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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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and this time of the seas future when the sky is still, the sign is without an ukraine escaping the dock with out just the the comes the whole rahman you're watching the i'll just it renews on life. my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, the united states williams is relegating to ground defensive in the rough up of for the 1st time proposed as a temporary cease by the united nations security council meeting in northern garza stopping palestinians. and to find from his way the soldiers respect lives to reach a trucks also has his role is clearly violated the territory
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integrity built by palestinian territories to over more than half a cent of belligerent occupation. and it started carrying at the international court of justice policy funds, legal team makes its case against is ready. the occupation is where the aspects target has blog deep inside lebanese territory. several people in just the phone, you know, unless he has attempted to set the record straight about why he didn't say and imagined tying up into miami to assist. he was injured and didn't miss the game. and hong kong for political reasons, the so united states has drafted a un security council resolution on dollars, according for a temporary cease fire. now the resolution says the poles and fighting must be based on the formula of releasing captives held in garza while allowing unimpeded
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access to humanitarian aid into the strip. the u. s. is also warning israel against the ground. defensive in gauze is southern by city of ralph and saying it would have serious implications for regional peace and security. well, let's go, sorry about to our diplomats get to this james base who's at un headquarters. this is a very fast moving story. this really just developed in the past hour roadside james, what else? the american saying and this potential draft coffee as well. so i think it's worth reminding you 1st, the background to this that was going to be a security council vote taking place on tuesday on the 24 as from now here in new york, algeria had a post proposed the resolution calling for an immediate cease for the us haven't liked it, it hadn't liked to didn't negotiations. on the saturday night late on saturday night, the us and boss, the thomas greenfield, put out a statement saying that the us would not support such a resolution. in other words,
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the us was going to use its vito once again on the situation in gauze a box. now the us has come up with its own version of a draft resolution. and for the 1st time, the us has the word that key word c spa and it's resolution. now it's not for me to meet you see spa ordered by the security council. that's what out to you area. and many of the rest of the security council want it talks about a temporary cease far as soon as practicable. and i think bases it on those negotiations that have taken place in colorado led by the countries and the objections. also though, there is this paragraph in this resolution, again, a draft resolution not being voted on yet may not be voted on as it talks about a major ground defensive interoffice say it would result in further home to civilians. and that further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries and perhaps the serious implications for regional peace and security. and then it concludes that such a major ground defense,
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it should not proceed under the current circumstances. clearly the us saying this was passed, the israel went to have with is rough or offensive. it will be in defiance of the un security council, but also in defiance of the united states. and there are other references in the resolution to a close by is ready to government ministers for the resettlement of garza cools by israel to have a buffer zone. of these are all objected to bother us in this resolution. and it's put the clear that has been a change of heart in washington in the coming hours. and certainly this is the toughest proposal to us is put to the security council. and if these have new draft resolution at this stage, at any point in the mold, in full months of war, but does it go far enough for the rest of the security council members who want an immediate cease for? i think that is the big question. i think james, you know, just a couple of hours ago you were talking about the fact that, you know, be full. this resolution know this,
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this document from the us came to light the atmosphere and the attitude of ambassadors that you speak to on the regular basis. certainly those of the pub that are permanent, lee in the security council was pretty psalm, but they weren't expecting very much to be happening in the even if they was a proposal it was posted, they knew that the us was going to veto it. things have changed, not potentially yes, certainly the us was going to veto that out. you in resolution, there was no doubts about that. as i say, the statement was put out very late, new york time on saturday night by the us and boston, linda thomas greenfield, saying that the us opposes such action and would oppose it in the security council talking about the algerian resolution. so how will that the, some of these other countries respond? now? certainly, china, i'd say the source when i spoke to the chinese ambassador a couple hours ago. so it was a great shame if the us was going to veto again and the russian and boston to make
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it clear that he'd come up with a resolution calling for seas fall back in october. and he said, how many lives would have been saved if that resolution? it paused in october of the russians in the past, i have insisted that a resolution includes the word seesaw and an immediate cease followed by the security council. now the wording from the us and this new draft for temporary c. so as soon as practical practicable raises the idea of a cease fire, but not one straight away. so that may not be acceptable to the russians. and what's the model so clear right now, sir? is whether we're actually going to get this vote on choose day now, because the out julian folks had been scheduled it was going to happen at 11 30 in the morning, new york time on tuesday. now we've got this new us draw. certainly the us deputy ambassador, who else is there a spoke to a short time ago, wasn't saying much about this new us draft, but he said he thought it was possible that would not help you out on tuesday. well,
