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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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it can be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you to the the hello i'm no, i'm not this. and this is the news on life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. the another parents moines their child. while the is really attacks, kill dozens of people in solving garza, israel's actions causing starvation. and finally, the northern jobs are trucks carrying life saving aid of blocks from entering the
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besieged strip for it should not find that israel is legally obligate to mediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory at the international court of justice. for us to find these israel decades long, brutal occupation of palace standing inside of the church and israel psychological warfare and the occupied was find clear raids and destruction of homes, a foot pastry and lives on hold. i'm in support. thomas tuvell has been sacked as buyer in the next head coach. and they've comes after disappointing run for the german joins trickle. says he'll stay on until the end of the season. the, as we're going to start in the gaza strip of israel's blocking of food aid and humanitarian supplies as forcing starvation on hundreds of thousands upon us citizens. long choose of children in the north of garza, in particular, a desperate for anything to eat agencies including the palestine red present and b
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u as world food program report. people having starved to death w f fees recently paused to a deliveries to the north as it con, safely deliver aid. in southern gaza. the is really management is again targeting the 60, over off of more than 1500000 palestinians are being forced out from other areas are sheltering. their bodies have been piling up at the, on the job hospital. at least 25 people have been killed as a result of these very strikes on the rough on con eunice age children among the dead have been problems in my life place. kenzie. she was a year and 6 months old. i was off my in laws with my wife and daughter, we a t and i played with my daughter an hour after i left i heard air strikes on the use. they said there was a near struck in the house or run back only to find my daughter as my wife, my in laws, many members of the family killed the cat. okay, we're going to talk to him about what was his life, his and drop in southern guys. i just talked to us 1st of all about the the world
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food program saying that it's posing food deliveries to northern gaza. and of course, other 8 is being blocked as well. tell us what's been happening on the as well. the decision of the world for the program came at a very difficult times us to dire transport, palestinians inside the northern part on gauze, a city where for the past few weeks and in fox and the beginning of the war, haven't been able to get food supplies of the vast majority of humanitarian it's trucks. they haven't been able to reach to the northern part of this trip just leaving about 600000 people hungry and facing them in at all levels. we're talking about sort stream shortage of, of old, the south studies and basic supplies and drinking only contaminated water, as the majority of the water available is not suitable for human consumption. but right now, and just within the past couple of weeks,
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a famine is science started to become more visible as people resorted reading plans, why the plants and animals for you just to sustain themselves in the phase of this calamity? the decision by the world, food of programs, just cuts a lifeline that people aware hoping he was going to be delivered for them. so they are able to, to face these challenges and post. 7 the ongoing genocide or just within the past couple days we, we looked at a video where people surrounding a truck filled with flour back then just trying to get their hands on whatever they're able to get, just supported. so they are able to bake great and provide for their families. this fireman is hitting the northern part of the gaza strip. very hard, particularly when we talk about younger children who are in need of these, the south varies and basic food supplies, the nutrients for their growth and also another vulnerable group of people with health complications as well as women or breast feeding or
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a pregnant are in need of basic supplies, food have this going on? we're going to start seeing people dying in the northern parts, not only from the bonds, but also from the founding that is spreads like fire. now. the yeah, of course we're still talking about ongoing strikes and the residents of does that then tell us what's been happening in the last few hours the has has been very interesting time and go almost hours after the un security council failed to pass a resolution calling for immediate c inspire we sent in tense bonnie campaign taking a place in the central area. a city of hon. you and it's on the roll. very crowded, drop off the city and just overnight attacks these really military a push about 30 times in a below there with the coverage of a talk, a drones. and it's 16 all the way to all the small syrian laws. evacuations on were
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1000 of people, literally have been evacuating as children in this area. they were told by it is really military since the beginning of the war, if they want to avoid being bombed into northern god that they should move to this area found themselves. but it's still in a state of panic and shock that this is happening, or this happened to them in a very area that they were told it is safe. because really military took over the close the road, cutting off the central area from the southern part of the gaza strip. and the central area, a more residential homes and about one car that was targeted by a missile, a drones leaving more than 45 people killed and tens of other injuries reported to along to the hospital here in reference to the overnight attack. filled 5 members of one family, prison result during a residential home in the janita district. just within the past couple hours, a car was targeted in the eastern part of rubber and we're seeing this pattern happening. almost every area takes turn in the,
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the bombing that continues to destroy much of the residential building, the infrastructure, but more profoundly, the trauma that has cost to people who are seeking shelter than these areas. timing . thank you very much indeed, honey mama talking to us and we're offering something 1000 a pilot studies across guys that have been repeatedly forced to move by israel's unrelenting attacks. devil bala is one of the areas where people are seeking refuge for conditions, a desperate and contract, and spoke to a family about the hardships that in jewelry from data bella, beautiful. and then back from jeff off to that in bella. this is how palestinians internally displaced, have been moving around different areas across of the gaza strip. after being our veggie evacuated from the another in area, palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months. today we are visiting as the mooney family in a very bella,
