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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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see the we know it means that the situation they will deteriorate further and more people risk of dying of hunger, desperation and northern gauze office to day deliveries. a pause because it's too dangerous. the other ones are enjoying this is honestly around life from doubles are coming up. we'll tell you how one hospital in the rough us is carrying for the smallest and most vulnerable, punish simmons. during the un security council takes actions sanctioning the leaders of on groups in the democratic republic of con, plus the kremlin has twice imprisoned him, and justly kept him in harsh conditions,
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denies and medical care. the us claims the russian government to opposition leader alexis developments that some says most functions a coming we begin with new c is a function in gaza when millions are struggling to get enough food, giving israel to bombardment. the shortages are west in the isolated north and the well food program says it's posing deliveries that until it's safe or i'll just there was kind of assumed reports now from rafa in southern gaza. buildings reduced to russell in messiah rock. often another date is where the funding palestinians pick through the rooms, searching for safe voices, but often only find all the remains of their loved ones has to be buried that many wound up if the funding was at the end level of, of the. and we want them to look at us with massey, this is just wrong today,
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and no one can stop is right with that. yeah. even our country's content to do a lot of the it hasn't. and so this is what kind of situation i like to now look at the semi trees are everywhere and they're all full new west sites even for reduce. what trying to help the world with program has only just resumed 8 deliveries to know the ring cause of to us feet weak suspension. now they are stopping again for you and it jumps these sites that separately too dangerous strikes up constant consent. but with goes on the brink of famine, many trucks have full so diluted by desperate people with know what else to turn. the world for program saves, it didn't take its decision lightly. they say a system needs to be set top to into deliveries can be made safely. and the big thoughts of this is opening more crushing points to live in more essential supplies until things change. the future for people in cause i have to explain is really
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performing opposes any immediate danger. along with this fresh, almost tough ation. topic about oh, just a rough, rough suffering causal. what strain a low is a communication advise that the norwegian refugee council, she describes the challenges faced by that was trying to provide aid in gaza as a conditions right now on the ground for humanitarians are simply on it unacceptable in any other context to military and would be pulling out at this point because it is simply so dangerous and there are no guarantees of the safety of humanitarian staff. neither because of these rarely targeting convoys is rarely targeting of police who are there to protect a convoy. and then of course, due to the desperation because of the lack of aid that's getting in, there is just the deterioration of civil order in garza, that's led to, to those, to the charging and, and looting of,
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of 88 convoys. as they're trying to make their way, i'm sure the w r p did not take the decision lately, but it's it, but they need to. they also have a duty of care to their staff and to the end to the people. speaking of the not to not to be putting them in, in dangerous positions. you know, i, i really don't understand why the, as rarely, military was shooting at, at people desperate people seeking aid. i can't imagine that any aid workers would want the people who are desperate and, and on the brink of starvation to be shot. well speaking of 8, of course, one of the things that we need in order for us to be able to deliver a safely is a piece fire, and guarantees of access to all parts of garza. we're, we're a workers in those seeking out a will will be guaranteed up their safety in terms of the conditions of those attempt to distributions earlier this week. it's just simply unacceptable. meanwhile, is there anything strikes across the guys that have continued at least 5 palestinians
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have been killed by his way to show in rough up another 12 have been wounded, is really ministry talking to the home in the city. and that is really as frank on the ground in the state of refugee camp in central gaza has killed at least 12 palestinians. many children are among the dead. thousands were wounded and rushed to hospital as well. dozens of palestinian babies have been born prematurely at a hospital in rough uh, in the southern gaza, some of them on the office and many a forced to ship incubators. we have some reports inside the guys a hospital for the bodies of several infants rest and note on the door. cushions don't put food. yeah. the reason for which is paying for the key out the life and death into twine. yeah. at the end, but it's crescent hospitality and rough. lucky this hospital is very small. it is
