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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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is these range of trends so on and just the the flux, the whole rom, and you want to be able to the reviews on life, my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, occupation can only be a temporary state of affairs of permanent occupation is a legal oxymoron. historic tearing of the international court of justice policy funds legal team makes its case against israeli occupation. flower is a precious commodity in northern garza stopping palestinians with the live to reach age trucks is low and design strikes stevens and of any type of show you where we
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live in bay route for the latest kind. enough to new zealand sex to general says the working to a point to the invoice of engage the gun sullivan with the international community . the welcome to the news that we begin in the hague, where the international court of justice has begun. 6 days of hearings looking into the legality of israel's 57 year old patient of palestinian lands. 52 states and 3 international organizations will provide testimony and legal of opinions on the matter on day. well, lawyers representing palestine spell kind of, palestinians are treated differently by the little with israel deliberately settling on occupied land. meanwhile, these are the prime minister's office has reacted to the proceedings, rejecting the calls legitimacy while dying to fight. as the case at the hague is now happening against the backdrop of israel's war and caused by the death toll. as
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the past 29000 step vassal begins coverage, a better student delegation, accompanied by international law, exports travels to the u. n's highest court in the hague. taking the 1st step towards de hope, stopping one of the world's longest unblocked use occupations. for the 1st time and its history, the international court of justice will have to load on the legality of israel's confiscation of ballasting inland. opening the oral hearings by this thing and foreign minister, described israel's occupation as a system of apartheid that has thrown the palestinians into a 2nd class citizens for over a century in how many of those rights hold up in a sea of people to self determination has been denied and violated by this time was not aligned without the people. it was not as is their id. those have described it, the waste land. that was logic on this time. the only solution,
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consistent with international law, this for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate and conditional until it is well kept to the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. in 1967 here we as of historic palestine, which palestinians one for a states armed with maps. smokey showed the court how over the decades israel has confiscated ballasting. inland is what i had wanted. the, the jewel get a feel of body style, but locked it still won't get a fee. so it's kept pushing the people out, out of their homes, out of their land. here is a fits come up. so it was displayed as rose, bright, minnesota, for the assembly. last september. he called this, then you me the least. this is no, there is no by this time at all. on this map. bose right from the u. s. lawyer who
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has regularly on good cases at the i c, j sat, it's clear. israel has no intention to ever leave the land, whatever offenses against international law. israel commits the united states, comes forward to shield it from accountability. this case is different to do one of genocide south africa filed last month and you and highest court order as well to stop also times from genocidal x in gaza and other decisions i just poured. although non binding to stop the unlawful occupation of palestinian land to carry morales all with no further increase international pressure on the government of spectrum and its on y'all's. more than 50 countries were present submissions in the coming days. step fast and l just sierra, the hate as the palestinians have enjoyed the hardships of as well as occupations for generations. while each person might experience different struggles, the theme is similar. it's one of the lines of life. last and time spent waiting.
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the abraham reports from the occupied westbank home, usually mean safety and security for this palestinian family. it's the opposite. surrounded by illegals, really supplements threatened by increasing attacks by sellers. what's the opposite? the font tells us. his family is left with no choice but to lock themselves in money. and that's what i like. we can leave the house alone. my sisters got mad and then i couldn't even go to the wedding's. got always hovering around. he says, is really settlers want them out so they can move in. but this is the only home they own. and the only time they know they call themselves the guardians of the hill. the boys we've been here before, the settlers, my grandfather built the house in the 1970s. then my father and mother inherited it . we are here protecting it as well, and we'll pass it onto our kids. since 1967,
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israel has been establishing illegals supplements on hilltops, overtime they expand at the expense of palestinians, most of juan farm, and he says they will not leave little home on the hill for them. this is how the experience is really military occupation, violent attacks, legal documents, and then grabs. that's no move to the center of the occupied to us back in columbia . dr. jacob with for one family. the occupation means tragic losses of life the worst. it was a bitter sweet moment when sammy's new grandson was born in 2005. they named him. yes, if after his uncle, who was killed by his really forces 4 years before. oh and the general had done was to show we wanted him to bring joy to the house. i was heavy. he was born in jordan and i traveled to meet him. but in 2023 and just a few weeks before turning 18. yes,
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it was buried in the same grief site as his name say, booth killed by the same army. that not only them, sammy son, sam and mohammed were also killed by israeli forces in 20022015. we cannot bring children to this life to die, but to live we want to be able to live in peace and have a good life. i lost my sons when do a very young there were 1115 and 17 years old. nope. every palestinian find many shares this heavy loss of life, but the few patients still 6, that's all on people, one way or another. that's good. now to have drawn the sounds of the occupied to us bank and see how life there has been brought to a whole once brimming with life and a bustling economy. life is fading away in new york city. now it's a mere echo of what it once was that how did you get in the markets? a dead? no visitors,
