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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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level in your favorite top, still just that for it and type domain, the new app from out to 0. new that you think is it the searching through the rubble and run for a family home is among israel's overnight targets. 3 people have been killed, the 11 o'clock is out 0 at night from the will to come help. the fathers like any this man's home in rough. it was from his thoughts and his wife was indoors full. and i put mine collapse in venezuela, at least time is desperate for news of the missing loved ones. dozens,
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the political party. i went to the forest to look for food for my children. a few days ago, i met time to see to get my supplies, and they reached me. yes, we have hiring sales from people the flip side to the democratic republic. the beginning and southern dogs where a series of israeli strikes have targeted residential buildings in rough or at least 3 people have been killed in a home in the north of the city. children vermont wounded palestinian casualties to be mounting in the area which is sheltering. any one and a half 1000000 people displaced by is really violent. and central dogs are these really minute treat his bones or residential building in the crowd of disrupts refugee camp. at least 14 palestinians have been killed dozens more. if we include at least a $118.00 people have been killed across the strip in the past a or target resume reports reference in southern casa
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one last in price of direct man's daughter weiss and the lows killed. and that is really a strike in the home in rough ice southern cause just a few hours before he had been playing with his toddler drinking tea with his family had been problem. hey i my arms lies my soul. kenzie, i'm going to settle. so she was a yeah and a half old and the son and then todd building was level to the ground while it is ready to pick up from their bodies which are 2 pieces off to the united states. yet again, vito un security council resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire, be removed, palestinians safety have been let down the accepted for the images of more than a 140 days award. did not push the world to take action. then what are they waiting for? what is the world waiting for? are they waiting for all the power of sending people and all the children to die?
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civilians say they're being targeted is very forces to crowd street east to russell repeatedly on tuesday. and there was no really talking the funding in central goals that either with thousands of people were killed. 6 of them in that strike when a call. but the threat is no longer just from this calling a discount for displaced people in a more senior con eunice families say is very sore just through sound bombs into their tents, hold them to leave. and finally, those who run away. that's not really terrified. we run for our lives best leaving all of belongings and attend these ready soldiers rounded up the women and the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, out in the open on the beach without even a scarf covering tanks destroyed tents, personal belongings, and precious supplies of sues. at the time when 8 don't see
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a warning of famine. and this is a more see an area that use very all me designated as a save. so people are losing coat that they will get any help from the international community, as well as bombing campaign is hitting targets. of course, the goal is a stretch. as pounds can, you will have the read the full and the whole have nowhere to terika wazoo. how does the ro, russell, southern goals? well, video has the most of the off the mouth and is really a check on the shelter housing doctors without borders stuff in the families. 2 people were killed and 6 with wounded. this had happened on tuesday nights and a mossy in hon. eunice in southern garza, it's an area the is very much you previous the order processing is to go to often declaring of the same thing, the owner of the house that was targeted. explain what happened as the father left bottom set, given the lion mohammed dialogue with the property owner and i became we were
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attacked and it is really grand operation. this building was targeted in this building. now the families of the personnel of doctors without borders. 2 women were killed, they went on and women the injuries to kids. this is what happened. this is an international headquarters, an international organization that took approvals and had permits with the relevant to star taste. the coordinates of this building was shared with the holidays. i don't have any more details. there are no safe places for palestinians falls from the homes and now so impoverished that some can't even afford shoes and many didn't have any warm place the winter. let's have some of the stories that it says. look, let me know because ms. linda has them on us. we were forced to leave a home. we run for our lives and our possessions were destroyed or left behind. were displaced in the south empty handed. we used to live in the north. you would display through you and run school, then forced further south. a homes were destroyed without the longings were left
