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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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just a terrible natural disaster and a story that needed to be told from the hall. so the effect of diarrhea to be then to tell the people story was very important over time. the the hello. this is in use our online life and doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. searching close to an illegal is rarely supplement naoki parties to were slim inches at nice 9 people. the rescue teams in guns i take survive as to rough uh, hospitals off to is rarely strikes, told that civilian homes on wednesday nights,
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garza has become an additional module for the 3030 has been destroyed w h o chase of payables for an immediate safe spot in order to allow humanitarian aid inter dogs at the office, well, we will put some move in half a 1000000 children out of school. we meet one teacher in ross and determined to help children with education. the families in the democratic republic of congo say that todd of running from one shelter to a number of bonds escalates between m. 23 fighters and government forces. okay, we begin the program with some breaking news. there's been a shooting incident ne, occupied east jerusalem. it happened next through now the ottoman which is an illegal is rarely supplement. we know that at least 9 people have been injured. let's go straight to with a mock susan occupied east jerusalem. so the shooting taking place in under the
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last hour. what. what can you tell us and this is an area 2 or 3 kilometers, just to the east of where i'm standing here over the next ridge line of hills on the way to this settlement. 9 is not at the main highway one, that's a check point, and it was roughly the beginning of the workspace and have a quite a number of vehicles on the video we've seen coming towards that check point. people who might be commuting into jerusalem for that one day. and it seems that was 3 a task as involved according to the as ready please. they have all be now killed. as you mentioned, the number of injuries and seemingly as a possibility of individuals and very quick condition who may not make it through once they've been rushed to hospital. this is one of several attacks over the last few months since october, the 7th, but inside as well. and in the wide westbank seemingly 3 of them in the jerusalem area. and just the last few weeks, it does seem that this is something that it's potentially an indication of the
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frustration, but many people inside they are quite westbank on. indeed those facing challenges around access to the alex a most off feeling at this very, very full time. just to bring a view is up to date the latest because we're guessing from the is riley's, is that 8 people have been injured and one person has been killed. you touched on this with him, but give us a bit of context. how read all attacks like this? well, this is something that, to my mind at least reflects a period in history. decades ago when these kinds of attacks were incredibly frequent in and around jerusalem. as i said, that has been several similar incidents. not necessarily at major check points, but certainly inside the white westbank and iran, somebody legal sacraments in the west bank. we have seen some of the incidents that have turned into violence. clearly the best place to jerusalem at a busy time in the morning next to a major major check point. would that be
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a huge security presence already? it is an indication of that frustration. ok, so now i can't really box that for us. reporting on this shooting incident, which has taken place net occupied is to respond as soon as we have any more information on it. we will, of course, bring it to you. meanwhile, is rarely forces have carried out overnight. grades across the okey pod, westbank, a bulldozer, destroyed around about in the academic job, a refugee camp in jericho. is there any forces have been conducting res, i'm destroying buildings, um facilities nearly every night since october. the 7th is ready, all the vehicles also seen and i'll be re ramada. i'm to correct the ok, let's get the picture in southern guns. and now where a number of is rarely strikes of targeted residential buildings in rough uh,
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casualties of mounting in the area where one and a half 1000000 displaced palestinians all sheltering at least 3 people were killed in a home in the north of the city. children are among the wounded, this rarely attacks of killed at least 29300 palestinians. since october is really a strong southern rasa also targeted out for, whoops, most indeed, all simpler or refugee camp. hundreds of historic science and buildings which all parts of does this heritage have been destroyed since the war began. meanwhile, and central guns are the is riley ministry has boned to a residential building in be crowded out and is, there is refuge account. 14 people were killed, thousands with wounded. that's got the latest updates with tired of boy zoom, who is in rafa for us in southern gaza. so tarik, let's hear from you as one last in price
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of draw man's daughter weiss, i'm to lose what killed and that is really as strike in the home in rough ice southern gauze. just a few hours before he had been playing with his toddler drinking tea with his family had been problem. hey i my arms lies my soul. kenzie, i'm going to settle. so she was a yeah and a half old in the summer and then todd building was level to the ground. why these really won't pick up enough from their bodies, which are 2 pieces off to the united states, yet again, vetoed un security council resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire be removed, palestinians safety have been let down. is the accepted for the images more than a $140.00 days or more? did not push the world to take action. then what are they waiting for? and what does the world waiting for? are they waiting for all of the palestinian people and all the children to die?
