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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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to be part of the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters in delphi, i'm getting you navigate the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a wave of overnight is really strikes kills at least 6, the 6 palestinians across the gaza strip, including 7 members of one family in the southern city of the head of the world. health organization condemns israel's refusal to let its team enter the besieged northside hospital in gaza. he says, medical referral is every patient's rights between displacements and
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starvation. the 1st situation in the cause of truth is worsening. the un ones of famine like conditions in gaza, where a community kitchen stay there, struggling to provide palestinians with one meal a day. and cats are host you when talks on the humanitarian crisis in i've done a son, but taliban leaders stay away again. i'm joanna castro's go with the school today of just heading power says you mind he's leaving the club at the end of the season . you can and by pay comes off the bench to school for the french, the latest on this value, the is really forces have conducted raids across central and southern gaza, killing at least $66.00 people. this includes the bombing targeting agricultural land, which has been used to shelter displace palestinians airstrikes of also hit central gaza,
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bringing down residential building is on the head of the world health organization . so as to be a northside hospital in southern gaza is no longer functional. this is after a week long sage followed by the is really military and a post on social media platform x. the w h o chief says that for 2 days, their team was not allowed to enter the hospital to assess the conditions of the patients and their critical medical needs. despite reaching if compound, to deliver fuel. he says that there are still about 200 patients inside the hospital, at least 20 of who need to be urgently referred to other facilities to receive health care to address ads that medical referral is every patient's rights. he cautions that the cost of delays will be paid by patients lives about access to the patients on hospital should be facilitated. honey, my fluids is joining us over the honey. what are you hearing about the situation right now as it stands after northside hospital of
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the as well the situations and fun units in general are getting very difficult right now with more bombing going on. not only around the vicinity of nasir hospital has been under military seizure and the fact that the really military and it's invading forces conducting according to what the army saying. a precise unlimited operation inside the hospital was still the blocking. the entry of a relief called boy a carrying the medical supply. then if you did the hospital inside the hospital, the military and it's a bathing force is still conducting these rooms room building to building searches and what it described as a search for such big but in doing so, destroying the vast majority of the hospital properties medical supply and conducting master rest, including the hospital director and leadings into an identified area. there's also the ongoing for shirts and beating inside the hospital and putting the risk of the
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life of people inside the intensive care unit. then the baby, the newly born babies, and the young children in the incubator at rest. at the same time, all of this is going another hospital and i'm in the hospital, that's the western side of new. and his city is under time shows heavy time chose since early morning of this all works targeting the upper floors of the building. this is not the 1st time this hospital, the charitable health care organization being under target. it's manage and operate by the pallets of it pressing, but all of its complex, including down below, is an emergency departments, including the hospital and the headquarters of this charitable health organization has been under attack, been targeted repeatedly with evacuated, still inside those injuries. and people with some health complications, unable to leave the hospital, but it has been out of service for some time. with the exception of his back, who is there a still sheltering inside the hospitals into the northern part of han,
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eunice did the work at more the boat, more instance binding going on the injuries are reported to be taken, not to not their hospital or not, but all the way through there is blocked the central air deluxe the hospital, and we really know it's a, an exhausted over well hospital and, and i need the, the humanitarian situation is just growing more and more desperate each day because of the lack of aids. and the is really blocking of age into the stress yes indeed, i'm not only the on going to blockade on the human interior in a doing sort. the gods are, but also the amount that has been allowed so far hasn't been enough, hasn't been sufficient to respond to the emergency. then the difficulties the, the difficult living conditions are created by the ongoing bombing by the broken
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aid mechanism on the ground. if even if they had been allowed into the ground, the fact that there, there are, and there isn't a stop on the ground. the, the delivery crew undergrad or international organizations helping delivering aid to a designated locations. they've been very risky because they've been targeted before either with or they are a, they pop, rated and managed by uh, by the united nations for policy interrupted use or other international organization. there's 0 safety and 0 guarantee on, on their work on the ground. on top of that, there are certain uh items and particularly survival items and other essentials that are desperately needed for everyone. but more importantly for a vulnerable to groups a among the displays. so as a population and rough, i city that are not allowed to enter, just forcing people to looking to look for alternatives. but those alternatives are not also meeting the desperate needs of people,
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particularly those with some health complications with life threatening conditions . okay, honey, i was reporting for us from the honey. thank you. a group of former world leaders working for peace on human rights known as the elder is, has called for the protection of palestinians and gaza. they want israel to comply with the measure is ordered by the international court of justice to prevent acts of genocide. step boston is that the munich cyber security conference and step here with a prominent member of the elders. absolutely, i'm here with the an expert on the piece making a, a noble piece. the price of lori is, and former president of columbia, who on manuel santos, thank you so much for joining us. you have sizes because you of course, actually go to this very important piece deal between the colombian governors and