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where this area behind me is complete, was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her tongue right now, and the situation is very sad and that the living conditions are her perfect. this 10th where we are here, it has been a home and the only shelter for us, and when a family of so many family evacuated from as a, to a neighborhood in the veteran bella where her current t as a to and has been with missing a lot of, of, of, of air strikes and also that is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. there's nothing that is, that's what it is. imagine i'm call photo. we left the area now as
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a to and because of the who risk situation to these very least took 3 of my children. well being on the say for my children abolla, her mom's and for ours were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details, i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also lost the brother during the 2009 though the father and the brother of motus, i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them, i want to help them all. jenny, to be here, was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went to darrow, paula, because of the stress of the roll over the place and rasa want to be honest with you. there is no safety and security anyway, and because the strength would benefit this, this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these policy needs have been displaced. and we have been seeing a lot of areas, agriculture areas, empty areas, corps, universities and hospitals that became shelters for hundreds of thousands
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of palestinians displaced and forced to evacuate their houses. this was in the comedy, i'll just eat a better, but doctors without borders says it is very striking on all my wasa, monday night killed at least 2 people. now this is for the military previously ordered palestinians to go off to declaring it a safe soon. and the statement, the chapter 2 says quote, tonight, is there any forces conducted an operation in all my wi fi, con eunice? what a shelter of hosting doctors with i bought a stuff and their families with shelled ambulance crews have not reached the sites where the at least 2 family members of our colleagues have been killed. and 6 people have been wounded were horrified by what is taking place despite the palestinians, and not so impoverished that some can't even afford shoes money, don't have any warm clothes for the winter. a survey conducted by a leading is really think time because find that most israelis don't believe in
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opposite of victory as possible in gaza. not as referring to israel stated, go off completely, eradicating homeless, visual democracy institute, find that 51 percent of jewish respondents do not believe in such a victory. that number is even higher. it's 77.5 percent among palestinians is rantings. 55 percent of those who are identified as of right wing say they don't believe israel can completely destroy thomas. so for less, dwayne respondents, that number stands at 85 percent were going to go to vet and box and occupied these to arisen with the old cities at the heart of these are the occupation on the conflict. let's talk about the survey 1st of all. well, and then with regards to the, the figures that are coming out, these are quite extraordinary on the they all, but they're not surprising. and previous polls over the last few months of not showing overwhelming support for the way that the war is being waged in. garza,
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in particular, really have no real. the last couple of days before my head of these ready ministry, gaudy eyes, and called writing to the wall cabinet of wit, season it was of a member saying that he was concerned that operational indecision, something the prominence about an mentor, enough now who has been criticized about before is leading to the stalling of the ministry's strategy inside gaza. so clearly there is concern from the very top of the is ready to government all the way down to ordinary respondents involved in that survey. about the way this war is being waged about, the aims of this will being achieved over the past 4 months or so. the housing questions raised about the conduct of certain elements of these ready military in guys. what is the public a position as far as that's concerned? well, as you imagine in a very polarized listed environment, people have very different views about what's appropriate and what's known across is really society. but in terms of the actual ministry itself is really interesting
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. we've heard from the is really all me head, general events, levy and the last couple days messaging troops directly saying that they are not quite on a killing spree, the not involved the night. so genocide and they should not be seen out of revenge . but we've got a statement from the head lawyer in site. the is really minute treat today being carol tyree by local media, talking about specific acts. and this is really interesting from general, your thoughts on that you were assigned me. we haven't counted on acceptable cases of conduct, but deviate from ideas that seems ready, minute treat values and protocols. she's written in a statement. she said those included quote in appropriate statements which encourage on acceptable phenomena, unjustified use of force including against detainees. and of course, we've seen some of those, it is an image of the last few months leasing. we've seen videos of this, which include the useful removal of private property phenomena, personal passes and destruction of civilian property. contrary to protocols,
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some incidents, all. but i'm going to bring you much more of this thing because i think it's pretty impulse and go beyond the disciplinary domain and cross the quote. criminal threshold. she said, such cases of being investigated, the legal wing of the military will be looking at whether disability measures on necessary or appropriate. and here's something really critical in light of what we're seeing in the hague at the moment. these are some statements she ended have no place and calls the state of israel strategic damage in the international arena . the seriousness of which is difficult to have a state that's very interesting, particularly when you're referring of course to the, the definition of criminal likes. because of course, that could have a knock on effect. if in the event in the future, there are any cases brought against individuals, i'd say the international criminal court as we were just talking about. i also wanted to talk to you about the votes of these really hard. and the funny has been going on regarding the creation of a palestinian states to pursue has that was so
