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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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guess that he's a close to what is happening now? it is as cool. thanks. 3 question. question about 5 upfront or out 0. the we know it means that the situation they will deteriorate further and more people risk of dying of hunger, desperation and northern gauze, off the food i did. it was a pause because it's too dangerous. the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously are a lie from the whole. so coming up is really much. we continues to attack garza from all sides while the us blocks a security council resolution on a ceasefire for the full time. the tragedy of the hospital in southern
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guns that were dozens of premature babies are being kept alive. but some on the ocean's plus. i wrote mcbride in hockey. if you pray, where would schools feel threatened by missiles above ground for a move classes are going on. the animal feed and rotten bread. that's what some palestinians in northern gauze now forced to eat, some can barely find them be a day. israel has chirped supplies of vital age since the beginning of the war, barely allowing a trickle evade trucks inside the few trucks that have come in, overwhelmed by hungry palestinians scrambling to get food. and now the well food program says that posing that everybody's into the north because the conditions there are so bad, it's simply not safe. i'll just say it was time to come by zoom report, some rough and southern god the buildings would use to rustle in the sy rocked
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off to another day, or is where the bombing palestinians fixed through the rooms. searching for the following is often only find the remains of their loved ones as the perry, that many wound, if the plumbing were at the end level of the law, we want them to look at us with massey. this is just wrong today. no one can stop is right with that. yeah. even our country's content, the door that will be, it hasn't been so this is what kind of situation i'd like to know because the semi trees are everywhere and they're all full new west sites even for to swap. trying to help the world with program had only just resumed 8 deliveries to know the ring cause of to us feet weak suspension. now they are stopping again for you and you don't see say that it's simply too dangerous strikes up constant consent. but with
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goes on the brink of famine, many trucks have full so polluted by desperate people with no what else to tell? the world with program saves, it didn't take its decision lightly. they say a system needs to be set top to into deliveries can be made safely. and the big thoughts of this is opening more crushing points to live in more essential supplies until things change. the future for people in goals that look, split is really performing poses any immediate danger. along with this fresh, almost tough ation on the topic about oh, just a rough, rough or suffering causal milan and over night is ready for us as pounded the southern city of rough or where more than 1500000 people at sheltering at least 8 palestinians were killed off to his right of shilling targets, a residential building. 12 others were injured in central gauze, on astride, talking to the crowd of the setup refugee camp. getting at least 12 children are among the dead. people were left to dig through the rubble with their bare hands to
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find survivors. while i'm willing to do a rush to nearby hospital, that's the operating on the job conditions that run a few partially functioning medical facilities left in gauze, us a delta so that buddha says, an overnight is where the strike on my was. he has killed at least 2 people. that's where these really ministry previously own police demands to evacuate too often to caring it. a safe soon. and a statement. the child you said is ready for us has conducted an operation in on the last 8, han, eunice, but a shelter hosting stuff and their families were showed. ambulance crews have now reached the side where at least 2 family members of our colleagues have been killed . and 6 wounded were horrified by what's taken place. well, i'll just say it was honey maxima, who joins us live, not from a rough or in southern gaza. honey. so then just bring us up to date with the latest in israel. is a tax overnight. there's been quite a few yes,
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well, this is how people are reacting so far because this happens hours after i the un resolutions failed to pass the cold in port c as fire. what we're looking at is a new dramatic development in han you and is the western part of the city of funny . and it's mainly out of milwaukee evacuations on an area been largely describe and designated by this really military is a safe zone for it. 1000 will be back to waste a shelter in with or in residential buildings or setting up their tents. but an overnight attacks that continued to early hours of this morning until the month is really military pulled out. we're looking at a large number of military vehicles that supported by times in both those areas and under heavy coverage of air strikes that heavy machine guns separating the sent from the area uh from uh, from han units and from the southern part in the northern part of the,
