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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 16 minutes. the united sites ask the un security council to vote on the temporary cease fire and casa, and says, a major, is there any offensive? and profit should not go ahead. of the countries will make submissions at the international court of justice about the legality of israel's occupations. palestinian territory allow me to the right name in the occupied west bank, where palestinian se inigo is when the settlements are killing any possibility for a 2 state solution. and brazil,
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and as well recalls the ramp. so there's an a growing diplomatic dispute over the war and casa the off to the killing of $29000.00 palestinians and gaza. israel's alive. the united states has called for a temporary cease fire quote. as soon as it is practical and washington has drafted a un security council resolution supporting a temporary truce, it's already announced plans to veto or the text presented by arab nations. when the council votes lights around, choose type. america's rifle resolution bones against israel's plan to ground offensive, and rougher saying it will fill the displace palestinians potentially into neighboring countries, such as egypt from the un headquarters in new york. his elders are as diplomatic and as a gems buys. the important developments here at the united nations which show the
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perhaps us policy towards garza is beginning to change. for weeks. the us has been opposed to a draft resolution for the security council proposed by out syria, which was due to be put to the vote on choose day cooling for an immediate c spa. but now the last minute the us has proposed its own draft resolution and it mentions towards the spot, nothing immediate one, but what it says is a temporary spot and garza. as soon as practicable this us, the resolution also condemns the idea of a ground incursion by israel into rafa. it says that under the current circumstances such an incursion should not proceed the us deputy and boss the robot would. so they decided to put forward the own proposal because they believed the out. jerry and one was not going to make things better on the ground. look, were very concerned about the overall situation there. i mean if you know it's getting worse every day and we're very concerned about it and we want to do
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something. ready can impact what's going on on the ground. we just think the altering resolution isn't going to have that impact that we think is important. and that's why we're looking at other options to see what we can do from a practical standpoint to really make a difference on the ground. so there are now 2 competing dropped resolutions. what's the view of the un secretary general? the secretary joe would like to see 1st of all on the ground is the humanitarian cease. fire the immediate release of all the hostages, increasing your by the chair and access. he would like to see the security council of speak with one voice on this issue which has been challenging the new us draft resolution also rejects the idea of reducing the size of gaza with the setting up of a buffer zone. and the condemns is right. the government ministers, who called for the resettlement of gauze, well, it's not clear. it's how the rest of the security council you are going to respond . more negotiation seem likely, james,
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spies out you 0 of the united nations. this talk to honey mark mood, who is in rougher in southern gas or for us and honey, what's been the reaction data to the us draw resolution? obviously the cool for temporary sweet spot, but as well as warning against the ground invasion into rafa. it's tom willer, any efforts that leading to an end to a war accent, the genocidal act across the gospel very, very, very well come by dogs and then particularly displays that populations more than half the population in overcrowded, a high city in the within the past that there was the repeated view on a council, i believe there were 2 of them, and then the ice is your ruling. but despite these calls for the end of that, the war things on the ground have been change. in fact, will these seeing a surgeon on the air is spikes and more unimpressed the density?
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humanitarian disaster is taking place here in rough or in the northern parts of the city, where to 5 minutes is actually happening right now. but the fact that this a us, the draft of resolution calling for a temporary says fire a comes after the us has a bout to a to b 2 and a draft by algeria calling for an immediate cease fire. no, the actual tax is just falls short of the wishes of other members of the un security council. every other members, once an immediate cease fire and into what's going on, but the us as a proposing a temporary cease fire for people here. it's a significant change in position of the us for a policy. i didn't read for many palestinians as well as the, is really public that the us now is joining the international community in calling for a see as far as definite, the change of position and change and
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a for him policy. the us has it for additionally protected its allies from you and actions on has repeatedly resisted it calls for these seeds fire. but as of now, there are growing pressure from the international community about the ongoing, the threats and, and moves by these really military to expand the incursion and throughout the city where more than half of the population of business weeds here. uh, the us finds itself right now in a position where it has to voice its concerns and then more public way. either ways, people here, they don't want more talks about the, the one's actions happening on the ground. the want than in for this war once and in for the ongoing misery caused by the honest stop of a constant bombings of their residential homes of public facilities and the ongoing killing and maiming of their children. thanks so much, honey honey. mike mood for us in rasa,
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of the way you ins, highest cold is holding historic hearings and so the legality of israel is 56. you ok patient of palestinian land and $52.00 states and 3 international organizations providing testimony at the international court of justice and the hike. lawyers representing palestine presents a big case on monday, demanding an immediate into these where the occupation of representatives from living countries around the world will pay it before the court. in the coming hours, correspondents are covering all aspects of the story for us. the, the abraham is joining us from in front of an illegal settlement and basically him in the occupied west bank where which helens isn't occupied, east, jerusalem. but 1st let's go to the hague with state boston is outside the international court of justice and stiff. can you just give us a rundown of what we can expect at the i c, j today?