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over the course of the last few days, we've heard from the israeli government, unilaterally united from presented terms of their views about whether a palestinian state should be rejected and they were united in saying they rejected this idea of something that should be dictated to them by external forces. we've now heard the 99 members of the class that members of the parliament have voted against unilateral recognition. there was expect to the majority would fight against as of course, as light as ultimately symbolic. but mister, nothing, yahoo, his prime minister had said ahead of despite the both the government and the commission well united on this issue. and it seems that he has been proven correct on that front. and thank you very much and he does have the marks talking to us market bodies. the reason as well. i'm going to take you to london, not where british i'm piece of jew to vote. and a call for an immediate cease fire garza, the motion has been put forward by the scottish national party. if the seconds opportunity,
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the end piece of time to vote and to cease fire. the 1st one failed after 5 minutes early. she said, i literally took your stomach tow party members to oppose the move. gonna bring in how the faucet is outside the bodies parliament in london. so what a m p is going to be voting on 100 of the well, yeah, that's the questionnaire. well, not yet. quite sure of what this is, is i don't position days which allows or position causes to, to bring fluid motions and discussion. national party has again brought forward a motion for an immediate cease fire as it did, and those under that motion defeated, it's likely that this one will be again because it isn't the view of the ruling conservative policy, but there should be an immediate unilateral cease fire that talking about a humanitarian pause, that could lead to a sustainable ceasefire as well as the introduction and more humanitarian aid is a goes up. and so there has been an amendment puts by the conservatives. there's
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also being an amendment put by the legal policy because the way the policy, the main office or some policy, has been finding itself under increasing pressure over its dogs. it is being gradually shifting its thoughts towards eventually what was yesterday. a goal for an immediate humanitarian, c spy. it was the language that it used. well, also talking about the needs, the israel to be a show that it didn't face any sort of a threat from us. and it is real, could not be expected to abide by a ceasefire in that instance. and so there are these 2 rival amendments. it depends which of them and whether both will be called by the speaker as to what exactly will be voted on what we are pretty sure on those when the vote happens, probably at about 4 or 5 hours from now, the government will prevail, and we will wait to see what the other policies uh, end up voting for me. why is the so particularly sensitive for the labor part of
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the main part, you know, physician of the well, the policy is obviously far ahead in the polls. it is widely expected to win an election like this year. it is, it has, it says uh, being acting as this. uh, it will it with regard to the fact that it is uh, viewed, is likely to to be the next government. so its been coordinating with other such governments and, and politicians around the world. and so it says that it wants to take a position that would reflect that sort of responsibility. it also wants to reflect a presumably what kissed on that has come in on the back calls in terms of his trying to address what's been allegations of anti semitism in recent years in the policy. so it does not want to upset jewish labor voters, but through not cooling earlier, for the immediate c spot is greatly upset,
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mostly invites, as we've seen a number of labor. so it goes like the counselors resigned from the policy. it is worried about that the pressure being put on some end piece by the muslim constituency. and so it is a very sensitive political issue domestically as well as internationally for labor already fall side outside of the bodies, parliament and london. hardly. thank you very much indeed. the the us has us, but you ends to court not to order israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories. its legal representative made the comments of the international court of justice on the 3rd day of a hearing examining the impact of israel's occupation. as it would not, as some participants suggest, be conducive to achievement of the establish framework to as you know, when to issue an opinion that calls for unilateral immediate and unconditional
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withdrawal by israel. that does not account for israel's legitimate security needs . international law does not provide for an occupation itself to be rendered unlawful or floyd based either on its duration or on any violations of occupation law. the court should not find that israel is legally obligated to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory. the court can address the questions before it within the establish framework based on the land for peace principle and within the parameters of a stablish principles of occupation. we're going to talk about in spaces outside the international court of justice and the hey, so talk as to what the us was being saying, bernard, the real, the, the us is one of the only 2 stays giving oral evidence in front of the well colts over the o during the sessions, suggesting the quote shouldn't be routing or shouldn't rule that is rails occupations. the policy and territories is illegal. load. fiji is the only other
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one. all the rest are arguing in some way or form, but the occupation is illegal in the us. so the reason why this court shouldn't be involved is because the us security can view and security council has already passed arrest resolutions affirming. then the commitment to is to state solution at any ruling from the school would somehow jeopardize the neutrality of those talks. yep. because the us suggests the question the quote is considering just about israel as legality. if it's occupation, is one sided and biased against israel with pointing out the other just before the us spoke of the united arab emirates. so gave very powerful speech along similar lines as to the other countries saying the quote really should be giving some sort of ruling only legality though corporation we ruling powers, the application is illegal because fall from prejudicing any negotiations. the quotes will sort of reaffirm the comb tours of how those negotiations whenever they
