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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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started seeing inflation come down in many costs, well, to understand how it affects daily lives, outline forth how big a $12.00 level is labeled food insecurity. counting the cost on just the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm money in site, visit the new zone life. and so i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes. hundreds of thousands on the brink of starvation dangerous conditions for us. well, food program, suppose 8 deliveries and to move in gaza. the decision to post deliveries to the north has not been taken lightly,
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as we noted means of the situation. they were the 2 rates further. and more people risk of dying of hunger will take 2 inside a reward for premature babies at the hospital will say, how one hospital and roughest caring for the smallest most vulnerable kind of thing . and they don't coupon west buying cars. rarely strikes target the janine refuge account, and the kremlin has poisoned, devolving in prison, him and justly kept him in harsh conditions and denies and medical care and us planes, the russian government for opposition lead alexis, of all new staff on says most sanctions are imminent. the we begin with new fears of famine in garza, when millions all struggling to get enough food during israel's bombardments the shortages are worst in the isolates of north,
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on the well fried program says it's put closing deliveries the until it's safe side . the, the past few days, convoys of trunks have been met by hundreds of hungry palestinians. is there any ministry has funded them leaving several dead and wounded w. f. pete says it's drive is on navigation, complete tails and violence due to a collapse of civil order. previously suspended deliveries for 3 weeks of to a truck was hit by the is there any ministry? thomas has described that decision as a death sentence for people ingles involved as well as palestinians wait for food. there is no end to israel's football mint. and there's really a raid on the crowded new era refugee camp and central guns that has now killed at least 12 palestinians, multiple children among the dead, thousands of others,
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a wounded and being rushed to hospital people. i've been searching the rubble with the fat hands of bodies tart. assume has moved from rough to look at the notes. written segments of the guns district did not receive much needed humanitarian supplies since the outbreak of this conflict and now with the suspension of the w. f. the 8 deliveries to the north due to the lack of safety as well as expanding its military attacks. the palestinians, humanitarian situation was excessive pay more that the famine is printing among people, specifically among a very vulnerable segments of the community that including children, women and elderly people who are always facing malnutrition. alongside with please bred of diseases the, which means that there's going to be moved potential death among people in the north the due to the lack of food and hunger. not because only of the ongoing compartment. and this is what the international organizations have been re,
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a warning regards of the duration of that to humanitarian situation. or also recruiting for an immediate cease for you just to guarantee for the flu, over humanitarian supplies, to those people the just to help them to keep, to survive. despite the fact that that is well systematically and deliberately targeting people who are waiting for humanitarian trucks to get to the northern parts of casa. so i know it's a communication advised that the norwegian refugee council alia, she told me that conditions in gauze are too dangerous for a groups to operate. as in any other context, humanitarians would be pulling out at this point because it is simply so dangerous, and there are no guarantees of the safety of humanitarian staff. neither because of these really targeting a convoys is really targeting of police tour there to protect a convoy. and then of course, due to the desperation because of the lack of aid that's getting in. there's just
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in the deterioration of civil order in garza, that's led to, to those, the charging and looting of, of 88 con voice as they're trying to make their way. i'm sure the w r p. did not take the decision likely, but it's it but they need to. they also have a duty of care to their staff and to the end for the people speaking of the not to not to be putting them in in dangerous positions. right. of course, um, spell it out for us a little bit more the challenges, but humanitarian organizations not yourself face. when you turn up with a truck full of aid or several trucks full of a and want to get into gauze at what exactly is going wrong? well 1st of all, they're all sorts of logistical hurdles still in terms of getting made into, into gaza, including arbitrary compressed just an extremely intensive screenings that are, that the israelis are requiring for any that's entering gaza. on top of that,
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we've seen it is really protesters blocking the delivery of a uh now uh the, the un which is handling all deliveries from rough uh, into or from rough across thing into, into gaza. they were being accompanied by palestinian police officers, but the repeated targeting of police officers accompanying a con, voice, has led to the police no longer providing that assistance. that means that these test drivers are and convoys are, are unprotected, and that people desperate for aid are, are charging trust. in some cases, even beating the truck drivers, i'm damaging the vehicle. this is the full of desperation, just even in rough up let alone in northern resides where people have been deprived for only in the 1st month and a half of the year out of $77.00 planned convoys view. and the other end deals were only able to, to fully or partially facilitate 15 of those of those plans commission because of lack of coordination or, or flat us. and i on, by the is really,
