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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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i really don't believe any seeing mondays. i think there are 9. and there is nothing new. everybody knows that police and i the the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is the news. our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. scenes of destruction across gall. so is this right of the strikes? it civilians across the street, at least a 127 people have been killed since that today was an in crisis at southern gauze, is largest health facility health official site and also the hospitals now completely out of service. rain mills across scouts of stop working,
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so i wouldn't say a lack of fuel is preventing them from supplying much needed weights. and colin riley rides target. the city of total caught them and they all can 5 west bank. at least 2 palestinians have been killed. and on peters statements authorities, sports these indian creek is, is smashing the text that we buy. 454 runs. second to the, the head of the world health organization says nazzo, the hospital in southern gaza is no longer functional. this follows a week long siege by these riley military and also is the largest health facility and southern gaza. the w i chose has at least 200 patients, a still inside the ministry of health in gauze and says, 17 medical staff have been detained and beaten,
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binds variety forces. thousands of patients were also arrested. been taken to an undisclosed location is ready forces of charlotte, hundreds of palestinians, meanwhile, who are looking to get any food they can from 7, a trunks and goals and city people who fled say there are large numbers of is riley snipers in the area is right the strikes across cause i have killed at least a $127.00 palestinians since that today. 90 percent of the victims were women and children. i'm taught a couple of zoom is live in the gulf off city in southern gaza. so high number of women and children killed in some way they tragic instances to tolerate cause people trying to go back to the homes and then getting killed either in strong. so being shot a semi tragically that's absolutely what is happening with the grounds. here is where the forces all expand
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. think i'm pro, didn't all of that ministry of salts, if different areas of costanza now we've been seeing how some people are tried to return back again to the houses in homes in the news or a. c lots of dollars in order to check what have remained for them, but they have been also exposed to the east, verifies just forcing them to return back again to their mass filters alongside the east bed had been scaling up its mandatory attacks on the central part of the city work since open noise, at least more than 6 the policy and have to report it counts. and the last, oh exactly. saw me at least 7 a palestinians have been reported engine multiple strikes in the central areas of kansas trip in particular in their, in bella, off to a residential house that had been destroyed and who had been seeing and hearing loud explosions on a big font. a guy a hit the machine gun font exchange between the palestinian fighters on the east very soon just in the cell. the right part of the city of con, you in as the,
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as the own, getting military attacks within the past 24 hours had contributed to roy's the desktop. more than 120 palestinians being killed and taught at the w h o saying naso hospital not functioning anymore. what's happened to the hundreds of patients and the hundreds of people who are displaced and taking refuge inside to have any idea or what on the well, the situation for them to send me is an hourly basis getting much more difficult and complicated. specifically that the w h o had been prevented from entering the hospital itself in order to check medically on the situation in the departments of the hospital. and also when patients, the who are in the very desperate need for the majority of medical health. got that as the disability men to treat troops have been still, i mean just that's the apartments um they have been allocating specific on particular buildings for investigating patients investigating medical teams. and i
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would like to get more information about if the hospital has been used as a military base for how much. but what we have been seeing as many truth times had been inspection inside the hospitals that the entire medical facility had tend to be on to that to, to be a military space for these very ami as the hospital itself has been completely a going through a full power outages that, that had lead to association of oxygen to patients who are in a very desperate need for medical care in length of the very limited number of medical stuff. still existing in the hospital all stuff. and therefore, think the majority of people that medical teams to sleep seeking safety in the roof of officer also being military checks for administrative points being those patients also and own roads. the are leading to a must have medical facility and as time goes on, the situation will get much more was if there's going to be no medical referrals for the majority of patients who are in a very desperate need for health care in all the hospitals. in the south of gaza.