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happen to a 2 state solution. uh the console is they would fall on a bundled on the 1st day of a hearing of the i, c j. there was a representation from the palestinian delegation. they gave evidence for about 3 hours or so, and i understand that there still, there hasn't been any response to what's been happening today to yeah, so soon as the americans finished to speaking before lunch, it deposited foreign minister, came out and spoke to the price and he told us, look, the reason way here is that for decades we have been trying through the united nations, another international institutions we've been trying to get into solution would have been trying to get a palestinian state alongside. and he's really state, but we haven't had any success and no one is listening about is why we've come now . so we'll go to most of the last attempt to get the will to listen. unless indeed, the whole herrings of pos, of a palestinian drive to get the policy me an agenda. the bid did designed to create
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a problem stating state the state back on the international agenda. they haven't calls been given you inputs us because of the war and gotten the blood and destruction that as well as bombing companies causing and gaza. i'm not is putting the policy in question back on the map again, but these hearings were scheduled well before they were called for in 2022 by the thank you very much indeed. that's bernard smith talking to us, i've signed the international court of justice and the hague. oh, so far this here is, there is military is destroyed, more homes in refugee camps into com than anywhere else in the occupied west bank. people say is ready to retain the turn, densely populated and civilian areas into was military, had the helicopters, overhead gunfire and grenades used on residential homes, the worsening conditions of palestinians living in the west bank worry, doctor johnson, that they could be next zane bus drive. it has more for me to come refugee come.
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what are the patterns of israel's decades long occupational corps component of psychological warfare being waged against palestinians is the destruction of their houses, a practice so common the collective trauma. so pervasive some mental health experts here have coined a phrase, homicide, shorthand for the suffering that comes from losing the basic sense of safety. a home provides this or has lost family members and is really raids. explosives used to blow up her house. still, she says they cannot stop her from smiling a little bit. now valerie, i missed the house, but what really matter are the memories. and i remember my brothers sitting here and taking the pictures their memories, they are all gone, but even the photographs we lost them are used to collect all the old photograph. they burned everything before they left for the where residents of this refugee
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camp in to say, when one suffers, they all do that is real, is doing in the occupied westbank on a smaller scale. what it has done in god's keeping pace with the intensity of as rarely, military rates in refugee camps like this is a real problem. no sooner do repair words begin is really military rates resume and there is yet more property destruction. julio is using what's left of his neighbor's house to repair the damage to his. he says nowhere feel safe, but the low level of mental health is destroyed. you look to your children, they are afraid. i mean, the, the young ones with themselves out of seattle, but what can i do? show we have to get used to the set this up. there is nothing. we can, the whole is really troops off and brutalized parents in front of their families during the daytime rates, children are forced to shelter inside their classrooms for hours,
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listening to explosions. and this really gunfire coming from the neighborhood where they live. medical researchers have even tied stress from the destruction of homes to stunted growth among palestinian children within the situation of have demolition. you are taking out all kinds of resilience and the patient or adjustment conditions from the people. so it will effect that are and families and the kids. and 1st of all they have to find a place to re establish their life. so it's kind of blowing up the family and the psychological life of every individual within that family fear. anxiety trauma, on repeat for decades. palestinians describe having no control, no ability to plan for their future. always adapting to the only constant in their lives and list is really oppression. the same bus route of the old is 0. total
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korean can be occupied. westbank. the software has been, is director of the new internationalism project to the institute for policy studies . she's also an international advisor for the jewish voice for peace. and she's joining us live from washington, d. c. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. the us representative of the international court of justice in the last few hours was essentially if i understand it correctly suggesting that there was already a procedure and a mechanism in place for finding a route towards a 2 state solution for israel and for palestine. and therefore the icing j needed to fact to advancing when it was eventually making its ruling. is that arguments sustainable? do you think a well, i think the problem is one of the tower. the us, the search disposition that any withdrawal of israeli troops must be based on the security of israel. rather than say, it must be based on international law. which among other things prohibits the acquisition of territory by force or the keeping of territory by force. it really
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isn't a denial that the presence of these rarely troops, colonial settlements in the occupied territory in the west bank in occupied east jerusalem. and in gaza. is a violation of all of that international law and instead sees it solely from the vantage point of what is, is really want for its own protection as it defines it. so i don't think it's, it's sustainable as a legal argument, but it has been sustainable this long because of the us power, the veto power and the security council. the power of the general assembly to pressure other countries not to implement decisions that are made by the uh, by the, by the general assembly. so it's a matter of assertion of us power, rather than saying that the united nations should be both of the venue and a player in all negotiations that take place on ending the occupations and on