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you mentioned those extraordinary seems that we saw earlier this week where a convoy of trucks were met by hundreds if there's hungry, desperate palestinians. but then these randy ministry started firing on them and we had some, several people wounded. didn't have to come to that. i mean, i couldn't have been avoided. you know, i, i really don't understand why b, as rarely, military was shooting at, at people desperate people seeking aid. i can't imagine that, that any aid workers would want the people who are desperate and, and on the brink of starvation, to be shotwell, seeking out aid. of course, one of the things that we need in order for us to be able to deliver aid, basically is a piece fire and guarantees of access to all parts of garza. we're, we're a workers and those sticking out a will, will be guaranteed of their safety in terms of the conditions of those that have the distributions. earlier this week. it's just simply unacceptable. what is your
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understanding of the food security situation in golf? and now, particularly in the north, i mean how big a blow is it that we're seeing the suspension of food a well as of now, children 15.6 percent of children under the age of 2 in northern vows are facing acute starvation. these are unprecedented numbers prior to october, 7th, less than one percent of children through god. the were facing the that level of starvation in mouth malnutrition. so it's, it's quite quite severe. or dozens of palestinian babies have been born prematurely at a hospital in rafa and southern garza, some of them all now opens and money are forced to shed into bases due to lack of supplies. and they have some reports inside the garza hospital fridge. the bodies of several infants rest in note on the door cushions don't put
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food. yeah. the reason for which is paying for the key of life and death into twine. yeah. at the end, but it's crescent hospital in russell live in lucky. this hospital is very small. it is now the only place with gynecology obstetrics and nursery facilities. in the gaza strip. we have just 18 incubators for 45 babies. there should be only one baby in each incubator. that means there is a lot of pressure on doctors and nursing staff. doctors say the story of one pretty much a baby. they've named black is particularly tragic. bonham's most, i don't know how much, what does an unknown baby and we don't know what's happened to our family. some people found her on a tree as a result of the showing and brought her to the hospital. we gave for the name of my luck because she really looks like an angel. my luck, whose name means angel and that i make is one of the 213 metro babies brought to
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this hospital from actually 5 medical complex. she was well enough to stay in guys along with 2 other babies, while the remaining 28th, whose parents, fates are on known, were sent to egypt for treatment or the sleep. we need to save the posting in children, the children and babies have done nothing to be the victims of these really aggression. the occupation forces are criminals, who can't do anything. they are threatening for storm, rasa. and if this happens, we will lose all post. i mean, babies here in the hospital, they are also many healthy children in the nursery woods and the hospital is trying to reach the families so they can be over your life to be just show the crowd conditions inside the nursery. doctors are concerned that the she and number of children needing treatment into what causes a threat to the lights, the cache, and just at least
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a 130 media workers and, and those have been killed since the will began earlier on tuesday of palestinian john this recorded video of the moment is rarely soldiers opened far on him and his colleagues in garza city. let's take a look at what happened a lot. i didn't know the towards the almost took a she's out. you pluck non restrictive to see if i look for you the limited on the tending to be ok. pod westbank. now, where is really forces all conducting raids in the janine refugee?
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can they are reports. the policy is the cell 5 is ready, ministry, local site. the been nice to ask, strikes is writing cousins in to the occupied. westbank have been asked, knit night, me a car and since it's one gone to began on october, the 7th. it's great. his name is robbie, who joins is from nablus in the occupied westbank. so more rates taking place. what can you tell us the well, this re, this evening's rate began with special forces approximately 4 hours ago is really special forces. went into jeanine refugee camp by heavy number of armored cars, dozens of israeli troops. now this is still playing out. we're hearing reports of ongoing clashes, gun fire, and explosions still happening at this moment. so there are reports emerging, but there is a lot of information that is still unclear. we do know that israel israeli military
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forces are using ariel bombardments. drones have carried out air strikes in the refugee camp in the area is really media reporting, a stripe that they say has killed that was 3 palestinians, a suspected fighters that they were looking for. but how some sources that get to confirm any of that information. we've heard reports that the red crescent ambulances have been stopped block barred from going into the area where these classes are taking place. some reports of injuries being treated as soon videos emerging of an injured palestinian man receiving a 1st aid. but again, the hospitals say that they haven't gotten any information about casualties or injuries as yet most likely, because ambulances are being blocked from the area of witnesses and videos that are coming out of their windows reports as well as videos emerging functioning tonight of, of the sound of heavy barrage, a gun fired on going stains of gunfire,
