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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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try to lighten, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comforts to be found. the i love them of the moon's hot child. it was as rarely as drake killed thousands of people in southern garza and move in 29000 people have been killed in his riley attack. so phone the kind of them or a kyle, this is out. is there a life from time also coming up as well, causing deliberate salvation and famine in northern casa, lots of trucks carrying life saving 8th of blocks from entering the besieged, spread m, u. s. and russia to address the new as top cool side with the impact of israel's
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occupation, a palestinian territories. i wrote the pride in hockey view. craig, where would schools still threatened by miss solves above ground. more remote classes are going on. the, it's 11 gmc, that's 1 pm in the southern garza where they is where the ministry is once again targeting the city of rough or, well, the 1500000 palestinians have been forced out from other areas of sheltering. the bodies have been pining off at the outlet john hospital, at least 25 people have been killed as a result of his really strikes on rough or hon. eunice. 8 children are amongst the dead. there have been problems in my life place kenzie. she was a year and 6 months old. i was off my in laws with my wife and daughter. we a t and i played with my daughter an hour after i left, i heard airstrikes on the news. they said there was an air stuck in the house
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around back only to find my daughter as my wife. my in laws. many members of the family killed a correspondent, honey mackwood. as in ralph in southern garza, with more the scenes of its sojourn inside the hospital. so with the blood that wrapped in white sheets continue to dominate the daily routine. here as these really military continues to pound across the gaza strip just over, not a tax and dropbox cause it is a 5 members of one family destroying their residential home that they've been children again since the beginning of this war in the central area, we're looking at at least within the past couple of hours, a close to $45.00 people have been killed, including the past due hours where a car was this truck and, and kids killing and all the passengers inside of it. we were told by us forces in the central area that was a family trying to play part where do where is residing and thereby to a safer area. but as they were moving, they were targeted by a missile,
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fired by it, a talk, a drawing, and then they'll say that refuge account more residential. i'll be targeted on, destroyed whole people reported and, and strike on to residential homes in western part of. and they'll say that refuge account the maybe what's a tragic about the over not a tax is the fact that evacuation zone a mossy area, that's the western part of con you. it is an area that's been largely designated that saved zone for you back and we literally, these really military told people in the northern part on garza and parts of han unit in order to avoid being bombed, they have to move to a loss these on only to find themselves at air, the hours of this morning subjected to relentless attacks on the presence of some 30 taxable goals or out of pocket drones. 9 people to be reported kills, including women and children. the attacks continue and more tragedies are being created as the work continues across the gaza strip. at least 5 people from the
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same family have been killed off the call was attached to the dial bhalla and central garza. it happened during the main sol out in road or rescue a struggle to recover the bodies. thousands of others have been injured. faith being taken to alexa hospital, it's a very populated area and it's been talked to by multiple is really as strikes in the last few weeks. doctors without borders says and is really strong icon on the why fi on monday night killed at least 2 people. this is why the moat, you previously ordered palo citizens to go off to declaring it a safe. soon in the statements, the terrace, he says, to nights as riley forces conducted an operation on the last, the con eunice, or shelter hosting doctors without borders stuff. and the families with showed evidence cruise have now reached the site for at least 2 family members of our colleagues have been killed and 6 people wounded. we are horrified, they say by what has taken place. the palestinian red
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crescent is a, a number of people have died due to solve ation in gaza. israel has block supplies, if you monetary and 8 since the beginning of the war allowing an a small number of trucks into the strip. now the world food program says is posing deliveries to the north because the conditions a to dangerous, tara capitalism. reports from rough buildings would use to rustle in the sy rock often. another date is where the bombing palestinians pick through the rooms. searching for safe voices often only find the remains of their loved ones as the perry visit menu. and if the funding was at the end level of the law, we want them to look at also with massey. this is just wrong today. no one can stop is right with that. yeah. even our country's content to do a lot of the it hadn't. and so this is what kind of situation i like to now look at
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the semi trees are everywhere and they're all full new west sites. even for those was trying to help the world with program had only just resumed 8 deliveries to know the ring cause of to us feet weak suspension are now they are stopping against you and you don't see sites that's simply too dangerous. strikes up constant consent. but with goes on the brink of famine, many trucks have full so diluted by desperate people with no what else to turn. the world for program saves, it didn't take it's decision lightly. they say a system needs to be set top to into deliveries can be made safely. and the big thoughts of this is opening more crushing points to live in more essential supplies until things change the future for people in cause i have to explain. it's really performing opposes any immediate danger along with the threats almost off vacation on a topic about oh, just a rough,
