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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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countries and small beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. the occupation can only be a temporary state of affairs. historic day of the united nations highest course concludes with all the science lawyers making your case against israel's illegal occupation. and it's devastating impact the terminal baptism. this is obviously a life from don't have also coming up the seams of desperation and hunger in gaza where israel's watering restrictions and light saving aid of post
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palestinians to the brink of pharma sauce. i knew that, but i came in the occupied west bank where people have been experiencing the hardships of israel's ministry of corporations for decades and also use the un secretary general's as consultations on the apartment to you and envoy to coordinate engagements within between the i've done talking about the international community will begin the we're going to begin in the hey, where the international court of justice has begun a series of hearings and israel's illegal occupations. upon his time. for 5 days, the year ends highest court will be considering the legal implications of israel's policies and actions and what they mean for all the un member states. the palestinians representatives have 3 hours to make their opening case a hi stand before you. that's 2300000 police steam, housing goes up,
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half of them children are deceased and bumped, killed and maimed starved and displaced as more than 3 point. $5000000.00 for the seniors in the us bank including is yours or them subjected to close by zation of the of territory. that was lot of on this time. that was the political life. the culture of life is social life. you really just like it. todd schools and universities seen them. i was on cultural holes. it had villages and villages, families and communities whose life was up to the by the impact of the problem is made thousands of miles away over a 100 years ago. and i talked about in smith's live at the hague,
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outside the international court of justice. and many ways this was a very significant hearing, wasn't about what happened today. i'm talking to what we could expect for the rest of the week. well roll we have 3 hours of clearly you legal opinion from am and lawyers appointed by the palestinians to argue that case as to the legality. legality of is israel is occupation of the palestinian territories. it ended with a comment from re add mine. so the palestinians permanent representative to the un and he was moved and it was possible not to be moved. as you heard him explain the pain of day, the occupation for most palestinians. he said he broke down when he said the international husband has not prevented to palestinian children in gaza and the occupied westbank. and you said he so painful today to be pilot stand
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in about was a conclusion early wrong with her. these arguments of lawyers saying that over decades, israel is occupation of the west bank is deliberate settlement of territory. $700000.00 a is riley settlers living on policy the entire tree. now, the man, this occupation was a legal they wanted to show how they explain how the law is applied differently to palestinians. and these varieties effectively, that is a pot sites on how is well is made no secrets, all of it slow, but steady on x ation of those palestinian territories. all of the, like legal experts had made it clear that based on k patient is illegal and will made mon particularly amen and lawyer pull. right. like he said, that a poem in an occupation is a legal oxy more. and he said to the cold threes, it's now the best and possibly the last hope for the 2 state solution is for best cool to decline illegally ongoing occupation. we back in 2020,
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to the general assembly, asked the colt to look at the long term effects of these rails occupation. $52.00 states and 3 international organizations over the next 6 days will be giving that opinion, palestinians were the 1st to do that today. part of thank you very much. abandoned smith, the age of side of the international court of justice palestinians have enjoyed the hardships of israel's occupation for generations, but each person might experience different struggles. the scene is similar as one of land fest lives last and time is spent waiting it. abraham reports from the occupied westbank home usually means safety and security for this palestinian family. it's the opposite. surrounded by illegals. really supplements threatened by increasing attacks by circulars. what's the opposite? the phone tells us, his family is left with no choice but to lock themselves in. let me go home and i shall. i can't leave the house alone. my sisters got mad and then i couldn't even
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go to the wedding's dot org was hovering around. he says it's really settlers want them out so they can move in. but this is the only home they own. and the only time they know they call themselves the guardians of the hill. the boy we've been here before this up there's my grandfather built the house in the 1970s. then my father and mother inherited it. we are here protecting it as well. and we'll pass it on to our kids. since 1967, israel husband establishing illegal supplements on hilltops, overtime they expand at the expense of palestinians, most of juan farm, and he says they will not leave the little home on the hill for them. this is how the experience is really military occupation, violent attacks, illegals documents, and then grabs. let's now move to the center of the occupied to us back in columbia to few jacob with for one family. the occupation means tragic losses of life and
