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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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for most supplements for refugees from neighboring syria in this region as well. concern is growing among communities living here near the backs of 2 rivers. that the worst is yet to come. the the hello, i'm not inside. this is a new line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. united states was israel against a ground defensive in rock. the honest for the 1st time proposes a temporary face via the un security council. in northern gaza solving palestinians on the fire from is there any soldiers with that lives to reach a song also ahead. this row is clearly the territorial
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integrity the occupied palestinian territories to over more than half a cent of the nature of the population. historic hearing on the international court of justice, kind of signs legal teammates this case against is there any organization and is really a strong target has been a deep inside lebanese territory. several people on the hello. welcome to the program. the 1st time the united states has drafted a un security resolution on gaza cooling for a temporary cease fire. the resolution says the pools in fi think must be based on the formula for release and captives housing gaza, while allowing unimpeded access to humanitarian aid into the strip. the u. s. is also warning israel against
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a ground offensive in gauze the southern most city of rough us saying it would have serious implications for regional peace and security on diplomatic edits. a james base has moved on the proposed resolution from the un headquarters in new york. that was going to be a security council vote taking place on tuesday on the 24 hours from now. here in new york out g area had to pose a propos, the resolution cooling for an immediate cease for the us, hadn't liked it, and hadn't liked to, didn't negotiations. on the saturday night, late on saturday night, the us invested in the thomas greenfield. put out a statement saying that the us would not support such a resolution. in other words, the us was going to use its vito once again on the situation in gaza bought. now the us has come up with its own version of a draft resolution, and for the 1st time the us has the word that key word c spa and it's resolution.
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now it's gotten to meet. you see spa ordered by the security council. that's what out to you area. and many of the rest of the security council want it talks about a temporary cease file as soon as practicable. and i think bases it on those negotiations that have taken place in colorado led by the countries. and the egyptians also though there is this paragraph in this resolution. again, a draft resolution not being voted on yet may not be voted on. as it talks about a major ground defensive into rafa say it would result in further home to civilians and the further displacement, including potentially into neighboring countries and perhaps the serious implications for regional peace and security. and then it concludes that such a major ground defense, it should not proceed under the current circumstances. clearly, the us saying this was paused, the israel went ahead with his wrapper offensive. it would be in defiance of the un security council, but also in defiance of the united states. and there are other references in the
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resolution to caused by israeli government ministers for the resettlement of garza cools by israel to have a buffer zone of these. a rule objected to by the us in this resolution. and it's pretty clear that has been a change of heart and watching and in the coming hours. and suddenly this is the toughest proposal to us is put to the security council. and it is only a draft resolution at this stage at any point in the mold, in full months of war, but doesn't go far enough for the rest of the security council members who want an immediate cease far. i think that is the big question. meanwhile, in gaza, cities thousands of palestinians race to collect flour from the limited number of a trucks entering the strip. the crowds were met with is rarely gum file. what you're seeing that is palestinians being shown by is riley soldiers wall
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trying to receive the much needed a to feed themselves and their families, at least one person was killed and several others injured. people have been particularly desperate for food aid in the north of gaza. hunger is reaching new levels throughout, galls that children have been filmed, resorting to collecting flowers that has fallen off a trucks off the ground. let's go straight to tart. assume these line for us and rough, a city in southern gaza. some pretty disturbing scenes coming from gauze and city area today highlighting once again how were sick and desperate the situation in gauze as become well, in fact, if the situation does beyond compassed people are completely struggling in order to get the basic necessities of specifically that the another and part of because of strep did not receive much needed to humanitarian supplies in a very adequate quantities in order to help people to cope with the ongoing is very
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offensive on the ground that it's master of, of cushions. on the humanitarian side, we have been seeing distressing damages about how people are fighting and crowding in order to get a very also unlimited number of a human to charge supplies. that would not be even enough for the family members as we have been hearing different report saying that the, the if i'm and in the northern part of the gaza strip has reached to unprecedented the critical levels, which is so that to be the largest ever recorded globally, where people are completely of right now, depending on animal fee to make food. but recently animal seed is, is yet started to become unavailable in another part of the cause of which really should the light on a very serious a catastrophic humanitarian situation. in the north of the territory park, what is the latest you're hearing from nasa hospital yesterday? we had that it had stopped functioning off the latest is riley strikes. have you
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had any updates on what's going on that today? yes. in fact, to the situation in the most are hospitalized is really domestic and a tragically, these very military forces are investigating with everyone in the hospital as these buddy minutes. resources have been saying that they have arrested 200 pounds of citizens insight. this medical facility, while the medical condition is this to a very don't the part to tell you, the world hills organizations manage to evacuate and then both palestinian patients to unlocks the hospital for medical treatment as a also it continues its efforts in order to evacuate ways more patients within the coming days, especially those who are in a very desperate need for an fonts, submitted culture that can no longer be provided in the loss of the hospital because of the eclipse is very military activities inside of this facility. as a number of buildings that tend to be as an investigation center where they are
