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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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this business uptake this voltage by the 6 bank gross not net of on the dashboard 40 is the the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life from doha. coming off in the next 60 minutes. we are proud under resilient people that has been doing more than it's chad. well, the nation it is so painful to be better seen than today. historic day, the united nations highest course concludes with pato standing officials making their case against israel's illegal occupation and its devastating impact the scenes of desperation and hunger in gaza. where
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israel's war and restrictions in life saving aid of post palestinians to the brink of firemen plus the name and the occupied west bank, where people have been experiencing the hardships of israel's money. 3 of 2 patients for decades. we're going to explore whether israel, a systematic policy of segregation, settled that expansion unoccupied. east jerusalem is changing the status of what palestinians consider is the future of capital. and the you and the secretary general says consultations on the appointment of a you and envoy to coordinate engagement between the off con telephone and the international community. will begin the we're going to begin in the hey good. the international court of justice has begun a series of hearings on israel's illegal occupation of palestine for 5 days. the runs highest court will be considering the legal implications of israel's policies
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and actions and what they mean for all other un member states. the palestinians representatives had 3 hours to make their opening case for a stop was for them. most of we have monica. a hi stands before you. as 3300000 police team, housing goes up. half of them children are deceased and bumped. killed and maimed starved and displaced as more than $3500000.00 by the seniors in the us bank including is utilizing them subjected to close by zation of the of territory. that was the largest one this time. that was the political life. culture of life is social life, you know, really just like it. todd schools and universities seen them. i was on cultural holes. it had villages and villages,
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families and communities whose life was up to the by the impact of a promise made thousands of miles away over a 100 years ago. occupation can only be a temporary state of affairs. a permanent occupation is a legal oxymoron. mister president, what makes israel's ongoing occupation of the palestinian territory unlawful is precisely its permanent character a correspondence or covering all aspects of the story. a honda most moves arrive in graphite in southern garzo for palestinians who have enjoyed israel's occupation and locate, are now living through what the international court of justice says is plausible genocide and the occupied by spying regarding the, the abraham. she's in front of the most stock reminder of israel's occupation,
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the separation? well, 1st we're going to set the scene we've done in smith who's at the hague bernard. let's go back to what we're hearing about the a, the international court of justice, and the 3 hours of representations that were made by the palestinian delegation. this is a very significant case, isn't it? just to talk to us for viewers. so just joining us, why it's so significant and what's been happening of the weather is significant in scope and scale. $52.00 states will offer a testimony opinion here at the international court of justice over the next 6 days on 3 international organizations. and is off the back of a request to you in general assembly back in 2022. the asking the court to deliver an opinion on whether on the lead quality of israel's occupation of the west bank and gaza. i'm joined now by michael link, who is a former un special ruffle to on the palestinian tires. michael, thanks very much for joining us. it was very sort of compelling testimony. we had
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that clear and concise, that israel is occupation, is a legal accords, could not resist to re returning to an opinion. conf concurring. well, let's hope, i mean, remember they've, that's 5 more days of, of arguments to here. but the vast majority of the states who are appearing over the next 5 days are going to be arguing in favor of an expensive answer to the advisory opinion, question being put to it by the, by the general assembly. so i'm hopeful that the court will find in the this is an illegal occupation in order to israel to and to completely immediately and unconditionally. israel is ignored in the world called before. busy or over the separation wall, which is now extended. what pressure, what could that possibly be on these rel to even if the court issues this opinion. secondly, off the patient to leave? what israel probably will ignore this is realize ignored in many ways the provisional measures that were issued last month by the court with respect to the
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case products i saw of africa. but to now have the a fixation, the add you to a legal put before the occupation if that is indeed. but the court lines of ruling in several months time would wind up, you know, further deep shit, amazing. israel's continued rule. we've already heard from prime minister, nothing you know, but there will be no palestinian state that israel retains solving tree and security from the mediterranean to the, to the jordan river. that's going to be increasingly harder to be able to maintain in the face of both legal opinion as well as popular opinion around the world. the, the i c, j set. it's opinion carry significant maureen, weight the size of the moral weight for israel to want to on it to do, i have to pay it any differently than it is not all. think of the think of the options of the united nations with then have, if the court rules that this isn't a legal occupation, several months time, this would go back to the general assembly who would ask for the advisory opinion.
