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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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a certain more with regard to proportionality, the question is whether the occupation and to continuation their off is proportionate in relation to the arm to the tech both in qualitative and quantitative terms. if that is not the case, the occupation may be considered. so if you're watching, i'll just say, or i'm told mccrae and it is 11 gmc, we are continuing our special coverage of the united nations high school for a 2nd day of hearings into the legality of is rose 56 year occupation of palestinian territory is underway. we currently hearing from the representative of the dutch government. let's listen backend respects international law, in particular, human rights and international humanitarian law is the president. it is the view of the kingdom that the right of self defense can also be in folks in response to an arm to attack by a known state x. this is illustrated, for example, by the security council's resolutions adopted after $911.00 in which the security
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council we confirmed, the right to self defense in response to those attacks an occupation which for full be true fills, the requirements of the right of self defense may be considered as lawful under just about them and occupation which does not fulfil or no longer fulfils, these requirements may lose its legal basis and hence firelight they just call hands for her permission of the use of force. finally, the kingdom underscore stat, occupation is an inherently temporary use of force because if it were to be permanent, it would qualify as annexation. as the security council emphasized in 1967, then is unit administer the adopted resolution to for to the acquisition of territory above or is it feasible of?
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the courts recognize the customary status of the legality of territorial acquisition, resulting from the threat or use of force and the advice your opinion. on the construction of mister president of the kingdom now turns to international humanitarian law, or just in belo, which regulates situations of conflicts including occupation. according to the courts, and i quote, a great many rules of unitary and law applicable and armed conflicts are so fundamental to the respect of the human person and elementary considerations of humanity and of quote that they are. and i quote, to be observed by all states, whether or not they have ratified the conventions that contained them because they constitute in transgressive will principles of international, customary law and quote. and the courts few. these rules incorporate obligations
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which are essentially open air, homeless character. the kingdom considers these principles furthermore, to be a parent or a norm get that to the dutch government. so representative the speaking at the i, c j. we're going to go now it's just in boston who is outside of the international court of justice for us in the high can. so can you just give us a rundown of what we've heard so far today as well? this was the force of the country to spit kara, this landmark case id, international court of justice. we just were listening to the napa lives. so this is interesting because then that lives with as the 1st country that we hear of that has not been very critical of israel. so military operation and gaza and the representative for legal advice or 2 to 4 administrative posts that we much focusing on the right of self determination. that which is the,
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the most fundamental right of the un charter. and that the, every country should refrain from actions that would violate this, right. and it was referring to also cases that have been heard here at the court before. and that's also something that's the earliest because uh south africa. oh, jerry and saudi arabia has been referring to because it has been this a decision on a b, b, a so occupation by south africa, 9071, which was actually won by now b, b, a. when the court also decided that the, the right of self determination is the highest, right? so that's what's been the upside here. and there was very much damaging statements coming, especially also from south africa who takes off this morning calling what a swell is doing. the occupation of colonial a pod heart resume, which should end immediately, all the illegal sacraments should be removed and also reparation should be paid. and that's something that the algeria and saudi arabia also shared with uh,
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with south africa. of course, the military operation and guy is not here on trial at the moment. we have heard of course before on the genocide case that south africa has brought in last month about of course a situation and job a guys so urgent that every speaker is referring to that as well. but what we're talking about here is the occupation of bias well, or far as the indian territories and the speaker so far have said that that occupation needs to stop. so immediately is to, as you was saying, a really interesting listening into uh, the, the dutch governments, a representative there. he said that the occupation is only a temporary use of for something. obviously that goes against the palestinians. i presented yesterday. how divisive is this whole issue? in the netherlands as well. absolutely. the knowledge has is very close relation which is for all and that