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civilians say you there being targets. it is very forces to crowd street east to ruffle, repeatedly on tuesday. and there was newly tapping the bombing in central guns. that event with thousands of people were killed. 6 of them in that strike when a call, but the threat is no longer just from this calling a discount for displaced people in a more senior con eunice families say it's very sort of just through sound bombs into their tents, owed them to leave. and finally, those who run away that's not really terrified, we run for our lives best leaving all of belongings and attend these ready soldiers rounded up the women and the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, out in the open on the beach without even a scarf covering tanks destroyed tents, personal belongings, and precious supplies of sues. at the time when 8 don't see as a warning of famine. and this is
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a more see an area that use very all me designated as a safe so people are losing coat that they will get any help from the international community. as well as plumbing company is hitting targets. of course, the goal is a strip as palestinians will have feet or read the posts from the homes, have nowhere to hide. tarika wazoo. how does the rough, rough southern goals? oh, we can go now. i have to rough and now i'll just here is honey mountain. we were just standing by for us. so yet more is ready strikes, targeting a rasa. bring us up to date with what's been happening of night a yes, smelly and non intense bombing campaign across the rough. i did the it says press all the way to the early hours of this morning just within the past, the 45 minutes. the loud explosions could be heard from the northern parts of the
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city. and when we investigated, what happened is the sound is they come in and from the systematic control, demolition of residential homes in the southern part of the city of han you. and is that like at the age of rough city? a from the northern part, but an overnight a tax. we're looking at a, across the city from the eastern part, the northern parts, and even the westbank part where there are literally hundreds of 1000 people have been sold during either inside residential home or in the 10th of the setup since the beginning of the war. a mosque nearby was targeted in a shovel or a neighborhood that's northern part of front that you with hospitals and the northern part of the city that caused a great deal of destruction to the vicinity of the area. not only the mosque was destroyed completely, but we'll look at at least 2 a 3 or 4 residential homes within its bassinet vicinity that are being severely
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damaged, just causing further internal displacement. and also people who were in the vicinity of the neighborhood who setup tens that have been sold during since the beginning of the work. we're also forced into more internal displacements in the areas that are known as curb. with a lot of a residential home belongs to a local resident was targeted and destroyed. we're looking at 5 people have been reported, goes for far, we heard from the civil defense to prove on the ground here. there's still more people on the rubber than they're doing their best right now with whatever literal equipment they have, just to pull, whoever is still at surviving under these rebels, but they're afraid they're running out of time. in connie, on is the central area. the situations are getting really worse in each passing our economy, and it's not all the we're looking at health facilities and being pushed out of service completely. but there is the ongoing, intense bombing campaign of the eastern part of the city and the systematic
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demolition of residential homes to the point entire areas, entire residential blocks ebony, cleared completely from homes. people are going back to a pretty much just city and ruins or a waste plan. there are no more residential homes in the central area, particularly in the say, not refuge account where a residential homes in the overnight attack was destroyed. where more than 20 people were sheltering inside of it, 14 people to being killed, the vast majority where women and its children. same thing happen in the city, an area where there's really military and ordered people to evacuate too, because it's a safe zone. farm land. and a small residential home on it where it's targeted and destroyed it for family members were killed. looking at 2 children, a woman and a man killed in this, they attacked the pounding continues, and unfortunately it's creating very difficult conditions on the ground leading to
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the spread of famine and a broken, a mechanism that includes desperate population is in need right now or a can you tell us a bit more about the situation? do we know how many trucks are managing to get to the south? how many? uh, how much food medical supplies, uh, getting in. and also we're hearing uh, several warnings from humanitarian bodies about the situation out. the hospitals, the dies situation at the hospitals. how many still functioning in the south as well. the only remaining operational health facilities are in rough. i city right now we have the wait hospital, that's the area where we're reporting it from or next to is a very small size health facility, a large now on it prepared for emergencies or a large number of health injuries. there's another one in central reference to the
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jar hospital that's a bigger hospital. mid sized hospital has one operation room. but so far because of this place, been many of the people just setting up their tents within its vicinity or inside the corner doors of the hospital. at the point, it is very difficult just to step inside the hosp of there's so many families for staying for weeks now inside the hospital trying to shoulder and to protect their families if from the horror of the ongoing war is the only large hospital. the rough i is, is in an area between hon unit and roof i city. the guys are european hospital and this hospital literally just turned into a refugee camp. its old 10. and there are hundreds of people. hundreds of people since the beginning were inside the facility and it's for g r a to the point. it is very difficult for the medical to stop for a to provide the necessary medical intervention needed. now, when it comes to human and terry on a done the trucks, it's not
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a question about how many trucks have been allowed every day because of there's still very small compared to that. then the need, the greater needs of a fever. right now people are hungry people on thursday at the needs they need not only food supplies and what are some of it also survive, revival items and medical supplies that are necessary for their survival in combat . in these difficult situations, we're looking at some of that this, that this takes about a number of a trucks being allowed into the guys that's driven just within the past couple days . we're looking at least 50 trucks, 50 trucks, with some cars, into the new aids of 1500000 displaced people here in the roof. i cities are absolutely nothing. there are equivalents to 0. amount it when we looked at the greater needs here and rough i city. now the story in the northern part is even worse. there is 0 amount of humanitarian aid. there are 600000 people who are