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they would likely pass a resolution in favor of endorsing what the court has done and then either it or the security council would then be compelled to want to take action to decide what steps should be taken to compel israel to end the legal occupation. well, one last question, michael, is to us is always the most influential state when it comes to israel. could the us be persuaded to behave any differently if the core issues this opinion that the occupation is illegal? well, let's remember that the present and 5 minutes been talking about a 2 state solution since it became president that has been talking about a 2 state solution, the 4 months that this war has been going on. this wouldn't be the ultimate test as to whether or not the united states lives up to its word with respect to its claimed adherents to international law. i'm just trying to force an air reversible to students to state solution michael link. thank you very much for joining us. so the call will continue hearing from 5152 stays over the next 6 days. it's
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opinion, it is not legally binding a binding opinion, but it carry significant marvel far to the only c j says, but it could be pops and people know before the end of the year. but the core issues that opinion, bernard smith, that in the hey, got assigned the international court of justice barton and thank you very much upon his studies have enjoyed the hardships of israel's occupation for generations while each person might experience different struggles. him is similar as one of land staffed lives lost, and time spent wasting. the abraham reports from the occupied west bank home, usually mean safety and security for this palestinian family. it's the opposite. surrounded by illegals, really supplements threatened by increasing attacks by sellers. what's the opposite? the font tells us, his family is left with no choice but to lock themselves in money. and that's what i like. we can leave the house alone. my sister has got mad and then i couldn't even go to the wedding's dot org was hovering around. he says it's really settlers
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want them out so they can move in. but this is the only home they own. and the only time they know they call themselves the guardians of the hill. the boys we've been here before, the settlers, my grandfather, built the house in the 1970s. then my father and mother inherited it. we are here protecting it as well, and we'll pass it onto our kids. since 1967, israel husband establishing illegal supplements on hilltops, overtime they expand at the expense of palestinians. most of one family says they will not leave the little home on the hill. for them, this is how the experience is really military occupation, violent attacks, legal documents, and then grabs. that's no move to the center of the occupied to us back in columbia . a few jacob with for one family. the occupation means tragic losses of life words . it was
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a bitter sweet moment when sammy's new brand son was born in 2005, they named him. yes, if after his uncle, who was killed by his really forces 4 years before. oh and the general had done so we wanted him to bring joy to the house. i was heavy. he was born in jordan and i traveled to meet him. but in 2023 and just a few weeks before turning 18. yes, it was buried in the same grief site as his name say, booth killed by the same army. that not only them sammy's son, sam and mohammed were also killed by israeli forces in 200220152 we do not bring children to this life to die. but to live, we want to be able to live in peace and have a good life. i lost my sons when do a very young, there were 1115 and 17 years old. nope, every palestinian find many shares this heavy loss of life. but the few patients
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still 6, that's all on people, one way or another. let's go now to have run the sounds of the occupied to us bank and see how life there has been brought to a whole once brimming with life and a bustling economy. life is fading away in new york city. now it's a mere echo of what it once was that how did you get in the markets? a dead? no visitors, no foreigners. we don't find customers for the goods we buy and are in debt for the 75 year old sales pending fee is local artisans, a symbol of the cities rich cultural heritage. in this i had a, i've been here for 17 years and i keep thinking that if we get a bit better instead of every year, it gets worse and worse, people are scared, very humiliated at the check points. so they avoid this area hold together. this one is something here and however on the economy capital of the occupied the west bank. the city still has
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a few hours before it goes to see people are shopping and working with us on has some way earlier in the old city of hebron posted in see time to is a victim of occupation lost in cues, alternative routes, checkpoints, enclosures times, toes and from a nation stuck in waiting need that but he just either the occupied last thing is joining us our lives and funding. is there a separation wall in bethlehem and the occupied was spying? so the international criminal court of justice already had an advisory building on the separation wall that israel abide by it. of the yes, they've subs in 2004 that the wall is being bills and established in $25.00 territory, which is why israel needs to stop building it at the time. but the 4th is world is not abide by that rule. and we've seen the wall being built all
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across most areas of the occupied us bank. and with this we, we are also seeing all the manifestations of the occupation, those surveillance cameras, the military towers, the gaze, the check points. the fact that if the city is who are living here, wanted to go, just send me says behind this will there have to go through a be a very, very long. you turn. that is, if they have a for us to be able to arrives to destination. once of a city, a writer said, what is occupation for him? he goes with power city is feel that they are dangerous in their own line. you know, when palestinians are under municipal corporation, this news the only land possession dispossession. not only a soft of a home demolition where res checkpoints, but also the fact that palestinians do not have controls on the very little details
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of their lives when it comes to freedom of movement when it comes to delays. long hours of delays of check points when it comes to being able to leave the country, being able to move from one place to another, being able to have children if they marry from abroad. so every single detail of palestinians live is really sensor is around the actions of these really ministry occupation. as soon as we tell you the, all of these is really measure the, the wall, the sacraments, the chuck boys all intend to make life miserable for palestinian that they would go and find somewhere else cities. but guess what? it's tell us city is we've been speaking to say, this is a long, this is the country, this is where they've been born and have been staying here for decades. they have no intention of leaving. but i have to say that, you know, we're here in rough lab and we've seen a lot of christians because this is a, a city that has lots of christians here, have immigrated out of the country. but again,