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for a full day here at the peace palace in the hague. indeed, 11 countries will take the floor and that's the biggest and largest case we've ever seen here at the international court of justice with 51 countries besides palestine bringing their arguments in the next 6 days. so it kicks off all on monday with the palestinian high level delegation, accompanied by a legal experts make a case about the unlawful occupation of the west bank and to east jerusalem. calling at the colonial apart hi system and also the, the, the farm and a so file, assign seth is for 80. governments have only given us 3 choices over the years. this placements subject to subjugation and death. let's have a look of what was happening in court. on monday, a better stadium delegation accompanied by international law experts travels to the u. n's, highest court in the hague. taking the 1st step towards de hope,
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stopping one of the world's loans, unblocked us occupations for the 1st time and its history. the international court of justice will have to load on the legality of israel's confiscation of ballasting inland. opening the oral hearings by this thing and foreign minister, described israel's occupation as a system of apartheid that has thrown the palestinians into the 2nd class citizens for over a century. the eladio bowed right up in a sea of people to send it to the nation has been denied and violated by this time was not aligned without people. it was not as is, ideally those have described it the waste land. that was logic on this time. the only solution consistent with international law, this for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate and conditional on total. it is well captured, the west bank,
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gaza and east jerusalem. in 1967 here we have of historic palestine, which palestinians one for a states armed with maps. smokey showed the court how over the decades israel has confiscated ballasting. inland is what i had wanted the job a fee of body style, but blocked it's, they won't get a fee. so it's kept pushing the people out out of their homes, out the deadlines. here is a 5th month. so it was displayed as rose, bright, minnesota, for the assembly. last september, he called this, then you will be the least. this is no, there is no by this time on. on this map, bose right from the u. s. lawyer has regularly are good cases at the i c, j sat. it's clear. israel has no intention to ever leave the land to man. the evidence is overwhelming and leaves no room for serious dispute
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about israel's actions or its intentions. in 2004, the court of firm the inalienable right of the palestinian people to self determination. in 2024. it is time for you to enables and finally, to exercise that right. this case is different to do one of genocide south africa filed this one is brought by the un general assembly after passing a resolution with 8 to 7 votes in favor to give an advisory opinion on israel's 57, he alone occupation. the hearings come at a time when the death, though israel's military operation in garza has the past 29000 last month. so you and highest court order. it's route to stop also time from china. so i don't, ex, in guys have another decisions i just poured, although non binding to stop the unlawful occupation of palace standing in line to carry more on this car with no further increase international pressure on the
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government of spectrum in it's on the, our international legitimacy by countries is increasingly important in this intertwined world that we live in. and you wind up putting an adjective like genocidal or an adjective like a legal occupation beside israel. it stains irreparably its own reputation and its bringing down the reputation of united states, along with a 150 countries, will present submissions in the coming days, step fast, and l g sierra, the hey. and so our side, the support savings will kick off for with south africa out. of course we have seen south africa here before and a couple of weeks ago when i brought the genocide case against s route on it's for it's ministry operation and guy. uh then we have the model in saudi arabia, belgium, also speaking to the canada. oh jerry. yeah. and a lot more and this same top traveling with the deluxe. what some of the countries
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have brought the ministers out. us have brought this bass with us, but it's going to be a long day for everyone here in court. and we will be talking to you throughout the day the. so for us and for us at the high quality, it's 205 east jerusalem. now and speak to where we challenge and, or israel has rejected each i rulings and its legitimacy in the past was as well as take a when it comes to this case as well. he's rouser response to this, as it usually is with polish, sending an entry to use through international parties is to say that this conflict is a political dispute between the promising means and these res, over disputed territory. and as such, it should be settled between them by direct negotiations and yet, so for many more reasons that i can go into in a short time, have to talk to you right now. those direct negotiations have been dead for many, many years. but nevertheless,
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israel says that said the international court shouldn't participate. so what it goes, a media circus and should determine that the palestinians were tons of those direct negotiations through the existing legal frameworks. he's ready for a minister, great his side that the palestinians attempting a one sided and improper legal process, design 2 adults and extremist and distorted narrative according to which the palestinians have no responsibilities. and israel has no rights which has nothing to do with justice, but rights and just isn't as central to what the international court of justice has been hearing and will continue to hit over the course of this week. it. yeah, it has been hearing about 2 ish, secular expansion, not just in the west bank, but also here in occupied east jerusalem. even in the old city that you see behind me, it may well hear about the access rights that part of city ends from easter eastern half. so you,
