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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the . the other ones are of any age. good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinian families torn apart and southern gaza wiley's really strikes it. civilians in hon. eunice, and roughly the another younger life. last, as children continue to bear the brunt of this war. and for those of july,
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they faced the deadly threat of starvation with convoys of a truck sitting idle and waiting to cross into the street. speaking at the international court of justice for us defends israel's occupation of california and territories. russia says violence can only bring more miles. and the g 20 foreign ministers are meeting in rio de janeiro with gaza and ukraine at the center of discussions and disagreements. the . it's 19 gmc 9 pm in raso, the city and southern gaza. that is sheltering 1500000 palestinians. it has once again been targeted by is really bombardments. airstrikes have hit residential areas throughout the region, including the city of han, eunice across the gaza strip. at least 118 people had been killed of the past 24
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hours coming in italy. x begins our coverage and the one last embrace. abdul romans daughter, wife and in laws were killed and is ready to strike from the home in rough uh, southern garza, just a few hours before she's been playing with his toilet and drink some tea with his family. of the problem here in my, um, this is my so i'm gonna set you was a year and 7 months old and the sun and the entire building was leveled to the ground by his riley wall plains, from their bodies. but torn to pieces. the author of the united states, yet again, vetoed a un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease by a reeves, palestinian say they've been let down. and the accepted for the images of more than a $140.00 days award. did not push the world to take action differently than what are they waiting for, and what does the world waiting for? are they waiting for all of the palestinian people and all the children to die?
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so they didn't say that being targeted. is there any forces struck a crowded street east of rough foot repeatedly on tuesday? there was no laptop in the booming in central gauze. not only is a dozens of people were killed. 6 of them in an asteroid on a call. the district is no longer just from the sky. discomfort displaced people in o, my wife seen the hun, eunice families say is ready soldiers to sound booms into that tense or get them to leave and fight those who run away. similar, we were terrified. we run for our lives best leaving all of belongings in the tent . these really soldiers rounded up the women and the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, out in the open on the beach without even a scarf covering tanks destroyed tents, personal belongings, and precious supplies of food. at the time when aid agencies,
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a warning of thumb in on despite, is really forces designating a y c as a safe thing. but as policy and use, well, no, no way. garza is safe anymore. no, nothing like ouch is era. the house is 0. is tari cup was room is live now from process, sorry kind of stand that just in the last few moments there wasn't as really strike not very far from where you're standing now what happened that's right, serial. in fact. so we have been hearing loud explosion suddenly took place and roof off district and the southern part of gauze. it's not just too far away from us as a residential building has been targeted in this other at part to pro district where the attack had been happens. and in a very densely populated area, we're still verifying if there's any possible potential casualties or deaths among
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disability and stuff. but this is not the only an 1st attack that had been carried out to tell you. but just before i ill, yet today, the is what i meant it. you have targeted a civil court where one palestinian had the report of killed and roughly had been multiple targeted in a very high rates within the past few days. is what the forces are dry driving their site to reflect the district and their ongoing efforts to deliver the bottles into this very densely populated area. they are challenged by the mass population as the it is rarely menaced up. any accounts have been say it has been saying in the past few hours, that is very mandatory is planning to invade. drop off, often making sure that civilians will be evacuated. but what to go on. the other parts of the gall, this trip had been why be attacks within the past hour, specifically in calling you in a city where residential slots and how much city had been targeted. but it is very often to be sure that on the side, that button this i rocked refuge account has been widely hits in the past hour with
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a number of residents being reported ended up being transported to our locks, the hospital for medical treatment at the same time we have been hearing different reports about confrontations raging on the grounds. and as a 2 neighborhoods in gauze, a city between the palestinian fighters and these are the troops. all right, sorry, god was reporting from ross. i think very much to that part of the world health organization says that staff and patients still inside the besieged nicer hospital in han, eunice needs to be transferred to another medical facility after being denied entry for days w h o staff evacuated 32 critically ill patients that was earlier this week is really true storm the hospital last week, forcing palestinians to flee some 130 severely injured patients remain there a long side, at least 15 doctors and nurses. your situation is very bad and difficult and all the patients uh, are without electricity, without oxygen. the entire neighborhood around here is damaged and destroyed the
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hospitalized self has no electricity has no food has no water. there's very few doctors and nurses, they're living here in the premises, working round the clock is you can think of a, there was evasion over you. you want to evaluate them. and this is that there was to do this. and i house any my life is the database that i, that work in the darkness. visions everywhere. and dr. tar osmond is an emergency room physician who's been 3 weeks volunteering at nasa hospital in han units that was in january. and he told us what his former colleagues are telling him about. the current situation in the last week has been miserable. it's been a nightmare. there seems that they're seeing are traumatizing and they're asking for some sort of help. they're asking actually not to be evacuated from the hospital, but for the hospital to function for the lights to be turned back on for them to get the medicines that they need to treat the 150 patients that remain. i spoke to