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we'll see what happens in the coming us of the payment james base. i'll definitely get together to thank you, you know, and goals and cities. how's the palestinians of rice to collect flowers from the limited number of a trucks entering the strip. the crowds who met with is right and gun fine fellow citizens have been show search by israeli soldiers while trying to receive the much need today to feed themselves on their families. at least one post has been killed and several others injured. people have been particularly desperate for food age in the most of the strength or hunger is reaching new levels in gaza. children have been some results in collecting flowers, foldable fade trucks on to the ground to recover as a result. correspondents in rough, a city in southern guns. so let's just talk about the pictures that we have been seeing from al rashid road. released the aid. was that but also frightening that you'll being shots out to try and get to it. yes, that's why. and so this is a fax, this in fax,
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a part of how palestinians in the nose are really suffering due to the, a rigid growing food crisis that had reached completely unprecedented a critical level where people are fighting in order to get a food items that had been delivered for out the humanitarian, a troops that been have allowed them access to the north of the territory. but at the same time as they were people gathering in order to get these aids, they have been exposed is ready. fire is just forcing them to run away from the place, the excess of painting their conditions, in fact. and this is absolutely something terribly a terrible because this scene had been multiple and repeated as people were waiting for humanitarian troops to get into the northern pontiff. cause this trip and that happens in light of the very limited amounts of humanitarian aids having access to gauze this check, for example, today the power steering read the cricket society set that they did not receive for having an access to any humanitarian trucks, into guns or from the diction side,
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what had been entering today, a are completely 6 trucks of humanitarian supplies, including for trucks that were loaded with a gas for cooking purposes, and to the trucks are loaded with a will so diesel for the hospitals in the southern part of the territory means that the bike daily situation for people in the north is getting much more dias as people have nothing to feed on in the north of the territory. and of course of sunset. so and people try and find safety topic. they may not have got the news of this us proposal in the un security council. it will go forward with the word sign in a to obviously it hasn't been voted on. it hasn't been passed and we don't know what might happen in the coming hours. but certainly it will be released to know that the us of perhaps change that tone unintended conditions in gaza might improve
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as well. um, in order to to straighten to point out this fact exactly. so hell, palestinians have been in the past few weeks to having a kind of a dilemma of hope regarding old domestic efforts in order to have be made by the you asked by also region on the data. ringback and the a state you to find thing here in guns up, but also to have a sense of mistrust because old diplomatic efforts before did not fit really by the way to get to a 10 minutes. he's fine. i thought might bring it in for the has totally cuz on the ground, but also at the same time that kind of mistrust tree. the tree goods from the fact that the clearly understand the negative consequences will be resulting from any potential military incursion. for rough ice city as palestinians have no hopes, no homes to go to as a like of the destruction of more than 2 sets of causes, residential neighborhoods in the territory. and people here a roof,
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i find the way do not know what or what to do if there is going to be any military encouraging specifically that there is going to be a wide scale loss of life amongst civilians on type rates of casualties. it means that move pressure on medical sectors in order to cope with the situation on the ground. so literally it will be humanitarian catastrophe for it's not just that might be taken by the use by the army, specifically that palestinians have to reportedly here in different military statements by you spending military official saying that invite you doing rough as something knowledgeable as they would like to eliminate the military infrastructure for how much movement to you. take up everything the force and run for things to move. and 60 palestinians were killed in his very sprites endeavored by law in central garza on saturday. those injured were taken to alex the hospital. oh, correspond the ink cartridge visited the medical facility and sent this report on the conditions that a quick turn key in did bellagio ok some more tires hospital where this
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hospital is now receiving all of the injured people in san eunice? we know that there is a ground and vision in hon. eunice and the hospitals. there are not working. when we talk about the hospitals, we're talking about a nicer hospital that is currently being invaded by that is really soldiers. here the ambulances are coming and bringing a lot of injuries, and even the dead bodies from is right in the air strikes and is ready snipers up. it's very hard for them to move and to transfer these injured people from, you know, sort of funny because it's very crowded and, and we know that stuff is packed and also all of the hospitals in the gauze, through our, over when we're talking about own the unlimited number of hospitals. still the possibility thing in the cause of the trip were currently in the side of the
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hospital. and as you see, it's crowded with patients with injuries. it's the only facilitating hospital in the middle area. last night, at least 8 houses were targeted by that is really forces. and as you see there, it's past with people with patients with injuries. it's working on its capacity. we see people lagging on the floor. these are being pulled, were transferred from community this morning to a hospital according to the policy the administer of has they're saying that there are a lot of patients and refugees stuck in a master hospital and a hospital income eunice. they have been coordinating and waiting for the green light for the x rays to give them the a mission to evacuate these palestinian medical teams,
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the patients in the hospital and the refugees. people are calling for everyone to has them it back to a the situation and can unit is not getting any better. rough off is being threatened for an invasion and did it, but it's says receiving more displace refugees in the middle area. however, the tensions rises and that is where the air strikes continue to target different areas across of the causal trip. this is in the, the, i just need a, a, a hospital that is, but i, or is there any will things that struck target steep into level the strikes talk through the tunnel has the 60 columbus has knowles of israel's folder in the past 4 months as well, as a piece of the struck areas of southern lebanon that have links to has belong, light is also conducted. talked at, assess the nations and responds beyond group. assign rock is into is room the has moved from. they reached another striking deep inside leaven on they are becoming
