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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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of one square meter towards the new without having the hostages right now, the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably. the, it's another model, noise for child while is where the air strikes killed. thousands of people in southern gas of more than $29000.00 people are being killed in is many attacks. so far the auto center. this is all just a life from jo. how i'm also coming up is it will cause and deliberate starvation and famine, and northern guys that will have trucks coming,
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light saving aid are blocked from entering the besieged strip. the court should not find that israel is legally obligated to immediately, unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory. that the international court of justice for us defines israel's decades long, brutal occupation of palestinian territories and city and state media reports that it is really sci sent to a residential building in damascus as killed at least 2 civilians. the in southern guns are the is really ministry is again targeting the city of rafa more than 1500000 palestinians who are being forced out from other areas are sheltering. their bodies have been piling up for the on those off hospital. at least 25 people have been killed as a result of is really strikes on that off on a con, eunice 8 children are among the dead. i have the problems in my life place. kenzie
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. she was a year and 6 months old. i was off my in laws with my wife and daughter. we a t and i played with my daughter an hour after i left i heard airstrikes on the news. they said there was an air strike in the house around back only to find my daughter, my wife, my in laws many members of the family co talking about who was in the off i in southern gaza with more the scenes of it soldier and inside the hospital, so with the blood that wrapped in white sheets continue to dominate the daily routine. here as these really military continues to pound across the gaza strip just over not a tax and drop off, cause it is a 5 members of one family destroying their residential home that they've been children again since the beginning of this war in the central area, we're looking at, at least within the past 12 hours, a close to $45.00 people have been killed, including the past due hours where a car was this truck and, and kids killing and all the passenger inside of it. we were told by a source in
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a central area that was a family trying to lead part where do where is residing and thereby into a sleeper area. but as they were moving, they were targeted by a missile, fired by an attack, a drawing in and they'll say that refuge account more residential. i'll be targeted and destroyed. well, people are reported and it's strike on to residential homes in western parts of and they'll say that refuge account the maybe what's a tragic about the over not a tots is the fact that evacuation zone a mossy area. that's the western part of time you. it is an area that's been large, it's designated the safe zone for you back. and we literally these really monetary told people in the northern part on garza and parts of pon unit in order to avoid being bombed, they had to move to a ma season one only to find themselves at air. the hours of this morning subjected to relentless attacks on the presence of some 30 taxable goals or out of pocket
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drones. 9 people to be reported, kills, including women and children. the attacks continue and more tragedies are being created as the work continues across the gaza strip. kelly's 5 people from the same family were killed when the car was attacked and they had their own bala in central garza and happened during the main salt in road for the rescue. a struggle to recover the bodies. dozens of others have been injured. they being taken to a box, a hospital, it's a densely populated area and is being targeted by multiple is where the air strikes in the last few weeks. doctors without borders, it says and is really strike on all my wasa on monday nights killed at least 2 people. this is where the military previously ordered palestinians to go after declaring it a safe soon, and the state, but the charge he says, quote to night is there any forces conducted an operation in all my wasi con eunice? what a shelter hosting doctors without borders stuff and their families shout, ambulance crews have not reached the sites with at least 2 family members of our
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colleagues have been killed and 6 people have been wounded. we are horrified by what is taking place. a lot of times i present this thing, a number of people have died. you to start ration named garza. israel has blocked supplies. if you monetary and age since the beginning of the war allowing only a small number of trucks into the strip, know the world food program says it's posing deliveries to the north because the conditions are too dangerous, the cardboard. so the ports from rough buildings would use to rustle in the same rock. often another date is where the funding palestinians pick through the rooms. searching for cellphones is often all the find the remains of their loved ones as the perry vit set menu. and if the funding was at the end, the level of, of the we want them to look at also with massey, this is just wrong today. no one can stop is right with even our countries context