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also forcing a if a number of medical workers to sleep from the hospital also being investigated. then we have been hearing a rustic testimonies about how the situation like to clear civic shortage of food water medical supplies syndication, which means that there's going to be a serious medical catastrophe. the if it's going to be no, any agents medical intervention to rescue what has been left to from patients the inside the hospital. okay, thank you for your reporting topic about doing that for us in rough and southern gaza. we've also been speaking on algebra to dr. rick pepper coordinates from the world health organization representative for garza. he has been telling l g 0 about a mission to relocate patients from nasa hospital. let's have a blessed a over the last 3 days, 3 days ago. uh adobe a show. uh and book china and ron mission were trying to bring and fuel into and also got a complex i was part of the team together between our
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w h. sho colleague. yes. we go stuck. actually it just hasn't as dangerous. actually rolled normally is only 10 minutes actually from rough up to know some of the complex. it took us hours a triple step, 50 meters before an estimate or complex. we in a team went through the compounds, when it was a little idea of customs and re requested us to get in entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment that you planned for. i have a question because to call the concerning reports, we were not allowed in the next a we came back the match to get the truck into the hospital and get fuel again. we requested for access to the same quick assessment plan for f actuation, and again we were not. we didn't get the permission to get it yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was the yesterday and my team got permission to get in and
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together of it's a the scene rep pressing that all shot reached at the hospital and managed to re, uh, transfer 14 critical patients age normal. think 6, woking, and to patient companions. there still remains as well. are approximately 180 patients. the i see you is no longer working because of the level of electricity of the hospital is severe, is, is quite damaged and the whole store as weak as big is not functional anymore. there's still 180 patients left at 15 stop shop. currently does another visual mission actually in uh, going to nursing medical uh, complex 2 days to again be or she has to refer more patients. all the, all patients need to be refers and stuff need to be referred. this is rarely will
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planes have struck targets deep inside 11 on the strikes, targeted the town of kezia, 60 kilometers north of israel's buddha. in the past 4 months, israel has repeatedly strong carrier as a self 11 on it says have links to as bold a and as also conducted targeted assassinations. in response, eon group has 5 rockets into israel. so hold a is in bainbridge with the latest. another strikes deep inside 11 on they are becoming more frequent as of late is really military claiming responsibility for targeting. what it says is a weapons storage facility belonging to the lebanese armed booth has the law. now there has been no official confirmation from, from levon on whether official forces or has the law on what exactly has been hit. but the owner of this of this facility says that it was, this is a place which has been producing in manufacturing generations. so this said for top
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exchange of fires, a between has the law and is really our me is set to continue as long as the war and garza continues because it has, well, it says there will be no hold to the fighting unless the aggression on the strip and now there has been an escalation, but it's still in, in many ways it's still very much controlled in the sense that both sides are of focusing really on, on military targets. but a few days ago, hezbollah warrens that you know, the, the targeting of civilians last week, well, with israel is going to pay in blood. so the possibility of this conflict, widening, is, is real. and the us and boy, which is who has been in this complex thing says that there's quiet, you know, he's engaged in quiet diplomacy. and he is hoping that you know, they can prevent a more comprehensive war center for their elsa theater. the
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in the international court of justice and the hague has begun 6 days of hearings looking into the galaxy of israel's $57.00. yeah. ok. patient of palestinian lines, $52.00 states and 3 international organizations will provide testimony, legal opinion on the matter. the proceedings are being held against the backdrop of israel's current on garza, on the 1st day consisted of testimony from lou is representing palestine, stuff. austin has more ballasting and delegation accompanied by international law experts travels to the u. n's highest court in the hague. taking the 1st step towards de hope, stopping one of the world's longest employees occupations. for the 1st time in its history, the international court of justice will have to load on the legality of israel's confiscation of ballasting in land. opening the oral hearings kind of thing and
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foreign minister described israel's occupation as a system of apartheid that has thrown palestinians into 2nd class citizens for over a century. the in telling me about, right, understand people to send the termination has been denied and violated by this time was not aligned without to people. it was not as is, ideally those have described it the waste that there was lot of on this time. the only solution, consistent with international law, this for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate and conditional until the isn't as well kept to the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem in 1967. here we have of historic palestine, which palestinians one for a state um to with maps, smoky show the courts how over the decades israel has confiscated ballasting inland . this is why i wanted the, the geography of body style, but the locked it's,
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they won't get a fee. so it's kept pushing the people out, out of their homes, out of their land. here is a 5th month. it was displayed like as rose, bright, minnesota, for the assembly. last september. he called this, then you me the least. this is no. there is no by this time on. on this map, bose right from the u. s. lawyer who has regularly argued the case is that the i c, j sat, it's clear israel has no intention to ever leave the land to man. the evidence is overwhelming and leaves no room for serious dispute about israel's actions or its intentions. in 2004, the court of firm the inalienable right of the palestinian people to self determination. in 2024, it is time for you to enable then finally,
