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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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debates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia despite repeated efforts and international mediation. only about 400 children have been with us. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian. children helping them recover the the here watching the news, our live from headquarters until 530. you navigate a, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. a 127 people and guys are killed by is really air strikes and 24 hours, including 7 members of one family in the rough off. the head of the world health organization condemns israel for borrowing esteem from treating patients after the loss of the hospital. green mills across garza stopped working as owners,
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a lot of fuel is preventing them from supplying much needed weeks and corn. 2 people are killed in raids by is really forces into and cut them in the occupied wes, thing i'm doing is just go with the sports as india is cricket, as much england. and as the tests they win by 434 runs series. the hello in the last 24 hours, the is really military has killed a 127 people in gaza. launching a series of airstrikes across the strip in northern the real fast 7 people had been killed from one family, including women and children. the family were displaced early in the war and were seeking shelter. india alpha bombings, also targeted agricultural lands being used to shelter this place. palestinians we
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have had them before joining us alive from bluff off for an update on these deadly air strikes that have taken place. honey, across the street, particularly focused on data and by yes, we're, what we're seeing is a storage of the air strikes on the send from the area. so that's technically happened when does really military announce the suspension of village or action in one area? it actually goes ahead and pounds another area. he really would relentless areas wrecked, and that's what happened in didn't. but since the 3rd day of the a there late afternoon hours, massive airstrikes, a targeting. and they'll say the rest of the g can, as well as the city of dillard, but including an evacuation center. a school lights, an honor was school. and with that turned into an evacuation centered for the hundreds of people who led the horror of the wars either from this property, the neighboring refuge account,
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or from god. the northern part of the reports of several injuries all reported to it from day back ocean send a reporter to a lot of hospitals, but those deadly attacks on the central in the area, including the rafters. you can cause the dis of almost $62.00 people at the same time, all the stimulus, tenea, flu, relentless mazda, various tribes, targeting, northern part of gauze, a city, a densely populated neighborhood, the city with one neighborhood, and western part of gauze as they, as well, leaving at least 50 people killed in civil injuries. now the tragedy of those injuries. there isn't a function of the operational heads facility in the entire gonzo de know the parts to receive this number of injuries. so their faith and their life is that stress because there's no medical surfaces whatsoever available in over not attacked and right by city. not only over crowded displays population largest traumatized, but also coming under heavy bombardment, 7 people to from one family sheltering in a residential on skim. under gives mazda,
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various drag that killed 7 members of the family. the remaining members were all the critically injured rush to it. and his daughter hospice on some of them at the risk of losing their life because of the absence of sufficient medical intervention, then sufficient number of medical staff inside the hospital on top of that. it's an already exhausted over whelmed hospital. yes. speaking of hospitals will give her a view as an update on that and also hosp beforehand. you stand by for just a moment because the head of the world health organization says that and also at hospice. what in southern garza is no longer functional. and this is after a week long siege by the is really military and a post on social media platform x. the w h o chief says that their team wasn't allowed to enter the hospital to assess the conditions of patients and their critical medical needs. despite reaching the compounds, he says that there are still about 200 patients inside the hospital, at least 20 of who need to be urgently refer to other facilities to receive health care. and he says that the cost of delays will be paid by patients' lives about
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access to the patients that hospital should be facilitated. so having the w h show clearly concerns and raising the alarm about what's happening at the last hospital even saying that they're being stopped from entering and seeing patients. what are you hearing about the situation at the last said right now, this is the lives of now, this does not forget what this really minutes are. you has the allies in order to form the hospital all baseless, what's without any substantial evidence whatsoever to justify storming an entire health facility and pushing it out of service more than. 6 1, it is now under military, these not only preventing the delegation by the w chose this specific was inside the house because that already over wells power facility, very dire situations,
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terms of the medical services available in terms of the, the operations inside the intensive care unit or the incubators. in general, we look at a hospital, it's a place of healing that just turned into a deadly zone dominated by this really military. and also there's really a monitor and it's faded invading forces. it keeps locking day and rate of very relieved on boy to trucks. one goes with medical supply, that's not the sir is there by the license, desperately needed for the patient side and the injuries. and the other one, if you will, just do get the power generators going out and provide supply electricity to the. 5 i did the intensive care unit on the incubator, but there's a risk right now we're done going a lot blockade on this release. couldn't void and preventing the team that definitely had showed team to me from assessing the situation. the live of 200 patients, an injured inside the hospital are at risk just 2 hours ago. we interviewed a doctor from the hospital and he describes the
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hospital was a storm and it's still continuing. he managed to iraq with the injuries many patients with critical not only being held in mind is really really 3, but repeated on torture. okay, honey, i'll keep you there for a moment. i'll be coming back to you in a few minutes because we in fact, did interview a doctor, a doctor asked me to remove it. i'll be who's the head of the plastic surgery and burns department at the north side. hospital who is now evacuated. but he describes what happened after is really troops rated the complex. a good thing though is to be done as all of you know, it is a junior side, it is a general side, invading those because it is as you will side icon, 3 lead. and there is no orders to describe you about the whole or that we all with the that we would facing me on my stuff. and my family of old people and my patients that like it is edita horrible. what is, what, what was what was happening on shouting, we ought to screaming seems
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a long time. and i'm telling you are the house, the visual don't mind if you just do, you have to see us doing, seeing all seeing this 30. so i have anything in front of your eyes and nothing, nothing. just started on the silence. that is on me, the color stuff. i've been authorized to be done. all the music on this stuff. i'm lucky because i escaped. but there isn't anybody the did show that my it's difficult to comprehend how this is allowed to happen, but you were mentioning that they took all your colleagues. can you just clarify what's happened to your colleagues at northside hospital and also what's happened to the patients there? the w h o seems to say that there are about 200 patients were left inside the hospital. do you have any information about their status?