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one of these general surgeons bear the last surgeon remaining, and i'm also hospital doctor had it. he sent a message to a group of, of physicians here in the states. and he just asked for us to be able to advocate for the patients that are there. he says i'm staring at patients and they need my help, they need my care and there's nothing that i can do and he's in this impossible position. and this is something that was predicted by the staff when i was there in january. as the tanks began getting closer to the hospital complex, they told me exactly what would happen. they predicted the inventor as they unfolded, they said at 1st demanding evacuation, then you'll see drones asking people to leave and there will be snipers. and it will culminate in the a and a rate of the hospital people being arrested. and essentially the hospital rendered dysfunctional or inoperable in the health care system has collapse. but most of the hospital am shutting down. it's a catastrophe. people will die because they're not going to get the treatment that
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they need. nothing with soap overwhelmed and so packed with people while i was there, we were treating patients on the floor. we were looking for mattresses to use for patients because there were no more hospital beds. and so it's, it was already a tragic scenario. but the hosp, the physicians, and the nurses that nothing, we're doing an incredibly low job trying to manage. now this has become a horror story. it's become a nightmare. i mean, it's just, it's really depressing to think about, and now i'm concerned about it is to go to the hospitals will be next. the palestinians across garza had been repeatedly forced to move by israel's attacks. their obama is one of the areas where people are seeking refuge. and who do i already spoke to the family about the hardships that they're in jury from dated bella, 2 to 4, and then back from drop off to dated bella, this is how palestinians internally displaced, have been moving around different areas across of the gaza strip. after being ready
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evacuated from the another in area, palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months. today we are visiting us and mooney family in a very bella, where this area behind me is complete, was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her tongue right now, and the situation is very sad and the, the living conditions are her perfect. this 10th where we are here, it has been a home and the only shelter for us, and when a family of so many family evacuated from as a, to a neighborhood in that, in bella, where her current t as a to, and has been with missing a lot of,
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of, of, of air strikes and also that is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. there's nothing and is that what is your knowledge and i'm call for it all. we left all area now as a to and because of the who risk situation to these very least took 3 of my children. well being on the say for my children of dollar her mom's and for ours were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details, i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also lost their brother during the 2009 though the father and the brother of motus, i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them, i want to help them all. jenny, to be here, was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went to darrow, paula, because of the stress of the roll over the place and rasa want to be honest with you. there is no safety and security anyway and because the strength would benefit this, this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these palestinians have been displaced
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. and we have been seeing a lot of areas, agriculture areas, empty areas, schools, universities, and hospitals that became shelters for hundreds of thousands of palestinians displaced and forced to evacuate their houses. this was in the comedy, i'll just eat a better but it just in the last few hours, benny gets a member of israel's war cabinet has been speaking for the marks is in occupied east jerusalem. he's got a phyllis up on the phillips and on what benny gans was saying. billing danced, obviously one of the key figures who decides how is real fights this war? i would preface this question with what our correspondent topic was just telling us from god. because the gods is here, what been against the same type of thing against and now is that israel will, they are planning to invade rafa. so put some details around that. what did again
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say yeah. so it's not just about what limits we might be doing in wrap for the next few weeks leading up to sort of ramadan something he's talked about previously. it's also the idea that there will be more aid fleming in the gaza over the coming weeks. this is an area where of course as well, space huge amounts of pressure from foreign governments. indeed criticism from international agencies like the well food program. he's also the sort of been talking about attempts to reach a new prisoner exchange agreement. that would be swapping palestinians held in his ready jails with hostages that remain inside gauze. and he hinted at the idea that a fresh agreement month since the last one. don't forget, may be getting close and it was something you said. the government would not shy away from it, it was a able to bring back, is raised to the families. his mission though he said, was complete security control that because that it wouldn't be enough in future. he said, for that to be mainly civilian control of the strip. he said that there are attempts
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to fight against the has the forces in the north on the, the border there, of course, and the is ready, minute treat would continue until security in the north of israel was restored to the residents. this 0 village. me, if i can get you to pivot to something else, what do we know? what the polls tell us about how is re lease, feel about the way their government is handling this for it's a complex one in a sense because they're not being similar. polls of regular intervals asking specific questions, but we've had one out and just today, by thing time the is ready to democracy institute off skiing is really about essentially the expectations for quote, absolute, big 3, the phrase that nothing yahoo, the members of the government repeatedly used to describe their objectives inside gaza. and what so striking about this is that even those on the political right