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sustained explosions. and we've also heard again, unconfirmed reports that there may have been is really military casualties. what we understand is that the special forces went in surround to the house of a suspect, in which fine uh to detain or apprehend in some way. then that created confrontations. armed fighters can begin flashing, which is really military. we've also heard on consumer reports that perhaps is where the helicopter landed in janine and evacuated injured that were on the ground this evening. now again, clashes are ongoing. we're still waiting for reports to emerge. we have seen video of is really military folders is being attacked with ease as they go around jeanine ripping up the roads and that is also still ongoing as part of use for the north for operation this evening. we've seen things like this before. we've seen these nightly rates intensify since october 7th. they've been going on for months well
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before october 7th and the events there. but we've seen these continue to intensify . but even by the standards of the recent weeks and months, what's happening tonight does seem to be an uptake in these rates in the intensity of these rates been carried out and okay, thank you for that same. those are off the bat for us in numbers. the united states has once again vetoed a draft resolution cooling for a safe spot in gauze at the un security council. the techs put forward by algeria aust for an immediate humanitarian sci fi on has 13 members. voting in favor. us was the only country to vote against it. it's the veto since the sponsor for those in favor of the draft for a while. numerous parties engage and sensitive negotiations. this is not the time for this resolution, which jeffers jeopardize as these efforts to colleagues. i communicated our
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concerns publicly and privately. over the last several weeks. we've submitted numerous rounds of edits, all were ignored. and so for that reason, the united states has offered an alternative resolution that would do what this text does, not pressure from us to take the hostage deal that is on the table and help secure a pause that allows the manager and assistance to reach palestinian civilians in desperate need re, uh, re upload, changed a critical juncture, where the goal is to hold the machinery of violence. we lose its significance today, avery policy and is a target for the extended the nation. and general fine, resort of all scholars,
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since whole many email from the lives must be sacrificed before the council dmc necessary to call for the cx 5 for the policy. and by so to the un says the us veto is a green light, israel to get away with matter. it is absolutely a reckless and dangerous against she. again, shielding is an even as it commits the most shocking crimes, one exposing millions of innocent palestinian civilians to its rough and more untold colors. it is not is it that should be protected by them? it is ballasting and children, women and men who must be protected by this concert acting. now once i put them out
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together to james space has moved from the un headquarters in york. and there's all sorts of problems that had no sorts of negotiations ahead on the us draw if this is the us draft that they haven't even fully presented to the security council. and my understanding from the us is that not in the great deal of a rush, they would actually like to give everyone an opportunity to comment on this and that they would taking representations from other delegations on it. but of course, that means more delay and delay is also the result of the veto today means there is no immediate seesaw in place. it means more people will die in cost. and now the us position was that this is to give space to negotiations that have been taking place in the region. but of course the, those negotiations involved the us and israel, but also egypt and cats of us, egypt castle had no problem with the out. you in the draft, the, the us veto, the us said if that dropped came into force and how much was given
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a c smile. so why she puts 8, then they wouldn't be the incentive for him. us to release those being held prisoner in garza. that's certainly the, the line that the us all taking at this time. but it is a very interesting picture. if you look at the security council table today, it's 13 countries in favor and immediate c spa. and i think that also reflects the vast majority of the membership of the white a membership with united nations at the $193.00 countries. and on the other side, just the us, v towing and stopping this resolution becoming binding international law on the u. k. not quite with the us, but sort of with the u. s. they abstained on the reservation. the, the white house,
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as it is preparing additional major sanctions on russia in response to the death of the russian opposition laid at lexi and a volley. he died last week and an arctic penal colony. the state department has blamed the russian government for invalid. these stuff of the kremlin has poisoned divani, imprisoned him, and justly kept him in harsh conditions and denies and medical care. it is the russian government that is responsible for and of all these death while in detention, the witness and rod at the heart of the system. the fruit and his bill was confirmed. not only by lexi nev on these death last week, but also by the fact that the russian, that russia detain close to 400 people over the weekend. just for morning, his passing a springing bel browser in london, he's the founder and ceo of hermitage, capital management. i'm the author of read nurses. he was blacklisted by the russian government back in 2005 and has fought for decades for international sanctions against president vladimir putin. and he will also his friend,
