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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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and this is what you have the 0 enables me to make the other voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us. then divide the in the united states off the un security council to vote for a conditional cease fire and gaza and says and is really offensive and jump. i should not go ahead the, the put on them. and this is, i'll just see you in life from job ha, also coming up. palestine puts forward its case against israel's occupation at the international court of justice. arguments by $52.00 countries will begin in the coming hours flashing in the occupied westbank because it's very false,
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has continued and nightly rates to me in the city of 2000 and villages around atlas as a result and is what we call the basset. is it a rolling diplomatic dispute of it as well as on gaza? the for the 1st time the united states is cooling for a cease fund and gaza and it dropped un security council resolution. the tech says the pools and fighting must allow the release of captives held and gaza and unimpeded access to humanitarian aid. the u. s. has also warning is run against a ground defensive and rougher way around $1500000.00 displays palestinians, a sheltering it says such an assault would have serious implications for regional peace and security. diplomatic edits of james bass reports from the un headquarters in new york. important developments here at the united nations which show the perhaps
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u. s. policy towards gauze is beginning to change for weeks. the u. s. has been opposed to a draft resolution for the security council proposed by out syria, which was due to be put to the vote on choose day cooling for an immediate c spa. but now at the last minute, the us has proposed its own draft resolution, and it mentions towards the spot, nothing immediate one, but what it says is a temporary spot and cause a as soon as practicable this us resolution also condemns the idea of a ground incursion. by israel into rafa, it says that under the current circumstances such an incursion should not proceed the us deputy and best the robot would. so they decided to put forward the own proposal because they believe the out. jerry and one was not going to make things better on the ground. look, we're very concerned about the overall situation there. i mean, you know, it's getting worse every day and we're very concerned about it. and we want to do something that can impact what's going on on the ground. we just think the altering
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resolution isn't going to have that impact that we think is important. and that's why we're looking at other options to see what we can do from a practical standpoint to really make a difference on the ground. so there are now 2 competing dropped resolutions. what's the view of the un secretary general? the secretary joe would like to see 1st of all on the ground is the humanitarian cease, fire the immediate release of all the hostages, increasing humanitarian access. he would like to see the security council of speak with one voice on this issue which has been challenging the new us draft resolution also rejects the idea of reducing the size of gaza with the setting up of a buffer zone and condemns is right. the government ministers, who called for the resettlement of gauze, what's not clear, is how the rest of the security council are going to respond. more negotiation seem likely. james pays out as the era of the united nations
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a 2nd day of hearings on his role as occupation of palestinian territory will begin in the coming hours of the international court of justice and the hey, pals. time foot for this case. on monday, over the rest of the week, 52 of the countries will present their arguments. step lawson reports from the hague palestinian delegation, accompanied by international law experts travels to the u. s. highest court in the hate. taking the 1st step towards day hope stopping one of the world's loans and bloodiest occupations. for the 1st time in its history, the international court of justice would have to load on the legality of israel's confiscation of ballasting inland. opening the oral hearings by this thing and foreign minister, described israel's occupation as the system of apartheid. it has thrown palestinians into 2nd class citizens for over a century. the eladio bowed right up in a sea of people to send it to the nation has been denied and violated by this time
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was not aligned without to people. it was not as is, ideally those have described it the waste land. that was logic on this time. the only solution consistent with international law, this for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate and conditional until it is well kept to the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. in 1967 here we as of historic palestine, which palestinians one for a states armed with maps. smokey showed the courts how over the decades israel has confiscated ballasting. inland is what i had wanted the, the geography of body style, but blocked it's the fee. so it's kept pushing the people out out of their homes, out of their land. here is a 5th month. it was displayed by his rose prime minister for the unless somebody
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last september, he called this then you me the least. this is no, there is no by this time at all on this map. bose right from the u. s. lawyer has regularly argued the case is that the i c j sat, it's clear israel has no intention to ever leave the land to man. the evidence is overwhelming and leaves no room for serious dispute about israel's actions or its intentions. in 2004, the court of firm the inalienable right of the palestinian people to self determination. in 2024. it is time for you to enable them. finally, to exercise that right, this case is different to do on of genocide south africa filed this one is brought by the un general assembly after passing a resolution with 8 to 7 votes in favor. to give an advisory opinion known as wells,
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57, he alone occupation. the hearings come at a time when the death, though israel's military operation in garza has the past 29000 last month. so you and highest court order. it's relative stopped. also time from china, so i don't exit in guys had and other decisions i just poured all those non binding to stop the unlawful occupational specialist in line to carry more rolling car with the no further increase international pressure on the government of spectrum in it's on your international legitimacy by countries is increasingly important in this intertwined world that we live in. and you wind up putting an additive leg genocidal or an adjective like a legal occupation beside israel. it stains irreparably, its own reputation and its bringing down the reputation of the united states, along with a $150.00 countries. will present submissions in the coming days, step fast, and l g sierra, the hate. this is where the sole source of carried out
