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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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in this really jails sentence to administrative detention, the highest number in more than 30 years, surrounded by walls full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found the most against the united states, the features another draft resolution of the united nations security council, which demanded an immediate cease fire in guns that the thoughts of robin what are you up to 7 like what headquarters here in the coming up? the will goes on the other bases on these rarely strike kills at least 12 palestinians and misread in the center of the cause, the strength these are not to be asked. the district seems to precedent the flesh
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and products of the products to them. so that's a good how's the world call that? as well as racial oppression of palestinians has been allowed to go on to fall too long. in the occupied west bank, we looked at the impact to legalize very supplements. so having on palestinian communities, the folks with the program, the united states as well. so going to be tied to drop the resolution delagarza the un security council. it's the full veto by the us since the start of the war. now, the tech's put forward biology area caused by an immediate humanitarian sci fi. and that's the team members that you can say the, the us was the only country to vote against it. re, uh, re upload, change, a critical juncture, where the goal is to hold the machine to the wireless as we lose its
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significance today, every policy is a target for the extent of the nation. and general fine, resort of all scholars, since whole many email from the lives must be sacrificed before the council dmc necessary to called for the sci fi. the us about the to the un says that while they reject the text presented by all j area, that will be putting forward arrival resolution, calling for a temporary cease fine. while numerous parties engage in sensitive negotiations. this is not the time for this resolution, which jeffers jeopardizes these efforts. colleagues, i communicated our concerns publicly and privately over the last several weeks.
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we've submitted numerous rounds of edits, all were ignored. and so for that reason the united states has offered and alternative resolution that would do what this text does not pressure from us to take the hostage deal that is on the table and help secure a pause that allows the manager and assistance to reach palestinian civilians in desperate need let's go back to our diplomats got to james bay's out to you in headquarters in new york, and of course the reaction to that vote continues as the on basset has continued to have that meeting and told james. but it was expected that the resolution put forward biology area wasn't good to get through in the us had made it clear that a very clearly sign posted the fact they were going to vote against this resolution . they didn't like this resolution. the reason they say is because it's the reason they say is because of the talks of their own going. of course we know those totes
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aren't going very well. let's talk. so it'd be taking place in colorado involving the us council, egypt, and israel. and they say those thoughts would be disrupted, bought by this resolution. it's worth noting those 2 intermediaries castle and egypt fully supported this resolution and wanting to us meet that means is just delay. and delay of course, means for the death toll in gaza. the policy, you know, boss, the red month so was just speaking and the counsel reset. the last meeting here on the subject on guys it was on the 31st of january. he said in just 20 days since then, israel has killed more than 4000 promising in children, women, and man in just those 20 days. he said that means about 200 promising is killed every day. it means that while the security council meeting has been ongoing and it's been ongoing for about 2 hours, that means $25.00 palestinians will have died. join the security council meeting.
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we have also heard from the user id and best during the last few moments that don and given that the majority of the security council, 13 members voted for c spots. i'm not sure who the one the body that was some of his comments. he just said, every statement, a number provided by the un cannot be trusted in cause a how mass is the un. and the un is a mass, is strong, was from these radians. and of course, you know, we have a timeline, not apparently james, in terms of the us presenting it's resolution, but it's not guaranteed, but that's in itself will be passed by the security council. the us was heavily criticized in today's meeting. the yes, the us resolution is interesting or draft resolution not being put forward to a vote. yes. and not entirely clear when it will be put forward for vote. but certainly the us seem to be making some points that that is rather not going to
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like suddenly sign posting that it doesn't like the idea of the rifle ground defensive, which is something that these rightly simple and will take place or could take place at ramadan in just a couple of weeks time and all the red lines from the us, it says that they should be any reduction in the size of the territory of, of uh, galls uh that no one should be de, populated from gaza. so this things that i think is riley's not going to like in this us draw that as a say not clear whether or not we come to a vote. it's quite an extensive document which will require negotiation by all of the security council. and that means more time, more time means more death of people in gaza. and many of those who die all women and children, totally innocent people who are dying every single day. and this call of course we come about to james want so you can get comments from the on bus it as a leave that meeting. but james base the i'll definitely not to go to the united
