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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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the parts reopened, giving many, here for the life is a loss of returning to normal. their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. the . ready united states asks the un security council to vote for a conditional ceasefire and gaza says and is very offensive himself. i should not go ahead. the bottom of this is, i'll just see on life from the also coming up. hospitals on the pressure, the biggest healthcare facility got the south stops functioning off the end as well . sees another is overwhelmed with the injured and we protest is class with police
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in west jerusalem. many clinics, abundance of benjamin netanyahu to resign. and the widow of russian officer shall need it and next the number on the needs a you officials, cheese comes to action against those responsible for his day. the . for the 1st time, the united states is cooling for a ceasefire and gaza in a dropped un security council resolution. the tech says the polls and fighting must be based on releasing captives held him gaza while allowing unimpeded access for humanitarian aid into this trip. the u. s is also warning is run against the ground, defensive and gauze, the southern most city of alpha, saying it would have serious implications for regional peace and security as well. let's take a closer look at the us draft resolution. the calls for us these 5 to take hold as soon as, as soon as practicable, and beginning with a release of old captives held and gaza. the resolution also closed for the listing
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of old barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale and says a major ground defense of should not proceed in rough or under the current circumstances. warning against the further displacement of civilians including potentially into neighboring countries. diplomatic editor james base reports from the un headquarters in new york. important developments here at the united nations . we show the perhaps us policy towards garza is beginning to change for weeks. the us has been opposed to a draft resolution for the security council proposed by ouch. area which was due to be put to the vote on choose day cooling for an immediate c spa. but now at the last minute the us has proposed its own draft resolution, and it mentions towards the spa. nothing to meet you one, but what it says is a temporary spot and garza. as soon as practicable this u. s. resolution also condemns the idea of a ground incursion by israel into rafa. it says that under the current
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circumstances such an incursion should not proceed. the us deputy, invest the robot would. so they decided to put for the own proposal because they believe the out. jerry and one was not going to make things better on the ground. look, were very concerned about the overall situation there. i mean, if you know it's getting worse every day and we're very concerned about it, and we want to do something that can impact what's going on on the ground. we just think the altering resolution isn't going to have that impact that we think is important. and that's why we're looking at other options to see what we can. ready from a practical standpoint to really make a difference on the ground. so there are now 2 competing draft resolutions. what's the view of the un secretary general? the secretary jo, to see. first of all on the ground is the humanitarian ceasefire. the immediate release of all the hostages increasing you've had a chair in excess. he would like to see the security council of speak with one
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voice on this issue which has been challenging the new us draft resolution also rejects the idea of reducing the size of gaza with the setting up of a buffer zone. and the condemns is right. the government ministers, who called for the resettlement of gauze that was not clear is how the rest of the security council are going to respond. more negotiation seem likely, james, spies out you 0 of united nations and into the situation on the ground and gaza now and palestinians in northern gauze. i have become almost entirely reliant on aid and crowns waiting to collect much needed food. supplies have come on the fire from his really forces. at least one person was killed and 7 others injured. thought a couple of the reports from alpha and southern gaza. 1000 scanned them the ruined streets of northern gauze. there waiting the colors of city for a life smelling 8 supplies to keep the some of these, the mice,
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at least for one more days the truck spring suit. but it's not really, you know, one back breaks open on children, rushed to to the, it's not even a speck of slow. it can be allowed to go to waste. the hung goes far from being the only danger is where the forces open fully. i'm going to smoke grenades in a bit to break the crowns in good or rushed to the hospital to get treatment for the put on the say that we're only waiting for food. i'm the eastbed, the attack was unprovoked. i went down. i heard gunshots. don't know what happens. we want to see the children just like everyone else. so we went to get some flowers, but then we were shocked out shelves with fide tanks. it's fine stats of the united nations this morning. that gauze was at the risk of thumb,
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and there has been close to increase a shipment. but what is getting in? is it still far from enough? back on the streets, the crowds dispersed. many had to return home empty handed, some with fulton enough to get something, at least, but he could not be sure when the next a talk beloved wants. so what difficult will have to last, as long as it takes to eric about zoom out just a rough rough or something because the world health organization has released a video showing conditions inside. nasir hospice within the con. eunice, not just from the human body, had to wait 2 days for permission to evacuate patients, someone in critical condition off to as well, storm the facility, the hospital is no longer functioning as well. it has denied it's right and defeated with the hospitals operation. well dr. rich people,
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one is the world health organization representative full garza and was part of the mission to get a into nasir, you told algebra about the difficulties they faced over the last 3 days, 3 days ago, adobe a show up in book china and ron mission, we're trying to bring and fuel into north america complex. i was part of the team to get a bit and r duty at show a colleague. yes, we go stuck. actually it just hasn't been as dangerous actually. road, normally it's only 10 minutes actually from rough up to nothing metal complex. it took us hours a triple step, 50 meters before an estimate or complex. we in a team went through the compounds when it was a little idea of christmas. and we requested to guess in entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment that you planned for. i have a question because to call the concerning reports, we were not allowed in to the next day we came back, we managed to get the truck into hospital and get fuel again. we requested for