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comes from the 2nd world war. the whole of costs were lots of people, a jewish people before to put, especially from the netherlands in that period. so since then, then that lives like also germany has a very close relation with us for our has refrained from criticizing his route for all those years. and now is in a very difficult position. of course, looking at what's happening in gaza. the government has been under a lot of pressure from the beginning. the governments that we are are the funding is for all unconditionally, even. and now months later, and so many that's later. the government, of course, is in a very difficult and complicated position, but i haven't really called the spill not called for, and images on permanent seas for you like what we've heard from other countries. so this case is particularly interesting because the balance, it has always been a supportive of a 2 state solution and the right to the house. the determination is of course
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something that then that has also holes of very highly. but the fact that he said that the, the, the, the occupation is temporary because that's a, that's a very important legal aspect that we're going to hear of the whole week here in the hague. because the legal arguments that the occupation is temporary is coming from israel, saying that they have to defend themselves against any aggression. but all the countries that we've heard of so far. so this, this occupation is not temporary, it's, it's permanent. we can see it from the actions on the ground, but we can also hear it from the statements coming from is for any officials and from the prime minister himself. but it's no, it's the intention to withdraw from these tyra. theresa is also no applying for a 1st thing in state. so this whole issue about the permanency all the occupation will be very much dominance here during this whole case and all the hearings that we're going to hear in the next few days and do thanks so much step,
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we will no doubt be talking to you throughout the week of us and there for us at the international court of justice in the hug. a saudi arabia's ambassador to the netherlands addressed the courts. uh, in the last hour he says, israel is treating palestinians as dispensable objects. those are the defense. this of seeing the total aetate as the necessity to price for the facing how much the kingdom of showed that abs. familiar objects. this twisted logic is actions and laying waste to the guns us through killing naming tens of thousands of innocent civilians. the pricing of the fort worth, the basic needs of some 5 foot while this displacing for actually the entire population of the 2230000 people are not justified under any circumstances. as it is,
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actions have to fairly determine the iced the city and by police 3, think of them as dispensable objects, rather than human beaks. these disagree useful acts which have brought about photo accusation before the 16th quote that says that i am is committing genocide against the student population. mullen, bashar is that. what is there? a senior political analyst joins us once again. my one, what did you make of forced out of you right here beside the to israel's, treating them as dispensing palestinians as dispensable objects? no one could only hope that the soul, you position, including this statement and many others made than half an hour would be the same. the soul, jerry, the underlines when talking to the united states and is read in the future, or because we're here. we here in, in the back courting doors of power. we here on the west to media and is ready the
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media that. so you're going to be as eager to normalize relations were, those are added that it is more than happy just to side step if you want us to do an issue. and that's what it says regarding the city in question is the lip service . but in fact, what you're here today from the uh, so the legal team rep is that so the idea understands ultra, where does the in the get it through with these really occupation. then it starts at the to end that dr. patient and expiration. and to end the aggression against a better city and people know less than garza. so i think this so with the understanding that we have now this case, comprehensive case that so did i be a mix against the is read and it's occupation which this all of the says. it's also the in line with what? so the idea had underlined over the years. and with this,
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with the saw with the piece initiative that later on began the arab piece or initiative in 2002, which has been by the way, sideline ignored by israel in the united states. but i think it remains the cornerstone of any future settlement piece. not on as those are relations because it cause for once again the end of occupation, occupation the source of all evil. what do you think a 2nd uh, saudi arabia, so long to get to this point after what was 5 months of continuous foaming and gaza? what effects? so would you be a did host the out of been the stomach, my joy to come through. summit being very odd. uh, a month after the regression began and gaza edits give out with the you know, so it was an ocean e. uh that at least like what the thoughtful as what we heard in the last hour. absolutely. because the bring a 20 plus out of countries and,
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and 50 plus most of the majority countries to agree on anything. when some of them have a good, the relationship is read, some of them have excellent relations with the united states as their as background, and so on, so forth. so, but on, oh, to say that, so are there any but did posters to summit and it came up with something again, what's important is that of course to, to, to remind ourselves as you and i have been talking over the past few days and this is non binding, this is all legal, a torque, but the reality is much different. and what goes on in the court of doors. the diplomacy, of course, is rather to be contracted with the purity of the legal argument is yeah. so is you say, yeah, you know, any advisory opinion, soccer and going to be, is going to be non binding, but there are repercussions here. we've heard from analysts saying that this is a stain on israel is reputation, but not on use. why
