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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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through the questions on the last day of asked you to try to resolve the whole of the dispute between the parties through an advisory opinion, address the questions focusing on the acts of only one party. the united states disagrees with that, that this approach would be consistent with the court's role within the united nations or the established you in framework for achieving peace through negotiations. a mazda is attacks hostage taking and other atrocities. the ongoing hostilities and the suffering of palestinians in gaza and the violence in the westberg reinforce the united states resolved to urgently achieve a final piece that includes the full realization of palestinian self determination . the current crisis illustrates the vital need to achieve this piece. this final piece with a palestinian state living safely and securely alongside
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a secure israel fully integrated into the region. as secretary blinking said, quote, we're not going to have terrible security for israel unless and until palestinian political aspirations are met and called the lack of meaningful progress on a negotiate or 10 to the conflict and establishment of peace between the parties and for the region. cannot and must not persist. the security council and general assembly continued to make clear their support for the 2 state solution and the established framework to fulfill it. this conflict cannot be resolved to violence for unilateral actions. negotiations are the past, the lasting piece. for these reasons, we respectfully encourage the court to carefully calibrate it's advice in this proceeding to support and promote final realization of peace and stability within
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the established. you weren't framework set out in security council resolutions 242 and 338. mister president, members of the court. this concludes the oral statement of the united states. i thank you for your kind attention. i think the, the case. i'm not the states of america for this presentation, which putting split goal this morning's heating record. putting me again so afternoon at 3 pm, and that we're seeing this thing to the us state departments, legal action, legal advisor, which is the vice tech who was addressing the international court of justice of the hague. on the day 3 of public hearings into the legal consequences of as well as the occupation of palestinian territories, which is nothing but nearly 6 decades. we had us that warning, the quote against issuing an advisory that would jeopardize the establish you and the framework for what he calls last thing piece. he said such as the immediate
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withdrawal of israel without addressing is really security means live in the palestinian territories. that's go now to buy the smith. he was also listening to the us arguments a standing outside the in special court of justice in the hague. but give us the stand out moment. see you in the us argument. well, i think the u. s. a is one of only 2 states here of fiji is the other who is arguing against the idea that the court should declare israel is occupation illegal. what i think rich and basic was trying to do was he was saying that the quote, the question the quote was posing was one sided. it was biased against israel because the quote is only being asked to consider israel as role in the occupation . and he said that should not, we should be concentrating on a consistent un security council resolutions over the decades that are fund
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commitment to this 2 state solution and the palestinian state alongside the state of israel. he said the arguments about population transfer. this a lot allegation that extra israel breach has the full geneva come convention by transferring a surplus to the palestinian territories. it should be something that should be addressed by the security council. it doesn't change the fact of occupation. so there's a lot of sort of dry legal argument trying to suggest that really base pull shouldn't just be considering this question because it's biased towards israel. i would say that ahead of his speech, there was a very powerful space in the united arab emirates. and they said quite the country they sort of predicted this is what the americans would be saying. they said that in fact, the cool, providing an advisory opinion of 40 and 5, we established the consoles for any future negotiations on
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a pilot standing. the stay between israel and the palestinians, severe you, are you quite powerfully saying that actually the court needs to make some sort of ruling out. all the other states have argued to re establish the how a future negotiations on the 2 state solution should progress. okay, but if so, the moment thanks very much, will be joining you again off to the un quotes break. when will be listening to rush a give it's arguments for the name and i thank you. let's bring in my on the sean, now he's out to the senior place coast. uh see if this will allow us to discuss this further. have you had mo and you said that you expect to the us to defend as well when it was in defensible. do you think that's what it did? but yes, but in a very, very clever way. it is the kind of thing you would expect from a superpower, right? and this is the time when it's anything but the vulgar. right. i mean,
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it's very sober, very clever. and very sophisticated argument, it just doesn't make it any, it is absurd. and any of this dishonest, right. the overall and message of the, of the american representative is that the court should be at the service of the american is really negotiation strategy. not that the american is really a negotiation strategy should abide by the court shortly when it was talking about the un resolutions that had already been paused to mean the framework that exists when he said that when that's when, when he was in for sized, that all of this subject is, is, is subject to the framing of the negotiation. so not that, for example, what, that's the heart of the, of the sessions is for the court to say what the occupation is legal order, legal which brings me to the 2nd point. why should the court ruling