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here in israel, even those who identify as belonging to right wing policies or hearings and right, we 90 on a, jeez, the majority of them said they had a low expectation. that was a low likelihood of up. so these big 3 and just needed a specific numbers. that was even a distinction between those who identified as jewish as rainy. and yet still a majority of them believed that was the case amongst the palestinian, his ready population. it was a very, very significant majority of people who saw a low likelihood of that absolute victory, the national, his repeatedly referred to being obtained. okay, the marks importing their from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much. the to london now where some british and these have stormed out of the chamber and protest of the speaker's handling of the gaza ceasefire debate. that is after sir lindsey hoyle selected other amendments from the labor party and government to the motion put forward by the scottish national party. the decision which is said to be unusual was criticized by the s and p,
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and by conservative and peas. the spring and harry fawcett, who was outside the british parliament in london. harry, i'm going to be completely honest with you. i barely understand what's going on. explain it. thanks to that. what i think it's called a hospital pause in sporting part of the do my best. this is an extremely chaotic situation after what was through the most of the debates, seen as a relatively high quality and serious debate. but it has ended in real political foss. what happened was that the certainty, the scottish national policy, had what is known as an opposition day at parliament in the house of commons, when it can make its own motions. and so it again, as it did in the van to put forward a motion for an immediate cease fire. now this is putting real pressure not so much on the government, which is holding to its line and calling for an immediate pause. the humanitarian pause, rather in the fights again, garza put on the label potty t as thomas label taught to the main opposition,
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which has for so long been trying to really thread a line of seeming to be relatively close to the government positions. take accounts of its jewish support and its potential incoming state as, as the government itself, author elections lights in the eye when is widely tipped to take office and so its position has been far shorted, where many on its left want to see it, where many muslim labor supporters in the u. k. want to see it as well. and this week it did shift disposition calling for an immediate cease fire, but in much more nuanced language than the s and p. it had various coffee at. is it about making sure that how much also abided by the sci fi that there was no stretch, still military from commerce, which would make it impossible for israel to abide by a ceasefire. that was put forward as an amendment to try to keep as many labor and peace on board and not have another rebellion as they saw in november. now the
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difficult things of the speaker lindsey oil, as he mentioned was that as well as that amendment, that was another amendment from the routing, conservative party which was essentially sticking to its covering line. and usually he would have to just keep the motion by the us and pates and table one amendments usually from the government. but this time he decided to put both amendments up each of them to votes. that is something that is extremely unusual and caused the s and p to be extremely upset. and then towards the end of the debate, there was a feeling among conservative and s. m. p members that lindsay who was a given label away out of the very difficult, delicate position, had got them off the hook. and so a number of them stormed out of the commons. they demanded the lindsey hole, come back into the speaker's chair and explain himself. he did so he said that he was concerned about making sure everyone in the house had voice is heard. making sure that those security concerns for individual employees who might be targeted
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for that votes that they would take into account as well. he denied that he was trying to favor one set of politicians over the other. but it has ended in this real fast, which has seen the labor votes. the labor amendment goes through because no conservatives took part in the votes. the s and p motion, which began the whole story, was not voted on the tool. and so the s n t is furious. the conservatives a furious t as tom a his like a party of kind of got out of a bit of a sticky mess. but it looks least, parliament looking extremely compromised. and what was a very serious debate about this crucial issue about civilian life in gaza has ended in his procedural nightmare. harry faucet, i don't know whether to laugh or cry, but at least i know understand it. thank you. very much for all of that reporting of us has asked the international court of justice not to order israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories. the top you in court is currently
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looking into the impact of israel's decades loan occupation of palestinian lands. step boston reports from the 1st 3 days. the 15 judges of the un stop court heard from one country off to another. the clearing that is false occupation of palestinian territories is illegal until it was to us as turn any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west. bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7. and they persist of the palestinian foreign minister dismissed the us arguments that the court advice could endanger peace negotiations that should lead to a palestinian state. we tried the other for us uh for the last 75 years and you know, we confronted exactly the, the, them, uh, the, the us, vito and the last page on a, you know, over decision making processes within the system. and that's why we came to the
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a i, c, j because you know, we felt that the, that, that makes sense, you know, the cut off to perform in the same way. like have you have the, the performed in, in, in the, you not to mention system russia a long time is really ally also participated in the case saying the occupation is illegal and should stop but cannot accept the check of those officials in these that are on some risk that i'm confident. what type of defense in disagreement violence against civilians by referring to is it l duty to permit that it's nationals? violence can only lead to more violence, hate threats and brings hated. this vicious circle must be broken and that are supposed to use security to both for isabel and the police. danielle can only be unsure if the course of the current crisis is addressed, but the russia did ask the court not to go into detail. one is responsibility