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facing the actual spam and right now they resorted to animals be there, eating and plans or eating things are not good for human consumption. but they had no other choice. they were left with this option very deadly indeed, because soon enough we're going to be looking at some health complications, particularly with, with the children and those with health, with health problems. honeymoon. thank you so much for your reporting that live in rough and southern gaza and the policy it's been in red crescent society says that and is rarely siege is causing catastrophic conditions at the amal hospital in con eunice. soldiers and times have been targeting the medical facility for a month now. the charge the operates, the hospital and southern gaza and his warning it could go out of service at any moment. according to the world health organization, stuff and patients are still trapped inside the besieged national hospital. also in con eunice, they need to be transferred to another facility,
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but off to being denied and treat for days, w h o teams managed to evacuate betsy to critically ill patients. is there any troops of storm in the hospital last week, forcing thousands of palestinians sheltering that to flee? dr. say a lot is an emergency room physician who spent 3 weeks volunteering at nasa hospital and i noticed back in january, he told me what his full, my colleagues have been going through in the last week has been miserable. it's been a nightmare. there seems that they're seeing are traumatizing and they're asking for some sort of help. they're asking actually not to be evacuated from the hospital, but for the hospital to function for the lights to be turned back on for them to get the medicines that they need to treat the 150 patients that remain. i spoke to one of these general surgeons bear the last surgeon remaining, and i'm also a hospital doctor and had it. he sent a message to a group of,
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of physicians here in the states. and he just asked for us to be able to advocate for the patients that are there. he says i'm staring at patients and they need my help, they need my care and there's nothing that i can do and he's in this impossible position. and this is something that was predicted by the staff when i was there in january. as the tanks began getting closer to the hospital complex, they told me exactly what would happen. they predicted the inventor, as they unfolded, they said at 1st the demand and evacuation. then you'll see drones asking people to leave, then there will be snipers, and it will culminate in the a and a rate of the hospital people being arrested. and essentially the hospital rendered dysfunctional or inoperable. and the health care system has collapse. but most of the hospital am shutting down. it's a catastrophe. people will die because they're not going to get the treatment that they need. loss of what soap overwhelmed and so packed with people while i was there, we were treating patients on the floor. we were looking for mattresses to use for patients because there were no more hospital beds. and so it's, it was already
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a tragic scenario, but the hosp to the physicians and the nurses that nothing. we're doing an incredibly low job trying to manage. now this has become a horror story, it's become a nightmare. i mean, it's just, it's really depressing to think about, and now i'm concerned about it is to go to the hospitals will be next. the video has imaged the optimal. something is really a tag on a shelter, a housing dump to doctors without borders, stuff and their families. 2 people were killed and 6 were wounded on choose day em all my wasi and southern gaza is there any minute she had previously declared the area nice on eunice as a safe. so near enough a house explained what happened on the bottom said the lion mohammed dialogue with the property owner and i became we were attacked and it is really grand operation. this building was targeted in this building. now the families of the personnel of doctors without borders 2 women were killed. they went on and women the injuries to
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kids. this is what happened. this is an international headquarters, an international organization that took approvals and had permits with the relevant authorities. the coordinates of this building was shared with the holidays. i don't have any more data, they are not as safe places. well, the house organization has worn the scale of killing and hung up in gauze and will only increase unless there is a ceasefire. on a broader level, guys that has become a digital module for the territory has been destroyed. more than 29000 people are dead. many more are missing, presumed dead. and many, many more audion george. see if you had remodel. attrition has showed up dramatically since the water started from under one percent to more than 15 percent in some areas. putting more lives at risk. this for you, good will arise,
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the long go to the what goes on and supplies uninterrupted to the into agency. standing committee is the u. n's, longest standing and highest level of humanitarian coordination platform. it has issued a statement outlining the 10 requirements needed to avoid, even with catastrophe, and also as a civilians are in extreme peril. while the well watches on the roof is cooling for an immediate cease by edging civilians and the is infrastructure. they rely on to be protected. it also says reliable entry points must exist, allow 8 in from all possible crossings, including to northern garza and read to receive the results as it needs to provide that live saving assistance. and so we'll start cooling for a whole to campaigns that seem to discredit the un and non governmental organizations trying to save lives. of the un estimates, one in 6 palestinian children in garza is malnourished. parents often skipped meals
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so children can eat. the situation is particularly bad in northern gauze or whether well fried program is suspending a deliveries because it's no longer safe on a small sharif report from northern. gotcha. as you are interested when uh i had is shamella, vision is closing in on residence here in the moving parts of look on the strip. as these rarely occupation forces continue to deny them the delivery of a drop of any really fade families, mostly children line up for hours and dollars to get the hands on some sleep or a handful of rice. this is not with daily practice in the northern parts of the street. the children not devoured by hunger, no matter how much the quantities of a to be delivered. these cabinets meet the residents by a need for fruit of drawer ash on the left in the we come, he every day hoping to meet our hands and any food for our children in the house we have on our flour, on or out of food items. our children are starving to death. i did want to add
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insult to injury is that we are left without any source of income. i am trying my best to feed my children to just the off one and 62 level food. my husband is, oh no, no less the plus somebody, you know, somebody venture out with the early hours of the morning. we spend hours hoping to get a handful of knowledge, a rise to call them out childrens, hung eldest women and children, all starving to death. folding down out of starvation for months, all those in the north have been starving there on the, on my schedule. i have the shuttle closet with all of us here and then also stopping today. needless to say, we have sleeping in the cool, totally exposed to the elements of the homes were destroyed by the as radio. compassion for the settlement shot in when um, but for months now we've been eating bird feet and even animal fodder. we are starving to death. where are the outcomes may be, where are the most of the people is really ok. ation force has continued to deny the delivery of humanitarian aid in the north and the children eldest of the sick.