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yes yes, just yes. yes. some of the visions managed actually it was a good those to be done bought. that is the patients actually me and i see you and to be did and they would vis benefits. maybe the parts that we already bought, we managed to get some vision on. so from building the building, we managed to move some vision from building go from one building. the other building as it is that i need it to invite you to enter the, the, the that was because of the, that my, that it is did a very me own all of that a minute for me, that kind of stuff. my colleagues told him in that those to be done, all of them actually all with listed. so that is, that is for the music of this stuff. but this is not simply i just bill out loud 100 beside me. this is boring. they took my notice, they told me i noticed it beside me and it's of mine, the middle of my, the bottom it was my son bookstore is that you booked also. you want that is that both their names, but the incident that is most of ridiculous stuff actually. i mean, that is the,
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what do you make then of the is really claims when they say that they read at a loss at hospital because they're acting on intelligence without providing evidence. but they are acting on intelligence that the bodies of some of the is really captives might be there. maybe maybe we have seen what they have done as you, but i think it is. it has to be the one actually that that was a good that mazda elizabeth. that is, is the man was to be the owners of those guys on this. they need, i need is 1200. this was to be done. what, what kind of reason? what kind of reason the out. oh, what kind of reason? just they want to do this. they just sort everything, everything. that's it. they want to destroy everything without. i mean he is on the guns a layout. and we've heard that is really forces have now announced that they will temporarily suspend military activities for a few hours
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a day in neighborhoods of stuff and dated by so the military spokes person said that fighting will pause for 4 hours on different days. the intermittent pauses and fighting are to begin on sunday and ends on friday let spring. and rory challenge from occupied easters when to tell us more about this announcements worry. yeah. so this says just come from uh the is ready, minute, 3 and uh for the rest of this week from sunday, 3. so friday on each day that will be a full hour pause in the fight. thing from 10 am local time in the morning to 2 pm, and these will be taking place in different parts of gaza on each day one positive cause on each day we'll get that low and the 5 2nd sites, the most of them are going to be in the rafa area up until says day. and then friday's pause and the fight thing will be in a pothole daryl bella area. now,
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the ostensible reason for this is so that the people in those areas can get re supplies with food and other essentials box. there is of course this huge question all is, well, yes, maybe if they can get about safely enough to go and resupply get food and other essentials, they would have to be able to get those things. but that is, of course the, he's got a question that he used. i thought that before i started many gardens at the moment, does kind of city ends in gaza. where does that guy food and stuff comes from? is there enough of it? and clearly the number of trucks going into gaza at the moment is way down, way down on what it was before the war. now, will you be speaking to co gap, which is the all sorts the part of the ministry defense, the overseas coordination of government affairs within the occupied territories.