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that dell condition is and legal be any cumbersome, be any burden on the american is ready negotiations? what i mean? because otherwise it should be legal. but certainly, i mean, the question here is that it's not a question a few years, few months, few weeks. it's been going on for 56 years. and here comes a bit of a dishonesty. yes, the american position has been under trump clicked on by didn't at least right. the past 8 years went by america, for example, accepted israel's next ation of the golan heights. i see it in occupied territory. so it's not true that america does not accept the admissibility of deposition of 33rd or by force because it recognizes what is the next session of the car and recognize juice of it as a capital visit. which later on the president tom said,
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i really do is read from this whole issue of jerusalem. right now we, the america recognized your an extension of just the fact. so in fact, the united states, they take a good number of steps that are in thought of violations of international law. and then this whole and begin with you about the supplements of course, the access to historically speaking, has taken the position that fast reading once populations on ok by 33, as israel has done over the years is illegal. but then it's sort of become more and more than what i'm big. it was so much so that's a lot to years, especially if you're accepting them as the fact with accepted the sacraments block as defect on ash. the kind of thing has been minded that the person swap territory because they must leave both the 2nd much simpler. and for me, aside from all the legal issues of, i am not the executive versed in because i'm just basically commenting on the politics the american presentation is probably the most important,
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underlining is showing this whole thing, right. and why is what justifies this occupation? why america accepts israel justification for sure kitchen. and what kind of hard to hear said, i think probably with us in times israel security. right to defend itself, you put it twice and on the questions right or something. what is a security a how to define just because of security. prime minister that's a whole is there as, as there is a security that can one of you guaranteed if it fixed charge on all the territories from the georgia river to the mediterranean sea. which means, i mean, if you check by the senior state that mr. white, but his name is box about this actually is going to be under is ready to control of . hence, the american represent doesn't even mention the end of occupation that the russian to establish and the stand state requires ending the occupation. he doesn't even talk about this mac, the sacrament. prison. the findings are more just on the 1967 because anything less
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than that would be accepting the acquisition of that is sorted by force. right. so what's a good? quite sophisticated, it's quite clever, quite sober. right? but quite a certain dishonest, to be honest. in fact, in terms of what is required of the score, this is the world's course. the woods courts cannot be at the disposition and at the service of american facts, america, america is ready in negotiation tactics. so it be interesting to see what happens because of the $51.00 countries presenting arguments. only america, um fiji will be ongoing for each against the illegal occupation. so let's get the idea of a legal occupation. so let's see what happens at mullin for the moment. thank you very much. okay, well let's go back to the situation on the ground and also in israel's unrelenting attacks. have forced upon us to dns across garza to leave areas where they've been
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struggling to find safety there. obama is one place where people are seeking refuge, but that being forced to live on the desk but conditions and could already has been that to speak to one family about their experience, us from the last date of loss and then back from gruff off to get it but this is how palestinians internally displaced, have been moving around different areas across of the gaza strip. after being our veggie evacuated from the another in area, palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months. today we are visiting us and mooney family in the bella where this area behind me is complete, was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her tongue right now, and the situation is very sad and that the living conditions are for ver,
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fix this tent where we are here. it has been a home and the only shelter for us. and when a family of so many family evacuated from, as a, to a neighborhood in the bella where her current t as a to, and has been witnessing a lot of, of, of, of air strikes. and also that is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. there's nothing to me is that what is your knowledge and i'm call for it all. we left all area now as a to and because of the who risk situation to these very least took 3 of my children. well being on the say for my children of dollar her mom's and for ours were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details, i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also
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lost that brother during the 2009 though the father and the brother of motus, i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them, i want to help them all. jenny, to be here, was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went to darrow paula because of the stress of the role over the place. and rossa wants to be honest with you. there is no safety and security anyway and because the strength would benefit this, this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these palestinians have been displaced. and we have been seeing a lot of areas, agriculture areas, empty areas, schools, universities, and hospitals that became shelters for hundreds of thousands of palestinians misplaced and forced to evacuate their houses. this is in the city, i just need a better. but adults, as in golf, as you remaining hospitals, are struggling to provide cash for premature babies. some of them opens and have no
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families left to take care of them. anyhow, share my thoughts inside the gods, a hospital fridge. the bodies of several infants rest and note on the door cushions don't put food. yeah. the reason for which is paying for the key out the life and death into twine. yeah. at the end but it's crescent hospital in rough lot. i think this hospital is very small. it is now the only place with gynecology obstetrics and nursery facilities. in the gaza strip. we have just 18 incubators for 45 babies. there should be only one baby in each incubator. that means there is a lot of pressure on doctors and nursing staff. doctors say the story of one pretty much you baby, they've named my lack is particularly tragic and have them smoke. i don't know how much, what there's an unknown baby and we don't know what's happened to our family. some