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no foreigners. we don't find customers for the goods we buy and are in debt for the 75 year old sales pet us. any fee is local artisans, a symbol of the cities rich cultural heritage. in this, i had a, i've been here for 17 years and i keep thinking that if we get a bit better, instead of every year, it gets worse and worse. people us get their humiliated the checkpoints, so they avoid this very hold together. this one is something here. and however, on the economy, capital of the occupied, the west bank. the city still has a few hours before it goes to see people are shopping and working with this on has some way earlier in the old city of hebron posted in see time to is a victim of occupation lost in cues, alternative routes, checkpoints, enclosures times, toes and from a nation stuck in waiting need that, but he just either the occupied to us thing. so let's go. so design this for
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obvious, don't use, not some of the my lai and the occupied westbank and saying it has to be said really doesn't take that occupation looks the same. the matter where you are in the cupboard palace to the entire choice. that is correct. the severity to which palestinians experience the occupation may vary, but the existential crisis makes being palestinian difficult. the matter where you are. we've been speaking to people on the ground. i've been living in occupation to get a sense of their experience. joining me now is in this of the rustic, the executive director of the palestinian institute for public diplomacy. thank you very much for joining us today. we've seen the i c. j hearings playing out in a sense simply the 1st day of the hearing alone could be seen as a small but important political victory for the endeavor of palestinian rights. but in terms of practical steps on the ground, what do you think there needs to be? what, what do you want to see happen next? a look, i think nothing understands want to have the right recognize before the ends,
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the total end of to the occupation. i think the i c j is an important political platform. any international platform that we can get any tool in our toolbox to defend the rights is important. however, you know, we've seen it before, the i c j in 2004, they ruled against the side wall saying the, the, the wall is illegal. since then, the situation on the ground, as you said, has completed the worse since and the settlements and the colonization has, has moved forward. so i think it's about how can we use different tools, you know, in our box without them being solutions. we know that i send you the i, c, j will not liberates us from colonization from apartheid. but it's important to understand that again, the occupation apartheid, well, the genocide ongoing and gaza, which is, you know, one of the worst episode in our history, our old tools of the settler colonial project of israel that needs to, to end in one way or another. and we need to continue to fight against stuff. that's interesting. you talk about tools. i think one of the things we've seen work in the past, in the case of stuff around for could, for instance, was
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a boy called hurting the country, caring out apartheid route, economically. do you think that the i c j hearing was that any condemnation from the un, any result that comes out of the international courts, could that help towards bolstering the boy cartoons that could we see that have some sort of practical impact on israel's treatment of the occupied territories on israel's warren gaza. so i think the uh, you know, the united nation system, the i, c, j cord, the words chords, r o, a trots into their uh, functioning, which is dropped into the states the, the, you know, i are making them and many of them are allies of israel, israel has completely ignore the international law. it has never abide by international law and it has been shielded by uh, you know, its allies and so uh, the international infinity of is well we know will continue even after such a decision. we continue to have to fight to use uh,
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these tools that i think are creating some products are creating some avenues for the world to understand that only pressure against israel, including the boy called but also the investments of companies. sanctions will be, you know, me that are needed to put an end again to the injustices that we're living here and that will change things on the ground dialogue or, or waiting for it done international courts to solve the issue will not meet us anywhere. however, we need to use these tools because today does have the genocide in gaza. uh, the occupation is in the gallery to your old litmus test, to the international border. and i think the international community, especially western phase states. and is there a, the allies need to understand that israel cannot continue with such impunity because it will have not only an impact within palestine and for a kind of thing. and so, you know, we're suffering the 1st but also for the entire world. you know, so the rustic, thank you very much for your thoughts. so what we're hearing from palestinians on
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the ground over and over again is while these rulings, while these hearings are significant, as long as o u, d u n. international community at large western governments, the united states specifically continues to shield israel from any sort of consequence, no matter how well meaning these international court rulings and hearings may be and will not have any sort of practical impact on making the lives of palestinians in the occupied territories, any better. thanks have or save us or have you that for us in the model. i think you to fight bowls and stores as the from the hague is a senior legal adviser of human rights watch mr. polls and can help you with this on the program. what we sort of look at a cool case. what it seems that is the case to be proved and guilty to be ascertained. i mean the i, c, j is different. it's not, it's either either side, in fact is looking for an opinion, but doesn't bounce by default, require someone to be right and to be wrong. yes,
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what will happen in this call? okay, so the i c j is the combo issue. what's called an advisory opinion, and probably in a few months, this was requested by the united nations general assembly about a year ago. but it's important, it has very strong modeling value, a con, become positive, international law, if what the cost says it's very clear. and it can be, you say, domestically and what's being requested by the drug and send me this time is a very broad opinion on the legal consequences of as well as ongoing prolonged occupation while they occupied, published a new type of trade and its policies and practices. so that could be some very significant findings in the code. okay, well, how do you then assess? i'm gonna show you what you proceedings today. how did you assess the way the contributors in the legal case study for the palestinians presented to the section of the facts as they wanted the quote to see it?