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the over whelming feeling among spa city is, is that these really is want them out in response there, such as fast the resilience to hear this thing. finally, thank you very much. indeed that's i need abraham talking to us from what is it the israel separation well in bethlehem and they occupied was find going to go to it off on the gaza strip, where honey lockwood is sounding by for us. so me a few weeks ago that the international court of justice rule that israel should avoid the genocide in guys are the, is really ministry's still attacking. is there any hope there that'd be i c j ruling. this current one would actually change anything on the ground? yes, so let's just a start by stating what has been happening while the hearing session is going on at the hague, of the international court of justice. more atrocities committed by these really military. and it's in bidding forces in the city of hon. you and is more public
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facilities and hospitals being militarily under siege and also more residential buildings in the central air being targeted, a more people that being killed, including women and it truly this was happening while the hearing is going on to talk about the in the legality of the occupation of the palestinians. a territory so far, it's a mix of do we look at us 56 years of ongoing prudel military occupation that divided the line into 2 major reservation. one that is largely divided by the ongoing construction of a league settlements in the west bank and occupied with banks. and the other one has been under a lock key, its suffocating, a blockage for the past 60 in the years. and for a lot of people, this more is a combination of both the occupation and the blockade that went on for it's been going on for 60 and years that has dictates life for the vast majority of people here and me, a large portion of them kind of from the outside world devastated the economy of
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the gaza strip if it's still putting more restrictions on the entry of necessities and food supplies, including a fuel and cooking gas to hospitals, to homes and businesses. and just turn the entire gall, this thread into an open air prison with people inside case. then inside of it. and more of like a concentration camp. so far with only 2 points of entry and exit here. it rubbing across thing for the passenger to travel. and come, i will silence the commercial, the crossing that has been a subject of many restrictions of the entry of necessity to the people in gaza strip. honey, thank you very much indeed. does honeywell hold and roughly in the gaza strip? a lot of gaza is under is really military, are sold palestinians in the occupied west bank. i'm the east jerusalem out in during is really military rules and what the un is calling, i mean vitamins of rapidly deteriorating human rights. my collaborative reports. 6
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ok, i'm going to go and this isn't these really checkpoints in the occupied ways assign of israel's military control over the territory. since 1967 for more than 3000000 palestinians, you face about 700 different obstacles today. freedom of movement including checkpoints, roadblocks, and gates. there's no other way to quarters about the above. i did so the only, um, you're right. so that decision, i mean, anyone who looks at the situation on the ground knows it is about die. right? so we're going to is ation say, palestinians are denied basic civil rights, including that are freedom of assembly association and expression. the oslo accords signed in washington dc in 1993. we're supposed to bring about palestinian self determination via quotes divided the waste bank into areas a, b,
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and c. area c, exclusively for his riley's, constitutes about 60 percent of the waste bank. and that figure is growing. there are up to 3 quarters of a 1000000 is riley settlers living in about 250 settlements in violation of international law. they open the carry weapons, often intimidating attacking and harassing palestinians to displace them from the children in the occupied ways bank. or also target israel is the only country in the world to prostitute children in military courts. meanwhile, is uni says, says 2023 was the worst you on record, in which soldiers killed a 124 children. or do you in special rap or to an independent expect responsible for monitoring human rights in the occupied territories was recently
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bought from entering israel. francesco, a been a z says that's been happening for the last 16 years by refusing me entry, ease through ease of using only hours of the buying power. so as long as it remains, you'll combine power into with mexico. history, if any, through some of these are leads to fall with their own. so the united nations recent come inspires riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu point to a doubling down on its continued military occupation. i will call you, but we will, i will. most compromise on full is rabies, courtesy control, volt territory. west of the jordan river, you know, it might in the system is what has prevented over the years the establishment of a palestinian state from each other before him. is really raids, happen 19, now nearly 400 palestinians, including more than a 100 children, had been killed in the occupied waste banks. since each rails will run cost would be down in october. my example,
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which is era doug and leave is president of the us middle east project and he's a farmer is ready negotiation. he's joining us live from london. thank you very much indeed for being with us. but we've all the about ball that we've heard of for the 1st 3 hours of the hearings in the international court of justice. and he has been the palestinian delegation pushing forward its case. how is israel likely to respond as well rolled as you probably know, is rose chosen not to turn up itself at these oral hearings. this is quite unprecedented. beep beep beep. magnitude of this hearing. people know the 20 years ago there was an advisory opinion office regarding the war the detroit is constructed illegally inside the tide, palestinian territories of that here in 20 years ago, you had 15 cents, show up in your arguments, which is what is happening this week. and next monday, this time around is more than 50 states. this is the most that have ever been at
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any hearing or any case before the international court of justice in the hague. in history, police right is not going. now we saw all the slacking, the quest, the music and crushing defeat is relative in its pace with south africa go this route to the court still being considered with regard to plausible violations of the genocide convention. so each row will have all this, make its case for it of the 50. you are going to be that less than 10. i'm going to be signed. the weight is really kind of arguments the us uh, primarily amongst them. well, they will be all doing. i imagine we've seen this in their written submissions is the quotes should keep its nose out. it's not admissible, it's not just difficult. and crucially, this is an issue that should be decided in negotiations. it's political, it's not the one such sort is because the question here is