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more frequent as of late. the is really military claiming responsibility for targeting. what it says is a weapons storage facility belonging to the lebanese armed who has the law. now there has been no official confirmation from it, from levitt on whether officials forces or has the law on what exactly has been hit . but the owner of this of this facility says that it was, this is a place which has been producing and manufacturing generations. so this is for top exchange of fires, a between has the law and is really our me is set to continue as long as the war and gaza continues because has one that says there will be no hold to the fighting unless the aggression on the strip and now there has been an escalation, but still in many ways is still very much controlled in the sense that both sides are of focusing really on, on military targets. but a few days ago,
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hezbollah warrens that you know, the, the targeting of civilians last week. well, with israel is going to pay in blood. so the possibility of this conflict, whitening is, is bills and the us envoy, which is a complex thing, says that there's quiet, you know, he's engaged in quiet diplomacy. and he is hoping that you know, they can prevent a more comprehensive war center for their else's data data. the stands as will go to injustice in the hague has begun 6 days of hearings looking into the legality of as well as 57 years of the patient of palestinian lands. $52.00 states and 3 international organizations will provide testimony and legal opinion on the matter. the proceedings on being held against the backdrop of as well as comfortable and godsa. the 1st day consisted of testimony from noise representing palestine set vessels. the palestinian delegation,
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accompanied by international law experts, travels to the u. s. highest court in the hague. taking the 1st step towards de hope, stopping one of the world's longest unblocked ears, occupations for the 1st time and its history, the international court of justice would have to load on the legality of israel's confiscation of palestinian land. opening the oral hearings by this thing and foreign minister, described israel's occupation as a system of apartheid that has thrown the palestinians into 2nd class citizens for over a century. the lady about right towards the sea of people to settle for this information has been denied and violated by this time was not aligned without people. it was not as is their id. those have described it the way spent that was lot of on this down. the only solution, consistent with the international law, this for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate and conditional on total.
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it is well captured, the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. in 1967 here we have of historic palestine, which palestinians, one for a states armed with maps. smokey showed the court how over the decades israel has confiscated ballasting inland. this is why i wanted the, the geography of body style, but blocked it's the fee. so it's kept pushing the people out out of their homes, out of their land. here is a 5th month. it was displayed, but as rose probably minnesota for the some of the last september, he called this then you me the least. this is no, there is no by this time on. on this map. bose right. a u. s. lawyer who has regularly argued the case is that the i c, j sat, it's clear. israel has no intention to ever leave the land. whatever offensive
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against international law. israel commits the united states, comes forward to shield it from accountability. this case is different to do one of genocide, south africa i filed last month you and highest court order. it's route to stop also time from genocidal x in gaza and other decisions i just poured. although non binding to stop the unlawful occupation of college standing in line to carry more rolling car with no further increase international pressure on the government of spectrum in this on y'all's. more than 50 khan police reports and submissions in the coming days. step fast and l just sierra the hey, let's go solve it. designed to solve it here. joyce is not for my light occupied westbank a st. occupation. mindy looks the same. the amount to where you walk across the palestinian territories. that is correct. the severity of the occupation may vary depending on where you live and who you are. but the existential crisis, the violation of human rights is really something that affects every palestinian
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we've been speaking to people living under occupation on the ground. joining me now is by the foot on you are the senior campaign director for the human rights group of us. thank you very much for joining us. are many palestinians. we've spoken to say that it is international intervention by the international community in the 1st place that has put palestinians in the predicament that they are now that has led to the severity of the legal and, and in all long term occupation of their people watching these hearings of the i, c j, seeing the conversations that are happening now on the international stage, largely sympathetic to the palestinian cause. how do you see the international community being the avenue for any sort of positive change for the palestinian people? the course thing to remember is that the international community is. busy the $75.00 use lights and taking action for palestine. and even right now the international community actions by government are far behind,
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but the people of the world have been calling for which is holding as real, accountable for a par side. this moment, if this case succeeds, but even before it moves forward is a transitional moment for palestine. 75 years ago, the international community sought to partition problems funds. it's allowed palestinians to face ethnic cleansing right now, hopefully on the different trajectories rolled up. but now, in terms of seeking justice to perpetrate, the perpetration of injustice is something that happens far quicker seeking justice often takes time. well, what we're hearing and seeing on the international stage, maybe a political victory in the short term without practical steps in many postings. we've spoken to a said that it will seem like a hollow gesture from your point of view, as a campaigner, as an active is what kind of practical steps do you recommend the international community take? what do you want to see happen next?