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behind. we have nothing left. i know, not even shoes. i can't even find a 2nd time pass. i have no income and i've run out of money. i can't even afford to feed my child to learn by shooting these in my husband's bundles. we show them between us. um and whoever needs to go out to put them on that. so. yeah, and you know, what is that that place again, if we could afford to buy new shoes, we would not, we can't. so we have them repaired, we couldn't even afford for a budget. my family have been cobblers for 3 generations at the beginning of the will. palestinian still had a bit of money and people used to pay to get their shoes repaired and things got much worse when people were pushed from the north to the south. we now are a pair of shoes so damaged that before we would have said, the 200 kilometers of walking have brought this group from young people to the elderly to washington, to call and sing for a ceasefire and gauze. us children being targeted by snipers and
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hit shots. it's pretty much hard to believe. i want to call on joe biden to call for a cease fire and stop sending our tax money to bomb children and families . 2 the protest began in philadelphia on february 14th with some 300 people departing from independence hall, the birthplace of the us constitution. some demonstrators joined the march for segments. others walked the entire way, trudging along snowy highways and finding rest at churches. are your feet feel answer, walk me. honestly. i can never complain when i think about what the palestinians are suffering. finally arriving in front of the white house after 7 days on the road, the group gathered for rally to deliver their message. i am going to go to police
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in addition to a cease fire, they want washington to stop sending weapons to israel and to increase commanded tearing ada to palestinians. any personal congress in goodwill ought to be concerned about genocide, ethnic cleansing ought to be concerned about apartheid ought to be concerned about the suffering of anybody who were disappointed discussed it, particularly because america continues to embarrass herself on a global stage. how can we call ourselves a leader in the global society and yet refuse and continue to remain silent by refusing to vote for 6? right? who the polls show a growing majority of americans think their country should support a ceasefire in garza and these protesters are trying to push washington to agree hydro castro alj a 0 washington the u. n. c. monitoring the 1st chief has written an opinion piece, calling the situation that does the world's moral failure,
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which should seamus. all the rights. hundreds of thousands of people displaced living in the most object conditions even as winter sets in half a 1000000 people on the brink of famine. and continues, we have been creating with as well as the occupying power in gaza to facilitate a delivery to little or no avail. we employ you g twin team members to use your political leadership an influence to help. and this will and save the people of garza awesome. griffith goes on your silence, and lack of action will only lead to more women and children being thrown into the open graves of gaza as the states, as all see international court of justice, not to order as well as immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories . the ruins top code is currently looking into the impacts of israel's decades load completion of pilots to midland step vast and reports from the hague. for 3 days, the 15 judges of the un stop court heard from one country off to another. the
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clearing that is false occupation of palestinian territories is illegal until it was to us as turn any movement towards israel. withdrawl from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7 and they persist dependent state in foreign minister dismiss the us arguments that the court advice could endanger peace negotiations that should lead to a palestinian state. we tried the other for us, for the last 75 years. and you know, we confronted exactly uh the, the uh, the, the us veto and the usa, giovanni, you know, over decision making processes within the system. and that's why we came to the a i, c, j because, you know, we felt that the, that's, that makes sense, you know, the cutoff to perform in the same way. like how do you have to be performed in, in,
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in the united admission system. russia, a long time is really allied, also participated in the case a, in the occupation is a legal issue stop but cannot accept the check of those officials in these that are on some risk that i'm confident. what type of defense, the indiscriminate, the violence against civilians by referring to is that it was due to the product that it's nationals, violence can only lead to more violence. hey, that brings hate that. this vicious circle must be broken or in that are says, do you security to both for isabel and the police? dns can only be ensure if the course of the current crisis is addressed. but the russia did ask the court not to go into detail on israel's responsibility. taking a states can only be brought to the world course by its own consent, after its invasion of ukraine in 2022. russia is itself involved in the case at the