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whether the peace process, the 2 years of agreements, i'm the which is really interesting trip. okay. patient, it's controlled, it's a paul type. use a piece close this, something that should be on top by international legality, international and the piece process or 2 things that should never meet. this is these re off and that allows us to have a piece process. and we're hearing that a lot of tools, especially from the us and from others. but there's going to be a new attempt to revise, also to revise this piece process. and i think what they're telling us. ready the piece process should be an action of a symmetry where possible party, completely. another party with this external allies could force it to accept things that are illegal under international law. and what this case is doing is trying to ring fence and suggest that a piece of it has to run according to international law and should not be an effort,
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is simply re crystallizing and full revising the existing of pol type reality. hm. and the cases that we had this morning, the rulings of, excuse me, they the representations that were made this morning at the i c, j is what was being referred to as an occupying part. and i just, i want to ask you about that, but i just think it's worth running through the obligations and an occupying power . has it under certain circumstances? in this case, it says the occupied territories must be administered for the benefit of a local population. in this case, palestinians, but israel's enforces discriminatory laws and policies, subjecting palestinians even children to military rather than civilian courts. the lowest states, public order and safety must be insured. however, on several of attacks are at record levels. israel must not displace the local population or move its own civilians into the territory, but an estimated 750000 is really settlers and have it about 300 settlements in the occupied was find an east jerusalem of the occupying powers. also forbidding from
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enforcing collective punishment on the local population. but israel routinely destroys infrastructure and demolishes homes and it digs up roads. so daniel, i'm going to come back to you, given all of that over the years that it has been this intensification of internally and is ready to control and particularly occupied westbank and also in occupied inch to jerusalem. and why has there been not intensification over the years when for from, from somebody from the point of you have somebody looking at it from outside they wouldn't seem that removing a lot of those obstacles, making things actually easier for palestinians would have provided some sort of route to some, some if not a 2 state solution, then at least some sort of calming of the situation as well. indeed, you just offered us a list of things that these rallies in violation of every single one of the that
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was the argument made of this morning in the court by the palestinian representation. it's an argument you will have in various days is repeated find many of the states that will make oral presentations over the coming days. and it's there in the written submissions. the cool will here who may just structural issues, self determination annexation, illegal occupation, supplement status of jerusalem and crucially discrimination. because 22 states that 24 came into the regional groupies, i reference the pol applied either in terms of the violations of the convention. i guess for the forms of racial discrimination, all the pots i to mention to so, so it's precisely the fact the international law is not being applied. these rough has been treated with impunity and no accountability which has allowed us to get to the roof. in reality, which has been described, would you describe to see every day on the grounds for palestinians?
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now he is where the difficulty comes in role because as we both know, this is an advisory opinion. it's not enforceable. it's not self in force. so what does it mean? the idea rushing to is that not only do you ring fence questions all international reality, but you also then dialog of this website to the virus website, but also the legal complications full foot policies in terms of their responsibilities on the consequences of being completed in misfire. lation of international, i mean, guaranteeing impunity for violate the policy, namely as well. now sometimes that may be things go through local. we already so what happened off to the south africa genocide, initial provisional measures voting in the letter to the court. that with regards to provision of all, all listings, i think whether it's possible criminal liability,
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whether rich deep relations they can talk with these roby relations that sort of states conduct with these rails a legal actions in the territories. the provision of arms 2 is that these illegal policies. i don't want to do, but poly outage of domestic statement to any one the way the several months. the court makes this ruling. everything changes over nice. but this gives important tools, potentially new tools for what we all know is going to be a long way to freedom, to dismantling apartheid one that we will pulse to bind the substitute important moments of legally to ration and to rome. those social mobilization of civil society actors because you most of the legal bodies and ultimately of state type dest, including the impressive submissions and arguments by people who will hear very important states, notably, goes into the local. so no does,
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he does have it under paul type and colonization in the past. daniel, i mean, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just, you know, thank you very much. indeed. as we've been discussing, the number of his reading settlements across the occupied territories, a growing, i'll just say that spoke to kind of the tougher, tough i talked to. an expert on is really sacraments to gauge the impacts and so on and occupied east jerusalem, where the old cities add the hearts of these really occupation and the conflict. a, c, i'm of somebody that's a civilian, a lot of colorado so that you all just a moment to ski, lift it on, give me lee of the outside of a handful of the media. if you enough to look a fate the mcguffey i've been, jenny, i'm sort of tv will be tell you. but if i'm an ethan had to say that i love you. so i have thought this about us about too many of the amendments. i have to put some stuff to like those the obvious about 15. yeah. many of the outside on police look like i did not hit i'm the police a list. go up the street. but please, because a handful of them, you know, because some of that is, comments are listed funny, you know, if he, if he definitely a handful of premier. so my,
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me to speak to how we a here and for us to new york. beautiful. see me. i perceive yourself, we definitely love. yeah. i know who the luminous c g or what, how many to me it or how many of their little then we'll get off if you saw that has the swahili managed i had the and i'm really to me of how your little son, cutty, a salon. will have that hate the money with the money and bit there. mind that the we have them have be strictly and come in with a use a gun, a little sooner than other than somebody needs. well, what we had then how you be strictly and come in the faith of islam leo and shot mode, click on it and some of how long will put this have to unlock different honestly for lee. and we'll show you the most. will there be enough civil? i even love how many if they hadn't been been as if you had the in the month of uh uh, the 2nd can we have had many too many of the items with their feet. i didn't want to allow them to come out of the model for them on the i bought on content of the la be not, you know, i mean i'm going to tell them. ready how the numbers you this about any. busy just a moment, be