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how do you site such as l access down in the background and that becomes more relevant as we head towards the month of ramadan and just a few short weeks time with these where the government so think about how they might restricts the access of the east jerusalem palestinians to, i'll accept based on age. now that something that the sion that security organization, that's the internal security organization of israel has boned against saying that with the inflamed tensions in the midst of what is already a crisis time in the midst of the ongoing bull and date. thanks so much. all right, very challenge for us. they are an occupied east jerusalem when they even is joining us from in front of it. and the legal is riley settlements in bethlehem and the occupied west bank. and as we've seen, settlement expansion has really accelerated since october. the students, can you just give us an idea of the impact that is having and, and what it looks like. yes, indeed. tom,
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according to pay as now they say 2023, was probably the best a year when it comes to circulars, expanding their presence in the okay. probably the west bank since the also a cause that was in the 19, in 1993 when palestinians in his reading is gathered. they wanted to, uh, it, they signed an agreement. they said it's going to need to with palestinian statehood. but as we see on the ground, this is becoming more and more difficult. let me show you a little bit of where we are, which is near the league and is where the supplement of hard for law that is built on the lines of palestinians hit in jeopardy of the name and bethlehem. and as you can see there, this is a road that is off limits, obviously for palestinians only allowed for his release. and as close to the leaving this really supplement that has been expanding and expanding. and even when palestinians it is really is have agreed in very rare times to kind of stop is supplement to building 3. that's for
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a while for negotiations between the 2 parties. this supplements was one of those that does not see any freeze in the construction, and indeed you can see that it's still expanding as we speak now with the construction happening with all the facilities around it around it and falls to it is would tell you that the fact that those rules are extending further towards occupied territory means that we can probably see the negatives really sucking and expanding even further towards this area right here. again, when we talk about supplements, we're not just talking about the building, the land grabs. we're also talking about the facilities that the it allow to the settlers, the infrastructure that they take from the palestinians. but also that they make it much more difficult for palestinians to live in. continue attend geographical continue with the palestinians. will tell you that these illegals is really supplements or meant to keep how students isolated in their own towns. and this one in particular, cuts the continuity between bethlehem, unoccupied is to most of them. as we say, always the infrastructure for the sacraments,
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they take the resources of palestinians. so whenever, whenever way you look at this policy and see the sacraments, the wall, the check points is very vivid manifestations of israel's occupation. and they feel that they've been left down by the international community time and again to allow those documents to continue in date. thank you so much. i need a need to abraham the for us in a be for him near the, in the occupied with bank as needed was explaining that as well as the legal occupation of palestinian territories has benefited its economy for decades. well, making the life of palestinians a never ending struggle. the war on gods are as damaging the economy and the occupied with bank unemployment, inflation and mess closure of businesses. that just the tip of the aspect to me, treatment that income has more in the occupied west bank and why not running a business is unpredictable. i'm saying is real changes regulations all the time,
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adding more hurdles with the sound of israel's war on guns a the occupied westbank has been effectively sealed off. these farmers cannot sell the produce that they've been growing for is really markets feels like that. the winds are crossings to as the name of the closer we hold our goods, like a blue jeans and peppers go to the open market. on sundays, we do not send anything at all. even before the war, there were hundreds of his rarely checked points. the many more now palestinian businesses comp reach the main markets to sell that goods. and here's why they also agreements in the 19 ninety's calmed up the west bank into 3 zones, a, b, and c, with the largest to see almost entirely on the is rarely control. they cut off many palestinians from vital natural resources such as water, oil and gas, and disrupted trade and exports. while as rarely settlers did not face restrictions as a result in the 2 previous deck aids ever expanding,
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illegal supplements added 3 times more value to israel's g. d p, then the combined economic growth of gaza and the occupied westbank. the war has made the disparity even worse. the occupied west banks, economies rank by 22 percent and the last 3 months of 2023 and many businesses closed. the fedloan pop in this situation is indeed serious, depending on the status of the economy. exec does what production and income region such as such a risen motels and restaurants. additionally, 29 percent of the existing companies have closed up with israel cutting off its job's market. for palestinians, $1.00 and $3.00 of them are unemployed. food prices have only been on the rise causing increasing consent. shops are impacted. people are impacted because of a full prices. they don't have jobs anymore. and so even before the crisis, we already struggle with funding and the needs were high. now the needs are even
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much higher. is really sub list, have been using the opportunity to grab even more land, expanding, illegal settlements that will benefit these very economy for years to come. while further costing palestinians deepening poverty and disrupting their lives. to be treatment with in co, out to 0. the international focus on is ready say listen, the occupied westbank is increasing with sanctions implemented by the u. s. u. k. and civil is you states? well, front, so sanctioning $28.00 is rarely say lose all spine is considering its own meshes. the blocks top diplomat address of growl says 26 of the 27 members are cooling for an immediate, documented terry and pools and gals. a month ago, the members of parliament and portugal, it's the governments to have palace done recognized as an independent states. all the spanish prime minister has promised his government will work to ensure palestinian statehood. the belgian government has pledged $5400000.00 in support of