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well, it's important to realize that we already know many governments, many investigations, even to you. one have said that is real, committing the crime of a par sites so is real, can be held accountable. we don't need to wait for a decision to be made at this court 3 or 4 years from now. some of the crucial steps that need to be taken given what's happening and does a given the continuous occupation here and to us bank number one on arms and bar. go on israel. know what then should be allowed to reach as real. now we're in the future until palestinians have freedom, 2nd thing and it can nominate compar go and to we realize that there's really economies already on shaky grounds, given that they're spending so much money, a pressing cost palestinians. so if the, an economic convertible can be imposed on israel with sanctions by vestments, and other tactics, it will speed up the past to a cease fire and the past 2 and things occupation. and last but not least, it's crucial right now for everyone watching governments and even people like to
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begin calling on the i, c. c. and even their local courts to hold as rarely, soldiers and commanders accountable. nothing. yeah. who got my gun? some the soldiers were celebrating blowing up palestinian homes in the west bank and gaza. the images are already online. they should be taken to court for committing more crimes. these are 3 key steps that the international community can do right now with does not need to wait one minute more. thank you very much mr. fuzzy for on from the human rights group of eyes for your time. so suggestions for very practical steps that can be taken now to not only hold is real accountable, but isolate them on the international stage in terms of their military ability, as well as their economic reality to isolate them, to bring pressure, to bear, to further the cause for palestinian justice, the sort of you that for us and occupied with the bank. thank you. is there any
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prime minister's office has reacted to the international court of justice is proceeding saying israel does not recognize the legitimacy of the discussion of the international court of justice and the hague, regarding the legality of the occupation. i move designed tom as well as right to defend itself against ex, essential threats. israel said the discussion in the hague is part of the palestinian, an attempt to dictate the results of the political sacraments. without negotiations, it says it will continue to find this attempt. and this government on the contents of the united in rejecting this rolled trend, let's get more from the seller or correspondent and occupied ease to resubmit, defined position from the prime minister. sort of shows no sign of accommodating. the potential for international is nothing you also calling this an unacceptable course of action and israel's foreign ministry. also releasing a statement, calling it a quote, media circus. this has been mentioned y'all who is position though, on
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a wide variety of things when it comes to international pressure, not only against the war on guns, but also against israel's occupation of the palestinian peoples. specifically in the occupied west bank to be is really say that it's a non issue. they do not even acknowledge the fact that the occupation exists, the millions of palestinians live under it. this has been the strict position, but it also comes on the heels of nathan yahoo trying to pass this declaration within his own government about unilaterally rejecting a palestinian state saying quotes but israel will control every piece of the land, including the west bank and gaza. there's been a lot of international pressure, specifically from israel's biggest ally, the united states, a staunch supporter of the 2 state solution, the international community who wants to see a palestinian state at the end of this conflict saying it is the only way to
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resolve the issue at hand here, but nothing yahoo has repeatedly slammed this, spoken out against it and said that he would do every thing in his power to stand in the way of the so in the face of any sort of criticism, whether it's violations of international law, whether it's the war on guns up or palestinian state, the defiance and position of mentioned y'all who won his government, remain the same. of course the military spokesman has also been speaking hunt. we believe on these strikes and let them know what more was being sites the us. that's right. these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how gaiety has said that the is really air force conducted several airstrikes in southern lebanon. but some of them actually reaching up to 60 kilometers from the countries southern border. he said that they had to his beloved munitions depots. and that's because it was in direct retaliation to
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a drone. and the army claims was sent by his beloved christ in the northern city of ty berry is. this is just a continuation in those exchanges of fire across the border as roles, northern border 11 on southern border that began on october, the 8th and defense officials and israel security officials have been saying that they are not afraid to turn they do into another gauze that these are words from the defense ministerial walker launch and from benny gas and these really prime minister, the army chief of staff, has been saying for months that the country has drawn up both offensive and defensive plans for how they're going to deal with the escalating situation on israel's northern border, and while it housing a rusted into a full fledged war, no side has declared that these release have said that they are not afraid to do that. if his bullet, they say goes too far. so today is it strikes in southern 11 on causing huge
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explosions in multiple cities, not just in the south, but nearly 60 kilometers away from the border from the sellers for sat in occupied the stories. and thank you for that update causes health ministry says the number of palestinians killed by is ready for assistance. october the 7th of surpassed $29000.00. the un sizes by the tongues continue to surround nesa hospital. in con unice, hundreds of patients is still alive after is ready, troops strolled in the hospital on friday. the doctor rick typical is a world health organization representative ingles that join us out from colorado. doctor is kentucky with us on. i'll just say i know that you've been speaking to i believe one of your teams is managed to get into the hospital. can you just talk us through how this has happened? uh yeah, with frontier. so actually i was a part of the team. so over the last 3 days, 3 days ago, uh