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yeah, so this time open davis aging is today, so it would be 3 hours on the web 7, very clear, distinct presentations to set out some of the key issues that other states will. oh, most are the comments on things like one of the most important one site for treatment, right. so can nice. ations is the presentation which was about the consequences which amount to racial discrimination. and we would say the crime is a pod side, the crime of racial persecution. so the cost being hosted, look at the consequences of each rose discriminatory policies. and that means sign it is based racial discrimination. is it the crime is racial persecution? is it the crime of apartheid? so any findings even addressing those for the 1st time psych, treating a pod site as a legal issue as what does it mean in the law? what would the consequences be? and then also they another presentation by pa, this time was looking at what were the legal consequences be for us member space or
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space and a well on the united nations is so for these ongoing law, for policies and practices by is a in the occupied type of trade, and that could mean property, but does it mean for sales? what does it mean for funding or any funding this option in international crimes. so these are the opinions of the call, but it could have very significant consequences. or we might not know what the conclusions to those opinions off of study several months. but for example, you a part of human rights watch over 60 countries and 3 human rights organizations participating in these particular proceedings. i mean, what does this now tell us about some of the global full price that's when it comes to the issue of palestine and the occupation that's lasted for over half a century. and so to the dare i say is no slo, snowball effect to bring support to what palestine is fighting for? what is politicians? a people of 5 people which is sovereignty of what this advisory opinion is
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in the history of. this is an obstacle to just as the wild card is needed, a 2 year old history. it seems to be a record number of states, as he mentioned, 52 states will be participating over the next week and with 3 international organizations including african union and 35 states on the um, oh i see. so that also shows the amount is a set amount of interest in this issue and also not posting international law that mistakes will come from across the well. so we'll be hearing very different submissions. without any doubt, south africa will be the 1st case to present tomorrow. and we may be hearing from them about the whether the crime is apartheid applies because the just jump in that class is that a mood swing on the, on the global diplomatic political human rights from, i mean, the c opinion, i'm trying to gauge from you in terms of human rights watch, for example, how much is palestine and the issue of palestine being that the full front to of
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the work that you do? it's a very important part of the work that human rights, what status of costs that we work on. human rights issues around the world and saying those findings which organizations like human rights much about palestinian groups of this international have made on the crime of a pop side. in recent years, you might say is one of the developments is also about taking m times like a positive design. this is positive international law. and it's also, i'm struggling international law, which has been live by countries from the global south, like south africa. and maybe it would be very interesting to see what does happen over the next few days, but the pipe baldwin from human rights sports. thanks so much for your time selling calls and cities. also the palestinians of vice to collect file from the limited number of 8 trucks entering the strip. the crowds were met with is randy gun, fine palestinians have been shown so
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biased by the soldiers while trying to receive the much needed aid defeat themselves on the assemblies. at least one person has been killed and several others injured. people have been particularly desperate for food a in the news. so hunger is reaching new levels and causes of children have been film resulting to collecting flowers full. and i'll say trucks on to the ground that a couple of as soon as long for us in rough, a city in southern gaza and tell me let's just begin with scenes or with the scenes on i would receive road a yes. so hell. in fact, now do spouse to means that you have been seeing them are gathering, getting large crowds just to waiting and to get a move. aids are being delivered to their in other parts of cause as tried that are completely desperate hungry as they have been completely on the is really unrelenting, bombardments now for full, for at least 5 months of rule. where those people have been completely running,
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extremely low in terms of food, in terms of what's as they are right now, depending on new alternative method. so in order to afford them to make friends and we have been talking to a number of people into another. and part of the goal is to saying that the situation had reach to unprecedented critical 11 where parents could not find anything to feed their children in light of the deep shortage of on foot time in terms of the kind of city in market the without having any access to slower in order to make bread as they are depending on grinding animal seats to get that does, to national food security experts have been saying that the assignment that does it take them striking because this trip is the largest ever recorded a globally in one area and there must be at least a ceasefire in order to guarantee move flu. so the humanitarian supplies to people that as time has become completely running out for them in terms of the, it's very clear expands and admitted to peroration is especially that you are
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getting towards the month of ramadan. and according to is where the officials defined thing might also extend to such days, which means that there's going to be much more room that use of hunger for people in the north. if it's going to be new, immediate to humanitarian intervention, to mitigate aggravate to human, it's one minute humanitarian crisis in the pots have gone. so of course, uh the focus continues to be in and around. not sure hospital in the hospital under siege. what and use the of the yes. so we have been seeing more attacks in the past few hours than that. specifically, on a con you to city where the bombardments continue continues on the vicinity over the mass or hospital. but this time nasir hospital has been the full can point for the is very military operations, as they have been arresting, medical stuff. they are continuing their thinking activities in the onto the hospice of searching for tunnels. as the as really military officials are saying,