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to survive, these reigning must system bottom amount due to some death. and it's a chevy of just the all tremendously as roles more ongoing. so it has destroyed universities and schools disrupting the education system. the one says school closures have put 625000 students out of school and 23000 teachers from any source of income. it's documented direct hits on a 162 school buildings displays families have for refuge in schools and universities. 92 percent of them are being used as make shift shelters. according to the un, 3 universities have been completely destroyed and all those damage depriving $88000.00 students of a full academic year. policy and official say 95 professors have been killed. despite his of is really occupation i'm root causes, literacy rate was 97.7 percent last year. now we've heard from
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one teacher and rasa who is on a mission to not allow israel's will to world children of the future out a how she has the story. for more than half a 1000000 students in guys are out of school. even if the war comes to an end, they won't be able to resume the education. thousands of them have lost the lights . but for those who have survived, as well as will on guns out, there are no schools to come back to. most of the 800 schools of either being completely destroyed or have been turned into shelters for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have lost the whole last, well tried double time. i decided to back to the time to turn the library of the thought. if made school and drop off into a classroom, but i think at all uh, the idea started during my presence here as a curator of the library. it is known that all schools have since the beginning of the war turned into sheltering centers. children started to flock to the library,
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asking if they could borrow some books or stories and was, instead of addresses, i recorded 10th numbers and the library borrowers register with time. a student named holmes suggested if they could sit and study you, and that's how the initiative lights come to came about on the team of teachers. i'll volunteering to instruct these children on different in now. and this thing will bother. this initiative is one and a half months old. it was a pretty and tied to knowledge is the cornerstone of of the future. we must continue with the education in order to be able to build a country of future. no, you know, but i do. we come here every other day. we are taught many subjects at a big science of the match. in addition to register and poetry. the teachers are also providing the kids with psychological and moral support. philip burrell can be of charlie. this is a great positive impact on children's emotional healing. were striking
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a balance between teaching and providing mental and psychological help, the children, well, they are hit with tons of misery. enough. these young palestinian students in gaza are striving to get kind of cation despite all. now how yeah, now i'm on now what of all we'll call them went up there is not even a pen and paper to write or story to tell, except for the story of death and destruction displacement installed ation. despite all this gloomy life, we are adamant to continue with the education to light a candle of hope for our fellow students. while the war and guns that continues unabated, these children are choosing hope over despair. resilience over the field, clinging on to any semblance of normal life, despite the desk and college that surrounds them. hashim edges here on the the
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and stay full of the un top quotes historic hearings into the legal consequences of as well as altercation of palestinian territories. china, iran, jordan and arlan will be making the submissions in the coming hours on wednesday. we have from the us, they defended it's ally, israel at the court and off the i. c j no, to order. israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories stuff us and reports from the hague. for 3 days, the 15 judges of the un stop court heard from one country off to another. the clearing that is false occupation of palestinian territories is illegal until it was to us as turn any movement towards israel. withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7 and they persist dependent state in
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foreign minister dismiss the us argument that the court advice good and the age of peace negotiations that should lead to a palestinian state. we tried the other for us for the last 75 years and you know, we confronted exactly the, the, them, uh they, they, us vito and the usa, giovanni, you know, over decision making processes within the system. and that's why we came to the a i, c, j because, you know, we felt that the, that, that makes sense, you know, they cut off to perform in the same way. like, have you have the, the performed in, in uh, in the united vision system. russia a long time, it's really ally also participated in the case saying the occupation is illegal and should stop but cannot accept the trick of those officials in these that are on some risk that i'm confident. what type of defense, the indiscriminate, the violence against civilians, by referring to is it l duty to permit that it's nationals?