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nations. let's go cyber to ruffin. i would tell recovered his name is starting by an kyra k. it seems that for the people of gauze that they just the wage for that very precious would cease fire a well, this one is very important for the majority of guns and some facts. so hell as they have been waiting for such resolution to help to mitigate aggravating humanitarian crisis. but what i was thinking is right now had been seeing with us rejection for the jury in a draft so fast these far into the aggravating attacks or on site the tara 3 had been seeing more frustration in the eyes as being, as they have been hoping that the security council would this time help palestinians to sounds strongly enough in the face of these various was again the see that they had failed them again as they are ongoing didn't go. she ations being made in a kind of room for reaching us. he's for about to describe the moment palestinians
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are cooling for a ceasefire that can fully guarantee the best return again to the house as indeed know that pont of gauze. and at the same time, it was the saved old military at sea, in the territory, as may be hearing new searching attacks across different areas in the territory. but despite the u. s. veto on this proposal, policies are still believing that they are getting negotiations that's happening and that are happening and taking place in cairo would bounce the way for at least for both that will give them a sense of relief from the study on giving a task. so it goes to erica, the strikes continue, day and night. just give an idea of why we should be focusing our attention right now. a yes, a bachman said to him for in cases and the grounds as well. continue in different areas as we've been hearing loud explosions again in a honda in a city where the is body forces hot target to the facility again on the department
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of and i'm of hospitals where 3 protestants have been injured the inside the hospital. and this is the 2nd kinds of attacks that had been carried out against the alarm of hospital. the rooms not the 12, as will had been attacked in the past hour, were a simple call, had been struck by miss riley, a surveillance of dro messiah where 3 would have to palestinians. i'm sorry, i have been killed. well, 3 others being injured, who were in the location of the targeting. but we have been please, surgeon, co manager confrontations and is like 2 neighborhoods where the is really meant to have said that they are operating right now in this area in order to militarily dismantle the military infrastructure in the parts of the gaza strip. but the central areas as well, had been attacked were at least a true palestinians, a number. so right to refuge account being killed then that's absolutely right. and the desk told to move them 100 feet. palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours to recover. assume the force in rough. thank you.
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the the 2nd day of hearings into the legality of israel's 56 year old capex. the palestinian territory is underway, the united nations highschools of the palestine put forward its case on monday. 51 countries presenting their arguments over the rest of the week. the representative of south africa compared these brandy occupation to apologies that the only c j is hearings could help bring an end to a system of racial oppression that have no place in the muslim world. in south africa cannot overstate the significance of this adviser pin for the public dean and people more especially the legal to connect to the as ation of the situation of occupation and the imposition of the system of racial oppression into politics which have questionably been committed to continue for far too long. the occupation alone has to persisted for 56 years as the un special to put 2 on
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the occupied policy. and instead of please explain the intent attended to the occupation back is, has been conducted in profound defiance of international law. and hundreds of united nations resolutions with scanned, pushed back from the international community. consequently, as the president that define spot is, riley has already left to the beginning of tens of thousands of college students, including an estimate to say 2000 codes in the past 4 months. i low these not to me as participants, mister president, the flesh and plots of the protestant and people both at best buy has moved from the incidence of the court of justice at the hague. and on the 2nd day here of this landmark case that the international court of justice time countries have
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a present that they have more moral arguments. so on this very basic question, if the occupation of the palestinian territories by israel is unlawful and the countries all simply agreed on this question, they said it's unlawful. it has to immediately stop. and the south africa started proceedings this morning, making a very strong case saying this a system is a system of colonial apartheid as the describe it. and then making palestinian citizens 2nd class citizens. and they also asking for the immediate, dismantle this maximum of these illegals settlements. and also for israel to pay reparations to the palestinian people for all the suffering and other countries like the netherlands and belgium, who have strong ties with that as well, also condemned to the, the occupation and the also called the for the right of self determination of the palace thing and people saying it's a very fundamental rights. this case has been brought forward by the un general
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assembly. they asked for an an advisory opinion by the court, which will be non binding of but still will have put a will put some pressure definitely on israel and also on of the allies of israel. we expect an outcome only in the few months from now, but this case is still ongoing until the next week. it is more than 50 countries. we'll present that case here. step 5, some elders era in the hate. international focus on is really centralized. we'll keep bind westbank is increasing with sanctions implemented by the us u. k. and several east states or corresponding to mid april. he has been to the outskirts of an illegal is where these documents indefinitely, how many occupied westbank. she explained how the settlement has expanded onto published any land is according to peace. now they say 2023 was probably the best to year when it comes to circular is expanding their presence in the occupied west