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the international criminal quotes investigation and the possible war crimes in gaza . a yes, bonsa cost as a producer of transnational law at how much they've been collecting university and, and the junk professor, airflow at georgetown university, specializing in international human rights, slow and arbitration. thanks very much for joining us here in the studio. i mean, a long list of with wisdom countries, the belgium spine, u k. portugal france, does it feel like the width is really ramping up pressure here on israel? public opinion has changed a lot in europe in the last 2 months, at least, especially after the i c j's case, a genocide. i think that's taking effect of the domestic level at the policy level . and if we could turn to the i c j case and we're expecting to hear from south africa 1st of all today. but if we can go back to to mondays hearing what did you make of the palestinian prison? a presentation yesterday. but i think some of the really strong case about the apartheid and about the needs to stop unix ation. and for those states,
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recognize what this is and, and if there's no annexation then by listing and state who becomes a possibility, what, what stood out for you in particular, as part of that presentation. i mean, one of the thing was the, the motion was down. so the police need them boxes or no of course, but also that the fact that the entire wells, the box, the police didn't even close. and that's why we have all these organizations states that coming in a couple of david's, unprecedented to speak about, about the annexation here. well, i mean, we often talk about the international community, but obviously it is still very much divided. you've got as well in the us and its allies on one side and you get to the level south or on the other as well as a lot of eric nations. i mean, it is unprecedented. the number of countries that have taken part in the i c j, isn't it? how powerful is that unity what you still haven't before? i mean, we've had the advisory opinions and we've had maybe to be a state, any organization to do an assembly,
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usually speaking before the court. but this is having so many countries and 3 additional organizations speaking out and making their own presentations is unprecedented. it just goes to show that it's in the usual case. do you think that the international minimum is swinging away from his round with hearing more and more countries cooling for a 2 state solution include including the united states. so the, obviously, as we've had time and again, as well as pushing back very, very strongly against that without us support for this i solution, i think there's no way that this can happen. a, do you think that's the only i'm, i guess. how is this right actually isn't, isn't yahoo is government actually going to listen to the us stuff that not at all, but if enough pressure, i mean, if there's no funding, if there's no arms going to israel, then there's no way they can sustain this. and at least they will go into negotiating table to discuss if these things which yeah, why do you think that the timing of this i c j case as well as the one that we saw of a month or so ago, the genocide case that was brought by so that for good was the timing of it so
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important. but we're at the stage now where the genocide is ongoing. and if, if nothing of this nature happens, at least at the political level, you know, so legal means of course, then it's, it's not going to happen. so i think this is, this is the right timing. yeah, israel is rejected. i cj, i rollings and it's legitimacy in the past. is that going to be different this time? one of these will point to one thing that national government, the national parliament, will have a very difficult time getting through bills for funding, or even for business with israel in just turning now to the us draft resolution uh at the generalist at, at the you, in um, in that code for temporary ceasefire um as soon as practical uh and no incursion into rough. uh. were you surprised when you sold it? probably because of the language because of us as not really given us any. any, any way of thinking about this, let me go ahead, but at the same time, i don't think the russians will, will,
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will allow this to have to go through one set. because originally we want a sci fi now and not something that this, this is ongoing. in but maybe never materialized, but it isn't this bit of and nothing. then what we've done the status quotes that, especially with is ro still talking about the potential incursion into rough, just significant. and you know, the resolution has only about the cx, 5 at about a urgent use or not to make a rough incursion. and the thing, you know, this change of language shows that the, there's a change of the policy within the us as well. and i thank you again for your time and your insight. we'll be talking to you over the next few hours. thank you. this is riley forces. have carried out a series of, of annoyed raids in the occupied westbank confrontations broke out with palestinian fighters when soldiers, storm the city of to boss these really military also night incursions in through the village of rich, even in nablus is ready. settlers. meanwhile, attacks the town of boca,
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and also new nicholas damaging property and cause palestinians posted videos on social media showing the extent of the destruction is ready, settler attacks and military rights have intensified since the war on gas began in october. this rarely protest as have fault with police in west jerusalem during a much to prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his hon. the thousands of demonstrators called on the 2 or 3 to a deal on the release of captives and gaza. is the latest and a series of protests against the government's handling of the situation for the 16 years, as well as land in c, blockade of cause a has stifled opportunities before the war. this trip had one of the highest literacy rights in the world. but it also had one of the highest rights of unemployment today, mold and full months, up on the bottom. it has destroyed every facet of pellets and in existence can be
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on the day like looks at how as well as assault on gaza is also an attempt to $1000.00 future bone underlined and c brocade, even before the war, these brothers prospects were limited. but is ready, buttons have now killed the parents and scott, them for life. oh wow. wow, that's in the front of me. so what's the new to find out what the and it's a question, generations of aust. this of either of the 1948 knock ball or catastrophe is once again being forced to sleep. but despite israel's relentless plumbing and lack of food, she says she's done running. she will not leave casa and fears being pushed into