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all right, thanks so much monica bye. zoom into israel. long states war on gauze. the last its forces of disproportionately targeted hospitals and the besieged gaza strip. for t one out of $35.00 hospitals in gauze currently out of service, choose a consistent is riley bombardment. just to 18 primary health care clinics is still functioning at some capacity across the entire street. the health care facilities that are working don't have clean bolts or adequate supplies. it's ready for us as well. so talk, they'd probably medics while they've been trying to rescue people. at least 340 medical workers have been killed since the stall. so the wolf, a doctor, todd or to bonnie is an emergency room physician and associate professor of medicine at the university of western ontario. and the spent over 10 years working in golf and hospitals joins us from toronto in canada. so definitely i chose,
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you probably heard is saying also the hospital no longer functioning today. what does that mean for medical services in the area? the medical services and dads are we're already at catastrophic levels. this particular statement says, 2 things to us. one that the patients, the doctors, the staff and the refugees inside master hospital are at deep, deep danger of being arrested, tortured and killed. and the other one is that now there is one less hospital, one valuable hospital that used to be able to serve patients that is no longer able to serve patients, one less lifeline for the people in gaza where they cannot no longer go for treatment. looking at instances in the past where medical stuff i've had to abandon hospitals or hospitals have been shut down. what typically happens to people
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less the nice see you babies less than in queue basis. what are the chances of survival of some of those people left behind? well, that's a great question. look that i work with lots of the doctors who stayed behind till the bitter and i'm an emergency doctor. i've trained many of them. i've worked with many of them there excellent doctors who have been doing their best to keep these patients alive against the odds. once they have disappeared once they are no longer able to care for the patients. we know what happens. we have seen video of premature babies and babies and incubators, court abandoned with promises a terabyte of use release and then left to die to rot in their beds. we know already at least 5 patients have died in the intensive care unit to monitor. the situation is catastrophic. it has been catastrophic in every hospital where israel has unfolded the exact same plan. they go in, they destroy the hospitals in their capacities. they arrest torture beat,
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sometimes kill the personnel inside. and then they leave the patients to nothing to die. uh, which is which is something that we know is happening right now. i've already seen the video from inside, from doctors like doctor 5 to 7 others who have shown us what happens when is really a talk. and i know now that the cameras are off, more people are dying, more people are suffering. and more people are experiencing the absolute worst. talk to tommy, you hear about or read about stories like this, usually relating to atrocities in the pages of history books it's, it's how to understand how something like this can be going on today in real time. as we watch, as we watch it live, we'll see it's on take talk. and social media is the really no mechanism for medical stuff today to try and then show that something to national agency is not the occupational thoughts themselves. will come and rescue people who are left. you
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know, i see your babies and incubators, as you mentioned, that this isn't the pages of history. this is history. we are watching something historic here because we were supposed to have devised mechanisms that prevented these were crimes that prevented this kind of genocide that prevented this mentality. clearly, those mechanisms have failed. the mechanisms that have failed us are not now suddenly going to deliver us from this disaster. for example, the world health organization sent a convoy to last week to try to provide release. what did these relatives do? is really are willing to kill babies and incubators. they are of course, willing to stop a convoy, they in fact more or less buried in they, they, uh, bulldozed, uh, and in banking it on either side so that the convoy couldn't either go forward or backward. and they're not allowing you to now those people, the brave, heroic doctors, nurses, logisticians,
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who have tried to go into martha are also part of the team. so you're right, this is historic. this is something that we can absolutely recognize as being beyond the pale. is there a mechanism? yes, there are mechanisms, each and every one of us must strive to in to impose a cost, both upon israel, diplomatically, economically, politically, militarily and upon all the countries that are supporting this genocide. this is not, is real operating alone. this is israel operating with the full consent of all of us in a way you know me in canada. my canadian government is a born in its support for israel and continuous support for israel. well, they may say nice words on occasion. they are complicit. we are in that sense, in the west all complicit. the other big things that we can do, of course, to support the really quick guys ations that are working there and our work and
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receive personal donations. so can the world health organization. so matthew tate's just a very impressive organization. so can many other engine results that are operating . i understand you were shopped in 2019 yourself while i'm trying to tend to patients talk to us about what you've experienced in terms of targeting of medical stuff. the only reason most people know that i was shot is because i carry a canadian citizenship on the day that i was shot. 1700 palace buildings were shotwell peacefully protesting. 19 of my medical colleagues were shop including most of a house. and in the paramedic who was killed while he was trying to help patients, this was a war crime up and down. and in fact, at the time these really said the exact same things. they're saying now he wasn't really shocked. they, they said that i wasn't really shock, then they said, well, he was shot by palestinians. and then when that didn't work as of what we didn't mean it. and of course,