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that is having us that between an average of about $200.00 trips of a to day. again, for instance, this, it gets full of the 16th the few days ago, the 16th of february is at a 129 trucks went in to food of medical supplies, of shelter, a fuel that sort of thing. and bots. there were holes in the we have from inside cause a is that the so real number of truck's getting in is, is much lower than bass. and anyway, even if that number work out against the pre war levels of aid and supplies and commercial goods going in to to cause every day was about 800 trucks. so you can see that deficit. why that secretion on the ground. okay, well ray, thank you for that update from occupied eastern. so let's put all of this to our corresponding tiny, who's joining us from what i found. so, i mean, if indeed these pauses are adhered to by, by the is really forces on the ground. what impact is it going to make on people and does that because people are growing more and desperate by each hour because of
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the lack of age. yes. well the only impact, so these pauses have on people right now is equivalent to a 0. nothing whatsoever. positive coming from these pauses, a suspension of the reactions because we're seeing it in on you and this was in it in the northern part on garza city. a particular word it comes to human to turn a people. it's true. people are now in the streets, but we're looking at the rubble fold roads between the children looking for a scrap, the fluid markets are empty. and if, if goods are available, there are at a very high price. not everyone can buy or doesn't have the capacity to be honest with you to buy these no payroll, no salary for close to 5 months. now financial capabilities are draining. so the fact that people don't have this part to do any of this,
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it's pretty much useless for them. on top of that, the number of the trucks to be not allowed so far is so little compared to the actual needs. even the number reach is 200 or 300 or even 300 trucks per day. it is still not enough for an entire population, have been displaced, traumatized, i didn't need desperately in need of the sun shows and we're talking about only people here in over a crowded roof. i city that the situation to another part on god. so there is an actual fam and people resorted to eating and plants and animals to be just to stay alive because it just list that a trickle amount of food and humanitarian aid or number of attracts, been allowed to do the parts. in addition that the whole, the whole a mechanism is still broken and starting from the clear on. so the check points and the crossing and the kind of a sudden crossing to the fact that the crew on the ground,
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whether they are operated, managed by united nations for power. is there a few other international organization? they don't have any safety. there is 0 safety guarantee for their work on the ground and for the designated location. most of the time these a do not get to these locations. okay, honey, thank you so much for that reporting from what i found in the south of the gulf history in the north of gaza. the mill now stands silence because of israel's military, offensive as alger zeros and a city for ports the community there has been left in despair, especially on this origin. if he doesn't have a, we are now inside one of this central mills in northern casa hundreds of thousands of citizens use. this smell to grind folder, barley and corn meal has stopped working. because old types of grain have run out of markets in north garza and the mill has run out of fuel as well, which has added to the suffering of these people. now you would just go in there.
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it was going to have your logo there, keys food, and locked the keys up. there's no freeze. the price of $1.00 bag of feet today has reached more than 3 times, some shackles or more than a $1000.00. a bag of barley is becoming very difficult to find a bag of corn costs more than 700 shackles. the diesel also does not exist at all, and its price is more than $600.00 check of if it exists. this means that if you find the grains you will not find diesel. let me check why the fed 60. i swear to god that i have searched everywhere in the market and i didn't find anything to grind. we adults can be patients and one or 2 dates will be enough for us. but what about children with most of the hungry and we have nothing to offer them. yeah, no money has no value today. khan hope you find great. well, i know as of 6 in the morning, i've been searching for food for the children without success. we only hear about humanitarian aid, but we haven't received anything. the war is not killed as yet, and it seems that we will die of hunger. we can't find food, this is my injured brother. there is no transportation available to take him to
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where he needs to be treated. there are no roads. there is no fuel. there is no flower, one kilo a flower reach, 75 shackles, one tilo of rice used to cost to shackles, but today it costs 35. we don't have money. so what can we do? we need to feed our children. this is, this is the situation here in north gaza. the siege is tightening on the people due to israel's refusal to alarm. she went tearing. 8 hunger here was very cruel to citizens who struggled to find the bare minimum to keep them alive. the citizens here suffer a lot for days. they can not get a single meal. youtube did ridiculous prices, and scarcity of materials that should be available here. and it's a chevy, if i just got off. hi, i'm w. the palestinian prime minister says russia has invited the palestinian factions to talks and moscow later this month. speaking on the last day of the munich security conference and how much they said that the palestinian authority is
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willing to attend. but he's not sure whether from us is ready to engage world leaders of herbs, israel to allow humanitarian a to enter is all on the palestinian prime minister tools out to 0 european countries present in unit cold, different views on age. there is no unity in europe, and hope all is that the united states has continue to support its file under united states. but it unfortunately is planning to use a veto on tuesday to look at energy and proposal to quote, for seized by our united states. has not been quoting for us, expired and obviously united us this one still give insight over the green light to continue. or at least i thought that there's nothing somebody that is competing against our people and goes out the europeans. i don't say that the out of a divided the different point of views, but i think every by the cords for an immediate because of the fight thing and so on. we don't want on the boys. and for us is not only enough to bring food into
