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tv   The Stream Ep 14  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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to you and it says the conflict has created the world's largest displacement crisis and shows no sign of ending malcolm web outages. era police in public new guinea have recovered the bodies of tribesmen who were shot dead in what's being described as masika, police and, and get proven said 26 men were killed on sunday. near the town of lubbock and the northern highlands. sarah clunk reports. these are the 1st pictures of bodies being loaded onto trucks of the shooting an in your province. on sunday police side least, 26 man was shot dead in an ambush involving war in tribes. that total is expected to increase this time, you know, time is only made possible so. so the use of many, many small logs and that is a consumer place in the northern highlands site. as many as 17 tribes for involved
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and the treating. the bodies has proven difficult, and the remote mountainous region. i'm at this point, it's not so clear. so exactly how far we've we've moved into the conflict there. but the intent is to, to re gain control have a significant presence in the conflict there in popping your guinea has struggled with escalating tribal violence since the last election 2 years ago. last oldest, 150 people were reportedly killed in tribal conflict in angry prophets. last month, 16 people died during rights in the capital port, most b, it's police and public servants protested overpay dispute. the police force ordinarily to face their own capacity constraint. so the, uh, pretty much trust in having to look off to the whole country. so it's hard to deploy, you know, as many resources if you would like. uh, when is sort of heightened levels of violence, like what we've seen, internal security is a growing challenge for prime minister james verify who visited neighboring
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australia 2 weeks ago about natural security agreement was signed to december, offering to expand trainings of penalties. police force us in a radio interview prime minister and to be of an easy reactive by saying that the escalating trouble buttons is very disturbing use. and his government is prepared to prioritize support in the wake of what's happened, sir, clock out a 0. okay, that's it. for me, molly, inside lots more information on our website out. is there a don't comes we check it out. coming up next is the street, the phone counting, the cost of israel is 1st credit raising down. great. how bleak is the output for its economy? commercial real estate in the us as faltering banks as far away as germany of feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity. counting the cost on al
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jazeera, made and israel tested in palestine. this is the case for many of the weapons and new military technologies in the vaulted, multi $1000000000.00 is rarely arms industry. today we look at how this brutal business is profiting from the destruction of gauze as well as how technology money and the lack of accountability are fueling the plains of war. and these boys, and this is the stream, the since becoming operational and the idea of in the mid 19 ninety's permits family systems lot more than 400000 operational flight hours. more than $40000.00 successful combat emissions for various forces around the globe, making them the most versatile and reliable technical unmanned aircraft platform in the world. just the spice,
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the country is relatively small size. israel is one of the world's largest wesson exporters in $20.00 to $22.00. it's arm sales, rich $12500000000.00. a 20 percent increase over the previous year. price for their innovation is really, manufacturers proudly advertised their back tool tested products. what is the cost to the test subjects to palestinians, especially in the context of the car, into bloodshed in gaza? joining me today to discuss this are anthony lo and stein offer of the palestine, the board, tory, how is ro, exports the technology of occupation around the world? mar taffeta nina policy and the bulk of the director access now. and sophia, a good friend, a journalist focusing on a i, and surveillance. thank you all so much for joining us here on the stream today. anthony. israel's were on golf, is one of the most destructive military campaigns in our history. and we talk
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a lot about international supports us support, but how much of this destruction is actually down to, is really these really military oper, rosco's alone, would you say as well? he usually, i mean, it's important to chevy it. so that of course is that without us support military funding and weapons, israel could not fight the devastating was, and they asked fighting, they had their own weapons, of course, but the scale of basis. so unprecedented of israel as head as you say, i'm incredibly powerful of the industry fees tested in on palestinians in the west bank, houser and elsewhere. and they make a huge money for them. and one of the things i look at in my book is not just what's had me to tell of seem to cause is bad enough in palestine, but also how those weapons are often sold to countless countries around the well, at least a $140.00. and that i've seen really shows that many nations are looking at what
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he's rel, is doing now in gaza. and they may be saying that they are closed and disgusted and uphold. and rest assured, many of them including any error. well, the very came to buy some of those weapons themselves in the months and use a hand that's how it works. this is how it works. it's very interesting in a, in a very dark way, obviously. so if you just briefly, before the focus on the, on the actual theme on top of the show, i went a step back a little bit and get one thing out of the way here. just so i understand this properly. if there's really army is indeed this high tech superpower. how do we even explain october 7th? so i think october 7th really comes down to 2 things. one is that the is really army really was mired by an over reliance on high tech solutions and high tech weaponry that they've been rolling out in the past few decades. they put
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a huge over emphasis on artificial intelligence and digital surveillance. and at the same time, they've really decreased attention and funding um to its ground troops. so that's one thing. i think the other thing is that we can't always take the branding slogans and advertising campaigns of these really weapons industry as seriously as they want us to. you know, every war has presented israel with a really great opportunity to sell weapons and decades of occupation has really done the same. but i think october 7th really brings the limitations of those weaponry and all of these new systems in to really so i think so, i think it also forces us to really question just how effective all these systems are and you know, providing security calling violence as as all of the ceo's and military generals promoting the systems are saying, right, so let's get some context here. marla, how important is the, is really arms industry to the countries economy?