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the united nations run the commission of inquiry in which i was the only name the victim, because people are afraid to be named for the consequences. and found that indeed as real, had violated various international humanitarian and international laws. so really that situation is a small microcosm of what's happening now. it's not the israel suddenly we just discovered how to connect more crimes and violent human rights. israel is almost purpose built to violate the human rights of palestinians. it's almost purpose built to commit more crimes and as such, they've been doing it for years and years. but essentially, since its inception from the forty's to the fifty's to today, what happened to me, i can imagine is happening to so many others. i see the crime is being committed against health care workers. i sat in front of the united nations and i told them if you do not do something, then the people who i worked with my colleagues maybe even me or face greater dangers. unfortunately,
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we as an international community have failed the palestinians. now just like unfortunately i ominously weren't that day. they are paying the consequences. all right, thank you so much talk the topics of bonnie. thank you for having to. pleasure . pulled it out. it is very false. is a 5 apollo sydney and signed to get desperately needed food. a good say it's impossible for them to reach people facing famine like conditions in northern garza . the delivery of limit today is being slow advised by the security checks by protests, by the families of his ride, the captives. how the zeros honey, a shy, small from the cut them up beside them crossing. that's no one else, the mob of cut them all beside him and the gen ed bus will see any one we're in here on the palestinian side of the caught him. i was solemn crossing which a scenic fear decline in the entry of humanitarian aid into the cause of stripped them of this ago since the beginning of the month was the whole not officials here say the decline is due to demonstration doing on the is really side of the crossing
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was organized by the families, all of us rated captives in the cause of the decline. and we wanted to use of humanitarian aid has reached its lowest level in the middle. and that's who, of course, has a big negative effect a lot when palestinians and we die in need of that 8 a month from the 1st of february until the 13th, before the number of a trunks was not more than a $110.00 a compared to $200.00 trucks last month can be somewhat, israel's complicated procedures have also played a role in the decrease as well as the late delivery of goods that piled up at the friday side of the cross side. that's. and if you, all of these procedures have wasting the suffering of the bearing in mind, the already deteriorated humanitarian situation up to 5 is as you can see, bob of several days, not many trucks. wanted to tell us the inside of the cross into home. some have been stuck on these really side for weeks. a when i visited the crossing in the park,
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i used to see large numbers. i've talked about what carrying humanitarian aid hitting towards. because i don't know if you thought it was the other side of a hi. mila knows in gauze, and now stands silent because of as well as ministry offensive, as i'll just say, what is on a so chevy for faults, it's leaving the community in despair, especially on this origin. this he doesn't have a we are now inside one of this central mills in northern casa, hundreds of thousands of citizens use. this smell to cry and fodder. barley and corn meal has stopped working because old types of grain have run out of markets in north garza and the mill has run out of fuel as well, which has added to the suffering of these people. well, now you're just gonna, it's going to have your logo or keys full, locked the keys open. there is no freeze. the price of $1.00 pack a free today has reached more than 3 types of shackles or more than a $1000.00. a bag of barley is to come in, very difficult to find
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a bag of coal and cost more than $700.00 shackles. the diesel also does not exist at all, and its price is more than $600.00 check of if it exists. this means that if you find the grants you have not find diesel, why the while it will affect 60, i swear to god that i have searched everywhere in the markets and i didn't find anything to grind. we adults can be patients and one or 2 dates will be enough for us. but what about children? the hungry and we have nothing to offer them. yeah, no money has no value today. kind of help you find great. well, i know as of 6 in the morning, i've been searching for food for the children without success. we only hear about humanitarian aid, but we haven't received anything more is not killed us yet, and it seems that we will die of hunger. we can't find food, this is my injured brother. there is no transportation available to take him to where he needs to be treated. there are no roads, there is no fuel. there is no flower, one kilo a flower reach 75 shackles. one kilo of rice used to cost to shackles,
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but today it costs $35.00. we don't have money. so what can we do? we need to feed our children. it is. this is the situation here in north garza, the sea, just tightening on the people due to israel's refusal to allow, obviously when he is here in a hunger here is very cruel to citizens who struggled to find the bare minimum to keep them alive. the citizens here suffer a lot for days. they can not get a single meal. youtube did ridiculous prices, and scarcity of materials that should be available here. and it's a chevy. if i just got off high, i'm just value is writing sense lives in the occupied westbank of a tax shepherds and injured a child in another, a tank surplus damage properties and set fire to a car in the town of messiah session or a tech savvy increase since the war and gaza began fights, groups accuse these where they go from the van. police ignoring the violence against palestinians is right. the ministry is withdrawal, and its soldiers after
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a 3 hour raid on total, caught them in the occupied westbank. these 2 palestinians have been killed and for others injured. certain personalities until caught them, explains how sundays, right was carried out. and they came in looking for a specific suspect. it took hours for these really forces numbering and the dozens multiple armored vehicles to get to this house where this man was hold up this 35 year old palestinian man who was killed. his body was taken away. he was killed in the ongoing rate, but it really does give us an idea of exactly how much resistance was put up by the residents of the camp. we saw tires burning. we saw smoke rising from various areas as make shift roadblocks were set up to try to contain bee is really forces that were on the ground. helicopters flying overhead setting off swears there was some drone activity reported by witnesses as well. and what we do know is that in those classes, armed classes with palestinians residing in the camp, at least 2 israeli soldiers, witnesses say were injured and bleeding as