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to exercise that right. this case is different to do one of genocide south africa filed this one is brought by the un general assembly after passing a resolution with 8 to 7 votes in favor to give an advisory opinion known as wells . 57, he alone occupation. the hearings come at a time when the death, though, as far as military operation in gaza has the past 29000 last month. so you and highest court order. it's relative stopped also, time from genocidal x in gaza and other decisions i just poured. although non binding to stop the unlawful occupation of college standing in line to carry more rolling car, with no further increase international pressure on the government of spectrum. and it's on you all international legitimacy by countries is increasingly important in this intertwined world that we live in. and you wind up putting an additive leg genocidal or an adjective like a legal occupation beside israel. it stains irreparably its own reputation and its
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bringing down the reputation of the united states, along with a $150.00 countries. will present submissions in the coming days, step fast, and l. g sierra. the hate, as well as the indians, have enjoyed the hardships of israel's occupation for generations while each pass in my experience different struggles, the same a similar it's one of land fact lives last time spent wasting this. abraham reports from the occupied westbank home. you'd really mean safety and security for this palestinian family. it's the opposite. surrounded by illegals, really supplements threatened by increasing attacks by settlers. what's the opposite? the phone tells us. his family is left with no choice, but to lock themselves in. let me go home and that's what i like. we can keep the house. i don't want my sister's got mad and then i couldn't even go to the wedding's dot org was hovering around. he says it's really settlers want them out
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so they can move in. but this is the only home they own and the only line they know they call themselves the guardians of the hill. the boy we've been here before this up there's my grandfather built the house in the 1970s. then my father and mother inherited it. we are here protecting it as well, and we'll pass it onto our kids. since 1967, israel has been establishing illegals supplements on hilltops, overtime they expand at the expense of palestinians, most of juan farming, he says they will not leave the little home on the hill for them. this is how the experience is really military occupation, violent attacks, illegals documents and then grabs. that's no move to the center of the occupied to us back in columbia. a few jacob with for one family. the occupation means tragic losses of life. and it was
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a bittersweet moment when sammy's new brand son was born in 2005. they named him. yes, if after his uncle, who was killed by his really forces 4 years before. oh and the general had done was to show we wanted him to bring joy to the house. i was heavy. he was born in jordan and i traveled to meet him. but in 2023 and just a few weeks before turning 18. yes, it was buried in the same grief site as his name say, booth killed by the same army, the nobility, them, sammy's son, sam and mohammed were also killed by israeli forces in 20022015. you want to know which not bring children to this life to die, but to live. we want to be able to live in peace and have a good life. i lost my sons when do a very young. they were 1115 and 17 years old. nope, every palestinian hominy shares this heavy loss of life. but the few patients still
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sick, so it's all on people, one way or another. let's go now to have her on the sounds of the occupied to us bank and see how life there has been brought to a whole once brimming with life and a bustling economy. life is fading away in the last city of her. now it's a mere echo of what it once was that how did you get in the market? said that no visitors, no foreigners. we don't find customers for the goods we buy and are in debt for the 75 year old sales pending fee is local artisans, a symbol of the cities rich cultural heritage. in this ahead a i've been here for 17 years. i think we keep thinking that if we get a bit better instead of every year, it gets worse and worse. people escape the humiliated the checkpoints. survey of what this very whole together. this one is something here and however on the economy capital of the occupied to us bank, the cities still has
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a few hours before it goes to see people are shopping and working with the sun has set way earlier in the old city of hebron posted in see time to is a victim of occupation. lost in cues, alternative routes, checkpoints, enclosures times, toes and from a nation stuck in waiting need that. but he just either the occupied to us thing. let's call sonata zane bus, or ave, who is in ramallah in the occupied west bank zane. what's the reaction been where you are? how consequential is this? i c j case for ordinary palestinians. we've of course been living and occupation for decades. well, that's exactly the question we've been putting to our guests throughout the day. postings described was happening here, the occupation that is going on for generations as a settler colonial project. historically subtler colonial projects have always been successful against the indigenous population. but for the 1st time,
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this is playing out in the digital age and the age of social media to talk more about this, i'm joined now by ownership. i you, the resident of non resident fellow at the 3 or institute for middle east policy, focusing on the digital rights of people in the middle east and north africa. thank you for joining us. now. we've seen a specific focus on this war and gaza social media, digital content creators have been key and documenting what is happening on the ground. can you talk a little bit about how, despite the tragedy, of course, that has been a real, a positive outcome. it's been a real source of information for people wanting to find out about what's happening . so thanks for that questions and yeah, despite the tragedy and despite all the face 10 inches by social media platforms and they're censorship. of course on palestinian kind of serious have been utilizing social media platforms to document human rights violations, author cities, voice crimes, and like genocide, the evidence on the ground and spread that on social media platforms trying to big