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egypt. now, i love it, i guess we don't want to go to sign i, we need to go home. why these various doing this? they want us to leave outlined and go to sign i this woman has been displaced 8 times since the start of the who were in the dentist and several setup to set. i have 3 grandchildren, less than a year old and one was born just a month ago. it's really difficult to cope with the children their needs and their belongings. displacement means humiliation. the decades palestinians lives have been severely impacted by is ready restrictions on the free flow of goods and people into gaza. most rely on food aid, mainly delivered by hon. almost half the population have struggled to find work and this is all of that. we all know biggest for some slow, we need our country. they have destroyed everything. they have destroyed the future
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of our children. they left nothing. no schools, no universities, nothing. and well, rebuilding garza seems a long way off palestinians want the bro. okay, to end for good and to have the chance to shape deadlines, free from is really control. camille and they're like, oh, this era. oh, so here on al jazeera, we look back at house of like it's history. this shape is supposed to palestinians the, the highlight of the weather. let's put somebody bought a car much of an old in year. we go bands of kind of the rice sweeping in from the atlantic at this time of year. that does mean mild weather. it also means wet and windy weather continuing, then so they, while the system is a bands of cloud and ray will produce outbreaks of more wet weather,
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more unsettled weather across the good positive northern i'm central year because you go through the next couple of days, choose i sees a cloud and bright coming in across the dawn and pushing across into wells much to west of england. the good part is copeland as well as we go on through tuesday, summer drive. it was at least the thought of being live of some showers the just around the low countries. shabby right. little bit us nice. the low cost that leading edge of that system is it makes its way to the west side of russia minus $5.00, the top temperature. and most guy was still up in just double figures across many western parts of the year. for the south last little area of light pressure, that's just to bring you some showers that are in 2 central parts of the mid marching a little further east with as we go through wednesday. yeah, it is mobile. i was, i said more it was it coming in across the north, west more, whether they would tools and all face. but in between it's kind of cloudy, but long as you try for many, how does dry weather across the good pos of north africa? sure. it was bring up once again across southern positive west africa to the gulf of give me
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the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than and better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is the problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the latest news as it break some of those who need a may be able to access it and parts of to them that are safe and where there is no fighting with detailed coverage would come scripts. the training here on an island that symbolizes sweden's prospect change in military policy from around the world, the security forces are not protecting the people, but rather the president and his decision to delay the elect.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching ultra 0 reminder of our top stores, the salad, the us is cooling for a temporary cease fire in gaza and it drops un security council resolution washington is wondering, is rile against the major ground defensive and profit saying it would have serious implications. for regional pace, the 2nd day of hearings on israel is occupation of palestinian territory. we'll begin shortly at the international court of justice in the hike. tell us time presented its case on monday 52 countries will address the quote this week. and the
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24th as have carried out a series of overnight raids and occupied respect. confrontations broke out with palestinian slices. when saul just owned the city of to boston. they also right at the village of regina, near nicholas the world health organization has released for us. it's showing the di conditions inside nessa hospital and con eunice and southern guns of talk to is from the you in body. have to wait 2 days for permission to evacuate patients. some in a critical condition of to is ready for the storm that facilitate the hospital is no longer functioning as well. denied is it's right in to fade with the hospitals operations. with dr. rick, people, colin is that will help organizations represented if the gaza and was part of that mission into nasa. these folks to own to 0 about the difficulties they faced over the last 3 days, 3 days ago. uh, adobe a show. uh and book china and rom, mission were trying to bring and fuel into north america complex. i was part of the
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team together between r w a show a colleague. yes. we go stuck. actually it just has a dangerous actually role. normally it's only 10 minutes actually from rough up to nothing. another complex, it took us hours a triple step, 50 meters before an us. another complex we in a team went through the compounds when it was a little idea of christmas. and we requested to get in entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment that you plan for. i have a question because of all the concerning reports we were not allowed in to the next day we came back, we managed to get the truck into hospital and then get fuel again. we requested for access to the same greek assessment plan for actuation, and again, we were not. we didn't get the permission to get in yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was there yesterday and my team got permission to get in and together of
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its uh, the pos to you in rep. pressing that all shop reach to the hospital and manage to reach a transfer. 14 critical patients age normal. think 6 for king and to patient companions . south africa has long been an advocate this tell us any invites last month. it took as well to the international court of justice, accusing it of genocide and guys of the coming out of the south african delegation is to to make its presentation at the hike to meet him. and i looked back at the history of it support for palestinians in 1948. so the africans, government of all white politicians, legalized racism and segregation of non whites. a state policy. the africans word for the separation is a part 8. in the same. yeah, the state of israel was declared triggering the 1st arab is ready will. zine has some of the 2 forces expelled at least $750000.00 palestinians from their homes and