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a result of the cautions that emerged during the operation for people for palestinians residing in the camps were also injured, one of them critically. so a child and we know that this raid went on for several hours. it has just come to a close and off the back of the depths that happened this morning into the afternoon. the 2 more palestinian men killed in this rate, the total number of palestinians killed in raids in the occupied westbank which have seen an uptick since the war on gospel began since the events of october 7th. that total number now stands at 398 a little bit and demonstrations and television calling for these ready 5 minutes to to resign. but anyway, nothing. yeah. says that wouldn't help bring back the remaining cap is held in garza. he's vowing to launch the ground defensive and the alpha and says the $1400000.00 displace palestinians that can be moved north to han eunice this on hold for volts from tel aviv
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because there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign for elections to be held immediately this, the largest anti government demonstration to be staged since october 7th. some of this 1000 in 10 would be trying to break through barriers here. the defense ministry quickly beaten down by 2 weeks. the government inside your site, you're really everything that you really now it's designed for the safer to correct or the thing of the things that you have done in the past 20 years, almost across the street, families of is really captives held in gonzo hold their 19th weekly rally, appealing for their negotiated safe return. i am here to night to call for the
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release of my bio and the rest of the hostages, and we have no time anymore. i called for the east valley government for any government in the world to do something because we cannot wait anymore. we have to get them back as soon as possible. with nits in yahoo is refusing to see those calls while demonstrations were taking place. the address the nation, complete of the new, our policies, deliberate, the return, kept us through military pressure. we have brought back 120 of them so far. we will continue until all of them are released because seasons require steadfastness and i must say to the people of israel, the demands of how moss are ridiculous and silly. only one thing matters to them to defeat israel. we can progress was how mazda police, the compromises and gifts, concessions. i would like to say to the families of the captives. we will not forget our commitment to bring them back with the readers. are saying that what is
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the and in fact they have to relocate to ride nearly nearly 5 months into the war this. and y'all, whose popularity continues deployment is really, protesters are valley to continue taking to the streets and to show of their disapproval for his government. and this policy from the central jersey to tell us sunday is the 3rd and final day of the munich security conference where the war and gaza has been tough for the agenda. world leaders of a just as well to allow much needed to monetary and age to enter the strip palestinian prime minister. and how much this as the anyway to stump, as well as ministry campaign, is through sanctions. for the 1st time, reason why it is up to anybody who they think gabriel rules of engagement every evidence of measuring a lawyer ever sent get audited and then thought,
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you know everything, get optic. and so i'm not sure that human, it's already a little, and this is everything. is that the best i live for expired. that as united as this has not been able to deliver it on the one hand. and also nothing you know is not listening to his big boss, but it's event by then he is not listening to anybody. and that is where is i in the international community should deal with this the different way of correspondence. 3 vass and spoke with the belgian foreign minister at the conference. she asked her about the belgian government's view of the war and gaza. it's crystal clear that's the proper answer to this conflict is not a military bond. we need to negotiate. we need to activate the diplomacy and that's exactly the message that hundreds, maybe thousands of people all delivering by the demonstration on the streets. and so we have to hear them. and as responsible as politicians,
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we have to work hard to find an agreement for a 2 state solution. this is the only way that we can tackle this problem properly. but the silence on the streets might have been very different than the sounds inside here. what, what, what was your feeling? just as i've heard the not an optimistic overview. i mean, we heard that to the degree station, so i'm not going well, i've heard also, nathaniel, who the prime minister is fairly prime minister saying that he will uh, maybe launch a ground, maybe 3 operation. this is really alarming, as there are a 1500000 population. civil populations was in the very difficult and disaster situation, humanitarian access to go up to over there. so we also have to, we mind the on the decision of the international quotes of chest is
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asking for appropriate access to money tell you access to, to gaza. and so that should be respected. there was some unity i'm on the stand on the urgency of the situation in rough, i here in munich as well, but it is still this, the visions within the you and also with your united states on its approach towards it's around how, how are you speaking for example, or to germany, the german, a foreign minister, for example, who has also been very much in support of military action in gosh, for sure, we all speak to each other and we all going to discuss about this issue tomorrow in our, of, for in current or consider foreign affairs in brussels and it to be on the top of the agenda as usual since the 7 of october. and despite the fact that's free off a different approach, we all know we want peace. we trusted freight face, of course plus traits, but we have to address this problem in um,
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for me in the lea. go a overview. i'm and what is your message to the german for a minute so far? you know, when we see the thousands of civilians dying our way this to the 7 of also the we are now 28th thousands of. that's all. and essentially a women and children. this is a catastrophe. this is a humanitarian catastrophe. and it's also, it's also we present a threats for as well. we have of serving right now in all countries in, in european countries, a rise and system. it says a rise of rest isn't. so it's um, it's another of concerns for the on fire will, by the way, and we root canal, a spillover with lieberman in a syria in iraq. in the red sea we do who is launching attacks put texting, protecting the texting, protecting a to defense,
