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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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without the best cumberlands best produces the best fixes and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the low i'm on the inside. this is the news life from joe hall coming up in the next 60 minutes of a stadium families tool and a pause in southern golf. the wall is rarely strikes target civilians and come eunice and rough us, as well as actually the closing mass starvation, farming with convoys of age trucks, fishing idle and waiting to cross into the street. speaking out the international
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courts of justice, the us defends, as well as occupation of palestinian territories. russia says buttons can only remove on the g 24 minutes since all missing and rear with garza and ukraine at the center of discussions. i'm disagreements. i spoke to tom champion on the murray has been knocked out. so the council opened. laurie missing out on the quarter finals after losing a 3rd set. right. you're committed sick of the check for the it's 18 g m t. that's 8 pm in rough. uh the city and self in golf. is that a sheltering one and a half 1000000 palestinians, and it's once again become the target of is riley bombardments, as strikes have hits residential areas throughout the region, including the city of han, eunice, across the strip, at least
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a 118 people have been killed just over the past 24 hours committee on the deluxe begins on coverage. this one last embrace. abdul romans daughter, wife and in laws were killed and is ready to strike on the home in rough uh, southern garza, just a few hours before she's been playing with his toilet and drink some tea with his family. of the problem here in my, um, this is my so i'm gonna set you was a year and 7 months old and the sun and the entire building was leveled to the ground by his riley white plains, from their bodies were torn to pieces to us of the united states, yet again, vetoed, or un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. reeves palestinians say they've been let down. and the accepted for the images of more than a $140.00 days award did not push the world to take action differently than what
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are they waiting for? and what does the world waiting for? are they waiting for all of the palestinian people and all the children to die? so they didn't say that being targeted is ready for say struck a crowded street east of rough foot repeatedly on tuesday. there was no laptop in the booming in central gauze. not only is that, but dozens of people were killed. 6 of them in an asteroid on a call. the district is no longer just from the sky. discomfort displaced people in o, my wife seen the hun, unice families say is ready soldiers to sound booms into that tense or get them to leave and fight those who run away. well, let us know. we were terrified, we run for our lives best leaving all of belongings and attend these ready soldiers rounded up the women and the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, out in the open on the beach without even a scarf covering tanks destroyed tents, personal belongings,
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and precious supplies of food. at the time when aid agencies a warning of thumb and despite is ready forces designating a y c. as a se soon, but as punish, didn't use well, no, no way. garza is safe anymore. no, none of that out there. let's get well now the situation on the ground in gauze or we can bring entire cup a zoom whose life for us in rough or not a difficult day where you are took us through the latest developments. yes. in fact, smelling and there is no an easy day for guns and see as it gets very minute treat bombing campaign just continues in targeting different residential neighborhoods alongside with civil key infrastructure. that is considered to say that to be vital for palestinians. and we've been seeing more military attacks on different parts of
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garza, including the middle areas where i've also rushed for a few to come had been targeted in the past. out where residential building had been reduced to the rock along side that's on the account has been also attacked by these valley fight to just in that part of the territory. and at the same time, roughly district had been bombarded in the eastern part of this area of the segments of cause alongside that there was a civil call had been hit today, one pound is put in has been reported killed while 3 others being at least aged from people who were in the location of the targeting. and it's worth mentioning that the roof is the area where people are older. to go with the old safety. as we've been seeing that people here aren't completely traumatized and afraid of from the intensifying grades, which is why the attacks within the past few days signifying that there was no any play safe in light of the potential minute treat. encouraging that might be carried doubts within the coming days. specifically that we have been hearing move
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statements by as many military officials that say in bathing roof act is inevitable . but 1st they need to evaluate people. but what to go as there was no, any place in garza is designated as a safe zone right now. okay, so now thank you, terry. assume that for us live in rough uh the wells health organization says stuff and patients still all inside the besieged nasa hospital and con eunice a need to be transferred elsewhere. also being denied entry for days, w h o stuff evacuate to actually to critically ill patients. earlier this week was really troops stored in the hospital last week, forcing palestinians to flee 130 severely injured. patients remain the long side at least 15 doctors and this is your situation is very bad and difficult. and all the patients uh, are without electricity,
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without oxygen. the entire neighborhood around here is damaged and destroyed the hospitalized self has no electricity has no for has no water. there's a very few doctors and nurses, they're living here and the premises working around the clock is you can think of a, there was a vision ever you, you want to buy it right then. and this is that there was a goose and i how soon you my life is the database that i, that work in the darkness. visions everywhere, palestinians across gauze i happened repeatedly, forced to move by israel's unrelenting attacks. now darrow bala is one of the areas where people have been seeking refuge, where the conditions are desperate him could already spoke to a family about the hardships that they are enduring. this from the last date of loss and then back from the fluff to date in bella, this is how palestinians internally displaced, have been moving around different areas across of the gaza strip. after being our