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land gradually capturing more than 70 percent of historic palestine over several decades. in 1994 of 2 years of state violence, oppression, and resistance. so that africa held its 1st negotiate the democratic vote. saw how can i go with empty, a potted icon. nelson mandela elected president, what he told his loan with to freedom had arrived. the palestinian land remained occupied. i promised you as i promise to present day, i'm big that i will do it all in my vision was. busy that this thing in the, to achieve that he had to use democrat excel. don't forget how it would take you to pull the code for the 2 state solution along with the freedom of palestinians from is really occupation. you have what research company similarity in south africa and palestine and spoke simply colonialism for james. so that i think that you found that the international, we're off to somebody to a distance came. and so i am glad to some of that
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a funeral and ending about it. we don't see the same with bellas time. and i think part of that is in fact, that really made showing the way in which the palace team to state was sort of built in to disenfranchise and gauze us as to how most attacking each one on october 7th and the resulting bombardments keeping close to the 2000 palestinians. it's all done for good to the international court of justice. choosing is rid of genocide again. last month's, the quote in the hague issued provisional measures against israel, including the order to prevent acts of genocide, at least. but it is really military operations extended into southern gaza, so that for the requested the court issue, additional measures while judges know to that a potential new assault and the $1400000.00 people in rafa would worse than the humanity of a nightmare. the quote decline to issue additional measures in israel should comply with that exist not the business is resolved after the highest court in the land is
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made, the position, the state of is that i just with the legs of mind itself and the implement and comply with the court order, so that's because this is really is an breach of the court's orders and the international convention of genocide. so meet, i'm gonna also say with janice, but arena morris on is a senior research at the institute for global dialogue and independent foreign policy. think tank. she specializes in south african foreign policy and joins us now from johannesburg. thank you very much for being with us on out to 0. first of all, how important is this issue and so therefore could apply to palestinians clearly really risen nights there is we saw in that story. why do you think that is let me start by saying that the optimist. a criticism is on south africa stands. and so the africans are divided on the issue a, but many, so that's because do taking is pride that the country as part of such
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a language stance. and not only does it hoc and back to and t apartheid the anti apartheid struggles. but it also look forward to how to start this quote, how is build it and how norms have been politically defended according to interest and or palestine. and israel could easily be discarded as a political issue. in the south african government has over the years to be to this yesterday in parliament and made adjustments to diplomatic presence and israel. you, you said that there are many people who don't agree with that african stats. what are the criticisms? the biggest criticism as that saw that perkins participation does not actually improve employment. traits does not generate power at most of the improved supposed to return on the conditions. and it also links to foreign policy contradictions, as well as a very divided civil society perspective with jewish groups as well. but after
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years of a pessimistic outlook, many of very proud that they can be remembered for a moment. this ruling and those problems do not necessary for crude it on taking a principled stotts. okay, the south african delegation is presenting 1st at the hearings today. expect to then about an hour and a half. what are you expecting to hear from them? going to the i, c j is really looking for those kinds of accountability and it's as important for the south african delegation to really include the elements of the within the presentation, but major and that's january presentation to the i c j and likely drive home the similarity in raw, the bruce a mess, a mess issues or rather not s violations of israel's apartheid. we, we haven't talked about the international community and we know it is divided when
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it comes to this issue. however, i'm present as a number of countries a typing past in this i c, j here in 52. how powerful is that unity? it really depends, and it also depends what each will have to say in terms of the submissions for an advisory opinion. it's at the end of the day is not legally binding to my understanding and yes, the impact of the international community, you know, where it will start to impact on requesting organs and the legal provisions country take in the future. that is where you are going to see a lot more action. so in terms of, so that's great. taking the 1st stance. it was rather many, essentially these actions and, and international politics. such actions can isolate you. but this was a risk that the sub african government and political fleet felt that it was necessary to take good does seem to have encouraged move voices to take action. and
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data does uh, we will look forward to, to the presentation in about 90 minutes time at the ice age i read in, morrison. we do appreciate your time here now to 0. who presented is we're calling it 10 best. so the to israel and a growing dispute about the war and gaza on sunday personally, and present luis and also your religious silver. so it is where it was committing genocide and compared its actions to the holocaust. israel says lula has crossed a red line. don't home and has more, but that's where am i to upload? it was this comment from brazilian president we and that's you'll lose that silver . no, but many simply is lula that started things off. the question, what is happening in the gaza strip of the palestinian people has no power low in other historical moments? i was in fact it did exist when hitler decided to kill the jews.