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rough suffering dollars on the stage 3 of public hearings before the humans top cool, since the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian territories lights have lots of finale 6 decades. judges have already had from several states including palestine, south africa, saudi arabia, and the netherlands. so fall, the submissions agree that as well as occupation violates international humanitarian know, rep census and the united states, russia and from remote states may submissions on wednesday. that's bringing punish fifties outside in special court of justice in the hague for us and both over the past few days. we've had many states touched on the same themes, always seeing a pass and develop in the legal arguments a
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swell. because remember the quotes you'd bring us to consider 2 questions, essentially, the 1st one of the legal consequences of the ongoing violation bias right of the rights of public students to self determination. how to those policies affect the legal status of the occupation. remember, this hearing was cold before the war on gauze and back in 2022. the un general assembly voted on this. and we've heard lawyer off the lawyer appointed by different countries who are making submissions $51.00 in total, making submissions or on box. it is essentially making very similar arguments of the continued occupation, particularly the west bank and east jerusalem. and israel is deliberate, we population with these rarely settlers at those areas, is making the occupation permanent rather than 10 prints of bodies why all these lawyers are pointing out. that is a violation of international law. and the challenge with israel is you'll hear in country after country say the same thing sometimes and quite dry legal terminology, but nevertheless very powerfully making that argument. israel, of course,
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is not giving oral submissions is making research should a written statement. scientists jump in because we all know about to hit from the us, the acting legally advised that the us state department, which is the vice that gets taken has done that's taken less of the international community, has confronted the horror of the terrorist attacks of october 7, including the taking of hostages, who have yet to be released. and the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas, which has had severe, widespread and tragic consequences for palestinian civilians and gossip violence, including extreme. a settler violence also surged in the west bank. see united states along with others, is engaging intensively with the palestinians with israel and with other states in the region and within the united nations. not only to address the current crisis,
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but to get beyond where we have been. namely to advance a political settlement that will lead to endurable peace in the reason that includes last and security for his re lease and palestinians and a passed a palestinian statehood. the security council and the general assembly remained convinced that the as rarely some palestinians must take the steps necessary to resolve their conflict and create section and during peace. these principal organs of the united nations have laid out and continue to endorse the path to achieve that peace through the principles. first, start speculated in security council resolutions 242 and 338. those resolutions are the core of the established framework within which the court should address the legal questions before it of this course,
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advisory opinion, who i have consequences for the parties to the conflict and for the ongoing efforts of all of those working to achieve a durable piece, it will do so for the security council, which bears primary responsibility for maintenance of international peace and security. it will do so for the general assembly, which requested the courts advice. and it will do so for the other members of the international community. throughout the trip to come out to us and often violent history of the israeli palestinian conflict, the united nations has been consistent in a support for the proposition that a comprehensive just and lasting peace requires negotiations between the parties to the conflict. as the court can see in the submissions before it, there was broad international support for achieving a negotiated solution to the conflict that will give rise to
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a palestinian state. a solution in which 2 peoples lives side by side with equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity and dignity. and which results in broader ethnic, regional integration and stability with respect for the rights of all states to live in peace within secure and recognized borders. it is for these reasons that the united states encourages the court to ensure that its opinion preserves and promotes the established framework and the progress of the principal political organs of the united nations to identify the appropriate measures to address this particular matter of international peace and security to mr. president, the members of the court. it will not be possible in this statement to address every assertion or underlying assumption, including those with which the united states disagrees. instead, my statement today will proceed in 2 parts. first,
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i will discuss the established framework set forth and endorsed by the security council and the general assembly. as well as the widespread recognition step, the parties must return to that framework as the pathway to durable piece. i will then address guiding considerations for the important role. the court should play and preserving and promoting that framework. mr. president, members of the court, the 1st time the general assembly sought this course advice in relation to the israeli, palestinian conflict. the court recognized that, and i quote, this tragic situation can be brought to an end only to implementation in good faith of all relevant security council resolutions. in particular resolutions 242 adopted in 196-7338, adopted in 1973. this statement remains as proved today as it was then as the security council,
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the general assembly and the international community have consistently affirmed. and as many of the submissions in these proceedings recognize as set out in our written submissions, the established framework for which even a comprehensive and during peace is anchored in security council resolutions. 242 and 338. i the upstairs for these and subsequent resolutions call for the application of to enter dependent and inseparable requirements for just and lasting peace. one is the withdrawal forces from occupied territory and the other is peace and security for states in the middle east to acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every state in the area. and identified these inter dependent requirements. the security council decided that the withdrawal of israeli forces relies on and is bound together with the