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the policy and people that's and you know, it's only uh, open the door to any kind of extremism and the rug. the police, the come back, are you and meeting on the ongoing crisis enough, getting this done is on the way and i told but donavon latest and not attending you and member states and special envoys on a dentist on the holding 2 days of discussions in the on the agenda on engagement with the top of on government and humanitarian aid, the united nations has drawn up a plan to help the people of afghanistan is also known as for $3200000000.00 to implement this plan to provide basic needs such as food and sanitation, but un officials say they've only received less than a 3rd of that. they've identified 29200000 people in need of humanitarian
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assistance. let's say they've any be able to reach 20800000 was on been divided, isn't cobbled with whole. but according to the bond did not attending because they are not being seen as the sort of representatives of abundance on not is boy or to the fact that they're not recognized as the legitimate government under the sun and doing a half years. this is another meeting of another coming together of donors and agencies and various fractions living outside of abundance on base and use working inside of the sun as well as getting this and others to try and jot out a future for i've done this time. but it is as one diplomat put it from the neighboring countries. the other one is on an exercise in futility. because the thought of abundance of this they would not invite to the last meeting that was held by the united nations. this time, they were not invited as the representatives of about a son, and that seems to be the key issue, half. that is all of on our off giving to nice new community that it's been 2 and
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a half years. you've done what you've had the refresher to us as you good, but now it is time to come back to the table and talk to us as the people who are in charge of, of understanding of the people who are making decisions for millions of i've gone and not, it's not the case, it's not of on are also ottoman, that they want this whole sanctions regime against them to be taken out. they want the lifting of the blacklist and others on the, on demand details as well as the releasing of funds. and again, on the other side where the donors this, i think they see them as a blessing on various aspects of society, including women's rights and the rights of girls education. i said i had an i'll just sarah in the firing line in ukraine, prosecutors the say they found fragments of nose curry in this house, 5 by russian forces. the sinking city in libya was contaminated, water is rising from the grounds, make many homes uninhabitable. tennis world. number 2 is shocked in our
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audience. you know, to, to have the, the, the, the heat has been tempted. some walton argentine and she, they with the slave warning at from chile up to weston, believe you're off high temperatures. otherwise the client is building this guy's please. charles recently attempted to have come down to admittedly for group out of options. either it's still drawn by a blank is going to go up to $34.00 by the time you get to monday. but know, so that's and cheryl's are far more likely than a he twice. now admittedly, they are heavy in places they have produced flash flooding, particularly in the cities, and they bring with them a closer risk of a line slide. but give them that much of amazon in your, in particular, has been suffering to drive. this rate is going to be welcomed. have you there it
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is at times that extends up towards panama, which otherwise is pretty warm. if you can see in this satellite picture, that's a very obvious feature that's a front coming out of the us. behind it told as a month or a mix go city, i'm not going to feel that good has victories is more than most of the to meet heavy drains even seems quite likely to flash starting potential in the bahamas, florida, and west in cuba. now in the us, we've had stay recently as far as houses is already known as can find, i think, to the great lakes. but the pacific coast, once again is getting what we probably could call the pineapple express. so for the next couple of days throughout the whole of the pacific coast, it's going to be wet ost, mary. if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold. that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers was 5 in children in attends of one square metre towards
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without having a hostages. right now, the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. here's from i'll just say around on the go and me tonight. out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the who in the
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the welcome back to watching out the 0 time to recap, the headlines now is riley strikes on gaza killed at least a 127 people since that today. and off the 7 people from the same family were killed including women and children. the world health organization says the largest hospital in southern gaza is now completely out of service. is ready for us is rated and also the hospitalization fun units from 1st. se, forcing doctors and patients out he's right, imagery is withdrawal, and salt is off to a 3 hour rate on total. caught them in the off. i'd west pine, at least 2 palestinians have killed and for others injured salvation news a was sending problem across garza to a protest jabante ever because of the rank of age of getting into the strip view
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and says how definitive in dogs are, are living in simon light conditions with many and gaza facing starvation, community kitchens. one of the few sources of food for palestinians tend to hold any reports from that is by the kitchens can provide anyone be in today more than half of the population of the cause of truth is risk and some. and how does the news nor many have 3 meals per day since the beginning of the words, they only have one meal? there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no cruise in the markets. a that is coming in of the causal strip is not reaching all of the people and people as far as starving and z, u. n has been warning that the gardens population is at the risk of farm and we are in. as chris found many in that is by the way, the husband to seize people indebted by left this place people and the neighbors of