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the army flock. use that it takes you courage to make peace and as well as to the conflict. is that how you see it right now? we're in every conflict that you need to think long term. and what i've seen here in unix is that there is a increasing your interest in finding a solution, but nobody has the courage to take the difficult decisions to make this happen. and we need that, for example, everybody knows that while you're 50 because many times we politicians, the leaders are thinking short term are thinking in the next selections. what is happening, for example, with ukraine and the us that is motivated by the elections. nothing else. so they, because the populace theme and the a country, yes and your p and congregate, forget the long term. and in these circumstances,
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the short term interest contradicts long term interest, which is the one everybody needs and comforts the one we are maybe needs. for example, as well and kind of started, everybody knows that the way to ends is to recognize the 2 state. everybody has accepted that everybody knows that you need a new palestine government or united credit started. this really can be done by the unity of the of countries and the recognitions hawaii, europe, and united states. but nobody has the courage to start taking those actions. we need that courage in order to have a solution before getting through this through state solution. of course, it has a lot of casualties on the ground as we speak. what,
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what massachusetts you have here were police my, my, the founder of the others. now some of that i used to have a very simple but powerful phrase. the best weapon is to sit down and talk. we need a ceasefire, and we need to sit down and talk, talk even to how much is will you, you make peace with your enemies, not with your friends, and that is what we need. and that needs also courage. i just spoke to the products thing in the prime minister, and he said that as long as, as well as the spells be given to reference from the united states, from european countries, there's not going to be enough pressure on israel to stop what it's doing right now, what we need is to recognize that people who are thinking differently, this is essentially many companies in the front of the standing can say that the, the really is, are dependent on the us. and as long as this happens,
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the most others, you know, we have to sit down and say, what is the solution? how can we agreed on something that is independent for everybody? that's the way to make these. he also said that the us has already threatened to add to block and not a fee to put an auto fee to on a call for a cease fire in the next coming days. so. so how can i stop the fighting and the fires if there's no, she's fine. that is, that is very unfortunate that the united states is between the ceasefire. there's apparently a resolution for next tuesday. so they have already announced it's going to be so those types of added to this are the ones that we have to hopefully do away with, because that is what will prolong the war. but what does it say about the crab advantage of this international institutions like the web security council? and unfortunately, this is week, getting more tied lateral systems. and the,
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the more they have the, the, and capacity to act, the weaker they will be. and this is a very unfortunate situation because precisely in moments like this one is where we need the multilateral system. because we also have that really like in the hey, cried of the highest the world court against is relative to stop any extra could lead to genocide, but we haven't seen any follow up on the signal raised. that's why we, as elders have asked publicly for what is the, what the court decided to be implemented. but we're seeing that the the system is weak and is not capable of implementing where the board decides. that is unfortunate. thank you so much. it's of course have already said no to, to, to, and on that. thank you so much for sharing your, your views. and the, as i said, with rounding up the set talks here in munich, is that happening going on for 3 days?
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and yeah, we have not much good news to share, but at least people here have been meeting a charter, a lot of what lead us were present. so at least that has the lead time to some kind of dialogue. okay, thank you so much to pass and reporting from munich while the palestinian prime minister says that russia has invited palestinian factions to talks and moscow later this month. on speaking on the last day of the munich security conference, how much they said that the palestinian authority is willing to attend. but he's not sure whether from us is ready to engage. to world leaders have urged israel to allow much needed humanitarian aid to enter a gaza and still use says that european countries present present whole different views, but agree on the needs for an immediate pause in the fighting. there is no unity in europe, and not only that, the united states has continue to support, it's right under united states. but it unfortunately is planning to use
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a veto on tuesday to look at the energy and proposal to quote forces by our united states has not been quoting for us, expired. and obviously united states wants to give you a slight over the green light to continue all these up. it also says that the site is competing against our people in, in does that, you'll be honest. i don't say that the out of a divided the different point of views, but i think everybody chords for an immediate because of the fight thing and so on . we don't one point the a bose and for us is not only enough to bring food into guys that is and is it a jump to being bored? but what is the point of providing somebody done out? i'm been kidding him in the water. so we need international aid that goes into guys, i should be hand in hand with ending the edge on his side and beckoning that the site is going to acting against our people. and the roots of the problem is somebody to provision, it's not the funds that is surrounding that. i mean it's, there's lady thinks that there's hope to buy and goes, is this a baby think thanks that's in the hospital. disappear but i'm
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a law and they would be thinking that if you can, and every single village and that's what in that is what is encouraging decide to continue on the thing these crimes is this the support by certain companies that is very supportive stop and these people should understand that it's what it does not listen. it's like needs to be heard of the civil sanctions. and that's the only way a starvation is a worsening problem across scars off. they were protesting jabante because of the lack of aid that's getting into the strip the u. n. so as palestinians and jobs are living in farm and like conditions and with many facing starvation, community kitchens are one of the few sources of food for palestinians. but attendance pulled out a report from debt and by law. the kitchens can provide only one meal per day. more than half of the population of the cause of truth is risk in some policy