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people found her on a tree as a result of the showing and brought her to the hospital. we gave for the name of malik because she really looks like an angel. black whose name means angel in that i make is one of the 213 metro babies brought to this hospital from actually 5 medical complex. she was well enough to stay engaged along with 2 other babies, while the remaining 28, whose parents, fates are on known, were sent to egypt for treatment or the sleep. we need to save the posting in children, the children and babies have done nothing to be the victims of these really aggression. the occupation forces are criminals, who can't do anything. they are threatening for storm, rasa. and if this happens, we will lose all post. i mean, babies here in the hospital, they are also many healthy children in the nursery woods and the hospital is trying to reach their families so they can be ever united. the just show the crowd
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conditions inside the nursery. doctors are concerned that the she and number of children needing treatment into what causes a threat to the lights, the cache, and just at least 2 people have been killed, including a child off to and is really asked right kits of 11 and it's hacked. talk to the board, a village of my child's in 3 of those what inches at least 46 civilians have been killed in lebanon since the will on casa began. local media is reporting that last last struck the syrian capital, just our as often as riley strike hit a residential area in damascus. these 2 people were opposed to be killed in the campuses, the neighborhood strike damage the 4th full of a 10 story building and dozens of cause as well, has lost hundreds of strikes and syria, mainly targeting security and minute treat facilities. so you know how to go from
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there it or target to strike in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus. there has been no claim of responsibility, but the syrian state leader is calling it is really aggressive and this was a precise and surgical strike in a and a residential area of the apartment was directly targeted. so very similar, really to and it's really striked that killed the number 2 man in the palace, city and movements come off in the lebanese capital baby was in, in january. now as of late, we have seen a tax like this one in, in syria. in fact, they've become more frequent and more deadly or since the war on gospel began in october because as well really has been responsible for carrying out hundreds of strikes against sites belonging to iranian backed groups. iranian groups like the revolutionary guards of so this is expected to continue because of the israeli
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defense minister is now saying that the equations have collapse. and this way the air force is going to act where it's these fits, whether it's in damascus, whether it's in the lebanese capital bay roots or other cities, cities and 11 on israel is trying to pressure the around me and lead so called excess of resistance to stop to stop attacks against israel. they have open numerous friends across the region to help relief pressure on garza, but their response has been the will, their attacks, all the fronts will remain active, as long as, as well as war on casa, continues. center for their i was just, you know, they don't the, let's get some of these though. i mean, you in security council has section 6 people from groups operating an eastern democratic republic of congo, needles of m 23. a remote stays had to travel bonds and asset freezes. the decision
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was made during an emergency meeting of the security council violence as intensified and recent months as i'm 23 fighters and thoughts on a major city in the east. so let's take a closer look at the m 23 on the group, but so much more than a decade ago is maybe based. and the company's presence of north keepers, which is which and natural resources and 23 need as a may need from the to the ethnic group. they say one of the aims is to fight groups founded by hutus is federal end of the 1994 genocide. the m 23 had most with companies only under 2009 peace still bought in 2012. they said the agreement not being upheld and broke away. catherine story has more. busy on the situation from government and the east of dc. well, the situation is still very dia. uh indeed um, socket is shot way. it's about to 15 kilometers on the main road and the last
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2 hours a. so we seen a lot of moving um from uh, security forces heavy uh there now in the town itself. uh, the pricing has been going on very intense. um, on the one side uh, we have uh, 2 subs from, uh the on the next homilies. um yeah, so they are needing either for says include inside at the regional block uh to all that and then we also have um, you know, new lease. yeah. i'll put a plug nissan of militia groups that are also helping the government. and now we have a m $23.00, which is on hills near soccer. and well, the government is trying to do is to push, i'm going to 3 slices farther away. it's very significant that the government controls back here because it is a gauge way to go my, the provincial, a copy to all to russia is a tax on ukraine,
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a full single farseason front line areas to build underground schools. schools that are being close since most goes invasion. foot bride reports from khaki that show its own space, but noted scenes on useful energy. but the started football, hockey, metro system became a boss joke to for the city's residents with trains running one small 5 of the stations now accommodates purpose built schools. children feel safe here and let's go with they have the chance of communicating data as teachers and classmates is good for they associated ization to help children adapt counselors are assigned to each clause, while the teachers do their best to keep spirit. so would you, doris, and the teachers they do play with them, they have a gaming. and so we try to make as much fun for them as is as we can here as these moaning clauses. and there's still a feeling, it's
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a bit of an adventure. it's better than learning online at home, says valera, in fact, it's pretty cool. a friend, paulina, it's the food, especially the book as in hot dogs. the metro system now has about as many schools as it can support operating and shift to allow as many children as possible to attend. and that's a growing realization that as long as schools above ground us residents by rushing as strikes and showing then cod keys will need to continue looking to build on the ground outside the city on the sides of a closed college. a school of the future is taking shape. a giant bunker of a structure able to accommodate 400 children and stuff with everything needed to survive, sealed off from the outside world for up to 3 weeks if necessary, a glimpse into a somewhat disturbing subterranean existence. keep a boy say,