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their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking the center, so they're using what would fire? because there is no cooking. gus, this lenses do is cooked without any best to both because there is very limited number of festivals in the market because a lot of our culture of land has been either bonds or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced in agriculture and then, so use of the chef told us that they are using onion powder and alternative to the onions. it says they start very early in the morning and before we start this, they start distributing the fluid at
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a 12 at, in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and your lungs and it's a bit suffocating. but a search. how many do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians this place and to the policy is a tire being in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their people. placement and surveys in the 1st situation in the cause of truth is worsening. where at least tough of the population of the closet strip, it's already starving. this isn't included as is either that or but the
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in rock show a floral tribute to opposition. the deluxe in the bottom that has been destroyed, flowers laid in st. petersburg at the monument. the victims of political repression were removed by on the identified people over the night. of the tributes are also reported to have been destroyed. police arrested russians trying to mourn and cities nationwide prison officials say nevada new died. from what i call southern death syndrome and optic penal colony on friday. let's get the nicest out from la, corresponding to that shuffle volleyball in moscow is how you slice is on the investigation as well. just all this nonsense. a be family of an exciting of all that. and his mother lives. me like a successfully trying to find the body of alex a who as you mentioned, died in a call in a, in the village of hops, some 50 calories into the off 6th co. and his family members having still received
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his body sources say they need to make an old substitute to shed light on the causes of his death. and no one knows how long it may take the source you say probably up to 30 days. and actually now we're guessing referrals from some opposition sources, not from the state media that's not only supposed to is in the mood of a clinical hospital and the sally hot districts. previously, there was absolutely no information about the whereabouts of his body. and they say that some breezes weren't found on the body of nobility, presumably associated with seizures and the publication haines as well. that the nerve agent novick child could have played a role in the death of alex a novel needs. so obviously, according to and have only himself, his team and a number of experts in 2020, he was poisoned by that knows agent on a domestic flight hand brush. and then he was traded in germany a. so the team of experts,
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so the team of russian expos has arrives to the place to examine his ability right now. so hopefully we'll hear more about the results and julia, the product test, they coming down today as well. um, best rides in the cities from russia, as some people continue to bring flowers in memory of and exciting of only to the memorials of be repressed. but today we'll see if you will, people compared to the previous 3 days as united the us and british, i'm boss of this to russia. late flowers hated most for the soul of etzky stone. if someone you meant to political oppression that has become one of the main places, one of only supportive continued slay flowers, us some bosses a lint, free seats. yeah, i've said that in a while and the spring force, uninspiring example. and so that the whole country moves his desk um, also according to various sources over the past 3 days,
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the police have been changed around 200 people in more than a dozen cities who took part in spontaneous events in memory of nevada and the whole simply tried to lay flowers, some of those and 10 years of memorials had been destroyed and all the flowers and candles thrown away. as the memorials had been cooled into off, and people are simply not allowed to pay their respects. so with this various tricks approach to an expression of public activity, as well as general crock down on descent, it's highly unlikely to expect the rump of any sort of protest movements in russia . something that a source sees and to be honest, most of the population actually welcome. i believe with that, thanks so much. you have yourself a lot of to prosecute as a new crime. say they found fragments of north korean missiles which were 5 by russian forces of the city of kotik. if 12 mcbride reports from the northeast and region which is suffering relentless russian,
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this all attacks even by the standards of a region that subjected to ne, a daily strikes. the attack that happened here several days earlier was particularly shocking. a drone hit, a fuel depot that then engulfed a nearby row of houses with a roll of flame. 7 people were killed, including all 5 members of one family, leading to an official pay rate of morning news to cause a new neighbor. alexander tells us he only just got out before the flames reached his house. now he was back salvaging what possessions he could. you tell him say this time we saw the neighbors and i know the reason whatever they were very and before soon after. but it was slid, idea, blaze out front. and so we've had to escape through the back. the attacks add to a growing pile of miss silent drove and scraps being collected for examination exec, somewhere with prosecute as believing some of the missiles now being used. have it
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originated from north korea is really the only trouble the pots have been examined by an inter departmental group, which includes military experts who have established to be came from north korea. those pods have been sent to key for further investigation with cod keep claiming civilian targets like this city center hotel, being deliberately hit by missiles from russia. in the 2 years since the full scale invasion begun. ukraine has made vast improvements to the defenses around its major cities, but nothing can change hockey's geographic reality. that it just the 2 kilometers from the border with russia. it often has very little to no advance warning of incoming gas strikes. given that lack of warning, most people who have learned to ignore the ad rate alerts repeated throughout each day, and go about their lives. rub mcbride, i'll just say to try to keep you crate. as late as wrapping up the 2nd day of the