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veggie evacuated from the another in area, palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months. today we're visiting us and mooney family in the bella where this area behind me is complete, was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her time right now, and the situation is very sad and that the living conditions are her perfect. this tent where we are here, it has been a home and the only shelter for us, and when a family of so many family evacuated from as a, to a neighborhood in that, in bella, where her current t as a to, and has been with missing a lot of,
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of, of, of air strikes and also that is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. there's nothing that is, that's what it is. imagine of call photo. we left the area now as a to and because of the who risk situation to the very least took 3 of my children . well being on the say for my children of dollar her mom's and for ours were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details, i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also lost their brother during the 2009 though the father and that brother of malta. i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them. i want to help them all. jenny, to be here, was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went to darrow, follow because of the strengths of the roll over the place and brought the one to be honest with you, there is no safety and security anyway and the cause of stress. and with that, if this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these palestinians have been
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displaced, and we have been seeing a lot of areas, agriculture areas, empty areas. course universities and hospitals that became shelters for hundreds of thousands of palestinians misplaced and forced to evacuate their houses. this is in the quality, i'll just eat a better. but in the last hour, v is rodney cabinet minister benny gans has been speaking. let's go lights with a mocks in the auction parties who were slim. so william, what have we heard from benny guns? it was the format of these writing, and that's really the form of defense minister ben again and speaking at a press conference saying that again, this is in context of increased criticism mandell pressure from the invest previously about a getting into the saying that that will be more a getting into gaza via our countries of us,
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the egypt being the principal on that. and it will be designed not to be in contact with some us as part of that process saying these ready all mean must complete its military objectives and goals that, that is what they've termed absolute victory over the last few months. they have been attempts, he said, to reach fresh agreement of a prisoner exchanges, that would be releasing palestinians from his retails and return to some of the hostages held inside garza, he hinted that such an agreement was getting closer. he set the cut, the country's government would not shy away from any opportunity to return those hostages. they will continue to fight against isabel the fullest as men north of israel. continue until security quote is restore to the residents the. and they said that the mission is complete security control of a garza, whether that's over the long time. all know is not entirely clear, but they do not want. he says simply civilian control and gaza. ok with them.
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stay with us because i want to talk about a new survey that's been conducted by leading is really st. tank that suggests that most is riley's, don't believe a circle. the absolute victory is possible in casa, is really need is have said, the main goal is this war is to completely eradicate thomas. according to the israel democracy institute, 51 percent of jewish respondents do not believe in san to victory about numbers, even high among palestinian. this is where it is at 77.5 percent and 55 percent of those who identified as a right wing said they don't believe israel can completely destroy him. us to the left wing respondents. that number went up to 85 percent. so what is this telling us is the type of public opinion tanning when it's hot in the settings because that specific question about the likelihood
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of absolute victory is not one that's being repeatedly off of a series of polls during the last few months. but in terms of the data points that we can look at in terms of the broad consensus of concern, amongst these ready public about if not the way this was being propagated and all of a sudden the end goal, the objectives and the timeline. it's very clear that the central issue of hostages is at the heart of a contradiction between the military objectives and potential diplomatic solutions to this conflict. it's something that many, many is right. these are very vocal about at the moment. and even mid members, it right off of the top of the cabinet, talking about the challenges that the military objectives face over the coming weeks and months. okay, thank you for that. within marks the 1st in ok. parties were some united states has also b u, n. 's top code not to audit israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories. its legal representative made the comments abeyance national course of
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justice on the sub day if a hearing examining the impact of israel's occupation. meanwhile russia called on israel to immediately holt, its violations of international lo. it told the un topcoat that negotiations for a viable to state solution must be expedited but it's smith has moved from the hague to a palestinian in ramada. i have been protesting to voice that supports for people in the seas, gaza strip. and what's a cooling for, improve conditions for palestinians being held in is really presidents. it abraham has moved from the occupied west bank. i apologize for
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that. let us come back to you. we can go to a break as the hello you're welcome to look at the international forecast has been on the call side recently across the sea right? been punch slab. we've had somebody of a stiff shamal wind blowing, at least over the next couple of days here. and the hot temperature is still getting up to starting to get to around 23, south east on thursday, but come friday with folding somewhat light to 27. we're going to get up into the mid high twenty's as we make our way through the weekend, so not too bad. a lot of dry weather across the arabian peninsula. let us try whether to just around the east side of the met. it's ready to be pushed by the know think, becky, i just around the central and eastern pa. so when she makes sliding, i have it to was a cool cuz he's brought us guys to come back in behind by the time become to friday