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dr. mazda is using hospital for cava, but this time they are also trying to force people to be investigated in order to get more information about the reality that on the ground. and also we have been seeing the w h o evacuating doses of power studies of a patients from the hospital to the hospitals. of course cause a strip just to help them to receive the adequate medical. chad that are in the very desperate need for the because of the deterioration of food life aspects inside the hospitals that were presented in the eclipse. if you show to the food avoidance of medical supplies as these very trips are completely surrounding the medical facility, preventing any medical assistance to be delivered for patients. the length of the very limited number of medical stuff that's still taken care of at least 120 patients of the same time. the w h o is working on coordinating with informed sources and with the is very military to evacuate new patients from the hospital in
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order to provide them with the necessary medical card that they need in line to the is very ongoing operations inside this hospital to cover his info as the in rough, a thank you to central cost and i well correspond him, calgary has visited the likes of most oh sorry i likes the hospital pop me in the balance. she sent us this report on conditions that a quick turnkey in debt and velasco ok some more tires hospital where this hospital is now receiving all of the injured people in san eunice. we know that there is a ground and vision in community and the hospitals. there are not working. when we talk about the hospitals, we're talking about a nicer hospital that is currently being invaded by the israeli soldiers. here the ambulances are coming and bringing a lot of injuries, and even the dead bodies from is really airstrikes and is ready snipers.
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it's very hard for them to move and to transfer these injured people from new new stuff because it's very crowded. and, and we know that stuff is packed and also all of the hospitals in the cause us through our, over when we're talking about only a limited number of hospitals. still the possibility thing in the cause of the trip . we're currently in the side of the hospital and as you see is crowded with patients with injuries. it's the only facilitating hospital in the middle area last night, at least 8 houses were targeted by that is really forces. and as you see there, it's packed with people with patients with injuries, it's working on its capacity. we see people lagging on the floor. these
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vehicles were transferred from community this morning to a hospital according to the policy administer of has they're saying that there are a lot of patients and refugees stuck in a master hospital and a hospital in can eunice, they have been coordinating and waiting for the green light for the x rays to give them the a mission to evacuate these palestinian medical teams, the patients in the hospital and the refugees. people are calling for everyone to has them evacuate. the situation in one unit is not getting any better. rough off is being threatened for an invasion indebted, but it's 10 receiving more displaced refugees. in the middle area. however, the tensions rises, and that is where the air strikes continue to target different areas across of the
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causal trip. this isn't the, the, i just need out of the hospital. that is, but the thing is i'm thinking these are ways ready. will planes, district targets deep inside 11 in the time that has the is 60 kilometers north of israel, florida in the past 4 months, as well as repeatedly struck harry is of southern 11 on it says what kind of links to has the law is also could i could talk to the destination and didn't respond films group aside draw kits into as well. let's get bonus from. is it a photo of correspondent in the lebanese capital bay roads and it what mode we know about these strikes? well, what we know about the strikes is coming from the is really our me so far. there has been no official confirmation from 11 on whether official sources or has belong what the target was. but these really army spokesman saying that they carried out these strikes, that they targeted a warehouse,
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a weapons depole belonging to the lebanese army group has the law. and according to the lebanese armies, sorry this way, the army spokesperson. this came in response to an armed drones that struck an open field near the northern town of our bell this morning. so another is really striking deep inside leaven on away from the border where there have been near daily exchanges of fire between these rarely armies are and has beloved. but this is the 1st time has the, this area has been hit some 45 kilometers south of bay route, 60 kilometers from the border. this is an industrial area. there were light injuries. and we understand workers in, in, in nearby warehouses were hurts. the videos that we are seeing online black smoke secondary explosion seems to indicate that this could be some, some sort of of warehouse. now this tit for tat, an exchange of fire between these really are mean hezbollah like it can to,
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to continue as long as a war on garza continues, as well as says that it will not hold the fight until the aggression on concert ends and all the while israel has been studying a pressure degrading, has well as capabilities, particularly in southern lebanon, as it attempts to force, has the forces to move away. in order for the 10s of thousands of is radius to return to their homes in the north of the country. so the situation, no doubt has been on a slippery slope but very. a in one way or the other still controlled because this is a military target. and the unwritten rules of engagement between the war side has been to focus at largely focused this conflict largely on military targets. yes, the billions have been killed but to definitely get a new strike. a new strike deep inside living on the coastal combat too. as we get
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more news about situation develop instead of hold a force in favorites, still a head here on the opposite. it will have the light is on top when you get in and what's being described as a massacre of tribesmen by rivals, the brought to you by visit castle. hello. i will say heavy rain snow and some freezing rain full pots of central china, in particular to see this band of cloud here. this pushing across northern pause. that's why the cobra is in place is driving cold normally window course, many areas of northern china. then let me go to something a little more just around the central pos, whether to wait. we have got some very heavy right in place that just between