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asked communion summit and novice of they've discussed the series of crises on the continent as well as war on gaza. was also a focus with a strong show. solidarity with palestinians for the a. u commission chairman wants the union that urgent f it's unnecessary to and will firing sedan the democratic republic of congo, and this the whole region. how involved is life for us in august about how close they getting to finalizing the final communicate then how much this i mean, any minutes from now? they are meeting here behind me and any minutes from now, we expect them to come out after having a no start final communicate. but we already have a few leaks on that to communicate. basically, there won't be a very strong language on the, on the war and cows are asking for an immediate cease by it off to the u. n. and the other powers to do what is possible and what is it,
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what should be done to got on to an immediate end of this war. and also there is a very clear concentration of, of the killing of civilians in gaza. and the call on is have to stop those killings . that's one element we we have been told about why also there are the elements related to africa at the, the commitments that the newest commitments by the a you to work hard on the problems. that's definitely the confidence, particularly those those fragmentations and those conflicts in the democratic republic of congo, suzanne video saw him and almost everywhere in the continents, even though they have not the broad, clear solution to find them solutions in this sunday. but they'll have been serious talks. there have been serious. uh huh. then occasions how hot cities exchanges about what could be done and what should be done. and they always can see that this is what it is. because it, those, there is no solution for the depth should always be talk about it and that's,
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that's what they have been doing here. and they are exceedingly pretty happy with it. and just take us through, well, how much, how much self introspection is going on at the conference this year. a lot of outside the basically out the the observation here is not, this has been assigned me to some reflection and a healthy you itself fix its problems. the a you is seeing that it has the invitations, it has problems, the chairman of the commission that you commission has been very vocal about the problems that the a you have to be faced with the challenges, including the one thing the countries i'm not contributing enough funding us for their obligations, 90 percent of the funding comes from outside the a u at members. and also he talks about the implementation of decisions except the
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most of the decisions during the last 3 years having to be implemented. this has to change. they have been talking about restructuring. the whole thing of the decision making process is lots of foundations and lots of companies at work. you get on this at a golf and they are saying that unless the a you can fix its own mis internal mess. it cannot help other countries in the continents at the fix of situations. they think about the one of the reasons why you posit to be really very capable of doing this work is because it has these select on problems. that's how it has to be overcome. that has to be also some discussion about the position of africa, the topic, and now can really will expire on the position of in the world. now that they are a member of the g 20, they are going to be a member of the united nations security council. they are the data outside the continents, and they should pop an image as a kind of prepare for this all across the world.
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leaving them how much vile now. so the city in northern libya where a rising tide of sewage is forcing many people from the collapsing homes. malik trying to report some written what x has a puzzle by what's causing the funding disaster. how much is god? his home was flooded. last month he and most of his neighbors were forced to leave . the ground is still what one loves you by the 8th, at the ups. when i came back home, there was a roofing smell. the entire house dropped about 7 centimeters there, but corrects in the walls and ceilings. the water didn't come from rainfall, but from under his home, ground water has been rising across areas in sleep and flooding neighborhoods and damaging homes up the as one says it's shifted the foundations of his home. so the way out of the house, but the cause of the war to the roof and walls was separated from the fond issues
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throughout the entire home. no, no, just to my home, but all my neighbors. we pump the water out by the just comes back. the house would fall at any time. the government is renting small apartments to house up the others were displaced. experts across libby, i don't know exactly what's causing the ground water to rise, what they attribute to flooding to climate change, inadequate infrastructure and above average rainfall in recent years, the annual man uh yesterday 10 to 15 families were forced out of their homes and more families are expected to be evacuated, we brought to condemn, except the experts in geology and related fields from across the country. so we could put together a comprehensive report on the causes and put solutions to the government. most homes in the city with a population of around 320000. you septic tanks. the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage. and that's because according to city officials, less than 6 percent of the homes and with them are connected to the government. so
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which network the contaminated water is raising concerns waterborne diseases will spread. the government has sent in teams to help these men have been extracting more than 1200000 leaders a day from this area for more than 2 weeks. most of the former, how many heads the emergency committee in sleeping right now we're working on temporary. fos to fix is the government's bringing in foreign experts to help. but we're also working on medium and long term solutions. and despite all these efforts, the water keeps on rising, and more people are likely to find themselves forced out of their homes. mount trina, l 0 sweeten islands. former prime minister, texting show on has been frayed on parole officer serving 6 months of prison tobin hospital. it was then driven to his home with the media was waiting for it and
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wanting to turn to thailand to know this last year of the 15, he is a self imposed exile that i had on. i'll just say around 3, i'm a dread drops twice in the type of rice, and i suppose news coming up with the vis medical facility in the man incidents coughing so hard to him is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your wrap. it support forces b, u. n says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i took care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes
