who are actually in control of, of understand this is not the 1st time that this meeting of the united nations
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under the auspices of the investigation is taking place. but the found upon were not invited in the 1st day at this time, but they have been invited. they're not invited as the representative of a one fund. that is something which is not acceptable to decide upon which called themselves these lemon cabinet of abundance of the dfcs took up and it says up to 2 and a half years. they've been very little progress made on their recognition on the fob, united visions and other international donors of the u. n. say that there's been regression on part of the rulers of, of the side. they have not avoid it. they've not given the rights to veteran. they've curtailed freedoms. they've gotten back on their promises of allowing goods, education, and so on and so forth, on the ground. and they've done this on the situation in terms of security has tremendous be improved. people can now traveling all across the country, their roads and reconstruction that is happening. so the feeling is some sort of stability in the sun. and that is why it does not live on their confidence. it says
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that it would engage and continue to engage with international partners as long as they recognize them as the representative of got a son. and they say that those functions that have been in both of them not by the united states and other you members are unfair. and that needs to be a fair and a, and a discussion on how to go forward. if the international community is interested by the well being of the people of a bunch of salma. thank you for that. but some of and jotted live in a couple of the knowledge of the city and northern libya which is being paid by rising ground water. that's threatening the foundations of people's hollins, and many have been forced out by rising tide of sewage, monitoring the reports from streets and with experts of puzzled by the potential environmental disaster. how many they got? his home was flooded last month. he and most of his neighbors were forced to leave . the ground is still what one loves you by the the when i came back home,
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there was a roof, it smells, the entire house dropped about 7 centimeters there, but corrects in the walls and ceilings. the water didn't come from ring fall, but from under his home, ground water has been rising across areas in sleep, in flooding neighborhoods and damaging homes up the as one says, it's shifted the foundations of his home. most of this layouts of, of the house. but the, because of the war to the roof and was, was separated from the fund issues throughout the entire home, you know, just to my home. but all my neighbors, we pump the water out by the just comes back. the house would fall at any time. the government is renting small apartments to house opera. yeah. and others were displaced experts across libby. i don't know exactly what's causing the ground water to rise. what they attribute to flooding to climate change, inadequate infrastructure and above average rainfall in recent years. the annual man uh yesterday, $10.00 to $15.00 families were forced out of their homes, and more families are expected to be evacuated. we brought to condemn,
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except the experts in geology and related fields from across the country. so we could put together a comprehensive report on the causes and put solutions to the government. most homes in the city with a population of around 320000. you septic tanks. the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage. and that's because, according to city officials less than 6 percent of the homes and we are connected to the government so which network the contaminated water is raising concerns waterborne diseases will spread. the government has sent in teams to help these men have been extracting more than 1200000 leaders a day from this area for more than 2 weeks. most of the former, how many heads the emergency committee in sleeping right now, we're working on temporary foss to fix is the government's bringing in foreign experts to help. but we're also working on medium and long term solution.


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