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bank since the also a cause that was in the 19 in 1993 when palestinians and his really is gathered. they wanted to, uh, it, they signed an agreement, they said it's going to need to with palestinian statehood. but as we see on the ground, this is becoming more and more difficult. let me show you a little bit of where we are, which is near the indian, is where the supplement of hard for mazda is built on the lines of palestinians hit in jeopardy of the name and bethlehem. and as you can see there, this is a road that is off limits, obviously for palestinians only allowed for his wings and is close to the league and is really supplement that has been expanding and expanding. and even when palestinians it is really as have agreed in very rare times to kind of stop is supplement building 3 that's for a while for negotiations between the 2 parties. this supplements was one of those that did not see any freeze in the construction. and indeed,
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you can see that it's still expanding as we speak now with the construction happening with all the facilities around the around it. and falls studios would tell you that the fact that those rules are extending further towards the occupied territory means that we can probably see the negatives really sucking and expanding even further towards this area right here. again, when we talk about supplements, we're not just talking about the building and the land grabs. we're also talking about the facilities that are in allow to the circulars, the infrastructure that they take from the palestinians. but also that they make it much more difficult for palestinians to live in continue attend. geographical continue with the policy is, will tell you that these illegals is really supplements or meant to keep posting is isolated in their own towns. and this one in particular, cuts the continuity between bethlehem, unoccupied is jerusalem. as we, they always there's infrastructure for the supplements they take the resources of palestinians. so whenever, whenever we speak to the u. n. y,
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the american investor to the u. n. is speaking about comments and reactions about security, sales for maintenance resolution, have all been articulated by the other 14 members of this council. these were not just us ideas. they were all of our ideas that i have heard nearly. every member of this council discuss both privately and publicly ideas that would not put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy that could laid the foundation for sustainable peace. and yet we were forced into a vote that did not reflect that consensus. you might ask why, and i'll leave that to you to pine on perhaps some of the council did not actually want a resolution to pass because if they did,
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today's vote would not have happened. over the last several weeks, i communicated the united states concerns publicly and privately we submitted numerous numerous rounds of edits. we implored our colleagues not to rush toward failure. and so having put forward and our turn it to pass, we intend to take it the draft we presented is a forward leaning resolution. and it is one that we intend to work on in good faith with the council members to insure it gets over the finish line. that kind of process was disappointingly absent from negotiations on the tx, we just floated on all to say, we're not giving up. we're eager to continue working with the council on this proposal. one that would see a temporary cease fire as soon as practicable,
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based on the formula of all hostages being released. and one that would get aid into the hands of those palestinians who so desperately need it all to oh, we intend to do this the right way so that we can create the right conditions for a safer, more peaceful future. and we will continue to actively engage in the hard work of direct diplomacy on the ground until we reach a final solution 6 nights and best or so far, everything to israel has announced that it has done despite the product stations of the un and the rest of the international community, almost $30000.00 palestinians are dead. israel is now threatening to attack rafa the last supposedly safe zone and gaza. if the hostages are not released by roman done, do you really think that your draft resolution, if adopted,
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would prevent israel from attacking rasa as they are already in violation of many security council resolutions including resolutions 271-227-1220. and why doesn't your government instead put effective limits on israel let conditioning military support to meaningfully impact their decision making. lab, we have made clear, i made it clear. and in my statement today, the president, this made it clear secretaries made it clear that no attacks on rafa should should take place, given current circumstances. and we will keep pressing that. we know we've heard what israel has said they have not gone in to attack rafa. and we will keep engaging and urging and pushing in that direction to ensure that that does not happen. i can give you advance information on what we're saying to the is re lease related to, to that issue. but i can be clear that we are pressing the israelis urgently every
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single day. thanks about you mentioned in the counsel that the coal, in your resolution for a temporary cease fire reflects the language used by president 5 and last week of the month of the us. not wanting to refer to the word say, 5. what's bored about the change in this language is this to serve a piece, domestic, precious, global, precious. what's brought that on? look at michelle, i've been clear from the very beginning that we are working around on the clock on the ground to get humanitarian pauses that will allow for the hostages to be released and for assistance to get in. and that happened in november and we got close to, i don't know, a 100 how such as out was the final number. and we got needed humanitarian assistance in and we're continuing to work on this. this is not
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a change. it is not thing. it's, it's, it reflects what we've been doing all along. it hasn't changed what we've been doing. the investigator extend. mazda miata mentioned this paper. i have 2 questions. first, you have been saying that the security council that you are not agreeing to either . you should not be done under of it. i mean, different reasons, but among others that the security council doesn't a condemn us. but as a matter of fact, on october 18th, it was the u. s. that v to a resume ocean that com done time us. this is one thing, the 2nd thing i think a lot of policy me and ask the question, what is the line when is that enough? hello students. there have been more than 29 policy and civilians who were killed.