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taking a stave can only be brought to the world course by its own consent after the invasion of ukraine in 2022. russia is itself involved in the case at the highest court. international law is not an a la carte menu. it applies to everyone where it's the judge has heard on the 3rd day of an unprecedented case, asking for an advisory opinion on as well as occupation. what stands out after 3 days is that the vast majority of the countries, one palestinian people to be treated equally before the law and israel to be held accountable stuff fast. and i'll just say around the hate palestinians and ramada had been protesting the voice, their support for the people in the besieged gaza strip. they're also calling for improve conditions for palestinians being held in his really presence that abraham has more from all of them you occupied with back or we're not going to get used to the genocide in gaza. this is one of the chance with heating here, the end of all of by processors for saying that the world is normalizing. these
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really aggression against palestinians in the b. c used gaza strip. as you can see, these are the name of the processing is who have been killed by these really forces also proves us. those here are saying that this role is using the dog got to escalate the situation in the or few parts that we've continued. is way the ways intimidation check point. what we need is more pressure from what on to the to handle. the support that was coming through is what this is what would make an effect is and the complicity states, organizations, institution simplicity, stop arming is well implemented. dicey j a decision provision and measures also among those processors in this situation of the city and prisoners and is really jail moving. they are being some justice torture. we've just heard the news . another comma, simian prisoner who has been declared dead by these waiting for the service. he's
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the noise prisoner to die and is ready to go through the umbrella city and say that they are very skeptical about the conditions under which those prisoners live. in the said that there's mother will not be a video that your son is in the hands of those through the creatures we we, we see what's happening guys. we see we're watching eye witnesses and for me to prisoners odd telling you stories about what all understanding and presenting are facing. many of those whom we've been speaking to say that they feel a head for this. there's not much they can do to support their follow palestinians and the disease causes true. but they say that this has been nice. they could do to show support to show anger, to show that they are with the front processing is individually started. is that, but i mean, i just need a drum along the occupied website so far this year. israel's military has destroyed
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more homes and refugee camps until car and then anywhere else in the occupied west bank. people say is really troops routinely turn, densely populated civilian areas and towards zones. military helicopters, overhead gunfire and grenades used on residential homes or palestinians. living in the west bank are worried that after gaza, they could be next same bus around the reports from the to car and refugee. what are the patterns of israel's decades long occupational core component of psychological warfare being waged against palestinians is the destruction of their houses, a practice so common the collective trauma. so pervasive some mental health experts here have coined a phrase, homeless shorthand for the suffering that comes from losing the basic sense of safety. a home provides in this are has lost family members and is really raids. explosives used to blow up her house. still,
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she says they cannot stop her from smiling and evict ma'am, hello, i missed the house, but what really mattered are the memories. and i remember my brother sitting here and taking the pictures their memories. they are all gone, but even the photographs, we lost them. i used to collect all the old photograph of them, they burned everything before they left to where residents of this refugee camp and took it and say, when one suffers, they all do. that is real, is doing in the occupied westbank on a smaller scale. what it has done in god keeping pace with the intensity of as rarely, military rates in refugee camps like this is a real problem. no sooner do repair words begin is really military rates resume and there is yet more property destruction. julio is using what's left of his neighbor's house to repair the damage to his. he says nowhere feel safe,
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but the low level of mental health is destroyed. you look to your children, they are afraid. i mean, the young ones with themselves out of seattle, but what can i do show we have to get used to this, that there is nothing we can, the whole is really troops off and brutalized parents in front of their families during the daytime rates. children are forced to shelter inside their classrooms for hours, listening to explosions, and this really gunfire coming from the neighborhood where they live. medical researchers have even tied stress from the destruction of homes to stunted growth among palestinian children within the situation of the house demolition. you are taking out all kinds of resilience and the patient or adjustment conditions from the people. so it will effect that are of families and the kids. and 1st of all they have to find a place to re establish their life. so it's kind of blowing up the family and the
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psychological life of every individual within that family fear. anxiety trauma, on repeat, for decades. palestinians describe having no control, no ability to plan for their future. always adapting to the only constant in their lives. and list is really oppression. the same bus route of the old is 0. total korean can be occupied westbank. at least 2 people have been killed including a child after and is really aero strike in 711 on the attack. targeted the board, a village of musto soon 3 others have been injured, saying a hold of reports from david's, a 5 year old, a mile dora, the latest civilian to be killed in southern lebanon. and is very striking target to the home in a village near the border. the conflict between israel and the lebanese arms group has the law has been largely confined to military targets. but since october, at least $47.00 civilians have been killed on the side of the border. children were