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news, nor many have 3 meals per day. since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal, there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no cruise in the markets. a that is coming in of the causal strip is not reaching all of the people, and people are starving and z, u. n. has been warning that the gardens population is at the risk of farm. and we are in, of course, harmony in that is by the way, they're hoping to feed people indebted by left this place people and the neighbors of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking this lentil soup, they're using. what would fire? because there is no cooking das. this lentil soup is cooked without any festivals because there is very limited number of festivals in
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the market because a lot of our culture land has been either bonds or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced and argued culture and then so use of the chef told us that they are using onion powder and alternative to the onions it's set. they start very early in the morning and before it starts this, they start distributing the fluid at a 12, at, in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a search. how many do this every single day to give a has to the palestinians displays and to the policy new tire being
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in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus placement. and surveys in the 1st situation in the global group is worsening, where at least half of the population of the causes 5th of all righty, starving. this isn't included as is either that or but is really subtle or as an occupied westbank of attack shepherds and injured a child in another attack, settlers damaged properties and set fire to a car and the ton of to the messiah settler attacks of increase since the war on gaza began rights groups accused is really government on police of ignoring the violence against palestinians. and there's really forces of carried out more overnight. raids in the palestinian city of the south of hebron. army vehicles were also seen entering the mulatto refugee camp near nablus. and the village just been
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in is a foot on the la as there have been demonstrations and tell a v of calling for the is really prime minister it to resign. benjamin netanyahu says that wouldn't help bring back the remaining captives housing guys up. he's vowing to launch a ground offensive and just off and says $1400000.00 displays palestinians, there can be moved north to hon. eunice, have this on how it's reports from tel aviv because there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign for elections to be held immediately. this, the largest anti government demonstration to be staged since october 7th. some of this 1000 intel of the trying to break through barriers here. the defense ministry quickly beaten down by 2 weeks versus the government inside your
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site. you're really everything that you really now it's designed for the safer to correct or the thing of the things that you have done in the past 20 years, almost across the street, families of is really captives held in gallon zone hold their 19th weekly rally, appealing for their negotiated safe return. i am here through night do called for the release of my by the and the rest of the hostages. and we have no time anymore . i called 4 days valley government or any government in the world to do something because we cannot wait anymore. we have to get them back as soon as possible. but nothing yahoo is refusing to see those calls while demonstrations were taking place to address the nation. come to the new our policies, deliberate and returned, kept us through military pressure. we have brought back 120 of them so far we will
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continue to so all of them are released. looks like a negotiations require steadfastness, and i must say to the people of israel, the demands of homos are ridiculous and silly. only one thing matters to them to the seat as well. we can progress once a mazda police, the compromises and gifts, concessions. i would like to say to the families of the captives, we will not forget our commitment to bring them back with the readers are saying that's what you're doing. and in fact, they had to relocate to right here in the early 5 months into the war. this and y'all whose popularity continues deployment is really protesters are valley to continue taking to the streets and to show of their disapproval for his government and this policy and this central jersey to tell us. okay, well now speak to honda. she's joining us from occupied east jerusalem,
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so as we saw on your report. nathan. yeah. who was under growing pressure from for testers to resign. but we know the is really cabinet is meeting uh right now or in the next few hours, what's on their agenda? as well, there's a lot on these really cabinets. the agenda, 1st and foremost, these demonstrations that were going on last night were not just for the release of the captives, but in fact they weren't anti government demonstrations calling for elections calling for these really prime minister to resign, saying that this right wing government in israel is not leading the country in the right direction. so on the agenda for the cabinet perhaps could be the issue of the captives in a deal to bring them back. and that's in yahoo himself has said that he has read lines, but he will not cross. he wants to deal to bring the box, but it won't come at any price. there are things he's not willing to compromise on . and he reiterated on saturday,
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but military pressure is still the only way to secure their release. now that's one agenda item, something else they could be discussing perhaps is the escalating situation on israel's northern border with regard to 11 on there has been an increase in activity a little bit more escalation in the north after and it's really female soldier was killed in the last few days, activity, continuous, rocket fire to the city of kitty edge bonus, so that could be something they're discussing as well. in fact, these really military releasing a statement this morning saying that they had several targets in southern lebanon. there's also the issue of the palestinian state. now let's and yahoo has said he would do anything in his power to block those. he, i'm, his government are against this and it comes on the heels of the us secretary of state. speaking of that security conference in munich saying that there was an extraordinary opportunity for these rallies to integrate into the region with their arab neighbors. but it would come at the cost of
