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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the knowledge is the way the the federal until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes historic day at the united nations highest court, which is to to begin a series of hearings into as well as illegal occupation of palestine. the scenes of desperation and hunger and guns is arouse war and restrictions on life saving. i has push comes indians to the brink of famine,
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plus the name in the occupied westbank where people have been experiencing the hardships of israel's many 3 of 2 patients projections. and we explore with that as well. systematic policy of segregation and settlement expansion and occupied east jerusalem is changing the status of what palestinians consider as the future capital. the 56 years of palestinian disposition and force displacement 56 years of israel's illegal land. grabs 56 years of apostolic and persecution. 56 years of israel's occupation of palestine now more entrenched, more oppressive, and more violent since 1967. israel has the 3 hundreds of jewish settlements and outposts me occupied with vague. and since last year it's fine, right?
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toughness has expanded simmons at a wrinkled types. palestinians are rooted from their homes and lands in violation of international law. the rod scripts site, at least $65.00 is rarely more discriminated against palestinians. they affect every aspect of palestinian lives separating families restricting their freedom to travel to wood and even to access clean voice. and then is the everyday violence of israeli forces and surplus. nearly $400.00 palestinians, including children have been killed in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th and more than $7000.00 has vain to tide the most hour and administrative detention . it is by a health without trying to sell the top code of the united nations as harring submissions from 52 nations and 3 organizations to consider the legal consequences of the world's longest occupation. this is what occupation feels like for palestinians from kanza to the west bank. google fire was the dead deadline of
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the loan that i have listed as one of the month of hi as to how the most particularly issue. jimmy will have correspondence covering all aspects of the story, honey, my mood is lot for us and rasa in southern gaza with palestinians who have enjoyed as well as occupation and blockade. and now living through what the international court of justice is, is plausible genocide, where we challenge those live unoccupied, east jerusalem, where the old city is at the heart of his ready occupation ends the conflict and the occupied with bank. we have need abraham cheese in hebron way as well as illegal settlements. segregation and surveillance have turned the city into an open in prison for palestinians. the fearless, let's say, the same within it. smith, who is at the hague for us and bennett. can you fix that?
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we'll just put this into context context for us and explain how significant the hearing is of the 1st of all, it's all important to point out that this case is different from the genocide case that is being brought by south africa. this case goes back cool. these cases go back to 2022. when the un general assembly asked the international criminal court will court has this note for an opinion known by on, on binding opinion on the occupation of since then 50 states. i'm 3 international organizations have made written submissions to the world, quote, confidential written submissions. and now they're going to make oral submissions over the next 6 days each. and we've got about half an hour each will. that begins with the palestinians this morning where they've got the full session at least 3 hours to make the case. and there are 2 questions that the submissions also
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emissions. how to address of the you at the the will code is asking them to address the 1st of those is what are the legal consequences of the ongoing occupation of a palestinian territories by israel and the preventing of the policy means of the self determination for longing and the ultimate occupation supplement building on accession of policy and surgeries. and then the 2nd question they go to look at is how do those policies affect the legal, the legal status of the, of the patient. i'm more of a legal consequences that arise all states, not just israel, i'm the you and from this status. so 50 states making those submissions 3 international organizations. now the us is amongst them. it was actually amongst, at the time when they voted back in 2222 is monks, 26 states who voted against this here. and us said it would be counter productive to an eventual 2 state solution at between palestine and israel. from the
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philadelphia engineering and presidents, a number of countries taking pause in this, but what would have any really impact will anything actually change here? it's well, i mean, i think the short answer is certainly for palestinians in the occupied territory on the ground. not much will change, we'll court won't likely deliver any routing until perhaps the end of the year. and even then, it's only advisory on israel as it know the world cool, the full back in 2004, u. n. g. a asked for a ruling on the separation will that divides the occupied territories in the west bank from israel 8, ruled the war with a separation will violate the international onyx should be taken down. the cause is rarely no doubt, and it hasn't taken the world down and we know that all on the ground today, israel is ignoring international law, bytes, continued occupation. and so the impact on the day to day lives from this,
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whatever the world court says is likely to be minimal. however, the court ruling jobs carrier. busy of international weights and a lot of moral weights behind it. and if israel ignores it, then the body is another issue, which is why we have to deal with international. okay, thanks so much, ben. and we will let know that'd be talking to you around throughout the idea if the hike a fellow sending and 7 jewels, the hardships of israel's occupation for generations while each person might experience different struggles. the same is similar. it's one of lands fast lives, lost, and time spent wasting. a print reports from the occupied west back home, usually mean safety and security for this palestinian family. it's the opposite, surrounded by illegals. really supplements threatened by increasing attacks by samplers. also helps the font tells us his family is left with no choice,