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it was a bitter sweet moment. when sammy's new brand son was born in 2005, they named him. yes, if after his uncle who was killed by his really forces 4 years before. oh and the general had done so we wanted him to bring joy to the house. i was heavy. he was born in jordan and i traveled to meet him. but in 2023 and just a few weeks before turning 18. yes, it was buried in the same grief site as his name say, booth killed by the same army, the nobility them. sammy son, sam and mohammed were also killed by israeli forces in 20022015. you want to know if we cannot bring children to this life to die, but to live we want to be able to live in peace and have a good life. i lost my sons when do a very young. they were 1115 and 17 years old. nope,
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every palestinian hominy shares this heavy loss of life. but the few patients still 6, that's all on people, one way or another. let's go now to have run the sounds of the occupied to us bank and see how life there has been brought to a whole once brimming with life and a bustling economy. life is fading away in the last city of have right now. it's a mere echo of what it once was that how did you get in the market said that no visitors know foreigners. we don't find customers for the goods we buy and are in debt for the 75 year old sales pending fee is local artisans, a symbol of the cities rich cultural heritage. in this ahead a, i've been here for 17 years. i keep thinking that if we get a bit better instead of every year, it gets worse and worse, people us get their humiliated the checkpoints, so they avoid this very hold together. this one is something here and however on
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the economy capital of the occupied to us bank, the cities still has a few hours before it goes to see people are shopping and working with the sun has set way earlier in the old city of hebron posted in see time to is a victim of occupation lost in cues, alternative routes, checkpoints, enclosures times, toes and from a nation stuck in waiting need that, but he is either the occupied to us thing in this office. joining us now from ramallah. let's talk a little bit about the they've hearings that been going on with the international court of justice. how were people reacting to those of the well naming and shaming israel on the international stage? a condemnation for their actions against posting in communities across the occupied territories. it is something the palestinians have seen before. it is nothing new. let's get the perspective from remo. lower speaking here to the law or
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a caught the professor of diplomacy and conflict resolution of the air of american university. thank you very much for joining us. of these hearings or condemnation of the un ongoing cases at the i c. j. how consequential are these international events for palestinians like yourself, who have been living under occupation for decades? how consequential are these events? so listen for the policy and people for the nervous citizen of how this time. i think that people have lost faith in every diplomatic or legal tool. however, as a professor of diplomacy, i must have messed us. we cannot abundance and internationally seeking the diplomatic and the legal tools. when we resort to course, it is a 2 course. this is our last resort. that's palestinians. we have tried so many, you know, dialogue fees, processing negotiations. we are dealing with a the other side where we have a life when they seem government that have closed every limits. those people are not only and insulting the palestinians there and something that it's,
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and that's what the community that you, on the u. s. a new station. if we, if we follow the statements of the one that has been exceed, and the other i'm administers in the cabinets, they does the suspect, anybody, they didn't something everybody. and they are unfortunately still enjoying the infinity possible in face of the war crimes that they are coming, figuring stuff out of some young people. however, we didn't, didn't mind the whole world that those tools. of course i didn't have nothing the licensee i to those tools were created after the holocaust. i'm this happened to say never again, never again to own as you might not the so it ends on next. so you have to speaking on a document that has started can level that is again, the victim of the how the cost, assuming say, is now being tied in those course. this is a good listen for history and for humanity with the policy and people are suffering . and because that should not happen in the 1st place. if we talk about human rights. and that's a lot if we want to learn from the basic as something lesson of history that this should be never again for all humanity. however,
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as long as is ryan is going to thing. every genocide them everywhere, crime possible with the legal and ethical dissertation on coverage that is being provided with so many players like the u. s. and the like one of those countries. i don't think anything will stop the crimes of bethany all governments. and in terms of practical steps, the diplomacy, the idea is that achieving justice takes far longer than perpetrating injustice. but how significant is a moral victory on the international stage, which is likely what these cases will lead to little more than a moral victory without any sort of enforcement. how significant is it when palestinians continue to die on a daily basis in garza, in areas across the occupied west bank? what is the possibility for this means they are really dismay, then we feel that we would receive diplomacy had failed since, and that's all law has failed us. however, from a diplomatic and academic perspective, documentation is important and justice takes time. and we have seen and recent history, the other experiences around the world where justice must prevent as long as the