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a palestinian state. and he is really at this time have reiterated that that is simply not going to happen. there's also the issue of address law is roles, potential round invasion that is in pending. it's an yahoo himself has said that in order for there to be a total and complete victory in this more the ground invasion needs to happen. all this comes despite international pressure and calls for reservations because of just how many palestinians are there and where they are. supposed to go in the meantime, so a lot on the agenda for these really governments as the pressure continues to mount on the country's prime minister. okay, thank you. a honda sometimes reporting from occupied east jerusalem. a consumer head on the houses. there is our, including the sinking city in libya where contaminated water is rising from the ground to make many homes uninhabitable. how much off makes
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a winning return from injury from difficult stores? the 1st african leaders are holding discussions on the conflicts facing the content and during the to day african union summits. israel's war on gaza took center stage on the 1st day of the meeting with a strong showing of solidarity. the a you commission chairman has warned a bleak picture of talks do not lead to a breakthrough on what she says or litany of difficulties ensued on the democratic republic of congo. and the whole region mohammed vol is joining us now from this of us. so what kind of discussions are we expecting today from it? there is a continuation of those discussions not to face yesterday, even though many of the lead us off or the left at the,
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at the top of up. but the delegations are still here. that will be a communicate at the end of the day, but there are no major expectations that that would be like big decisions or any change, any big flu we have seen during the last couple of days before this time. it's possible even do the assignments such as yesterday, read off the can lead is like president, she's a k d and the present to comment seeing each other face to face across the items of the, of the same room and even exchanging strong was without a, a subsequent attempt on the part of the a you to bring them together or to create any kind of approach small we have seen or saw those statements back and forth between the 2 options and the at the somebody's with regards to the spot over the, the deal with some on the land. so the, the criticism here is not the a, you has a visit itself with internal issues,
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fucked. all the other forms and financial issues. but has no type, has not indicated enough time to the crucial problems of insecurity in the continent. and particularly the conflicts of raging in many, many possible off of africa. we have just had a chance to speak with the and we will. yeah, he's, the spokesman of the company is government. and he told us a little bit about what took place in the summits with regards to the situation between or one to and the congo, the democratic republic of congo. you can listen to the we've been thinking about bringing this between 0 see, and one to 4 years now. and i think i'm not really moving because we know for the past 20 years, even almost 30 years or present. i gotten me was making sure there's prompt of the receipt is and some or so we can continue to to stay alone, you know, resources when it came year in i this i believe i, we have a meeting with the prisons on the on board and president wisdom and yet told
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between the both countries. and then there was this top of the meeting were the presence, just in case you made a tier that these war didn't come from 0 see 1st. and that prison can mean stop killing people and attacking the distrust it can be inside your city. because of these motivation so you see what's going on here is like talking heads of states having opportunity to talk see during these sessions, but it's not the structural or organized attempt to create solutions to, to, to reach solutions. the u has been very critical of itself. if it's mechanisms of the way it approaches things. we heard the, the chapman of the commission yesterday saves us 90 percent of the decisions taken by the a you have enough to be implemented during the last 3 years. so or even the decisions on the hop already being taken, half not be implemented countries,
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i'm not giving them the financial contributions to the are you on most of the funding is coming from outside. so the organization has been busy trying to fix itself and doesn't have enough time on this. it's going to do a dispute ticket of somebody to look at the big issues. and the edge of the issue was like, was even though they have you discussed what know solutions has been that would know there was not enough time to dictate to, to really have break sourcing this it a go. okay, thank you. mohammed val reporting from august of there is another meeting taking place. that's a new one meeting on the ongoing crisis. and i've done this done and that's underway and cuts are, but taliban leaders are not attending you on member states and special envoys on i've gone to stein are holding 2 days of discussions in the house on the agenda. our engagement with the taliban government, as well as united syrian aid. the united nations has drawn up a plan to help the people of,
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of gone as done. it asked owners for $3200000000.00 to implement. it's planned to provide basic needs like food and sanitation, but you want officials say they've only received less than a 3rd of that. they've identified 29200000 people who are in need a few monetary and assistance. but say they've only been able to reach 20800000 or some a bunch of a there's joining us from capital. and we know, i mean this meeting is taking place and cats are a som on you're joining us from campbell but, but the tyler bond we understand has been invited, but not attending. why is that? but according to the top to bottom, the not attending because they're not being seen as the sort of representatives of goodness on not is point or to the fact that they're not recognized as the legitimate government on this one and 2 and a half years. this is another meeting of another coming together of donors and agencies and various functions living outside of abundance on varies. and you're
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working inside of the sun as well as getting this and others to try and jot out a future for i've done this time. but it is as one different not put it from the neighboring countries. the other one is on an exercise in futility. because at the bottom enough that they would not invite to the last meeting that was held by the united nations. this time, they were not invited as the representatives of about a son, and that seems to be the key issue has that the follow up on our, off the, the international community that it's been 2 and a half years. you've done what you've had and refresher us as you good. but now it is time to come back to the table and talk to us as the people who are in charge of of understand that the people who are making decisions for millions of outcomes and not is not the case. it's not about are also adamant that they want this full of sanctions regime against them to be taken out. they want the lifting of the blacklist and others on the, on demand details as well as the releasing of funds. and again, on the other side where the donors this,