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highest court. international law is not an a la carte menu. it applies to everyone where it's the judges heard on the 3rd day of an unprecedented case, asking for an advisory opinion on israel's occupation. what stands out after 3 days is that the vast majority of the countries, one palestinian people to be treated equally before the law and israel to be held accountable stuff. awesome, i'll just say around the hey k, paula minutes is just headed into chaos because of a vote cooling for a cease fire. and does a tempest fled over the motion put forward by the scottish national policy with both labor and the conservatives proposing amendments? the incidents eventually sold the speaker of the house. that's a lindsey hoyle. apologize for his actions are false. it explains as the outside parliament protest just amount due to votes backing the scottish national policies cool for the median sea side and gaza inside a flurry of controversy you the side of things to come is to speak unexpectedly put
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forward the prospect of allowing a vote not just on the government's amendment, but also in one put fluid by the name of position later party support. so this motion would follow the remove not ever sending vale of legitimacy that the u. t is continued support. just as the last it was was a gas off today, but there was political danger hit worried that many of its own and peace might vote with the s and p as they had in a similar debate in november, hence its own amendment. in the 1st time endorsing an immediate cease fire, but with cab. yeah. so it must 5 assess the tvs. uh file or does this install? yeah. that's why we all clear it's real cannot be expected to see spicy is to mass continues with violets. it's right. these have the rights to the assurance of the heart of the sub, what type of kind of what happened again. but the very fact delay that had been allowed out of a tricky situation. infuriated the ruling conservatives pulls out of the process
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entirely. the government will play no further talk in the decision this house takes on today's proceed. i would like to stress that the government's position on is random golf. that remains on chains. a number of conservative and s and p. m. p. 's been built out for labels, amendment was eventually passed at a show, shot speaker returned to his chair for the 1st time since opening the debate, i felt always doing the right thing and the best thing. and i regret it. i apologize. i will take significant convincing the your position is not, not intolerable. one of the ironies of this day is that when the debate was about because it was why the praises being substances and serious implosion into chaos was that the thing. but what we're left with is essentially a meaningless vote in favor of an immediate cease fire. a label policy that has invaded a potentially damaging rebellion and
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a problem and to democracy. it's made an unseemly spectacle of itself. i suppose that alger 0 london are still the head here and i'll just 0 unacceptable. paralysis . brazil accuses to you in security council. being unable to deal with the world's conflict and the last ditch appealed lawyers for julie in his own source, the high code in london stone is extradition. to be not state the the hello, sorry about the case. the whole change across to pad is failing more like when said it will continue to do so. it was a go on through the next couple of days time just really folding away. we have for assess, basically why the front coming out to the central china coast, southern areas of japan to the north of that, that's where the cold weather. it's very much in place with some snow. i mean
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a celsius, the top temperature that for tow kevin will deposit, could see significant snowfall over the next few days. have you sure. as long as spells of frank continue cause the falls south of japan. it's a central and southern areas of china and is cool enough as well. so is that well home call? 26 celsius, this unpleasant sunshine. it goes up a little as we go through friday. the rain does continue notice heavy or is wise, but it's the nevertheless, not quite. so is that where to a winter you that into japan as we go on through friday, but still temperatures down into single figures, but at least we'll be lost. the sunny, lots you sonya crossing the china. i'm not sure if the philip piece of the mirrors or the philippines still saying some showers west and bony icing some big down pools. i will say it's a big down post to request a good part of a similar truck with a some lobby showers. the recently across north america is of india and the composite buckets done with some snow that is paid to ring out. now, as it pushes the way through bugs with us, the
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fall encountering the cost of israel is 1st credit racing downgrades. how bleak is the output for its economy? commercial real estates in the us as faltering banks as far away as germany of feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity counting the cost on al jazeera award winning documentary is from around the corner, which is the, the, the the, you're watching out. her mind about some stories as a and
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a series of israeli strikes have talked to the residential buildings and reference southern causes. at least 3 people have been killed in the home in the north of the city. children are among the wounded. and it's really a tack on a residential building and mr. rod refugee camp in central garza is killed at least 14 palestinians, dozens more people and it people are taking with that that hands try and recover what is trapped on the roof. the united states is off to you and the top co, not to the israel's immediate control from occupied, published entire truth is legal representatives spoke to the international court of justice hearings looking at the impacts of israel's occupation. well, nor erica is, is a human rights attorney, an associate professor at rutgers university. she told out 0 what she made of the usaa arguments at the a. i want to conceptualize why the us is doing this since israel's occupation. in 1967, the u. s. has talked to both sides of it's now on the one hand firm, the occupation of israel has, has