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goes that is, and is it a jump to being bored? but what is the point of providing somebody done out? i'm been kidding him in the water. so we need international aid that goes into guys . i should be hand in hand with ending the edge on his side and beckoning that the site is conducting against our people. and the roots of the problem is somebody to provision. it's not the fence that is sounding that, i mean it's, there's lady thinks that there's hope you're buying goza. is this the basic science that's in the heart of disability on my law and everything that if you come in every single village and that's what in that is what is encouraging decide to continue on with thing. these crimes. is this the support by system copies of the supports would stop and these people should understand that it's what it does not listen. it's like needs to be heard through sanctions. and that's the only way of corresponding stuff. austin spoke with the belgian for administer at the conference . she asked her about the belgian government's view of the war on garza. it's crystal clear that's the proper answer to this conflict is not
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a military volume. we need to negotiate. we need to activate the diplomacy and that's exactly the message that hundreds, maybe thousands of people all delivering by the demonstration on the streets. and so we have to hear them. and as responsible as politicians, we have to work hard to find an agreement for a 2 state solution. this is the only way that we can tackle this problem properly. but the silence on the streets might have been very different then the sounds inside here. what, what, what was your feeling? just as i've heard the knots an optimistic overview, i mean, we heard to, to the degree stations on the going, well, i have heard also, nathaniel, who the primary service have prime minister. seeing that he will maybe launch
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a grown to a military operation. this is really alarming as there are a 1500000 population. civils populations was in the very difficult and disastrous situation. humanitarian access to go up to over there. so we also have to, we mind the on the decision of the international costs of chest, it's asking for a proper excess humanitarian access to, to guys. and so that should be respected. there was some unity i understand on the urgency of the situation and rough here in munich as well. but it is still this, the vision's within that you and also with your united states on its approach towards it's around how, how are you speaking, for example, or to show many determine a for a minister, for example, who has also been very much in support of minutes reaction in gaza for sure we are speaking to each other and we are going to discuss about this issue tomorrow in our
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foreign cars are considered a foreign affairs in brussels. and if he be on the top of the agenda as usual, seems to 7 of october. and despite the fact that's free off a different approach, we all know we want. we process the freight face, of course, press free to but we have to address this problem in um, for me in the li, go uh of of you i'm and what is your message to the german 4 minutes before you know when we see the thousands of civilians dying our way this to the 7th of august of a. we are now 28th thousands of us and essentially a women and children. this is a catastrophe. this is a humanitarian catastrophe. and it's also, it's also we present a threats for it. so we have of serving right now in all countries in european
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countries, a rise and system is our rise of rest isn't. so it's um, it's another of concerns for the entire will, by the way. and we root canal, a spillover with lieberman in a syria in iraq. in the red sea, we do who is launching, upsets, put, texting, protecting the, texting the sections of to defense, the policy. and the folks that, you know, it's only uh, open the door to any kind of extremism and the rug. the police is really settlers in the occupied westbank of attack shepherds, an injured a child in another attack, settlers damage properties and set fire to a car. and the town of to the most high, all subtler attacks of increase since the war on guys are begun. rights groups accused is really government on police, of ignoring the violence against policy means is really military has withdrawn.
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soldiers, officer 3 and a half, 3 a 3 hour rate onto and cut them in the occupied westbank. at least 2 palestinians have been killed and for injured. same personality isn't going to cut him. he explains how sunday's raid was carried out. they came in looking for a specific suspect. it took hours for these really forces numbering and the dozens multiple armor vehicles to get to this house where this man was hold up this 35 year old palestinian man who was killed. his body was taken away. he was killed in the ongoing rate, but it really does give us an idea of exactly how much resistance was put up by the residents of the camp. we saw tires burning, we saw smoke rising from various areas as make shift road blocks were set up to try to contain bee is really forces that were on the ground. helicopters flying overhead setting off swears there was some drone activity reported by witnesses as well. and what we do know is that in those classes aren't classes with palestinians residing in the camp, at least 2 israeli soldiers,
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witnesses say were injured and bleeding as a result of, of the classes that emerged during the operation for people for palestinians residing in the camps. were also injured, one of them critically, so a child and we know that this raid went on for several hours. it has just come to a close and off the back of the depths that happened this morning into the afternoon. the 2 more palestinian men killed in this rate, the total number of palestinians killed in raids in the occupied westbank which have seen an uptick since the war on god's will began since the events of october 7th. that total number now stands at $398.00. and there been demonstrations in tel aviv calling for the is really prime minister to resign. benjamin netanyahu says that wouldn't help bring back the remaining captives held in gaza. he's vowing to launch a ground defensive enough. and so as the 1400000 displace palestinians, there can be move north tucson, eunice desantos reports from tel aviv because
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there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign for elections to be held immediately. this, the largest anti government demonstration to be staged since october 7th. some of this 1000 intel of the trying to break through barriers here. the defense ministry quickly beaten down by the government inside your site. you're really everything that you really know what's inside for the safer to correct or the thing or the things that you have done in the past 20 years, almost across the street, families of is really captives held in gallon zone hold their 19th weekly rally, appealing for their negotiated safe return. i am here through night to call for the