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a double get off. you saw the had it so that you need what kind of to come for the city. a massage of some sort of my being a, a, a, a, a, a, a month to. so that will be a month depending on who the you know, still cutty, a little have for the month the car earlier. who the, let's here and what was your difficult to the one who connecticut when you get the idea? when i don't know golfing come with when they come in with me them, but i will pop it and then come and come out to show how you doing if you had the what are the for the to the one that when you get the idea? no matter what the issue we had the month to helping them out for the month or earlier who the lucky. okay. and let's be definitely a handful of cynthia and you said albany at the uh, jamal law. uh, well, maybe if i left one of the i left, he texted them. i don't understand why it's so easy for you. definitely. but it's, it was gonna bringing you out a whole lot of issues of political on list, including back to the law shop, aka. they published any policy that functions joining us. we walk you by distribution and thank you very much indeed for being with us. i'm afraid sounds
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one of the lawyers who was talking during the representations to the the higg this morning was referring to the fact that this isn't just about restriction of movement for palestinians. it's also restriction of culture as well as poetry of art and limitations. tell us about the kind of impact that it has on lives of palestinians, not just in terms of where they can go. and this really embrace the impression of the posting and people really affects all aspects of life. it is talk to the very essence of being palestinian and was seen that, you know, very much played out across the dog by tar trees encouraging you know, the west bank to re slam the 48 tired tooth and goes up. and so was this, this legal avenue by this i c j. cool hearing isn't full. and it's, is it also important to remember the, the, the, the mechanisms of the day and the radio to patient are continuing, you know, people and also still being involved. that's still being stuff that being denied,
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even the basic necessities of life is certainly in the west. but you know, we're really sitting around not close of colonization, which is not just as he mentioned about a freedom of movement. but it's, it's about the take have a apply and in its entirety. i'm also seeing, you know, the widespread looting of palestinian homes of businesses, of cultural heritage. so one of this obviously existed for a long time is existed since the very existence of the state to this route. but it's really bounce off in the last few months on the cub then onto the guys this ongoing. so in, in garza and it's made life incredibly difficult for palestinians even more difficult than the full. and of course, what's happening in the west by country some pales in comparison to what's happening in garza, but i think it has to be re, it's right to the published in nice. it's not, no, it's never been normal since it started to smoke of the state of as well. i'm
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talking palestine. the ruling that's going to come from the i c j. i probably won't come for several months. um. is there any optimism amongst palestinians with regards to what is going on at the i c, j to well, i think a lot of college students are asking, you know, what the relevance of these in special maneuvers. and it's not to disparage those who are, you know, pointing despite and dedication, they're not to look to these people use, but i think it's a pessimism, but it's really brut sitting. we ought to use the reality, which is seen very little delivered from the international legal regime. you know, just over a month ago the, i teach a role that there is a significant coast. but it see that the as brand new regime is committing genocide to ass and gaza and i'm not genocide continues. and so i think, you know, people are pessimistic about the possibilities that can come out of any legal make maneuvers. but having said that, you know, it's not insignificant,
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it's certainly a setting a precedent. the fact that there's no 52 to be precise will participate in this case. i think that's more than any of a case in the course history. i think my is certainly significant whether that really delivers in terms of the reality on the ground. the palestinians experience, i think is probably of 90. you had a whole lot of you political long list to include. i haven't heard of all should bach? i thank you very much indeed for being with us. so now i just want to bring in a lot of luna is the palestinian book, cellphone is joining us from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. tell us what your life is. like of the hello. thank you for having me a. why can you see a list of them has never been easy and for the last 53 years of self my age i have been counted and have experienced living under the occupation politically much on
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a daily basis. as a young man, young teenage that's going up, you constantly have to deal with continuous uh checkpoints, line checkpoints in the streets, going from school to where it's too bad, back home to seeing, defense going out and you will constantly see a land around you and your neighborhoods being consist of cape is being taken by this highly states by the settler. so you continue to see supplements and coming pretty much in every neighborhood today. and he's chosen based on his id and supplement that this calling continues to close. so life life is difficult, life is doesn't have so much a possibility for young people going off the back of the homes of houses because of the consecration of land continues to add some of the gave us to go inside the old city that he simply specifically off the 7th of october, a con does fictions on people going to pay it. it's really aligned to the
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occupation goes into each of every aspect of the daily lives for further spins and try to make it as difficult as possible. and when is that difficult? then they find to make it even a little bit more difficult. these really say that along with the efforts that they go to that a lot of the things that they put in place have done to security concerns that they perceive a significant scribes from palestinians. and be occupied westbank and also east jerusalem and elsewhere in your experience. is that right? is that fear just to find a look the young people want to see a say the when, when i don't know if the patient that has to be in going on for the last 57 years that has 6 people from the basic types from this basic freedom of movement from the basic city, the most of expression, eh, people and specifically,