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comparing is rose mass killing of palestinians in garza. so the whole of course drew an immediate reaction from israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu president silly by his grace the memory of 6000000 jews worded by the nonsense and his demonize. the jew estates like the most virulent anti semites you should be ashamed of himself. and on monday israel's foreign minister summoned brazil's ambassador to the country's holocaust memorial for a public pointed dressing down, culminating, and this will settle model and way. as i asked to convey to president lou, lou will not forget no, forgive, and i declare him my name and the name of the citizens of those royal episode a non grata in his royal. as long as he does not apologize to you and take it back, the president lula is not putting down. you were cooper's. it was and busted it to israel for consultations. and some of these radium baskets presented for an explanation. as this diplomatic dispute continues, john home,
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and i'll just either i'll or a hospital in central cancer is one of the few medical facilities still authorizing, but it's over whelmed with injured patients. when did palestinians flooded in on monday, with no list happened is riley strikes on the follow. the health ministry. this is more than 29000 palestinians have been killed since the will begin on october, the 7th. a correspondent and could already visited el oaks the hospital and sent us this report on the conditions there. a quick turnkey in debt and velasco ok some more tires hospital where this hospital is now receiving all of the injured people in san eunice. we know that there is a ground, envision in community and the hospitals. there are not working. when we talk about the hospitals, we're talking about a nicer hospital that is currently being invaded by the israeli soldiers. here
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the ambulances are coming and bringing a lot of injuries, and even the dead bodies from is really airstrikes and is ready snipers up. it's very hard for them to move and to transfer these injured people from new new stuff because it's very crowded and, and we know that stuff is packed and also all of the hospitals in the gauze, through our over when we're talking about only a limited number of hospitals still possibility thing in the cause of the trip. we're currently in the side of the hospital and as you see, it's crowded with patients with injuries. it's the only facilitating hospital in the middle area. last night, at least 8 houses were targeted by that is really forces. and as you see there,
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it's packed with people with patients with injuries. it's working on its capacity. we see people lagging on the floor. these vehicles were transferred from community this morning to a hospital gossip because of all that, they boomed us. we will run away and then people came and brought me to hospital. the donkey said there was any show on the new ambulance came to me. i went to hospital by myself, right in the funky, according to the palace to the minister of house are saying that there are a lot of patients and refugees stuck in a master hospital and a hospital income eunice. they have been coordinating and waiting for the green light for the x rays to give them the per mission to evacuate these how to send me an medical teams. the patients in the hospital and the refugees. people are
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calling for everyone to has them back to a situation in one unit is not getting any better. rough off is being threatened for an invasion and did it, but it's his receiving more displaced refugees in the middle area. however, the tensions rises and that is where the air strikes continue to target different areas across of the causes trip. this is in the, the, i just need to talk to the hospital. that is, but i would talk to, i'm a demo. cloudy is the head of plastic and reconstructive surgery of nesa hospital and con eunice. he was forced to flee israel siege on the facility and describes what he was forced to endure all around the did bodies of the see. so you kind of smoothly, but this middle of these, the buddies as low as you know, mobility. you can see buildings that consist of the shock of this view
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the doing this over the was to be, does those bits of was by c 3 weeks. i couldn't offer anything too much and then we mostly only, i know i might have been doing some student, some sweets i couldn't provide. it's obviously it's for about 3 years old. seems to us me means both from fine so we're going to be was hoping to do to do this. we continue to have the most up to the just the
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last girl and not for me. you can mean of most of us, we don't have so much and was home most of us, most of us in life. right. i mean we don't know the resource use office also. so we'd like to continue our scale. i just know the vehicle, these fish, and some of actually we will also we all the media, the bus that we are still the head hair on elders era. the world food program wants 25000000 people are going hungry because of the conflict in sudan and thousands of trying to talk to is going strong in the south korea angry
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a government plans to boost medical school and takes the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, at least 25000000 people are struggling with hunger and mill nutrition because of the conflict in sudan. that's according to the world food program. within 10 months, sufficing is forcing thousands of families from the homes every week. many of them fling to neighboring chad and self. sudan, welcome with has more 10 months of fighting has made many positive, sued on livable. that's why every weeks,