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wilheim and shanghai that so getting through and still a little further east with southern parts of japan, seeing some heavy downfalls because some localized flooding here as well. and you see how that rank comes back into central positive trying to the north is that that's where we have that mix of snow and freezing. right. and it is basically called minus one, the top 10 between badging then on choose day one was it got one into when stand by web to stay. i think we're waiting for you make some of more expensive, pushing it across north korea. it's an open pos of japan. heavy rain there, it's a central area. you can see how tempted to get drops a good time degrees by that stage, usually with showers that are cool, south east asia, heavy, a shelves into indonesia, maybe shout as long as spells afraid, still causing problems across northern possible focused on more than the areas of india, what is in force if, if the system they said the east of the quote to you by visit castle hod. hey damian, to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by well,
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does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito. in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on told to how does era expo 2023 the world the best to make sure every joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news
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the book about see what you all deserve with me. so robin a reminder on top. so raising garza city palestinians trying to collect the cloud from 8 trucks of coming to fire from his rarity full says at least one person has been killed and several others injured. is very well buttons and struck the targets deep into 11, including the time of the past, the 60 kilometers in the boat with as well as the law offices of responded by following the psalms into israel sentinel, nevada has been high during the warm thompson and the international court of justice has begun 6 days of hearing since these fairly occupation of policy and territories. since 1967, a science legal team told judges of israel wants to raise all traces of
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a palace to be a nation for the spit possible from the hague. so these hearings, different from the case for by south africa are alleging israel is committing genocide. this, these hearings are after the un general assembly asked the will call the international court of justice to examine the legality of israel is occupation back in 2022. so the staff of these hearings will be $52.00 states and 3 international organizations, giving their opinions over the next 6 days. but we 1st of all have 3 hours of testing me from testimony from legal experts pointing, find the palestinians clearly and casually arguing why they believe the israel is occupation of the west bank and gaza is illegal. and those lawyers have been pointing, for example, the deliberate settlement of the westbank bias riley is now more than 700000 circulars living. that is demographic manipulation, as they call it, is illegal under international law of explained how palestinians are treated
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differently under the low in the westbank. they gaze, writers can move freely in the west bank palestinians have to go through check point. so these arguments with the start of the hearings, the ruling might not come until maybe a few months from now. if policy needs to hoping a course of the court will find israel is acting illegally in the occupied territories, is non binding. and israel has ignored the little before to ignore the international court of justice in 2004, when it ruled that the separation war was illegal and she'll be dismantled. in fact, israel has extended but the i c j. he says these rulings carried great moral far bernard smith, how is your 0? and these are the prime minister's office has reacted to the will of course proceeding saying that israel does not recognize the legitimacy of the discussion of the international court of justice in the hey, regarding the legality of the occupation. the move designed tom, as well as right to defend itself against excess central threats as well. so the discussion in the hague is part of the palestinian attempt to dictate the results
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of the political settlement without negotiations. it says it will continue to fight this the time time that government i'm the capacity are united in rejecting this wrong trend because i have to have the solution occupied east jerusalem. a way to us define position from the p. m. when each has no sign of accommodating international, it's these early prime minister also calling this an unacceptable course of action and the foreign ministry also releasing a statement, calling it a quote, media circus. these rallies still not saying anything about their legal occupation. additionally, they have had this position for since the beginning really and nothing y'all has position has been reiterated over and over again. and remember, all of this comes on the heels of a move buying that's in yahoo to present
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a resolution to his cabinet that actually passed to unilaterally reject a palestinian state. well, this is a non binding measure. it is still a symbolic move on the part of the 10 yahoo one trying to appease his right wing members of the government, but also a message to the international community who has been a staunch supporter of a palestinian state of a 2 state solution. and in these statements, he raised, he said that israel rejects anything that will be imposed on them by the international community, whether it comes from the united states or any other regional partner. and what happened in the i, c, j is no different. it is worth noting though, that in some of these statements we've been getting from the government about this, they're saying that they are bring it back to what happened on october 7th, saying it's creating a diversion, saying there was no mention of it, but this case was brought forth by the palestinian authority years ago and this
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occupation has gone on for more than 56 years in the occupied. west bank give me is really refusing to admit their role and it refusing to acknowledge the consequences of the occupation on palestinians, both in the west bank and an east jerusalem. so this is a reoccurring theme of denial on their part, but also outright rejecting the criticism that comes to them internationally. of course, we've also heard that the military spokesman has been speaking this while about these strikes in the lab. and what did they have to say? it is rarely army spokesperson. daniel, how god is speaking about these large airstrikes across southern 11 on, but some of them are reaching at 60 kilometers and north of lebanon, southern border. these are some of the deepest air strikes we've seen in lebanese territory conducted by the is really air force. now these really army is saying
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that they, there was a drone in the northern part of the country and the strikes they say on weapons depos belonging to his beloved or a direct response to that drone infiltration. but all this comes is there has been quite an escalation on the northern border and in southern lebanon. and there has been an increase in rocket fire to specifically cities like kid. he had shown it in the northern part of israel. and remember, those towns are completely evacuated in these really army and political apparatus a life want to bring people back to their homes. but they say they have not yet secured that situation. and these exchanges of fire are shortly an escalation, perhaps in the wider conflict. but remember, israel hasn't declared it an all out war, and neither has his ball or these exchanges of fire has been happening since