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a little. so the united states, i think we would be wise moving forward where the, every time we mention is it or i to say us back, it is right. and right. because in the context of gaza in the context of genocide in the context of in the middle east and the concepts of the whitening of the war, we can only talk of the u. s. back is right, because without the u. s. backing is i wouldn't have been able to do what it's doing. it's wouldn't have been able to get a genocide then i think it would then be able to stand up to the international community as we see it today are presented at the hey good, some 50 some countries wants to make their arguments. and by the way, i mean, uh you heard what use your, that your conversation with what step. but honestly, i'm surprised by the dutch legal argument, right. i mean, that was what was hard for me to, i mean again because this is the guy that did right. this is not that there's not reality. yeah. unfortunately. but he basically side that is there is like
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a patient have last a too long. hence, it's not just a temporary occupation, that is what it can defend. it's an expression, hence it's illegal. right? and the other thing you started, which was very important that the most important fundamental right is that the stuff that the nation is denying the past. again, the rights for self determination through the occupation, he was also to say which we haven't heard a lot of that the palestinians have the right to resist, including. they use a force as long as it is within the bounds of the international who might be on law . but how long have when we heard that, right, is that this morning? i mean, if you are a student of this issue, right? i know is there as occupation right for it for several years now. there's a whole lot of the categories that had been forgotten. right. for example,
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today the south african reminded us um i put it somewhere that is always going to need to talk your patients with zillow. oh, it's supplements indeed. oh, supplements and settlers allow for the right of return on palestinian refugees. i can't remember when the last time we've heard such clarity of, of, of, of, of judgment to say, if you do, you want really piece really piece. you have to address that, who causes and both causes on occupation in legal sacrament and the dispositions of the past. and potentially even pay reparations. yeah. so all of that as well. there's also included things as a west mountain mile on the shower, as senior political analyst. thank you. the fall to the killing of 29000 palestinians in gaza is rose l i the united states has
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cooled for a temporary cease 5 quote. as soon as it is practical and washington has drafted un security council resolution supporting a temporary truce. it has already announced the plans to veto the text backed by arab nations when the council of votes like to on that on choose that. now that draft coals for an immediate humanitarian safe spot and rejects the force displacement of palestinians. the americans resolution bones against israel's plans ground defensive and for office. it will fear the displaced palestinians potentially into neighboring countries, such as egypt from the un headquarters in new york. his eldest arrows, diplomatic edison, john spies, important developments here at the united nations. we show the perhaps us policy towards gauze is beginning to change for weeks the u. s. has been opposed to a draft resolution for the security council proposed by algeria, which was due to be put to the vote on choose day cooling for an immediate see spa
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. but now the last minute the us has proposed its own draft resolution and it mentions the words the spa, nothing to meet you, one, but what it says is a temporary spot in garza. as soon as practicable, and this us resolution also condemns the idea of a ground incursion by israel into rafa. it says that under the current circumstances such an incursion should not proceed the us deputy and best the robot would. so they decided to put forward the own proposal because they believed the out. jerry and one was not going to make things better on the ground. look, we're very concerned about the overall situation there. i mean, you know, it's getting worse every day and we're very concerned about it. and we want to do something that can impact what's going on on the ground. we just think the altering resolution isn't going to have that impact that we think is important. and that's why we're looking at other options to see what we can do from a practical standpoint to really make
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a different type of ground. so there are now 2 competing dropped resolutions. what's the view of the un secretary general? the secretary joe would like to see 1st of all on the ground is the humanitarian ceasefire. the immediate release of all uh, hostages, increasing humanitarian access. he would like to see the security council of speak with one voice on this issue which has been challenging of the new us draft resolution. also rejects the idea of reducing the size of gaza with the setting up of a buffer zone. i'm the condemned. this is right, the government ministers who called for the resettlement of gauze, what's not clear is how the rest of the security council are going to respond. more negotiation seemed likely. james pays out as the era of the united nations. brazil is we're calling it 10 best of it to israel and the growing dispute about the war and gaza on sunday presented and present the we sent us to let the silver said as