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w a show in both china and ron mission were trying to bring and fuel into and also got a complex. i was a part of the team together between our w a show, a colleague, guess we go start actually it was a hazardous dangerous actually role normally is only 10 minutes actually from rock to national metal complex. it took us hours a truck instead of 50 meters before another minute or complex. we in a team went through the compounds when it was a little idea of christmas. and the request was to get in the entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment and to plan for education. because of all the concerning reports, we were not allowed in the next day we came back, we managed to get the truck into hospital, and we get few again, we requested for access to the same greek assessment plan for actuation. and again,
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we were in most we didn't get permission to get in yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was the yesterday in the my team got permission to get in and to get out of its uh, the scene rep, pressing that all shop reached at the hospital and managed to re, uh, transfer 14 critical patients age normal. think 6 for king and to patient companions. uh they were re, sparks into the a number of rough hospital. you're be this way to, you're being got hospital international medical card for to you i. e and 5 to ox. i want to indonesia and actually you and the outside the for pierce, you appear. she has handle that for you. so what i want to say there still remains . there are approximately 180 patients that i see was no longer working because of the level of electricity of the hospital is
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severe is, is quite a damaged the whole store, as we can speak is not functional anymore. there's still 180 patients less that 15 stop shop currently does another visual mission actually in going to national medical complex to date to again be or she has to refer more patients. all, all patients need to be research and stall need to be refers, okay, talk to a practical and you've given us a great view and that's what we wanted to hear. you want to say from the host is not that's exactly the state of nasr hospital. so let me that not see the specific questions now. is that any parts of the hospital you say the hospitals, you know, approval? is that any part of the hospital it is actually functioning as a whole a currently unfortunately not, not too complex. wants to have that kind of key referral. all sorts, all solve or body guys out together with your being and lock something,
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not somebody at the moment, it's not functional. we have to make this hospital functional. again, i want to assess to have going, but at the moment and we have to have the we, it show will help to transfer the remaining patients over the coming then it is today and over the coming days and, and, and, and, and the stuff is also to be getting that side because those bits of that because we, we tend to tend to know what you'll say. no. because the other question then is, what are you able to get 8 into the hospital for the patients to all the, for the medical stuff to watch, be careful. there was any medical aid allowed in we got as few as very little medical supplies in and a bit of uh, food and, and water. but currently. ready i mean, as i said, the hospital is, is a currently not functional, operable, and patiently to uh, to be transferred out and including the completely exhaust of stop there approximately 50 install fee, dental, excess access completely. how many start?
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because the vine is about 2 buildings and they weren't allowed to go from one building to another building. so this is the core of situation there. okay. also patients that to the side, how would you describe the condition patients read the triology a and e critical. what percentage you might say all urgent cases, and what percentage of cases that can pups survive if that's the right word for a couple of days before you can evacuate them? and so i think the 14th, which varies for just a matter of course, the most critical of patients. i can give you some examples over to vice you patients including one and 2 basically the happenings are e and only recently extra bates as they were all the cases of tetra plastic patient . a bit of trust here. still me satisfied? i think what you can sit back and say that approximately one on a 14,
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on walking patients. they are of course, and especially the ones that come to the caesar day, they will be the ones who 1st should be removed. we hope that we will not get to walking into the we can, we can refer it in and bigger numbers over the coming day. so that this all kind of happens. i want to stress, uh, what is the, the central medical store spot of this hospital is unfortunately destroyed, burned out. it has a lot of supplies multiple only from the show, but also far other part is for this hospital and for other hospitals selves with why the guys. okay, dr. technical then finally, um, before we let you go, can you just tell us exactly what you would like to see happen next won't see or appeal to those in charge that can give you access to that location and that can help the, the patients and the stuff and also hospital yeah, i want to actually raise for key issues which are incredibly important with regard
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to house in gaza. first of all, i think we are currently concerned about the relatively decreasing uh, health functionality all over guys. let's pull protection for health. what's happening to nasr medical complex, we've seen this of course in many order hospice older, dismantling the creation of destruction, a fire to health services that cannot continue to be looked at this and key issue was of course, at the moment in the in can south of body gas, so there's sweet key hospitals still remaining. i'm the you are being gaza hospital, the oxide, and then all the jr. and then a few fuel hospitals. this close to 2000000 people. we cannot lose any auto bats and any other facilities. ozetta stone, dick traditional title surfaces need install, the 2nd bar piece that needs to be a proper medical evacuation into ages and, and
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a number of countries in the region and the europe. they have reached out to, willing to accept patients. we estimate of at least a 1000 patients need to be referrals out of gossip and making this needs to be set up. certainly we are really concerned about the attention of health workers to 10. so both houses were presented between 2, sometimes without establishing organization, no throwing about the warehouse and the last bar axis issue, right? the sense, i mean, the excess to, to the new is the middle area is incredibly complex and, and we were not allowed to use them to access twice the 3rd time. lucky but say it's not only there, the access to the north she hospital is, is currently again, partly functional like and 1st of all. so you just come all along, somebody hospital in the north kerry for,