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ending settler colonialism by israel in the occupied territory. implementation of the palestinian right of return is never mentioned in, in this case, we didn't even hear reference to occupation itself as an issue to be determined. it was a question of withdrawal. the view of, of these really troops as if they were sort of there for no particular reason. and in that context, again, the us position was consistent with its longstanding positions that denies international law as the basis for determining the end of occupations. and instead of saying that it must be based on israel, it what, what he calls israel's very real security needs not requiring consideration of international law as in addition to to deposit palestinian evidence. we had for 3 hours on the, on day one of the hearings of the i c j that are $51.00 other countries that are
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going to be presenting evidence our correspond to bonus smith was explaining that the us in fiji are the 2 countries most likely to present a different alternative, present different evidence to the court given what we've had so far, do you think that the evidence that the us has presented is actually going to make a significant difference to the eventual outcome of the court's decision? you know what, one of the things that we learned after watching the court in action on the charges that south africa brought against israel for violation of the international covenant against genocide is that the judges on the court largely not entirely, but largely functioned as they should as independent judicial actors interpreting international law as independent scholars and lawyers rather than being there to represent their governments. but it's clearly true that there is a question of political influence that applies in the court. not only for each
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individual judge, but collectively they do no doubt take into account where global opinion is, what are the potential ramifications politically and in other ways of their decisions. so i think we would be naive to think that these issues of us power and is really occupation is really power, etc. don't enter into the, the thinking of the court in their deliberations. but i think that what they are going to hear from the united states is going to what they have heard from united states is going to be so disparate from the vast majority is not all other countries participating except again, perhaps fiji, you know, the us has a habit in the united nations of winning over small island states, some of them micronesia and others. it has a treaty binding those states to follow us. lead in for an policy. i don't think
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treat a fiji has that treaty, but this would not be the 1st time. but i think this will be c, largely as the us position. and i don't think that it's going to be enough to overcome 50 other countries saying that international law and not israel's claimed concerns about it's security and us willingness to support israel uncritically and unconditionally. those 2 things are not going to be seen as equal finish. spanish, we appreciate your being with us and all of a 0. thank you very much indeed for your time. i thank you. my washington is unwavering. support for israel is being criticized by many around the world and that criticism as increase to during the past few weeks of the war on garza, rosalind jordan looks at the history of the ties between the 2 countries, including how it hasn't always been that's from moni s, as many think to thank you for having me. and joe biden is the 14th us president who has tried to resolve the israel palestine conflict on the 1st day of the war
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and gaza bite and offered complete support for israel. no calls on it to show restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel bite and support harkens back to that of president harry truman, who in 1948 recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence. but some subsequent presidents took a more tough love approach. dwight eisenhower, richard dickson and ronald reagan, all condemned is really military action on occasion. but reagan also started the practice of awarding is real $3000000000.00 in aid every year. a strong, secure is real, is a shared interest. the george h w bush administration was the 1st and threatened to cut age as real if it didn't stopped illegally building settlements in the occupied west bank. and thank you for
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your statements. the obama administration took the unusual step in 2016 by of withholding a veto in the un security council after benjamin netanyahu. now prime minister ignored washington's request to stop supplement expansion. the us is substantial and cleared the way for the security council to demand is real stop construction. notably, the question of us age, where israel never came up at either of the camp david's summits. and it was never raised by either president george w bush, or donald trump. trump support gave israel what a crate. the recognition of jerusalem as capital of the jewish state right now with the war and does it, and it's this month. and the death toll rising. some in congress say 8, israel must be made conditional. there should be no blank checks for any country. we cannot continue the pattern. we are a prime minister. netanyahu says,
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thank you mr. president, for america's generous military assistance. and then problems as knows at americas legitimate requests, there might be a subtle change in us policy of food on the us has circulated a draft security council resolution on dall so that includes words. it has refused to use before. now, a temporary cease fire, but still no definitive plan to leverage billions of dollars and us aid to convince netanyahu to change the way he's conducting the war. the show of support get to be match, like what the washington says is. it's a warm, over the situation and guns, russell in jordan, which is 0 washington. i'm going to bring in my one of the show and i'll just be the senior political analyst to discuss all of this or was lose report. they're saying that we should understand that the relations between the us and israel have not always been as strong as one might anticipate,
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but to listen to what we're hearing in the international course of justice just a few hours ago. it is quite clear that the us is putting israel's security as the priority for anything that happens in the future. true. but it's also true that the american is render relations after $9067.00 war and the occupation of 1st thing in and out of territories has generally been strong. despite the ups and downs, it has maintain and remain and even became stronger with the with the time. but the bodies, 6 or 7 was uh, an inflection year if you would and the relationship the 2 decades before. 1967 is i've gotten from the united states, something like a 1000000000 plus dollars in 20 years. a 1000000000 or so dollars in the following 2 decades after it started occupied by us to get an auto plan. $50000000000.00 plus. so you can imagine the difference.