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access to the same greek assessment plan for f actuation, and again, we were in most we didn't get permission to get in yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was the yesterday in the my team got permission to get in and together of it's a, the scene rep pressing that all shot reached at the hospital and managed to reach a transfer. 14 critical patients age normal. think 6, woking and to patient companions, a hi locks the hospitalized as one of the few medical facilities and guys as the operation, but it continues to be overwhelmed with injured patients. many arrived there on monday evening as much as rarely strikes at central gaza. the house ministries has more than 29000 palestinians have been killed since the war began. a correspondent in dallas. was it a visit or like the hospital and sentenced this report on the conditions that we're
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currently in? did bella hill aux uh, mar tires hospital where this hospital is now receiving all of the injured people in san eunice? we know that there is a ground and vision income, eunice, and the hospitals. there are not working. when we talk about the hospitals, we're talking about a nicer hospital that is currently being invaded by that is really soldiers. here, the ambulances are coming and bringing a lot of injuries. and even the dead bodies from is right in the air strikes and is ready. snipers up, it's very hard for them to move and to transfer these injured people from can you and just sort of funny because it's very crowded and, and we know that stuff is packed and also all of the hospitals in the cause of through our over when we're talking about only a limited number of hospitals still,
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possibility thing in the cause of the trip. we're currently in the side of the hospital and as you see, it's crowded with patients with injuries. it's the only facilitating hospital in the middle area last night, at least 8 houses were targeted by that is really forces. and as you see there, it's packed with people with patients with injuries. if i q way these, how to send you medical teams, the patients and the husband to us and the rest of these people are calling for everyone to has them evacuate the situation and can unit is not getting any better . rough off is being threatened for an invasion indebted, but it's says receiving more displace refugees in the middle area. however, the tensions rises, and that is where the air strikes continue to target different areas across of the
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causal trip. this is in the, the, i just need a, a, a hospital that is but as far as security forces have carried out a series of raids in the occupied westbank club a night of fighting for college. when they stormed the city of 2 of us, there was another rate in the village of vision. the annapolis is there. any settlers? meanwhile, the top baton of board cut also ne annapolis damaging property and cause residents posted videos on social media showing the extent of the damage attacks by said listen, rates by the military have increased since the wall and gossip again is very protest as have fought with police in west jerusalem during the march to the home of prime minister benjamin netanyahu with thousands of demonstrations total. nothing yahoo to agree to a deed on the release of captives and gaza. salacious in a series of demonstrations against the government's handling of the situation. the
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protest comments pressure is growing on meth and yahoo to protect civilians and gaza and reach a cx 5 deal with him off on the son who has moved from occupied east jerusalem. so there hasn't been an impact from the mounting pressure, both domestically and internationally on the international front. you have the americans, other countries in the international community wanting to see a difference when it comes to how is roles prosecuting this war. but additionally, you have entered a domestic pressures from these really public who has been demonstrating non stop. in fact, to night, a demonstration just outside the prime minister's office. and you also have members of his own government, members of the work cabinet, like guy the eyes and folks who are speaking out saying that the war cabinet is not making good decisions and it is impacting the way they are going to achieve these war goals. meaning that perhaps they're not going to achieve them at all. maybe only partially guy, the eyes in coats letter according to was rarely media. he sent it to the war
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cabinet. it said that there needed to be a lot of stricter types of decisions that were made and at a sooner rate than what we're seeing now. he also gave some sort of deadline about getting the captives back before the start of the most them holy month of ramadan, which is around march 10th. he's saying that anyone who is saying there is a way for israel to achieve this. total victory is actually not being quite so honest and that the military achievements, israel says that it has, are actually not all true because the strategic thinking on behalf of the work cabinets is lacking in a lot of areas. and these really are stalling, essentially from achieving these goals and prolonging the war is really well. plains have strong targets deep and insides level on the strikes of the town of a g, a z, a 60 kilometers, most of as well as for to in the past 4 months is around, has repeatedly struck areas of southern level and it says have links to hezbollah
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is also conduct photographers assassinations and responds to the group, has 5 rockets into israel to you. how many media is proposing that the us and version have launched most fox on hope. the positions the latest attacks hit the alti area in west, and then it comes off with the whole thing is targeted to ship from the gulf of 8 and the 5 to say they'll continue their attacks on ships linked as well until the seas font and gaza. thousands of protests have blocked a major highway in san francisco, california and the lakes has demonstration against, as well as long gaza. they call to cease fund and the flow and aid for palestinians and the strip some of the demonstrations of being held in cities across the world. since the gas still ahead on algebra will explain why thousands of training don't just have just a job in south korea, the
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where the roommates, fritchie cool across much of the radian peninsula at them. i'm quite impressed. shamal blowing down the golf, the temperatures here, and died of hot on 2425 degrees celsius, out on the strength of the wind. and where to get a feel as pleasant as that would suggest further north, it's still got a few showers. just the rad iraq pushing into iran pod. so syria seemed a little bit of sherry. right. and as well as some snow the between the caspian and the black sea that will ease office it go one into way to stand. as you can see for wednesday, repeat performance. anything that windhaven kata even more briskly smaller temperatures, around $25.00 degrees celsius, it will fill on the cool. so that is cool enough around the east. the side of the met it's right is still the shelves of one or 2 shows into the pond comes to the entire trees there for a time that will ease office. we go one through tuesday, some showers that's built into 11 on the chance of the chat,
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just over on the west side of syria. full way to stay. by the way, the stay should be long as you drive it. a good deal of sunshine, sunshine across north africa. brisk when some showers say i want to uh to this. yeah. pushing across into the areas of libya, be lemay style so central after guessing a few showers aviation. i was still very much in place across central parts of africa into madagascar. i'm pushing further west the, the 1st genocide this we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered.