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but to lock themselves in the industrial i, we can keep the house alone. my sister's got mad and then i couldn't even go to the way things got old was hovering around. he says, is really settlers want them out so they can move in. but this is the only home they own. and the only non they know they call themselves the guardians of the who did the boys. we weren't here before this that there's my grandfather built the house in the 19 seventy's been my father and mother inherited it. we are here protecting it as well and we'll pass it onto our kids. since 1967, israel has been establishing illegal supplements on hilltops over time they expand at the expense of postings, lots of bonds, harmony says they will not leave little home on the hill for them. this is how the experience is really military occupation, violent attacks, illegal supplements, and then grabs. that's no move to the center of the occupied to us back and plug it
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off your g. come with for one family. the occupation means tragic losses of life the worst. it was a bitter sweet moment when sammy's new brand son was born in 2005, they named him. yes it after his uncle who was killed by his really forces 4 years before. oh and the general had done so we wanted him to bring joy to the house. i was heavy. he was born in jordan and i traveled to meet him. but in 2023 and just a few weeks before turning 18. yes, it was buried in the same grief site as his name say, booth killed by the same army. that not only them sammy's son, sam and mohammed were also killed by israeli forces in 20022015. we do not bring children to this life to die, but to live we want to be able to live in peace and have a good life. i lost my sons when do
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a very young there were 1115 and 17 years old. nope. every palestinian find many shares this heavy loss of life, but the few patients still sick, so soul on people one way or another. let's go now to have run the sounds of the occupied to us bank and see how life there has been brought to a whole once brimming with life and a bustling economy. life is fading away in new york city of have right now it's a mere echo of what it once was that how did you get in the market so dead? no visitors know foreigners. we don't find customers for the goods. we buy an outing debt for the 75 year old sales pet us. any fee is local artisans, a symbol of the city's rich cultural heritage. and this i had a, i've been here for 17 years and we keep thinking that if we get a bit better instead of every year it gets worse and worse, people are scared,
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very humiliated at the check points. so they avoid this very whole together. this one is something here and however on the economy capital of the occupied the west bank. the city still has a few hours before it goes to see people are shopping and working with this on has some way earlier in the old city of hebron posted in see time to is a victim of occupation lost in cues, alternative routes, checkpoints, enclosures times, toes and from a nation stuck in waiting need that but he is either the occupied westbank. anita is joining us now live from hebron in the occupied with banking need and you'll story usage that it feels like life is fighting or why they are. that's an incredibly powerful statement. can you just give us a sense of exactly what that means for those that have been going through this? well tom, i am in the old city of hebron, but as far as how the team can move,
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we are limited because there is one gave here that is preventing access not just for us, but for many palestinians. you know, if you're not a resident of an area that is inside, you're not allowed to go in. we've just met some people who are coming out to buy their stuff to go about their daily lives in a 16 year old was telling us that even though the soldiers know me, i'm a resident of that neighborhood. but still i have to go through around a 3 of those gates and obstacles to be able to get out of the old city and be able to go about my daily life. now, this is just one gate, but we're talking about in the old city itself. more than 100 of those gates obstacles, checkpoints that are making palestinians lives even more and more difficult. you know, the old city has been dissected and it's been a good as per agreements that have been signed between israel and the palestinian authority into h one. and h 2 and that's why we're seeing 700 sucks. it is in 5 in comparison with more than
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$30000.00 palestinians. but those 700 suckers will have the freedom of movement will have, you know, they're making the lives of palestinians more and more difficult. and since he is really forces of close the heart of the cities, is the old city that used to be the beacon of its economy. you know, we're talking about the hyper on the capital, the economy, sorry capital of the occupies westbank ever since they've closed all of those rules . they basically killed the city. as you can see, no one is moving around. we've, we've been here for awhile. all you can see is those as really soldiers around they are limiting access of palestinians. and this is just, you know, i'm microscopic examples of how life is for palestinians under occupation. we just happen to be here and have her and showing you a little part of what policy is go through being under military occupation that has been signing on for decades. okay, thanks so much data for taking us through all of that that's need to be for him in occupied respect. i can just keep this going and go to the occupied east jerusalem and speak to laurie challenz who is there for us. and. busy we can just explain how
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entrenched the is ready. occupation is there. well i think like, need it. they just said, i think the best way of answering that question is to give you a sense, really a for life is like for a palestinian living. you know, keep by to read history slim right now. now, take the if you're a young palestinian, you run a diety gamma by sleep going let's of of as potential harassment and stops and being stopped in search by is ready police the better of frequents for arrests. he will often fall from entering how acts a mosque because of these, right, you can see that security concerns is about palestinians. all of all ages essentially treated as foreign people for and citizens and in all the parties, truism that might carry a residency permit. this is