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to do a lot of the it hadn't been. and so this is what kind of situation i'd like to now look at the summit. trees are everywhere and they're all full know west sites even for those. what trying to help the world with program had only just resumed 8 deliveries to know the ring cause of to us feet weak suspension. now they are stopping again for you and you don't see say that it's simply too dangerous as strikes up constant consent. but with cause on the brink of famine, many trucks have full so polluted by desperate people with no what else to tell the world for the program saves? it didn't take its decision lightly. they say a system needs to be set top to into deliveries can be made safely. and the big boss of this is opening more crushing points to live in more essential supplies until things change. the future for people in cause that look, split is really performing opposes any immediate danger along with the threats
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almost tough asian topic as in oh, just a rough, rough suffering dollars on the us as us, but he was top court not to order israel's immediate withdrawal. from occupied palestinian territories, it's legal representative made the comments. so the international court of justice, a hearing examining the impact of israel's occupation. it would not, as some participants suggest the conducive to achievement of the establish framework to additional want to issue an opinion that calls for a unilateral immediate and unconditional withdrawal by israel. that does not account for israel's legitimate security needs. international law does not provide for an occupation itself to be rendered unlawful or void based either on its duration or on any violations of occupation law. the court should not find that
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israel is legally obligated to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory. the court can address the questions before it within the establish framework based on the land for peace principle and within the parameters of a stablish principles of occupational is not the moment we're going to cross to talk about. he used to loosen them for reaction from there. first we're going to bring in bonded smith was standing by outside the international court of justice in the hague. so banner, just talk us through what the us was saying. what the us is trying to argue in is only one of 2 states and making this argument. the other is fiji. the occupation shouldn't be declared illegal because already the security council has in hand has passed many resolutions calling for a 2 state solution. and somehow, if this cool with a rules, the occupation is illegal, lot with somehow affect the balance of those negotiations in the future. was sort
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of suggesting that the question the quote is being asked to consider is one sided against israel. and the court is failing to take it into consideration what we us schools as well to legitimate security considerations. the us set a date today. the date that was reminded the world has been reminded of israel security needs on october the 7th. but regrettably, those needs have been ignored by many of the participants here. but we're pointing out that just before the us spoke, the united arab emirates power fully spoke in a similar vein to many of the countries. i'm you, i, you said look, fall from re, far from friend you to sing any future negotiations. a cool the quotes, opinion would actually reaffirm the comments was needed full of those negotiations . ro, bernard, we know, of course, that it has been upon the stadium delegation, who's been present the talks from the start. they gave a 3 hour presentation to the hearings. a couple of days ago hasn't been any
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response from that delegation. uh yeah, just off the us uh, finished its uh, presentation read on the leak of the policy and the foreign minister came out and spoke to us. and he said that, look, the policy needs have been trying for decades through the un, another international bodies to end the occupation, to get a, to fight, to, to establish a palestinian state. alongside is riley, it's been trying and trying all its efforts failed. it's here with the world cold because all those efforts have failed. it's almost like a last chance if you like to get the will to recognize that israel is occupation is illegal and is preventing the okay, the preventing the establishment of a palestinian state of many other countries i've spoken and will speak over the coming days. will sort of re, if um, what he's saying that he's rails trans. uh res riley settlers. so the occupied westbank is changing the demographic nature of thought to legal under international
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i'm not transfer. those establishments of sacraments is effectively making the occupation permanence rather than 10 per but as most outside the international court of justice bonus. thank you very much. let's go to the mox and occupied east jerusalem. but the old cities at the heart of is really occupation in the conflict . how does this being regarded in israel from the is there any government issued a statement already this week, which has been pretty consistent with its previous positions on this issue essentially stating that the hey court does not have jurisdiction over what it considers to be political discussions. about territory, what it calls the galaxy, the occupation, the statement that was raised a couple days ago by prime minister benjamin doesn't, you know, his office talked about the i did. it did not recognize the legitimacy of these proceedings that are focused on what it called the look out to the patient. it describe them as an effort, quote, designed to infringe on israel's rights defend itself against x, a central threats. the statement went on to say to the hague proceedings,