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for an estimate. as for thousands of people, we do not currently have access to the north. okay. does hospital urgently need few and medication during the show and to you when he's ready to live for the assessment? we needs a proper, the conflicts feedback. and this one which works can we need access now? okay, well we'll see what that does happen. certainly direct topical thanks so much for joining us from kyra. so thank you. the united nations relief and works agency full pile, assign refugees as being the main provider for millions across the middle east. since 1948, but for many years as well, has worked to d, legitimize enroll some western country suspended funding to the agency of to is more like she's in robust off of being involved in the october 7th, the tax image and kim boswell, the year, was 1948, around 750000 palestinians were expelled from the land. in state of israel came into being the following year. the un general assembly created own while the
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refugee agency works to offer basic services to published indians. but israel has long objected to the un agency. we have seen increased attacks of the legitimacy of audra, and we read that as increased attempts to do you legit to mice. the category of palestine refugees altogether. we see these attacks as very politically motivated. israel says the curriculums of going to run schools encourage and so it meant against israel, the you an agency to noise thoughts, israel's point minister benjamin netanyahu. it's been cooling for under it to be dismantled for years regularly. is that accused of a set of recurrent things? they use safari premises by no underwrite entities, particularly by parties to
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a conflict or her being accused of complicity with parties to a conflict. but israel's latest occupation has led to any 17 countries stopping that funding to unreal, threatening the majority of its budget. and on the word of israel, the 12 own real stuff and goals are worked with have mass. the law carries our investigations into every allegation. and in this case, has requested proof from israel refugee say the funding withdrew will be devastating to the 5900000 palestinians and will provide services for the high otherwise a consequence of miles. if the noise lost so many things are lost with it, i wouldn't be able to enroll my children in school. i wouldn't be able to take my children to the doctor will go to the pharmacy. the with the items for administer thinks it's no coincidence with israel's allegation came on the same day as the international court of justice audit is ready forces to prevent acts of genocide
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garza and he links the attacks on, on why to israel's does or to raise the historic claim of palestinian refugees on the right of return. this part of the wider and positioned around the right of return of refugees in the context of the establishment of a palestinian stage. a if we were to arrive at a 2 state solutions because the continuance of continued continuation of under this set is absolutely essential for a palestinian state to emerge something that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he cannot accept image and kinda out 0. chris color says a full one role aspects person that enjoys us from london. mr. go. this kentucky on the program will talk about sort of the medical needs of, of calls and the name of the just wants to ask, i mean, the effects of occupation, you know, all too well. i mean, is this case is coming to the i c, j in the hague. long time coming in your opinion. it is the 6 is too long in
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becoming, but make no mistake. this taste, it seems to be significant. the unprecedented is the 1st time in the history of the you and the whole. so all the un member states have gone to the highest. you just, you can all see you in the i c j and the cool make an urgent determination back to the clinical to patients dealt with the legal firstly it's a legal and it's a position. so the positive system of the claim, your jo seconds with 3 quarters of a 1000000 needed to establish a meeting on stoughton, palestinian last a home, demolitions of school demolitions, the to children. in the middle of the night, the bishop set the blockade analogous plausible genocide. the list goes on, but secondly, a quote of the un member states austin because to say that the book to patients essentially in of itself is illegal because it denies the policy against the right to self determination. a defensive police,
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as well as the legal counsel for the house. the estimate is clear, the model printer is eligible to patient to the major a, complete the eclipse, and noted no systems, no complicity, no contributions are full of elections, no money, no homes, no trace, no nothing. so this was a major milestone in palestine. advocacy gives a small one is not just on the illegal practices of these very ami bisette because it cetera it's now on the complicity in those crimes. although you wouldn't mistake the us, the u. k. b, e, you, they are now under the spell and guess all the people on the streets and the outer world and the global south. and you will be, invest in capital. they're not going to be 6. the government. you want to turn it upside on the right side of international. you guys get a bit better, get on the right side too. so maybe you just major milestone. okay. in terms of mazda is that just focusing uh, and put the spotlight then on the goal is having to get your head around and the
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issue of what it needs to live on. the occupation is hard for the majority of us around the world. and you can, to a certain extent, understand that because you've worked in gauze that can you put just into a few words, what it's like for a person to feel and to live on the occupation and the pressure that creates the email literally a few hours ago for mcculloch's, you like done an amazing project. we'll waive in dollars. that's a health special needs children you can see probably you would possibly cited. and he said the 2 months ago, his eldest son, who was about to qualify to be a dentist, died in a phone which hits the neighbors house. he is now being displaced, 3 or 4 times. he's living with his wife, his full daughters. so they have lost, oh absolutely, everything he says they go to bed hungry children, go to bed crying because that's so hungry. they wake up, hungry step on meal says from illegal walter caught knowing that it's not clean.