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a blue id. i'm going to take the details of this actually belongs to a particular person. but if you, if the, if you refuse to adhere to the policies of the occupation, then you can have your flu id taken away from you. which of course, that sets off big problems. what do you got by godaddy life? there's a protest that's allows flying to power, city and flag is not tolerated. a set of racing muslim holidays is particularly difficult because these radio authorities started life policy, the incentive rations, and yet on jewish holidays, the city effectively turns into a minute to rise in which checkpoints every with you, of course, have the separation which divides kinda city isn't occupied is to reach them from families that might be living in the west bank. so this is a kind of idea that the daddy tapestry is having dignities and iniquities that palestinians are living under here. but i think nothing typifies the negation of
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how to city and rise more than the issue of the land and settlements. that whole mechanism that al architecture, that is being set up by the, is raised to uh to the power create kind of city lines and a modest type of sitting items. and we can be taken through that issue now by a settlement expert safe to guide us around sue wine, which is said park us as part of city an area of occupied history since that which is being started slowly scripts away from them. yeah, i'm somebody to talk to somebody in the town who another cut off to somebody in the wall, just a moment, the sky lifted on, give me the lee of the outside. a handful of the phoenix to the loft affects the mcguffey island journey. a sort of theme you will be tested, but if i'm gonna need to have them say that i love you. so i have talked to somebody last about too many of the amendments i have to put to shop to let them go . see i have somebody 15. yeah, many of the outside i'm police mama. click on a and i hit i'm the police a list. go up the street, but please get
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a handful of to me. i've been with some of the comments. are listed funny if he, if he definitely a handful of premier. so my me to speak to how we a here and for us to new york. beautiful. see me. i perceive yourself. we definitely love. yeah. i, lia who the limits. yes. it to the g or what, how many to me it or how many of the good off if you saw that, have this. why healy managed to handle on domini to me of how you live with some cutting it salon. well, how that, how you the money with the money in bit there. mind that the me and her then have restricted in common with the use of gun a little sooner than had there been. somebody needs what, what the, who we had that how you projected income in the faith of islam. leo and shot mode, click on it. and so how long will put this? i have to unlock different honestly for lee and what's the most? will there be enough? so will i even love how many a 200000000 as if you had the the month to ha. and the 2nd can we have have to how many too many of the items with their feet are they don't want to allow me to come out of your model for them on the i bought on content other than the being uh yeah
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. i mean, how many tell them then how the numbers you this about, you know, all this to my mind. be a little bit off your list sort of had it so like really well thought a to come for the city. a massage of some sort of my being a, a, a, a, a, a, a month to so that will be a month depending on who the fee. you know, still cutty, a little i have for the month to aliyah who the leticia mosley, different credits in the one who connecticut. when you get that, the little golfing it come with when they come in with a meeting, but i will pop it and then come and come out to show how you doing if you had the ability for you to the one that when you get the idea no matter what the issue we have the month to helping them out for the month or earlier who the lucky. okay. and let's be definitely a handful of cynthia. and you said albany at the uh, jamal law uh were putting the if i left the the left. he texted them. i'm just, i'm, i'm, it's so easy for you. definitely, buddy. as soon as he gets the line of preparations home, demolitions restrictions on the rights to protests,
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restrictions on the right to worship policies of oppression based on race and religion. essentially what it amounts to is a wholesale denial and occupied east jerusalem out of the palestinian rights to self determination. okay, thanks so much for a very challenge for us and occupied east jerusalem. we're going to go through rough it and the goal is to strip where honey mac mood is standing by for us and honey. of course. as long as including yourself have been living under constant bombardment the for more than 4 months now. is there any hope that the c j will actually change anything on the ground? so people there? no, it hasn't, it's changed and it's only getting worse than each passing day. in fact, this, the ongoing genocide of the war is a combination of, of 60 and a year of ongoing,
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a blockade and a military occupation of the entire apollo city and territories, but more visibly right now is the tv is really military presence in the gaza strip . and it's ongoing restrictions of across things and limiting the movement. the entry of, of, of necessity is food supplies, then, and other survival items necessary for 4 people. here's to continue their life. what we're looking at is the, is 6, is 56 years of military occupation. and 16 years of on going to block kids that have a so far affecting every aspect of life for palestinians. it dictates where they can live, where they can to study at home, they can marry it. doctor stated the economy of the gaza strip that caused the wide spread destruction and leaving
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a large portion of the population in gaza, cut off or from the outside world. it continues to restrict the increase of, of basic supplies that enough for the fuel, cooking, gas and, and other necessities to homes, to hospitals, and to businesses. and it just reduce the amount of, of, of, of what basic needs are required here for surviving. it also put restrictions of move in how people move it from in and out of the guys is for ongoing restrictions and ongoing discriminatory policies on the ground. preventing people from being in contact with the, with the risk of, of the work also limits the fishing industry where people now are preventive fishermen are prevented from using 85 percent of the pushing water. busy agreed upon a based on the oslo accord and in limits the depth of how the fisherman can go
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inside the sea from 6 to 3, not a cold miles. all of this is happening while there is ongoing political oppression and economic suffocation. and right now, being defined by the ongoing genocide, a lack, the sheer level of disruption and the audit president that a human to carry in the past repeat that people are experiencing in each passing day in the gaza strip. okay, thanks so much honey. as always, we really do appreciate your work honey make make for us. and rough that was honey mentions the 16 years as well as land and sea blockade stifled opportunities of affordable goals that had one of the highest literacy rights in the world. and yet, the unemployment rate was among the largest globally. to day, the war has destroyed every facet of palestinian existence. palestinians are on the brink of famine and risking their lives on the is riley sniper,