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a duty to withdraw from the territory that on the other hand, facilitating israel settler colonial expansion, increasing its settlement enterprise, increasing the number of the settlements so much so that it's land for peace framework that he mentions here, has been used as a weapon against international law. we heard this in 2004 and the r c. j advisory opinion. when tom mclennan described that advisory opinion on the gallery of the route to the wall as an impediment to the peace process, we continuously hear the united states even yesterday, the towing of these fire as an impediment with a blue sheet of keys. we are continuously hearing the united states. tell us that international law on water, on land, on the borders on refugees, on the end of genocide is an impediment to ending all of those conditions that are illegal. and you have at the same time, rather than using politics and words has done those conditions, is using its political power in order to enable israel to continue those violations
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. and so we should understand the united states here as part of the problem, which is politically isolating. itself in matter and in fact what the concepts and does it has every shadow to meet seem g 20 for a minute. as a result of this week, brazil as president accuse is relative genocide. angry. these re lease and the americans tried to buy reports. now from real generic, the flooring ministers of the world's leading economies met and we are unable to discuss a roadmap head of the head of states. somebody november. what is it? what is the reserves for administer model? the ada criticize the paralysis of the un security council on the wars in gaza and ukraine as it should discharge multilateral institutions and not equipped to deal with the current challenges as we have seen with the unacceptable paralysis of the un security council. with ongoing complex, this inaction results and the loss of innocent lines result does not accept
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a will that results differences with the use of military force. but during the meeting, the attention was sol, so on the spot between israel and brazil's press and let us see by who compared is rails worn guys, with a holocaust, us secretary of state antony blinking, met with caressing and blue light in the capital brazilian where they discussed the war in ukraine, but also guys, a blinking said he did not agree with lou less comparison to the whole low cost or live here at the g. 20 summit are on the latest scouts between brazil. and this really is not the 1st time the press about shows it's important for the people back in 2010 of your personal founder of zionism. but his criticism of israel and has generated tension with the opposition and the jewish communities over a $120.00 lawmakers, many of them support as a former president, as
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a boy. so nato are now hoping to impeach president lula saying his comments. so hostility towards the forwarding nation, we feel ashamed that the president of our nation does not respect another country and is not impartial in this war. a request for impeachment is not for ideological reasons, but because he committed a crime which is the cheapest, most done at least a week. it is unlikely the proceeding will move forward, but in brazil said it's trying to make the world more equal and give the developing world a say in international affairs. and that's why we're hoping that g, 20 meetings and really on a 2 would be the 1st step towards change. the so as a see to really jeanetta hundreds of union workers improve not sure the capital, the money, best of wages. some roads in lima were blocked, as workers made their way through the city streets towards congress buildings. they want to wage increases to compensate the rising cost of living and say that the president, you know, we all to ship resign. all right,
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a single board sample 95 percent of people do not recognize the current president. 96 percent do not recognize the criminal corrupted congress and power. so the demand of the people and workers as a coles, a new general elections to in this political and economic crisis and the country i can pick gold. mine have been his way. there is collapse can be at least 50 people, another 100, a believe to be buried more than 30 meters on the ground. happened on choose day in the state to put it on well or off of the as this report. now in central venezuela, dozens of miners have been killed following the collapse of an open pit gold mine known as boucher look at the municipality of uncle student. what 3 more on so sir, so more it was a serious incident at the board. your local mine, 15 bodies and 4 injured have arrived sofa. now 2 more boats are arriving with about 8 more bodies. while the bodies of some of miners have been returned to their