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a part of a pot to send you an attempt to quote, dictate the results of the diplomatic supplement without an goes jason. and it ended christie by saying that both the governments and the parliament all united in its rejection of these proceedings, legitimacy, romando sound. there's a, there's been a survey about 5 of the goals of the war i've been set up with these really a government are actually achievable. just tell us more about that. we're talking about the united front here in israel, these ready democracy initiative and say a well known institute, i should say well 9 israel, a think tank has had a survey out of israeli citizens, both jewish on public and citizens in those across the political spectrum that had some quite interesting finding, essentially about the low likelihood of victory in the conflict in gauze up for the as really minute 3. it said that 51 percent of jewish respondents said that was a low likelihood that when as high as $77.00 on a hospice and for palestinian is right, exhaust about this question. and then even in the fall right on the right wing of
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his ready society move and haul, said they sold that with a load like you had a victory in this conflict amongst those on the left wing who responded to survey rob, 5 and 80 percent expecting a low likelihood in victory, but amongst unoccupied east jerusalem brothers, thank you very much indeed. well, those are, those continue to build a separation wall, them palestinian land cutting off palestinian communities. and now there you unfortunately had said that the wall was illegal. one palestinian active us says the wall has made life almost impossible, but palestinians are determined to survive cmt of the world was this the best way to destroy any possibility of blessing and speed you come to a well, they were alone as it is in the concrete that we see here 9 because high 800 killer with as long got when those to bank is inside those, but it's with the will with the streets. the title is that it was the complicated
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before that somebody that wants to kill us. the news from the roots of the, the, the, is the, the system because victor points of controlling the posting on the scene like it's a create things kind of immediately to the scene is, would be a big enables. the 1st thing is to live in the gate was the name it is. it has to control the palestinians for ever. he or for example, are we talking about 17 communities that has been isolated from zillow sent this to be part of the us. he and this, this place and we came in and goes to maybe they didn't came like any to, to, to, to, to approve the people and throw them out. but they make their life impossible. like they have to live in studying on the other side of the, the one to continue living. you know, they have to go all the way to the left to columbia. takes them almost 3 hours in the morning with the rush. i was pleased with that with this course. now it's like 20 years of the and the icy do early like from 2004. when the issue that this was
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in league and this is most like any, had been destroyed, then must be given back to the people that completed for compensated developments, etc. and unfortunately this, this decision didn't have any implication officer given that the present situation on what's happening because i think it's became huge cause too much with the whole set of lots of good the commission and look, it's controlled by this, this colonial po, it is that they're not in states, they utilize that they can adopt it with that on the go into some benefits, i think was distinguished. the 1st thing is, is the sort of live on campus. the fact that we are trying to live no matter what the atrocity will hold up with these big so even with the will get try still to live in our mind. sending our conscious denny, this is not finished. the defeated let's, let's go ahead and i'll just eat a packers tons to biggest parties headlines. they've struck a deal to form a coalition government the
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hello. it's a sudden re down pulse continue across the hospital. the amazon space. you can see there's a lot of stones there out of northern bolivia pushing right. it's a central pop up for sale, and i the tools that east the side of the country further south to good taylor dry and hot weather that it's often seen a point of service utterance. 32 degrees celsius but increasing showers here as you go through why to stay in to says they some what the weather coming into central and northern parts of options, tina could see some localized flooding as a result of that and the flooding race will continue close central personnel into bolivia, southern parts of the through as well, wanted to share. i was up to what was the north west of the confidence and wanted to share with long spells of right maybe across the camera. been at present this area cloud here, core them active system that's making his way from west to east. now making his way
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across his bound, y'all pushing ever towards the sonata as we'll see, increasing showers coming in. here we go on into thursday. bryce, a dry weather coming back in behind. that same sisters made this way of these disabled of us, the east impulse gen retry central areas around a spring like we're getting up to around $22.00 celsius there in kansas. west of mary still saying some kind of right, not as heavy as it has been recently, and that's patriot. now, since the dice the all the, you know, does 0 reminder of our top. so is this,