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5 to click food from a small number of 8 trucks. target boom has moved from rough desperate and hungry palestinians are running out of options under these various noise before you the risky the noise to each one of the q a trucks entering goes to 60 in uh yeah, and the people don't have food. people don't have the minimum necessities of life, how much they came in, hoping to find something, at least some flour. people put themselves and their lives in danger for just little things. they families, we belong 0 is absolutely nothing. i can assure you that people will die of hunger . israel's restrictions suit you and medicine entering district is making it almost impossible for palestinians to serve on the united nations saves
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everyone and goals is facing simon like conditions of last year. that will be almost like people now go to the garbage to find something to wait to do that. may god help everyone with a lot is ready. come boots have also fires thomas city and for shipment of guns is coast threatening of folly till source of suits the men were using small boats to catch fish of the cause of coast near rough off. and under that, it was very located. the used to be able to fish up to 37 kilometers out to the sea . but not anymore. in japan, you have refugee camp in nor bring colors of the food shortages. slowing mills have ground to haute. there is no freeze. the price of $1.00 bag of
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meat today has reached more than $3000.00 shackles or more than a 1000 dollars and 5 months into israel's will. in garza palestinians who have been displaced many times over on now close to stone patient. and israel continues to restrict the amount of 8 entering the territory tarika by zoom out just a rough rough i saw the ring cause of the spring in al panel of guest. now the take us through all of this. joining me on say this time i commits assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies and study a palestinian lawyer, biased and occupied east jerusalem is with us as well as a keep elder, a political and list and contributed to the high rates and use type of thank you very much for joining us. i keep, if i can begin with you, place you, i mean, you're in tele fave. can you just explain how all of this is being viewed? there is a being ignored or dismissed completely to what i can tell you with that in mind.
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use the hours today. you can find it here on page 4. and here you can see there we go through about the cabinets meeting yesterday about the american outline. uh so you see. 1 just uh, minimize and uh, the way probably is busy was uh, 2 different issues. first of all the uh, text is what is uh, the future of, uh, the negotiations with come us. and the other thing that uh, how long will it take until uh, we bring down the and its own, you know, ready to write government and the discussion in the international cause of justice and what was just supposed to deposit the situation
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in garza, if i may get to the collateral damage of uh, natania house review. and um, the uh, is way some more concerned about uh, the next steps that president biden may day hello may not take which was easy was the site that he cannot afford to supply more weapons and shells too, as well. because he's guys all his political problems to be concerned about in the upcoming elections. yes. so it kind of less i want to you touch on this a little bit, but i want to talk through a little bit more of the responsibilities that and isn't. yeah. and these ready to government has because of the international humanitarian law as well as an occupying power does have certain responsibilities of the occupied territory must be administered for the benefit of the local population. in this case, tell us to,
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in spite as violent forces, discriminatory laws and policies subjecting palestinians even children to military rather than civilian courts. now the lowest state, public order and safety must be in short. however, i'm simpler. attacks are at record levels. as we've been reporting this role must not displace the local population, will move its own civilians into the territory. but an estimated $750000.00 is rarely st. luke's inhabit about 300 settlements in the occupied with bank as well as the east jerusalem. the occupying power as well as also forbidden from enforcing collective punishments on the local population, but as well routinely destroys infrastructure, demolishes homes and digs of roads as we have seen time and time again. so it keep, i want to go back to you on this because why do you think israel has failed to fulfill its responsibilities as an occupying force? and the answer to me is a very short because they can because uh,
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the price today. uh for doing it for uh, 57 years was uh close to 0. um as long as you can have it both ways you can occupied territories and you can get to the american support. um, the international community interest carries uh, well publish uh, some saw statements today's uh, the occupation and uh, violation of human rights in the few bye to go east the band businesses regional. so if you are and is ready, but in addition, even not phone to the eclipse. okay, so what uh, guns uh many guns, the leader of the so called center body said yesterday, yeah, that the, the senior stage is not on the table now. yeah. and then now is what it is playing the victim. and this is a power adults that online is what i use. uh, the last, uh,
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colonial states in the, in the western society, the us, the, uh, is reading the street. he will tell you that we are the victims of the barrel. okay . and i want to bring you in. now in regards to the i, c, j hearing that is going to begin in the next hour or so. what are the potential legal consequences for is riley here? or this is a big day the, this is up again because the students i've been waiting this for the case at the, for the students i've been trying to use international law. and do the nice of diplomacy, i do use the beginning, sims, within the united nations. but so far, all of these mechanisms did not really help them in changing the ground a today with the heating the body c j, and hopefully the advisor opinion that will come at the end of those evenings. and