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among them as well that has accused as well as deliberately targeting civilians to pressure it to stop fighting at has promised revenge. but it continues to insist its position is one of the parents and defense in a school on to know the conflict on the live on, on the front, the extender that typically contain despite the location of the crossing or the red lines you ball. but the enemy estimates what we would escalate to even further. we will not tall, defy things by 3 f to any situation that we face in ana. israel has intensified its attacks on hezbollah targets at time striking deeper and side level not. it has also intensified its attacks on iranian and to you run handing targets in neighboring syria. it's been doing this for years to prevent the runs military influence from growing there. but since the war on cause of the strikes have become
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more frequent, i was at school in her 3 successive sounds. people were terrified and went out. we all gathered and started crying. israel has attacked much of the 120 kilometer border area with lebanon by air and artillery. when hezbollah opened, what is called a supports front for gaza in october, it has been attacking military positions in northern israel. since the tensions are high and international efforts to contain the conflict have so far failed to united states which was leading that effort has said it doesn't support an expansion of the cross border fight between as well as has the law. it state department has called on both sides to call and the situation how the escalation and allow display civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes. this is, randy officials have been threatening a more comprehensive war for weeks. the defense minister, you all have gone,
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says the so called equations have collapse and nothing is standing in the way of the air force and the army. when it decides to attack baby boot damascus for any other city has bullet to has drawn it's loading. it says there will be no help to the fighting until the war on garza and santa, for their elders, either built the still ahead on alpha 0, nearly a 1000000 people are uprooted from their homes. this fighting intensifies an eastern democratic republic of the color. we can expect to change in the weather across western pos if you're probably with the next couple of days will lose the spring like conditions whatsoever. when
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the weather ends at times some winter weather putting informed me atlantics, i really is going to freshen up full many of us a class showing up close at western side of you. is this the area of frontal systems marietta friends make their way in from the atlantic. then we are going to save some more heavy rain streaming into crossing with the wells process, guidance water for a time. when for you, whether that does tend some a cool refresher. well, wintry up across a good pos of scott's and then of the temperatures forwarding a way you can see the double thing has been many across that western side of europe . and as we go on into a friday without into single figures of rationing northwest. when comes through with one or 2 when fee flowers for good measure, as well as capturing the showers winfrey showers to every $2.00 positive fronts. but whenever he is a spain, to be able to paraphrase with snows that just around the outs as well, central areas of the met it's right, is seeing some increase the wet, wet the head of that lousy twice all the time. being not too bad. 90 celsius and
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book arrests and bit of bolts hanging on here. meanwhile, across no deposit of africa. the debate whether they have been to northern parts of libya and no 2 showers increasing for southern nigeria. the in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of public opinion from because the street, the people in power, those into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement. and explorers, whether clearing palestinians from us as the occupied west bank is, is ready to transfer on and just asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action?
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the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuel. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else, a 0 reminder of our headline this hour is really air strikes, have targeted residential areas in rasa, and han eunice, and southern gaza at least $25.00 to $4.00 killed. and those attacks and bodies have been piling up, but i'm not sure a hospital the united states has asked to be un stop court not to order israel's
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immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories. it's legal representatives spoke at the international court of justice hearings, looking at the impacts of israel's occupation deliveries of much needed food agents in northern gods. they have been suspended, raising fears of potential starvation you when the u. n. has warranted the one in 6 children in the area or malnourished and a social re for reports from northern garza and enjoy a should one uh i had a vision is closing in on residence here in the moving parts of because the strip as these really occupation forces continue to deny them the delivery of a drop of any really fade families, mostly children, line up for hours and dollars to get the hands on some sleep or a handful of rice of the this is not with daily practice in the move in costs of the strictly children not devoured by hung up on no matter how much the quantities of a to be delivered. these cabinets meet the resident style, a need for food, outdoor asher. on the left in the we come,
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he every day hoping to lay our hands on any food for our children. and how do we run out flour on or out of food items? our children are starving to that. i did want to add insult to injury is that we are left without any suicide and i am trying my best to feed my children. just the off one is sick due to the food. my husband is the last, the last uh somebody. will somebody venture out with the early hours of the morning? we spend hours hoping to get a handful of knowledge, right? to call them out childrens, hung, eldest women and children all starving to death. folding down out of starvation for months. all those in the north have been starving there on the, on my schedule. i have the shuttle closet with all of us here, and then also solving today. needless to say, we have sleeping in the pool, totally exposed to the elements of the homes were destroyed by these radio occupation, forcing the shot in waiting. um, but for months now we've been eating bird feet and even animal fodder. we are