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this i as a nation and how many kids more with the ulta words also keep in mind, the old fragmentation that we, as for the seniors are living with sense like dictates that this thing is, are also trying to speak to each other, trying to expand its way to go through with each other and to speak up for each other. so social media flats from late across are all doing this ongoing events and a and bringing people together and makes us like feel closer together during this hard time. so and you know, obviously the digital sphere as you say, bringing people closer together. but there's also been challenges. there's also been a backlash by social media platforms, by people on as little tide phones are choosing content creators in gaza. of, of all kinds of anti semitism, this highlighted their content to block their accounts. can you talk a little bit about the negative reaction to what we've seen coming out of content creators there? of course, palestinians have beans facing online since
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a ship for 4 years. now this is not the 1st time, but doing this ongoing genocide, palestinians have been a living a deep and like a and a more and more in depth discrimination. also see media platforms where social media platforms, content will duration policies are biased against pen assigned related content previously where we're say a fix, for example, mess up previously, we're seeing that mr. and mrs contemplation, policies are biased against the sending out of the content. and this is more particularly during may events in 2021 using this ongoing genocide. we have seen that company as sincere and palestine related content despite the language and business or ship is basically denying for the sinews in gaza from accessing life saving information. and it is trying also to connect them from the whole words and when ever they are also like having the shuttle banning. we're speaking about
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reducing the reachability and visibility from the whole world, which basically means that they are not seeing as you do it on social media platforms. that's a from one side bought from the other side. let's also keep in mind the hold insight to genocide content that is social media platforms. i'm more particularly method is allowing to stay on their platforms, that this information, misinformation, and incitement against this, on this genocide has been allowed on their platforms and the i, c, j, and 26th of january. they warned they, i ordered one of their provision, the measure is to is your end is to prevent and banish at this. and so i sent it to the genocide conference, which much of that has being on social media platforms. and by is really officials . and so far we have not years anything serious or any strict measures from social media platforms, more particularly from meta on how they are protecting people on the ground from the home take harm and palestine motor story. busy nonresident fellow at the time
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that's thank you very much for your thoughts, reminding us that palestinians activists, digital content creators, anyone really facing a 2 tier system double standards, not just in the real world, but in the digital space as well. okay, thank you for that. saying those are all be that for us in the occupied west bank. let's get more on the i c, j. case at the hague, with gush on boston, who is the middle east director of international communities organization. he led to as well as negotiations with him. us for some 17 years. he joins us now from west to respond. thank you for joining the program. so we heard from the palestinian delegation today at the i, c j is rel, itself is not at the hearings, but to if it's major support of the united states in person. ok, how do you expect them to respond to what we had today? a hi. so i think that the overwhelming sense of the international
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community is that the occupation has to end and that the is where these on the palestinians have to find the path to materialize. a 2 state solution. i think that the united states and the united kingdom are both considering very seriously now recognizing the state of palestine, which would be groundbreaking because they've been talking about the 2 state solution for 30 years. but only recognizing israel. and if they do recognize the state of palestine, they're gone. have to take israel to task of rolling back the occupation on ending the occupation and making the 2 state solution real me. i c j is another stepping stone in the path toward palestinian liberation. and i think it's warranted, it's called for, but at the end of the day, post indians have to understand that if you 0 doesn't have security, they won't have freedom and dignity. and they want to have freedom and dignity. if israel doesn't have security and it's a choice to ensure israel has to know that they won't have security of the
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palestinians, don't have freedom addicted, right? so this has to be the point that everyone understands. and you say this, i, c, j, a routing will be stepping, so it is true that whatever we hear from them in a few months time, it's only going to be an advisory opinion, not finding a. so do you, how do you think it's going to make a difference to the situation on the ground? i don't think it will make a big difference on the ground. i, i think that we need to focus our energies on ending the war. and on finding a path towards the creating the regional framework, which will bring the parties to the table again in a way that they won't be able to escape from the emergence of the palestinian state next to israel and ending the occupation the r c. j. it only has the ability to issue advisory opinions if it goes to the security council. i think the we can still probably see an american veto wasn't any, a comprehensive,
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a emotion that would apply really international pressure on israel. but, but this is, as i said, it's a stepping stone because it's clear that this conflict has to be brought to an end . it's different used to be up to the israelis and the palestinians to decide by themselves or mainly because rarely sitting side by themselves. that's not the case today because this conflict is spilling over and endangering regional security. international shipping and global security is a threat to the security of the home world. and the world has to take this conflict to much more seriously than ever before. i mean, the issue with the center of what we're hearing at the hague is the effect of the patient is had on the palestinians. so why is it that when we hear from that promotes and politicians like president biden and sex, your stay blinking even the ears, joseph peralez, know, talk about an end to the occupation that they, they talk about a, it's a 2 state solution, but there's no talk about an end to occupation. so you can have