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there might be a change. there might be a change because the females are remote a been so far to get the, you know, if the patient does a lot of time, especially in the occupied by the student that has those bank and gaza, little diplomatic or political, or even looked at the existence on the ground. this edition now for an advisory opinion by the international court. by to me, naturally about money countries in the world. we have on a legal basis to deal with as the occupation. and maybe even the state of the senior government. all at the front 3, for example, for that was the decision that was issued by a court in the netherlands just 10 days ago. preventing military companies from the netherlands eh, to inflict sports products of that if $55.00 star plans is right there. such
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decisions actually might make a big difference. i think the advisory opinion november, they say, is that one, eh, that the system as are illegal, which is obvious. i'm going to get back to the law and many other policies that is, that is actually conducting conducted by categories. i am going to tell you what the international law and it goes beyond that because that's what the general assembly has as the court to decide on. yes, the responsibility of the responsibilities and the deal with these of all the state park is above the country. and then the sort of advisory will be me and say that those countries who refrain from sent them follow these policies in dealing with the governor board when dealing with this say that that might actually brings about a huge change. and my temper ones either does the public be potentially a huge change, but it seems like any sort of resolution to this as, as a long while, because this find international call for
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a 2 state solution is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu keeps on sticking to his position he has posted on x saying as well, rejects international calls for a permanent settlement with the palestinians. and israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a palestinian state. okay, uh, tama, just in regards to this, i mean will be segments that we've heard time and time again from missing yahoo, rejecting any sort of a 2 state solution from this and yahoo as well as everyone else seemingly in his cabinet, is that going to affect do you think how the i c j deals with them sees this harring? of course it has to do. i mean, this is the days that 8 in the, the, the boeing against everyone, even in the industry community, even is closest allies even in the west. and the u. s. i mean, it's good that we have been hitting money was suddenly those include things as a what uh, even the president by then that all know tilting the top when it comes to the need
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for the prostate solution. and the end of this conflict and nothing else is objecting. all these uh, uh, these calls and i think it's a moment of to, for isn't as p allies in the west is especially to the us to, to pick up position it off with the top. now, what are the thoughts of how we're going to pressure that then the on these later the government to both of these, i mean different money is today and is in many, uh, like including this wisdom into us the old now saying that nothing else is that a support is on it's and it's on existence because if, if a profession doesn't, and then the next another is a one state or a, i wanna stay so new should. i mean, my adams us up a, something to talk about this. yes. but as soon as i have no pets, because i have to have that on state, then it's one state solution of a national state. i mean name, it does so many discussions so, so design is will have to face and city entity as what, it's not believing them anyway. so what are they going to do with the 5 to 7 minute, but as soon as inside they'll get by then. yeah,
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that's the not going to go anywhere, but i guess many uh, hoping that the i see just hearings will actually force as well to take a look at what it is doing. as we mentioned before, there's an unprecedented number of countries that are involved over the next week and the i see chatting 52 as well as 3 other groups. i mean, that's a very, very strong significant number isn't it? is the strength and numbers and will that help put the extra pressure on as well? yes, i mean, i mean i, you to get something to be beautiful to the international community. that's not something that does a very fuzzy, a big thing to politically. i mean, when we were asked what's at the national community, what does it, is it like the west, is it that, is it sorry enough to hit the globe, you know, but the thought for the 1st time we see i wasn't for says own, on the willingness and the pressure coming from the global self countries. and that's what important most of these companies are fitted to confuse what submitted the cases to die. c j on front of site on the consequences of the corporation. busy they come from the global sales and we see this sort of know this,
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this momentum would mean many countries have more or less list hold on, on the un with, with the official for them to convince them stoplight at the national, on that acting now from their punches from the motor position they've taken on, i think this is important. so the question to the other companies in the will do we want the unified, the globe on the one un under one a under one, and the national or we want to be motor fragmented. the water ukraine has cause fragmentation doesn't know is causing more fragmentation. and i think the struggle bestest then to this and say, well enough is enough, we need to be united. we need to apply international a without any complicity without any douglas done. doesn't mohammed? i'm going to go back to you now. the palestinians presenting at the i c j today. i believe i've got about 3 or 4 hours to do so. what are you expecting? what are you hoping to hear from them? is the outline, the issues that they face on the daily basis? i mean, it's,
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it's the 1st thing that they have to are the back end is that the, you know, corporation of the international law is looking for a buzzer book sufficient. how things were built as a war. but this has to and, and the patient is but the ending is the longest or condition, the modern, but it doesn't seem that there is a date for, for it. and the 2nd thing would be that is a different kind of provision, because it's a simpler colonial occupation. it's on condition that it's main aim is actually to try and that is likely cleanse the indigenous population and a mix symptom parts of the occupied territories and bring the citizens of the buying power or the state prison to live and occupied territories, which is, as we know, eh, there's a bunch of drugs we're measuring low obviously than what we're trying under a guy in rome convention. and the other thing would be of course, the status of jerusalem. i'm the suppression of east jerusalem from the rest of