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suddenly this rise occupational pursuit and out of 10 of those became an american investment. americans started investing and these are not when it was weak. and let's say vulnerable, and let's say in a small a lot better without strategic depth as it was between 9430. 1967. i started is that one against the combined forces out of military's and occupied $3033.00 times its size. that's what america got on the action and doubles but doable. and then it basically went from one plus $1000000000.00 to $50000000.00. and then i can a, at, in the past 5060 years, if you take it in $2024.00 and it's like $300000000000.00 of american it. so what some of the rates are getting for its money. this is the thing,
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right? so i think it is right, and it's all corporation of, of a bank, but has to be at the thought it became a geopolitical assets for the united states. and at the time from 1967 to 1977, that i'm not color settings the out of world and is red. the only way you can get your land back is if you stop a line yourself with the soviet union stock line, your stuff where the united states, that was the primary condition, at least on egypt, in the beginning, the tech, to move from the, the soviet come to the american camp during the cold water in order to cover the sign. and it was the same thing for the syrians, it the one that was lucky, but also for even for american assets like jordan became even close at the united states. and it's relationship with united with help with recover and stablished piece. it was the same thing as some of the p o. in 1988 you would,
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they would have to distance themselves from anything denounced as it where that or isn't an ice a line that says with the united states if they had any chance to recover. so, occupation of palestine became an asset for the united states that it would invest money in his red in order to maintain it and refuse to reject any notion of surrendering me. except if the out of stock accepting american victory isn't. so they, i understand what you were saying about the israel being essentially a fund claim for one of about offers for us interest, and then at least particularly against out of the states. but in the jump administration, we had the ever have records for the u. a e and buffering signed normalization agreements with israel. the vitamin ministration has been pushing saudi arabia to do the same thing with as well. so if that is beginning to coalesce, to some degree, and these are significant powers within the middle east, where does the us see the benefit still in maintaining as well as that frontline,
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when by didn't 1st became president in the so called by then doctrine in his 1st, major speech on foreign policy, he made very clear america is back. america is not going to leave any vacuum for your won russia and china to fill in in the middle east. so it was a clear message to all americans, nemesis around the world. the 3 main regional and international forces that america was going to use as leverage and influence again under by then, in order to make sure that it was keep all 3 countries, all 3 powers outside the jupiter for calculus of them, at least, and hands started investing in the upper have mccord's and in new normalization of relations to install with the idea is that as well as other countries, because the new axis of the so called is red mother as part of bridge games
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against or devout of russian chinese. and iranian influence been or that the sure and the american geopolitical, i mean, region my one, we appreciate it as long as moment the shot to thank you very much. indeed, israel has continued to build that separation wall on palestinian land, cutting off palestinian communities. an earlier un court ruling said the wall was illegal. one palestinian act of us says the wall has made life almost impossible. palestinians are determined to survive. it's a prison. it's imprisoning the blessing, and the one was the best way to destroy any possibility of fussing and speaks. you can talk about the word alone as it is in the concrete that we see here 9 because high 800 to them with as long got on those to but it is inside those. but it's with the, with the streets the, the type role is that it was the complete k to move forward with. that's
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a pretty little spinning from the roots of the the, the, is that i need assistance because victor points that controlling the posting. and i seem like it's it creating that kind of thing. you really think that the, for the scene is, would be able to enable the scene is to live in the gate. was the name it is, it is to control the palestinians for ever he or floated somebody was talking about 17 communities that has been isolated from zillow sent this to be part of the us, he and this, this place. and he came in and goes to maybe they didn't came like any to, to, to, to, to approve the people and throw them out. but they make their life impossible. like they have to live in studying on the other side of the, the one to continue living. you know, they have to go all the way to the left to columbia. takes them almost 3 hours in the morning with the rush. i was pleased with that with this course. now it's like 20 isn't the and the icy to early, like from 2004. when the issue that this was indeed this is, must, like any, had been destroyed, then must be given back to the people that completed for compensated departments,
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etc. unfortunately, this, this decision didn't have any implication officer given that the present situation on what's happening because i think it's became huge cost too much with the whole system. it also could that the mission and look, it's controlled by this, this colonial poet is that the can states that utilize, that the can adopted with that on the go into some benefits, i think was distinguished. the 1st thing is, is the sort of live on campus, the fact that we are trying to live no matter what the atrocity i'll hold up with these big. so even with the will get try still to live in our mind, sending our conscious denny, this is not finished. the defeated the still ahead on this, i'll just even use on the city and state media report on as many as 500 residential building in damascus has killed at least 2 civilians. uninstall it also get ready for their 1st champions. we knock out much and 7 years, those coming up with 5,