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are these 25. how the studies are being killed and is where the air strikes on that off and con eunice and southern gaza on the job hospital is struggling to treat. the survivors among the dead are age children. more than 2095. some people have been killed since the start of of these really offensive gas. it's not assigned right presently saying a number of people have died. you to start ration garza, the world food program as opposed to a deliveries to the north side and security concerns. israel is being causing, forced on nation, i'm finding in the strip by deliberately blocking supplies. if you monetary in a b, u. s. is us for you and the top court not to order israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territory. its legal representative made the comments of the international court of justice on the 3rd day overhearing, examining the impact of israel's occupation. what washington's relationship with israel has been criticized as unwavering support and that criticism as only get
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increased during the war on garza, rosalind jordan looks at the history of the ties between the 2 countries, including how it hasn't always been those harmonious is popularly fold. thank you for having me. joe biden is the 14th us president who has tried to resolve the israel palestine conflict on the 1st day of the war and gaza bite and offered complete support for israel. no calls on it to show restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel bite and support harkens back to that of president harry truman, who in 1948 recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence. but some subsequent presidents took a more tough love approach. dwight on in house richard nixon and ronald reagan, all condemned is really military action on occasion. but reagan also started the practice of awarding is real,
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$3000000000.00 in aid every year. a strong secure is real, is a shared interest. the george h. w. bush administration was the 1st and threatened to cut age as real if it didn't stopped illegally building settlements in the occupied west bank. and thank you for your statements. the obama administration took the unusual step in 2016 by of withholding a veto in the un security council after benjamin netanyahu. now prime minister ignored washington's request to stop supplement expansion. the us is extension cleared. the way for the security council to demand is real stop construction. notably, the question of us age where israel never came up at either of the camp david's summits. and it was never raised by either president george w bush or donald trump. trump support gave israel what a crate. the recognition of jerusalem as capital of the jewish state. now with the
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war and dogs in its 5th month, and the death toll rising, some in congress, se 8, israel must be made conditional. there should be no blank checks for any country. we cannot continue. the pattern. we're prime minister netanyahu says, thank you mr. president. for america is generous, military assistance. and then funds is knows at americas legitimate a request. there might be a subtle change in us policy or for the us has circulated a draft security council resolution on dall so that includes words it has refused to use before. now, a temporary cease fire, but still no definitive plan to leverage billions of dollars in us aid to convince netanyahu to change the way he's conducting the war. the show of support get to be match, like what the washington says is. it's a warm, over the situation and guns,
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rosalind jordan, which is 0. washington. going to bring your model of a shot, obviously to senior political on the list to discuss all those in rows on his report there. it's highlighting the fact that the supports that we think that the us has continually given to the israel has always been there. she's making the point the clearly, that is not the case. you have what we heard from the us rapid representative and the international court of justice is about an hour ago. i would suggest that that support is as strong as ever. and israel is the us as priority thing is about the discussion append at the i. c, j at the international court of justice and very port apart the special relationship between the united states and this red is that they are related at the hit israel's age, military and financial aid is red uh, increased right after it started the occupation in $96.00 is out and not the $6.00
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to $8.00. he's right. got as much aid as the previous 20 years. i'm from that on. these are and it has acquired more than $150000000000.00 of direct an american aid, as it occupies by the side. in other words, there is a correlation between is occupation and american military and financial. that is right. so america is not the bystanders. america is a deliberate unconditional supporter. the fact of, of is that is occupation. and it's not just because the united states, you know, lives but a scene has to be occupied because that gave it so could you call. i is right, an advantage over the add ups, especially those who are all large with the soviet union during the cold war. mm,
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so the occupied territories are occupying the pennsylvania is, became a geo political store. and it remains a g, a political to, at the hands of the united states where by its subject gauge various other countries. the detractors, as well as the friends, the friends, as well as the falls to the wishes of america. and it's for subject as it is right . i want to expand on that a little bit because that's the you say that is a, is there elizabeth funded, fulfilling a strategic element of strategic purpose on behalf of the united states. yes, of course. then you have to, of course, under the trump administration, we had the abraham a cods where these varies where are being encouraged to fall. in fact, did sign agreements with united, other grandmothers, and with boxing, there was a push, but there is a push by, by them not to try to encourage saudi arabia to do the same sort of thing. so where does the leverage come? where does the us need to direct the strategic element if you like, of israel within the middle east. so that's what i think, right?