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starving to death. where are the outcomes? maybe, where are the most of the people? is randy occupation forces continue to deny the delivery of humanitarian aid. and the more children, eldest of the sick, to survive the is really must system bottom, now doomed to suck some death. and it's a chevy of jersey off june 20 foreign ministers have gathered in rio de janeiro to discuss a range of global issues, including conflicts in ukraine and gaza. earlier us secretary of state anthony blinking held a meeting with brazilian president, lieu of the silver have been strained relations because of israel's were on gaza. the brazilian leader accused israel of committing genocide against palestinians. this was at the african union summit in ethiopia just on sunday. well, else is here as teresa bow is in rio de janeiro. so theresa, president luda and secretary blinking completely at odds over gaza. what did they
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say? well suddenly the comments made by brazil as president of the steve are criticizing the war on guys comparing it to the hollow cost. so generated lots of expectation about what could come out of a meeting between the feedback and blinking can we do know that they discussed several conflicts among them. ukraine, the situation in haiti, the situation in venezuela for example. and of course, guys that blink and said that he did not share the views of value. let that feedback has on what's going on in gaza. however they did this caused a pulse in the fighting. for example, more humanitarian aid, releasing the captives and apparently be both agreed on the need for a palestinian state from the capital of brazil yet where they met lincoln. so here to real there's, i need to where i am, right, that when the convention center, where there's over 24 in ministers from the g 20, they're currently meeting discussing or if it is the president of the g 20 this
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year, it has and ambitious agenda discussing, for example, poverty, sustainable development, and also in a way that reforming the world's institutions, the united nations, the world trade organizations, among others. however, this task between israel and brazil, in a way, was over with shadow this whole meeting. it's been what everyone here has been talking about with them and it's not the 1st time that the senior has expressed his views on support, the palestinian people back in 2010. for example. he was fisted visiting the tom field or her, some of the founder of zionism. so certainly you know, this whole issue that me least conflict, the situation and guys that has been an important issue discussed here in rio de janeiro. and it says the main talk of what brazil, in a way, trying to mediate in this conflict and theresa guns, that comments are off of fueling an opposition push in brazil are pushed by the
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opposition to impeach the brazilian president. explain that while affecting me, the last comments did not go unnoticed and reveal. there's been lots of criticism among the jewish community for example. and among the opposition, there's a request by lawmakers, god bless somebody, for example, presenting a request to impeached president new. let us see that she's accompanied by over a 120 lawmakers who are very, very credit cut off. he's comments, they're saying that'd be nice putting the country and risk that he's showing hostility towards another solving make sure it's not clear yet. you know, how far is going to know the 1st step for this? it was this endorsement. it's currently stands with the speaker of the chamber of deputies. it isn't likely that this is going to escalate. however, it does show that, you know, there's lots of countries around the world do not support as well as a war on guys out this. it shows also that increases attention for pressing
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a love seat of a po proficient will use it as an excuse to try to get him out of office. teresa bo reporting from rio de janeiro, thank you very much teresa. but washington's unwavering support for israel and both the g 20 and the i. c. j has been criticized by many around the world. rosalyn jordan looked at the history of the ties between the 2 countries, including how it hasn't always been as harmonious as many thoughts. thank you for having me. and joe biden is the 14th us president who has tried to resolve the israel palestine conflict on the 1st day of the war and gone into bite and offered complete support for israel. no calls on it to show restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel bite and support harkens back to that of president harry truman, who in 1948 recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of
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independence. but some subsequent president took a more tough love approach. dwight eisenhower, richard dickson and ronald reagan, all condemned is really military action on occasion. but reagan also started the practice of awarding is real, $3000000000.00 in aid every year. a strong secure is real, is a shared interest. the george h. w bush administration was the 1st and threatened to cut age as real if it didn't stopped illegally building settlements in the occupied west bank. and thank you for your statements. the obama administration took the unusual step in 2016 by of withholding a veto in the un security council after benjamin netanyahu. now prime minister ignored washington's request to stop supplement expansion. the us is substantial and cleared the way for the security council to demand is real stop construction. notably, the question of us age,
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where israel never came up at either of the camp david's summits. and it was never raised by either president george w bush, or donald trump. trump support gave israel what a crate. the recognition of jerusalem as capital of the jewish state. now with the war and does it, and it's this month. and the death toll rising. some in congress say 8, israel must be made conditional. there should be no blank checks for any country. we cannot continue. the pattern. we're prime minister netanyahu says, thank you mr. president. for america is generous military assistance and then thumbs his nose at americas legitimate requests. there might be a subtle change in us policy or foot on the us has circulated a draft security council resolution on dall so that includes words it has refused to use before. now, a temporary cease fire,
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but still no definitive plan to leverage billions of dollars in us aid to convince netanyahu to change the way he's conducting the war. the show of support get to be match, like what the washington says is. it's a warm, over the situation and guns, russell in jordan, which is 0. washington protesters and marching from philadelphia to washington, dc, calling for an in the israel's war on gaza. they're also demanding the release of all captives and unrestricted humanitarian aid. so the people have gaza. i visual castro reports from that process. this was termed a pilgrimage that started in philadelphia. why? because that was the birthplace of the us constitution and 200 kilometers later, step by step. we've had this gathering, this is the final destination of this protest in front of the white house. and it's not only symbolic and where it started and ended, but also the group of people who under took this some $300.00 people participating