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of the gaza strip, but we're looking at not only people inside the evacuation, so network that, that software and experience a great deal of time because this is the, the area that we would do were told to evacuate to is be an under a talk but where is the looking at an international organization that the doctors without borders? they rented a facility in the last area where they had their family members show during inside of it, since the beginning of the work came under attack, their reports. so an employee along with his wife and in laws where he killed inside the building and the, the charity a did the work to coordinate their evacuation to a hospital until early, early hours of this morning. and they were able to do that a but the fact that this is happening in a zone and is that has been described as a safe zone, just shot or every remaining a sense of security for people or safety inside the area. and the fact that an
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organization that have international organization is not immune from a these relentless that talks. then people are worrying about other people who are not associated with international organization or do not have the protection and the safety of organizations across the gaza strip. it also an overnight a tax and drop by 60 targeting a residential home and other janina district. and this is again, not the 1st time this particular neighborhood has been targeted repeatedly. and we're looking at a residential home with an entire family inside the inside of it. is filtering it because of the ongoing board where killed the husband or wife and their children. and about 5 members of the family, remaining members were critically injured. old rushed to no jar, hospitalized for medical treatment. the central area
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a probably for the past 23 days, it'd be in a very deadly side. uh, since the uh, the surgeon, the relentless error strikes an artillery showing, particularly. and they'll say it often did it velaz city where we're looking at more than 40 people have been killed in multiple air strikes on residential homes, just causing further internal displacement for people and a great deal of destruction to the point. some of the areas are not are not live livable. the northern part is not different than here. yeah. and honey, but the, the food situation just keeps getting worse, doesn't it? especially in northern gauze, the weather. well, food program has not pose that separation as well as they worked in 20 years and the pounding of a residential buildings and infrastructures a human,
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a terry and disaster and spam into just that that, that the rise in the northern part there is an actual famine going on with the decision of the world food program of suspending, a delivery of a food a to the northern part is just increasing the difficulties and, and the terrible living conditions for more than the 600000 people who are at risk of losing their life. in the northern parts, people within the past weeks resorted. reading animals feeds and plants while the plan just to keep themselves alive. there are 0, number of, of, of aids been delivered to, to the northern part just within the past 24 hours. it's far as those with the flower flower bags of a flower managed to get there and receive the footage of how people were surrounding the truck just to get their hands on one bag of a floor to sustain themselves. very heart breaking. these are the situation of 600000 people are experiencing their black in every bad basic essentials that could
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help them survive these terrible conditions. all right, how do you like mood life for us, the in rough off in southern gaza? honey, thank you. as for doctors and causes, few remaining hospitals are struggling to provide care for premature babies. some of them are all friends and have no families left to take care of them on the hash them as best of inside the gods. a hospital rich, the bodies of several infants rest and note on the door cushions don't put food. yeah. the reason for which is paying for the key out the life and death into twine. yeah. at the end but it's crescent hospital in russell lot. i think this hospital is very small. it is now the only place with gynecology obstetrics and nursery facilities in the gaza strip. we have just 18 incubators for 45 babies. for should be only one baby in each incubator. that means there is
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a lot of pressure on doctors and nursing staff. doctors say the story of one pretty much you baby, they've named my lack is particularly project and have them smoke. i don't know how much, what there's an unknown baby and we don't know what's happened to our family. some people found her on a tree as a result of the showing and brought her to the hospital. we gave for the name of malik because she really looks like an angel. black whose name means angel in that i make is one of the 213 metro babies brought to this hospital from actually 5 medical complex. she was well enough to stay engaged along with 2 other babies, while the remaining 28, whose parents, fates are on known, were sent to egypt for treatment. you have a positive sleep. we need to save the posting in children. the children and babies have done nothing to be the victims of these really aggression. the occupation