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so thank you for this question. i'm in israel. prides itself of being a tech nation. it's arms exports and as well as experts of surveillance technologies on our records. hi. um, and especially when it comes to israel's diplomatic relations. we know at the forefront of any diplomatic relationships and particularly, and in the era regions. the export of arms and surveillance technologies often comes as part of the package. and we've seen after the normalization deals assigned with rockwell by day and, and the united app interests known as the ever him accurate, the sales of israel, the cyber security, surveillance and weapons have skyrocketed. and that is an indication of how important these technologies are to the strategy economy. uh huh. and so
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basically what we're witnessing here is garza representing a lucrative laboratory, if you will, in terms of testing these weapons multiple and you weapon systems are being tried for the 1st time in gauze, according to military, unless one technology has been employed heavily. sophia just mentioned this before, by the is really military and the current conflict is a i these really military's website has a whole page on it's a power targeting system termed the gospel. so here can you walk us through this particular system here and what it represents in this for sure. so the gospel is the system that's built on artificial intelligence and it can generate targets, targets for drones or attack helicopters or any other kind of attack an aerial vehicle to drop bombs on at a rate that really exceeds anything that was previously possible. so earlier this
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year, you know, i, the idea of said that this ai system made a process that once took a matter of years, it's able to pinpoint the same amount of target. and just in just a day. so that's a huge, huge change. and i think that really draws into relief and provides important contexts for the enormous dest full we're seeing and goes on. now the system is basically able to generate and, and list apply of targets for the idea to, to bomb and, and target on a daily, daily basis. so it's also means that the ideas can carry out strikes on junior from aust. operatives really quickly moving away from targeting just really high level operatives and tomas to really targeting on a mass mass level. and i think, you know, as i said in, in earlier what, what sources within the idea for saying is that this system is really enabling
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essentially a mass assassination factory. we've seen reporting here in israel and palestine that draws from sources with an intelligence that really draws out just enormous scale of the killing and how i is playing a really pivotal role. it also draws into relief holly i is allowing the idea of to kill non combatants as well. and i think that really dries also the really important question about just how accurate this technology is. i'm doing so actually it can generate an enormous list of targets, but if we're killing, you know, 2 thirds of those that are women and children just how accurate i are, the i systems for science. i mean reading this list with technology um there is supposed to come more precision, but you just mentioned, there are 2 thirds of those killed. our women and children were talking about 70 percent of all homes in the gaza strip. completely destroyed a 1000 children. 3 is really what hostages, i mean, what is your take here? my, what i think itself is playing often there is a lot of hi um,
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around a i a and tech solution to them in general and it would can, and cannot achieve. and so i think we should definitely take risk and the, the branding of the problem is that such technology is whatever, regardless of what the, it's really ministry says, mistakes are bones are bound to happen with de i and the dental and the horror as we saying we see gaza is an indication of that. there is another example that comes to mind here. also from god's i think in 2014. for, for those who remember the tragic incidence of the giving up for palestinian children play playing football on the beach. they were a targeted by the famous is really herman drone and that the throne was tested for the 1st time in the godless trip. and there was an investigation. i've
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been done by the, it's really been a tree around this, this uh, the killing because it, you know, it attracted a lot of global attention and was interesting that even though they admitted that they thought that those children where, how mass targets they, they still held it hailed it as a successful, you know, as a successful attempt because it was done with precision. and after that drone was used for the 1st time that resulted in the killing of those innocent children playing on the beach. and israel, pretty much capitalize on this drone, which is massively to explore the then used and i think it came in the headlines these days with india, which is one of those the country recipients of, of this jones. so just an example of what this, how destructive these technologies are, but also how emphasized and also it raises the question of accountability. who is
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responsible? i mean, at the end of the day the, is there any government is responsible for the killing of these innocent children, as well as the thousands, tens of thousands of policy is killed and dr. now, but they can easily say, well, you know, it was a mistake that the technology, there was no human uh behind that decision. oh um, you know where the stride goes essentially, or was there a huge problem like of accountability there. um, i wanna get anthony in here because we talked about this briefly before the way some of the surveillance tools and weapons are used is truly to stop and have a look at this video filmed, not in gaza, but an occupied westbank shows and is really drawn warning a policy and family not to resist or risk being killed. the