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october the 8th. and while they are growing more in size and in scale, it is still not yet been declared. a war by either side, so these really say that any time they feel a threat, anytime there is rock and fire, a drone infiltration, there will be a direct response inside of lebanese territory. i'm just to leave for us the same hope your body's truth and thank you. now the united nations security council is due to vote on choose day on an algerian lead. drop the resolution, demanding an immediate see sign in garza, the united states as indicated that the veto the resolution. let's call cyber 12. diplomatic. got the james base who's at un headquarters in james, who lives really on the line of the united nations security council with a tool and a vote for c. so i would even be entertained to toll well, that will be of a current lease being scheduled. and its been scheduled for exactly 24 hours from now 1130 new york time on tuesday. but there was some pretty false moving
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developments to tell you about the us put out a statement on saturday. no. excited to come out here in draft is unacceptable to them. they don't like the language referring to the i. c chaise. professional measures that came last month. they like the way the seats for a language is in the resolution in the us and by then to thomas greenfield, making clear in her statement that it's the draw off go through like that goes to us, but like that then they will, they will not entertain it and by that so i think she means they will be to the resolution. well, we've been speaking out to 0 it in the last out to the deck to us and box it up because things continue even. what's the problem? the goes the ations and finished and we all came what was going on or we'll obviously look, we've been talking to colleagues and others. we. ready you know, see what other options there are, but at this point i don't want to get ahead of where things are as well other options. he talked about that just in the last hour or so to ouch is 0. he didn't
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reveal what we now have, which is in the last few moments the us has put forward its own resolution. i have a copy of it here that i've just obtained. and in the last few moments, there is a fab of new language. it seems longer than the original resolution from the algae, arians. obviously the us is, is moderating some of the language that doesn't like what is interesting to me. and the very 1st reading of this is that the new resolution from the us talks about a possible ground defensive interact, of course, by these riley's and saying this would result in further home to civilians. and that further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries, which would have serious implications for regional peace and security. so a new entry into this new version of a resolution from the united states that is actually critical of israel. how will
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that play out? how will other countries view that new text by the united states to early decide literally other countries and you got it by months ago. i'm one of those, all the security council. the members already made it available proud to 0 by minutes ago. so this is moving very fast and i can tell you what the buses from 2 other key nations was saying before this development, which is 0 spoke i spoke to the russian ambassador a bunch of depends earlier on. he said that he was very disappointed of us was going to use its veto again. and he said that the russian class put forward the idea of a c spot in october he said, imagine how many lives could have been saved. of a cease fire was put in place at that time, and the chinese ambassador also telling out to 0 that it would be a great shame. and he didn't see any good reason for the us to, to, to be to the all children resolution. but of course those now another draft in that, and we'll look further at the reaction to that same phase of different,
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not scheduled to that, right, the you and thank you to know who the finds is. and you have been separately aged after us soldiers again talked in miss all sides. they hit the spokesman said to the petition, ruby ma is in dangerous sinking after being hit by a number of missiles. the crew abandoned the boat come right in the cultivated and followed 5 us strikes on a theme is on the sides. suspect to the recent attacks on shipping in the red sea, but who the say they'll continue their attack since that as well stops it's war ongoing. so it's not only showing me the support of the palestinian people in the gaza strip are still facing aggression and black hate to this moment. as a response to the american bridge regression on our country. the neighbor forces of the many armed forces with the help of allah, all nicely carried as a special military operation targeting a british ship, the gulf of items using the appropriate naval misfire of the results of the operation were as follows. the ship was severely damaged, leading to its complete hold, due to the significant damage suffered by the ship. it is now at risk of thinking
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in the gulf of origin. we took care during the operation to ensure the safety of accusation of the ship's crew. honey, the now the head of the united nations, as those have gone as found to join the international community and live in peace and not be will continue a good time rush called a hot bed of terrorist activities and drunk running. they joined delegates having council for 2 days of tools, the leaders of the taliban government set away, etc. it says that he will soon begin consultations on the appointment of a you an invoice to i've got his phone. what do we will we will a forgotten is done in peace, peace with itself, and peace with its neighbours stable to assume the commitments and the international obligations of a sovereign states. and the, at the same time,
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the doing so we relation to the international community, the other countries of its neighbors and these ration to the rights of its own population. and that's 2nd time enough to have this on fully integrated is all the mechanisms, political economics, the, the evidence of the international community. this is the object of the game. first, the need the for, i've got a start not to be in the hot bed of terrorist activities. that's the impact on other countries. seconds. the vision of, of guide is the weaving close the situations in which it's diverse groups. we have those back subjects by student as that, as they all seem to be presented in the states that he is totally inclusive.