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forces are criminals who can't do anything. they are threatening for storm, rasa. and if this happens, we will lose all post. i mean, babies here in the hospital to also many healthy children in the nursery woods and the hospital is trying to reach their families so they can be over your life to be just show the crowd conditions inside the nursery. doctors are concerned that the sheer number of children needing treatment into what causes a threat to the lives of cash and just well, despite the death of destruction and starvation and gauze of the united states has once again vetoed a un security council resolution. quoting for an immediate cease fire, it was supported by o other members except the u. k, which i've stained china, has strongly criticized the move saying it's sent the wrong message and gives israel a green light to continue the slow to. here's our diplomatic editor, james base. those against, again,
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her hand was raised to veto up sentence u k abstained. but again, it was the vote of the us ambassador, linda thomas greenfield. the blocked resolution would have demanded an immediate cease fire and gotten the out. jerry and boss of that had been working on the draft for 3 weeks while the look of we will not stop until this council shoulders of the responsibilities in full apart from the u. s. and the u. k. all of the of the 13 delegations on the security council strongly supported to meet you at c spa, the suffering. the police senior southern during is beyond anything, a human being should be subjected to a nose i showed you may be the continued passive avoidance of an immediate cease. fire is nothing different from giving a green lights on the to continue to slow to do that goes all. so it'd be, don't know, the human costs and the humanitarian situation goes as intolerable. and israel
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operation and must stop and glove see the us and bassett, a told reporters, this resolution would have sabotaged ongoing negotiations in the region on the sea spa and the prism to release, even though at 2 mediating countries, egypt and cut to both support the draw a bass of the thomas green field is now putting forward a road drop the resolution negotiation. we're eager to continue working with the council on this proposal. one that would see a temporary cease fire as soon as practicable, based on the formula all hostages being released. and one that would get aid into the hands of those palestinians who so desperately need it. i wrote them bass, it is said go now consider the action in the un general assembly. but at the same time, if i can pursue efforts in the security council to get to see spa, this is the 4th time the us says, block security council action on a see saw. the new drum resolution appears to show that washington's position is
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perhaps changing. but what's happened here means a c spot isn't gonna happen any time soon. and that means the desk told him, garza is going to continue to rise. james bays out to 0 at the united nations. let's turn out to be occupied westbank or at least one palestinian has been killed during his rainy raid. i need jeanine refugee camp troops that a car on fire as they withdrew from the area in the area as of wednesday. this is ready for snow storm. the ask refugee camp in the city of numberless and rated towns may have to pass on kalki, yet is where it has continued to frequency and intensity of raids. since the war started on the foot of reports from occupied east jerusalem, a continuation of intensified reigns across the occupied west bank by these rarely military. we're looking at at least one palestinian killed in jeanine, the largest of the incursion,
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seemingly in jeanine and its refugee camp. several dozen military vehicles along with bulldozers tearing up the earth on their way and destroying critical palestinian infrastructure in the town and its refugee camp one. palestinian has been killed their reports of arrests as well, but the rate actually began with an air strike from an helicopter something we have not yet seen in the occupied westbank throughout this war. additional raids were reported in nablus and the remodel classes taking place there as well in ramallah reports of miners who were arrested since october. the 7th. we're looking at at least 400 palestinians who have been killed by these rarely, military across the occupied westbank. nearly 7100 other arrests. and again, a continuation of these intensified raids of these rarely military trying to crack down on arms palestinian resistance across the palestinian territories. so someone
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supposed to come here and i'll just, they're including offs. wanted bible, we made the street talk just a ton and to keep making her mocks from central cancer. and the un security council takes options, sanctioning the leaders of i'm groups and the democratic republic. more than that, the the hello place, the cypress. just say the winds easing off around the gulf over the next couple of days, spending a little on the cool side, the high temperatures into the, the mit like to may 20 some really complaint at 5 the women. so they will ease also won't feel quite as cool as it has done in those recent days. i'm assuming a picture should go on through the state temperature statement though to get up to around 25 degrees celsius. meanwhile. so the whole thing to see, we've got