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people tell the truth and continue to raise awareness. and fortunately with the public awareness that is being raised around the world and the people who are calling for humanity and that's, that's because they're a guest, israel just because and that's also because they're pro palestinian but because they're pro humanity, they're pro, you know, the basic principles of being a human. however, i think it's important that some countries who are, you know, in the specs of international law and who are members of the best and did not send them a system, then it to impose solutions. they need to impose sanctions on his way and because this is also diplomatic look through mind the whole world, that's when we talk about un sanctions. when we talk about the course of diplomacy is always diplomatic. so legal and it's all not contested. so when it comes to the bilateral relations with every country, every member states within talking with it needs to be reminded that they are legally and ethically of life. and they have a motor obligation ended on relationships with, is there a don't have to wait for a, you know, consensus when that can you,
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you can just say we need to wait for the whole, you know, that's not true. every country needs to face its obligations, needs to be the mazda, but that does responsible and asked of the ice, a heating the dental side. you know, the dentist has convention bluntly states that it is the responsibility of every state to stop and to try to avoid that con, i'm not, the only not to hold is real accountable as written as something but also the responsibility on every member state of the international community. thank you very much. professors dollar cox work for your perspective there. thank you very much. so that's the view here in rome, i love we speak to people in the agencies that are the palestinians were working with for an age groups as well. and they say the same thing, they no longer feel that the western powers, that the united states, that international energy always have a moral authority anymore to dictate what democracy looks like or what human rights should be. and unless these hearings you and condemnation, unless these things translates into something practical on the ground,
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to stop palestinians from dying on a daily basis. all of these hearings do for many palestinians here in the occupied westbank appear a little less than a hollow gestures. zane, beside the in ramallah saying thank you very much indeed. are still ahead on i'll just say the police improper and you can even tell the bodies of dozens of men killed in the latest type of violence. the hell i will say heavy rain, snow and some freezing rain full pots. so central china in particular to see this band of cloud here that's pushing across northern pause. that's why the cobra is in place is driving cold. normally when that cost many areas of northern china, then let me go to something a little more the, just around the central pa square the, to me we have got some very heavy right in place that just between behind and
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shanghai that so get interested a little further east with southern parts of japan, seeing some heavy down post because some localized flooding k as well. and you see how that rank comes back into central positive china to the north is that that's where we have that mix of snow and freezing right. and it is basically called minus one, the top 10 between badging then on tuesday. and one was it got one into when stand by way to stay. i think we're waiting for you make some of more expensive pushing it across north korea. it's in the past of japan, heavy rain, they're just central areas and see how tempted to get dropped a good time decreased by that stage. here's your shelves that are called south east asia, heavier shelves into indonesia, maybe showers long spells of right still causing problems across northern posit, focused on more than the areas of india, warranties in force if it's a system beside the east. the. the
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discussing the defining issues of our time, we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen big tech propaganda to explore how to build the sites, ethically, the racial biases get worse. you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to the the don't you know, does it a reminder about 12, sorry, this out of the international court of justice is begun. 5 days of hearings,
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interviews really occupation of palestinian territories. since 1967 father songs legal team, total judges, that israel wants to embrace old choices of a palestinian nation, trying not to our coverage of israel's war on garza palestinians. there are on the brink of funding and the risking their lives under is really sniper, far to collect food from a small number of a chunk static of boys. the voice from an offer, a desperate and hungry palestinians are running out of options under these various noise before you the risky the noise to reach one of the few 8 troops entering goes of 60 in. uh yeah. and the people don't have food. people don't have the minimum necessities of life, how much they came in, hoping to find something, at least some flower. people put themselves and their lives in danger for just little things. they families,