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young teenagers and young cousins wants to live like everybody else in the way it wants to experience today. them wants to live in the community in equality and when these aspects, basic, very basic human aspects are being started the way the kind of being sides away from you. and you continue to grow up with, with, with continuous harassment and was continuous and distinctions as, as young people. i think it makes complete sense that people wants to find a way to live. and when, when people find all these, those sections, sections around them. and of course, you know, what do you expect to people to do? people want to ask people who want to have a good quality of life and have a good life and have it's a life that has these basic city them. so they want to, they want to, you know, exist to these a switch. now the status is on the state of affairs and receives this, it's on the list. this, as of these people are, you know,
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it puts these are sections as and uses the, the way ups of, you know, for security reasons and so on to say about some of that stuff. and it's been, you know, that doesn't put any needs. and anyway, i don't think i don't think is justified that, but it's billions have more freedom if the occupations is fair and it's just although there's no such thing as of you know, the condition to truth and training and occupation is not just as much sale, but when, when, if, if this occupation is able to give people the basic items in fields that they can do for the veto, because i've been beat, i have some level of freedom and equality and justice. i'm sure these con sales will not be even concerns folks for the services of the problem is pressing depend, this thing, instead of having those are things in physical and then and then they make them some kind of blaming the think, the victim things you continue to suggest by this thing is and then you blame them when they try to get back on it. let me just ask you to say, i don't know if you forgive me for interrupting you, but i don't know if you have children of your own. but if you're talking to very young children, you're very young palestinians, about what is going on,
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how do you describe to them? how do you explain to them the circumstances that they're going to be growing up in and you know that that's actually the issue. that's the real issue. i think i find it very difficult to explain to kids the, you know, i grew up in, in this documentation and, and the, all the things that, that you'll see it on goodness has never been explained to you. sometimes, you know, as you go to visit the friends of yours or electives of your family who lives behind the wood, then you have to go to check once you have 2 or 3 or 4, you know, in the back of the car and you're supposed to be on the check point and you'll just plug it in because you don't pay this thing until single month. i sent you the sensitivity of being sent by and it's all you and me. so i'll just, i'll walk you based on that to not be there. i'll be explain this tickets. i find it extremely difficult that i'm not sure how could you, how could you, uh, you know, explain this to kits. i have not had to do this myself, but the day i'm going to have to do this. i think it's going to be extremely
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difficult. you we, we go up, you go up in, in this occupation i, i remember going up that my parents would always, i go up and just in the 2nd intifada and i was a teenager my bit, i'm continuously with checking on me and checking, making sure that i'm home on time, i was not allowed to go out with science. i'm was not allowed to go for, you know, going through the same them of having just people that my friends house isn't and so on. because of the political situation, this political situation has not changed anything it has on the done, you know, from back to ask them back to asked occupations you know, was bethany as to who was always bad, but it was better yesterday and it was the day before and it's just going, i really don't know how we could explain to young kids how to, how to you envision the future because the future does not look funny. 5, unfortunately, i'm not going to, we should keep the hope that the future wouldn't be bite. so i hope i'm not please forgive me for interrupting you, but i do appreciate the feedback on my whole notice with me, thank you very much indeed for being with us. and i'll just here the international
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court of justice was asked by the un general assembly for its advisory opinion, but the top you and bodies have long been accused of failing upon a standing. and people are so suddenly that she explains. this rarely published in, in conflict has for decades similar that the heart of the united nations which churned out the counselor's resolutions and speeches, seemingly delivering little piece. the conflict dates back to 9047 when the un general assembly proposed the partition of palestine into arab and julie states. and leave jerusalem as an international city overseen by you and trusteeship. a palestinian state was never established, but a year later, the state of israel was created after assign his forces, expelled at least $750000.00 palestinians from their homes and captured 78 percent of his started palestine. the you went then established an agency to deal with the resulting refugee crisis while supporting their right to return. but the 9067
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israel captured and occupied the entire territory of historic palestine and occupation that continues to this day despite un resolutions calling get illegal under international law. with each passing decade, as israel's occupation became more entrenched, doubts increase over the you want the ability to realize a 2 state solution between israel and palestine. the problem, of course, with the un approach in this period is that it appears to be doing what i call managing the occupied palestinian territory to like you monetary and approach rather than looking at it. and it been balanced and analyzing it through it and pants in emancipatory sort of framework. as you country joint the you, when the palestinian issue became a significant point of contention between the security council and the general assembly. from the beginning, the general assembly had individual rights and self determination rights front
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and center. that whole agenda and structure has been defeated at the security council again and again. and again. that's because the power of imbalance between the 2 govern enjoying bodies, full member states and the general assembly have an equal vote. but it only takes one among the 5 permanent members of the security council to defeat any resolution with a veto. and the united states has used a veto power more than 30 times to shield israel against you in action. now the general assembly has split the issue of israel's illegal occupation before the you whence highest court for its advice. but any opinion of will be non biting. so it's unclear if it will have any effect. axels, i merge alger 0 model of the shot is, i'll just say to senior political on the selection was just to say, talking about the role of the united nations. and all of this that has been going
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on. it was the un general assembly back in 2022 that had referred this case today today, international court of justice. the ruling is not going to be for another 5 or so months, but at that point, the human will then have to decide what it's going to do with that. really. how significant do you think that is going to be? what is it a way of envisaging what might happen there? depending on the ruling, you know, it's actually there when it goes beyond the united nations and beyond the general assembly and what it could, it could not do it because the best thing just you and general assembly can do. it's probably the issue. i know the resolution that's also would be done binding. so i think the importance here is both legal, moral and political. and it's, it's important because since 2022 on today and the next 2 years, there is a real attempt on the part of the united states, the world superpower and the leading fall within the region to keep framing and re framing the problem. and