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termination of illiteracy, mutual recognition, and respect for the right of israel and every other state in the region to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries, free from threats or acts of force. this principle is referred to by both the security council and the general assembly, as land for peace. in the years since these inter dependence and inseparably inseparable requirements, have been the organizing principle of historic peace agreements. first between israel and egypt and then between israel in jordan, they were also adopted by israel and the palestinians in the oslo accords. though the promise of us law has yet to be fulfilled. the framework built upon these requirements remains the only basis for achieving a comprehensive peace in the region and between the parties. the security council
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and the general assembly have reflected this time and again in their respective resolutions. this framework also remains the basis for ongoing us efforts to facilitate a lasting piece. as earlier this month. us secretary of state pointing traveled to the region for the 5th time since october 7, and discussed the steps of commitments that all parties would need to make. as the explained, there will be difficult choices necessary to realize the vision of the long, elusive prospect of true peace and true security. he also reinforced up the diplomatic path to adjust and last in peace. and to true security for all in the region, continues to be a path to an industry all that is fully integrated into the region with normal relations with the countries of the region and with firm guarantees for and security. he underscore dep. this must include a concrete pass to palestinian to a palestinian state,
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living side by side in peace and security with israel. the united states has not alone in this effort to achieve and sustain the goal of the established framework that the security council and the general assembly have created and continue to endorse countries and, and organizations around the world. some of which are participating in these proceedings continue to reiterate the imperative of reviving the peace process and urgently achieving a 2 state solution. written comments collect a number of statements made to that effect of the mr. president numbers in the court. i turn now to the 2nd part of my statement, and the important role the court can play and preserving and promoting this established framework. the court has appropriately recognized that its role in
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rendering and advisory opinion is to assist the requesting new and working while taking care to avoid a result that could undermine the determinations of the security council and its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security this feature of the courts advisory function has several important implications for the courts work in this proceeding. i will discuss 3 of them 1st and fundamentally the courts should not take up the suggestion of some to interpret the questions in this proceeding as encompassing the entire question of palestine. the request seeks advice only with respect to the legal consequences of the conduct of one of the parties to the underlying conflict. this one sidedness which contrasts with the reciprocity inherent in the established framework. necessarily must inform the call, the courts approach to this advisory proceedings. second,
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contrary to the assertion of some participants in calling for the core to take this measured approach to the question refer, the united states is by no means suggesting there is no rule, no rule for the court, nor is it the position of the united states if the court must refrain from considering violations of international law or the legal consequences there of participants who have said as much have misunderstood us. of the, our argument is grounded in respect for the un charter and the roles and responsibilities assigned to the us principal organs. the court's advisory function was designed to assist the rams principal political oregon's in the proper performance of their respective functions. in exercising its advisory of all the court must necessarily consider the extent to which the security council and general assemblies have taken action. to address the matter of international peace
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and security, particularly where as here, they have directly and repeatedly endorsed a specific framework for achieving peace. none of the security council resolutions has suggested altering or departing from this framework. in fact, as recently as late december, the council and resolution 2720 reiterated. and i quote, unwavering commitment to the vision of a 2 state solution where 2 democratic states, israel and palestine live side by side in peace with within, secure, and recognized borders. consistent with international law and relevant un resolutions and quote and at around the same time, the general assembly likewise stressed and resolution $78.00 slash $19.00 to quote, the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the israeli occupation that began
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in 1967 and a just last in a comprehensive peace settlement between the palestinian and israeli sides based on the relevant resolutions of the united nations emitter in terms of reference, including the principles of plan for peace. the error print, the error piece initiative and the quartet roadmap to a permanent to state solution to the israeli palestinian conflict. see international law has a central and important role to play here within the establish framework. the security council itself, including and recent resolutions 21722720 has demanded that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law. and within the framework,
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the council has also sought to remove obstacles to the achievement of a 2 state solution, including the establishment of civilian settlements, destruction of infrastructure, demolition of homes, and the failure to prevent acts of terrorism. the council has likewise emphasized that the parties should be held to their commitments. for example, security council resolution 1850 notes, the reverse ability of the bilateral negotiations between the parties and urges and i quote, an intensification of diplomatic efforts to foster and parent law was progress in the bilateral process. mutual recognition and peaceful coexistence between all states and the region in the context of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the middle east.
