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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia despite repeated efforts and international mediation. only about 400 children have been with us. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children helping them recover the . hello until mccrae. this is l. just here a live from dow, welcome to l, special coverage of the united nations highest quote. which is beginning a 2nd day of hearings into the legality of as well as 5060 occupation of palestinian territory and palestine put forward it's case on monday. now, 52 countries will present their arguments over the rest of the week. the hearings considering what impact as well as policies and actions have on the situation in
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the occupied areas and what this means for the united nations and all of it's in the states. okay, we've got step boston who is outside the international court of justice in the high against it. we are expecting proceedings to get underway in the next few minutes. but can you just give us a rundown of what we can expect over the coming hours there of the. so 1st of all, i have a bit of news to share because instead of 11 countries that were supposed to have their, all the arguments here in the hague of the peace process, it's going to be only 10 canada has pulled out at the last minute we just heard from the court as they also said, it's not unusual for our country to pull out, but we haven't heard the motivation. as we know, this is one of the largest, the largest case ever at the international court of justice with more than 50 countries, presenting their oral arguments and today uh,
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south africa will kick off. we will hear from the south african and bassett, a to to natalie and so mr. so see me. see, my don't say lot of we so now he will start to the or argument by south africa, every country today and also the next few days has 13 many minutes to present their arguments on the legal consequences of the occupation of, uh, uh, east jerusalem. and the west bank, uh, south africa little start and then we have, oh jerry, uh, we have saudi arabia all this morning from that dashed in that lens. uh belgium and it will continue into the afternoon. some countries are represented by they administer as the will, the ministers later in the week, minutes with a foreign affairs minister of justice. many other countries are represented by investments. many have brought some higher level to sprinkle teams because of course it's a very complicated and also detailed case that's here is at stake. would actually
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very simple question. a very basic question. the legality of the occupation by israel, of 57 years of the west bank at east georgia level. and this is the 1st time that the highest score, the highest new and court will deal with this matter. it's a non binding advisory opinion that they will have in a few months from now. so still it will have a serious impact this many people, a belief on israel's reputation, especially also for its allies, especially for the united states. if the occupation is as seen as unlawful. so we heard of course from the, from the palestinian authority here yesterday as well. they made their arguments in 3 hours. they had 3 hours of time to present their case. and they said it is a colonial system of a party, that's what they called it and it has made by the students, the 2nd class citizens in the step you mentioned that uh 52 countries are
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presenting this week. this i'm president of number to be speaking in front of the i, c j. how significant is this a while that's 1st thing. why not with the canada pulling out, but still of course it's a, it's a huge number. it's never happened before that so many countries present the cases here because so this is a chord that's normally deals with the disputes between countries. and very often it's just between 2 countries and some countries will sort of participate in the case, but never before. it has to be this many countries participating in this case, which was brought up by the us of 50 uh, channel assembly resolution. in december 2022 and the majority decided that that needs to be a legal opinion on this longest, on the front of the longest, bloodiest occupations that we know in the world of the occupation of by the policy
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and tyra threes. so it shows, of course, the significance of this case and how so many countries are really involved in it and really want to see a solution. and this solution will not come immediately after this rolling here. but still it's, it's seen as a very important for a step, and it's very important a way to get to adjust juice prevention of for a this, this arguments which means that of course, it is the highest score. it's saying that this occupation is unlawful and then other countries have to relate to that. okay, thanks so much stip. we will be talking to you over the next few hours. once proceedings get underway. this investment for us outside of the international court of justice in the hike. okay, we're going to go now to somebody to mila who was standing by in johannesburg. south africa fis presenting it, hopefully starting very so what are we expecting to hear from them as
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well? so that's because likely to make very strong arguments against the ongoing is radio occupation of the palestinian land. it's a stones that's all that's because held for decades, going back to so that because i own democracy in 1994 off to apartheid in the south africa. and we have heard before and we'd like you to hear again about power allows being torn between south africa's own boston. what is happening in palestine. so there we go. could possibly also put forward an argument that is very similar to an amnesty international report from 2022 that talks about israel committing crimes against palestinians in terms of the mass of land seizures and the disposition of homes as well as the implementation. the use of permits their limited freedom of movement of palestinians in the west bank, the limited to the restriction on movement and also the,
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the lack of rights and states. as for palestinians, akin something so that pre k is very familiar. it was in terms of the, a particular human south africa and the limits placed on south africans during that time. and of course the insistence on equal rights for so. so that for go, has been determined in terms of pushing for a free palestine. and one thing an end to that occupation tom it, we're going to leave it there for now. we're going to go to the international court of justice with south africa are about to start the presentation. let's listen to mr. president, distinguished members of the quote. this is both and on a and that responsibility of a new mentor proportions to appear before yours. today, on behalf of the republic of south africa for the 2nd time within $41.00 days.