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i think they see them as of dressing on various aspects of on society, including women's rights and the right for girls education. all right, thank you. a solvent job have reported from campbell the still ahead on the i'll just there is our crack down on mourners and russia following the just as the opposition leader election of all the police make thousands of the arrests will have the latest from, of the frustration for harland, as manchester cd slip in the race for the premier leak titles that story and more coming up and support the the others who were expecting decent snow for skiing and february been bit disappointed because we've had a progression and a series of federal system to come across from the atlantic mat costs for the city
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womack, they do drop some snow, but typically pretty readily stuff. and of course it's writing for most of us. most of know you're right is a case of get on sunday, running through england across into belgium, low countries ahead of it, probably some snow in the no way. the big picture shows it keeps moving east with. so by the end of the day, it's got to be raining in the north of germany as well. the tail of lights is right and goes through from look at the temperatures were up into the teams 15 in london . now submitted the code in a strip of eastern poland, but to be honest, most of europe is enduring. this right would warmer weather than it ought to. and that's true all the way down to the mountains and smart b as in state. but there's not very much of it, and quite often that's accompanied by folk on ski slips. however, act to weather also kicks up in dry pumps to build the site. and so there's a warning of potential sandstone that will jerry and dance with mauritania throughout the rest. of sunday, because of the strength of the wind and across the hill,
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the breeze is still enough to pick up dust and sand into the sky. otherwise is quite warm. the, the, the latest news palestinians are not only queuing to got bread and water, but they're also doing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hearts of the story. i wrote books to the cemetery, there is no tombstone for them, but he's determined that the names will be never forgot. with details coverage, the said was on the veterans, tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of these by the all me the with ukraine a father sunk like a mother and children can this ton of the seas future when the sky is full, the site is without,
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and the decrease escaping the dog with just the the again, here's a reminder of the top salons on the al jazeera news. our is really forces have conducted a tax across the gall. so killing at least a $127.00 people in the last 24 hours. and this includes targeting agricultural lands which is used to shelter, displace palestinians. the palestinian prime minister says western leaders need to
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apply more pressure on israel to end the war on gaza. how much they make the comments if in unit security conference on the final day of the summit, the head of the world health organization says the last set hospital in southern gaza is no longer functional. to address gabrielle says, nearly 200 patients are still trust in the facilities. at least 20 of whom need urgent medical attention will not speak to a doctor or somebody mover that'd be who is the head of the plastic surgery and burns department in northside hospital. doctor, and we're going to be, you're joining us now from what i saw. i understand that you manage to evacuate from a northside hospital earlier this week. tell us what you saw. yes . yes, yes, thank you. uh, you know, uh how should, uh, it goes to the my son's lucky, actually to managed to escape from this, this cheap board and red things that was to be done as all of you know, it is, i need you to decide these, these are, you know,
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side invading bills because it is as usual side icon, 3 lead and there is no orders to describe you about the hold or that we all with that we would facing me on my stuff and my family of old people and my patients, the life it is edita or what is, what the, what was happening on shouting, we all have screaming since a long time and i'm telling you are the off the visit. oh, don't mind if you just do. you have to see us telling, seeing all seeing this city 0 saw i have anything in front of your eyes on nothing, nothing. just side on the silence. that is ordering me the color stuff. i've been authorized to be done. all the stuff, i'm lucky because i escaped. but there is it everybody did what i did a horrible. did it show that might be at the what is that? well,
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it's the beginning at the beginning of the $130.00 um thursday i was i visited the floor. what is my family to also stay in a we use a lot of what job the, all of the old out of the old around the then also over our heads of most of those to be done there with all seeing, all store you get to evacuated, those to be sent immediately. then i realized that sort of thing. where to go where the had been. all thought of is. exactly, i don't, i don't, i would like to wait. um there's this. are you ready to get explosions? the bottom the, the floor with i mistake with my, my family, the bottom, the, the, the orthopedic departments. i took my, my, my phone i, i kept shot at the video. i had to go to the exams on videos for the did, but is the, was for the small and just be bored. it was like ios. it's like i've just been there, but if i did, i didn't get it and then i change my scrub. are they we have with this mike, all this other talk, my family and i know we're from those to be done with the some over the can as well
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. i'm at the get those to be that are about 15 minutes out of it was actually born with bags with dogs, with a desire to solve jobs. and then with shaking everybody who actually you went to from dallas without outside been a while, especially did with special government was at this time. can you, can you imagine that it is night and cold shivering. what a skinny meg you know, based on i have is valid vision, so couldn't war with me dr. him over the notes of the news. busy on me, yeah, it's difficult to comprehend how it was. this is the icon. i can hear you listening to your stories. it's difficult to comprehend how this is allowed to happen, but you were mentioning that they took all your colleagues. can you just clarify what's happened to your colleagues that, nah, said hospital and also what's happened to the patients there?