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well as committing genocide and compared its actions to the holocaust. his royal, this is lula, has crossed a red line john home and has more. but that's where much of it was this coming from? brazilian president read enough. feel, lou, let that silver know. but many simply is lula that starts and things of that. what does that, what is happening in the gaza strip of the palestinian people has no power low in other historical moments. i was in fact it did exist when hitler decided to kill the jews. comparing is rose mass killing of palestinians in garza. so the whole, of course, drew an immediate reaction from israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu president silly by his grace, the memory of $6000000.00 jews worded by the nonsense and his demonize, the jew estates like the most virulent anti semites. you should be ashamed of himself. and on monday, israel's foreign minister summoned brazil's ambassador to the countries holocaust
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memorial for a public pointed dressing down. culminating in this settlement and way as i asked to convey to president lulu would not forget, no, forgive, and i declare him my name and the name of the citizens of those royal episode a non grata in his royal as long as he does not apologize to you and take it back. the president lula is not fucking down the cooper's. it was and busted it to israel for consultations. and some of these right be invested at the present for an explanation. is this diplomatic dispute continues on home and i'll just see it will cut those foreign ministry spokes person hesitated and a brief thing that according to the guitar re prime minister negotiations between them, austin, israel has had a roadblock. and recent dies, the prime minister had blamed to the doctor a few minutes here in conditions gauze. and that, that'd be at that the past the weeks. so some progress between the ongoing
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communications between how much and is right, how about the last 3 days. so mo dispute see it a ticket that the decides if i'm key is business, namely the bottom i'm gonna tell you in situation as well as the do you understand us adopted by the international community has been negatively impacting the disputes, namely this and guys, they also do a comparison between the, the world and goods and that of ukraine. the original set of joins us now live from the harvest. so i know you were in that briefing. can you just give us the latest amount, the humanitarian aid as well as captains position about is riley accusations. well sir, that's in the last week that has been several for 30 minute 3 airplanes getting different materials a to l, as in, in egypt. and that, that aid is expected to be distribute at the end of it. or, of course, that depends on the ongoing negotiations. as in the last 3, the,
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the has been the loss of disputes going on at, on how to deliver the humidity out again at 8 and also he said that that'd be several. uh hello stadiums for them. guys are being taken out of guys and taken to have to to, to know how to cut that to be, to receive the medical support. so when it comes to these red x, 's, ations regarding contests, position or these various positions that got tiny site. and with how much you said that these statements from the is around, the top is right. the officials are just for the internal domestic put the consumption and definitely they are not helpful in regards to the ongoing edition mediation and then negotiation a force over there. and he also said that now have different many teddy and clauses . disaster catastrophes just depending on the deepening in guys that the international community needs to act. so we split it because now if they do not do that, as particularly people are being more and more gathered in verify that tremendous
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study and catastrophe is good. just going to turn worse and worse day by day. that's why the it's nash committed to needs to act now and still reflect the results of the of the topic that's being discussed. the, the impact of a potential is really offensive on rough. uh, what sort of impact is that having on mediation, if it's as well, we can see that that is actually a major concern here in the for the mr. menissi off guitar in, in the house. so say that the sports person of the fort administer says that already we know that there around $1000000.00 people together in reference to mandatory instruction that is quite dire, quite under the credit catastrophic. and it is rarely said, he doesn't want to speculate about it, but if it's rarely who decide to go on, particularly when they get on the offensive there, that's just going to woodson distribution. and also she said that she's not going