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mister president, while south africa's folding policy has always pay but a 2 state solution, or the prevailing condition to suggest that unless such an approach deals with the new clickable offerings, overland to palestinians. the dispensing of all the legal settlements, the rights of time to follow up on a student in future use, such as solution may solidly the discipline franchise. due to the disenfranchisement of these indigenous people of palestine and conquered times, the prevailing injustices brought about by decades of updates. that's like hold on is but just solution for all who literally qualified to live. and he started kind of palestine with needs to be negotiated with the assistance of the international community and the in or the next delay in achieving a fair and just settlement. i said us out to him and,
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and insightful of items and the gonna connect to the is ation of the nature of is what i was the gym over the protestant. and people can only assist in remedying the ongoing delay and achieving a just settlement and disregard of the legal questions placed before the quotes by the united nations general assembly and resolution 7 to 7 slash 247, offset. to december 2022 will reach to make the following submissions. so offer thought cannot overstate the significance of this adviser opinion for the public dean and people. more especially the legal to connect to the as ation of the situation of occupation and the imposition of the system of racial oppression. then about states which have questionably been submitted to continue for far too long. the occupation alone tests persisted for 56 years. that's the un special to
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put to on the occupied by the student. instead of please explain to implant. attempted to of the occupation back is as being conducted in profound defiance of international law. and hundreds of united nations resolutions with scanned, pushed back from the international community. consequently, as the president back defiance part is why it has already left to the beginning of the 10s of thousands of other students, including an estimate to say, 2000 codes in the past 4 months. i know these are not to me as but to stick to mr. president, the flesh and slots of the public student people. therefore, we must task when it is rials the kids long infinity for what spread and systematic human rights violations and violations of put them through homes of
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international law. and if not now over the past one, how does the city 6 days the world has watched in horror daily that a man plus tax on gaza the federal city and the violence of isabel was late to submit instead of competing against goes a floating of international law, including an order of this quote which was handed down on the 26th january 20. 24. is the clearest indication, but is about to concede us itself. understanding in this section, seconds by the students. inspections of okay, with even more depravity, unblocked shirts being of such a serious nature as to lead this quote, to find them close to the general style. i don't mind the quotes, but it is in richmond submissions before it's in the headings for the indication of provision of those managers in the application of the convention and prevention of
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punishment of the crime of genocide in the cause of street in south africa business as well, so of africa and us to discuss good, how is those ongoing ex mentions being caused from part of the continuum of ego tax perpetrated by its atkins, published in, in people since the 1948. not far since then, the 19 specific occupation legality of that occupation is not the subject of this matter before the court, which is the president. the student cause is one which resonates strongly with the people of south africa. that is because the public students struggle involves one sort of memories of our own struggle against pottage. segregation and depression was, is an experience which i believe i was an experience of doing it for
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2 by the united nations, particularly to console in 1980 as a crime victims to the questions and dignity of mankind. and as being incompatible with the rights and dignity of man, it is not without a measure of but one notes, but this painful experience about pulse as enables the filter to make a significant contribution to the development of international law or not project. from this experience to invest some legal emission of its practice emerged in the form of i put them through and on and an international cry. i don't, i guess i bought a, it has become one of the most sides of non stuff. just coach adams. we still have
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applicants sense, see here and felt cool, but in a humane discriminates, the policies and practices of the east side of the gym as an even more extreme form of the dates that was institutionalized atkins, people in my country, incidentally from the 1940 which lasted until 1994, the late south african politic. the most reverend archbishop desmond tutu wrote the following. open coat. many black south africans half a top of the occupied westbank and have been opposed by it loads built for jewish settlers. but westbank college students denied access to and by george on the colonies built on, published and then land in violation of international law. next slide, africans, and others around the world have seen the 2010 human rights watch report,
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which describes the 2 tier system of rules, rules and services. but is that operates for the 2 populations instead, yes, in the west bank. and it's like strips of control which provides financial services, development and benefits for jewish settlers. what, imposing harsh conditions unpublished opinions this in my book is upon date? it is untenable, coach that was the position already 14 years ago, students to into tennis. since then, the situation of the occupied by the student population has lessened exponentially with the reality of a party becoming so obviously explicit. as to now being recognized. not only by so i'd love to come and publish to men, victims of i bought it themselves. but by the broad international community,