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those back. this is a very important issue and it's becoming more and more important in those days when we are coming, you know, we're all about is coming soon. and then i really do put a feeling in store at worship and the exercise, the freedom of religion in the brain. and that's the most enduring this all the most. and we just said about the new policies that is really not sion, of security minister being here was to enforce. so all these actions uh, endorsed business on the matter of living on the market a bit. there are so many instances that your reporters have just explained in the reports that we, we heard previously. but it's, it's the people to be liable for public opinion from the, from the minute that he wakes up until he goes to sleep, is filled with injustices with suppression, with oppression, with the human rights violations. whether it's the freedom of movement,
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whether it's up, the ability to work, whether it's the ability to be the house for themselves. whether it's their ability to leave the country or come back to the country or they, they're not going to be ok for a test or their freedom of speech or to say anything on social media or the newspapers, the risk at all times. and as human rights organizations, internationally, i've looked at including the human rights organizations of credit cards. the situation here in bulk of the top outside, i think the find has gone back to this up on television. it's actually an international, you're going to stop by the highest score for him to die. c j say that it this. so i'm, it should be this month. it will be keeping a very close eye on that. how that all on folds that the i c j in about an hour and a half or so. thank you so much. tama mohammed and a key, but we really do appreciate your time here on al jazeera. for the i. c. j was asked
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by the you in general assembly for its advisory opinion, and we have been discussing the top you in bodies had been accused of filing the palestinian people excellent assignment, which has more this rarely published thing and conflict has for decades similar that the heart of the united nations which churned out countless resolutions and speeches, seemingly delivering little piece. the conflict dates back to 9047. when the un general assembly proposed the partition of palestine into arab and jewish states. and leave jerusalem as an international city overseen by you and trusteeship. a palestinian state was never established. but a year later, the state of israel was created after sinus forces expelled at least $750000.00 palestinians from their homes and captured 78 percent of historic palestine. the you went then established an agency to deal with the resulting refugee crisis while
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supporting their right to return. but the 9067 israel captured and occupied the entire territory of historic palestine. an occupation that continues to this day despite un resolutions calling get illegal under international law. with each passing decade, as israel's occupation became more entrenched, doubts increase over the humans ability to realize a 2 state solution between israel and palestine. the problem, of course, with the un approach in this period is that it appears to be doing what i call managing the occupied palestinian territory to icu, monetary and approach. rather than looking at it in dallas and analyzing it through it and pens in emancipatory sort of framework. as you country joined the you, when the palestinian issue became a significant point of contention between the security council and the general assembly. from the beginning, the general assembly had individual rights and self determination rights front
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and center. that whole agenda and structure has been defeated at the security council again and again. and again. that's because the power of the balance between the 2 govern enjoying bodies full members, states and the general assembly have an equal vote. but it only takes one among the 5 permanent members of the security council to defeat any resolution with a veto. and the united states has used a veto power more than 30 times to shield israel against you in action. now the general assembly has split the issue of israel's illegal occupation before the you, whence highest court for its advice, but any opinion it will be non biting. so it's unclear if it will have any effect axles. i merge out a 0 a well still a hate here on the l g 0, we will continue l. special coverage of the i. c j hearing on israel is on
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completion of the palestinian territories. proceedings begin at 9, gmc, the storm system off the storage system, rolling in north atlanta have been for a week or 2 now, which typically brings fairly mild or head because the water is very mild, but also spells of rain in strong wind. that when that rain comes across, what still sitting in eastern europe is coming to, you do cause it get style or if you really unlucky, freezing waves of possibility and betters. and the baltic states, so much of no need or looks rather clarity breezy and that these respite, fairly mild douglasville, you go very file size for example, the values now clause games might see missed or even persistent followers, which is the case. and the problem couple of weeks ago,
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the bigger picture on tuesday just sees everything go further east as snow showing itself in for example, keys and the developing the gentle storm system, the central mat bush will bring wet weather due to dizzy and sadness. the i'm probably parts of grease as well in the immediate future is quite windy. the warnings are potential that stalls. now jerry and more atanya, this breeze, which is a seasonal one, is a bit strong and i'm bringing so i'll just dust the shaft, developing our west africa. and the gulf was getting with the heaviest rating. of course, at this time of years for the science tons and the probably mozambique and certainly by the jessica, the unique perspective on in the but don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this. and it was really a formatting thoughtful, this coverage and there's no reason to talk gets a journalist on hers, voices, and i'm of the communications on please connect with our community and tap