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thank you for joining the program. what was your reaction when you 1st had that invalid me had died? it was heartbreaking shocking, and, and totally demoralizing that i'm such a gift to the world, a man who, who has such an incredible positive hopes for russia to be stuffed out by a weak little dictator like vitamin food. russia has denied any wrong doing what makes you suspect that he was killed to the fact that building kills so many different people. he killed board a stem cell off. he killed a hannah poet called sky. he killed alexander, lift fandango. he killed sort day, magnet ski, my lawyer and he tried to kill him of all me once before. and so it was not, is it food is, is not a guy who does a lot of killing. and in this particular case,
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it's obvious what scene of all the was in his custody. and he was suffering and his custody. and, and of course, the cover up afterwards also confirms the, the fact that he was involved in this killing. as you say, he was in a russian custody. he was in this out to prison. why can't him now? i mean, he had pigeon had the opportunity before. well, i mean, we can't get inside pollutants had to know exactly why, but there's a lot of stuff going on right now, which are as a significant one is of course the anniversary, 2nd anniversary of the war. and perhaps more importantly, there's a quote, presidential election. i, i put it in quotes because it's not a real election put in. doesn't have reelections in his country. he's the only candidate and everyone else has either killed in prison during exile. but tutoring is such a thing, skins little dictate or not a real politician. there's a love for food and there's like, there's a popular support for food and, and you have a guy who is extremely popular, who's sitting in jail and,
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and issuing statements from jail. and booking has gotten such a thin skin. at this point, finally decided that he couldn't take it anymore and he decided to kill him. for us says it will announce further economic sanctions against russia. previous economic sanctions have failed to tie him. in fact, according to a recent arm at full costs, rushes economy is growing more quickly than any of its western counterparts. so what is the alternative to? well, i am in my, my recommendation at this stage of the game is that there is $300000000000.00 a frozen russian central bank reserves. these were reserves frozen after the start of the war, held in western central banks of food. and it has caused a trillion dollars of damage to the brain. and so the obvious answer right now at this point in time, would be to confiscate this $300000000000.00 and give it to ukraine for their defense and reconstruction. and call it the, the volume,
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the act. yeah. so it tell us a bit more about this invalid the act. uh, how would you go about it? well, at the moment, and most of the money is held in the european union about 220000000000 of in, i think about 25000000000 in the u. k. and some of the us and what needs to happen is all g 7 countries need to come together and pass legislation at the same time which um, which would allow all the countries to confiscate this money. i don't think you can do it separately because different countries, you know, you don't want to end up creating a, an advantage of one country over another. you do it altogether. and you called at the end of all the acts of food and understands that he in retaliation. and because he killed a lexi and a volley. he's $300000000000.00 for. and i think that a couch several goals, once it gives the premiums, desperately needed funds for funding. and 2, it's 2 fingers in the i to vladimir putin for conducting such a unbelievable
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a terrible assassination. and we've had in recent days from you. yeah. and have on that, who is obviously involved these vit vit. widow. she released a video yesterday saying that she knew why person killed her husband and would reveal the reason. see, what did you make that video? what did you think she was referring to as well? i don't know what you're referring to, but what i can say is that to it and thought he was getting rid of a political threat. and these created an even bigger political threat, the, the righteous fight of a of a widow. so his husband was murdered. that, that the, that's something you don't really want to have to have if you're a dictator who's got a pin scan. julian of all na is extremely sympathetic, very attractive character who shares oliver husband's views and has a righteous mission to get justice for us. but that's and that's not good for whatever food. yeah, as you say, she's bound to continue a husband's fight for
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a free, a russia and his as his supporters to unites on the uh, how much support does she have? she's got a lot of support now most russians are too afraid to express their support because if you do, you end up getting arrested, going to jail or perhaps worse, but he's an extremely popular character for it. very simple reason that he's the guy. he was the guy and she's the woman now poor fighting corruption of the food and regime. and they, they were looking for freedom and democracy and hope for russia. put in, is this nasty little dictate or has been around for 24 years. and all you know is how to do is arrest and kill people. and the russian people would much rather have a free society where they can say what they want and do what they want and, and not be impoverished by a group of crooks. and that's what she's offering. okay, bill, brad, it will lead to the thank you so much for your time here. now. upstair,