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a 2 state solution without ending the occupation. what exactly we go to of the i, i know that the, the in the british parliament will be holding a hearing in their foreign affairs committee on the 27th of this month. and the 2 state solution we proved from a foreign secretary ya cameron, who talking about recognizing a palestinian state. i think we've heard from secretary state blinking president by himself about the americans considering the recognition nor a 139 countries in the world. they didn't recognize the state of palestine, but the a rich country is a v o c d, except for suite and have not done it yet. and this is where we need to have a positive political process that will make publish, start a new member state of the united nations. that also will not end the occupation. but we will begin to create a framework in which the table is a little bit more leveled, were negotiations in the original framework could produce an outcome. of course we is rarely use of to make sure that we get rid of nothing. you know that he becomes
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an artifact of history and there is no longer willing, this country a and the palestinians have a lot of homework to do. also in getting their political, a housing in much better order with unification of gaza and the west bank and agreement. amongst themselves and willingness to make peace with the state of israel castle and basking mentally start defense and also communities organization . thank you so much for your time. thank you. a well, b is rarely prime minister's office has reacted to the well quotes proceeding saying that as well does not recognize the legitimacy of the discussion of the international court of justice in the hague. regarding the, the galaxy of the occupation, i move designed to hong israel's right to defend itself against existential threats . israel went home to say that discussion in the hate is part of the policy, an attempt to dictate the results of the political supplement. without negotiations, it says it will continue to fight this attempt on its government on the connected,
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all united in rejecting this wrong trend. okay, let's go live to home. the salary cheese in occupied is to risk them home. the nurse surprises then in the position being taken by these really pm. that's exactly right, and that's an yahoo one. so far as to call this an unacceptable course of action. israel's foreign ministry also releasing a statement, calling it a quote, media circus. but it's not really surprising, given the position of israel's right wing government and the denial of the consequences of the occupation of the west bank over the last 56 years. this is just the status quote for these really positions, specifically under nets and yahoo. and all of this comes on the heels of missing yahoo and his government putting forth a motion to unilaterally reject
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a palestinian state. and while this initially passed within the is really parliament, and that's an yahoo speaking tonight saying that he's going to present it to be is really parliament as a whole thing. but he is proud of his position over the last several decades that blocked the palestinian state. idea from ever coming to fruition and he says that he knows this bill will get an overwhelming majority of support in the is really can this, as it is worth noting that this is a non binding measure, more of a symbolic move by these really prime minister in the midst of all this pressure internationally from the americans and other regional partners who do want to see a palestinian state who when staunch supporters of such a policy saying that it is the only way to resolve this conflict after this period of time. and then you have nothing yahoo in his government who are simply saying that's not going to happen. so you have the international pressure among all of
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this menu of domestic pressure on us. and yahoo is really citizens who are protesting near nightly, even demonstrating to night outside of his office, several 100 people, even some according to his really media, 2 of them getting arrested, trying to make their voices heard against the prime minister. and his policies that have brought the country to this place. so the pressure while it is mounting on nets and yahoo, his policies and his positions on all of these issues remain the same. and how this, sorry, a different issue we had from the is riley's today. uh, giving us a bit more context on the strike. the latest strike on loving on. what would they say? right, so we had the is really our me spokesperson. daniel had got a speaking tonight talking about these massive air strikes that were conducted in love with these territories. some of them in southern lebanon, with some of them,
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even in going so far as 60 kilometers from the border. that's just 45 kilometers away from beirut. b is really army, has said that this was in direct retaliation to withdraw and they say was sent by his butler into the north that ended up crashing in an open area. the army saying they hit to his bola, weapons, depos in retaliation. and this is a continuation of these exchanges of fire that have been happening across the border since october. the 8th is really security officials have said that while this hasn't opened up into a full fledged war, they're not afraid to take it there. and they're going to retaliate, however, they say fit, israel's defense minister has even said that they would turn, they do it into another, gaza if his bullet went too far. so tonight, just a continuation of those exchanges. thank you for that. how does that are that person? ok? party source and so head on out to 0, the un secretary general says they are working to points from invoice or engage the
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outcomes, hold on with the instruction community, the the highlight of the weather. let's put somebody bought a car much of know all the new year we go bands of time the rice sweeping in from the atlantic at this time of year. that does mean mild weather. it also means wet and windy weather continuing, then so these, while the system is a bands of cloud and ray will produce outbreaks of more wet weather, more unsettled weather across the good positive northern i'm central year because it goes through the next couple days choose. they seize a cloud and break coming in and across the pushing across into wells, much of west ending then the good part is kaufman. just want us to go one through tuesday. so i'm with dr. i, which was at least the thought of being live assume shot was the, just around the low countries. shabby right. little bit us nice. the low cost that
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leading edge of that system is it makes its way to the west side of russia minus $5.00, the top temperature. and most guys were still up in just double figures across many western pos of your for the south. last little area of light pressure, that's just to bring you some showers that are in 2 central parts of the met, nudging a little further east with as we go through. why the stay? yeah, it is my while i was, i said more, it was coming in across the north west more whether the i would tools and all face, but in between it's kind of cloudy, but long as you try for many, how does dry weather across the good pos of north africa, charlotte spring up once again across southern positive west africa into the gulf of give me the unique perspective on the i don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a for my things, thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on her, it's voices, and i'm of the patient. please connect with our community and tap into