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a solution to be bought beyond and above international law. it doesn't address international law. notice, for example, i think our view is around the world. i'm sure i've noticed that over the past several years, every time the americans talk about the even the best case scenario. i bet a senior state. they never talk about ending the occupation for some reason. occupation. here's the problem. occupation. it's the occupation stupid. right? i believe it's or this is or what this is about. i mean, what has been said over 3 hours. it's the occupation, stupid. it's the occupation. that's the source of all evil. it's also the occupation is the source of the conflict. no, the conflict is a source of occupation because again, we've been saying for years now for decades that there is, an adverb, is very the conflict. but there is no palestinian. is there any conflict? there's an is really occupation of palestine. there's an is ready, hold on,
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i zation will satisfy. this one is really fast in front of time. this one is already a pod paid in front of fine. is there any violence racism? expropriation of land denied the freedom, denial of lot of stuff to sort of a nation in palestine or coming out of this occupation right and dispossession. of course, so there is no palestinian israeli conflict that is at his right. the aggression there is, is there a doctor, patients a know this is radius age. and genocide has re framing the problem to its original framework. that there is an aggression going on. i guess the 1st before is, is key. and, and just for the court to be able to once again underlined the fact that there's nothing temporary about this. but this is a part of that and popular patient been going on for almost 6 decades. it has turned into an expiration. it's illegal. this is
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a non binding and as a result, there's a lot of speculation that is really unlikely to adhere to any building that the i c j puts out. now i know that back in 2004 the i c j issued a ruling about the separation wall. that is, it was, was building. and again, if anything, the separation wall has increased and the, and the, the building projects have continued. now i know that benjamin netanyahu wrote about this at the time, and i think it was the new york times. you also wrote about us at the same time. tell us about what your response was to his argument that the i c j didn't have any jurisdiction and separation. well, there's only a timeframe measure. actually at the time it was the international herald tribune which became plenty of times. you know, the times was parked on there and both articles came out the same day after the i c j holding that the war was illegal. right?
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so in fact, believe it or not at the time, the new york times then the editors. but my article of top benjamin nothing the all his article below. ready my article was the wall is a legal, right? so i'm not positive on that. so what that means for separation mixed the main thing is as control over the west bank and so on, so forth. but then, you know, then on the game where the idea that no, this is not the legal, that this is a self defense. now, what do we know from the, i see general thing back in 2004. it said basically and, and really sort importantly, that is why i had no such right of self defense and not occupied territory. that i need a such right of self defense as is there a credit that will perpetuate this is occupation. and once again, that's what we've been talking about today and what we've talked about back in 2004, and that's the importance of the i c, j warning is that occupation is just perpetuate to that. it creates a sofa,
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a system of violence. it needs and then return to resistance, resistance 3 and story foundation by the occupation and so on, so forth as we're seeing in gaza today, leading basically to general sites at the time. nothing else said the war is temporarily of course, has been 20 years. and if anything is becoming ever more the fact to in the end occupied by the senior territories, now that to exceed the number of illegal settlers more than tripled since then says 2004. so it's right, it's starting, it's the part of the occupation and to part of minutes. next session. in fact, is as leaders today are far more outspoken. as we've heard today, in that case, made against israel occupation by the postilion team. that it is written, the leaders are more more bossed for you of the next session. one, as always,
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thank you very much. indeed. one of the shots, obviously the senior political on the 2000 adults and the situation in afghanistan. i'm just wrapped up here and casa tyler bond. they just didn't attend the meeting. you weren't member states and special envoys and i've done a son or been discussing engagements with the taliban government and deliveries of humanitarian aid were following the main thing. you and the secretary general attorney looked at us, spoke about the road of bob to achieve peace and stability enough kind of time. what do we will? we will say a forgotten is done in peace, peace with itself, and peace with its neighbors. able to assume the, the commitments and the international obligations of the southern states and the, at the same time,
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the doing so we relation to the international community of the countries of its neighbors and these ration to the rights of its own population. and at the same time, enough got his son fully integrated it all the mechanisms, political, economic, the evidence, evidence of national communities. this is the objective, the game. first, the need, the for, i forgot the start not to be in the hot bed of terry's activities. that's the impact on other countries. seconds. the vision of, of guide is the weaving clothes. if you see pollutions in which it's diverse groups . we have those back subjects by student as that, as they all seem to be presented in the states. that she is truly inclusive. so it's
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a concern about the respect of human rights and then particularly the rights of women and girls. so we can see that easy, essential to revoke the decisions that do not allow girls to be in secondary and tertiary school and do not allow women to effectively work in the majority of the professions and then a consent. but at the same time moves the recognition of the prophetess maids collection to the questions of the traffic kings and the rock booty vision. the moment we're going to be live and i've done this time with our correspondent, and some of these are very 1st we're going to get more and the meeting from russell set out here in doha russell. as we're talking about the television, we're not represented at this meeting. i'm antonio titus. they're giving a kind of broad picture of 5. what's the hopes? the next steps would be or least the end game is. but did you give any sort of practical indications about what could happen short time to get to those points?