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to the or anthony, you mentioned before you wrote a book about this about the wider context here. this is not new nor is restricted to gaza. how long have palestinians been targeted in used in these test change? not just for the age. i mean one of the remarkable things not talk about this load in my bookcase of the history of these ro, really is from the beginning. the early leaders of these are all type of been gary on and others very much so the possibility of using what they were doing in his role. and frankly, palestine as an example to the world i want to make friends. and from the beginning, the human eyes ation of palestinians was central to his riley and zion, assigning elegy, i mean that's vain, like a raise on teacher from the beginning and dr. odd 1967. the occupation officially
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of course, begins and since those decades on behalf of the century, explain advice will pos, all these riley government and military philosophy, an ideology that palestinians were a perfect testing ground. so new weapons, but it wasn't just as i said, to try to oppress palestinians, you have to also try to make money from that globally. and that's a document in the book. there are so many examples. it's actually easier to look at countries that do not have no bodies, riley, or for us to technology. i'm talking about a lot of times so that for get back in the day she lay on the pain of shake me in my right now when me and mine has been found to me committing genocide against the range. and most of them population of israel is still selling weapons to that country and surveillance technology. so one of the things is basically about the gospel you were talking about a minute ago. the point is college that these are the points. and as you've seen as
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many view as will of saying all these, these riley sold is on tape talk, probably showing off. they will crime that goes to the house. and what is, what i've been saying for a long time is riley society itself has been radicalized on every single these riley, obviously. but the majority, according to polls for he is do not see palestinians as a cool people. so them. and therefore, when you actually a huge amounts of palestinians in gaza, it doesn't really matter in that logic because essentially you, i'm believing in and to lose you know, and racist way. it's going to make you say for this finally, as someone who is jewish myself, the idea of these riley actions making all of us say 5 is delusional. it's actually the opposite. what needs really is doing is making all of us more on sex globally. i wanna, i wanna bring into the conversation i post made by is really different. instruct, startup smart shooter. they posted this ad with an advertisement. the caption there
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reads the smash $3000.00 is now in action, transforming close quarter combat scenarios. so if you're you actually quoted in one of your recent articles, michael more smart shooter seo who said and, and i quote, the israel's were on the gauze. that is the finest hour of the defense industries. i mean, how much in terms of gains are we talking about in our is really arms companies actually poised? i don't know to be the only victors in this carnage. i think that's a good way of putting it. i mean, the war for the rest of the is really economy and for much of is really, society has been in that law. i'm thinking about hundreds of thousands of people mobilize for reserves, putting a huge stall on economic functioning on schools, etc. but we have seen actually small defense tech started up like smart shooter and
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other companies that are marketing cyber weapons in a enhanced tanks and drones, they're stocks of really surge. and so i think that points to just how good this war is for that small part of exhibit israel's, um, technology industry and the defense tech industry in general. i think it's a, quite enough areas to see, you know, a small business is claiming that this war as has, is really good for them and, and will be to revolutionary innovation across, across the board. but i think it's also important to look at the role that trans national capital is playing in that as well. i mean, we've seen a host of international investors, a lot of people from the united states and thought coming to israel to invest in defense tech. and it seems that, you know, as this work goes on as more with, in russia and ukraine, go on that, you know, venture capitalist and, and finance here is across the board are dropping money onto defense tech startups because they see this is as really a stable industry as,
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as war and gaza rate is on and as instability worldwide discharges. so i think that's, that's an important point to kind of emphasize as well. no more. what i mean, i want to talk about ethics, but it seems absurd in here because clearly we have seen none of that. but are there ethics in terms of testing weapons or is there any code of conduct here? so essentially in terms of testing with a i um, so isabel pretty much deploys has all sorts of technology in the occupied territories outside of the realm of an ethics or law. and as a matter of fact is, rose is always argued that international human rights law doesn't apply. so it's obligations under international law. it doesn't apply to the occupied territories.