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majority of home women and children and people are asking how many of this are enough for the us. just pop delivering weapons and to call for sees for your immediately, for humans, day of reasons. thank you. life back. in answer to your 1st question, there were a number of other issues with that resolution. it did call for a condemnation of a mouse. it did not recognize israel's right to self defense, which is a right but israel has and there were other issues with that particular resolution . since that time, we still have not gotten condemnation of from us despite the fact that i think it is, you know, every council member of almost every counsel member will say that in their, their statements. we think it should be reflected in a, in a resolution. even a humanitarian resolution and let me just say every life matters. and so
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it is important that we find this solution that will stop that the, the killing and in depth and suffering of the palestinian people. and that's why it's where on the ground 247, no one else is putting their people out there. no one else is putting skin and boots on the ground to find a solution to this situation and will keep working on that every single day. i invested a china describe your position that the l. jerry and draft would undermine regional efforts at the hostage deal as completely untenable, given the situation on the ground explained and invested at how the old jerry and draft would have placed those folks in jeopardy. given that the old julian text also called for the immediate release of those hostages. yes, but they also call for an immediate cease fire, which would get from us the cover of not releasing the hostage part of the
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ceasefire that we're working on requires that they do exactly that. and this resolution did not make that connection, and it was our concern that it would send the wrong message to him us that this resolution, which actually gives them something that they have have asked for without requiring them to do something. and in return would have met that the, the fighting would have continued because without the hoss this release is we know that the fighting is going to continue then to thomas greenfield, the us and busted uh to the united nations stating her reaction and consummation of exactly what she believes is america's position on this that's close over to james, based on the diplomatic editor who was also listening in to what she has saying. a
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james, where the, the us justifying the veto at this particular meeting. but also explaining to us what the past the head is in terms of their own resolution. yeah, thanks for justifying the veto and saying nothing has changed when clearly something has changed with regard to the language in the new resolution for the 1st time that using the word see spot in that draw off. now that's ok about a temporary cease file when practicable, but that is not that is certainly the 1st use of, of the was c spot by the us. and also saying that a rough uh offensive is something that should not proceed. so, and that should be no buffer zones. uh, they should be no d, population of calls, but these are all things that the us is pushing this new draw that we're not things with us with, say literally a few days ago. and remember this out, jerry and draw off to be negotiated for. busy 3 weeks and by security council
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members, most delegations believe there is something new, something may have changed in the us position. but what has not changed is the us is not supporting the idea of an agency saw. they have be towed today's resignation the out to you in resolution. that means more delay. that ultimately means modesto in, in garza because of the scale of the death toll that we see every single day and goes with the policy and in a box. so they've made it clear, it's about $200.00 people dying every single day. and it seems like it's gonna be many more days before the security council will come to if i bought a decision on a resolution that would actually owe to israel to have a safe spot. of course, remember, israel is already in define social security council resolutions. calling for the north humanitarian assistance will sort of a professional measure of the international court of justice school, the full more humanitarian assistance. of course the james while you're
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going to thomas because those are coming out now. so of course we listen to. so we need to listen. so we need to listen to the our group of investors now of the dc the sewing easy. oh, yeah. good afternoon. dear colleagues, have we found a great today we found that was said this once again with the security, confident, and cases with all of a sudden during its responsibilities and did seduce, being at the very solution that cause for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. given the capex trophic manufacturing situation in godsa, the group,
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we'd continue its efforts with the international community. i told him that evans to this fabulous business. they are delegated that the united nations of course, will continue to monitor events at the u. n. in the news and just offer us time to stay with us. the hello place the cypress. just say the winds easing off around the gulf over the next couple of days. spinning little on the cool side, the high type of just into the the mit like to may 20, some really complaining at bad the wins so they will ease also one feel quite as cool as it has done in those recent days. i'm assuming a picture should go on through the state temperature statement though, to get up to around 25 degrees celsius being well. so the only thing to say, we've got a mix of rain, sleet and snow just around tech. yeah, we've seen
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a few showers around the use the side of the mediterranean, still one or 2 of those showers up into the pots of syria east over to was a cool. cuz if the south is that generally dry gauze around 18 degrees celsius, it should be somewhat quads of it has been recently as we go on through the next couple of days. but the quiet weather across the good parts of the north africa. we have got to the system here, swelling away around, central possible submitted to randy sites and the cfc. some show some shelves, the into the northwest of libya using a little further east with it'll stay dry. they have a car right at 22 degrees. quite a brisk wind coming in across the desert, that we will see some shallots just these, and the way down to was the gulf of guinea will be down. pause here, shouts to across central parts of africa. but drive to the south. the asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding
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the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been and back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future on fossil fuels know renewable. i'll just use teams on the spring you closer to the heart of the story. sap sedan is facing a 100 catastrophe. the effects of civil war and natural disasters are compounded by an influx of refugees fleeing the conflict in neighbouring through them. so how desperate is the situation and who should step in to helps out so that this is inside store the .


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