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in any consideration by the core of these or other issues. the challenge for the court is how to provide its advice in a way that promotes the framework rather than disrupting its balance, potentially making the possibility of negotiations even more difficult of the in this regard. it would not, as some participants suggest, be conducive to achievement of the stablish framework to issue. want to issue an opinion that calls for a unilateral immediate and unconditional withdrawal by israel. that does not account for israel's legitimate security needs. whatever the court's opinion on the legal consequences of particular violations of international law, such an outcome would be contrary to the established framework, which the security council and general assembly have structured around the 2 interdependent and inseparable elements. not only withdrawal,
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but also the conditions necessary for peace and security for all states and region . and enduring peace requires progress on both of these balanced elements. in addition, as note in the us written comments, the establishment of this framework, or the security council, and general assembly is a salient feature of these proceedings, distinguishing it from other proceedings. mister president, members of the court. as secretary general gutierrez remarked, just a few weeks ago in connection with ending israel's occupation quote, alas and to these rarely palestinian conflict can only come through with 2 state solution. is released must see their legitimate needs for security. materialized and palestinian palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for
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a fully independent, viable and sovereign state. realized in line with united nations resolutions, international law, and previous agreements or under the establish framework. any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7 and they persist. regrettably, those meetings have been ignored by many of the participants and asserting how the court should consider the questions before it. and so it is important that the court keep in mind the balance of the security council and general assembly have determined is necessary to provide the best chance for general peace. mister protest, mister president,
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numbers of the court. i turn out to my 3rd point and carefully considering how its advice might best support progress within the established framework. the court should not deviate from long standing principles of international law, including with respect to the law for a german occupation. is set out in the written submissions of the united states. international law does not provide for an occupation itself to be rendered unlawful or void based either on its duration or on any violations of occupation law. under international humanitarian law, a belligerent occupation is established when the customer international law standard reflected an article $42.00 of the hague. 4 regulations satisfied the fact of an occupation is the basis for the occupying power to exercise its authority over occupied territory. the fact of an occupation is also the basis for the
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application of illegal rights and duties applicable to an occupying power. for example, the 4th geneva convention prohibits in occupying power from transferring parts of its own civilian population into territory. it occupies, or even if an occupying power violates such a prohibition as has been argued in this proceeding and as the cart, as and as the court found in construction of a law. the legal status of the occupation would not change as a consequence. because the occupation continues, in fact, importantly, this means that the protections of occupation law including its protections for civilians would continue to apply we were surprised to hear that some have questioned in this proceeding the us position on the like the legality of acquisition of territory by the use of force we have repeatedly stated our strong opposition to any you allow lateral attempts to change the peacefully
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established status of the territories by force or coercion, anywhere in the world. and have reaffirm that the acquisition of territory by force is prohibited. and as a written statement made clear in reference to this and other situations, the security council and the general assembly have declared that any actions to change the status of occupied territory are known on board. and do not affect the continued application of the 4th geneva to mention with respect to duration. international law does not impose specific timeline and so on an occupation. that said, belligerent occupation is a temporary measure for administering territory under the control of belligerent armed forces. a few days ago, at the munich security conference secretary blinking emphasize that it is more
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urgent than ever to proceed to a palestinian state one that also ensures the security of israel and makes the necessary commitments to do so. in light of these considerations, the court should not find that is real, is legally obligated to mediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory. the, the court can address the questions before within the establish framework based on the land for peace principle and within the parameters of a stablish principles of occupational mister president, members of the court. as i said at the outset, you have a difficult task before you. others have asked you to broadly construe the questions on the law. they have asked you to try to resolve the whole of the dispute between the parties, through an advisory opinion, address the questions focusing on the acts of only one party. the united states
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disagrees with that, that this approach would be consistent with the court's role within the united nations or the established you in framework for achieving peace through negotiations. a mazda is a tax cost is taking and other atrocities. the ongoing hostilities and the suffering of palestinians in gaza and the violence in the westberg reinforce the united states resolved to urgently achieve a final piece that includes the full realization of palestinian self determination . the current crisis fil a strace, the vital need to achieve this piece. this final piece with a palestinian state living safely and securely along.


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