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violence can only lead to more violence. hate that brings hated. this vicious circle must be broken us, and that ourselves do security to both for isabel and the police. danielle can only be unsure if the course of the current crisis is addressed, but the russia did ask the court not to go into detail on as well as responsibility . taking a stage can only be brought to the world course by its own consent. after its invasion of ukraine in 2022, russia is itself involved in the case at the highest court. international law is not an a la carte menu. it applies to everyone where it's the judges heard on the 3rd day of an unprecedented case asking for an advisory opinion on israel's occupation. what stands out after 3 days is that the vast majority of the countries, one palestinian people to be treated equally before the law and is proud to be held accountable stuff. awesome,
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i'll just say around the take people near the eastern city and go mind the democratic republic of congo or fleeing as m. 23 flights of advance fountains is intensifying prompting. the un security council to sanction some of the groups meet is at an emergency meeting. on tuesday, catherine solely reports in go now. this is not the 1st time deborah lola has hodge to see from her home. she lived in a village that was taken over by m 23 fives in november. then she went to the town of sac. it is sent home with these province of north cable, where she's thoughts, she'll see a husband was killed a week ago, doing violence between companies, forces and devices in the area above the home. so now leaving rough and then nearby come with a displaced. she says there's no one to protect them here. the window political
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party, i went to the forest to look for food for my children. a few days ago, i met pundits who took my supplies and they reached me. the healey, everyone from stockton is solitary as a company that was already over crowded. 1.5000000. i've been displaced since this latest round of conflict 2 years ago. a week ago this. com wants to know if one more people are coming from south k as they are building. this is a say they have nowhere else to go. that there is an internet booking. and she says that she has been sleeping out in the cold. we are always run on. we don't get dressed. i don't know what to do. i'm just praying for peace. the bottle full size has been intense. pollution of government forces wants to push em 53 fights, his father away from kill me
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a 2nd. the town is an important truth into coma. the provincial capital bach. i da com, deborah, and i'm praying that the they're doing what they can to so by the, by day catherine, solely all the 0 coma democratic republic of congo. c jones army has broken a siege by the power ministry. rock that support forces on one of its spaces near the capital of 10 months into the conflicts army is slowly regaining control of areas around call to see is had cutoff supplies, and people living near the base in on demand haven't moved into ports to visit base houses the sudanese armies engineering court in the city of them through man for nearly 7 months. it was under siege by the parent military. rapid support forces r r s f. but in recent these, the army was able to break through and deliver supplies to its troops. as if i
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could read them and hoping this is a gift from god under the feet of the rebels and criminals who terrorized people and carried out to trustees like never seen before. this is the 1st phase of the world will not send until the month, and the whole next to done is cleared of the malicious. the streets near the base are scarred so by the battled spots over its buildings destroyed by artillery fire . from the recess, when he tried to seize the bays, barriers built on roads to keep the fighters away. the power of military group has been fighting the army for control of sedan. for 10 months, it's fighters were stationed in districts around the base to prevent the weapons and ammunition from reaching the soldiers inside. within the past few weeks, it's been forced to retreat from some areas. the army has made the game here and i'm the man. what are selling by the parent, me 3 on the be at the area around discontinue. otherwise, the miniature was able to bring in reinforcement. it wasn't the only site that was
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affected by the our staff. and it's lucky for title of mine, mohammed lived near the base as to days without eating, he collapsed. if i had, i said this was the kind of tire, not most of the past 10 months have been indescribable. there was hunger, there was sickness. the shops were burned in the shelling. people weren't allowed to bring us food or medicine yourself, prevented people from going to the market. they either rob you of your money or kill you. i said the other day. yeah. has opened to her home to those in need. she says, the lack of supplies wasn't the worst thing about the seat of the daughter should be there. plus there was incentive shut into the point that people couldn't walk around. heavy weapons where use the weapons use, which we didn't know the names of including identified them coordinate, we live through tough times. people would be cut to pieces for walking on the streets, looking for medicines. kids looked up, having some for the eyes. parents left their children of the battles and i'm the
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man are far from over, which with the army gaining ground, many here hope their lives were returned to normal again, soon he but morgan, alta 0, i'm doing mine for them. so head on the algebra, family members in venice, wait a wait to hear about that. loved ones often think are missing in an open pit. mine collapse. the spanish farm is riley in the attractive in madrid, demanding a higher ton for that quote, the color we can expect to change in the weather will cost less than positive here. probably the next couple of days will lose the spring like conditions whatsoever. when the weather ends at times some winter weather putting informed me atlantics, everybody's going to freshen up full many lots of class showing up close that