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. right to across the good parts of agent, but the northern parts of libya through tennessee. yeah. so from brother which and when the weather for a time, the shelves becoming less wise. but as we go through friday, but it's increasing right in coming into northern areas of morocco, northern parts of out you and just increasing right to into southern areas of nigeria over the next few days till the help of the showers. it'd be half across the house of africa, northern parts of mos, i'm big st live. the shower is still some very heavy right in place to cause a good part of madagascar. and we have tropical sites. i don't know clearing away from nutritious. the record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points to the color and the fast of a 2 part investigation, one. 0 one east meets the chinese,
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my friends. risk middle to the american dream on out to 0 verse in nature, color and meaning. with these we the material to patient front and center. nothing about this. exemption is traditional or permanent or dis, work place next to younger artists. it's a reminder that there is one unders way, the bombardment i think that's something they refuse to die substantive. they refuse to die quickly. and openings edition only to be closed after the war. and as it drags on menu on these paintings, maybe a survivor of causes are the the
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okay, apologies for those technical issues you're watching out. is there a reminder? if i told stories this alice is really astro likes have told me, said residential areas in russia and con eunice in southern gaza, at least $25.00 people were killed in those attacks. all these have been calling up to our non to a hospital. united states has all see you and the top cold not to order, as well as immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territory. legal representatives spoke out the international court of justice. herrings looking at the impact just as well as occupational deliveries of much needed food and to northern gauze. i have been suspended, raising phase of potential salvation you and has one but one in 6 children in the area on malnourished. and i saw sharif reports from northern gaza. as you are
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interested to know, i know i had a shamella. salvation is closing in on residence here in the moving parts of click on the strip. as these rarely occupation forces continue to deny them the delivery of a drop of any really fade families, mostly children line up for hours and dollars to get the hands on some sleep or a handful of rice. this isn't our daily practice in the northern parts of the street. the children not devoured by hunger, no matter how much the quantities of a to be delivered. these cabinets meet the resident style a need for food, of your ash on the left in the we come here every day, hoping to meet our hands and any food for our children in the house we have on our flour, on or other food items. our children are starving to that. i did want to add, insult to injury, is that we are left without any source of income. i am trying my best to feed my children to just the off one and 62 level food. my husband is, oh no, no less the plus somebody will somebody venture out with the early hours of the
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morning? we spend hours hoping to get a handful of knowledge or rise to call them out childrens, hung eldest women and children all starving to death. folding down out of starvation for months, all those in the north have been starving there on the, on my schedule. i have the shuttle closet with all of us here in the north is stopping today. needless to say, we are sleeping in the cool, totally exposed to the elements of the homes were destroyed by the as radio. compassion for the settlement shot in when um, but for months now we've been eating bird feet and even animal fodder. we are starving to death. where are they are going to maybe where are the most of the people? is there any occupation forces continued to deny the delivery of humanitarian aid in the north? the children eldest, i'm the sick or to survive. the is raining, must has been bottom amount due to some death, and it's a chevy. if i just got off the well feed program has told al jazeera the situation in northern golf and means they cannot make food. a deliveries. the
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agency announced on tuesday that it's pausing deliveries that until say, for conditions or crated any of this week, a convoy have trucks have been met by hundreds of hungry palestinians. he's rarely ministry, 5 towards them killing on windows and several people. the w s t says it's dr. is with navigation, complete chaos and bonnets due to a collapse of civil order. is how matthew, holding with the w, a peace country director for palestine. describe the dire situation. we are extremely concerned about student security across the entire to you because it's true, but it's a picture that you know, they've got in the face. the integration size classification survey that we completed in the some of them on the lease hall. many people are facing the problem
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and light conditions of the face problem in buying may, if we cannot bring significant consistent deliveries offered assistance. this is more about the costs of a given a incredible challenge is getting assistance to people that need tony. it's an international humanitarian mall. any occupied by a pause must enable humanitarian assistance that is to provide, to reach the very bottom level and people in the what we saw in 2 instances this week on sunday and monday is a failure to been show safety. the people we saw the i need the assistance, and that is one of the reasons why we temporarily, for so that we can continue those negotiations. so this situation improves, we can get or assistance offered. i instantly did something called the city area
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safely, consistently a service call displaced palestinians, and now so impoverished that some comp, even afford shoes, already facing the hoss when to many also don't have bloom flirts. as the number of miss lyla has them on us, we will forced to leave a home. we run for our lives and or possessions. we destroyed or left behind. we displaced in the south empty handed. we used to live in the north. you would display 3, un run school, then force for the south. homes were destroyed without belongings were left behind . we have nothing left. i know, not even shoes. i can't even find the 2nd time pass. i have no income and i've run out of money. i can't even afford to feed my child to learn by shooting these and my husband sandals. we show them between us. um and whoever needs to go out to put them on the yeah. and you know, with the 42nd, if we could afford to buy new shoes, we would, but we can't. so we have them repaired. we couldn't even afford for the budget.