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conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0 is the latest news as it break some of those who need a may be able to access it and parts of to them that are safe. and the way there is no fighting with detailed coverage would come scripts of training here on an island that symbolizes sweden's, drastic change in military policy. from around the world, the security forces are not protecting the people, but rather the president and his decision to delay the like the the
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welcome back to watching out. just a reminder on top stories, the ssl is there. any move plans have strong targets deep inside lebanon, including the town of kezia. 60 kilometers from the border with this row as well. the forces have responded by firing missiles into israel. tension on the border has been high during the war on gaza. the in special court of justice has begun 6 days of hearings into these right and your patient palestinian territories since 1967. how of science and legal team told judges the israel wants to raise traces of a positive and nation of the united states as warning israel against a ground defensive and raso, saying that it would have serious implications for regional peace and security. in a proposed resolution to the un security council, the us is calling for temporary fees fine in for more than 60
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palestinians were killed in is riley strong. and so on there about a in central garza on saw today. those engine were taken to all actual hospital correspond him guitar, a visit to the medical facility and sentenced this report on conditions that a slick chain key in dead velasmio. ok some more tires hospital where this hospital is now receiving all of the injured people in san eunice. we know that there is a ground. envision in hon. eunice and the hospitals. there are not working. when we talk about the hospitals, we're talking about a nicer hospital that is currently being invaded by the israeli soldiers. here, the ambulances are coming and bringing a lot of injuries. and even the dead bodies from is right in the air strikes and is ready snipers. it's very hard for them to move and to transfer these injured
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people from, you know, sort of funny because it's very crowded and, and we know that stuff is packed and also all of the hospitals in the gauze, through our, over when we're talking about owning the unlimited number of hospitals still possibility thing in the cause of the trip. we're currently in the side of the hospital and as you see, it's crowded with patients with injuries. it's the only facilitating hospital in the middle area. last night, at least 8 houses were targeted by that is really forces. and as you see there, it's past with people with patients with injuries. it's working on its capacity. we see people lagging on the floor. these are being pulled, were transferred from community this morning to a hospital because of all the they boomed us, we oh,
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runaway. and then people came and brought me to hospital run the donkey present to show another new ambulance came to me. i went to hospital by myself, right in the funky, according to the palace, city administer of hazards, saying that there are a lot of patients and refugees stuck in uh, a master hospital and a hospital income unit. they have been coordinating and waiting for the green light for the x rays to give them the per mission to evacuate these policies in medical teams, the patients in the hospital and the refugees. but people are calling for everyone to has them evacuate the situation and can you and this is not getting any better rough off as being threatened for an invasion and did it. but it's his receiving more displaced refugees in the middle area. however,
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the tensions rises and that is where the air strikes continue to target different areas across of the causes trip. this isn't the the address either. i'll call the hospital that is by no means who the rebels say they have targeted to us ships in the red sea. the announcement comes off to the here it is launched, a missile strike on the british ship, ruby ma, which is now in danger of sinking. on monday, european union and foreign ministers approve the creation of an e. you naval mission to help protect shipping in the red sea, harry force at hospital the latest ship to be damaged by who'd see a tax in the red sea. the police flag u. k. registered lebanese operated ruby ma was on route to bulgaria when it came on to miss all file on sunday. it's security company said the vessel was taking on water with its own is considering options for tow, ej. what kind of in the ship was severely damaged,
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leading to its complete hold due to the significant damage suffered by the ship. it is now at risk of sinking in the gulf of age. we took care during the operation to ensure the safety evacuation of the ship's crew. then who's the say their attacks, it design to achieve a ceasefire in gaza. they prompted a us led international naval mission, as well as rounds of american and british strikes on who's the targets in yemen. earlier this month, a gym and forget set sail for the red sea in preparation for a separate e. you naval mission. in brussels on monday, you are paying foreign ministers formally approve what they said would be a defensive operation problem. you're basically assess, we'd use them as soon often big putting in it makes it clear that we as an international community is done together in the event of attacks on the terrorist attacks on the freedom of the sea route. 13 percent of your reps liquefied natural gas comes through the red sea casa, was already diverting its tank is away from the route. and so it's the longer that
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continues, the more pronounced the consequences. it's going to cause a cost is going to add the time. and it's also going to add constraint on actual deliveries with time to deliver the same amount of products to the customers . and so far there's no sign of any slow down into fee a tax. on monday they said they'd shut down a us drone. and to us and cargo ship reported coming under miss all fine, requesting military assistance, very close it out to 0. let's get him on this. samuel romani is the middle east expert at the royal united services institute. he joins us from oxford in the united kingdom. thank you for your time. why do you think the you have felt the need to introduce that own naval mission in the red sea? i mean already exist one fund led by the united states and the united kingdom as well. i think the, your opinions are wanting to kind of show that they're taking more responsibility