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now the only place with gynecology obstetrics and nursery facilities. in the gaza strip. we have just 18 incubators for $45.00 babies for should be only one baby in each incubator. that means there is a lot of pressure on doctors and nursing staff. doctors say the story of one pretty much you baby, they've named my lack is particularly tragic. and have them smoke, i don't know how much what there's an unknown baby, and we don't know what's happened to our family. some people found her on a tree as a result of the showing and brought her to the hospital. we gave for the name of malik because she really looks like an angel. black whose name means angel in that i make is one of the 213 metro babies brought to this hospital from actually 5 medical complex. she was well enough to stay engaged along with 2 other babies, while the remaining 28, whose parents, fates are on known, were sent to egypt for treatment. the sleep,
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we need to save the posting in children, the children and babies have done nothing to be the victims of these really aggression. the occupation forces are criminals who can't do anything. they are threatening for storm rasa. and if this happens, we will lose all post. i mean, babies here in the hospital are also many healthy children in the nursery woods and the hospital is trying to reach their families so they can be over your life to be just show the crowd conditions inside the nursery. doctors are concerned that the sheer number of children needing treatment into what causes a threat to the live the cache. and i just need all the united states as once again veto to you and the security council resolution coating for an immediate cease fire and gaza. it was supported by all of the council members except the u. k, which i've stained china has shop that criticize the move, saying it sent the wrong message. i'm give israel a, quote,
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a green light to continue the slow to a different much again, it's a james based report. those against, again, her hand was raised to veto up sentence u k, abstained. but again, it was the vote of the us ambassador linda thomas greenfield. the blocked resolution would have demanded an immediate cease fire and gotten the out. jerry and boss of that had been working on the draft for 3 weeks. well, in the talk of, we will not stop until this council shoulders of the responsibilities in full apollo from the u. s. and the u. k. all of the of the 13 delegations on the security council strongly supported to meet you at c spa, the suffering. the police senior southern during is beyond anything, a human being should be subjected to the yellow dye showed us the continued passive avoidance of an immediate cease fire is nothing different from giving a green light to continue slowly. so good goes all. so it'd be, don't know,
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the human costs and the humanitarian situation goes as intolerable. and israel operation and must stop and glove cc, the us, and bassett, a told reporters this resolution would have sabotaged ongoing negotiations in the region on the sea spa and the prison over lease. even though at to mediation countries, egypt and cut to both support the draw, a boss of the thomas green field is now putting forward a road drop the resolution negotiation. we're eager to continue working with the council on this proposal. one that would see a temporary cease fire as soon as practicable, based on the formula all hostages being released, and one that would get aid into the hands of those palestinians who so desperately need it. i wrote them back to the single. now consider action in the un general assembly, but at the same time, people who pursue efforts in the security council to get to see spa. this is the
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4th time the us says, block security council action on a see saw, the new drum resolution appears to show washington's position is perhaps changing. but what's happened here means a c spot isn't gonna happen any time soon. and that means the desk told him, garza is going to continue to rise. james bay's out your 0 at the united nations a piece one palestinian has been killed during and he's ready right in the janine refugee camp report of palestinians being shown by these randy ministry. local say they've been at least 2 strikes, is where the rates and the outside westbank. i've been in the unlikely icons since is war and goes up again on october 7th, small hearings into the legality and as well as decades long. the occupation of palestine not taking place at the united nations highest court. lawyers have spoken of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. i'm, they argued that these rails occupation of the westbank should be ruled,
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illegal bennet. smith's report from the south africa's ambassador to the netherlands, lytle, south africans of his generation, grew up under a passage. he knows how it works. we s of africans sense see here and felt cool. the in, in a humane discriminates the policies and practices of the as well to jim. as an even more extreme form of the updates that was institutionalized, i can make people in my country me see to the south africa is one. a $49.00 states arguing at the world called the israel is occupation of the palestinian territories is illegal. only the united states in fiji will later argue that it isn't saudi arabia, which before october, the 7th look set to establish diplomatic relations with israel highlighted what it says is these rails intensifying colonization of the west bank. the city of live, one of the governments, the quotes are overly made so far, soberly, funds,