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western side of you is this area of frontal systems. marietta friends make their way in from the atlantic them you're not going to save some more heavy rain streaming in across st with the well surprises cause it's water for a time when she, whether that does tense. i'm a cool refresher. well, wintry up across a good pos of scots and then of the temperatures forwarding a way you can see the double finger spend many across the western side of europe. and as we go on into a friday without into single figures of rationing northwest. when comes through with the world to win fee flowers for good measure as well. scattering a showers wintry showers to every 2 positive fronts. well, in areas of spain, to be able to appear in a snow that just around the outs as well. central areas of the met it's right, is things them increase the wet weather ahead of that lousy drive for the time being not too bad. 90 celsius in progress, a bit of woods hanging on here. meanwhile, across and all the parts of africa. little bit whether they had been to northern parts of libya, a notice shows increasing for southern nigeria,
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the frequent pass barge. you can cook and this is a radio basic multi tool which everyone should carry from proposed to teams, day tourism and eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse, maybe discovers how people are campaigns in the end time for young generation coming soon. but just like i told you, so dealing with this elaine on out to 0 examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity. is still possible for you. we're not only pushing the most, just look, we are moving this algae 0 sets the stage. hey, i is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different
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programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today. on alex's yes or the the welcome back here watching out is there a mind told stories this hour has been a shooting and onto pod east jerusalem movie. illegal is reading supplements as muller arguments. nice. one person was killed 8 others injured? several, all in critical condition, 3 gunmen were shown, said a series of is there any strong cisco between the presidential buildings in rafa in southern cause at least 3 people were killed in the home in the north of the city
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children? the world health organization says guys that has become a dead zone, it was the scale of kenning and hunger will only increase unless there was a cease. fine is there any attacks have now killed move in $29300.00 and palestinians since october. the 7th, the i'm contacting dollars a, his is a shadowed a meeting of g, $24.00 and ministers in brazil. the of us waiting for those president accused israel of genocide, angling as well and its allies. the united states. theresa bo has moved from re edition era foreign ministers of the world's leading economies mentioned we are these unable to discuss a roadmap head of the head of states summit in november. what is it? but as of the following minutes took them out to be a to criticize the paralysis of the un security council on the wars and guys and ukraine as it should discharge multilateral institutions and not equipped to deal
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with the current challenges as we have same with the unacceptable paralysis of the un security council with ongoing complex. this inaction results in the loss of innocent lives. result does not accept a will that results differences with the use of military force. but during the meeting, the attention was also on the spot between israel and brazil's press and let us see by who compared these rails worn guys with a holocaust. us secretary of state antony blinking, met with dressing in blue light in the capital brazilian where they discussed the war in ukraine, but also gaza. lincoln said he did not agree with no less comparison to the whole low cost or live here at the g $20.00 summit or on the latest scouts between brazil . and this really is not the 1st time the press and the feedback shows. it's important for the penis to new people back in 2010 of your personal
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founder of zionism. but his criticism of israel has generated tension with the opposition and the jewish community, and was held over a 120 lawmakers. many of them support as a former president, as a boy. so nato are now hoping to impeach president julia saying his comments show hostility towards the following nation. we feel ashamed, the president of our nation does not respect another country and is not impartial in this war. our request for impeachment is not for ideological reasons, but because he committed a crime which is the cheapest, most done, at least so we, it is unlikely the proceeding will move forward. but in brazil says it's trying to make the world more equal and give the developing world a say in international affairs. and that's why we're hoping that g, 20 meetings and religion nato will be the 1st step towards change. very so as a see to really janetta and the united kingdom paul,
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i'm going to send it in to k us on wednesday during the votes cooling for a safe spot. and garza and motion was tabled by the scottish national party with both labor and the conservatives proposing amendments. tempus fled um the speaker of the house eventually apologized for his actions. harry, 46 bytes outside parliament protested demanded a vote. backing the scottish national policies cool for the immediate c side and gaza inside a flurry of controversy, the side of things to come is to speak unexpectedly put forward the prospect of allowing a vote. not just on the government's amendment, but also in one. put fluid by the name, a position later party support from this motion would follow the remove not ever sending veal of legitimacy that the u. t is continued support just as deals this it was, well, i guess i'll come to late, but there was political danger here worried that many of its own and peace might vote with the s and p as they had in
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a similar debate in november. hence its own amendment for the 1st time, inducing an immediate cease fire, but with caveat some it must 5 assess and safety. it's uh, filed or does it say strong? yeah. that's why we all clear it's rel panel. the expect to, to see spicing is to mass continues with violence is right, these have the rights to the should or it's the heart of the service. but the type of cannot happen again. but the very fact delay that had been allowed out of a tricky situation. infuriated the ruling conservatives pulls out of the process entirely. the government will play no further talks in the decision this house takes on today's proceed. i would like to stress that the government's position on is ran, and gall set remains on chains. a number of conservative and s and p and he's been worked out. labels amendment was eventually passed at a show shop speaker returned to his chair for the 1st time since opening the debate