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for their own security. and that extends, does apply virtue, learners, y'all's name you should you frame as well as also the terms in terms of merit and security. i that's part of the reason why the, you was doing this at this time and also countries like france squeeze in italy as well as jeremy designers and are concerned about price. they're shipping companies . and she merits to the shipping company route at goods from the red sea. really able to help. so there's lot of concern amongst you're being commercial vessels that they need take action on there are right. it's still not play why they feel that they have to take control of the situation. why do you, family, symbolic, i need to the us. the literacy goal is she doesn't include some of the original actors. i hear egypt in the 8. i remember it's the ship that was attacked today was one from the 8. i remember it's too well, gary. yeah. and also with the easiest part of it, you're trying to assert itself that from the independent over the united states, especially in preparation for a possible trap. administration, we've seen,
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for example, on the for moves a straight also see britain wanting to take a lead on creating new european coalition back in 2019 when pages with us and around are high. and that's just the continuation of that idea being brought forward to the current context. and how do you think this european naval mission from a ministry point of view? how will it be different from the us new k naval mission? will they act differently? will they have different weapons and when it will be funded mentally different grad because us, you can't even imagine is primarily intensive in nature. seeing the degrading the hudy's ability to launch rockets in this house, on 2 ships where the us made it very clear and the very beginning that this is not a military operation. this is basically a debt to try and send her handsets. so it's going to be largely in that, that preventing intercepting who the attacks, but not strictly preemptively, or we how are you getting against whatever duties do and how do you expect to hear
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these to react to this? i mean, we've seen them, we've been discussing the attack on that for the ship. we see european ships attacked in the future while he, the certainly increases the risk of these attacks and european jets. these are the who these being bravely fall and their response to the attack on the british ship and some of their sea line media outlets. they got missouri. and the fact that the united states has designated the hudy's, the terrorist organization, and europeans are coming to with this move at the same time. believe the who do use to increasingly view the us britain and you're all in one block. and that will lead to more tax on european ships. you also had the embry, which the recap, live carrier, also finding itself with risks to that just in the past 24 hours. so more attacks are you have to count samuel romani, middle east expert at the royal united services institute. thank he's the
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head of the united nations has edge of guns down to join the international community and live in peace and not be what i'm telling you. good terrace, cool. the whole bed of terrorists activities and drug running. he joined delegates hearing cuts off the 2 days of talks, but need as if the tell about government stayed away. the terrace said he will soon begin consultations on the appointment of a u. n. n. void to ask on the stone to and wouldn't of all manual objectives is to overcome these deadlock and to make sure that there is a road map in which both sinks can wolf and move forward in the positive way to create the conditions in which the concerns of the international community are taken into account, but the concerns of the fact well for these of got is done out also taken into account symbol tentatively some offensive aid has moved from couple from the
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beginning of the islamic image of a bonus done or the toilet by and made it clear that they would not be part of the do, how do you think because they want to be the sole representative of, of the sun after 2 and a half years. the international community, according to them, is continuing to repeat the same talking points, talking in the same echo chambers, and listening to the same people without their input and not they say, and not be, can not go on forever, according to the thought of on many of the countries in the region have not accepted them as the legitimate government or the recognized governments. but did envoys are there, there individually talking to those government signing agreements with these governments, including destinations as well? so they say, why is this the fact the state of affairs is going on? did the people of, of glad it's done are being punished by sanctions and bands on the leadership. so according to the thought of the bond, they are providing security and safety and basic services to the people of upon
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a sense the situation about peace has never been better in the last 4 decades. and they've tracking down on groups such as iceland, but they are reluctant to speak more at length about the issues such as the origin of rights of civil liberties, a rights of women because they say that is something that has to be a universal code, a code across all of a sudden because much of what is being talked about outside of done it's done is about the sub incentives of a bunch assigned, which is not the majority of the population. and they want to bring the system, whether it's education or women's rights, which is inclusive and implies to all of the women of, of one a sense rather than just the urban areas. but they say that this at meetings like this where they are not going to be invited, are they not going to be part up? and parson, as the people who are in charge of a one is done, i going to before that exercises infinity. so i'm going to drop it down to 0. couple of the ministers in brussels have welcome the widow of alexi and of all need to show the support following the death of her husband loudly and patients. because
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critic, you're yeah natal naya has blamed russia's president for killing her husband, who was serving a 19 year prison sentence. most goes denied those allegations she is vowing to continue a husband's anti corruption mission for freedom in russia. 3 young as that's like even if what you me 3 days ago, let me through to him tells my husband alexis of on the for what is moment preaching. took navarro and the away from used somewhere in economy in far north, beyond the arctic circle in the tunnel, winter cruise into not just a man relaxing around the get that together with him to, to and wanted to kill all hopes of freedom of future will continue the work of the next and around the continue to fight for all countries, urge you to stand next to me, not at least 25000000 people is struggling with growing hunger and malnutrition because of the civil war and is through john. as, according to the united nations well feed program,