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fav or ethnically, cleanse the city is out of that homeland expense settlements. even photos of onyx for the areas, if it was banked, and that all costs sort of jokes the notion of his publishing of the city in the states along the lines of the $2.00 states solutions. these have things been planned for more than a year. they've attracted new focus because of the blood shedding garza, i'm the separate genocide case against israel, that this court is considering a thread running through the submission. there's a focus on his rails encouragement at expansion of settlements. the toleration a settler violence and a positive blank restrictions on the palestinians in the west bank and east jerusalem. not full illegal on the international law. and its winds being on here to the israel occupation should be declared illegal. burnett smith, alger 0 take of what israel's illegal occupation of palestinian territory is,
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has benefits of its economy for decades while making the life of palestinians and never ending struggle. unemployment, inflation and mass closures of business is just the tip of the ice. but the mutual evidence of explained in the occupied westbank running a business is unpredictable. something is real, changes regulations all the time, adding more hurdles with the sound of israel's war on guns. a lead occupied westbank has been effectively sealed off. these farm is cannot sell the produce that they've been growing for is really markets feels like that. the winds are crossings to as the name of the closer we hold our goods, like a blue jeans and peppers go to the open market. on sundays, we do not send anything at all even before the war. there were hundreds of his rarely checkpoints, the many more now. palestinian businesses comp reach the main markets to sell that goods. and here's why. i left the oslo agreements in the 19 ninety's calmed up the
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westbank into 3 zones, a, b and c, with the largest to see almost entirely on the is rarely control. they cut off many palestinians from vital natural resources such as water, oil and gas, and disrupted trade and exports. while is rarely settlers did not face restrictions as a result in the 2 previous decades ever expanding illegal supplements added 3 times more value to israel's g. d p then the combined economic growth of gaza and the occupied westbank. the war has made the disparity even worse. the occupied westbank economy shrank by 22 percent in the last 3 months of 2023 and many businesses closed the felon poppy about after this situation is indeed serious, depending on the status of the economy. exec does what production and income region such as such a risen motels and restaurants. additionally, 29 percent of the existing companies have closed up with israel cutting off its
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job's market for palestinians. one and 3 of them are unemployed. food prices have only been on the rise causing increasing consent. shops are impacted, people are impacted because of the full prices. they don't have jobs anymore. and so even before the crisis, we already struggle with funding and the needs were high. now the needs are even much higher is really surplus, have been using the opportunity to grab even more land, expanding illegal settlements that will benefit these really economy for years to come. while further costing palestinians deepening poverty and disrupting their lives. to be treatment with in co, out to 0. start for salt break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, odds haunted by war, we need to street out is determined to keep making her mock in central government more not staves. the
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color of the flooding concerns continue for good part. so that western side of the us, particularly to california, is where the system head drawing in more moisture, more wet weather. and that will continue to see that's a heavy salary right across much of the west coast, but particularly into a good pots of california trying to snow over the mountains. but you see you have a cloud and right in that stretches up across ark and washington state into a good part. so if, well, western side of canada as well as the system makes its way for the implant, it might be as much as it has been recently, but it's fully on saturated ground. we'll see the shells becoming less widespread. so eventually something of a drawing up process taking place across the western coast of the us. heavier re, will make its way across the plains. i have the tools, the appellation, disease disabled, not too bad for the time. big 12 celsius,
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the in the see in this part of drive down towards the southeast corner, well, time drive across the chrysler entities. right. but the next, outside of this band of crabs, shipping, bringing some fairly heavy. right. it's cuba into jamaica. now moving across his bound yada shala's there into the east and all this. then as we go through wednesday on into thursday, you go with the prize. this guy's coming back in across cuba, jamaica, much of a spaniard, and by this stage, lot to drive for good pop central america. the discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how also sales the sites ethical a i various racial biases get worse. you get more about, you know, those in power are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used. how do we change this paradigm?