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and all and stretches. some walking the hallway themselves and one of our guest here was their company. then this is rabbi alyssa wise. thank you so much for your time. why do this? why, where, why put not only your voice as to this protests, but your suffering of walking 200 kilometers? you know, my great uncle, rabbi aaron wise, marched from summit to montgomery, with doctor king in the civil rights movement. so when reverend greene from fatal black lives asked me for advice to cease fire one and to be part of a pilgrimage, i knew that that was part of my ancestral legacy. and i was pulling on that threads every social justice living and history has had at its heartbeat in a faith based center, the civil rights event, the movement against apartheid in south africa. and it was really important that we bring the spiritual and moral urgency of this moment to this crisis and gaza, right? it's, we are months into a crisis that we kind of imagine collapsed for more than a couple of weeks. and here we are morning over 12000 palestinian children. if you
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have the scale of the crisis, the humanitarian crisis and gaza is on speaker ball. so it felt like we needed our action to be kind of not that level of intensity, right? like it's not just enough to hold a vigil outside the white house, we need to demonstrate this to the seriousness and the intensity of the crisis by walking the entire way and bringing with us all these pilgrims, all the people we meet along the way kind of the inspiration that we kind of left as bread crumbs as we walk. a spanish farmer is demonstrating in madrid, his thoughts with police, they are demanding higher prices for their produce and government protection from cheaper imports. so i agree, yeah, go reports from the spanish capital. the outskirts of madrid, with dozens of tractors will, waiting to descend on the city for 3 weeks, almost all over the country have been voicing. the aga help what they say is the
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government's failure to address the difficulties that facing. and those little sign, the backing down your name only be the we just want to make a living. we don't want to politics of the agriculture ministry in the european union to destroy the following. so adding to the frustration, police preventive detractors from meeting for the rest of the protest of the across the room in madrid. and i'm headed off the police last week. the truck to come in to the city of essays, the shut down the voices. eventually the police let them through, but many was angry at having to mention was in the chaos in the city since 2022 spain spalding sector has suffered a decline in production. many blaming the spike in fuel prices. another source of frustration, the european union, echoing the message from farmers protesting and all the
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e u. countries. they say bureaucratic measures from brussels, known as a combination of cultural policy perspective never been to, to, to make and living. while spain agriculture minister has announced measures to insure farm is receive effect. many, yes sir, it will be enough. as there are other challenges, drought and slots have hit spain hard, harder than other produces in europe. politicians seeking to address this will need to balance. so they can put environmental measures in place without piling more pressure on the firms themselves. so anybody ever address era? woodridge? still a head on alpha 0, which leads founder julian assange. his lawyer is appealed to the you case top court the stump, his extradition to the us,
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where he faces espionage charges. the . the lawyers representing julian, the sons had been making their final appeals in the you case, high court. they are trying to stop the wiki leaks, founder from being extradited to the united states. assange is facing espionage charges there over the release of confidential us military records and diplomatic cables. move barker, reports on this from london to minnesota is just suppose is believe firmly that this is indeed the last ditch attempt to avoid assigns being expedited to the us if convicted over the on 17 counts of espionage. one of the misuse of a computer, it could well face or sometimes 75 years behind us to define say that he was doing
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what any journalist would do in possession of sensitive information that could potentially expose crimes by the united states. those of lawyers acting on behalf of the us or the say though, that sounds went beyond what any journalist would do any put people working on the cover and very dangerous positions. indeed, nevertheless, i'm as the international and, and a members of a sanchez family believe. but it's not just the phones on from journalism is on trial to he did exactly what journalists and publishing do all day every day, the bread and butter. and that's exactly what you did. he do it on a grand a scale of them are used to. but it was what was inside that information, that information that expose these cards for it is generally speaking kilobytes. so really help the gunship that has led to this persecution. the case is also you put relations between countries that are normally allies, australia,
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the u. k. and the united states under huge amounts of sprayed or slightly lawmakers last week voting to allow julian phones to be released over time through his native australia. if indeed that's what he wants. you've already destroyed regardless of what they think of julie, the sons, the majority. think this has gone on long enough that it must be brought to an end, you know, 7 easy, the ecuadorian embassy or thought that for the easy bill, my social security prison is people who have no time for julia to sign. this is ridiculous. now. suppose is wait for a decision, the fear is this is essentially a phones is last 5. however, there is one avenue available to him, but it's not in the united kingdom. it's in strasburg. confronts view appear in court of human rights. that is, of course, there for the schools rule that all his attempts that appeal has been completely exhausted in the entering mode. we understand from the sandwiches, family members that's he is on well unable to even watch these proceedings online.