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a series of rates of the occupied westbank club and night fighting broke out from based on the city of to pass those really military also made an incursion into the village of bushy, near annapolis. is there any settlers? meanwhile, the tact baton of book, also ne annapolis, damaging property and cause palestinians post and videos on social media showing the extent of the destruction. is there any setting of attacks and military vice of intensified since the long garza began in october? and is there any protest as a fault with police in west jerusalem during the march to prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his hon. thousands have demonstrated this quote on this and yahoo to agree to a deal on the release of captain. still held and gossip is the latest in a series of protests against the government's handling of the situation. nothing yahoo is also on the increasing international pressure to protect civilians in gaza and we just ceased find data with homeless. i'm the son who has moved from occupied
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east jerusalem. so there hasn't been an impact from the mounting pressure, both domestically and internationally. on the international front. you have the americans, other countries in the international community wanting to see a difference when it comes to how is roles prosecuting this war. but additionally, you have entered a domestic pressures from these really public who has been demonstrating non stop. in fact, to night, a demonstration just outside the prime minister's office. and you also have members of his own government, members of the work cabinet, like guy the eyes and those who are speaking out saying that the war cabinet is not making good decisions and it is impacting the way they are going to achieve these war goals. meaning that perhaps they're not going to achieve them at all. maybe only partially guy, the eyes in coats letter according to was rarely media. he sent it to the war cabinet. it said that there needed to be a lot of stricter types of decisions that were made and at
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a sooner rate than what we're seeing now. he also gave some sort of deadline about getting the captain's back before the start of the most them holy month of ramadan, which is around march 10th. he's saying that to anyone who is saying there is a way for israel to achieve this. total victory is actually not being quite so honest and that the military achievements, israel says that it has, are actually not all true because the strategic thinking on behalf of the work cabinets is lacking in a lot of areas. and these really are stalling, essentially from achieving these goals and prolonging the war to the situation on the ground and gaza now. and palestinians in the north of the strip has become almost entirely reliant on aid crowns, waiting to receive food supplies have once again come on, the 5 from is ready, full service please. one person was killed and several injured thought. a couple of the reports from alpha 1000 scanned them to ruined the streets of
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northern go as they're waiting. the goal is a city for lifeline. 8 supplies to keep the some of these, the mice at least for one more days the truck spring suit. but it's not really, you know, one back breaks open on children, rushed to to the it's not even a speck of slow. it can be allowed to go to waste. the hang goes far from being the only danger is where the forces opened fully and launch the smoke grenades and a bit to break the crowns in good or rushed to the hospital to get treatment for the public wants. they say they were only waiting for food on the east bed. the attack was unprovoked. i went down, i heard gunshots, you know, don't know what happened. we want to feed out children just like everyone else. so
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we went to get some flowers, but then we were shocked out shelves were fired a tank. so it's fine stats of the united nations this morning that goes is that the risk of funding there has been close to increase a shipment. but what is getting in is this still far from enough? back on the streets, the crowd dispos. many had to return home empty, hemmed some with fulton enough to get something at least. but he could not be sure when the next 8 to the right. so what difficult will have to last, as long as it takes to recover zoom out just a rough, rough off. so because the world health organization has released a video showing the conditions inside and also the hospital and con, do this doctors from the u. n. body had to wait 2 days for permission to evacuate. nation some who are in a critical condition off to as well. storm the facility,
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the hospital is no longer functioning, as one has denied is right to see it was the hospital's operations. doctor rick people. colin is the w i chose representative for gaza and was part of the commission to get aiden to know. so he told algebra about these difficulties. they faced over the last 3 days, 3 days ago. uh adobe a show. uh, in book china and rob mission were trying to bring and fuel into and also in that complex i was part of the team together between our w at show a colleague. yes, we go stuck. actually, it was a hazardous dangerous actually role normally is only 10 minutes actually from rough up to nothing. another complex, it took us hours a triple step, 50 meters before another minute or complex. we in a team went through the compounds when it was a little idea of christmas, and we requested us to guess in entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment and to plan for. i have
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a question because of all the concerning reports, we were not allowed in the next a we came back the match to get the truck into the hospital. and guess you again, we requested for access to the same quick assessment plan for f actuation. and again, we were in most we didn't get the permission to get it yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was there yesterday and my team got permission to get in and together of it's the scene rep, pressing that all shot reached at the hospital and managed to re uh, transfer 14 critical patients age normal. think 6, woking, and to patient companions. i thought to ask was more going to be the head of plastic and reconstructive surgery at and also hospital. he was forced to flee. that is really siege. this is a historian, his own words all around there did. but this, this, the super disability, but this middle of these, the buddies, it's like horror movies, you know,
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mobility. you can see buildings that consist of really shocked of this view during this each, although that was because those bits of was basis 3 weeks. i couldn't offer anything too much and we mostly know most you've been doing some student, some sweets i couldn't provide some suites for washington by by the to you to use all seems to us me means both. i a weird story to the most of the was hoping it was due to you for holding this. we continue holding.