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thank you to the american envoy to the united nations has warned ronda on the democratic republic of congo, that it must look back from the brink of fool. he made the comments during an emergency meeting of the un security council and cool to discuss the escalation and fighting between the countries on me and the and 23 rebels. of the conflict has disrupt in supply lines to the eastern city of goma in the d o. c, effecting of a to many of residents, and displacing hundreds of thousands can shasta accuses rhonda supporting m 23. which kid got a denies been to k to is the special representative of the secretary general in the democratic republic of congo, and has briefed the un security council. i mean, so by his failure violations and the views of detail,
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national human voice. not so nor do i need the easy all we are the zip on total entrances. we will remove them and easy to get. the cd looks like the actors, the human, the way to defend those until that is the number of human life. but use the by the end of this week, twice we believe so one of the piece, the city of t. c. 0 exemption. the whole cdc in the dentistry. including 77 being shelly worthy, 24. so it's m o v suite didn't use the i the peas to read them to religious. even though you're on the exposed tone. and strongly told me, you should, insidious weddings of the ministry leadership in guinea has dissolved, the government isn't explaining why government ministers, if in order to surrender that pos,
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boats and have the bank accounts frozen. the armed forces to pose president, also called a in a to in 2021 industry leader margin. bria had promised the return of civilian vote by the end of this year. nicholas hawkins. normally they don't lead or dumbly dissolve the government, but he has asked every single minister to hand over their passport revoked their security clearance and access to government vehicles. this is an unprecedented move and it comes after last week. the very powerful justice minister charles wright had written to the prime minister, suspecting ministers of corruption access to the internet into certain websites that alluded to this corruption has been restricted. this comes at a time where there is a growing dissatisfaction among many in getting in the way that the country is
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being governed. there's calls for a return to the rule of law and democracy for elections to be held as soon as possible. the prices of basic commodities are going up and the internet continues to be down very much affecting the population in the country. but this latest move by the military genta is to show that no one is above the law that everybody will be held into account. and that, that money, if there is corruption, will go back to the people. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car, a set of gals, constitutional counsel has published a largely unchanged list of candidates and the delayed presidential elections. soft to over time, their decision by president unlucky solved to postpone the vote until december and cold for polls to be held as soon as possible. hundreds of people were arrested during protest against the president's move and later released
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a special good you sent me pull this up that because that was some who said that this was a political situation, but these paper has been arrested for political reasons, but they were political detainees, now i gave for political reasons as being decided to release them. this is false, this is completely false. i take issue with these assertions, of in reality, all these people who are being only as being detained and connected with public or the discovery. and so, yes, so head on out, is there a we look at the impact legal? is there any supplements that having on palestinian communities? and the okey pod westbank the hello arrow tropical site climb lincoln, that is still making his presence felt across the north west. almost straight here,
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moving out of the n. c into the north, off, but anyway, just heading up towards the yeah. kimberly area we will see copious amounts of rifle over the next few days with the risk of some flooding feats that are in place across. so get parts of but anyway, know this house as it has been recently. central air is low temperatures on the rise high pressure down towards the south face to was nice and it will keep it separately and sunny here. not much going on for the sale and then shall stay. will continue just around that is to sort of new south wells, east and areas of victoria or send me the challenge of saying some showers, much of queensland seeing some live you down. pause over the next couple of days. i mean increase, they can find to the far north of the country that but some showers that's do affecting the outback. we will see some wet to weather, making its way towards the pol southeast of australia over the next a dial. so that tends cooler tons, pressure melvin at around 20 degrees celsius at that stage will eventually say type of just getting notes on the head that the certainly a top around 34 celsius here on
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a friday. go some on side of weather across central parts of china, continued big down pool as possible as he has some flooding. i think a good part of japan to know the measure of that is to think of a wintry, the, the asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action? the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have been in fact 2 h as an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable, i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. what do you consume amazing lexus we believe in the luxury of choice? introduce our export.