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so it's a concern about the respect of human rights and then particularly the rights of women and girls. so we can see that that's easy, essential to revoke the decisions that do not allow girls to be in secondary and tertiary school and do not allow women to effectively work in the majority of the professions and then the a consent. but at the same time moves the recognition of the problem at us made a huge selection to the questions of the trafficking and the rock booty. vision of the night is not from the icon capitalism. been job, it has moved from kabul from the beginning of the islamic image of ernest on are the top to bottom, made it clear that there was not be part of the do. how do you think because they want to be the sole representative of abundance on after 2 and a half years. the international community, according to them, is continuing to repeat the same talking points, talking in the same echo chambers,
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and listening to the same people without their inputs and not they say, and not be, cannot go on for ever, according to the thought of on many of the countries in the region have not accepted them as the legitimate government or the recognize government or did envoys are there, there individually talking to those governments signing agreements with these governments, including gulf nations as well. so they say, why is this the fact to the state of affairs is going on? did the people of, i'm glad it's done, are being punished by sanctions and bands on the leadership. so according to decide to bundle, they are providing security and safety and basic services to the people of, of understand the situation about peace has never been better in the last 4 decades . and they've tracking down on groups such as iceland, but they are reluctant to speak more at length about the issues such as the origin of rights of civil liberties, a rights of government because they say that is something that has to be a universal code of all across all of of the sun because much of what is being
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talked about outside of done is done is about the sub incentives of a bunch of funds, which is not the majority of the population. and they want to bring the system, whether it's education or women's rights, which is inclusive and implies to all of the women of, of understand rather than just the urban areas. but they say that this meetings like this where they're not going to be invited, or they're not going to be part up. and parson, as the people who are in charge of a one is done, i'm going to be for that exercise in futility. so i'm, i'm, and dropping out of here a couple of my colleagues told me the price by to look for a lot. know jeff is on the enough can civil society representative. he says it's critical to the international community deals with the taliban, but also with other groups that have done this phone, it is quite significant. they have chosen not to show up. i think this is a strategic mistake. but in the same time, this is a helping the international community to engage with other ask guides to hear the
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views. but at some point i think it's very important for also for the tal them on to understand where the world stands. and at the moment the world has chosen to go ahead. what else? the tal upon? probably this is not something to be expected. why do to expect that to continue though? i think it's very important for the international community to build that consensus that is critical. internationally and deal with the telephone with one voice. see us. i mentioned that uh, one of the things that the talk to be chased through these meetings is to come up with a plan for what happens next. what does that plan look like at this stage? at the moment, i think the international community is trying to come up with a strategy, a roadmap that is going to be executed by a new appointment of a special envoy for afghanistan appointed by the un secretary general very soon. and that individual would it be in charge of dealing with afghanistan on behalf of
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the entire international community. and not only do you when not only the west, and that is something that they would like to achieve here. get consensus on approval from visual players and also discuss with other off guns, including a group of 5 the members of the civil society to see what they have to say about the human rights situation about the other restrictions on it and ask, understand about the of course access to education and how access to justice. these are important element. yes. for ordinary ask, i'm going to to deal with as well as the head hey on out to 0. we've been doing tens of thousands in mexico, what they call the box for democracy. the business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in
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dubai. the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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the book about the ministers in brussels of welcome the widow of alexi, the valley, to show the support following the death of a husband alexi that actually developed a flat demand peyton's biggest critic, not usually a nevada naya, has blamed russia's president the killing a husband to a survey. a 19 year present. senses by law is vowing to continue a husband's onto corruption admission full freedom in russia. 3 young as that blessing, which would be 3 days ago, letting me through to him, tells my husband, alexia found me for what is more creature and took no valley away from us somewhere in economy and far north beyond the arctic circle in a tunnel winter present. to not just a man,
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alexis around the together with him through to and wanted to kill all hopes of freedom of future. i will continue the walk of election over on the continue to fight for all country. are due to tons next to me, not over sure is denying allegations of the valley was murdered in prison, saying that the investigation continues. the investigation is underway. all the necessary actions are being taken, but no results were published so far. they are not known yet in the conditions where there is no information, we consider it absolutely unacceptable to make such an a not for statement to the police and pop on, you're going to have recovered the bodies of tribesmen who was shot dead. it was being described as a massacre. police an anger problem and say 26 men were killed on sunday. the town of lubbock in the northern highlands. the government says as being a major escalation and tribal financing with villages wielding illegal weapons. sarah clark, how's the story?