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oh, by the just the mean of most of us we don't have so much and was on most of us defense because most of us in life life, i mean we don't know the visuals use office also. so we need, we need to like the continuous care. i just know the physical be specialists above actually we've, we've also we or maybe of the boss that we sort of had on. i would just say era was food program was that 25000000 people are struggling with hunger and malnutrition because of the conflict in dom and flour, tribute vigils,
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and arrest. we look at the full out from the depths of bushes, best known and opposition lead the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions. we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a new colonial one, and garza is resisting that donation inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk, you will see i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we want fees we want,
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i want to we don't have lead them in different countries and policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and even accountability benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth the man as for put on them and don't have a mind to. yvonne told stories, the ssl, the us is calling for
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a conditional cease fund guy side and dropped un security council resolution. washington is one and it is right against a major ground defensive and also saying it would have serious implications from regional piece. the 2nd day of hearings on as well as the computation of palestinian territory, both again shortly at the international court of justice of the palestine foot forward its case. on monday, the 2 countries present their arguments over the rest of the week and is very forces are carried on to see the use of race and the occupied west bank. well, the nice pricing for joshua based on the city of to this is right. even the treatments are made of incursion into the village offices. you may annapolis, the result is a re calling it some basset to as well, and a growling dispute over the wall and casa, on sunday. it was of the in president louisa now, so you're new to silva said israel is committing genocide and gaza and compared its actions to the holocaust as well says do low cost or red line, john holeman has more. so that's where am i to upload?
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it was this comment from brazilian president, we invest hewlett, that silver known by many simply is lula. that started things all the question. what is happening in the gaza strip of the palestinian people has no power low in other historical moments. a. hi, this is the so in fact it did exist when hitler decided to kill the jews. comparing is rose mass, killing of palestinians in garza. so the whole, of course, drew an immediate reaction from ease rose prime minister benjamin netanyahu, president still by his grace the memory of $6000000.00 jews worded by the nazis and his demonize, the jew estates. like the most virulent anti semite you should be ashamed of himself. and on monday, israel's foreign minister, someone brazil's ambassador to the countries holocaust memorial for a public pointed dressing down, culminating, and this will settle model and way as i asked to convey to president lulu will not
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forget, no, forgive, and i declare him my name and the name of the citizens of those royal episode a non grata in his royal as long as he does not apologize and take it back. the president lula is not back from down here at cooper. there was a bus it, it to israel for consultations and some of the as radium basset to preserve for an explanation as these diplomatic dispute continues. john home. and i'll just see if you have any media as reporting that the us and brushing have launched most strikes on the positions. the latest attacks had the all the he area in west and he and then it comes off to the whole thing is targeted 2 ships in the gulf of 8 and the 5 to so they'll continue their attacks on ships linked as well until there's a ceasefire. and gaza, it's 11 on at least 4 people have died and 3 was injured when a building collapse in southern beavers, emergency teams are searching for 17 people set to be trapped under the rubble. many of them are believed to be severe, investigating the building collapsed off the heavy rain of the area. at least
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25000000 people are struggling with hunger. and now your tuition because of the conflict. and saddam, that's according to the u ones, will food program, thousands of families of being falls from the homes every week. many of them fling to neighbor and chad themselves. so don malcolm lab reports 10 months of fighting has made many positive suit on, on livable. that's why every weeks, thousands of people arriving here in the town of rank in south sea done. many say what little they had is being taken by fighters. a check points along the way, you know, been, well, we came by bus. it took us 2 days to reach here. we came from saddam because of the war. what we need is food. the immediate support we need is the age to be able to survive. the world food program which published this video says maquida and have family are among about half a 1000000 people. he's arrived here in the last year. this is what they've left
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behind in april last year. fighting abruptly between c don's army and the power military rapids support forces, attempts at mediation have failed the sites and the risk of being caught in the pro 5. millions of people has been cut off from essential supplies. some of those arriving in south to don, ready, severely, male nourished, many more become malnourished as the weights in the transit centers. food russians have been slashed because of a lack of funding. the rates of malnutrition, all high. we are finding that the most impacted the women and children, and that's why a range of services are available at the border immediately when they cross it. but also when they move to the transit center. some people stay in the transit sense as for months. others who originate from south see don eventually pulled bodies on their way to communities say struggling with years of flooding and conflict.
