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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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a lindsey is illegal occupation of palestinian factory as well as shown by mister locklear. the statements of is high's government officials evincing is termination to this located the policy in population and next is territory. and one thing is a system of colonial statement supplement. oh let this too is intention. you're watching l g 0 until mccray and it is 11 gmc, we, i can send you right now, special coverage of the united nations highest cost, which is holding a series of hearings into israel's illegal occupation of palestine. the palestinian lawyers had been outlining their case. it's less than backend. what? so how do you find about understanding that being 5 but it's in population is the enemy. they are all and then we come back and and the blood shall be on all their heads. they should go as to the physical homes in which
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they, the snakes otherwise, more live in snakes, we'd be raise their end of coats, treasure clean. this is just one of the many, the human eyes in descriptions bite was remedial officials of philistine and children. snakes, snakes, mister president, for all the above reasons, they, staple fellows fine requests the court to declare that is really discriminatory practices against the blessing and people are going to amount to a part time. i wish this chord defined. and it's 9271. advise your opinion on the media as distinctions. exclusions restrictions and limitations exclusively based on rounds of race, color or descent or national or estimates origin which caused the truth of denial
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of the month of human rights. this action reflects the palestinian reality. mister president, members of the court, 47 united nations experts have declared that if the occupation is not road to an end and i code, what would be left of the west bank would be if alice, do you mean bumped the stone islands of disconnected land? completely surrounded by is written and with no 30 story in connection to the outside world and would be the crystallization of i know radio and just c l a t 2 people living in the same space road by the same state but with both phones on equal rights, this is a vision of the 21st century apartheid. this is a part by the policy in population and is fans i point to cents.
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hence is discriminate for the treatment. the philistines must be viewed in east pallets as palestine and other participants demonstrated in various statements. the system, operations, discrimination expands to all areas between them is if it ends the end, the jordan river. furthermore, palestine may be answer africa together with the immediate of public figures. deacon's callers and jews, concur best thoughts disc are made for your treatment amounts to apartheid. even some is really officials admitted that although it might not be clear to the need to dial by is really law is always citizens of any country who have never been to is there any kind of domestically game is really citizenship yet
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palestinians, refugees, west spends the entire lives in force exam and in refugee camps are bored forever, from returning to the homelands. unfortunately, by won't allow me to expose the, for the expense of is discriminatory laws. but i would only highlight that is written as an extensive set of laws discriminating against philistines in every aspect of life. this was not left to note this by 3rd, which note that the practice of segregation between joyce and non jewish communities continues to be applied in, in pearl. and one state 3 i, let's see of an equal rights. consolidating segregation in apartheid against palestinians is reflected in the, in the having to discriminate city director of the 20 is 18 basic law is,
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are in the nation state of visual, which people so under this law, exercising the national self determination in the state of israel is unique to the jewish people, the value of things or supplements became and is really national value. not only in the occupied westbank and the city in both of them. but even in this for and i'll square on which lands the answer is on the lands with philippine and citizens of it lives, special needs indigo, nearly and then an exclusive right of one girlfriend come the denial of the rights of another from the jordan river. does it made to fit in you see, if this is not the apartheid walk, this is,
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is measures policies and practices against the palestinian people are no less pervasive in the beach or less but nice. just in the consequences. then the institutionalized nation discrimination and segregation that existed in south africa. and just like in 1971. the international community relies on this court to play its own genuine road to bring about and then to visit living injustice as an immediate and this illegal situation will be still on the policy me and be been the from the month and rights to which they are entitled by international law, yet unfortunately, they have been so unjustly, the 9th. let me conclude mister president with a cry of desperation,
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presenting the counters. victims of the ongoing is really atrocities, as described by the philistine in forward worried. but what a my despair. i remember there is life of this. there is life of the best. i have no problem. but i also all god, oh god. is there life before this mr. prison, members of the court? i thank you for your kind attention, mister president. i respectfully request that you now call professor sands to the point. thank you. i'm thinking with them i know invited professor philip says that that's the cold we have before for
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the serial. mister president, a members of the quote it is unknown to address you this morning on the subject of the palestinian peoples ride to self determination, the extended deb probation of is it nearly ample right tenants? permanent quest to exercise it fully? $53.00, the states and 3 international organizations submitted written statements to the court. not a single one. no one, no to even israel claimed that the palestinian people was not entitled to self determination on the international law. mr. president,
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the written statements before you offer no discordant note to the 3 cool propositions, the state of palestine advances in these proceedings. first, the palestinians are a distinct people, such as such, they enjoy the very same rights. every other people, including the most foundational frights, leave the right to self determination to decide for themselves how they will live and organize politically, socially, economically, in accordance with subject to international law. as professor hush allowed to punt put unity in 1945 in the language of another age.