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my family have been cobblers for 3 generations. at the beginning of the war, palestinian still had a bit of money and people used to pay to get their shoes repaired and some things got much worse when people were pushed from the north to the south. we now are a pair of shoes so damaged that before we would have said they were unsalvageable as we all helpless at 12 shekel. pair slip is going to cost $20.00 to get to pay. it's not worth it, but people have no, no, it's a measurable plan. i'm not flooded with customers, but i cannot find materials i need when to shoes are now a rare commodity kind of mine. palestinians are forced to abandon everything that owned and ran so their lives. when israel started reproduce the bombing gauze, it will tell us the news in ramallah have been protesting to voice the supports for
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the people in the besieged gauze. the strip. it was according to improve conditions for palestinians being held in as ready, presence. the abraham has moved from ramallah and the occupied westbank. we're not going to get used to the genocide in gaza. this is one of the chance with heating heat in the by processors for saying that the world is normalizing these way. the aggression against the city is in the b. c used gauze and strip. as you can see, these are the name of the kind of city is who have been killed by these really forces also proves us. those here are saying that this role is using the on dogs out to us to meet the situation in the, or few parts that we continue this way. the ways intimidation, 2nd point. what do we need? there's more pressure from what on the to handle, the support that was coming through is what this is what would make an effect is and the complicity states, organizations, institutions, complicity, stop arming as well. uh, implement the i c. j decision provision on much is also among
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those processors in this situation of the city and prisoners and is really jail moving. they are being some justice torture. we've just heard the news another time of simeon prisoner who has been declared dead by these waiting for the service. he's the noise prisoner to die and is ready to go to the umbrella city and say that they are very skeptical about the conditions under which those prisoners live in. they say that there's medical negligence video, feeling that your son is in the hands of those through a creature we, we, we see what's happening guys, we see where watson an eye witnesses and for me to prisoners are telling stories about what all understanding and present not honestly, i think many of those whom we've been speaking to say that they feel ahead for us
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there is not much they can do to support their fellow product demands in the business because it's true. but they say that this has been nice. they could do to show support to show anger, to show that they are with the front of the product city is and the disease district is abilene and just need a drum along the occupied was safe. all this he is, rose ministry has destroyed more homes in refugee counts and took them than anywhere else. and the occupied westbank people say is rarely troops routinely ton, densely populated civilian areas into was this ministry, helicopters, overhead, gun, fine grenades, all used on residential homes. the west named conditions have palestinians living in the west bank, worried off to gauze with that they could be next zane bizarre. avi is mo, from the top rim refugee camps. what are the patterns of israel's decades long occupational corps component of psychological warfare being waged against
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palestinians is the destruction of their houses, a practice so common in the collective trauma. so pervasive some mental health experts here have coined a phrase, homicide, shorthand for the suffering that comes from losing the basic sense of safety. a home provides this or has lost family members and is really raids. explosives used to blow up her house. still, she says they cannot stop her from smiling a little bit. now that a i miss the house, but what's really matter are the memories. and i remember my brother sitting here and taking the pictures their memories. they are all gone, but even the photographs we lost them are used to collect all the old photograph. they burned everything before they left to where residents of this refugee camp in to say, when one suffers, they all do. that is real, is doing in the occupied westbank on a smaller scale. what it has done in god keeping pace with the intensity of as
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rarely, military rates in refugee camps like this is a real problem. no sooner do repair words begin is really military rates resume and there is yet more property destruction. julio is using what's left of his neighbor's house to repair the damage to his. he says nowhere feel safe, but the low level of mental health is destroyed. you look to your children, they are afraid, i mean the, the young ones with themselves out of seattle. but what can i do? show we have to get used to this, that there is nothing we can, the whole is really troops often brutalized parents in front of their families during the daytime rates. children are forced to shelter inside their classrooms for hours, listening to explosions, and this really gunfire coming from the neighborhood where they live. medical researchers have even tied stress from the destruction of homes to stunted growth
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among palestinian children within the situation of the house demolition. you are taking out all kinds of resilience and the patient or adjustment conditions from the people. so it will effect that are of families and the kids. and 1st of all they have to find a place to re establish their life. so it's kind of blowing up the family and the psychological life of every individual within that family fear. anxiety trauma, on repeat, for decades. palestinians describe having no control, no ability to plan for their future. always adapting to the only constant in their lives. and list is really oppression. the same bus route of the old is 0. total korean can be occupied. westbank. now to the us with protests is marching all the way from philadelphia to washington