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the w h o seems to say that there are about 200 patients were left inside the hospital. do you have any information about their status? yes yes, just yes. yes. some of the visions managed actually to is that good, those to be done by that is to have the patients actually remained up. i see you and to be did and they would vis benefits. maybe the parts that we already bought. we managed to get some vision on so from building the building, we managed to move some vision from building the room, one building the building. as i needed to invite you to enter the, the, the that was to be tied up that, that might, that it is bid, or that he may own or already mentioned to me that kind of stuff. my colleagues story mean that those be done. all of them actually all with this did. so that is that is for the me that get his stuff, but this is not complete. i just the 100 beside me. this is boring. they took
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my notice, they took my notice beside me and they don't mind the notice of my, the bottom it was, my son bookstore is that you booked also. do you want that is the book that name is not mentioned and that is lots of ridiculous stuff. actually, i mean, that is the what do you make then of the is really claims when they say that they read the last set of hospital because they're acting on intelligence without providing evidence. but they are acting on intelligence that the bodies of some of the is really captives might be there. and i, i guess now, you know, you know, they, they, they, they, they, they the, the, the idea of the idea of and they, they, they are a lie of the layout. maybe maybe we have seen what they have done as you, but i think it is. it has to be the one actually that that order to be does not. so it has to be. that is, is the man wants to be. the other one is uh, sell those guys on. the thing is if you need,
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i need someone to invent this supposed to be done. what, what kind of reason, what kind of reasons the light out. oh, what kind of reason. 2 they want to do this, they just storage everything. everything that says they want to destroy everything without. i mean he is on the guns, they lie, or are there any functioning? has hospitals left remaining in con eunice? a spin, one lonely is yeah. supposed to be that 0 gun gonzalez to be done this the all new is to be done now to mean functions, but most of those with a lot out of service is not functioning. what should be done? it does, it is, it is, you know, side enjoy the just and good things always to be. that is, that is, you know, size if you don't to speak about it but is about this thing, be the kind of stuff. so why don't you, what, why the, why this to be the color stuff about 100, why didn't you, why i'm by the way of diabetes in my noticed the well,
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what was behind what was beside me next to me. ok, they what you can go and they took him and they ask him actually to take off on only throw this at midnight. a blow as cold as they came on. i i, i, i was, yeah, i was listening to him. he was a screaming good also a inside. he was screaming because if it used to beat him a doctor, i find them over to be uh, it's difficult to know what to say to you, but we will have to leave it there. we thank you so much for coming on air with us and telling us what you witnessed and what you have been through us, and also at hospital. thank you. the in russia, a floral tribute to the opposition leader. alexa, nev only has been destroyed flowers, late in st. petersburg at the monument to victims of political repression,
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were removed by an identified people overnight. other attributes are also reported to have been destroyed. police arrested russians trying to mourn and cities nationwide, prison officials. second of all, new died from what they call sudden death syndrome in an arctic penal colony on friday. daniel hawkins is joining us from moscow. so daniel, what are you hearing about the investigation 1st of all into and have all these to this one is pretty hard to gauge at the moment where exactly that investigation stands because of course, russian all thirties remains laws. nissan gordon states. as soon as the announcement of nobody's death 2 days ago, the information we own guessing is from the valleys team. the valley is lawyers who say that's yesterday and about and his mother the meal i visited, the penal call anyway, son died and she received official notification of her sons best. the question now
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remains is what is going to happen on where is alex and about his body by law, the president service has to give it to his family. what his lawyers are saying, know, is that they've been told by the investigative committee that they all retain his body for further investigation to carry out for the autopsies, to determine an official cause of death, which as of yet officially, has not been given. that can only be carried out could only be given, pending the finishing of that investigation. now that could take by law up to several weeks if this is a complex case. so this could take some time. and that's a little comfort, of course, being of always family. there were desperately seeking offices as to what exactly happened in the penal colony and rushed as follows. so we also saw hundreds across the country, detains when they were attempting visuals on saturday. i mean, how likely are we to see more protests in the coming days? do you think it's well, i think it's possible we can see a further out for