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studio b, b a r series on a jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the book about here watching out as a right quick reminder about top stories here. this, so the well food program says it's posing deliveries of a, into northern concepts because of violence. the agency says it's trucks with shopped out, i'm new to and it is complete, kind of assessing united states has a veto to drop the resolution of the un security council calling for an immediate cease fire. and the cost is be $32.00 by the us. stop now,
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the whitehouse is preparing additional major assumptions on russia in response to the death of opposition leader alexi valley. he died last week. the optic penal colony. the us state department has banged the russian government for his death. of the kremlin has poisoned devonie, imprisoned him, and justly kept him in harsh conditions and denies him medical care. it is the russian government that is responsible for and of all these death while in detention, the witness and rod at the heart of the system, the boot. and his bill was confirmed not only by lexi and of all these death last week, but also by the fact that the russian, that russia detained, close to 400 people over the weekend. just for morning, his passing bill brown was blacklisted by the russian government back in 2005 and as for the decades, the international sanctions against president putin was also a friend of alexa in about a. m, i colleague money inside, you'd asked him why he thinks my valley was kills to but was to exit poking kills so many different people. he killed board a stem cell off. he killed
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a hannah poet called sky. he killed alexander, lift fandango. he killed sword de magnets key my lawyer, and he tried to kill them of only once before. and so it was, uh that is it put in is, is not a guy who does a lot of killing. and um, in this particular case, uh the, its obvious how, what scene of all the was in his custody. he was suffering and his custody. and, and of course, the cover up afterwards also confirms the, the fact that he was involved in this killing. as you say, he was in a russian custody. he was in this out to prison. why can't him now? i mean, he had preached and had the opportunity before. well, i mean, we can't get inside pollutants had to know exactly why, but there is a lot of stuff going on right now, which are as a significant one is of course the anniversary, 2nd anniversary of the war. and perhaps more importantly, there's a quote, presidential election. i put it in quotes because it's not a real election food and doesn't have real elections in his country. he's the only
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candidate and everyone else is either killed in prison during exile. but putting to such a thin skin little dictator, not a real politician. there's a love for food, and there's like there's a popular support for booting. and you have a guy who is extremely popular, who's sitting in jail and, and issuing statements from jail. and poking has gotten such a thin skin at this point, finally decided that he couldn't take it anymore. he decided to kill him. russians defense ministry has released for to in showing of div kindly, ukrainian town reason to capture advice, forces in ruins. just a few 100 civilians remain that which ones that a population of 32000 a town isn't joe nearly a decade of conflict. russian backs separate just brief. it calculates in 2014. the recent seizure of, of data has 100 russia, one of its largest victories, and it's more on ukraine. it's got to has helped secure the return of 11 ukrainian children from russia. a group crossed over the russian border and to ukraine on
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foot on tuesday evening. to critical children are rushed to hospital by ambulance. your crane estimates 20000 children have been taken by russia since this invasion, 2 years ago. but you have security council has sanctioned 6 people from 5 um groups in the eastern democratic republic of congo leaders of m 23 year among that is targeted with travel bands and asset freezes. the groups widely understood to be backed by rolanda, something up to gully denies. the decision was made during an emergency meeting of the security council. obviously it was malcolm web has more than the conflict. and the recent escalation around to 1000000 people have been forced from that homes since the m 23 and group, backed by rolanda, resumed its uprising just over 2 years ago. of the 5 things escalated in recent weeks as and 23 flights as of closed in on the potential capital of government. thousands of people have been injured and killed the ground well, fund your got the m 23 rebels, dropped bombs on the civilian population. many of us were wounded,
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we don't have problems with them, and they should rather take it up with the military and 23, the government forces, i'm the groups, they support of oil being accused of atrocities. this the latest round of a conflict that began in the 19 nineties and were wondering uganda invited congo. that prompted 2 boys that drew in around a 1000 african countries and killed an estimated 6000000 people. eastern come guys being unstable, ever since. and the sense of always, a condo is minerals such as coal town, which is used in almost all the electronics, whoever controls the mines and the trade routes can last, profits. foreign forces continue to play. that part. 25 year un peacekeeping mission is being criticized for failing to protect civilians. peacekeeping colleagues, tell us that in the d. r. c, they remain deeply concerned about the renewed escalation of hostilities in the
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eastern part of the country. they reiterate their call for the m 23 group to cease its offensive and to respect the lawanda roadmap. the you and peace keepers have started with drawing on the request of congress government, whose own forces of also failed to protect civilians and to stop and 20 three's advances to the latest foreign troops to arrive from south africa, lowly in terms of the peace being fighting and 23 alongside the government. on saturday, the us said when the should with the drawers troops and surface to add me. so i was from combat. lawanda has said it's national security is threatened. hundreds of thousands of people in the displacement comes and medians. more in the city of government, waiting to find out if the decades long conflict is it bound to get was once again malcolm web. how does era guineas, ministry? june test says this to solve the government to breathe new life into it,