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into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters. in the rubble of their own homes, and this is unacceptable, the stream on out just the are asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been back to h isn't in depth coverage, tying on stakes. it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the spring. you closer to the heart of the story. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the future you'll just hear a, here's an upside about top stores. the seller is ready for us as have find that hundreds of colors simians trying to get food from a trunk. some jobs, especially some folks. i'd say that scene is rarely slices in the area. the world health organization says the largest hospital in southern gaza was completely out of service. and the w h o team wasn't allowed to enter nessa hospital in con eunice to help patients despite reaching it's comb pounds. no, i say is it has a great help transfer frozen tax funds inbox for the palestinian authority since november the taxes that would ordinarily be sent to guys that have been held by these riley government. while the p a was ousted from gallagher in 2007, many of its public sector employees and the strip kept the jobs and continued to be
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paid with tax revenues. and so the us has launched 5 new strikes on 50 targets in gym, and it is the latest in the series of attacks against the around backed 5 is in response to the strikes on ships links to israel in the red sea, the who tci, they'll continue the attacks until as well stops, it's more on gaza. well, ellen fisher has moved from washington dc. this is part to the ongoing us operation against different these that will seen over the last several weeks. they say that they targeted 5 sites, 3 were mobile and to ship missiles. one was an unmanned surface vessel. another for the 1st time was an unmanned under water vessel, which would suggest a submarine drawing of some time. no st. come central, come on, pointing the finger very squarely at the uranium, saying that this operation was carried out in a re a run, but who's a controlled territory. and they said there was an imminent threat, which is why they decided to launch the operation. know that who sees how being
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targeting shipping in the red sea in support of the people and guy this is just after the war and guys, a began initially. it was confined to is really but vessels. and then the expanded it to you t and us vessels because the state of the support that those governments are giving to the railings in the united states said it is a threat to international shipping, international comments. that is why they have continued their opperation. they've put diplomatic pressure on a run to withdraw it support from the hit the spot. they've also taken action directly against the who sees as well. just in the last couple of days, they've decided to re designate the organization as a terrorist organization. but they've given a 30 day notice to that essentially say if anyone continues to work with these, then they will be blocked from the international markets to try the tool co funding to the who are things. but by giving 30 days notice the work perhaps hoping that
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the route these would scale back 0 operations. clearly, that hasn't happened. that hasn't worked for sure. i'll use either washington of the widow all of alexi knows on is due to me to you are paying union foreign ministers in brussels, foreign policy chief address of bar ellison ministers. we'll send a strong message of support to what he called freedom fighters and russia. and to honor the memory of the off position they didn't rush, it is denying allegations that vetted me opponents. biggest critic was mooted in prison. juliet shovel alova reports from moscow contribution in life and now in death. just how criminal critic i look, st devonie died in russia's high security of prison, has arouse suspicions at home and abroad. louisa alex here, now i know it was precisely putin who killed him. you'll kind of get an important whatever story they tell. let us be clear, russia is responsible. that also shows that 14,
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she has nothing more than just sent from his own people. russian officials did not any foul play. the state d misspeak blamed washington london, brussels and even kids phone of all these desk saying that they would benefit from it a month before the presidential elections and russia. states means if it forwarded version that in a volley dies due to a blood clot. but that's the rate was criticized by doctors who said it was too early to draw such conclusions before an autopsy. many people lincoln yvonne is deaf to the tortures conditions. he would have been subjected to prison as well as possible complications from his suspect of 2020 poisoning with the newly choked nerve agent. since he was drilled 3 years ago, he was sent to sona trick confinement 27 times in cold conditions and was little food about says he's 1000 people have sent appeals to the investigative committee. se, demanding the release of nevada is voted to his relatives. only that might have become
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clearer as to how he died. you lash above all of the odors, the right must go. the police ends up and you get a half a cup of the bodies of 60 full men, shot dead and tribal violence. local media reported the tribesmen were killed on sunday, near the town of weblogs and in good provence. the few things are a major escalation and ongoing tribal violence and the northern highlands. 60 people were killed last year and fighting between rival tribes. but the 2nd day of tools have resumed and counts on the ongoing crisis in afghanistan, but telephone leaders and those attending and you in member states and special invoice on afghanistan are discussing engagements with the telephone, government, and deliveries of humanitarian aid. a lot for the not sure if it's not a is an eft in a civil society representative at the you and meeting on afghanistan kit and doug ha, thank you so much for joining us here in the studio. first of all, can you just give us
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a bit of context of how significant is this amazing understand is the 2nd within a year and i guess what is actually hoping to be achieved. thank you, tom. this is quite significant for us. got us done given to the tyler bond, have actually waged war against women off ask on this time, girls are not allowed to go to school. a civil liberties are limited in this restrictive media is censored. this is very important that the international community hosted by the un secretary general is gathering here in doha for 2 days of intense talks. to address 3 fundamental questions. one, how to improve international consensus and ask them to sign the western world and regional play or 2nd, how to deal with the top or bottom, how to make them change their policies. and 3rd, what kind of a political, a road map they can design for us to understand basically what to do next. yeah, you will just stick with