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we belong 0 is absolutely nothing. i can assure you that people will die of hunger . israel's restriction to suit you in medicine entering district is making it almost impossible for palestinians to survive. the united nations saves everyone and goals is facing simon like conditions. let me see how that will be. i'm not like people now go to the garbage to find something to wait to do that. may god help. everyone with a lot is very come. boots have also fired thomas city and fish shipment of gauze, coast, threatening of folly till source of suits the men were using small boats to catch fish of the cause of coast near rough, off and under they is very located. they used to be able to fish up to 37
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kilometers out to the sea, but not anymore. in japan, your refuge account, but no bring comes of the the food show. tickets. slowing mills have ground to haute. there is no freeze. the price of $1.00 bag of feet today has reached more than $3000.00 shekels or more than a 1000 dollars 5 months into israel's will. and garza palestinians who have been displaced many times over on now close to stone station. and israel continues to restrict the amount of 8 entering the territory. a topic about zoom out just a rough, rough southern cause it's cut out sort of ministry is released, the stipend, the following comments from prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling on the country to exert pressure on com us to release is when he captives ministry says the statements are nothing but a new attempt to stole and prolong the war. it says the ministry is committed to
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mediation efforts, which includes ending the crisis and freeing the hostages. cut out rejects these really prime ministers, empty accusations about the country funding homeless saying was, or says earmarked for reconstruction of humanitarian aid or counted out in full coordination. israel the us, egypt. and the united nations had of united nations as our stuff kind of starting to join the international community and live in peace and not be what i'm telling you what content is called a hot bed of title, restrict territories and drug running. john delegates here and caught our for 2 days of talks and helping off guns made as if the top of on government stayed away, saying they'd only have 10 talks as the sole representatives of the half down people. we want a forgotten is done in peace. peace with itself and peace with its neighbors. able to assume the commitments and the international obligations of a sovereign states. and the, at the same time,
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the doing so we relation to the international community, the other countries of its neighbors. and these ration to the rights of its own population. first, the need the fort. i've got a start not to be in the hot bed of terry's activities. that's the impact on other countries. seconds, as the vision of, of guide is leaving close if you see solutions in which it's diverse groups, we have those back subjects by student as that, as they all seem to be presented in the states that he is truly inclusive. so it's a concern about the respect of human rights and then particularly the rights of women and girls. so we can see that easy,
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essential to revoke the decisions that do not allow girls to be in secondary and tertiary school and do not allow women to effectively work in the majority of the professions or something like that. it's joining us, not a life from trouble tell us why the child of mine wasn't attending the meeting. it was tied up and made it very clear from the on the size of that unless the united nations in might says add as the solar representative of the people of about us on it, but not attend at all though it is continuing to work with very few in agencies, even with the people who are actually there in the meeting, as well as other nations which surround this and are part of the blocks which are dealing with it's all about including china, russia, iran, partners, funding and gulf states. uh, which have a host, it's always the, i'm not recognized it as a government, but there and buses are being seen as investors issuing visa, so on and so forth. so the thought of on says, i just mean 2 and
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a half years of listening to the same rhetoric from the same talking points by the same people. and it is now time to change according to the u. s. own report. in november, which was presented to the un security council that the status school of engagement for the sun is not working. it needs to be amended. but as the tunnel button have been telling us that it is unfortunate that it is more of the same as the 2nd time . the united nations met all of the concerned parties and did not have that. the bond on the table on the ground and have gotten this done. it is bitterly cold these days. it is but poverty is rife. people are struggling to find jobs and, and find basic things and, and make sure that they have a vision for the future or be helpful for the patient. because especially because of the girls education issue. so on the ground in afghanistan, the situation is dia, it is deteriorating, and the international community, according to many people on the street that we've been speaking to, seems that it is continuing what it did in the last 20 is speaking amongst