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and so it's pretty much palestinians who live in the west bank and gaza have no rights whatsoever. that is, the system will, hi, this is the cetera, cetera, et cetera. colonialism that the subjects at israel occupies, and of prices have no rights whatsoever. and so it can to pull are all sorts of technologies without their consent with our knowledge is there any companies have a, a free ariah and really like a smart shooter. for example, have the 1st time we've heard about smart shooter was a my home city and have run where it deployed. it's technology on a check point of the all city and that is used by hundreds of people on a daily basis. um and if you go to their website, you'll see videos of them. you know, the promotional materials that are set in the house and finishes. trying to shoot a target, the blue collar spinning, and then they dump them, of course,
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of the terrorist or their ethics. yes, there are ethics, so there's real a comply with ethics, let alone and international law standards, as we seen in, in the gulf of a strip as really know pretty much have, you know, riddled everything every norm, every standard useless and if case, well, with this for them pnc, i want to thank you marla, anthony and sophia, for joining us here on the stream today for this essential conversation and very enlightening as well. i wanna focus now on a campaign. we have already talked about here on the show, the boy cost divestment sanctions or vs movement and welcome to the stream solid. he jobs the a, sorry, the video movement task called for a 2 way arms and bar. go on israel. aiming to prevent it from both in 40 and exporting weapons, i want to get you to react to this activist who is blocking the entrance to
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a little bit factory in the u. k. how to say oh, now open systems also applying is wrong with 85 percent of drugs. weapons, 30000 palestinians, dead. 12000. ok. all children that go including the ones under the rubble, we have mud drugs in our backyards. we are, we will be every single day. c husband shot john, who died factories across the u. k. salary, can you walk us through some of the b d s movements efforts to try and impose this 2 way embargo yes, uh thank some of these. uh, let me say uh 1st, i mean to conceptualize it with an international law that the say i'm transit of weapons as well as buying weapons from the state that is committing system ethic for crimes. finds against humanity, including apartheid and committing genocide is illegal. huh. the international
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court of justice says recently on the 26 of january, which is the world's highest court confirmed that is running as possibly committing genocide, the guns $2300000.00 rice indians, end up stage, unoccupied guns and straight. uh huh. yeah. legal consequences arising from the dominating ruling against israel and implications on states and corporations, particularly those that are linked with this roads, military and arms industry. you do not supply genocide with weapons and you do not buy weapons from the regime that is committing genocide weapons as your the other guests have pointed out that a crucial part of is rose, round the weapons and defining the process of technologies. the weaponized technologies. it produces and says, the countries around the world is a massive, massive problem. um and this especially, i feel like, you know, as, as a guest has pointed out to victoria and virginia beach was the weapons are sold as
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a sphere tested. meaning they're tested on palestinians. those units have been pointing out and, and they get put into practice. i swear, such as, for example, africa, which is as a continent, one of the largest markets for report is ready, weapons and, and what the nice technologies um, and sometimes it's really hides behind the facade of so called, for example, development and so on to bob, to some of these weapons and applicant the then you just a to commit most human rights violations, your conflicts, pillage, resources, you know, as, as one of because that's pointed out as well as been providing weapons to states and regimes in groups that are committing atrocities, royalty of these were being perpetrated and, and this has yeah, sorry, but yeah, as you say, other nations nations across the world in pretty much all the confidence have been slow to comply. so this international legislation that is already in place. are you
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hopeful that this current war could indeed change things? why do we hope that people power are pushing against the genocide would change things? this is the promise of this movement. busy eh, this movement is based on the 2005, followed by the largest portion of the senior society funding for the bike got the best and section against as well. i'm trying to comprise with international law and this month, those it's apartheid regime and it depends. it's illegal occupation against the palestinian people. dot. it was ruling by the international court of justice is historic. and it has of course, it's implications on this. well, the possibility of genocide and so on, but it also is perhaps the most serious alarm to all those states and corporations with regards to their complicity in jet. aside from it that they've got some of the same people that we've already seen. some states really react to this, so for example, in spain and it's in the have announced that they have suspended on the transfer us
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to is run it to the a said that it's ad suspended it even before the icy j rolling. for example, the recent 3 adults appealed support has also, or the suspension of uh, parts of the f, 35 by the jacks. israel has been using to bomb. i'm flat in the gaza strip, getting, you know, uh it tens of thousands of civilians and the vast majority of home our children. i, we've also seen a japanese one of one of a, a, the biggest japanese aviation and the companies. and it's uh, a memorandum of understanding with other systems which is thought through the video here with and the company to show a site to the i c j a routing against is really, which was very crucial. thank you so much for joining us here on the stream. it today a solid and thank you all for turning in. if you have
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a comments about our show or you want to send us your ideas, we're always open to your suggestions. all you have to do is use the hash tag or the handle a j stream take care, and also the with fearless geminus. and just behind me, hundreds of people have been designed to h as in depth coverage, thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. i'll just do is teens on the ground, bring you closer to the house, but this truly expo 2023. the the fascination of joining us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the business latest is wrote to you believe i
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modern plates. the, the, the hello money inside. this is the news life from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. you don't want to stay swoons israel against the ground defensive in rasa, and proposes a temporary cease fire. the un security council in northern gauze, a solving palestinians on the fire from is why the soldiers risk that lives to reach a trucks. so it has this role is clear, the foundation, the territorial integrity, the occupied territories to of more than half a cent of political and.


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