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these are the 1st pictures of bodies being loaded onto trucks after the shooting an in your province. on sunday, police side least, 26 man was shot dead in an ambush involving war in tribes. that total is expected to increase this time, you know, time it is only made possible so. so the use of many, many small arms and it is a consumer place in the northern highlands site as many as 17 tribes for involved and the treating. the bodies has proven difficult, and the remote mountainous region. i'm at this point, it's not so clear. so exactly how far we've we've moved into the conflict there. but the intent is to, to re gain control have a significant presence in the conflict there in popping your guinea has struggled with escalating tribal violence since the last election 2 years ago. last oldest,
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150 people were reportedly killed in tribal conflict in angry prophets. last month, 16 people died during rights in the capital port, most b, it's police and public servants protested overpay dispute. the police force ordinarily to face their own capacity constraint. so the, uh, pretty much trust in having to look off to the whole country. so it's hard to deploy, you know, as many resources if you would like. uh, when is sort of heightened levels of violence, like what we've seen, internal security is a growing challenge for prime minister james verify who visited neighboring australia 2 weeks ago about natural security agreement was signed december offering to expand trainings of penalties. police force in radio going to be prime minister and to be of an easy reactive by saying that the escalating trouble buttons is very disturbing use. and his government is prepared to prioritize support in the wake of what's happened sir. clock out a 0 in mexico cycles, much as
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a democracy to be held in cities nationwide demonstrates, has denounced the president's proposal for phones to the constitution, the judiciary and the election system, as well as environmental regulations. as my little wrap load reports, not from the capital protest, as also spoke accounts against government corruption, tens of thousands of pro democracy demonstrators gather in mexico cities. historic center is not a friend. somebody said defense of democracy. we're not here supporting any political candidates good by defending democracy. we are far country and it seems to show, therefore, these yeah, the anger here is over a series of reforms to mexico's national electoral authority. and a separate reforms package related to the judiciary was the demonstrators are pointing the finger at mexican president. and that is one way, lopez over that or accusing his government of corruption and of undermining the
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democratic process ahead of june's presidential polls. the demo, i think mexico has a corrupted government. we have to vote, and that's why we're here. the most fatal shot back and forth that on the assessing speak. this is not the 1st time the pro democracy. demonstrators have filled the streets of mexico cities at storage center, but it is likely to be the last time that we see a large scale pro democracy rally ahead of the upcoming national election schedule for june. second, the lead for his part president lopez over the road, has denied that his proposed reforms will week and mexican democracy and has instead insisted that the goal is to streamline the country's electoral process. by the way, that up a little algebra, mexico city that's useful, then talking about good little on the other side of the break into learn from me on the news on the bank statements reassign your company. the
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the child does not die from the bombing. he will die from the cold that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers was 5 in children in attends of one square metre towards continue without having a hostages. right now, the specs for the governments of the country for texas on october 7th, this government fails miserably. legally passed barge. you can cook and this is a radio basic multi tool which everyone should carry from breakfast to teams, day tourism and eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or a forklift maybe discovers how people to campaign in the end times of the poor young generation coming soon. but i just like i told you,
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so dealing with this elaine on out to 0. this chip is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes, inter kit, a floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers over lessons to president, still recovering from their or to 4 to 5 year old school note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the c a we are leaving on a ship bill, a small world. hey, we our family and eventually they have something to look for, for the nearest part, reopened every minute here for the life is a loss of returning to normal. they're playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points to the color. and the 1st of a 2 part investigation, one. 0 one east meets the chinese,
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my friends. risk and you know, the american dream on out to 0 of the united states as warning is relegating, say, ground defensive in southern gaza, saying it would have serious implications for regional peace and security. the video of watching on their life headquarters here in demo. also coming up as well as crew, the vomiting, the territorial integrity field, part palestinian territory to over more than half a century of political an occupation. and it started carrying at the international court of justice assigned to legal team makes his case against israel's occupation .


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