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the wide each. the power of session with you energy reveals itself, analysis of a plug in hybrid electric. the watching alex's era mind, top stories, 5th 12 feed program says it's posing deliveries of a to northern gauze and because of violence. the agency says it's trucks with shell, todd's new to it, and not the been complete chaos. a civil order has collapse. the united states has
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vetoed a draft resolution, not the un security council cooling for an immediate cease. fire is the 3rd veto by the us since the beginning of a ton is rarely forces. all conducting raids in janine in the occupied westbank, the reports of palestinians being shots by these ready miniatures. as i didn't say that have been at least to ask the hearings into the legality of israel's decades long occupation of palestine all taking place at the united nations high schools. lawyers have spoken of a policy side an ethnic cleansing, and they've auggie the israel's occupation of the west bank should be ruled illegal . and it's smith's reports. south africa's ambassador to the netherlands like old south africans of his generation, grew up under
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a passage. he knows how it works. we s of africans sense, see here and felt cool. the in, in a humane discriminates the policies and practices of the as well to jim. as an even more extreme form of the protects. that was institutionalized against many people in my country. let me see to the south africa is one a 49 states arguing at the world called the israel is occupation of the palestinian territories is illegal. only the united states in fiji will later argue that it isn't saudi arabia, which before october, the 7th look set to establish diplomatic relations with israel highlighted what it says is these rails intensifying colonization of the west bank. the city of live, one of the governments, the codes are overly made. so for soberly, funds fav or ethnically cleanse font. a city is out of that homeland expense
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settlements, even photos of onyx for the areas if it was banked, and at all costs to reject the notion of establishing the city and the states along the lines of the 2 states solutions. these headings been planned for more than a year. they have attracted new focus because of the blood shedding garza, i'm the separate genocide case against israel, that this court is considering a thread running through the submission as a focus on his rails encouragement at expansion of settlements. but toleration a subtle violence and a positive light restrictions on the palestinians in the west bank and east jerusalem buffle illegal under international law. and its winds, being on here to the israel occupation should be declared illegal. burnett smith, alger 0 take of israel's illegal occupation of palestinian territories, has beneficent it's economy for decades while making the life of palestinians and the ending struggle unemployment inflation. last closure businesses,
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all just the tip of the iceberg. dimitry medicine to incur explains in the occupied westbank. running a business is unpredictable. something is real changes regulations all the time, adding more hurdles with the sound of israel's war on guns a. the occupied west bank has been effectively sealed off. these farm is cannot sell the produce that they've been growing for is really markets feels like that the winds are crossings to as the closer we hold our goods, like a blue jeans and papers go to the open market on sundays, we do not send anything at all, even before the war, there were hundreds of his rarely checkpoints. there are many more now. palestinian businesses comp reach the main markets to sell that goods. and here's why. i left the oslo agreements in the 19 ninety's calmed up the westbank into 3 zones, a, b and c,
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with the largest to see almost entirely on the is rarely control. they cut off many palestinians from vital natural resources such as water, oil and gas, and disrupted trade and exports. well, as rarely, settlers did not face restrictions as a result in the 2 previous decades ever expanding illegal supplements added 3 times more value to israel's g. d. p, then the combined economic growth of gaza and the occupied westbank. the war has made the disparity even worse. they occupied westbank economy strength by 22 percent in the last 3 months of 2023 and many businesses closed. the federal impact, the part about this situation is indeed serious, depending on the status of how the economy exec does what production and income reached 0 and such as such a resemble tell is addressed to us. additionally, 29 percent of the existing companies have closed up with israel cutting off its
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job's market for palestinians. one and 3 of them are unemployed. food prices have only been on the rise, causing increasing consent. shops are impacted people impact them because of the full price is they don't have jobs anymore. and so even before the crisis, we already struggled with funding and the needs were high. now the needs are even much higher. is really surplus, have been using the opportunity to grab even more land expanding illegals settlements. that will benefit these really economy for years to come. while further costing palestinians deepening poverty and disrupting their lives. to be treatment with in co, out to 0 of a 16 years, israel's land, air and sea blockade of gauze. i his stifled opportunities before the war of the strip had one of the highest literacy rates in the world. but it also had one of the highest rates of unemployment. camille, net elect looks at how israel's assault on gaza isn't an attempt to wipe the house
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. it's future boone underlined and c brocade, even before the war, these brothers prospects were limited. but it's ready. buttons have now killed the parents and scott, them for life. oh wow. wow, that's in the front of me. so what's the new? the 2nd 6 to the it's a question, generations of aust. this of either of the 1948 knock ball or catastrophe, is once again being forced to sleep. but despite israel's relentless plumbing and lack of food, she says she's done running. she will not leave casa and fears being pushed into egypt. now i love it, i guess we don't want to go to sign i,
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we need to go home. why are these various doing this? they want us to leave outlined and go to sign i. this woman has been displaced 8 times since the start of the whole or into what has been setup to set. i have 3 grandchildren less than a year old and one was born just a month ago. it's really difficult to cope with the children their needs and their belongings. displacement means humiliation. the decades palestinians lives have been severely impacted by is ready restrictions on the free flow of goods and people into gaza. most relying on food aid may need live with, but we're almost half the population have struggled to find what do the best we all know biggest. for sunflower, we need our country. they have destroyed everything. they have destroyed the future of our children. they left nothing. no schools, no universities, nothing clean and well rebuilding. garza seems