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the diary up in flats which they're sharing with, with flashing full of people, it's the pain, a really, really humanoid picture of what it means to live. the un is cooling, unprecedentedly bol barrett attack that sort of use the day for an individual that i know personally, and that's one of my many. i know that when you were in position you always highlighted how difficult it was to get aid into garza. all the occupied westbank. i mean, how difficult or what was it? what was the medical facilities like before october? the 7th. so obviously what we're here because we just haven't talked to rick technical and i mean how, how devastated that the medical infrastructure is right now? how difficult was it trying to get medical aid into casa, or even the full 70 thoughts of pothole is really strategy to impose a collective punishment in
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a legal collective punishment. on the opposite was to bride the main hospitals, all the medical equipment and the medical supplies that they needed. so it was pretty much impossible to get to ashley cas account. so those sorts of account absolutely impossible. of course, since on the 7th of october we had some children having advertise, she's about trying to sexy women giving bucks, does they have infection without comments? that's it. it just become also the ballpark. and that is now on top of the list, which see the slow massacre, the stove ation, with the people folding. it'll listing communicable diseases. we're seeing quick calls of people that should be dropping down of exhaustion on the ground of hunger and exhaustion. so you know that if you like for the medical service, which is not honestly, it's being completely destroyed. the human sector general has said that these, you, maddox hiring with small so if you monitoring system does,
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this is completely destroyed. and that's why i say, what we need to do is mobilize a massive international effort. it's no good, we can move on to leave the protection posted in health education. food was so anxious all these things and the have all these ladies that are missing, but we want to just pulling up the genocide. we need to get a presidential to, frankly signed by jim barton to get as he did with states you 201020000 american soul just on the ground. we need to see a fluency cost of the off the coast guard. so we need to see how difficult is fair in the wounded the sit, the time box. and so let's be just a moment. let me tell you this safe area of the wasi, but it's no place for people that are new toilet facilities. so in the medical facilities, that is a recipe for the destruction. that is the recipes. so the close of the genocide when this is the top comes in russell, which will do within a matter of weeks the world will have a lot of times if we don't see a rapid,
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massive global humanitarian mobilization. now a multiply was, unless that happens, we're going to say industrial scale loss of human life, but the middle of the world kind of say it has not been gold. chris, going to see you paint a very green picture for us, is that the one that i think i'll view as will be mulling over in the coming out. thanks so much for joining us from linda. thank you. even go to the european union . foreign ministers also prove the creation of any you naval mission to protect shipping in the red sea. the announcements is amazing and brussels came in safety rebels carried out further attacks on cargo ships in the area. hardly full so it has more of the latest ship to be damaged by whose c, a tax and the red sea. the police flag u. k. registered lebanese operated ruby ma was on route to bulgaria when it came under miss all file on sunday. it's security company said the vessel was taking on water with its own is considering options for tow,
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ej. what kind of in the ship was severely damaged, leading to its complete hold due to the significant damage suffered by the ship. it is now at risk of thinking in the gulf of age. we took care during the operation to ensure the safety evacuation of the ship's crew. then the who's the say their attacks are designed to achieve a ceasefire in gaza. they prompted us that international naval mission, as well as rounds of american and british strikes on who to targets in yemen. earlier this month, a gym and forget set. so for the red sea in preparation for a separate e, you naval mission in brussels on monday. you are paying foreign ministers, formerly approved what they said would be a defensive operation. the bottom universities test, we'd use them as soon, often big putting in. it makes it clear that we as an international community is done together in the event of attacks on terrorist attacks. and the freedom of the sea route, 13 percent of your lips liquefied natural gas comes through the red sea. concert
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was already diverting its tank is away from the root. and so it's the longer that continues to more pronounced the consequences. it's going to cause a cost is going to add the time. and it's also going to add constraint on actual deliveries with time to deliver the same amount of products to the customers . and so far there's no sign of any slow down into fee a tax. on monday they said they'd shut down a us drone and a us on cargo ship reported coming under miss all fine, requesting military assistance. very close it out to 0. the spring you so that a southern use though, on the head of the united nations as have gone this long to join the international community. and isn't he said nobody wants any guitar brush. that's called the hot bed of terrorist activities and drug running. he to in delegates having consol for 2 days of tools, but leaders of the telephone government stayed away because iris said that he'll soon begin consultations on the appointment of you and envoy 2 of got his phone.