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themselves, talking at around this time rather than talking to have gotten this done, talking about the future of, of buying the funds without the people in charge. it's not going to work. but some a thank you very much or somebody's, you're very talking to some couple is totally fine. i was in yemen, have retaliated after us forces again, so i didn't miss all sides there. hopefully spokesman's at the british ship route. john is danger of sinking. after being hit by a number of missiles, the crew abandoned about capital in the gulf of ivy that followed 5 us strikes includes the mesa sites suspect to the recent attacks and the shipping of the red sea emphasis on the shopping level of many of the it's a part of the palestinian people in the gaza strip are still facing aggression and blockade to this moment. and as a response to the american bridges, regression on our country. the neighbor forces of the many armed forces with the help of allah, all nicely carried as a special military operation, targeting a british ship, the gulf of items using the appropriate naval missiles. the results of the
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operation were as follows. the ship was severely damaged, leading to its complete hold, due to the significant damage suffered by the ship. it is now a risk of thinking in the growth of origin which occurred during the operation to ensure the safety of occupation of the ship's crew. honey, the police and pop on you're going to have a cup of the bodies of tribesmen who were shot dead and what's being described as a massacre. police, an anger province at $26.00. men were killed on sunday and the time to fall back in the northern highlands. government says there's been a major escalation in tribal fighting, villages wielding illegal weapons set o'clock reports. these are the 1st pictures of bodies being loaded onto trucks after the shooting and in the province on sunday . police side least, 26 men were shorted in an ambush involving warring tribes. that total is expected to increase this time, you know, time is only made possible so. so the use of many,
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many small arms and that is a consumer place in the northern highlands site. as many as 17 tribes were involved . and the treating the body use has proven difficult, and there are most mountainous region at this point. it's not so clear. so exactly how far we've, we've moved into the conflict there, but the intent is to, to re gain control have a significant presence in the conflict there in talking you. danny has struggled with escalating trouble violence since the last election 2 years ago. last oldest, 150 people were reportedly killed in tribal conflict in angry prophets. last month, 16 people died during riots in the capital of port. most b, it's police and public servants protested overpay dispute. the police force ordinarily to face their own capacity constraint. so we are pretty much stressed in time to look off of the whole country, so it's hard to deploy, you know,
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as many resources if you would like. uh, when is sort of heightened levels of violence, like what we've seen. internal security is a growing challenge for prime minister james, verify who are visited neighboring australia 2 weeks ago. a bilateral security agreement was signed in december of offering to expand trainings of penalties. police schools in radio mean to be prime minister and to be of an easy reacted by saying that the escalating trouble buttons is very disturbing use. and his government is prepared to prioritize support in the wake of what's happened sir. clock out is 0. otherwise, some process so broken out of several cities in democratic republic of congo, us and belgium funds have been burned in the eastern city of gold process has denied us what they called the passivity of the international community. towards the fighting between the army and the n $23.00 rebel movement slighted by the congress, took the ethnic group and it's supported by neighboring rolanda. the we are marching and protesting today,
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1st against the hypocrisy of the international community. and to want the government is a v to what is happening to our country. we are denouncing their passivity and supporting our army to end this war. we all tired of the war, rape and killing of our civilians in this ongoing situation. this is why we are going to socket to express our concerns. enough is enough. few ministers in brussels of welcome the widow of alexi, milan a to show this report, germany is proposing new sanctions against russia. following the death of letting me put things. biggest critic in a video message unit, and i've only i described blaine to russians, president for kenning, a husband who was serving a 19 year prison sentence. she's fine to continue his onto corruption session for freedom in russian families denying obligations that he was murdered at home. 3 young. i was not liking that which in me 3 days ago, let me through to him, tells my husband alexis of on the for what is moment preaching, took navarro,
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and the away from youth. i'm with someone in a colony and far north beyond the arctic circle in a tunnel winter present tube. not just a man relaxing around the together with him. pitching, wanted to kill all hopes of freedom of future will continue the work of the next scene around me. continue to fight for all countries who are a jew, to stand next to me, not in mexico, so called marshes for democracy being held in cities nationwide demonstrates has denounced the president's proposed reforms to the constitution, the judiciary, the election system, and environmental regulations as manual a raffle reports from the capital protest as also spoke out against government corruption. tens of thousands of pro democracy demonstrators gather in mexico cities. historic center is not a fence up the defense of democracy. we look here supporting any political candidates good or defending democracy. we are far country and it seems to show
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therefore the the anger here is over a series of root.


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