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a long way off palestinians want the brocade to end for good and to have the chance to shake the lights free from is really control. camille and the deluxe. on to sarah. the lawyers for julian sounds and making a final attempt to try and stop his extradition from person to the united states. but we can expound that has been in prison for nearly 5 years. fighting to avoid being sent for trial to face espionage charges. harry forces has moved from the high course in london, which of your songs, your support is legal team, his family members say this is essentially is lost jobs to fight expedition on the british jurisdiction. these are the hearing was the side is appeal, it will really decide whether he has leave to appeal to us charges, 18 of them. he is charged of endangering national security security civilians and
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soldiers by acting with the us military intelligence analysts. chelsea mannings to reveal vast amounts of classified information is defend the say among not classified information. was videos of the us helicopter, talking to rob the killed 11 people into the civilians. and to going to, as john, as he remains inside, belmont prison here in london, awaiting a final decision whether he can't appeal his legal team, says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech is never been use a lot of free speech. i'll give you all back with us and around the issue around the you tell us treated the whole the business it's prohibited to expedite. we also heard from his wife and she has said that she fears for his life every day he remains in custody on his shoulder side and said he is set to auto state political prisoner. that's what happened last week. and what happened to
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what happened is the later stage of a long fight against expedition by giving the songs and 2010 uses the sexual offenses in sweden evaded expedition by seeking refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london between 2012 and 29. c. c was evicted from that embassy. interested by british police. he's been entrusted this ever since his legal team says if this attempt failed, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights are equal, so i'll just 0 love. the trial has resumed in italy, of full encryption, security agents for the kid, nothing in madison to tell, in academic prosecutions in rome, have been unable to track down via keys. so that being tried in, i've sent you julia over jenny's body was found in
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a ditch outside. kyra in 2016 egypt sin government has denied any involvement in his death. san diego has moved from run. it is a trial which has strained relations between egypt and instantly. but on tuesday that trial resumes for the 2nd time of the full senior egyptian security officials, who italian investigators say, accused of the abduction towards the end of the italian doctoral student. julia had jenny. now the child had previously been holsted back in 2021 because said that the defendants had not been notified of the apart in the case of being charged bots in its least constitutional quote. in september, his over rules that decision saying that speed, chip, tional, star t's had not provided the addresses for the defendants. the death of judo to jenny had caused shock waves. when it happened in 2016,
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he disappeared on the 25th of january of that year. his remains were found 2 days later by the side of the highway. now the egypt shall socrates denied any involvement in the mazda. however, the human rights investigate to say that the monks on his bodies both the hallmarks of having been tortured by egyptian security agency facilities. nevertheless, the defendants have presented once again the same arguments, but they did in the last case, the public prosecutor and the japanese families have closed on the judge to reject those arguments. and not trial resumes in mid march. sonya guy, yeah, go, i'll just sarah ro. so head on out, is there a deepening dispute between neighbors? why punish fall is
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a dumping grain from ukraine. the, the,
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the purchase that taking place in columbia is capital bulk to, to more and hundreds of people killed by on groups and drug gangs. just like a 2016 piece deal between the government and the left wing revolution on forces of columbia, also known as far violence, has continued in areas previously controlled by the rebel group that came on this. we can speak to as under, i'm p a t who joins us now in boca, to what is the say about the situation in the country. 8 years off to that piece deal between the fox and the government. i said, well,
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what it does say is that the piece or at least the stable piece in the country, remains in many ways aspirational. and while the overall level of violence have improved in the country. overall, the situation remains the diary. many regions in particular and regions where remaining on the group drug trafficking, my guys are fighting for control of a number of a lease, it economies. and the result of that you can see it here. behind me, it has been the killing of more than 4 hundreds for them or 5 grapples setup signs . these set of laid down their weapons that and also over a 1000 as social leaders, human rights defend that as to what's happening here today. is that what the organizers are calling collect the day of morning and let me show you here with the help of one our camera i'm and what they've done was to fill
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a central plaza believer with these boxes that represents each of the best, that sort of a symbolic versions of the confidence of those who have been killed in this case. and why the real cause is that i'm a, who was an indigenous leader. and that took all region on the pacific coast of uh columbia. one of the regions setup suffered the most to stay in 6 and what the people here and also in other cities in columbia and across the world are asking today. as for the government to do more for international organizations to do more, to put in place or to implement the policies and mechanisms that exist to try and defend the life of these people in these communities. what house the government responds to this on good faith. so the current government of the style of faith is the 1st left, is that a government in the history, the columbia?