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you ministers in brussels of welcome the widow of life seemed a valley to show the support following the death of a husband. but to many patients, biggest critic eulley a novel naya has blamed russia's president so killing a husband who was saving a 19 year prison sentence must go denies obligations, not a lie, as dying to continue a husband's pen to corruption campaigning in russia. well, still head here, all the news are in sport, jim and football funds not to continue the efforts to disrupt the level of matches summit. we'll have that story after the break. the business latest is brought to you by pegasus. i live slowly on one of your makes modern plates. the
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business leg just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads on the the
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folks pulled out his audit. thank you very much. so and then i'll mess who has attempted to set the record straight about why he didn't play and imagine tying up the end to miami to assist. he was injured on and didn't miss the front of the game in hong kong earlier this month for political reasons. mfc did take part in the match and depend to 3 days later time, no responded by canceling to argentina games due to be held in the country in march . messy has spoken off on one of time is largest social media platforms, labels. you give you my code, people say that i didn't want to play for political reasons and many other reasons, but it's totally untrue. how about being the case? i wouldn't have traveled to japan or visits, it's showing that as many times as i have, i just couldn't play. i felt discomfort and as a risk my injury would get worse. it felt a little better
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a few days later. and that's why i played a bit in japan, while hudson has stepped down as manager of crystal palace team are about to play evanson in the english 74 my into the frank for the boss oliver glass 9 will replace the 76 year old. the, the others, what we'll find is have vowed to continue their efforts to disrupt the top level matches. we've seen tennis balls thrown onto the remote control cause and now model airplanes being used to him. when does lisa games support is around the country. our guest attend for them and his football league to sell a stake of its media rights to the outside investor of corresponding embezzling. and so many can explain why this is such a contentious issue of the protests that have taken place in stadiums. up and down this country and both the top 2 professional leagues have being provoked by do what was agreed by the clubs in the to professionally, in this country in december. where by foreign investment will be allowed into the
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media of the german football league in return for a share of the, the revenues that the negro generates over the next 20 years. but the friends of they are angry because they believe that this is the style of the infringement of a room called a 50 plus one rule. that's a rule that has existed since about 2526 years ago when the decision was taken to allow clubs which until then and being 100 percent owned by that membership to allow in a launch mind or seats of investment from elsewhere with the carrier the team would be maintained 50 percent plus one by the members. there are 2 teams that don't have that. those are respectively voss book, which is owned by folks fucking and leave the cruise owned by, by a, in both cases the companies who own those teams have those teams in existence before the point is niga was created. they are far to say there is no threats to
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this 50 percent plus one ruled by the deal was agreed and they won't the protest. stone funds are clearly very worried about where this is going. they don't want to see that clubs taken over as, as being the case in england and elsewhere in europe by foreign investors who might have a different agenda. dominant cane al jazeera bully, a leading official at the world. football players union has told all de sarah, it could be time for continental club competitions to go global. 5th pro is the age of 10 and tuck. we're. yeah, most that case says the asian champions league is in need of reform union. the says many clubs that lose money who are competing in retirement. and so welfare is given a low priority. so we will get together and think about what the, the more sustainable association and the conclusion maybe to have. uh
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or uh, you know, most of the system level of pulling them in, uh, maybe including the, the other regions. uh, for example, easy discipline example. uh, no. so american legion, or spouse. i mean gum region while you're in region. uh, you know, cause we either have expanded people come to work on, on one hand, but we definitely need to think about the uh, you know, more exciting uh coupons that are assessing level, pulling them in, not to be necessarily the being bonded by the particular region before agent club, how the regular, how much is with your band clubs or so so many gun clubs and those that make them plots. then you know we can think about the best boma. yvonne james has appeared in his 20th olsa game, but admits time is running out on his grip. he's such a 9 year old that has played more minutes than anyone in n b. a history. who's part of a western conference at team that last out to the eastern conference to have
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a $21186.00. jane says he's still hoping to play at this. he is a person of as it stands right now, i am healthy enough to be on the team and perform at a level and to walk or perform it. but like you said, it's still time left and this is through a 3rd life in the regular season. i'm so i don't know what you know the future hold is as far as, as you know, policies or whatever the case may be. but like i said, it's 11 gains, but it is 5 and a half weeks and it's more it's more miles put on these uh, on these tires the defense, he became, etc. i'm a has become the most successful asian blown goal for on the pga tour. he's just one of the genesis invitational in california. let's see, i'm not one of them offices in 2021, but this is a says if we move into yes, it says 90 da ties will safety him a pos software and that's it for me. so thanks very much so that that
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is denise on a 1000000 sites will have more give a side to the right until it for me, son on the team here. and so thanks for your time and your company the what constitutes extent. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be. so we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in different countries policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no 1000 service this claimant reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth.
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in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power, those into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement and explorers, whether tearing palestinians from us as the occupied west bank is, is ready to transfer on and just for 3 days this low lying coastal area in northern 11 non was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rains. those living here are some of the most vulnerable in loving on where the economy has all the collapse the river is. walter level reached up to here, experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain. after long periods of dry weather. there are several informal settlements for refugees from
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neighboring syria in this region as well. concern is growing among communities living here near the backs of 2 rivers. that the worst is yet to come. the the hello i, my name's sight. this is a new style line from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. united states was israel against a ground defensive in rock. the on for the 1st time proposes a temporary face via the un security council in northern gaza, stopping palestinians on the fire from. is there any soldiers with that lives to reach a fox also ahead.


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