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. i felt i was doing the right thing and the best thing, and i regret it. i apologize. i will take significant convincing the your position is not in the intolerable. one of the oddities of this day is that when the debate was about because it was why the price is being substances, i'm serious it's implosion into chaos. was that a thing? but what we're left with is essentially meaningless. vote in favor of an immediate cease fire, a labor policy that has invaded, potentially damaging rebellion parliamentary democracy. it's made an unseemly spectacle of itself. i suppose it, i'll just be around london. us forces have carried out more strikes on. here's the positions in yemen. washington says 7 am to ship missiles, a launcher, and a drone were targeted. here things have been attacking ships in the red sea since the one goes up again in groups, say it's in solidarity with the people of casa and the full scale
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will in ukraine about to enter. it's the yeah, move all in tears are choosing to help the war effort by learning construction skills to rebuild damage facilities as well. mcbride reports from khaki. the buildings of being with pad, even as the war causes more destruction or the organization is called the robot. which roughly translates as the battalion that does good operating in areas that were on the front lines at the start of the full scale invasion on the russian occupation. what's the opinions abusing? so the starting causes and the rules and the places where there are some invades as far as people turn to us, sylvia helping them as much as we can. these blocks will provide you homes for people internally displaced by the will being worked on by volunteers such as victor, himself, displaced from a positive ukraine. now, under russian occupation is here so called what
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a 100 brought to i decided to volunteer because my hawkins soul heard from everything that i'd seen from the rooms in the shafted futures. so i decided to help me say the reconstruction is especially needed around hockey's invaded re taken with a counter offensive and still under attack. while the fighting around ukraine has buried in intensity, hockey region has been targeted consistently for all of the past 2 years, destroying thousands of homes and buildings, leaving many more in need of repair. for young volunteers, the work that alternative to fighting while still making a contribution to the war effort to say for i've always been interested in learning something like this and working with my hands. that's my motivation. but younger generations, god by rule, but hopefully emerging from it with something good to show for themselves personally and the communities that helping rebuild public broad. i'll just say era
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hockey, if you pray still ahead on al jazeera. there are many villages like this in china for, for generations. people have been moving overseas in search for a better life. but now many are taking the risk of illegally crossing into the us from the mexican border and not just for economic benefits. the colleges when the, [000:00:00;00]
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the farm is in spain have thoughts with police during a protest in madrid that they are demanding high prices for that produce on government protection from cheaper imports. so when you're getting go to ports, the outskirts of madrid with dozens of tractors will, waiting to descend on the city for 3 weeks, almost all over the country have been voicing. the aga help what they say is the government's failure to address the difficulties that facing and the little sign that backing down your name only be the we just want to make a living. we don't want politics of the agriculture ministry in the european union to destroy foaming. so adding to the frustration, police preventive detractors from meeting for the rest of the protest of the
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crossing the road in madrid. i'm part of the police last week. the practice come into the face of the shot down the voices eventually, the police, let them through that many. what angry at having to mention was in the chaos in the city since 2022 spain small being sector has suffered a decline in production. many blaming the spike in fuel prices. another source of frustration, the european union, echoing the message from farmers protesting and all the e u. countries. they say bureaucratic measures from brussels, known as a combination of cultural policy perspective ever been a key to making living. while spain agriculture minister has announced measures to ensure the farmers receive effect, many fear it will be enough. and there are other challenges. drought and slots have hit spain hard,
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harder than other producers in europe. politicians seeking to address this will need to balance so they can put environmental measures in place without piling more pressure on the farmers themselves. so anybody ever out a 0 would rate unions in peru have rallied in the capital demanding increase wages that demanding to be compensated. so the rising cost of living on a cooling for new elections for president dana. but we want to to step down to an open pit gold line, and venezuela has collapse, killing at least 50 people rescue us. and so on the way for around a 100 minus believe to be buried, move assessing meters on the ground. on your, upon the reports in central venezuela, dozens of miners have been killed following the collapse of an open pit gold mine known as boucher look at the municipality of uncle student. what remodeling so
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serious? almost. there was a serious incident at the bush, a local mine, 15 bodies and 4 injured have arrived sofa. now 2 more boats are arriving with about 8 more bodies. while the bodies of some of miners have been returned to their families, friends and relatives of workers were still missing or desperately waiting to hear a word of their loved ones. i buy something while they did all they wounded water and they support says where all day video circulating on social media appears to show the 1st attempts to rescue miners some believe to be buried more than 30 meters below ground in 2016. then as well as government established mining development zones across the middle of the country, leading to several mining enterprises that operate outside the law. binding for gold and other precious minerals offers a lucrative opportunity for many venezuelans who struggle to make ends meet. a lack of safety regulations combined with harsh working conditions and also make the job