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freedom means and i quote, the right of self government through rule is chosen by an accountable to him and equality, dumont an equal opportunity of self government and cultural development. and of course, good palestinian people's rights to self determination has real and practical consequences, which is not an empty slogan. is that right? includes buses not limited to the right to control their own land and not for resources. the rights to be free from the demographic manipulations by any thoughts parking on the right to determine their own political status, economic development, their own futures. mister president, members of the court,
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there is no dispute as to the right of self determination of the palestinian people . it has never been an issue, not since the time of the mandate. and this court made that clear 2 decades ago, in its opinion and the war case. when it said loud and clear, the existence of a policy people is no longer an issue. what is before this court now is the ability of the palestinian people to exercise that right. and israel, systematic unfamiliar violation of that, right? what does the right to self determination mean in practice? how has israel via nitrogen and what are the consequences of those violations? president,
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member of the court and it's written state. the state of palestine explained the right to self determination comprises for specific components. first, the right to territorial integrity. second, the right not to be subjected to demographic manipulations within that territory by foreign power. it should the right to exercise permanent sovereignty of its natural resources and for the right to be able to proceed with the chosen economic, social, and cultural development. the prolonged occupation colonization, unsupported annexation by israel of palestinian territory. with all the discriminatory and all the unlawful acts have and continue to deprive the palestinian people of each of these 4 distinct components to be stuck with the
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right to territorial integrity. so recently recognized and given the effect by the court and its advisory opinion on shake offs and endorsed by an overwhelming majority by the general assembly united nations. this in prevent resolutions 15142625. as well as clearly violated the territorial integrity. the occupied palestinian territories to over more than half a century of belligerent occupation. as mister white glove has described, it has purportedly annexed jerusalem on the west bank and it was established hundreds of supplements populated by more than 700000 settlers. regarded as a permanent deposit of his ro, it is extended, the wall that this court fax to be illegal in 2004 to the test can
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find palestinians to inc, right? it has suffered to us than it says, restricted palestinian rights of entry from the rest of the p. t. it has formed the garza strip to an impoverished inc. 5, a besieged from bodied community. separate from the west bank and east galveston. its leaders have declared israel will be suffering over for combined between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea. and it has made this form of government policy. what's the concern to this is the acquisition territory by force, which is the reduction in fragmentation. as you've seen of the territory left for the palestinians and this is a manifest foundation of palestine,
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territory integrity. it's you. it's contiguity which are cool elements of the right to self determination. the general assembly secure to cancel the human rights council have repeatedly called for the preservation of palestine, territorial integrity and condemned as ralph acts as a violation of the right power student people to exercise their self determination. so we urge the court decry israel 56 year old to be unable to confirm the words of your recent opinion in the trade goss. cuz this route is under an open regression to bring its presence on the territory of palestine to an end. and to do so as rapidly as possible, i, the president, members of the court, i turn to the right not to be subjected to democratic manipulation. tell us to get
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people that you've heard and are aware, have been subject to a century of dispossession and displacement manifest violation of that right to self determination. this is in 2 ways. first, before simple displacement undermines the integrity of the people. as the court has confirmed, in the whole che goes opinions between 947 and 1949 trying to knock the ball between 750900. and it was kind of experience before somebody displaced in 1967 for the 400000 were forced to be despised. refugees all prevented from being able to return on full school displacements, continue today the entire communities in the west,
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but including east jerusalem. and now, before our very eyes on a daily basis, across the entire t of casa 2nd, transferring another people into the territory of palestine is concrete to international. it undermines the exercise by palestine of its right to self determination. israel disclose hundreds of thousands of unlawful settlers will somehow remained permanently end for ever. this is a demographic manipulation of the highest order. if you have, it continues, it will find the right of self determination. the law requires that such actions must end forth with to present members of the court. the 3rd aspect is the right to exercise permanent sovereignty over natural resources as recognized by our
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school, one of the 2 international covenants. and by so many un bodies, the resources include land, fresh water, agricultural and mineral resources, including hydro commons, is ralph control and proportion to annexation. the occupied palestinian territories embraces both the land and it's not true resources, for example, israel systematically appropriate water resources in the west bank alone. united nations has documented, prohibit options on palestinians growing was from the ritual and grossly and equitable allocations of 5 to ground waters. as between israelis and palestinians, israel 10 inches rock, corey's israel, prevents palestinian exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits on show and of show
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these 2 hom manifesto. violations of the right of self determination to suppress the members of the court. the false component of the right to self determination is the right for people to determine its own political stages and direction and to pursue its own economic. social and cultural development of its choice is confirmed by a multitude of instruments, general assembly resolutions. that is all persist in prohibiting and punishing political expressions of palestinian identity and nationhood flags are out flawed and attacked. civil society organizations and political parties are declared to be unlawful leaders and elected representatives and civilians. more generally include. ready so many children are assaulted, exiled, imprisoned,
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or killed. general assembly resolutions and many treaties confirm that these rights exist under international law. and they've been systematically violated the economic, social, and cultural rights for palestinian people are suppressed by prolonged and unlawful occupation by the ported annexation of the westbank, including east jerusalem by the settlement by the war. and it's associated regime an infrastructure by the blockade of casa by the fragmentation of lined by the debt probation of resources by the restrictions on freedom and movement of people and of goods. and by a multitude of other rights of subjugation and collective punishment. these acts and others have curtailed the access of the palestinian people to livelihoods. they have made the country and the people totally dependent on