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d. c. cooling for an end to as well as well on golf, or i will say demanding the release of full captives and on restrictive smells. hearing aids the people of gaza. how did your casters in washington d. c. hardy. so focus through what's happening while you, the family and this was termed a pilgrimage that started in philadelphia. why? because that was the birthplace of the us constitution and 200 kilometers later, step by step. we've had this gathering, this is the final destination of this protest in front of the white house. and it's not only symbolic and where it started and ended, but also the group of people who under took this some $300.00 people participating in all and stretches some walking the hallway themselves. and one of our guest here was their company. then this is rabbi alyssa wise, thank you so much for your time. why do this? why? where, why put not only your voices to this protests but your suffering of walking 200
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kilometers? you know, my great uncle, rabbi aaron wise, marched from summit to montgomery and with doctor king in the civil rights event. so when reverend greene from feature black lives asked me to provide for cease fire one and to be part of a pilgrimage, i knew that that was part of my ancestral legacy. and i was pulling on that threats . every social justice live in, in history has had her to the heartbeat of faith based center. the civil rights have been the movement against a part that in south africa. and it was really important that we bring the spiritual and moral urgency of this moment to this crisis. and does that right? it's, we are months into a crisis that we kind of imagine collapsed words more than a couple weeks in here. we are morning over 12000 palestinian children. if you have the scale of the crisis, the humanitarian crisis and gaza is unspeakable. so it felt like we needed our action to be kind of not that level of intensity, right? like it's not just enough to hold a vigil outside the white house, we need to demonstrate this to the seriousness and the intensity of the crisis by
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walking the entire way and bringing with us all these pilgrims, all the people we meet along the way kind of the inspiration that we kind of left as bread crumbs as we walk. you are a jewish rabbi. yes. what is your message? 2 cousins. right now that you are with them in this? yeah, you know, rabbits receives fire was we found it in october because who's so important for palestinians to understand that what is being done now is not being done and the name of judaism is being done in the name of the state of israel, right? israel and jewel judaism are not synonymous, and jewish people all over the world. increasingly here in the united states are soothing and solidarity with palestinians and understanding that the only way that jews find safety in palestinians, fire and safety is through solidarity and through everyone having each other's
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backs. and that's what this pilgrimage is represented, right. we've shown that. thank you so much, rabbi wise. and as you see, this is like the final celebration, the lean as we've ended this pilgrimage and they're trying to be loud enough so that those inside the white house can hear their voice is what they're asking for. is very simple, they say a permanent and an immediate cease fire. thank you for that. heidi joe counselor that 1st and most d. c. d 20 foreign ministers have gathered in rio de janeiro to discuss a range of global issues including conflicts and ukraine on garza. the us actually will stay on, the lincoln held a meeting with the brazilian president newly to silver. they have been strained relations because of israel's will on gaza. the prison in need to accusing israel of committing genocide against palestinians. while talking to reporters of the african union summit in if you appear on sunday,
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a low opening arguments are due to begin in the trial of the full met, president of honduras, one orlando. hernandez is accused of corruption and working with drug gangs in the central american country. the trial is taking place in new york christmas. the name explains it is a dramatic fall from grace for one orlando hernandez. the former president of honduras, seen here let in handcuffs in 2022. during his extradition to the united states, hernandez's alleged web receive millions of dollars from multiple drug trafficking organizations, including from the former leader of this in a lower cartel, known as al chapo. and in return, drug traffickers in honduras were allowed to operate with virtual impunity. she's being tried here in manhattan, thousands of miles from han doris at accord with the history of prosecuting crimes that happened on foreign soil. if those crimes impact the united states in some way,
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particularly the national security interest of the united states, the safety of united states citizens, then the federal courts in new york can prosecute individuals for crimes related to that conduct one, orlando hernandez denies any wrong doing. he says the accusations were concocted by his critics revenge for his efforts to crack down on criminal drug gangs during his time and office. but recently his defense has suffered some setbacks. hernandez will be alone on the defense stand after 2 co defendants, one of whom is the former police chief of hon. doris pleaded guilty in the weeks leading up to the trial. both are expected to testify against him. the defense will paint hernandez as a key washington ally in the fight against struggles. but critics say successive us government's turned a blind eye to human rights abuses. under hernandez's presidency, it's really important to bear in mind as we watched his trial,
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that the us always supported him. in fact, vitamin was very much into increasing a tundras when he became president increasing military cooperation. even though the us has to have known is clear, they must have known that the military are repressive and riddled with drug traffickers at the very top thing was left for years on the pine. i got his family launch to go find me campaign to raise money for his defense, but it was later taken down. the trial is expected to last a week. if convicted hernandez could get a life sentence. kristen salumi al jazeera new york, the the farmers in spain have been demonstrating in madrid, the forts with police demanding high prices for that produce and government protection from cheaper inputs. sonya a guy who has moved from the spanish capital the outskirts of madrid,