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to disclose the details of the negotiations an invitation or for some of it. if israel columbus any attacks on verify that is going to have a significant impact on the on going negotiation and mitigation force. and he also has been quite critical to where the international institutions we say that would be several of you and visit oceans and also the pro regional measures. and then also by the international cost or court of justice. however, it is around has that has ignored all of them. and he said that if this crucial measures, if these resolutions are not going to be abide by them, this is undermining the could have the ability to have these international institutions and more and more people now question in the credibility of the functionality and it's to do tutors for these international international institutions, and that's why i say that the decisions, the resolutions that are being taken by you and, and also the provisional measures amounts but, and also by the international court of justice needs to be taken seriously or
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otherwise. now, what does that the state is to create the ability of these international institutions. ok, thanks so much for it. so for so sort of for us, the end of the world health organization has released footage showing the dia, conditions inside nestle hospital and con eunice. and southern gaza talked is from the human body, had to wait 2 days for permission to evacuate patients. some who were in critical condition up to is ready for us as head storm, facilitate the hospital is no longer functioning. israel denies it's right. interfered with the hospital, so formations dr. rick people call on is the will help organizations representative for garza and was pod all that mission into a nessa, spoke to l just here about the difficulties they faced over the last 3 days, 3 days ago. uh, adobe a show and book china and rom, mission were trying to bring and fuel into north america complex. i was part of the
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team together between r w a show a colleague. yes, we go stuck. actually, it was a hazardous dangerous actually role normally is only 10 minutes actually from rock to national metal complex. it took us hours a triple step, 50 meters before an estimate or complex. we in a team went through the compounds when it was a little idea of christmas, and we requested to get in entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment and to plan for i have a question because of all the concerning reports we were not allowed in the next a, we came back the match to get the truck into hospital and get fuel again. we requested for access to the same greek assessment plan for actuation, and again, we were in most we didn't get the permission to get in yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was there yesterday and my team got permission to get in and
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together and its uh, the scene rep pressing that all shop reached at the hospital and managed to re uh, transfer 14 critical patients age normal. think 6 for king and to patient companions. this is already forced us have carried out a series of organized raids in the occupied westbank. confrontations broke out with palestinian sizes when soldiers stole the city to boss. these are all the military, all sudden night incursions into the village of which even the annapolis is rarely st. louis. meanwhile, attacks the town of baccha, also netlist, imaging property and cause for listening ins, posted videos on social media, showing the extent of the destruction. it's really similar attacks and military rights have intensified since the war on gaza began in all the time. well, that is all for me. tell me cry. you can find some more information on our website where there is next. then inside story, we'll discuss the hearings at the international court of justice on the
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consequences of as well as the occupation of palestinian territories to stay with us. the the color windsor is kicking in with a vengeance once again across northern parts of china. and so you have a cloud here, it's making its way across the yellow sea pushing towards the korean peninsula. and we've got this weather system. here's very active line, just making his way out to you from waters of the north west pacific. that's the dividing line between a relative dakota, but he told me that the truth be no. i'd rather say the mail that the south weather to beat some big down pools and to central positive china ease and gave it toward shanghai. let us know of the northern find because this is you can see temperatures below a 0 for many, beijing struggling to get to 0 as
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a full sales this install with some snow. some snow then to northern positive japan and turning noticeably cooler and co chaired for wipers tank who was still as we go into the style system to switch a little further south was still very much in a similar area. a heavy showers will continue across the south of china. every showers continue across northern areas of india, just spinning outs of a northern pockets. stop them wesley. the stipends already is one eastern force at present. plus the north assigned the north west composite of in the system. what we can slot is it makes its way further east, which over the next couple of days, but still plenty of showers and the risk of avalanches continue the work out of their existence. it slowed ship as a principal present to us as a correspondence with any breaking the story we want to hear from those people who would normally not get that voices heard on the international news channels. one
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moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the pool last week of 2015 at the terrible natural disaster stuff. and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time of israel is once again before the i c j. this time for public hearings on the consequences of its occupation of palestinian territories. it's more pressure on it's ministry wages on concept, but does as well care about international justice of what the difference what of the this is inside the .


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