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release of my bio and the rest of the hostages, and we have no time anymore. i called for these valley government or any government in the world to do something because we cannot wait anymore. we have to get them back as soon as possible. with nothing yahoo is refusing to see those calls while demonstrations were taking place. the address the nation, complete of the new, our policies, deliberate, the return, kept us through military pressure. we have brought back 120 of them so far. we will continue until all of them are released since negotiations require steadfastness, and i must say to the people of israel, the demands of hamas are ridiculous and silly. only one thing matters to them to the seat israel. we can progress once a mazda of police, the compromises and gifts, concessions. i would like to say to the families of the captives, we will not forget our commitment to bring them back with the readers. are saying
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that what is the and in fact they have to relocate to ride nearly of nearly 5 months into the war this. and y'all, whose popularity continues to plummet. is really protesters our valley to continue taking to the streets and to show of their disapproval for his government. and this policy, this central jersey to tell us. time for the weather here is rob. now, well, walter, exact raise a lot of moisture is very warm and south of hawaii 27 degrees on their paths. when that motion is pulled up in the fly with trade wind typically that it produces an increasingly persistent caught missouri river. if you are using the loss of writing this one, we call the pipeline express and you're used to it. now this is a current setup over the us masses of cloud,
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but much of it is in the west or the east was not much in the middle. this thing here is a bit most of our suspect are the great lakes and i'm terrier the next day. also, but the focus it's got to be what's coming into the pacific coast of the us. that product express always generates a large stove system. and we've already had, as you know, at least 3 this year which has produced flooding all the way down to southern california. but stretching it right up to british columbia, so that's the set up now. and so some physics, san francisco, and los angeles. choose to even buy tooth that you started for you reading fairly heavily. ways what ought to be welcomes therapy in the mountains right up into the rockies. and this is what eventually melts during the summer and produces california is also supplied. but unfortunately in february, that's a manager, right? also have gcs, funding looks like do so. once again, about the full time. it's still a head on the, i'll just it renews our cuts, our host, the un tall, some humanitarian crisis enough down to sun. but taliban leaders stay away again in
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sport and how much so last makes a winning return from injury from liverpool. that's coming up a little later unfinished like that. the hard hitting in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on. my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think look, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square meter
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without having a hostages. right now, the sped split the government of the country for texas on october 7th. this government fails miserably. of the the color we got here, the top stories on the elders, it renews our b is really military, has withdrawn soldiers after a 3 hour range on to have cut in the occupied westbank. at least 2 palestinians have been killed and for others injured. during the last 24 hours, the is really military has killed a 127 people in gauze off launching
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a series of airstrikes across the strip. in northern, the rough uh 7 people were killed from one families, including women and children. starvation is a worst thing problem across gaza. there were protests in japan. yeah. because of the lack of a that's getting into the strip. the when says palestinians in gauze are living in famine like conditions on with many facing starvation. community kitchens are one of the few sources of food for palestinians, but his hand to hold out a report from dated by the kitchens can provide only one meal per day. more than half of the population of the cause of truth is risk and some and how does the news nor many have 3 meals per day since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal. there is limited quantities of vegetables
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and there is no proof in the marcus a that is coming in of the causal strip is not reaching all of the people and people are starving and z. u. n has been warning that the garden population is at the risk of assignments we are in. as chris saw many in that is by the way, there had things to feed people indebted village displaced people and the neighbors of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking the center, so they're using what would fire? because there is no cooking. gus, this lentil soup is cooked without any vegetables because there is very limited number of festivals in the market because a lot of our culture of land has been either bonds or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced in agriculture and then so
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use of the chef told us that they are using onion powder and alternative to the onions. it says they start very early in the morning and people start this. they start distributing the fluid at a 12 at, in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fall, your, it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a search. how many do this every single day to give a heads to the palestinians displays and to the policy new tire being in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what's the can give to their p plus placement and starvation. the 1st
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situation in the cause of truth is worsening, where at least half of the population of the cause is 50 already starving. this isn't included as is either that or but the in russia of fury for beauty, the opposition leader election of only has been destroyed, flowers laid in saint petersburg at the monument. the victims of political repression were removed by an identified people overnight. other tributes are also reported to have been destroyed. police arrested russians trying to mourn and cities nationwide, prison officials. second of all need died from what they call sudden death syndrome in an arctic penal colony on friday. daniel hawkins is joining us from moscow. daniel, what more we learning about the investigation into and evolved these death?