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performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many investigating volunteers that say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. let's catch up with all the sports news with pizza now. sorry, thank you so much. india's crickets is of thrashed england in the food test in rugged scott. and it's a large me thanks to this man over here. josh,
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off the chase. well, the only thing that's been smashed i'm leaving to teen is india declared. the 2nd meetings on for one city for 4 to 6 is in the taste cities chasing 557 for victory made. it was rick by having such a data. it's a 5 full 41 in the winning by 5, a 434 runs. that's the highest margins between any assessments by rems, maybe police, the 5 c 211 for us to just come over here and when the series we have to work really, really hard. especially with a lot of waterfront land, clear missing as well. so yeah, it isn't quite satisfying when you winter dispatch like that. just a day of the attending parent sandra. man, he wants to leave at the end of the season. kidding. and but they have scored for p . s g. as they chase a record extending 12 french, the titled, the problem striker was dropped from the starting lineup to full. the match against
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non update told the copying seems to in the 6 and a half, you still with them. what about the cables range to school? a penalty and seal a to know when it means p. s. u, a 14 points kind of nice. so i can stick you office and copy the very time because it could be on his way to round the goodwill. frustrated by drive by a condo in a 11 tool to get started today, 5 points. so here's the title change of serena had a system just 3 minutes to find the item, the 2 hostile, it's where the $700.00 ariah, where would the penalty for and wanted to come of and go hand to photos, the thomas stiffness to make it's $11.00 for station day for re allows them to call the how the soon a straight read called the matching out here to run it can go within 3 points of less. blanco's when they face to ball on monday. english matches in germany were disrupted by fen. protests on saturday. supposes through tennis schools at 4 of the 5 games. and that the match between cologne and 3rd of raymond,
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remote controlled cause were launched onto the pitch to stop play fans in germany, all angry about plans to set the leads media rights to an outside invest. leave up with this legal lead as by labor cruise and match the cities here. games about the fees across will. competitions may be tied in one to one and now city 8 points clear a fine music to play on sunday school. this is sadie, probably go to the committee for the details. i'd say to one. it was the select which of these international tabio school basic and go on on this 10. this will number to call us out to read. so for the shock, the feet at the origin, so you know, open between the 2 year old span. it was the defending champion in brindle cyrus. you pulled up some trademark shots in the semi final against your needs, and they call us chatty, a. jeremy,
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who came out on top winning the rest in twos at 7663, now face home, crowd, favorites for condo, vs acosta. wanna try to assist with last year. well, the but when he gets beyond that, it goes crowd. the counselor opened champion for the 3rd time in a row off the she beachy lane. that'd be back in a in straight sets. it was because people 1st safe bab took an hour and a half. let me just punish full time. grand slam would have to take it in the tiebreaker. that's the 22nd street said she has not dropped in the office. is that considered most most straightforward. so you don't take took a 6 to coming the 1st to ever, to lift the frame itself to the time center. right. the lights kelvin. keep them has been on it at the seville marathon in spain. the 24 year old world. busy old holder was killed in a car accident last week in ken. yeah. i'm on the side, he's coach for the race. that was a 42 seconds silence to match the distance into the measles of american event was dominated by ethiopia with data. so again, that's a little thought to winning in
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a closer equal time of 2 hours. 3 minutes and 26 seconds. the women's race was one by as meta gabriel huggles patrick can play. is the man to catch a golf. genesis invitational. the other 2 soft lead. hey, this is the final around really good frame, but xander shell play and was that a tourist times the 2nd place, the widow will get full $1000000.00. he may be 52 years old, but kelly slater is still mixing it with the best sofas out in the living time. world champion has reached the round of $32.00 of the sunset beach events in hawaii when he 1st started lead 1990 to a 20 years old attends to compete for the us up the seas and them takes before retiring. and let's finish with pictures already. sweden with the little b as in the d 6, and i'll wait for the victory is lost and was in finland, packing slaves and see if that's what we're supposed to need. so the bargains be back
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a little bit later. thanks so much. that's it for this news. albert's come back in a couple of minutes is another show. so stay with us. the and on the settled tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now. it is a question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves golf though with offers roles. permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the man was 71 year old, courteous reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought
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a gun within that day. we just went back to washington previous thinking everything was over like okay, manager is going to come up. so keep your phone way, that would be a but that's not what happened. not at all. when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away. and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? the movie hasn't even started and he was just nasty surveillance footage. just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about the surface when it got shot, the computer. i'm a nurse here so hard to have a point. i'm just trying to make sure the size i said with
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a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem? you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's, i them, this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. authors write a full system in the world. health organization says the largest hospital in southern guns and is now completely out of service. destruction across garza,


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