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the in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power goes into the history of spinning and displacement. and explores whether tearing palestinians from because the occupied west bank is ready to transfer on and just the, [000:00:00;00]
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the what you know does it undermines lots of stories this hour, at least 25 pounds of studies have been killed and is really a trying some profit. and con us in solving garza, all us all hospitalized struggling to treat the survivors among the dead. the age children move into 9 files and people have been killed since his daughter, who is really offensive in gauze. the father assign ride presences saying a number of people have died due to salvation is garza to wall street programs paused age, and that varies to the north side and security concerns as well as being causing for us to starvation and find that in the step by deliberately blocking supplies, if she's on the team in a on the us as, as for you as the top for not to order. israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian intelligence is legal representative made the comments at the international court of justice on the 3rd day for hearing examining the impact of
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israel's occupation to be run through monetary and affairs chief has written an opinion article, calling the situation in gaza the world's model failure, which should shame us all. and the piece he writes, hundreds of thousands of people displaced living in the most object conditions even as winter sets in half a 1000000 people on the brink of farming. it goes on to say, we have been pleading with israel as the occupying power in gaza to facilitate a delivery to level or no avail. difference makes an appeal saying, today we employ your g 20 members to use your political leadership and influence to help. and this war and save the people of gaza. your silence and lack of action would only lead to more women and children thrown into the open graves of garza palestinians forced from their homes. and i've so impoverished and some can't even afford shoes. many don't have any one quotes for the winter. it says look, let me know because ms. linda has them on us. we were forced to leave
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a home. we run for our lives and our possessions were destroyed or left behind, were displaced in the south, empty 100. we used to live in the north. you would display through you and run school, then force for the south. a homes were destroyed without belongings were left behind. we have nothing left. i know, not even shoes. i can't even find a 2nd time pass. i have no income and i've run out of money. i can't even afford to feed my child to learn by shooting. these and my husband sandals, we show them between us. um and whoever needs to go out to put them on that. so yeah, and you know, what is that that place again, if we could afford to buy new shoes, we would not, we can't. so we have them repaired, we couldn't even afford for them. and did my family have been called lives for 3 generations at the beginning of the will? palestinian still had a bit of money and people used to pay to get their shoes repaired and things got much worse when people were pushed from the north to the south. we now are
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a pair of shoes so damaged that before we would have said they were unsalvageable as we all helpless at 12 check, a pair of slippers costs $20.00 to get to pay. it's not worth it, but people have no, no, it's a measurable plan. i'm not flooded with customers, but i cannot find materials i need winter shoes. are now a rare commodity kind of mine. palestinians are forced to abandon everything that owned and ran for their lives. when israel started ruth, this the bombing gauze, the local media is reporting the large blocks of stock, the city, and capital just hours often is very striking to a residential area in damascus. at least 2 people who are reported the killed in the caf assistant neighborhood. striker damage the 4th floor of a 10 story building and dozens of cause. the city administrator says it's intercepted some of the attacks in the past. israel's launch hundreds of airstrikes and syria, mainly targeting security and military facilities is gonna hold
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a has more from bear with or target to strike in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus, there has been no claim of responsibility, but the syrian state media is calling it and is really aggressive and this was a precise and surgical strike. and a, and a residential area of the apartment was directly targeted. so very similar, really to and it's really striked that killed the number 2 man in the palace, city and movements come off in the lebanese capital baby was in, in january. now as of late, we have seen a tax like this one in, in syria. in fact, they've become more frequent and more deadly or since the war on gospel began in october because as well really has been responsible for carrying out hundreds of strikes against sites belonging to iranian backed groups. iranian groups like the
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revolutionary guards of so this is expected to continue because of the as rarely defense minister is now saying that the equations have collapse. and this way the air force is going to act where it's these fits, whether it's in damascus, whether it's in the lebanese capital bay roots or other cities, cities and 11 on israel is trying to pressure of the around me and lead so called excess of resistance to stop, to stop attacks against as well. they have open numerous friends across the region to help relief pressure on garza, but their response has been the will, their attacks, all the fronts will remain active, as long as, as well as war on casa continues. center for their i was just, you know, they don't least 2 people have been killed, including a child often is really, is like hit southern lebanon. they attacked talking to the board, a village of march to assume 3 of those have been injured. at least 46 civilians have been killed 11 on the since the war and gaza began the still ahead and i'll just say the bottom minute. i'll positive ways with head coach thomas to found the
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details coming up and support for the for the next.