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a brief before the people attending more visuals. if that information on the investigation is released, we do know that people have tended visuals in as many as 36 rushes russian cities. and eventually police were allowing people to come out and laid out flowers and candles and photographs. but yesterday we also saw many people being arrested and detained, not for it as a being. so it can, it is very widely by a certain rushing media out on telegram channels. uh, what russian human rights organization says, as many as 400 people more. what arrest that across the cities though, authorities haven't come into they've not given any officials. they've been themselves. a people are going to be quite worried about attending any sort of big process. because of course, it's very heavily regulated here in russia, by local authorities, but also a very quick to warrant people not cite parts and inception bodies. and another point to remember is, of course, in the mountains, organizations have officially been banned. they've been made the legal and they've
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been designated as extremist by russian or solid. he's, i'm not, couldn't make the consequences of being associated with these organizations very serious. and the, there's been no cases, there's been no legal precedent of protest is being charged with extremism. simply for attending these visuals, but certainly that's going to have concerns of people that wish to come out and pay their respects to elect saying about it. all right, thank you. daniel hopkins reporting from moscow. the most of the city in northern libya which is being claimed by raising ground water. the water is threatening the foundations of people's homes. many people have been forced out by a rising tide, a sewage malik train a report terms between we're experts are puzzled by the potential environmental disaster. how much is god? his home was flooded last month. he and most of his neighbors were forced to leave the ground still what were leisure by the yep. when i came back home,
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there was an early fix smell. the entire house dropped about 7 centimeters. they were corrects. and the walls and ceilings the water didn't come from rainfall, but from under his home, ground water has been rising across areas in sleeping, flooding neighborhoods and damaging homes up the as one says it's shifted the foundations of his home. so the way out of the house, but the because of the war to the roof and was, was separated from the found issues throughout the entire home, you know, just to my home. but all my neighbors, we pump the water out by the just comes back, the house would fall at any time. the government is renting small apartments to house out the others were displaced. experts across libby, i don't know exactly what's causing the ground water to rise. but they attribute to flooding to climate change, inadequate infrastructure and above average rainfall in recent years. the annual man uh yesterday $10.00 to $15.00 families were forced out of their homes and more
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families are expected to be evacuated. we brought to condemn except experts in geology and related fields from across the country. so we can put together a comprehensive report on the causes and put solutions to the government. most homes in the city with a population of around 320000. you septic tanks, the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage and that's because according to city officials, less than 6 percent of the homes and with an arc next due to the government sewage network. the contaminated water is raising concerns waterborne diseases will spread . the government has sent in teams to help these men have been extracting more than 1200000 leaders a day from this area for more than 2 weeks. most of the former, how many heads the emergency committee in sleeping right now we're working on temporary, fast fix is the government's bringing in for an experts to help. but we're also
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working on medium and long term solutions. and despite all these efforts, the water keeps on rising, and more people are likely to find themselves forced out of their homes, mount china, l. 0 sweeten. there is increasing alarm, and sidney in australia after 2 or schools were found to be contaminated with his best. those, the toxic construction material which causes lung disease has already been found in $34.00 sites in the city. within the past month. they include other schools, hospitals, and housing estates. still ahead on the all to 0 news our he may be 52 years old. this surface so he still finds what it takes to compete at the highest level. or it's coming up to joe. it's for the vis medical facility in the man, incidents, coughing so hard to him is
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a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people. every day, and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapid support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i took care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many invest fixing volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to bone level by the conflict.