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including both is violet and international human rights organizations. moreover, it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being administered in breach of the prohibition of the time of a project. it is indistinguishable from set to color and it doesn't which has no place in the 21st century. is really a potties must tend last time. the last unfulfilled states a trust top civilized nation for whom the international community past responsibility must know before for the student people must be permits to exercise in the rights to self determination. mr. president, public affairs, high special obligation, both to its own people and the international communities to and show that whatever the egregious and offensive practices of apartheid, okay,
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these must be called out for what they all brought to an immediate hands. that the perpetrators of such a glitch of speeches up but into an almost of international law be held accountable in the construction of work. this is colt held that the construction of the wall being built by these are the occupying power in the occupied kind of fit into the tree, including in and around each other. seller is associated to the gym contrary to international law. and that is why it is under an obligation to dismantle false with destruct. so that means situated until the p. o or render any such of false. smith on legislative and relate to the facts relating that despite the 19 year old finding by the court today, palestinians in the west printing,
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including many induced to the selim continued to be contained behind facilitating will. they continue to be subjects to discriminate to the land. sony. i'm planning ferguson's tentative and asthma such as, how's demolitions and violence is valid and current. i mean incursions into the religious towns and cities and refuge account including area which is supposed to be on the for the publishing and control policy. now let's continue to be subjected to routine violence designed to raise on their homes with thousands of adults and children being subject to unlawful. i be 30, i rest, but he's right. the soldiers in the data of nights and indefinitely, but i knew about contentment in 10 minutes without trial, as known as the assignment used to be as administrative attention. and as
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i do a legal system pursuant to which palestinians including part of gene and children, i tried to find them in a tiny legislation by military judges often themselves. inigo said to us, is that, i mean, it's out of course without basic protection of human, international, humanitarian and human rights. slow. why that is, why this, that less and leaving uniquely in the same tennessee subjects to an entirely different legal regime. and type in is that is really an quotes with full access to due process separately by the students. and guys i have live in, i su, of and plays for mentors and secular data from the west bank. i'm subject to spine is a regression, sustained, slow job and seized by the student. and if you do, the exiles in the desk for
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a systematically denied the rights to attend to their homes, put tight. isabel discriminates a games and recommends both policy and people to ensure the maintenance of is that the jewish domination. so if i pick up procedures difficult to examine its allies or jim of this treatment at some of those policies and practices applied by his trial along the definition of the time of, of practice. and to find that, isabel, subjects protest unions to what constitutes an opportunity to jean stuff you got collected as ation of the nature of as well as the team, but with the policy and then people can assist and remedy the ongoing today. the next evening, i just supplement that today which perpetually focus on for grades. this cycle of violence as i speak. and for each of the past $136.00 days,
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the workers with missing and guys. and i saw that this unprecedented and be tentative yet to violate the most basic precepts of their lives for life and the survival of a population. the international community has unwillingness to hold as well. busy accountable for its policies and practices and is probably left to ensure that immediate unconditional antonio but so one of his violent tips and immediate ends is that the patients and the positives and part of the times, including garza westbank and do still this island. emboldened is to close a set of official, namely, meets the kind of crimes general side is the president distinguished members of the quote it just now my own not to request you to invite advocate understand much to the bar to supplement supp applicants by the observations on the questions look for it to the quote by the un, jeanette, i think i think is extra and c, mr. was the movie, but don't say law,
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i don't remember the floor to mr. these are under estimate. do you have any source of this is the president distinguished members of the court? it is an honor to appear before this on the court today. on behalf of the political side, i think the request for an advisory opinion creates a critical opportunity to clarify and then you confirm the rules and principles of international applying to the situation of palestine and the palestinian people. a clear legal assessment who to assess the general assembly and the international community to promote peace and justice. a key element of the additional cooper. i think at the time we know the photos has been under the strain. military assault
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has been launched by you. so the students in gauze which this court has found to make the most of the amount, the genocide facing the very existence of the policy and people in the submission me do nothing thing to the states. so that's because arguments on why the core dice to assume your distinction as this has been dealt with in some detail. you know that if in statement you will, the full focus on the, by the students like the self determination and evaluation the off by you. so, and then you will continue to submit the arguments on the legal consequences for you. so the united nations and so it states as a present members of the court, right to self determination also told them must not cut the of the covenant. zation is an established an entirely new in the bullet right in front fundamental principles of international respect for this principle is one of the purposes of