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a point number 2 that you might have to deal with the telephone. as we mentioned, know, telephone latest are attending that. so how does that affect how the international community, how do you in goes about doing this? this is quite significant to be have chosen not to show up. i think this is a strategic mistake. but in the same time, this is a helping the international community to engage with other ask guides to hear the views. but at some point, i think it's very important for also for the top of on to understand where the world is stands. and at the moment the world has chosen to go ahead without the title of i'm probably this is not something to be expected. right. do to expect that to continue though? i think it's very important for the international community to build that consensus that is critical. internationally and deal with the telephone with one voice and you, as i mentioned that uh, one of the things that the talk to be a chaste through these meetings is to come up with
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a plan for what happens next. what does that plan look like at this stage of the moment? i think that tasha community is trying to come up with a strategy, a roadmap that is going to be executed by a new appointment of a special envoy for afghanistan appointed by the un secretary general. very soon, and that individual would it be in charge of dealing with afghanistan on behalf of the entire international community. not only to you and not only the west. and that is something that they would like to achieve here. get consensus on approval from visual players and also discuss with other off guns, including a group of 5 the members of the civil society to see what they have to say about the human rights situation about how the restrictions are and ask, understand about uh of course access to education and how access to justice. these
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are important elements. yeah. for ordinary asked to to deal with. well thank you so much. we really do appreciate your time. we'll have to leave it there. um thank you so much for joining us. thank you. as well, the city of south and in the northern libya is grappling with a rising tide of sewage that's forcing many people from the collapsing homes like china reports from sultan with expense a puzzled about what's causing the flooding disaster. how many they got? these home was flooded, last month, city and most of his neighbors were forced to leave. the ground is still what one loves you by the the when i came back home, there was a roof, it smells, the entire house dropped about 7 centimeters. there but corrects in the walls and ceilings. the water didn't come from rainfall, but from under his home, ground water has been rising across areas in sleep, in flooding neighborhoods and damaging homes up the as one says it's shifted the foundations of his home. so the way out of the house,
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but the cause of the war to the roof and walls was separated from the fond issues throughout the entire home. you know, just to my home, but all my neighbors. we pump the water out, but it just comes back. the house will fall at any time. the government is renting small apartments to house opera. yeah. and others were displaced experts across libby. i don't know exactly what's causing the ground water to rise, but they attribute to flooding to climate change. inadequate infrastructure and above average rainfall in recent years. the annual man uh, just to the $10.00 to $15.00 families were forced out of their homes, and more families are expected to be evacuated. we brought to condemn, except the experts in geology and related fields from across the country. so we could put together a comprehensive report on the causes and put solutions to the government. most homes in the city with a population of around 320000. you septic tanks. the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage. and that's because,
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according to city officials less than 6 percent of the homes and we are connected to the government sewage network, the contaminated water is res, concerns waterborne diseases will spread. the government has sent in teams to help these men have been extracting more than 1200000 leaders a day from this area for more than 2 weeks. most of the phone mohammed heads, the emergency committee in sleeping right now, we're working on temporary foss to fix is the government's bringing in for an experts to help. but we're also working on medium and long term solutions. despite all these efforts, the water keeps on rising, and more people are likely to find themselves forced out of their homes, mount china, l. 0. sweeten. well, that's often they told mccrae for the moments, but you can find much more information on the website itself. is there a don't com? i will be back in
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a couple of minutes. we'll continue l. special coverage on the i. c. j hearing and is rose, occupation of the palestinian territories to stay with us. the in the history of refugee camp south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband set previously spent a year and administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days next day to create a computer benign. we suffered a loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if you will sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence. walk down any valley here, turn any corner, and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge,
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according to the palestinian prisoners society around $3300.00 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. surrounded by walls, full of photos, to showcase happier times. these women try to lighten. but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. ukraine, a father frontline, a mother and children. can this time of the seas future when the sky is full? the sign is without an ukraine escaping the dog with i'll just leave it as you can. cooking is a radio baseball tea tool which everyone should carry from preface to teams,
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de tourism and eco anxiety. therapy, why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse, maybe discovers how people to campaign in the end time. what are the point young generation coming soon? just like i told you, so dealing with this feeling on out to 0 of the united nations highest. cool. which is the found to begin a series of hearings into israel's illegal occupation, the palestinian territory. the hello until mccrae coming to the scenes of desperation and hunger and gone. so where is rose war and restrictions on live


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