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extremely risky for would be miners. when was it up a little alger 0? at least one person has died off the heavy rains and the flooding cause widespread damage across equitable people have been waiting. that's reflected the streets in the western province of monopoly, which is one of the west type areas. i'm gonna say the range that caused by the new weather passing. meanwhile, in bolivia, a heavy rain has triggered lines, lines and damaged homes. and the city of left has some buildings that are also at risk of collapse. it's an unprecedented number of chinese nationals have been illegally entering the united states across its border with mexico. and they say that forced to make the trip by china sloane economy of the say, the escaping on increasingly repressive environment on a be low reports from cuba prevents large gated homes in rural
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china. but the streets are almost empty. many residents of this village in hopes of providence are working overseas and sending home money to help their families. yes, a lot of people here to migrate overseas, and it's to make money in the late 19 ninety's as much as 85 percent of workers leaving to provincial capital. if you're at the i to i'm for jobs abroad or from here. there many villages like this in china, where for generations, people have been moving overseas is search for a better life. but now many are taking the risk of illegally crossing into the us from the mexican border and not just for economic benefits. they supposed to be issued yet to long in january last year. the post says these people are applying for passports with the intention of going to the us. it was right around the time the government dropped it. strict corona virus rules the to cover your policy meant
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almost the chinese feel the service to how through to the system is. so when the 0 call me policy was over a 510, these people wanted to go out. roger to escape with the chinese nationals made up less than 2 percent of the $12500000.00 migrant, documented by us authorities at the southern border in 2023. but the fastest growing group with more than $37000.00 detained last year. that's 50 times higher than 2021. many apply for political asylum. the approval rate is higher. so therefore tanny's measurements that it really is like a motor, 50 percent, sometimes more than 67 percent. so that means here they choose or for those uh, migrant can guides uh, a sign up in
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a statement sent to l g 0 l 3. the chinese foreign ministry says it isn't aware of the situation but to pauses and punishes any form of illegal migration. but tips on how to make the journey, often long, costly, in order to stop the hard, excessive online in china and keeps all experts say the influx of undocumented chinese migrants is likely to continue for as long as this economic future remains uncertain. and at least until the us presidential election in village, just like this, where people are desperate to earn a living could multiply, pardon to below algebra, to catch one hobby province, china and the us a piece small. it has arrived in washington dc, often working for more than 200 kilometers from the city of philadelphia. they call themselves pilgrims for peace and want to show solidarity with civilians in gaza. heidi to castle reports of the
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200 kilometers of walking have brought this group from young people to the elderly to washington, to call in sing for a ceasefire and gaza children being targeted by snipers and hit shots. it's pretty much hard to believe. i want to. * all on joe biden, to call for a cease fire, and stop sending our tax money to bomb children and families. the protests began in philadelphia on february 14th with some 300 people departing from independence hall, the birthplace of the us constitution. some demonstrators joined the march for segments, others walked the entire way, trudging along snowy highways and finding rest at churches carrier. the only answer was, honestly,
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i can never complain when i think about what the palestinians are suffering. finally arriving in front of the white house after 7 days on the road, the group gathered for rally to deliver their message. i am going to go to please. in addition to a cease fire, they want washington to stop sending weapons to israel and to increase to manage hearing aid at the palestinians. any personal conscious and goodwill ought to be concerned about genocide, ethnic cleansing ought to be concerned about apartheid or to be concerned about the suffering of any body who were disappointed. discussed it, particularly because america continues to embarrass herself on a global stage. how can we call ourselves a leader in the global society and yet refuse and continue to remain silent by refusing to vote or suspect? who the cold show a growing majority of americans think their country should support a cease fire in gaza. and these protesters are trying to push washington to agree.
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hydro castro alj a 0 washington. okay, that's it from the i'll be back there in just a moment with more of a dies needs to stay with us. the in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of public opinion from because the street, the people in power goes into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement. and explores whether clearing palestinians from us as in the occupied westbank is, is ready to transfer on and just the unique perspective that plays students up. and they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency,
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but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention, the stream on algebra. cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person in yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women and my country deadlocks, we we are nothing either ology. we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are in the footsteps,
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our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords, you the, the destruction as far as the i can see, the following and nights of intense is running, foaming across the goals, a strip, the main site dissolved. is there a life from day or so coming up guys that has become, that is on march of the 3030 has been destroyed. w h o chief appeals for an
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immediate safe spot in order to allow humanitarian aid intern go. is that a suit taken close to an illegal is rarely supplement naoki pod eastern listen in


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