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thousands of families have being forced from their homes every week, many of them fling to neighboring chad or south to don malcolm, what passed? 10 months of fighting has made many positive suit on livable. that's why every weeks thousands of people arriving here in the town of rank in south sea, done. many say what little they had is being taken by fighters. a check points along the way. you know, been, well, we came by bus. it took us 2 days to reach here. we came from saddam because of the want to hear what we need is food. the immediate support we need is the age of to be able to survive of the world food program which published this video says maquida and have family ever among about half a 1000000 people. he's arrived here in the last year. this is what they've left behind in april last year, fighting abruptly between the 2 don's army and the paramilitary rapid support
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forces. attempts at mediation have failed. aside from the risk of being caught in the cross, 5 millions of people have been cut off from essential supplies. some of those arriving in south to don, ready, severely, malnourished, many more become malnourished as the weights in the transit senses. food russians have been slashed because of a lack of funding. the rates of mountainous ocean all high. we have finding that the most impacted the women and children. and that's why a range of services are available at the border immediately when they cross in. but also when they move to the transit center, some people stay in the transit sense as for months, others who originate from south see don eventually pulled bodies on their way to communities, say struggling with years of flooding of conflict. between the hundreds of thousands, they fled to south to don and chad and the millions displaced with ensued on itself
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. the un says the conflict is created, the world's largest displacement crisis and shows no sign of ending malcolm web outages. era in the democratic republic of congo purchased have been held against what's being described as western complicity and fighting with rebels. us and belgian flags were banned in the city of goma approaches for trigger and fight . advances in the east as the country by m. 23 rebels. neighboring rhonda is denying backing the revolution that baffled with the companies on to police and pop on your guinea have recovered the bodies of tribesmen who were shot dead in what's being described as a masika, at least in anger, proven said 26 men were killed on sunday, near the town of bog in the northern highlands. the government says there's been a major escalation in tribal, fighting with villages wielding illegal weapons or o'clock reports with
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these are the search pictures of bodies being loaded onto the trucks, off the shooting and in your province. on sunday police side least, $26.00 men were shot dead in an ambush involving warring tribes, that total is expected to increase this time your economies is only made possible so. so the use of many, many small arms and it is a consumer place in the northern highlands site as many as 17 tribes for involved and the treating the body use has proven difficult and their emotional mountain is region at this point. it's not so clear. so exactly how far we've, we've moved into to the conflict there, but the intent is to, to re gain control have a significant presence in the conflict there in popping your guinea has struggled with escalating trouble violence since the last election 2 years ago. last oldest,
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150 people were reportedly killed in tribal conflict in anger prophets. last month, 16 people died during rights in the capital port, most b, it's police and public servants protested overpay dispute. the police force ordinarily to face their own capacity constraint. so the, uh, pretty much trust in having to look up to the whole country, so it's hard to deploy, you know, as many resources if you would like. uh, when is sort of heightened levels of violence, like what we've seen, internal security is a growing challenge for prime minister james verify who visited neighboring australia 2 weeks ago about natural security agreement was signed in december, offering to expand trainings of penalties. police schools in radio going to be prime minister and to be of an easy reacted by saying that the escalating trouble buttons is very disturbing use. and his government is prepared to prioritize support in the wake of what's happened, sir. clock out a 0. okay, that's,
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that's name. my name's side for this news. i'll be back in just a moment and move it as the the latest news palestinians are not only queuing to got bread and water, but they're also chewing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hearts of the story. how rude works to the symmetry. there is no tombstone for them, but he's determined that the names will be never forgotten. with detailed coverage, the said was and the veterans tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of the is by the all mean the ukraine, a father frontline, a mother and children can this time of the seas future when the sky is full,
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the site is without and the ukraine escaping the dock with outages. huge. i mean to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that any thoughts provided? hang on. my question to you all the good cooks, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb, too. in the security council, this is, it may just something book is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era and i care about how the us engages with the rest of the world. i cover for him polls the national security. this is very much a political em. how here's the conflict. how do we'll afraid it, are we telling the good story people yeah,
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what we're trying to see here. they're living outside and make 5th time. this is not the way any family wants to raise their children. we're really interested in taking you into a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there . the united states was israel against a ground defensive and rough un proposes a temporary sweet spot for you and security council. the main site this is on, is there a life window house that come in this role does clear the vonage, the territorial integrity, the occupied palestinian territories to over more than half a cent of the.


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