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not much of the practical steps. however, one of the success of this meeting, according to the un secretary general, antoinette terrace, was the decision to form a contact group, which is going to include a small number of the companies. we do not know which companies are going to be involved in this content group. however, he said that this new to form contact group is going to play a crucial role from now on. when it comes to the engagement with teddy barn. we'd have gotten this done, economy play, and particularly so she said it has been a great consensus on many of the topics today in the between the the, the special invoice. however, he also said that there are many issues that are not resolved yet such as afghanistan to remain and with a government that's practically the charge of the country. highly bad, but not the cold nice by the international community. and also he said that this creation of the terrorism of kind of stuff being the better being,
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being held back for the type of groups is not sole the found. also, he said that the inclusive it to, you know, i've gotten this done, hasn't been pulling. and the, the groups of different that visit to use are not represented fairly. and they say that these, the contact group is going to now try to paved waiting for the next 2 weeks and also have a better engagement, went back, but again, with, with a tiny box. so he has been also asked if that has been a sort of the communication despite the not be present at the door between the us special invoice and thought about who said that to do the type of bonds office in the us. that has been a sort of communication that said what happened to his mother, the worse for him started, but rather a failure of the communication. russell, thank you very much for so sorta and the not meeting there are, some of the things are very joining us not a lie from cobble. so russell explaining that at the top of on for one reason the child that i'm gave was that he didn't want really, anybody,
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any communication with anybody else, all those on the top of on, in terms of how this is being presented in couple. why is the child of i'm explaining what is explained kind of and explaining about why they didn't go to the meeting as well, according to the solid button, it's very simple. it's been 2 and a half years of listening to the same arguments, talking to the same people hearing the same points. and that is that the dollar bond needs to be more inclusive. it needs to have more respect for women's rights and other rights. and it needs to be part of the international coalition of, of, of, of lead is, according to the real and that is something that is not acceptable to the public. and would like to call themselves the stomach, emulate of understanding, say that they've been in charge for 2 and a half years. they are able to deliver to the people in terms of security and a service, as they say that they're into sympathy and all of the public service. because most of the people who work there are from various backgrounds and there's never been a more secured, have done this on in the last 40 years that in excel. so according to this,
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on the bottom, the international community has not just let the people of thought live on people of understand down, but they're also hammering down on demands and wishes which are not acceptable to them. and as this loggerheads continues between these 2 sides, the people in their millions continue to suffer and those echo chambers where they continue to talk about the same points without the thought of on as one diplomat put it is going to be another exercise in futility. because only solutions will come, but the people who are actually able to implement that are part of the conversation or something. i think the change in binge of age talking to is not from a couple. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more of those using feeling our top story. international court of justice hearing is beginning a series of hearings on israel's illegal occupation of pato starting. i'm your mattress and stay with us on the
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the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line legally passed barge. you can, cooking is a radio baseball tea tool, which everyone should carry from breakfast to teams, de tourism and eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse, maybe discovers how people to campaign in the end time. what are the point young generation coming soon? i just like i told you, so dealing with this feeling on out to 0 activities designed to help young minds come to terms with children with very different experiences but also suffering.
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some degree of trauma gung. could children such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences? we would take it into buses. he tells us to russia where we stayed for a bit over a month. ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been full simply relocated to russia despite repeated efforts and international mediation. only about 400 children have been with us. for now the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover. this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view, rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical,
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and cultural beauties. the occupation can only be a temporary state of affairs. historic day, the united nations highest court concludes with palestine is lawyers making their case against israel's illegal occupation and its devastating impact the terminal about this. and this is obviously a life from don't have also coming up the seems of desperation of hunger in gaza where israel's watering restrictions on life say the age of post palestinians to the brink of pharma plus the name and the occupied to us back.


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