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is there anything new it was due for more questions than on so surrounding the circumstances of alexa university's death, the russian authorities of remain blogs that we saw on it. and since they made the announcements just a couple of days ago, that they were very quick to condemn any speculation that allegations of government involvement in his posts. and we understand from his team from his lawyers, that cod information that's coming through them. i went that his mother visited the penal colony where her son was incarcerated yesterday. however, she couldn't get access to alexi and about his body. his team, us saying that they went to the town local towns mold. it wasn't bad. and eventually they said that the investigative committee of russia has told me they call and give the body back to the family until they've conducted further investigations, further autopsies to establish an exact cause of death. now that could take
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a couple of weeks perhaps more time. so certainly that is going to be very difficult period for, for that family, for them at least family, as they wait for more information as to what exactly happened on the seat offices as to what exactly will come next. and daniel, we understand that hundreds of people have been detained across the country who are attending vigils. so how likely that are we to see more protests in the coming days are real people just simply stay away? well, that's right. human rights groups in russia summed up that around 400 people have been arrested across was 30 cities in russia over the last 2 days. official sources haven't come into the on this. they haven't provided official figures, but this is what we're hearing from some media reports. i know position groups today appears to be more quiet. we've not seen the same level of activity around the memorials, individuals that it was sets up across the city. so it like saying of only it's
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unlucky we're going to see any sort of protests regarding what happened because of course the thirty's have been very clear warning people to stay away from on the section public gatherings which are regulated for restrict me by law and russia. saying that those breaking the law will be held responsible. and also of course in the back of people's heads is the fact that in the families organization has been declared illegal, has been declared extremists that any association with it comes with risk to that is not. but in the legal precedents, core support as being charles, but extremism, but that is going to be something keeping people away from process. so aside from those memorials and visuals over the last 2 days of things quite so here in moscow today and across all the russian cities, these memorial. okay, thank you. daniel hawkins reporting from moscow, or russia, says that some ukrainian troops are still hiding and associated era fuel plants in of difficult, despite russian troops taking control of the city on saturday. ukrainian forces
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withdrew from of div call after months of heavy fighting. and the retreat is the biggest blow to the caves war efforts since may last year. a commander described the town as the hottest sector on the front lines. prosecutors in ukraine say they found fragments of north korean resolves which were fired by russian forces at the city of car keys. rob mcbride reports from the northeastern region, which is suffering for lun plus russian missile attacks even by the standards of a region that subjected to ne, a daily as strikes. the attack that happened here several days earlier was particularly shocking. a drone hate of fuel deco, then engulfed a nearby row of houses with a roll of flame 7 people were killed, including all 5 members of one family, leading to an official period of morning news to cause a new neighbour, alexander tells us he only just got out before the flames reached his house,
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now he was back salvaging what possessions he could stay. this time we saw the neighbors and i know the reason whatever they were very nice and before the soon after but it was slid, idea, blaze out front. and so we've had to escape the back. the attacks add to a growing pile of miss silent drove and scraps being collected for examination. somewhere with prosecute as believing some of the missiles now being used have it originated from north korea, is really the only trouble the pots of been examined by an inter departmental group, which includes military experts who have established to be came from north korea. those parts have been sent to key for further investigation with cod keith, claiming civilian targets like this city center hotel, being deliberately hit by missiles from so in the 2 years since the full scale invasion begun, ukraine has made vast improvements to the defenses around its major cities,
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but nothing can change hockey's geographic reality, that it just 30 kilometers from the board with russia. it often has very little to no advance warning of incoming gas strikes. given that lack of warning, most people who have learned to ignore the air rate alerts repeated throughout each day and go about their lives. mcbride, i'll just say to try to keep you create a u. n. a meeting on the ongoing crisis and i've done a scan is underway in tar, but taliban leaders are not attending you and member states and special envoys on i'm going to sign or holding 2 days of discussions and del home on the agenda or engagement with the taliban government and humanitarian aids. the united nations has drawn up a plan to help the people off of got us on it asked owners for a $3200000000.00 to implement. it's planned to provide basic needs like food and sanitation. but you, on official say they've only received less than
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a 3rd of that. they've identified 29200000 people who are in need of humanitarian assistance. but say they've only been able to reach 20800000 beside been job aid isn't capital with more but according to the bottom, they not attending because they are not being seen as the sort of representatives of abundance on not is point or to the fact that they're not recognized as the legitimate government on his son and 2 and a half years. this is another meeting of another coming together of donors and agencies and various functions living outside of abundance on base and use working inside of the sun as well as getting this and others to try and jot out a future for i've done this time. but it is as one diplomat put it from the neighboring countries. the other one is on an exercise in futility. because the thought of on and off this they would not invite to the last meeting that was held by the united nations. this time, they were not invited as the representatives of about a son,