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a mix of rain, sleet and snow just around tech. yeah, i've seen a few showers around the eastern side of the mediterranean, still one or 2 of those showers up into the pots of syria, easy, maybe towards the cool. cuz if the south is that generally dry gauze around 18 degrees celsius, it should be somewhat quads. and that has been recently as we go on through the next couple of days. but the quiet weather across the good parts of the north africa. we have got to the system here, swelling away around, central pos, ultimate. it's randy. such an easy se, some showers, some showers the into the northwest of libya using a little further east with it'll stay dry. they have a car at 22 degrees. quite a brisk wind coming in across the desert that we will see some showers just these and the way down towards the gulf can it will be down. pause here shows to across central positive africa, but drive to the south. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this, of the well, food program says it's posing deliveries of a to northern causa because of violence. the agency says it's trucks which shuts out and looted. and there's complete chaos, a civil collect, please, one palestinian has been killed during his reign. you're right in jeanine and the oxide westbank troops. that's a column size. they withdrew from the camp. and the outs of winston and the united states has featured a drop, the resolution of the un security council calling for an immediate cease fire. and gosh, it's
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a full feature about the us since the stopped up of the day, 3 of the historic proceedings that the humans top cold on israel's illegal occupation of condominium territories. egypt to the us on russia are among 10 countries that are expected to present their arguments in the coming hours from the hague. bernard smith looks at how know is that a representative, some different nations have been presenting that case is the south africa's ambassador to the netherlands. lytle, south africans of his generation grew up under a passage. he knows how it works. we s of africans sense see here and felt cool in the humane discriminates, the policies and practices of the east valley of the gym as an even more extreme form of the updates that was institutionalized, i can make people in my country, let me see to the south africa is one
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a 49 states arguing at the world called the israel is occupation of the palestinian territories is illegal. only the united states in fiji will later argue that it isn't saudi arabia, which before october, the 7th look set to establish diplomatic relations with israel highlighted what it says is these rails intensifying colonization of the west bank. the city of live, one of the governments, the codes are overly made. so for soberly, funds, fav ethnically cleanse font. a city is out of that homeland expense settlements, even photos of onyx for the areas if it was banked, and at all costs to reject the notion of his publishing the city in the states along the lines of the 2 states solutions. these headings been planned for more than a year. they have attracted new focus because of the blood shedding garza, i'm the separate genocide case against israel, that this court is considering
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a thread running through the submissions as a focus on his rails encouragement at expansion of settlements. but toleration a subtle violence and a positive light restrictions on the palestinians in the west bank and east jerusalem buffle illegal under international law. and its winds, being on here to the israel occupation should be declared illegal. bernard smith, alger 0 take while the war on gaza has uprooted all aspects of life in the strip while people are struggling to survive, they're also trying to cling to some sense of the lives they once had. we met to minute have moved to an artist who determined to carry on her trough despite losing access to our studio and materials. this is our story, the on the how didn't what was the, what was it was the see didn't velocity is and a lot of them what it off, and the how much do i to check if i be at 80 percent. let's see, i'm a part of the and welcome to how to convince him one of the icon on the
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late fee and then on the west, and that's in the ninety's. and yet, eleanor benefit of housing the she a is i've been on part huh. but i did as the serial. i'm headed to montana. who am i asked these items in the pain with the yes, i'm not gonna properly look. i won't forget to tell you in the video upon me. so in reply and part of my getting on the yes it even higher and it has it a it is the last it is the item you describe it out in morris. yeah, i have an issue. yeah. the something that the you bought the bullshit shit and there's nothing in the hub. the husband was outside the how you wouldn't have to be
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sitting on off with the ignition of him and the job the job, the for the nation, the level not look what it was and then he a and now the 5th and once in a month, also to tell you what the defense in the town of the now the un security council has sanctioned 6 people from 5 on groups in eastern democratic republic of congo leaders of m 23 year among those targeted with travel bonds and asset freezes. the group is widely understood to be boxed by rolanda, something to golly denies. the decision was made during an emergency meeting of a security council. is malcolm web on the recent escalation,