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the substance for his father. rob, thank you so much, bye minute cuz fact their head coach thomas to go. but he'll stay on until the end of the season. the germans only been in the roll since march last year, but his team of last 3 games in a row, in all competitions. they're 8 points behind leaders. buyer laboratories in, in the bonus league, and in danger of not winning a trophy for the 1st time in 12 years,
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as well as cost log. now to our berlin corresponded dominate cane. uh dominic, what's the reaction been to this new well, depends on which newspapers you read, what social media platforms you read, you get a sense of disparity from some people and anger from others. certainly many of the social media platforms that buy a new unix funds upload things onto on take pots and they're angry. i'm the anger is directed at the play is rob, open it to show, or indeed at the clubs leadership. they say the players have let the team down, let the manager down in recent weeks and let's be clear of arts. they've lost 4 games since the town of the one in the european champions begin slots here and 3 in the german league. and that's the thing here that before the winter break, it looked very clear that there was going to be a to horse race in the bonus. the gap between by and unit and by a leave,
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a cruise in but these last few weeks of really put the skids under the team. and they approved as it were, a fateful for the chances of to show standing and his position. just give us a sense of how big buyers are in germany. the thing about the bundles do you hear about german football is one team has been transcendent in the course of the last 4 or 5 decades in this country, realistically speaking by and mentioned they have. so t 3 german type polls german championships that the 120 german cups, 6 european cups and other european told them. and so they have one, they destroyed the german football scene. is it well like a colossus? and so when they have a bad season, it may seem to buy and unit friends. if it's, it's a catastrophe. the interesting thing here is that to show one the bonus the last
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season that having arrived mid season and start, we're seeing is not really big enough. let's be clear about it. they are in the 2nd place, 8 points behind the latest eva cruiser, but there are still 12 games to play. so they could see, or actually that could be a research, as they might still win the league i'm. they are still relatively well placed in the trump, you and speak again. so that's the only one. middletown, off to that 1st book. so to a certain extent, they have everything to play for, but not from the point of view of the leadership of by invention, who look at that team and say we should be doing so much better. we all the best team in germany will come say they, they want new direction. any idea who will replace to go so much speculation since $79.00 spent earlier on here in germany. the very clear suggestion coming suddenly from the media or any way is the chevy at home. so who has been piloting, leave a cause and so well, they say this season here is heavily favorites to take over from to show in the
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summer. but then that's the rub because there are other names that the so you're getting close to german manager who have successfully boost your document. and of course has to be managing livable successfully for so long while he's going to be free to do other things in the summer, leaving leave a pool, leaving a vacancy behind him might chevy as long as they want to go. but then there are other names too. we know that papa says he doesn't want to go straight into manager . some people talking about is jose moreno put would find mentioned, want him to manage so much speculation right now. no clear stairs who it might be. all right, well it's one to keep our eye on. dominic came reporting live for us from berlin. things for now tell me is leak has returned and mark or not of edge squared. the winner as interim land beat athletic on the dread and timberland paid tribute to their former player and woke up winter. andres bremar had of the 1st leg of their round of 16 match. the german international died on tuesday at the age 63. the
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italian lead leaders are looking to go one step further than their runners up to finish last season, substitute, or not which giving aside the advantage going into the a way leg. one bill is how it stayed before the 9th, when in a row on tuesdays others high ended in a 11 draw between the p as the idaho been and broccoli, adult and, and it was a, a for a p us be player to score against the dr. league leaders daniel mountain with a goal decision and then responded with a penalty in the 2nd half. take a personal goal, 3 to return, like in germany, max for so i would put read those off track issues aside by setting pace and f one testing and barring on wednesday. the teams new campaign has been overshadowed by allegations of inappropriate behavior against team friends, focused foreigner allegations which he has denied or champion for staff in finish, nearly 7 tenths, quicker than for our. it shows the clare on the opening day immersed race of the season takes place and barring on sunday. okay, and that is all your support now back to you far. thank you very much and i'm going to be back in
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a couple of minutes. move on over the stories on robotics. don't forget the website, i'll just stay with us on the a legally pass barge. you can cook and this is a radio basic multi tool which everyone should carry from propose to teams, day tourism eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or a forklift maybe discovers how people are campaigns in the end times of the poor young generation coming soon. but just like i told you, so dealing with this elaine on out to 0. i've worked out of their existence, it's load ship as a principal present and as a correspondence with the brakes and the story wants to hear from those people who
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was normally not get that votes this heard on the international news channels. one moment tom, very proud. all was when we covered the fullness quick of 2015 at the terrible ment shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time a veto. his really military minds, the shogun, legalese, randy settlements and the all key points. westbank, the red lines, bulk the borders of the item. you describe just new security. so we're now in the area. i think you're just saw on those laps. they're all illegal is ready. settlers living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. and they, all me says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around illegal is right. the central suddenly is where the
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soldiers appear on the old pacific bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming, detained us for more than 2 hours on these confiscation of land around in the galleries. right. the central, that's charlotte stadium say is full proof of israel breaking in some national the israel causing deliberate starvation and simon and northern jobs are blocking trucks carrying a light, saving aid from entering the besieged strip. the don't know about this, and this is 0 live from to have also coming up the email apparently morton's their child while is really attached killed dozens of


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