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the united nations article one better go to a job there, or she doesn't end up with mis. gotta get out to the international community as a how much support has developed a strong and consistent us prudence in any of the other students, people to self determination and phone independence has been that of noise by the united nations in numerous solutions over the tickets. at the most recent general assembly based solutions of december 2020 see once again, take a look nice that i have the student people to self determination and the permanent sovereignty of the policy of the people in the occupied. but instead of 3, including the cities, them over the natural resources, solid determination occurs to a people, but in the most recent order of $26.00 generally 2015 to fall in the method of application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of
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genocide in the gaza strip. so that's a good business. the so the quote confirmed that the students constitute, and i quote this think national is nicole. i so orderly describe input soon as occupied. the student did a thing, the waste bank, gaza, and he's due to them since 191967 at a decided war and then next east jerusalem and also the east bank in that same. yeah. it is the dispute that the deposition of 33 by the state, the use of force, they see legal, inexpensive way. the 33 was a quiet through a lot of self defense or of an act of getting some occupying father cannot the next, any part of the open occupied did a 3 and there is no obligation on states not to take a nice such and illegal territorial acquisition, whatever that an occupation must also be temporary in nature, was confirmed by the 14th, and that may be a se that's
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a good price. waited till the end of south africa's mandate must be self determination and independence of the people of the maybe a 56 year occupation is nothing pretty and exciting, but different nation kind of became pretty. these principles also liked about us by the security council that is already 1967 and a solution to 4 to explain to emphasize, begin the admissibility of the acquisition of $33.00 by war and quote for the withdrawal of the slightly on forces. furthermore, in the construction for woke this quote on the could it be held that the ongoing construction of the so at least implements in the occupied. but a student that isn't beach of international of the o either the dispute is almost done. the temporary nature of the occupation into
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a permanent situation in violation of the policy and then the self determination is done this illegal take them at the enterprise which consists of an estimated 700000 faithless and increase of 235 percent. since the us, the piece of gold under the 65 percent, since the world opinion is not with standing in the will case this court on the cover. please tell that the ongoing construction of the certainly statements in the occupied but a student that a 3 isn't bitch fucking to national. and that goes to court, found that he still has taken measures that i quote, severely imputed to exercise by the but it's been people of the like to self determination on good and breach of that from the mean to that i the very this adoption of what a student did a total configured with the resulting from those safe movements as well as the sort of formal and the effect of an exemption of both of the occupied police. student
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data to the student is due to the constitute for the license of that fundamental right general assembly the solution 1514 of 1960 declares instead of cut off 6 as follows and i put any attempt aimed at the partial. what type of disruption of the national unity and did a total integrity of the country is incompatible for the purposes and principles of the child. the policies, not the patients, but the quote finished so adviser opinion on legal consequences of the say that i some of the chuckles people go from only 161965 the the solution 1514 has the state this of custom international audience is binding of all states including you, so was the president, members of the court, turning not to the nature of that you started the administration of the occupied part of student data? 3, it is titled a diesel. i still can find
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a bill that is done by both international human did enroll and international human rights little and it's about the installation of the occupied by the student. there are 3 basic objective international human didn't lot. think about the occupation, use the protection of the population on the occupation, including the safety and security, and the public and private property. as it go to the falls, all seem to me makes clear to you so as to occupying the other is not acting in the best interests of the population on the occupations and does not administer in the occupied territories in good faith. preaching multiple use coupons, norms of international, including the prohibition and so on and exemption. self determination. if i take the engine and side on which i have surface, it seems that things nationally, community and loan to continue and construction and expansion of the so you say to me in some documents, but a scene instead of at the in clear violation of article $49.00 of the 4th geneva
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convention, which he started supporting and which the court has films in the role guys to be binding upon itself. in terms of things and natural human rights flow. this quote, quotes consumed in the will case that to protection offered by human rights convinces, does not cease cases of on countries except on the specific and very defined database and principles. while it also needs to be slow that the human that i've slew obligations of the state, also applying situations which such states pest control was the basement members of the courts and best them understand as built in some detail with the practices of about the protected by you so against about a student, people including us. so i'll keep putting all that in the occupied by the student data thing. but the just jump to it's also the appropriate duty, cool that the for the health and then the maybe a se, i think a case that the stablish, unenforced distinctions exclusion.


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