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with thousands of tractors will, waiting to descend on the city for 3 weeks, almost from school over the country have been voicing the aga help what they say is the government's failure to address the difficulties that facing and as little sign that backing down your name only be the we just want to make a living. we don't want politics of the agriculture ministry in the european union to destroy a foaming soap. adding to the frustration police prevented the tractors from meeting for the rest of the protest of the across the room in madrid. i'm part of the police last week, the practice come into the face of the shot down the voices. eventually the police let them through that many. what angry at having to mention was in the chaos in the city since 2022 spain small being sector has suffered
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a decline in production. many blaming the spike in fuel prices. another source of frustration, the european union, echoing the message from farmers protesting and all the e u. countries. they say bureaucratic measures from brussels, known as a combination of cultural policy perspective ever been a key to making living. while spain agriculture minister has announced measures to ensure the farmers receive effect, many fear it will be enough. and there are other challenges. drought and slots have hit spain hard hotter than other producers in europe. politicians seeking to address this will need to balance so they can put environmental measures in place without piling more pressure on the farmers themselves. so anybody ever outta 0, woodridge bruce forever to you and is a professor of political science. i computed say, university of madrid,
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she joined to sell life from madrid. thank you for joining the program. give us a sense of how big these protests all in spain as to what extent are they impacting the wider society, even the economy for the time being, i would say what it would think. first of all, i wouldn't say that's for the time being is not going to have, i mean, an a street, an estate to way impact on the expense economy. we have to think about that. they are like, the sporting the turn time. so if the weeks in different weeks they started to mobilize in january, but then then then in different bases on, in the, for an independent personal day of the country. and besides, you know, the has, they had been on the streets for, you know, over these years was why the, as you mentioned in your report to be there we go to our sector has been in the name totally declining in this thing, especially on the center in the center of spain and,
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and then the conditions in which there we go to our sick tories is working our know the best ones. but also i would like to point that to a different guides. so i'll probably go to, or you know, the one who own huge properties and the others that top is more properties and i'm working with in a comparative. and so i think all the policies that have to be addressed to, to, to every culture, to be at these things from between these 2 kinds of, of a lot of doors. i mean, there seems to be a number of issues of assessing farm is in europe. i mean, red tape, excessive environmental rules, rules, competition from cheap imports. what, when it comes to spain, what seems to be the biggest issue for farmers? i did this issue here is that it has to do with the, with the water. we don't have water where i, one of the countries with law and huge impact on, on the, on the, on the, on the field on, on a know. so, you know, do you agree on regulation?
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has these to rise? seen this effects on pricing, the production goes for us, the profit collapse and all together. it's making that bought by the groups coming on the, on the last on the lives over the last years like for instance, they leave the all the seats like pulling up our and also wine and also all different people to pick up production coming from from his pain is being very, very affected by depth and so of water. and that you much that together to with the, with the, with the streaking norma, these coming from the european union. and we've the free trade agreements. then you have signed explosives and explosive moment. and in addition, and she said that the, the, the, the, the records are 6, so it is very well organized, but he's also beta, especially the logically and the not know they, they are 2 approaches. and you know, the,
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the seems like one to 2 similar in other countries try to, to, you know, to get profit electricity on the face of the, of the june elections for that you're paying for them. and, but i don't think the routine any, any, any, any gains so far, right. and, and in terms of the sanchez gum, the, the spanish government how, what are they doing about these versus how they handle a situation? most of the time being there is no huge this the show has been thinking of not so far. i think the ministers, the waiting for so media, so new associations. but so far it has not been returning any of we mean, but as a matter of fact, they have a couple of meetings so far. uh no, no, no agreement has to be in. it has to be. now how does it has been resolved? um i would have to wait for over the next or the next week the week which we expect the more mobilization. okay, thank you for your time, bruce forever. terry and professor of political science at the compute tense
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universities. 100 thanks. a lot with any purchases are taking place in columbia is capital to more and hundreds of people killed by power ministry groups and drunk hotels. buttons has continued despite a 2016 piece deal between the government and the falk rebels. as other i'm here to reports from an act of collect the morning. i mean, in english, 3 i left that hundreds gathered in downtown bogota to demand the government to do more to protect those who are left behind by a peace deal signed nearly a decade ago. more than 400 former revel fight, there's an 1100 community leaders have been killed since the columbia in states. and the country's largest give the a group of park agreed to stop the war in 2016. the victims are