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in belmont prison way remains under lock and key and maximum security which is 0. plus the un security council has sanctioned 6 people belonging to arms groups operating an eastern democratic republic of congo leaders of m $23.00 or among those handed travel bands and asset freezes. the decision came during an emergency meeting of the security council. violence has intensified in recent months as m. 23 fighters advance on a major city in the east gap in solely reports from go mind the east of the d. r. c . of us all says that have been for top very recently. most of the people who are here have come from the town of soc is not as well. pricing has been going on between government forces and the m 20 suite rebels. so they are constructing their structures as they say that they're just trying to survive. they don't have food, they don't have what are they don't have basic needs. we've been speaking to, um,
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a way because we say that they are overwhelmed by the numbers that are coming here . now in total about a $150000.00 people from socket and surrounding areas has been displaced from those areas. now inside skiff by thing is going on and $23.00 are on the field. mia sack case, so could government offices including static, the regional or forces who are the are trying to push the rebels back? it's very significant to that happens because socket is a good way to go. my, the pro visual copy tool and the government forces are saying that there is no data . they cannot unless that careful. because if that happens, then m $23.00 was very easy for them to match on to goma,
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which is not going to be allowed by the government. they say, catherine slowly, algebra go, ma, protest is in south africa, has rallied against live animal exports outside of port in cape town. a foul stench drifting into the city from the harbor has highlighted this issue. 19000 cancel that have been on a call waiting ships and more than 2 weeks. several animals have reportedly been utilized due to injuries. and israel has continued to build its separation wall on palestinian land, cutting off palestinian communities earlier early. are you in court ruling said that the wall was illegal, one palestinian activist says the wall has made life almost impossible. the palestinians are determined to suffice a. it's a prison. it's a prison, it's a blessing. and the one was the, the best way to destroy any possibility of fussing and speak. you can talk about the word alone as it is in the concrete that we see here 9 because it's high,
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800 killer with as long got on those to. but it is inside those, but it's with the will with the streets. the title is that it was the complete kate, the need to order that somebody that wants to see me. and from that also if the, the, the is the, the system because victor points of controlling the posting on the scene like you to create things, calling different duty to the, for the scene is, would be a been enabled. the 1st thing is to live in the gate was the name. it is what it is to control the palestinians for ever. he or for example, was talking about 17 communities that has been isolated from zillow sent this to be part of the us. he and this, this place and we came in and goes to maybe they didn't came like any to, to, to, to, to approve the people and throw them out. but they make their life impossible. like they have to live in studying on the other side of the, the one to continue living. now they have to go all the way to the left to columbia . takes them almost 3 hours in the morning with the rush. i was pleased with that
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because of this course. now it's like 20 is in the and the icy to early, like from 2004. when the issue that this was a legal and this is must, like any, had been destroyed, then must be given back to the people that come to the foot compensated departments, etc. and unfortunately this, this decision didn't have any implication officer given that the present situation on what's happening because i think it's became huge cause too much with the whole system. it also could that the mission and look, it's controlled by this, this colonial poet is that they're not in states. they utilize that. they can adopt it with that on the go into some benefits, i think was distinguished. the 1st thing is, is the sort of live on campus, the fact that we are trying to live no matter what the atrocity will hold up with these big. so even with the will get try still to live in our mind sending our conscious jenny, this is not finished the defeated and that does it for me. so then yeah,
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if it is news hour, i will be back in just a moment. however, at the very top, the hour with more of today's used, that's right here on out the hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just something book is a problem to access is here the story on told to how does era the zeros here it's a report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say? we'll take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported
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areas. of course we cover major global defense, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others, we go to them, we make the effort. we tear straight diesel . he's really made a tree maps. the show legally is randy settlements in new york. you point west bank . the red lines, bulk the borders of the army discovery, just new security. so we're now in the area, i think you're just saw on those maps. there are illegal is really secular, as living just a few 100 meters from hey, in caravans, in that direction. and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities are around illegal is right. the central suddenly is ready.
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soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. it contained us for more than 2 hours on these confiscation of land around in the galleys rate, the settlements charlotte standing and say, it's full proof of israel breaking international the, the palestinian families took part in southern gaza. wireless really strikes hit civilians in hon. eunice, and rough or the sort of any age. good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 live from the also coming up speaking at the international court of justice, the us defends israel's occupation of palestinian territories. russia says violence can only bring more violence in the u. k. m,
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the storm out of parliament and protest. how a debates on guns it was candles and the g, 20 foreign ministers,


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