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i don't want such a future. i want my children to study as i studied as my parents and grandparents studies, not on the ground, but for kind of keeps children and the parents, the apparent acceptance of this reality. as long as they have such a neighbor in russia, public broad, i'll just say era cognitive ukraine. protests are taking place in columbia as capital to more and hundreds of people killed by permanency groups and drug cartels . violence has continued display to 2016 p steel between the government and fog rebels. as on to run pepsi reports from book a tall and active collect the morning. i mean in english, 3 on the 5th hundreds gathered in downtown. but with that to demand the government do more to protect those who are left behind by a peace deal signed nearly executive go more than 400 former revel fighters and 1100 community leaders have been killed since the columbia in states. and the
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country's largest gifts via group park agreed to stop the war in 2016. the victims are mostly, i feel colombians and indigenous people cut up in or targeted by fighting the continues in territories the government. this failed to control of the story piece, still promised to end decades of civil conflict. but after a brief increasing security, many rural areas instead so renewed violence on factions and dropped them off us fight to control trafficking routes. any legal mining resources the time has come to the mon results to the attorney general office and these killings we call and keeping sight of witnesses for the slow genocide. if those who laid down their arms, each of these boxes but presents a coffin, the, we are here to participate in what needs to be a nationwide morning, because each of these dest is painful, for how much longer we keep adding to the list of widows, and orphans kids,
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columbia as a broad range of policies and laws in place to prevent these killings. but enforcement has been poor and impunity. high left his president gustavo k through who took office a year and a half ago major piece of priority initiate. and he talks with all remaining on groups so far with limited results in the former top commander of the far it doesn't blame the government. but what he says are powerful forces opposed to piece, baggage those etc. wait for that. there is an important sector of columbia that doesn't want to lose its privileges in pay pace to progress. because pace requires redistributing wealth and ending the legal business. that's what makes it so difficult, but we remain up domestic and hug that was acts like this one. we will be able to move forward, reaching a stable piece in columbia remains and i'm full field promise. a successive governments have filed to and this ever changing internal conflict,
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but have struggled to achieve it. i listened that i'm good. i just need a book to the pack is don, is one step closer to a new government that's to biggest policies in parliament have announced accommodation deal the past on people's policy. and the muslim league will join forces with some smaller policies to make up a parliamentary majority of the problem is such about sherry as the coalitions, ken's that for the job, a get top job again. well, high, the reports for me is all about squarely says, i never, i never stay, but when it comes to the history of this country. so the question is how long whether there's going less than last. however, it was off good, several days of intense negotiations that the buckets on people his bargain, and the progress done with them leaving now was agreed on the candidate for the prime minister job. i showed a being that they would need 169 wards in 836036336 parliament. you'll get the majority the need which they read comfortably because
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there's another body also the m q m, which has also joined them. so as far as the stability thing is concerned, it is not just the buckets on derek and soft, but the jamal just allow me to jump me at the my, it's the data collab bank focused on the ged, which is the depth grand democratic airlines. and also the allow me national larkey, they're all drug testing. i in fact they have already blog, ty, with in the province of vital just on and they're threatening protest and got argue so it will be separate. the bar diesel will be organizing for protests. the buckets, dante you can stop so far has not announced any protest. they're likely to sit in the off position. but it appears that once again focused on may see more political instability. and all these parties come onto the streets, demanding that they wards that were stolen from them should be that done. so it'd
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be interesting to see how long the government would not to stay with us. laura kyle's and that's it from me roll back suddenly back in just a moment with all the days top stories for you. the latest news palestinians are not only queuing to got bread and water, but they're also doing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hearts of the story. how rude works to the cemetery, and there's no tombstones for them. but he's determined that the names will be never forgotten. with details coverage, the settlers and the veterans tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of these by the army. these business uptake these quotes and by the city bank growth, partner of bung the dashboard to use the
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these business uptake. these me, roy thought of bundle dash football to use if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold. that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square metre towards
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without having a hostages spread slipping. governments of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. the the then the another model moving so child while is where the air strikes killed. thousands of people in southern guys of more than 29000 people are being killed in his many attacks. so far the, this is all just a life from joe have also coming up is it will cause and deliberate starvation and famine. and northern guy is that well, trucks.


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