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thousands of people arriving here in the town of rank in south sea don. as many say what little they had is being taken by fighters. a check points along the way. you know, been, well, we came by bus. it took us 2 days to reach here. we came from saddam because of the war. what we need is food. the immediate support we need to eat to be able to survive the world food program which published this video says maquida and have family ever among about half a 1000000 people. he's arrived here in the last year. this is what they've left behind in april last year. fighting abruptly between the 2 dawns on me and the paramilitary rapids support forces. attempts at mediation have failed. aside from the risk of being caught in the crossfire, millions of people have been cut off from essential supplies. some of those arriving in south to don, ready, severely, malnourished, many more become malnourished as the weights in the transit senses. food russians
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have been slashed because of a lack of funding. the rates of mountainous ocean all high. we're finding that the most impacted the women and children, and that's why a range of services are available at the border immediately when they cross in. but also when they move to the transit center. some people stay in the transit sense as for months. others who originate from south see don eventually pulled bodies on their way to communities, say struggling with years of flooding and of conflict. between the hundreds of thousands of fled to south sea, done and chad and the millions displaced within suit on itself. the un says the conflict has created the world's largest displacement crisis and shows no sign of ending malcolm web outages, era to the widow all former haitian presidents. 2 of them will say, is one of 50 people charged in connection with his assess the nation. my pain with
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a is accused of conspiring with full, the prime minister for joseph to kill her husband. a former chief of police has also been indicted with. i was killed in this home. the cavity portal prints and 2021 guineas ruling june to has dissolved the government. the presidency gave no reason, nor to denounce the date for announcing a new government can. he has been under miller truthful since 2021. when soldiers deposed the 1st democratically elected president, after you put me on school one, the government is dissolved article to every day. matters will be managed by the cabinet directors, secretaries general and deputy secretary general until a new government. i just put implies that the lunch arians have once again been protesting against the rising cost of living. lodge crowns really didn't have it. on the most popular city. food process have shuts off with some basic items like vegetables,
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costing 10 times more. the local currency than not it has slumped against the dollar, and inflation is as high as right since 1996. well, thousands of training don't. is it some of south korea's major hospitals? the staging a will count the protesting against a government plan to boost admissions and the medical schools can just can, has more from the capital. so they plan outsize role in the operations of these hospitals, including offering satisfied care. and they are critical in emergency care units. now the group representing vented issue, a stainless statement moments ago to say that they were taking the collective action because the government plan to significantly increase the number of medical full entrance by 2000 effective and next year from the some 3000. that's in place currently is in 5th, sufficient and has essentially ignored their input on the issue to only the labels
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as risks to society. they are calling for meaningful dialogue to start with the government. now the 3 a medical association which increase the larger uh, lot of seniors officers has said that the plan that you have on your government split out is insufficient at not well site out. it has, as they have accused government of populous policies ahead of the april legislative elections. they say that would increase the foot traffic into hospitals and have a negative impact on the health insurance system. what they do and government has doubled out and says that this cannot be delayed it and it is required to fulfill the needs of a doctors or is currently unions representing indian thomas have rejected a 5 year tail proposed by the government. it guarantees a minimum, the support prices for pulses cooling and coughing all over the past week found the zip purchases in march towards the capital,
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demanding the government to protect their livelihoods. some of the demonstrations have turned finance. well i, so from they told me the credit for this, these out, but i will be back in just a moments with much more oftentimes and use to stay with the was discussing the defining issues about time as we are the subject of a i, we're not the users of a, i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites. an ethical ai though is racial biases get worse. you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it to use? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to explore that type of us culture. exciting
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out of a snow drift have gone viral online. since russian are interested, the so called special miniature operation and ukraine, thousands of michael laborers have left the country something innovative to fast track and only takes the tree to partially supplement the human workforce. the the united states of the you in security council to vote on a temporary cease fire and gaza while it's line is ro pounds. northern causes with more strikes the loan to mccrae, this is al, just here a life. and also coming up,


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