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and he made a priority of bringing heavy calls, total peace in the country. he has promised to try to negotiate peace deals with all remaining armed groups. that's essentially the land, which is the main get a group still operating in the country. also this it, in groups of former 5 gravels that have continued the fighting and the also remaining power of military organizations that it hasn't gone so well thus far. there are a number of negotiations in place, but it has been and feet and fits in and starts. and also he has promised to fully implement that 2016 p support, which has in place no rates really of met can use in policies and laws that have been passed to protect the life of human rights defenders. union leaders, the in the country. and the life of the former fight there's that have laid down
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their weapon, but so far, the implementation and the 1st month of these mac, anything that happens that has been for including during this governments. and that's why this a event today, it seems very important here to try and bring more attention to what has been happening in columbia. ok, thank you for that. i was under a and i'm here to the speech was saying focus on a former police officer in panic. why has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for his policy and torture? carried out between the 1950s on the 1980s. a quotes handed down the sentence on tuesday in front of the victims and those who gave evidence. xavier torres has the nickname, the width during the whole of south america, as long as the state should. i do see his age, the 7 year old will serve his sentence on the house to rest the body and it's
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a very special trial because of the motional burden. one cannot help the fuel, the pain of the victims and the demand for justice, for each of them has expressed its truly been a very intense expedient because they couldn't help which immersed myself and the few things in the plane of these people who will suffer to torture and then send questions. defense ministry has released foot and showing they've got the ukranian town recently captured by its forces in ruins. just a few 100 civilians remain that which we once had a population of 32000, the town has enjoyed nearly a decade of conflict. ocean back separatists briefly captured it in 2014. or the recent seizure of a disco has handed russia one if it's largest victories and it's will on ukraine. meanwhile, cheap grain inputs from ukraine, all i'm going farm is in poland. they've been blockading the ukrainian board. and
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what they say is an attempt to save their livelihoods. keith says the purchase was damaged. it's to efforts to engineer reports or blocking the boulder with ukraine. polish farm is frustration of the green prizes has reached new heights using the tractors and trucks to protest in a 180 locations and disrupt traffic throughout the country. in an attempt to grab the leaders attention, i would just the cma we were processing the situation and asking mr. test to come and talk to us pharmacy for mrs. booths left for the lion to understand the difficult situation here with bowden, farmers all over europe. and the stand is difficult situation because this is coming to them to run some great interest through this. so that was a corner door. let them come to their senses before it is too late. to do, computer costing that angus spilled over onto the trucks as they dumped grain leaving ukraine by train to germany and left it to spoil. in 2022. when the will began,
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the you wave duties on ukrainian food exports to help the war effort. pharmacy this unfair competition is now crushing the business on the social media platform, x ukraine's minister of infrastructure, called the protests. political publication aimed at dividing ukraine and poland. you reminded people, ukraine's grain as being harvested under roof at the tax and its export. as a matter of survival. see you has already seen sustained protests from european farm as they both of them. subsidies the po, this problem is what you creating inputs bind a new you restrictions on the use of fertilizers and pesticides, scrapped proteins. prime minister donal task to cools himself. the most pro ukrainian of leaders has remained quiet on the protests with 77 percent of post backing the farms to month. task called risk antagonizing voters when he has such
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a slim majority. but failure to act no good, have significant consequences for long term polish. you crazy and relations charlie angela. oh, does there? and gray psalms in greece say they will not in the protest as they demand financial help from the government. this drove more than $200.00 tractors into the council, athens seeking assistance, a pumped the vehicles in front of the apartment building and say they're struggling to cope with the cost of living. someone to purchase happen stage and all the countries in recent weeks. the world health organization has raised alarm at the rapid spread of measles worldwide within $306000.00 cases for reports of last year about 79 percent increase from 2022. i say that expecting to see a correlating number of measles relate to depth in 2023 as a result
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w h. i one's more than half of all countries globally are at high risk of mutual outbreaks. okay, that's it for me my, the insights of this news on my colleague nick wants to be in just a moment. stay with us. the past barge you can cook in is a radio baseball tea tool which to everyone's you carry from for us to teams, day tourism and eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse. maybe discovers how people are coping in the end times of the poor young generation coming soon. but just like i told you, so, dealing with this feeling on alex's era. in october 2023, these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power,
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those into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement and explorers, whether tearing palestinians from us as the occupied west bank is, is ready to transfer on and just call the church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person ensures. so as you can see, what this is my us, my life, a risk in my life, those dentures we want, we want the education, we want to break because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts,
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that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. the desperation in northern goals are off to food and deliveries off polls because it's 2 things. the decision to post deliveries to the north has not been taken lightly. as we know it means that the situation, they will, the 2 rates further and more people risk of dying of hunger. the


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