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families, friends and relatives of workers were still missing or desperately waiting to hear a word of their loved ones. i buy something while they did all they wounded water and they support as wherever all day videos circulating on social media appears to show the 1st attempts to rescue miners some believe to be buried more than 30 meters below ground in 2016. then as well as government established mining development zones across the middle of the country, leading to several mining enterprises that operate outside the law. binding for gold and other precious minerals offers a lucrative opportunity for many venezuelans who struggled to make ends meet a lack of safety regulations combined with harsh working conditions, also make the job extremely risky for would be minors. one way that up a little alger 0, part of a bridge in china has collab sending multiple vehicles into the river. beloved
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nation shop bridge is located in the city of gong, jo, and se in china, a colleague or she rammed into one of those pillars. and one of the 1st pictures released of the incident shows a section of the bridge completely gone. gone geo is china is 5th most populated city, the people near the city of gamer, in the democratic republic of congo, a fling. his em 23 rebels with violence leaders of the group was sanctioned by the un security council. during an emergency meeting on tuesday, catherine sawyer post office came in the east of the country. this is not the 1st time deborah lola has hard to see from her home. she lived in a village that was taken over by m 235. so as in november, then she went to the town of psychic, in the east and comedies coffins of north cable, where she thought she was safe. husband was killed a week ago doing violence between government forces and the fighters in the area
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above them to stay at home. so now leave him a rough and then nearby come with a displaced. she says there's no one to protect them here. the political party, i went to the forest to look for food for my children. a few days ago i met funded to to my supplies and they reached me. nearly everyone from saki is solitary as a company that was already over crowded. 1.5000000. i've been displaced since this latest round of conflict 2 years ago. a week ago this. com was not one more people are coming from south kit as they are building. this is a state they have nowhere else to go that there is an internet booking. and she says that she has been sleeping out in the cold. we are always run and we don't get dressed. i don't know what to do. i'm just praying for peace. the bottle full
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size has been intense. pollution of government forces wants to push m 53. 5 says father, away from healed me a 2nd. the town is an important fruits into coma, the provincial capital bach. i da com. deborah, and i'm praying that the they're doing what they can to so by the, by day catherine solely on the 0 coma democratic republic of congo. the but is it to south african soldiers killed in democratic republic of congo have be returned. they were killed when a multi line to the inside the base. the of the city of south africa's decision to send troops has been criticized by opposition, policies, russian opposition, politician voters known as bins, final attempt pads contesting it. next month's presidential election has been blocked. screen pulled up, held in earlier, really by look toral authorities bar and came from running the central election
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commission. so it did found the irregularities when he submitted his candidacy. paperwork that you didn't either publicly criticize the vote in ukraine and said if you want to bring it to an end, lawyers representing julian, his own should be making that final appeals in the high court in london trying to stop the. we can expand it from being extradited to united states as long as it's facing espionage charges, the labor, the release of confidential us military records, into medic, cables. the fuck a has this report to minnesota is your suppose is belief family that this is indeed the last ditch attempt to avoid assigns being expedited to the us if convicted over that on 17 counts of espionage. one of the misuse of a computer, it could well face a 175 years behind us to define say that he was doing what any journalist would do in possession of sensitive information that could potentially expose crimes by the united states. those, the lawyers acting on behalf of the us to look forward to say though,
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that sounds went beyond what any journalist would do any put people working on the cover in very dangerous positions. indeed. nevertheless, i'm as the international and, and a members of a sanchez family believe, but it's not just the phone is on from journalism is on trial to he did exactly what journalists in publishing i do all day every day, the bread and butter. and that's exactly what you did. he do it on a grand a scale of them are, you see, but it was what was inside that information, that information that expose these cards for his german spain kilobytes. so if you look up the gunship that has led to this persecution, the case is also you put relations between countries that are normally allies, australia, the u. k. and the united states under a huge amount of strain or sway the lawmakers last week funding to allow julian phones to be released and returned to his native australia. if indeed that's what
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he wants cleared majority of destroyers, regardless of what they think of julia saw a majority think besides going on long enough that it must be proved within you know, 7 easy the ecuadorian abc or thought that for the easy bill, my social security prison we have people who have no talk.


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