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the the challenge, me elizabeth donovan, to have a mind to of on top stories. the sound of the us is quoting, for a conditional sees, find, gaza, and then draw un security council resolution washington as warning is right against the ground defense. and i'm just saying it would have serious implications of regional piece palestinians waiting to connect much of the food supplies of come on is really fun and northern casa, thinks one person is killed and several others inches on his way to protect us. and forthwith police in west joules to them during the march to the height of, of thousands of demonstrations. hold on to the dean of the lease of
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captives and garza, the international court of justice and the hague has begun. 6 days of hearing send to the legalities of israel's 57 year occupation of palestinian lands, $52.00 states and 3 international organizations will provide testimony. lawyers representing palestine have presented the case. step lawson reports from the hague . palestinian delegation, accompanied by international law experts, travels to the u. n's highest court in the hague. taking the 1st step towards de hope, stopping one of the world's longest employees occupations. for the 1st time in its history, the international court of justice will have to load on the legality of israel's confiscation of ballasting in land. opening the oral hearings by this thing and foreign minister, described israel's occupation as the system of apartheid. it has thrown palestinians into 2nd class citizens for over a century the in telling me about,
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right? so the policy of people to send it to the nation has been denied and violated by this time was not aligned without people. it was not as is, ideally, those have described it the waste land. that was logic on this down. the only solution, consistent with international law, this for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate and conditional until it is well kept to the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. in 1967 here we have of historic palestine, which palestinians, one for a states armed with maps. smokey showed the courts how over the decades is run, has confiscated ballasting. inland is what i had wanted the, the jo gonna feel funny style, but blocked it's, they won't get a fee. so it's kept pushing the people out out of their homes,
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out of deadlines. here is a fix them up. so it was displayed as rose, bright, minnesota, for the assembly. last september. he called this then you me the least. this is no, there is no by this time on. on this map, bose right from the u. s. lawyer who has regularly on good cases at the i c, j sat. it's clear israel has no intention to ever leave the land to man. the evidence is overwhelming and leaves no room for serious dispute about israel's actions or its intentions. in 2004, the court of firm the inalienable right of the palestinian people to self determination. in 2024. it is time for you to enables and finally, to exercise that right. this case is different to do one of genocide south africa
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filed this one is brought by the un general assembly after passing a resolution with 8 to 7 votes in favor to give an advisory opinion known as wells . 57, he alone occupation the hearing to come at a time when the death though israel's military operation in garza has the past 29000 last month. so you and highest court order. it's route to stop also time from china. so i don't exit in guys. had another decisions i just poured, although non binding to stop the unlawful occupation of palace standing in line to carry more on this car with no further increase international pressure on the government of spectrum and its on y'all's international legitimacy by countries is increasingly important in this intertwined world that we live in, and you wind up putting an edge of like genocidal or an adjective like a legal occupation beside israel. it stains irreparably, its own reputation and its bringing down the reputation of the united states, along with a $150.00 countries. will present submissions in the coming days,
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step fast, and l. g. c, around the hate. the palestinians have enjoyed the hardships of israel's occupation for generations while each person might experience different struggles. famous, similar, it's one of life's best lives lost and time spent waiting either. abraham speaks to one family in the occupied westbank. this is the only house standing on this hill in the occupied west bank. here, there are 3 legal is really supplements and the legal documents i'll post and is really me to 3 comp and one determine policy and family to stay. they have to take extreme measures. they want to protect themselves from attack spies, really settlers. i think the industrial i, we can see the house alone. my sister's got mad at, and i couldn't even go to the wedding's, not always hovering around. i can't even get to work. one of us has to stay home because they might come at any time. the most op says the attacks are getting more
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frequent and more violent. the family and i've had it in 2002, the sectors burnt. the house and my dad had a heart attack a few days after he believes these really sacraments project has one main goal to push palestinians off their lines. but this is the only land they've known. the only country they belong to the only home they own for generations that or we're gonna have before the sectors. my grandfather built the house in the 19 seventy's, then my father and mother inherited it. we are here protecting it as well, and we'll pass it onto our kids is illegal is really sacraments and outputs have been historically established on hilltops over time. the expand further, all at the expense of public opinions is this how many needs their home the area would be filled with is really subtler, is living in me getting a scene in many other places in the occupied westbank. so for the fall and family