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a cultural development to is on the sustained assault access to religious and in the mind and violated religious social and cultural events. also, schools and universities, all the same, still just demolished. cultural heritage is usage or just destroyed. right. his parents, academics awesome. he prevented from expressing themselves from like a renowned pruitt with that a year. i simply think religious leaders faced intimidation, harassment, and insight. so true, it goes for palestinians, social development, world bank, the world health organization. this describes the health system in the occupied, palestinian characterizes fragmented and french are accessed to housing,
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is destroyed by forced expulsions, demolition orders, seizure and destruction of property, discriminatory planning, violence and intimidation from sacrilege. and the goal is to strip the economic, social, and cultural life of the palestinian people, has been decimated, off to 17 years of blockade. the population is destitute, which is subjected to destruction on an industrial scale. now of totally dependent on humanitarian aid merely to exist. this continuing military assault today, shocks a conference of the world. is it consistent with the right of self determination? mister president, one only has to ask the question to see how it on says itself of
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violence and restrictions imposed on palestinians impact every aspect of palestinian life that's on cad reporting in march 2003. and of course, today, the situation is even more right. the violation of palestine exercise of the right to self determination is manifest. and it is gross. in summary, as well as i wrote k to to, to itself the right to decide who owns the palestinian mind. might live on it and how it has to be used on israel's approach. it decides on the use of resources and allocations of benefits on israel's approach. it decides where the palestinians remain overtime. for israel's approach,
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it decides how if actual palestinians by meat preyed, teach for ship, leave not just rolled once more, its current prime minister and government celebrated the denial of palestinian exercise of self determination of sovereignty and state code. they celebrated the claim right to construct, supplements in the palestinian territory and with pride. they speak of the power to frustrate the ultimate records and palestinian statehood. the ultimate expression, the ultimate expression of the right of self determination. mister president, let us be blunt, says relative sort to negate the rights to palestinian people to exercise their
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right of self determination in all aspects across all parts of the territory of mind to treat how much time it has done so for decades. and it wishes to do so for actual project projects. israel celebrates the minor, 1st violation of international, inherent in its prolonged occupation, tragically, tragically, israel, a search the right of national self determination. in the state of this, rather than i'm quoting, is unique to the jewish people under its own 2000 to 19 basic law. practically friendship. israel search it's price against the role of international people. no one in these great hold of justice is story odd. about international, the positives what we have and she is your role as judges. so please quote,
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the principal traditional organ of the united nations to affirm the place and the power of international to confirm the legality of the occupation. to make clear that the palestine in all respects meets the criteria of statehood under international with all the rights and responsibilities that implies to mr. president, members of the court, the existence, an exercise of the right to self determination or not conditioning the right to decide peremptorily. right? this is recognized by states by judges of this quote, by the international commission, by commentators. and what that means in practice is that there is no derogation from the existence of exercise of the right bin tradeoffs, the quote,
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confront resolution $1514.00, which recognizes self determination must be exercised without any conditions or respirations, reflects customary general international. the only limitation on the right the court has said, is it the free and genuine expression of the people concerned as to be exercised? in accordance with international tri goes, various cooled washed away partition american arguments. alleged security concerns, somehow from the right of self determination. and it's exercised and we trust that the quote will dismiss the argument that somehow the palestinian people right self determination is conditional upon a subjective determination by another state as to matches of its security.
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this right to self determination includes the right of a people to form a salt for an independent state. more than 140 states have recognized palestine as a state population with a defined territory to the government. being a policy to multiple pretty state rights and with obligations to present members of the court. alice thing in state which does not dependent on the approval of this route and occupying power does not have and cannot have a right to veto over the right of self determination of the palestinian people in the rights of the palestinian people. includes the right of self determination, national independence and silver,
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and what are the consequences of his world's fall actions of palestine tried to self determination and his exercise profess, appellate is going to address these matters. so i can be brief, that's the purpose. and they sent to the occupation is the denial of the right of self determination and the prevention. let's be frank of the solution called full by the security council. the journal assembly and the vast majority of states around the world premised on the existence of the 2 state solution. the occupation is illegal and must be brought to the immediate unconditional and total and the right of self determination requires that un member states bring israel's occupation to an immediate and no aid of assistance. no complicity, no contribution to forcible actions. no money,
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no arms, no trade, no, nothing. more un members are blige by law to end israel's presence on the territory of palestine period. in concluding, mister press the members the court. they are responding to the unfortunate point managed by a small number of states as an opinion from this court would somehow negatively impact future negotiations. great course, but the truth is the very opposite. first, court has confirmed ready privacy and people have a right to self determination. have delegation. the existence, an exercise of the right to self determination is not and can never be a matter for negotiate. second, the function of this quote of these judges of you is the state below to spell
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out the legal rights and obligations that will allow.


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