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and that seems to be the key issue. have that resolve on our, off the, the international community that it's been 2 and a half years. you've done what you kind of refresher us as you good. but now it is time to come back to the table and talk to us as the people who are in charge of, of understand as the people who are making decisions for millions of i've gone and not is not the case. it's not about are also adamant that they want this whole sanctions regime against them to be taken out. they want the lifting of the blacklist and others on the, on demand needed as well as the releasing of funds. and again, on the other side where the donors is sitting, they see them as a blessing on various aspects of society, including women's rights and the rights of girls. education, african leaders are holding discussions on the conflicts facing the content entering the to day african union summit. and you commission sherman has warned a bleak picture of talks to not lead to a breakthrough on what she says or litany of difficulties. incident on the
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democratic republic of congo, and this the whole region mohammed val has more from not so much and these are by the author complete as like a president. she's a k d and put it in to comment, seeing each other face to face across the eyes of the same room and exchanging strong words without a, a subsequent attempt on the part of a you to bring them together. or to create any kind of pro small we have seen or so those statements back and forth between the 2 options and the somebody's with regards to the spot over the, the deal with some on the land. so the, the criticism here is that the, a, you has that visit itself with internal issues, black to a forms and financial issues. but has no type, has not indicated enough time to the crucial problems of insecurity in the continent and particularly that the conflicts of raging in many, many possible off of africa. we have just had
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a chance to speak with the public will yahoo is the spokes amount of the company's government. and he told us a little bit about what took place in the summits with regards to the situation between or one to and the cool things. i'm not really moving because we know for the past 20 years, even almost 30 years, our present had gotten me was making sure there's prompt of the receipt is in some or so we can continue to stay alone. you know, our resources, when it came year in our this, that'd be by, we have a meeting with the prisons on the on board. and president wisdom is yet to him between the both countries. and then there was this top of the meeting. were the presence of just the kids you made a 2 year that these will didn't come from 0 see 1st and that prison can mean stop killing people and attacking the distrust it can be inside your city. because of these motivations, what's going on here is like talking heads of state,
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have an opportunity to talk freely during these sessions, but it's not a structural organized attempts to create solutions to, to, to reach solutions. v a u has been very critical of itself. it's mechanisms of the way it approaches things. we heard the, the gentleman of the commission yesterday saves us 90 percent of the decisions taken by the you have not been implemented during the last 3 years. so even the decisions of the hop already being taken have not been implemented countries. i'm not giving them the financial contributions to the are you on? most of the funding is coming from outside. so the organization has been busy trying to fix it. some, a city in northern libya which is being played by raising glass groundwater and the flooding is threatening the foundations of houses. and many people had been forced out of their homes by a rising tide of sewage. not a train of reports and religion were experts are puzzled by the potential
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environmental disaster. how mothers got his home was flooded. last month, he and most of his neighbors were forced to leave. the ground is still what, what loves you by the lady that the, when i came back home there was a risk smell. the entire house dropped about 7 centimeters there, but corrects in the walls and ceilings. the water didn't come from rainfall, but from under his home, ground water has been rising across areas in sleep, in flooding neighborhoods and damaging homes up the as one says it's shifted the foundations of his home. so the way out of the house, but the because of the war to the roof and was, was separated from different issues throughout the entire home, you know, just to my home. but all my neighbors, we pump the water out, but it just comes back. the house would fall at any time. the government is renting small apartments to house opera. yeah. and others were displaced experts across
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libby. i don't know exactly what's causing the ground water to rise, what they attribute to flooding to climate change, inadequate infrastructure and above average rainfall in recent years. the annual man uh, just to the $10.00 to $15.00 families were forced out of their homes, and more families are expected to be evacuated. we brought to condemn, except the experts in geology and related fields from across the country. so we could put together a comprehensive report on the causes and put solutions to the government. most homes in the city with a population of around 320000. you septic tanks. the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage. and that's because, according to city officials less than 6 percent of the homes and we are connected to the government sewage network, the contaminated water is raising concerns. water born diseases will spread. the government has sent in teams to help these men have been extracting more than 1200000 leaders a day from this area for more than 2 weeks. most of the former,
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how many heads the emergency committee in sleeping right now, we're working on temporary foss to fix is the government's bringing in foreign experts to help. but we're also working on medium and long term solutions. despite all these efforts, the water keeps on rising, and more people are likely to find themselves forced out of their homes, mount china, l 0. sweeten. and here's this coming up on the elders or a news. our frustration for harlan's as manchester city slip up in the race for the primarily titled products coming up in school. he knows. he knows no one is the in the history refugee camp south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps, husband set previously spent
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a year and administered to detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. connectivity could exceed benighted. we suffered a loss because of administrative detention, it would have been easier if you will sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence, walk down any valley here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge, according to the palestinian prisoners society around $3300.00 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. surrounded by walls, full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comforts to be found. the