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between the hundreds of thousands of fled to south sea, dawn and chad and the millions displaced within suit on itself. the un says the conflict is created, the world's largest displacement crisis and shows no sign of ending malcolm web outages era. the widow form of haitian president to job anomalies is one of 50 people charged in connection with his assassination. my team always accused of conspiring his full prime minister pro joseph to kill her husband in order to have him replaced. moiz was killed in his holland in the capital portrait of costs and 2021. as many european governments as someone's russian diplomats following the death of jail opposition politicians. the next scene involved me. on monday, his widow was in brussels. urgent you up to targets back as a president reading the person. she blames the russian lead a phone of all these death. give me a letter like has more thing down flowers. i'm taking
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a risk in moscow. the attributes to elect, seen a volley. we're back despite the authorities repeatedly caring them away. right, scripts, say hundreds of people have been arrested, didn't have only commemorations in recent days. full assessment today. so you put the most of it was scale to come here because there are lots of videos online. people being taken to the and even know you can hear the sirens hold of grief. aside the 1st 2 days i was crying all the time and i'm angry that this happened in rome. a launch crowd gathered incomplete po square. one of the many vigils held around the world since the russian opposition meet his death. but the support, his widow, you never know. yeah is looking for is moving symbolic. she wasn't brussels meeting with e u foreign ministers to uh, to the blog, to punish russia. she blamed russian president vladimir putin for her husband's
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death. it causes the wish of pushing it. we will need to come together in one strong fist and use it to strike his christ reaching peace and his friends. the bandits in uniform, the feats a moderate that have crippled all comic strangers. young russian authorities have given no details as to how the opposition figured died while in prison, reportedly after work. his mother has been denied access to his body, part of what his widow alleged is a cover up. russian authorities say they could withhold his body for as long as 2 weeks as they carry out tests. they denied any wrong doing this as less than condemnations enough out of these death has been unanimous west and politically. those lines up with the conditions unanimously. the last few mean it's up to the 1st 3 points of uh, reprocessing, your way of to fixing the word me were published. panel dissing, the absence of any detailed information, let alone and for the for forensic medical exterior examination. if there's a,
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as if the statements were pretty bad at that, and once you, as president joe biden said, he would consider additional functions against russia and several european countries, including germany, according on the you to do the same and use such as much as could be agreed on, especially as wednesday medic, i'll just era you find the president for a lot of incidents cases. russia is taking advantage of the delay in military a to keep issued a one into west and leaders saying has troops need help was that i forgot to mention the last class of the now the situation is extremely difficult. the civil parts of the front, precisely with the russian troops have concentrated the maximum reserves that taking advantage of delays and helping you crying. and these are very tangible things. a shortage of artillery of the need for frontline in defense and greater range about women's way of working as much as possible with cotton is to restore an extensive poll. says that since amanda's was put on and whether was next and inside
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still way we'll discuss the hearings at the international court of justice on the consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian territories. we'll have more on that story and the rest of the day's news on our website. i'll just see what's on the the hello, whether roommates, fritchie cool, across much of the radium peninsula at the moment, quite impressed, smiled, blowing down the golf, attempted to see and died hot. on the 2425 degrees celsius had on the strength of the wind. so we're going to feel as presence as that would suggest further north. it's still got a few showers, just the rad iraq, pushing into iran, parts of syria. st. a little bit of sherry right, and as well as some smoother between the caspian and the black sea that will ease
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office it. go on into why the stand, as you can see for wednesday, repeat performance. anything at windhaven kata, even more brisk, a smaller temperatures around 25 degrees celsius, who will fill on the cool? so i just cold enough around the age, the side of them at a try. it is still a charles of one or 2 shows into the occupied comes to the entire trees the for a time that will ease off as we go one through tuesday, some showers that still in $211.00 on the chance of the chat, just around on the west side of syria for where to stay. by the way to stay should be long as you drive it. a good deal of sunshine, sunshine across north africa. brisk when some showers say i ran to uh to this. yeah . pushing across into northern areas of olivia over the next style. so central after guessing a few showers aviation. i was still very much in place across central positive africa inter madagascar. i'm pushing for the west. the heroes from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is
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only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the is right, which is once again before the i c j. this time for public hearings on the consequences of its occupation with palestinian territories. it's more pressure on it's ministry wages on concept, but does as well care about international justice of what difference, what of the night. this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm adrian sent it to the international court of justice as hearing submissions on israel is ok.


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