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which in turn has put fighting corruption at the top of its agenda. i'll just say it was nicholas hawk ruffles on national television guineas military june, to announcing the dissolution of the government. its appointed the gentiles freezing the counts of all ministers seizing on their travel documents and stripping them of their vehicles, body guards and assistants for an outside or it's worried, but for it again, it was expected guineas, business man, alford, yellow and neighboring city goal. welcome to the decision. you do have some ministers who, i'm sorry to say, but, you know, a year ago, 2 years ago, they were living in the rented house, you know, in the rented one bedroom. and then now would be a good leaving, you know, in a $1000000.00 house. so how, so how do you just be fight it? you know, in a, in a country where 60 percent of the population, you know, doesn't make 2 or $3.00 a day. last week guineas justice minister, called for an audit of government expenses,
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suspecting ministers of mishandling public funds. allegations of corruption were published online shortly after mobile internet was either limited in some places or cut off, and others with no apparent reason, given the government spokesperson says, access to the internet is not a right. this is badly affecting. people says who we use is or food to sell fashionable bags and talk to her family. they know that that much remedy my internet does not work. there is no connection with it. then normally bustling markets of a capital vendor struggle to find customers. prices of basic necessities have increased. so has the cost of fuel angry is brewing against the dentist management of the country? no work, no money, no one is bailing and we can get to read the foster. some of it does to waste. we are suffering from power coats and can stuck any seen. but the world is that we are not sending out goods. the decision to sac,
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the government comes after guineas. genta raised $7000000000.00 from donors at a conference and to buy i. i'm hoping this is an opportunity for jello people in this mineral rich country with enormous and tap resources should not be living in poverty or profit going into the hands of politicians. like most skinny is you hopes for a new government that can fulfill the west african nations potential. nicholas hawk elder 0 protests that taking place in columbia as capital of bulk to move and hundreds of people killed by on groups and drug games. despite a 2016 piece deal between the government on the left wing and revolutionary forces of columbia, also known as fox violence, has continued in air, has previously control for the rebel group. out of there was other sound run pets. he has moved from a protest in the capitol, a piece, or at least a stable piece in the country, remains in many ways aspirational. and while the over all levels of violence have improved in the country. overall,
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the situation remains the vi or in many regions in particular and regions where remaining armed the group drug trafficking mass us are fighting for control of a number of a lease it economies. and the result of that, you can see it here, behind me, it has been the killing of more than 4 hundreds for my fire grapples that have signed these set of laid down their weapons them. and also over a 1000, a social the, there's human rights defenders. so what's happening here today is that what do you organize or calling collect the day of morning? and let me show you here with the help of one our camera i'm and what they've done was to fill a central plaza believer with these boxes that represents each of the that's the sort of a symbolic versions of the coffins of those who have been killed in this case, and why the real cause, he's that i'm
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a who was and indigenous to be there. and that to call region on the pacific coast of columbia, one of the regions setup suffered the most saints and what the people here and also in other cities in columbia and across the world are asking today as for the government to do more for international organizations, to do more, to put in place or to implement the policies and mechanisms that exist to try and defend the life of these people in these communities. a former police officer in paraguay has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. his bond in torture carried out between the 19 fifties and ages. you save your thought as have the nickname, the width. i'm carried out brutal, a torch out during the root of south america as long as dictatorship. it's a 7 year old or surface sentence on the house service because it has a of socrates government has issued back to work oldest almost 8000 resident doctors who works off the job. training doctors are protesting plans to boost
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medical student admissions. maybe 9000 handed in their resignations. these have not been accepted. the formation of pockets. tom's next government appears to be a step closer after the 2 biggest parties in parliament announced a coalition deal packaged on people's party. on the august on was in league with joined hands with other smaller parties to get a working majority deal to see former private, especially about sharif confirmed as a combination of the candidates 5 minutes to once again. that's the terms of the one gone. so now i'm this uprooted all aspects of life in the strip while people are struggling to survive, that also trying to cling to some sense of the lives they want us had. we met, mentor i moved up at the office, was determined to carry on her crop despite losing access to his studio and


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