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this around to 1000000 people have been forced from that homes since the m 23 and group, backed by rolanda, resumed its uprising just over 2 years ago. of the 5 things escalated in recent weeks as in 23 flights as of closed in on the provincial capital of government. thousands of people have been injured and killed the ground. well, fund your got to the m 23 rebels, dropped bombs on the civilian population. many of us were wounded one. we don't have problems with them and they should rather take it up with the military. i'm 23 . the government forces, i'm the groups they support of all being accused of atrocities is the latest round of a conflict that began in the 1990s. and were wondering, uganda invaded congo. that prompted 2 boys that drew in around a 1000 african countries and killed and estimated 6000000 people. eastern come guys being unstable, ever since. and the sense of always, a condos, minerals such as coal town, which is used in almost all the electronics,
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whoever controls the mines and the trade routes can on lost prophets. foreign forces continue to play, that part. 25 year un peacekeeping mission has been criticized for failing to protect civilians. peacekeeping colleagues tell us that in the d. r. c. they remain deeply concerned by the renewed escalation of hostilities in the eastern part of the country. they reiterate their call for the m $23.00 group to cease it's offensive. and to respect the lawanda roadmap to you and peace keepers has started with drawing on the request of con guys, government whose own forces of also failed to protect civilians and to stop and 20 three's advances. the latest foreign troops to arrive from south africa, lowly in terms of the please being fighting and 23 alongside the government. on saturday, the us said when the should with drawers troops and surface to and me. so i was from combat. lawanda has said it's national security is threatened,
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hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement comes and medians more in the city of government. waiting to find out if the decades long conflict is it bound to get was once again to malcolm web. how does a rough process all taking place in columbia is capital to mow and hundreds of people killed by power, military groups and drug contents. violence has continued despite the 2016 piece deal between the government and the left wing revolutionary armed forces known as the fox. how some of them catch you, reports from the tough as an act of the collective morning. i made an endless 3. i left that hundreds gathered in downtown bogota to demand the government to do more to protect those who were left behind by a peace deal signed nearly a decade ago. more than 400, the former revel fight, there's an 1100 community leaders have been killed since the columbia in state. and
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the country's largest give the group park agreed to stop the war in 2016. the victims are mostly, i feel colombians and indigenous people caught up in or targeted by fighting the continues in territories the government. this failed to control the story piece still promised to end decades of civil conflict, but after a brief increasing security, many rural areas instead. so renewed violence on factions and dropped them off us fight to control trafficking routes, any legal mining resources the time has come to the mon results to the attorney general office. and these killings we call and keeping silent witnesses for the slow genocide. if those who laid down their arms, each of these boxes were, presents a coffin. the, we ahead to participate in what needs to be a nation wide morning, because each of these dest is painful for how much longer we keep adding to the list of widows, and orphans kids. columbia as
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a broad range of policies and laws in place to prevent these killings, but enforcement has been poor and impunity. high left his president gustavo k through who took office a year and a half ago major piece of priority initiate. and he talks with all remaining on groups so far with limited results in the former top commander of the far it doesn't blame the government. but what he says are powerful forces opposed to piece back into those, etc. we put that there is an important sector of columbia that doesn't want to lose is privileges that and paid paste progress. because pays requires redistributing wealth and ending the legal business. that's what makes it so difficult, but we remain up domestic and hug that was acts like this one. we will be able to move forward. reaching a stable piece in columbia remains and i'm full field promise. a successive governments have filed to and this ever changing internal conflict,
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but have struggled to achieve it. i listened that i did. i just need a book that in venezuela at least a 100 mine is trumped on the ground off for a landslide collapse. the engine storm mine happened on tuesday at the low combined in central venezuela. officials say there are 2 separate collapses. that's been the confirmation of fatalities as yet. no rush of the tax on ukraine now forcing all far it isn't from climbing areas to build underground schools. eastern city of hockey, which bowed as russia is head almost daily by russian. that strikes schools that have been closed since most goes innovation, i'll just say was rob mcbride, ripple's that show tone space, but know it seems on useful energy. but the stellar typical hockey metro system became a boss joke to for the cities, residents with trains running one small, 5 of the stations now accommodates purpose built schools. children feel safe here and this go with they have the chance of communicating better as teachers and


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