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mostly, i feel colombians and indigenous people caught up in or targeted by fighting the continues in territories the government. this failed to control to the story piece still promised to end decades of civil conflict. but after a brief increasing security, many rural areas instead so renewed violence on factions and dropped them off the fight to control trafficking routes. any legal mining resources. the time has come to the mon results to the attorney general office, and these killings we call and keeping silent witnesses for the slow genocide. if those who laid down their arms each of these boxes but presents the coffin. the news we are here to participate in what needs to be a nationwide morning because each of these tests is painful for how much longer we keep adding to the list of widows and orphans kids. columbia as a broad range of policies and laws in place to prevent these killings, that enforcement has been poor and impunity. high left his president gustavo,
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people who took office a year and a half ago major piece of priority initiate. and he talks with all remaining on groups so far with limited results in the former top commander of the far it doesn't blame the government. but what he says are powerful forces opposed to piece, baggage those, etc. we put that there is an important stick to of columbia that doesn't want to lose its privileges, that unpaid pace to progress. because pace requires redistributing wealth and ending the legal business. that's what makes it so difficult, but we remain up domestic and hot that with acts like this one. we will be able to move forward. reaching a stable piece in columbia remains and i'm full field promise. a successive governments have filed to and this ever changing internal conflict, but i've struggled to achieve it. allison that i'm get. i just need a book that to see you and the security council has sanctioned 6 people from the
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groups operating in the eastern democratic republic of congo. need is of m 23 are among those 100 travel bands and asset freezes. the decision was made during an emergency basing of the security counseling, choose the buttons has intensified a recent months. us and $23.00 fights is involved on a major city in the east. katherine solely reports from government in the east of the d. c. us all says that have been for top very recently. most of the people who are here have come from the town of soc is not as well. pricing has been going on between government forces and the m 20 suite rebels. so they are constructing their structures as they say that they're just trying to survive. they don't have food, they don't have what are they don't have basic needs. we've been speaking to um, a way because we say that they are overwhelmed by the numbers that are coming here
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now in total about a 150000 people from socket and surrounding areas has been displaced from those areas. now inside, scared by thing is going on and $23.00 are on the heels. me as that case. so could government offices including static, the original of forces who are the, are trying to push the rebels back? it's very significant to that happens because socket is a good way to go my, the pro visual copy tool and the government forces are saying that there is no data . they cannot unless that careful because if that happens, then m 23 was very easy for them. to match on to goma, which is not going to be allowed by the government. they say catherine. so you all the 0 go muff of the pertaining to our top story. now the war and gaza,
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while people are struggling to survive across the strip, it was a trying to cling to some sense of the lives that they once had. but a huge as an artist who's determined to carry on head cross to spot losing high speed here and materials. and the new one was it was defeated in velocity. and a lot of, um, what it off, and the how much do i get? you can be at 80 percent. uh, let's see. i'm a part of the and the of the icon on the late fee. and then on the west and that's in the ninety's. and yet eleanor benefit of housing the she a is i've been on part huh. but i did as the serial. i'm headed to montana. who am i? yeah, these items in the, in the yes, i'm looking to probably look,
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i wouldn't forget to tell you in the video on me. so it was high and heart of my getting on the yes it even higher and it has it a it is the last it is the item you describe it out in morris. yeah, i have an issue. yeah. the something because of the, the, you bought the ship and there's nothing in the hub. the husband was, it was how does the, how you how do we sit in on the, with the ignition of him and the job, the job, the for the nation, the level not look what it was and then he a and now the 5th and once in a month, also to tell you what's the difference in the sound of the same husband still has all now and is there is
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force a victory for supple funds gemini, as that purchased secure results they wanted to is here without the asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power or no understanding the reality, reporting from the action of the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story of the
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time systems flows. hey, is andy. thank you so much, molly. and we'll take time champion on the murray has the notes out. so as a council opened, bring missing out on the quarter finals after losing a 3rd set time break against commencing the check for public. i'm already produced a series of big comebacks on his run set. last is final. he's 36 year old. looks on close to something similar this time out. took the match into the deciding sense. for the 18 year old men sick held his nose to reach the last states at this level of tournaments. the 1st time in his career while in brazil, injury 4th world number to call us out across to return from the rear wife and responded twisted his ankle during the 1st round match. and champion saying he's still hopeful of being able to defend his indian wells. title in california,