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try for an update on the sports news here is 23 and thank you and is click this have crushed england in the sub test and rach caught as long as you. thanks to this man. you're just me, joyce. well, the opening box was smashed and i'm beaten. 200. 14 is india declared. the 2nd endings on full 130 for full. he equaled western outcomes. record of heading $126.00 is in a test endings. chasing 557 says victory english middle. that was rectified, reuben dropped data who took 5. what kits for $41.00? and then when he was $234.00 runs, that's the highest margin of victory in a test much. they lead the best of 5 series to one just a day off. this heading power, the power such a man that he wanted to leave at the end of the season, given by his school for p. s j is a chase of record extending 12 french link title. the front striker was dropped
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from the starting lineup for the match against notes of the told the cop intends to and his 6 and i hope he has sent with them. but a buffet table for punched as a full penalty and c o 2. now when it means p s g, a 14 points, clara nice at the top of the table and buffy has been linked with the moved around the trades and they're currently in action against right over the counter as they look to go 8 points to play at the top of elisa was telling, schooled off to just 3 minutes and this one, but it's currently $11.00 time city, both pet claudia and it says he's confident in holland where we discover his goal scoring abilities of the fields going. but any of his 9 shots during the drill with chelsea on saturday, holland 2 recent eva time from 2 months out with a frozen foot 6 on 16 lead goals this season. it was formed. a fishing man remains darling, who put chelsea head before the break. rotary sold late home to rescue
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a point for his side, but at least the time he's inside the game in hand. full points behind the to never full on holland was left frustrated, especially with a couple of mine who got a bit too close for his liking. is that with the football play? i play 11 years this quarter, 11 goes what the starting one goal is using these mice type. so another pro part meant to give advice is about the structure, but had to do so. we've had the chance. if you had the chance and them the say to say next games going to school to speak, he returns mohammed tyler played his 1st match for level 4 and weeks. having recovered from an injury, he picks up with egypt to the african combinations that he got on his full seat in the full and when, as the princess and also remained to points the drift of the poor and 2nd. okay, thrust burden me. 5 new for quiet soccer schools twice. and what was the 1st when in a row mikaela to side of now school 11 goes into much is up to between west time 6 me last week matches in germany were disrupted by fun protests on site today.
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suppose as through tennis pools for the 5 games, and then the match between cone and photo braving remote controlled calls were launched onto the page to stop play funds in germany angry about plans to sell the leaks media rights to an outside invest in melbourne, just legally to buy a labor cruise and match the german reco to $32.00 games without to speak the cost of competitions, they beat hide and home to $1.00 and now sit h points. claire find me next to play on sunday. christina ronaldo schooled his 1st saturday pregnant. those twins 2 twins pool as his own master team b as talk to to one. it was his fellow portuguese essential of the top here, whose full this 2nd go. i said now for points of leaders who said as well, number to call us out across and stuff at a shop defeat. at the argentina opened,
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the 20 year old spaniards was defending champion and bought a side is he pulled off some trademark shops in the semi final against chiles. nicholas jewelry. it was jar. you came out on top winning the match in $0.02. you'll now face homes crowd favorite from the df. acosta in the final across is not want to try to assist people in last year. well, the monega shown tech has been crowns the council open champions of the timing of it's a sweet elena edit back in a in straight sets was a close the fault 1st set that took an hour and a half, but it was a power nation full time going so i'm gonna take it in a tie break. that's the 22nd straight set she hasn't dropped into. the 2nd set was most straightforward shown take to get 6 to becoming the 1st play ever to lift the famous falcon for our feet. 3 times in the row. take you home as a half a $1000000.00. as a result, the light kelvin tip to him has been on it at the seville marston in spain. the 24
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year old world record holder was killed in a car accident last week in kenya alongside his coach before the race. there was a 42 2nd silence to much. the distance in columbus of american event was dominated by if you, if you with that. so that's a winning in a cost reco time of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 26 seconds women's race was one. but as meta gabriel, how goes it also double does that and then pick post a cation event. now he may be 42 years old, but kelly site is still mixing it with the best stuff is out the. the 11 time world champion has reached the around the $32.00 of the sunset beach event in hawaii. he won his 1st title in 199220 and then you got it. he's still going out. let's finish with pictures from raleigh suite and what feelings it's it's a pick a lucky has ended. his 6 and a half. you wait for victory is lost. when was in finland back in 2017. all right, that is what you support for now. people will have see you later. thank you so much
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. so thanks for watching the news are, and i'll just hear back in just a moment too much reputations on all the headlines out of the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the real time. it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are, they are in raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. unique perspective on the i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target your journal on heard voices, the number of the patient. please connect with our community and tap
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into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, to leave off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the patient reward because the women and my country deadlocks, we we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done
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as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the a $127.00 people and gaza are killed by is really air strikes in 24 hours, including 7 members of one family in the year are watching on to 0 life or my headquarters. and so i'm telling you, navigate is also coming up and a patient has died in and also the hospital after power supplies were cuts. israel has prevented a world health organization team from entering the complex.


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