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says the guardians of the hills, and they want to keep it that way. is that what he does either? the occupied left bank, you're an expert. so there's evidence of serious human rights violations of palestine, palestinian women, and garza, and occupied westbank. the u. s. coordinates as well to cooperate with an independent investigation. and guys that one mother was killed every 2 hours. you an expert, so they've had reports of palestinian women being executed. some was trying to escape slicing. women and children make up at least 70 percent of those killed since the war began in october. the u. n says they have also been reports of palestinian women being raped while in custody. the women, so there was stripped naked and searched by mail is riley soldiers. summer away the spokes person for the woman studies central and palestine. she says, kidding women and children as positive as rails plan. the most of the people in
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goza are either women or children. the bigger percentage of the people is the has to do with women and children. and this is of course, not by you by chance. it is done by the lives to can women and children because they know that they don't want if they are going through that genocide, they don't want more urgent that ations and getting them on those who can give their school children as so we don't believe that that is a plan, the thing from that i need is to can women and to them it's not by mistake. the other thing is that since we are concerned about that society, the financial side is the concept of that society now in the camps and, and dropped off and goes to infinity wellness. everybody goes up, the man,
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they give the opportunity, they give the gratitude to women to stay in the buildings where they can, they stay outside because they know that as a concern for them society, they have to give this to them, the shift and store and the it is this the, the spending, the medical disc gave because they are outside, but the women are old with and who have interested in are those who are inside the big things that the they died every day. the many european governments of someone's russian diplomats following the death of jail depositions. i got alexi nev on me. on monday novalis widow was in brussels urging you up to target cushions back cuz she blames the russian president, phone of all names. death. give me a letter that cause more. the thing down saw was, i'm taking a risk in moscow. the tributes to elect, seen
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a volley. we're back despite the authorities repeatedly caring them away. right. scripts, say hundreds of people have been arrested. didn't have only collaborations in recent days, full assessment today, so you put the most, the, it was scale to come here because there are lots of videos online of people being to 1030 and even know you can hear the sirens hold of grief aside next year we just 1st 2 days, i was crying all the time and i'm angry that this happened in rome, a launch crowd gathered incomplete tokyo square. one of the many vigils held around the world since the russian of physician meet his death. but the support, his widow, you'd you never know. yeah. is looking for is moving symbolic. she wasn't brussels meeting with e u foreign ministers to the block to punish russia. she blamed russian president vladimir putin for her husband's death. cries the bushes. we all need to come
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together in one strong fist and use it to strike his phrase, reaching imputes in his friends the bandits in uniform, the feats a moderate that have crippled all comic strangers. young russian authorities have given no details as to how the opposition figured died while in prison, reportedly after work. his mother has been denied access to his body, part of what his widow alleged is a cover up. russian authorities say they could withhold his body for as long as 2 weeks as they carry out tests. they denied any wrong doing this as western condemnation to no problem. these death has been unanimous western political leaders lanes up with the conditions unanimously to list you mean it's up to the 1st reports of uh, reprocessing, your way of code for like say the word me were published or, and all these things, the absence of any detailed information let alone and for the, for the forensic medical excuse examination. if is a, as if the statements were pretty bad at that. and once you,
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as president joe biden said, she would consider additional functions against russia. and several european countries including germany, according on the e. u to do the same. a new such as measures could be agreed on, especially as wednesday, camille met it back out to sara administer in the time when he is governments. as china has caused panic, often members of its close god voted a to his boat and the south china sea. the incident took place off the coast of the convent items, a contested area, which is controlled by taiwan location, the close to the chinese mainland page, invalid to increase patrols in the area last week in response to a boat capsizing thousands of training doctors that some of south korea's major hospitals for staging a will cause they protesting against the government plan to boost admissions into medical schools. eunice kim has more from the capital, so they plan outsized role in the operations of these hospitals, including offerings, bedside parents,
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they are critical in emergency care units. now the group representing vented issue a statement that statement moments ago.


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