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the, the, the the, the sports news here is 23, and thank you very much. just today, often sending power surge mountain he wants to leave at the end of the season, came in and bought by a school for p. s g as a chase, a record extending 12 french sneak title. the front striker was dropped from the starting lineup for the match against notes of the told the cop he intends to end his fixing the hockey a student with them. he's linked with a move to round the trip, but in bath i came off the bench to score penalty and c o 2 knew when it means p. s g, a 14 points clear of me at the top. it's to now my just as he both pep, claudia says he's confident in holland will rediscover his goal scoring abilities or if you failed to come,
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but any of his 9 shots during that role with chelsea on saturday, holland to reset even time for me 2 months out with a broken foot 6 on 16 legals this season. it was pretty much if you man, he's darling who put chelsea head for the break. but re schooled late home to rescue a point for his side. but at least the champions inside with a game in hand. full points behind z does livable. and holland was that frustrated, especially with a camera man. got a bit to place for his liking. that was a football play. i play 11 years this quarter, 11 goes, i want to start one go this season. this might start. so another pro part meant to give advice is about the structure, but had to do so. we've had to times if you had the chance and them the say to say next games going to school was behavior tons, mom and solve played his 1st match box a little pull in weeks. having recovered from an injury, he picks up with agent to the effort to come nations and he got on the score sheet and that for one, when i have
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a friend said also remain 2 points. the drift of the pool and 2nd officer, they thrashed brunley 5 mill bouquet, a sock of school twice. and what was that full suite in a row? nicole and sets aside have bounced for 11 goals and 2 matches of beating west time 6. now last week, much as in germany were disrupted by fun. protests on saturday, supposes through tennis balls for the 5 games that the match between cold and voted breyman remote controlled cause were launched onto the page to stop play funds in germany. angry about puns to sell the legs, media rights to an outside investor. meanwhile, blend is the latest by a labor piece and much the job and rep who referred you to games without defeat to cross school competitions. they made a heightened time to one and now cit, 8 points. claire find munich, who play on sunday in spain, bustler left it late to be it's delta v go to one to stay inside robot. and even though ski school just the full health time to make it one know there's some light
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control macias false, or would it a penalty? 7 dusky misses his 1st penalty take. the goalkeeper was deemed to be of his line. the poles in school and successfully best 7 points of leaders, round, literate christiana, rinaldo school. his 1st style, the probably goal of 2024 at c. l. nasa team beat alpha access to one. it was his fellow portuguese international tab. you his full best 2nd goal. now full points of leaders out loud. and these pictures a heading for a huge victory and that the test against england and that as long as the down to 22 year old. yes, but i think joyce, well, he smashed the 3 sixes in a row on his way to an unbroken double century and do the credit on 430 for 4 and that set england an unlikely winning target. a 557. they are 76, the 7 in response to this well, number to call us across has stuff at a shop defeat at the origin
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t not open the 20 year old spaniard was defending champion and born a slightest, it pulled off some trademark shots in the semi final against chiles. nicholas jarring. it was already, you came out on top winning the match and $0.02, and now face home, crowd favorite under the acosta in the final across is not one of the types of last year. when the one you get shown, tech has been crowned to the council, opened champion for the 3rd time in a row of to she beat elaina. they're back in i in straight sets, it was a close the full 1st set that took an hour and a half, but it was the post full time for on. so i'm going to take it into time break. 22nd straight set. she hasn't dropped in doha. the 2nd sets was most straightforward, shown tech tickets 6 to becoming the 1st player ever to lift the same as south and trophies 3 times in arise. take the time of off a $1000000.00 is the results. you don't even know hardly what's meant to think
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about it. you know, i came here and i was just, you know, really stressed because of that because i feel the expectations. but um, yeah, i wanted to just do everything step by step because i always do. and again, it works. so i think you, you know, the team also through keeping me on the ground and focusing on the right stuff. cuz yeah, but you're doing that is of is great. do you know patrick kinda plays them on to catch it goes genesis invitational. he hasn't to shortly tag into the final round with his good friends on the shelf play and wills of the tourist type. the 2nd place, the, when it will get $4000000.00, and he may be 52 years old, but kelly slater is still mixing it with the best stuff is out there the 11 time. well, champion has reached the round of $32.00 of the sunset beach events in hawaii, the right that is like a spokesman. i would just fight during. all right, thank you so much, joe. and thanks for watching the news. our analogies are on this ronald's with you in just a moment and much more of the jason isn't all the latest headlines out of got stopped by
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the the man was 71 year old courteous reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day, we just went back to watching the previews, thinking everything was over, like okay, manager's gonna come up, so keep your phone way that would be at. but that's not what happened. not at all. when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? a movie hasn't even started and he was just nasty surveillance footage is chattering popcorn. it reads immediately fired a pistol and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down. and from there
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a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about him. the truth is when it got shot, the computer irritated. i'm a nurse, here's the point. i'm just trying to make sure the size. i said with a child died less than an hour later just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the child does not die from the bombing. he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square meter continue without having
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a hostages right now. the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. the wave of, of the nicest lady. so i can at least a 127 hours today is across because in the past 24 hours, including 7 members of one family in dropbox, the hello on elizabeth put on them. and this is i'll just say are live from does. how? so coming up the head of the world health organization condemns as well as refusal


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