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next month a gym and football funds, the seller pricing of fig, tree the legs that plans to sell a steak. if it's media rise to a private equity investor as full and through multiple games in the country, subdivisions would disrupt to find support, to see where against the principal, and then a statement that makes sense, that a given current developments, a successful continuation of the process, no longer seems possible. jim and full champions, bond munich, they're on the hunt for a new head coach after 3 straight defense thomas took will be leaving the club at the end of the season apo and correspond the dominant. kane has no a single box. the bundles, the guy about german football is one team has been transcendent in the course of the last 45 decades in this country. realistically speaking, buying mentioned they have the 23 german type loans, german championships that they won 20 german cups, 6 european cups and other european told them. and so they have one. they destroyed
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the german football seen as it were, like a colossus. and so when they have a bad season, it may seem to buy and unix friends. if it's, it's a catastrophe. the interesting thing here is that to show one the bonus we got last season that having arrived mid season and start with seen is not really big enough . let us be clear about it. they are in the 2nd place, 8 points behind the leaders. they've accusing, but there are still 12 games to play, so they could see, or actually that could be a research, as they might still win the league i'm. they are still relatively well placed in the champion. so you're getting slots. you only one middle down off to that 1st, but so to a certain extent they have everything to play for, but not from the point of view of the leadership of by invention, who looked at that team and say we should be doing so much better. we all the best team in germany, champions league not count football is returning to austin for the 1st time in 7 years that preparing to face polls. so little lights are on the color touches. so i'm heading to portugal for the why. like aiming to reach the 1st quote,
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the final in full thing is full. so haven't basing an english team and then i'll cut rounds for 2 decades. now. we don't have the experience of the reality. in 95 percent of the blue, they haven't play just competition now and never play the last 16 i haven't. but we have so much as much as i'm to energy as well and to i'm willing, as and, and i point to proof as well that, that we are good enough and we want to be there a false line also in action there would settings to the stage of the competition for the 1st time in a couple of years. but taking on not police saw it. they've never lost 2 and a major. you're a paid much re francesco counseling. his 1st game and showing should be tons of the ultimate, sorry, was sex on choose day levels, but i love the feeling, but i want to say the least more. i think this is the public setting to play a great game against natalie because yes, surprisingly they've changed the college. they have the reasons, but it's a coach that is at home here. he knows the place he's been here before. as an assistant, it's not easy for us to prepare for the match because with
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a coaching change, we don't know what to expect. and the important thing for us is we focus on ourselves. now some like drama and the asian champions league is younger, homeless marianne has made it into the course of finals, and this envelope has a score and a penalty. the 100 and 22nd minutes of the 2nd light against franco united its sale . the 32 went on aggregate chap nissan are into the state little face. shawnee simply thing shunned on tosh and south korea is olson high and i also can certainly not place in the next round. maybe japanese 2nd division side been for co through to one and so okay. and finally, point on aggregate scale now off against the fellow korean side, jump a con diagnosis. mercedes seen principal types i will assess the investigation into his ripple council pod, christine horner, is an issue for the whole of formula. one owner has been accused of inappropriate behavior by a female team member, and is the subjects of an internal investigation for the noise to allegations,
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and he's with the same in bahrain right now. pre season testing at those little champion, max, the stuff in was move in a 2nd quicker than his rivals during wednesday sessions. you know, i think what right for that started as an independent the investigation. so if this is done in the, in the right way, which, which transparency and with that, with that regard. i think that's something that we need to look out to what the, what the outcomes are and what it means for farming along and how we can to how we can learn from that or on a 1st match. if australia states, once the cricket series with using and went down. so the very last full straight is tim david has getting a full of the final delivery to ground picture by 6. what kits seems by the 2nd of 320 is on friday. they have a suit test series coming up later on this month. okay, that is i suppose looking for the following sunday. and that's it from the email
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inside these out. so by the i will be here in just a moment. much confidence booster. stay with us. the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission, nothing leaves, profit with offers. world permissions, allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root. causes of all of this violence upfront, without health coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i traveled, whether it's east or west africa, people stopped me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on the suffering, but also on
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a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a p a n on bias. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the business like this. this brought to you, but i guess as i live slowly on, one of your this makes modern pleads the, the, the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the other ones are of any age. good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinian families torn apart and southern gaza wiley's really strikes it. civilians in hon. eunice and roughly the
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another younger life. last as children continue to bear the brunt of this war. and for those of july, they faced the deadly sweat of starvation with convoys of


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