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i mean, as i was strategic importance to the united states has of course dwindled after the end of the cold war. because originally it was that strategic as it against the soviet union, as well as out a national history. james, like the ones in egypt and iraq and syria. that's what i lied with the soviet union . but with the under the cold war and the implosion of a good number of out of the national associations like in egypt as it became clear that is the strategic importance was declining. and then we had the question of your one. your one became the number. what ended before the united states, and then at least they started became an asset. there's a v o one, and there is no question about the rivalry between your one and who's or as one being supported by the united states. the all about increasing that i was supported by russia and china is we have under the cold war and the middle east. right. so
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the question of occupation, not just the front of style, but also if i see that she didn't go on hearts which the american rep today did not even mention, did not mention that in fact, america does accept the acquisition of territory by force because america accepted recognized as rose, i'm expectation of occupied as the go on high to is what as jerusalem and infected the fact to accept the i is there any next? ation of the main settlement blocks on the green line. so the occupation of a variety of $67.00, but a scene instead of authorities goes hand in hand with that strength of us is relations. one would hope that this could be revitalized or, or revised, or, or, or, or, you know, evolves into something different. president obama, for example, felt did not act before that by 3 defining the relationship on
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a different footing. the opening, the strategic mindset between israel and the united states gorging into the supplement, illegal supplements, and to the you know, the solution of the 2 state solution. but nothing came out of me modeling, as always, we appreciate the analysis modeling the shot. i'll just get a senior political on those. thank you very much. indeed. i got is 2 people have been killed, including a child often is really as try hit the southern lebanon. we've talked talking to the border village of mice, 1003 others are injured. at least 46 civilians have been killed and loving on. since the watering cause have begun. local media is reporting the large blocks of struck the city and capital just hours after and is ready. strike is a residential area in damascus. at least 2 people who are reported the killed in the coffers, who's the neighborhood strike damage the 4th floor of a 10 story building and dozens of cars. the city administrator says it's intercepted some of the attacks in the past. israel's launch hundreds of airstrikes
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and syria, mainly targeting security and military facilities. general holder has more from bear with or, or target to strike in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus, there has been no claim of responsibility. but syrian state media is calling it and is really aggressive, and this was a precise and surgical strike. and a, and a residential area of the apartment was directly targeted. so very similar, really to and it's really strike that killed the number 2 man in the palace, city and movements come off in the lebanese capital baby was in, in january. now as of late, we have seen a tax like this one in, in syria. in fact, they've become more frequent and more deadly or since the war on gospel began in october because as well really has been responsible for carrying out hundreds of strikes against sites belonging to iranian backed groups. iranian groups like the
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revolutionary guards of so this is expected to continue because of the israeli defense minister is now saying that the equations have collapse. and this way the air force is going to act where it's these fits, whether it's in damascus, whether it's in the lebanese capital bay roots or other cities, cities and 11 on israel is trying to pressure the around me and lead so called excess of resistance to stop to stop attacks against israel. they have open numerous friends across the region to help relief pressure on garza, but their response has been the will, their attacks, all the front will remain active, as long as, as well as war on casa, continues. center for their i was just, you know, they don't focus on is one step closer to a new government. it's 2 biggest parties in parliament of i noticed a coalition deal. the blackest on people is policy on the muslim league, or go to join forces with some smaller parties to make up
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a parliamentary majority of them are prime minister ship. i should leave. there's the coalitions candidates for the top job again. i'm all high to report. storm is on the back. the correlations. i never, i never stay but when it comes to the history of this country. so the question is how long whether there's going less than last. however, it was off good, several days of intense negotiations that the buckets on people his bargain and the progress done with them leaving that was agreed on the candidate for the prime minister job. i showed a being that they would need 169 wards in 836036336 parliament. you'll get the majority the need which they read comfortably because there's another body also the m q m, which has also joined them. so as far as the stability thing is concerned, it is not just the buckets on derek and soft, but the jamal just allow me the jump me at the my it's the day.


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